“That I was some guy who hooked up with random girls just for satisfaction.” I looked up and saw them all looking at me.

“That I was a player and ‘relationships’ for me never lasted because I always got bored of one girl and had to have a different one. That kind of image…”

I felt Louis hand on my shoulder. I looked over to him. He was smiling sympathetically.

“Harry we never think like that about you.” He said.

“Yeah, you’re just a bit flirty.” Niall added. “And there’s nothing wrong with that.” Zayn concluded.

“Plus we understand where you’re coming from.” Liam said. “We know you’d tell us everything but whenever it comes to girls it always takes you a while to open up.”

He was right again. They all where. My best friends always knew how to lift my spirits. But then of course negativity washed over me.

“But she doesn’t  like me back.” I told them. “In fact I think she hates me.” I frowned noticing how bad that sounds when I say it out loud.

“What?” All the boys said at once. They all had this expression of utter confusion on their face. “No, wait, what?” Louis asked. “She hates you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know Lou, every time I see her she gives me the cold shoulder. She doesn’t like me and I don’t even know why.” I could tell all the boys felt bad for me and pretty confused too. Considering a girl has never turned me down for a long long time now. Hearing me say one hates me must be kind of shocking.

Liam decided to speak up. “Harry, she can’t hate you. Nobody can hate you.”

“Well she does.” I said sadly.

“Well there’s gotta be a reason for it.” Niall said. “No girl can just simply hate you for no reason.”

I bit my lip. I already told them this much I might as well tell them the rest.

“There is…” I said. “Actually three.”

“THREE?!” Exclaimed Louis. “What is wrong with this girl?”

I’ve been asking myself that question this whole time I said to myself.

“Well to start… she hates the Hollywood life. Like the free food.” Niall gasped.

“Reorganization from around the world.” Liam gasped.

“Having fans following you everywhere.” Louis gasped.

“And Paparazzi.” Zayn gasped then sat dramatically on to the couch again.

“Stop… I can’t take anymore…” Zayn said slowly.

There was a pause then I went on. “She has a boyfriend. Or had or might not have one anymore I really don’t know but yeah…” They all looked at each other and started laughing.

“Since when have u cared if she had a boyfriend or not, Haz?” Louis asked bending over from laughter. My face turned red.

“That was one time, Lou! One time!” I pushed my curls back and flopped them around. “She also thinks I’m some kind of player…”

Their laughter died down and their faces turned serious. I looked over to Liam.

“Liam what do I do? I like her, but she wants nothing to do with me, the last time I saw her she called me a ‘cocky, arrogant stranger.’” I was seriously confused. I had never been confused about a girl before but Tiffani made my thoughts disappear. It was so frustrating! Agh!

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now