Aslan and the Forest Watcher

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Peter's POV

I stood on a hill overlooking Aslan's camp. It was a decent sized camp with several training grounds for a good sized army.

"That is Cair Paravel, castle of the four thrones," Aslan explained, coming up beside me as I looked at the small island in the distance.

He looked at me, "You doubt the Prophecy?"

"No," I replied slowly, "that's just it. Aslan, I'm not what you all think I am."

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley," he addressed me. "Beaver also mentioned you planned on turning him into a hat."

I smiled, remembering that.

Aslan chuckled, "Peter, there is a Deep Magic, more powerful than any of us that rules over Narnia. It defines right from wrong, and governs all our destinies. Yours, and mine."

"But I can't even protect my own family," I told him.

"You've brought them safely this far," Aslan pointed out.

"Not all of them."

"Peter, I will do what I can for your brother, but I need you to consider what I ask of you," Aslan advised. "I too want my family safe."

I looked at the ground, "What about Layla?"

"Layla is a tough girl, but she had her duty elsewhere. She'll help your brother when the time is right."

"The beavers said the Witch wants all four of us to stop the prophecy...but why does she need Layla?"

Aslan sighed, "with the magical abilities Layla posses, she could be twice as powerful then she already is.

"You're fond of her?"

I didn't say anything, everything that had been happening; the dreams, the strange feeling about her necklace, what the beavers said about the prophecy, it was all befuddling.

"All will be revealed in do time," Aslan replied as if reading my thoughts.

Layla's POV

"You look like Mum," Lucy complemented Susan.

Susan, Lucy, and I were by a small river near camp.

"Mum hasn't had a dress like this since before the war," Susan sighed looking down.

"We should brig her back one," Lucy grinned. "A whole trunk full!"

I ran my hands through the water making a few white water lilies grow. I picked one.

"If we ever get back," Susan replied, she turned to Lucy. "I'm sorry I'm like that. We used to have fun together, didn't we?"

"Yes, before you got boring," Lucy joked.

I laughed at Susan.

"Oh, really?" Susan replied with a smirk on her face.

She then bent down and splashed water at Lucy and I.

Lucy sent some water back at her sister and a small water fight started. I snapped my fingers and the grasses danced with the excitement.

"It's so cool you have earth magic," Lucy grinned.

"Peter's already impressed, I can tell," Susan added.

I sent a small splash at her leaving her breathless. Peter was starting to grow on me.

Lucy and I were laughing as we followed her up the bank to dry off. Susan took a towel off the dry line revealing two wolves behind it. Susan and Lucy screamed and I quickly got in front of them stretching my hands out in preparation to fight.

"Please don't run," Maugrim wheezed, "We're tired."

"And we'd prefer to kill you quickly," the other wolf finished.

"Not on my watch!" I threatened, shooting short magic blasts from my hands in a desperate attempt to hold them back but there were two of them and they dodged my attacks easily.

I looked at Susan then at her horn hanging nearby. I looked up at a tree, they could climb up there and be safe. I looked at Susan again.

She quickly caught the hint and threw her towel at the Maurgrim. While the wolves were distracted, Susan made a dash for her horn and blew it while I assisted Lucy up the tree then helped Susan up. However, the wolves resumed the attack before I could climb up.

"Get back!" Peter's voice rang out as the wolves began circling me.

"Peter!" I cried, "careful!"

He stood next to me, sword drawn. "I'm more worried about yours."

I flushed slightly.

"Peter! Layla!" Susan and Lucy screamed from the tree.

The wolves bared their teeth while circling Peter and I.

"Come on," Maugrim growled. "We've being through this before, we both know you haven't got it in you."

"Peter! Layla! Watch out!" Susan cried.

I saw the other wolf had gotten behind us so I used vines from the ground to hold down the wolf. Aslan came up to us with a group of soldiers led by Oreius following.

"Stay your weapons," Aslan ordered the group. "This is Peter's battle."

Peter glanced at me and I nodded encouragingly at him.

"You may think you're a king," Maugrim snarled, "but you're die like a dog!" then he leapt at Peter knocking him over.

"Peter!!" Susan and Lucy screamed.

I gasped, my vines releasing their hold on the other wolf and disappearing back into the ground. The wolf took the chance and ran off into the woods.

"After him," Aslan ordered the group behind him. "He will lead you to Edmund." They followed the wolf.

I ran over to Peter as Susan and Lucy slipped out of the tree. I helped them push Maugrim off Peter. He sat up, eyes wide with fright and trembling head to foot. Susan and Lucy pulled him into a tight hug. I smiled at them.

"Peter, clean your sword," Aslan ordered.

Peter got up and cleaned of the blood on his sword. He knelt down in front of Aslan and the lion put a paw on his shoulder.

"Rise, Sir Peter Wolf's-bane, Knight of Narnia."

Peter stood up and sheathed his sword. Susan and Lucy grinned proudly at him and I clapped my hands making the grass dance.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin