Stereo Hearts

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"Are you nervous?" I asked Dream, he was mentally preparing for his face reveal.

"I wasn't until like right now, but I'll be fine, I mean you're gonna be there the whole time, that'll help."

I blushed, causing him to smile, which made me blush even harder. We hopped into the car, we were carpooling along with Karl and Quackity. We took Karl's car, because it was the nicest, and also happened to be a convertible. I immediately made him take off the hood, I had always wanted to ride like this. Karl and Quackity sat in front, while me and Dream sat in back, soon we were headed off to the building. "Karl, put on music." Quackity demanded. Karl sighed, but quickly picked a song. The opening chord of Stereo Hearts played, and Karl and I shared a look. Soon the car was filled with the sounds of our attempts at belting the lyrics, not missing a single word. Once we reached the chorus, Dream and Quackity joined in, and soon all of us were singing our hearts out. It was nice to have moments like these, just time to connect with such cool people. I sat there, feeling truly present as the wind whipped against my face. Despite only having met everyone so recently, it felt like I had known them for years, and this experience had most definitely secured that feeling.

After driving a bit longer, we arrived at Minecon. I stepped out of the car, and we found the secret back entrance security had told us to enter through before we got there. The four of us were giggling like children, inexplicably excited. I squeezed Dream's hand reassuringly. He squeezed mine back, looking back at me trying to appear confident. But his eyes told another story, he looked so anxious. Hoping to calm his nerves, I moved into a hug, feeling the soothing warmth of his body relax into the embrace.

 "I needed that." He whispered quietly into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I pulled away, and locked contact with his emerald eyes.

"You can do this." I absolutely meant what I said, he was so strong willed, and flourished under pressure. If anyone was ready, it was him. I could tell he knew I believed in him, as this seemed to genuinely ease his tense posture. We climbed up the stairs, backstage of where everyone was waiting to meet the smp members. Just before we reached the top of the steps, he stopped in front of me, and took off his army green bomber jacket. "Here," he offered, "put this on."

I took it from him, and slipped my arms through the sleeves. It was very oversized, and fell at my thighs. This made him laugh, and before I got the chance to ask why he'd given it to me, he was whisked away by a stage manager to set up his mic. I met the others at the top of the stairs, where Wilbur and Tommy were running vocal exercises, for no obvious reason.

"Aren't those used for musicals and stuff?" I asked, chuckling.

"Shh y/n, it's part of our ritual, that we just made up." Explained Eret, he pulled me into the circle, and I joined in with their shenanigans. Soon, the stage crew warned us their entrances were about to start. I was excited for them, ready to cheer them on as they made their way onto the stage.

"Introducing, Wilbur Soot!" a voice bellowed from the speakers. Wilbur flashed us a smile, and then jogged out on the stage, waving at the huge audience awaiting him. The screams and thunderous applause rung throughout the whole room. One by one, each member was announced. I clapped along with the audience for each person, shooting them a thumbs up as they exited the wings. Soon, Dream reappeared next to me, he was the last one left. "Good luck." I said softly.

"And finally, welcome to the stage, Dream!"

He turned to me, and shot a quick wink, before running out in front of the audience, without a mask. Although it was only a wink, he had definitely stopped my heart. I heard the audience gasp, before erupting into cheers. I joined in, clapping as loudly as I possibly could to express my support. He had done it, he finally revealed his face. I peered around the thick black curtain separating the wing from the stage, watching him laugh at something Sapnap had said. He brushed back his hair, and in doing so quickly glanced at me, silently watching the panel. It happened in the blink of an eye, I wouldn't have caught it if I hadn't been paying attention. I felt my stomach flutter, he knew exactly how to keep me on my toes. The panel went for about an hour and a half. Even though I was only watching, I didn't think for a second to look down at my phone, or go do something else. There was a clear reason they were all such popular creators, they knew how to engage an audience. Near the end, they started taking questions from the crowd. They were mostly questions about the SMP, but one teenage girl walked up to the mic,

"Hi guys, I love watching all of you, this is a little off topic, but I have a question for Dream, how did you and y/n meet?"

Dream laughed, "Actually why doesn't she tell you?" He waved me on to the stage. I looked over at the stage crew, and they gave me the ok. I nervously walked out, waving at the audience. They screamed and cheered, which should've been encouraging, but honestly scared me even more. "Hey everyone, thanks for coming out today, so it's kind of a crazy story. As most of you know, I stream a lot of parkour, and during a stream where I was quoting Techno, Techno popped into the chat. The next day, he tweeted about my stream, and Dream responded. We ended up deciding to film the parkour race pretty soon after, and the rest is history." Dream smiled at me, reassuring me that I hadn't somehow screwed that up. The audience member thanked me, and I swiftly waved bye to everyone.


oh the cliché of driving down an open road, it's def a favorite of mine
and how we liking the music?
wordcount: 1071

milliseconds apart // dream x readerWhere stories live. Discover now