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A/N: One shot time after a long time I've been a bit dormant but with the latest news about Bayley and Aaron breaking up I just wanted to write their break up into a one shot with a splash of angst and with a Baylor twist so I hope it's good. So sit back and enjoy this one shot!

Summery: Pam is going through a very bad patch in her life after a fall out with bestie Mercedes and losing her title, she is now going through a bad break up with long time fiance Aaron her world is falling apart as she feels herself falling there is no one there to catch her or is there? 


She was like a robot and she worked so hard at what she loved and right now it is the only thing that is keeping her going but only just. Pam had a huge falling out with her best friend Mercedes aka Sasha Banks both at work and in real life, they were inseparable but it all came crashing down after Pam got too big in her shoes and taking her 'role model' stitch over the top and the two ended up having a huge argument backstage with Pam telling Mercedes that she didn't need her she was champion and that Mercedes was too much baggage for her to carry and that just broke the camel's back and Mercedes told her that she was done and walked out and never spoke to her after that. At first Pam was okay with it but soon she missed having Mercedes around and as soon as she lost her title to Mercedes that was it.

Pam at least she had her loving fiance Aaron at home looking after her beloved dog Flex but on the same day her friendship ended with Mercedes Pam came home to find Aaron gone, Flex in the back yard running around and all of Aaron's belongings were gone and she found a note left on the kitchen island with her name scribbled on it 'Pamela'. Picking it up she ripped it open and read the note.


I'm sorry, I've tried so hard but it's just not working anymore we're both going in different directions both in our careers and personal lives and we have to end it now before we both start hating one another. I've packed my things and I've feed Flex before I left.

I love you and I'm happy for us to be friends, look after yourself Pam.

Aaron xxx

Pam was devastated she slumped onto the couch just sitting there before tears welled up in her eyes as she sobbed softly. She knew that they were drifting apart and that they were going in different directions in their lives but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, she was with him for over 10 years they'd been through a lot and will always have fond memories she loved him but she knew she was falling out of love for him and she agreed that this was the best way.

Now she had no one, Mercedes has walked out on her granted she did push her away and now Aaron has dumped her, she reached over and grabbed a cushion and hugged it to her chest tightly as she softly cried. Just then her dog came in and found her on the couch for a second he looked at her his head tilted to the side before he jumped up onto the couch next to her, seeing his owner in pain he just rested his head on leg his paw on her thigh as if trying to give her comfort.

"Oh Flex..." Pam sobbed "at least I still have you" she said smiling at her pooch before letting go of the cushion and lifting Flex into her lap as she hugged him tight. While hugging her dog, Pam felt a sense of release and calm wash over her as she felt some comfort in her dog Flex.


The next couple of days Pam kept herself busy with work and looking after Flex. Her family were very supportive of her and were there for her if she needed it, her mum even offered for her to stay with her for a while at her house if she needed to just get away for a bit but Pam told her she was fine and that she appreciated the offer but she was happy to stay at her own home. Even her work mates offered her some support and she appreciated it and thank them but she wanted to deal with it on her own and get over the break up in her own way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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