Chapter 24 - Horrible accident

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We all got woken up by hard knocking on the door.

"Y/N! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" It was Jihyo and she sounded pissed. I hesitantly got out the bed and put on a pair of shorts, I heard the girls whistle at me from the bed. I slowly unlocked the door and the flung open hitting me right in the head.

"OUCH!" I rubbed my head it was throbbing. I saw Jihyo giving a death glare to the girls, they were all hiding under the cover only the top half of their heads were visible. She then looked at me I got a lump in my throat. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out the room into the kitchen.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" She gave me a disappointed look, reminded me of how mom and dad looks at me.

"They forced themself on me, it's rude to decline right?" I tried defending myself, but she was not having it.

"No, that's unacceptable. I'm giving rules and you better fucking follow them or you're not coming on the japan tour!" She said in a stern tone.

"Fine! What your damn rules then" I said crossing my arms in frustration

"Okay the rules are, no sex, no cuddling, no kissing no physical contact whatsoever with any of the girls and no sexual talk either" she glared at me "IS SHE FOR REAL I CAN'T EVEN TOUCH THEM!? SO FUCKING UNFAIR!" I glared at her.

"Well then you better tell them it to so they stop fucking going after me!" I said pointing at my room door. She nodded and walked into the room, I think about a minute passed when I heard a tons of whining and complaining coming from my room. I saw a line of naked girls leaving my room. I hid in the kitchen waiting for them to leave. I stormed into my room and locked the door. I was so salty, I had straight access to any of those girls panties and I'm getting cock blocked by my own sister.

Momo POV

"So unfair! what a stupid rule!!" I complained as me and Mina went into our room.

"Yea... I can't believe we aren't allowed to touch him!" Mina added as she started digging through the closet for clothes.

"Can you two shut up, I'm trying to sleep" Sana complained from her bed

"No!" I yelled back as I chucked a pillow at her. She turned around and sat up.

"Put some clothes on pervert!" She threw the pillow back at me.

"I don't feel like it" I scoffed pulling the covers over me.

Dahyun POV

"Why didn't you join us Chae? we had a lot of fun with Y/N last night" Chaeyoung stared at us

"I wasn't in the mood" she said still looking at us

"Well you missed out because we can't touch Y/N ever again" Tzuyu added as she started getting dressed

"What do you mean?" Chaeyoung turned her attention to Tzuyu

"Jihyo made new rules, we can't even breathe on Y/N without getting in trouble now" Tzuyu said as she let out a sigh

"That's not fair at all!" Chaeyoung complained

"We know we all argued against it, but her word is final" I said as I walked over to Tzuyu and looked for some clean clothes.

Jihyo POVWe were all gathered around eating breakfast the whole atmosphere was strange. We all just looked at each other like its our first time meeting. Y/N stood up and walked towards the hallway

"Where are you going?" I asked looking at him curiously

"I need some fresh air, you guys are being weirdo's today" He said as he put on his shoes and left.

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