Chapter 19 - Some Truths

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-3rd Person-

The news came in that the briefcase that Tahir was carrying wasn't the bomb, but the device was actually under the stage in an airtight container so it wouldn't have been detected. Sharma was still convinced that David had been involved, yet there was no proof.

Meanwhile, David entered his office, to do some research, when Tom saw him.

"You alright, skipper?" Tom asked and David nodded

"I need updates from all The home secretary's and Mrs Montague-Jone's PPO's & CPO's anything suspicious, anything out of the ordinary." he stated but Tom just stared at him.

"Is everything alright Tom?" he looked back

"We lost Kim! Nobody's heard a word off you about it." David stood up straighter.

"You're right, I'm sorry mate. I've been in my own head Let's talk about this over a pint, yeah." Tom nodded. David sat back down and Tom noticed the blank shot bruise.

He was coming back out when he got a phone call from Louise.


"Look, I'm not permitted to reveal details about the wider inquiry. This didn't come from me okay."


"The bomb wasn't in the briefcase. It wasn't your fault." he gulped, it wasn't his fault, how many times that had been said to him but he still felt guilt.


"Thank you." he hung up and Tom came out. they went for a pint but what they didn't know is that they were being watched.

While they were at the pub David's phone began to ring, Tom noticed the letter M on it before David grabbed the phone.

"Sorry, give me a sec." he left the table they were sitting at.

"Mia." he answered

"Hey, just checking in." she replied from the other end, unknowingly to him she was pacing around in her room anxiously.

"You don't have too." he replied

"Yes, I do. You know I do." there was a pause "David, I can't loose you." she said


"I can't. Look, there is stuff that I need to tell you, but not over the phone. Can you come to my hotel, I'll have you cleared." she asked. David sighed

"I can't right now, but tomorrow  I will." he told her

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." she ended the call and he went back to Tom.

"Everything okay?" he asked. David nodded.



The next morning, DS Rayburn had called in David after the CCTV Footage from St Matthews had been tampered with.

"Your Story about Longcross and the missing CCTV."


"I believe you, think you can do an E-fit?" he nodded and she took him to do one.


I paced back and forth waiting for David, I was finally going to tell him I was pregnant. there was literally no better time, I didn't know how long this investigation was going to go on for and well, he needed to know. There was a knock on the door, I went to open it and he was there.

"Come in." he did so and I shut the door behind him.

"It sounded urgent over the phone."

"It kind of is. Do you want anything to drink?" i offered nervously.

"Mia, what's going on." I sighed

"I don't know, where to start, I had a plan as to what I was going to say, now I forgotten it." David took my hand and sat me down.

"Start from the beginning." I nodded and took a deep breath.

"While I was in the hospital the doctor told me something. Well actually he thought I already knew which was stupid because given the timeline of things the likelihood of me knowing it was slim with everything that's going on, so I for one..."

"Mia, you're rambling." he cut me off.

"I'm pregnant." I told him. He stared at me as I bit my lip.

"What?" He asked

"I'm pregnant, I think he said 3 weeks." he was silent again "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it's just with the attack and you struggling with things, it wasn't the best time and then i realised there might not be."

"But we were careful."

"Not the first time, and one time is all it takes." David stood up and rubbed his hands together, he was thinking. I decided to talk.

"I don't want to make presumptions, but if you don't want it I would..."

"Mia." he cut me off

"I wasn't going to get rid of it, if that's what your thinking." I folded my arms "I was just going to say if you didn't want to be in their life."

"So you've decided to keep it?"

"Well if he or she can survive a terror attack, then yeah, I'm not. Besides, I've wanted to be a Mum for years, it never really happened. Whether you're here or not I'm not going to miss this chance."

"I'm going to be apart of their life. Of both of your's if you'll let me." I gave a small smile.

"This is all a bit weird and messed up. I don't know where we go from here." I say.

"One step at a time, love." he came over and kissed my forehead.

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