Chapter 1

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This one might be a long one.
(Liams POV)

"Are you ready to party?" my best friend Louis asked me. "Hell yeah let's do this," I said as we get out of his car. We are outside of the club named Lucky. Hello, my name is Liam as in Liam Payne 17-year-old pop star with a platinum album Liam Payne. I mean that's what every single paper in town says but truthfully being a pop star at 17 is tough. But I got my best friend Louis with me we've known each other for almost 8 years now. Louis is cool he's not fake like everyone else is in this town. He helps me out a lot even featured in some of my songs. "Oh look who is also here," Louis says in an annoyed tone. I look over and see my girlfriend supermodel Maya Henry. "Hi baby," Maya said as she kissed me. "Hi," I said back. Maya and I have been dating only a couple of months, at least that's what everyone thinks. In reality, it's PR because well I'm bisexual. It works for both of us she is rising to fame and it helps her out and it helps me out by no one finding out who I am. I don't like that I have to hide but I love my fans and don't want to disappoint them.

"You look amazing," I told her "thank you can't wait for you to see what I'm wearing tomorrow" I look at her confused "my birthday remember you said you were going to sing for me." She said pouty. "Yes yes sorry I am" I apologized we began to walk into the club but then she stops and says "wait where are the paps" Louis rolled his eyes "you did not" then a second later four vans with at least five people with big cameras jump out. All I see is flashing lights and Maya grabbing me and posing. "Come on guys that's enough back up" I started getting a bit angry. This is why I don't like coming out.


I woke up and it's 8 am and I hear people talking and remembered I have a meeting I rushed downstairs to see my parents in suits. The great momager and dadager? Is that a word, anyway yes my parents are my managers it sucks for me but just gotta live with it right? "Okay sweetie he will be here in a few minutes, what are you wearing" my mother Karen said. I was wearing a worn-out t-shirt and blue jaw-string shorts. "Honey he looks okay let's just do this, ready people" my dad Geoff says as the doorbell rings. "Hello welcome," my parents say to Mr.Smith a big movie producer who wants me to be the star in his next big film. As we sit down he says that he wants me to be in it and they are working through the kinks but there was one problem my "image". "See they don't want some punk who gets papped almost punching out a camera," Mr.Smith said while holding up a newspaper of me almost fighting a camera guy from last night. "But this Tuesday I'm meeting with my people and in the meantime stay out of the press good or bad. Just stay home" "All alright I can do that sir," I said.

(Zayn's POV)
We just got off the plane and are now in Los Angeles and I'm waiting for my sister to get a rental car so she can finally leave me alone. "I got my license and now I'm going to find Liam," my sister said excitedly. She turns to me and says "are you doing homework." "No I'm reading, you should try but take it slow don't wanna hurt yourself." I said sassily "I read," she said. "This is not reading it's a magazine," I said as I picked up her vogue magazine. "Whatever just can't wait to drive around and find him" she says happily. "Umm Doni you can't drive you to have to be over 20 to rent a car here." I said. "What nowhere?!" She said and turned when I pointed to the sign that says must be 20 and older to rent a car. She then made a frustrated noise.

We just arrived at my grandma's house and I gave her a big hug. I've missed her. We all unpacked while my sister just moped around. I unpacked my things until I heard my sister pacing around the house. " what are you doing" I asked. "I just got off the phone with my friend who said they heard that Liam is singing at Maya Henry's birthday tonight." She said hurriedly "good luck asking mom to go" I said about to walk away. "COME WITH ME" she shouted. "What no" I said "how many times do I have to tell you I don't want to meet a stupid celebrity, I am sick and tired of you talking about Liam Payne all the time every second of the day." "I'll stop talking about him, for the rest of our trip if you come with me." She said. Wow, she must be desperate to go see him if she's making this deal I thought for a moment. "Fine." We took my grandma's car which is a red Chrysler PT Cruiser.
We made it to the club and the whole time here she kept singing his songs very off-key. We got to a club called Lucky. Yeah, cause I'm really lucky right now. "Okay, I'll be back in 10 minutes tops, stay in the car." Doniya said as she walked towards the club. I hopped in the driver's seat and waited.

(Liam's POV)
"What are we evening doing here man" Louis said. "I promised Maya I would sing at her party." I told him. " we aren't even supposed to be here why not go back to the party at your house." He said, "why do you even want to party with my parents?" I asked him "Man I don't, I just know they are going to be some really good food there." He said stubbornly. "Come on let's just go I'll go around back though so they don't see me." I said. I go around back and Louis opens the door for me. I'm backstage now ready to surprise her. I then hear my name called and I go out on stage everyone starts screaming excitedly. I see Louis next to Maya. The intro to my song starts and I start singing.

"I don't wanna be broke when I d-i-e
Wanna be livin' it up in VIP
Tryna get in the club, they wanna see ID
Want me to wear nice shows and a t-i-e"

Everyone starts singing along

"I've been workin' and gettin' by
But that ain't enough to satisfy
'Cause I got dreams for you and me
So I got money on my mind"

"So if you wanna stack it up, man, you gotta work for it
Ain't nobody gonna be doin' it for ya
I got dreams and I got time
But that ain't enough to get me by
So I stack it up, man, I gotta work for it
Yeah, I got money on my mind
I-I, I-I
I got money on my mind
I-I, I-I"

I finish the song after a while "Happy birthday Maya" and I leave the stage.

(Zayn's POV)
I got tired of waiting for my sister and decided to go find her I used this alleyway behind the club and when I'm almost to the door someone opens it and hits me right in the face and I fall and hit my head. I go to sit up and an older boy who looks very familiar is kneeling beside me saying "did I just hit you?"

(Okay I've been up all night and I will finish this after I get some sleep so thank you to whoever is reading this and hoped you liked it and again if you have any questions or just anything feel free to comment. Also no hate to Maya I just didn't know who to put as his girlfriend.🤍)

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