The Frozen Lake

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Layla's POV

In the morning, we started on our way to Aslan's camp. It was quite the walk but I was used to it. I did miss Glimmer though, I wonder what she was doing now.

We soon came to the Stone Bridge that overlooked the Frozen River with mountains in the distance.

"Now, Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table just across the Frozen River," Mr. Beaver told us, pointing at the horizon.

"River?" Peter repeated.

"Oh, the river has been frozen solid for a hundred years," Mrs. Beaver replied.

"Yeah, so if you do fall in, Peter, I'll be sure to catch you," I quipped, causing the girls to burst out laughing.

Peter turned red and I just punched him gently on the arm. He should keep that color, it blends in well with his dirty blond hair.

"It's so far," Peter noted, changing subjects.

"It's the world dear," Mrs. Beaver responded, "do you expect it to be small?"

"Smaller," Susan grinned, looking at Peter.

We were almost half way across the river with the beavers in front of us. I was trailing behind Peter with Lucy beside me.

"Peter has a major crush on you, Layla," Lucy spoke up.

I grinned down at her, "He's not being very secretive about it, is he?"

She nodded eagerly.

"He wanted to kiss me last night," I whispered to her with a grin.

She almost gasped, but I quickly quieted her.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded. "Why did he not do it though?"

I shrugged, "Well, maybe, he just has conflicting emotions. Or he's just confused."

She looked down, "Do you think he's the key to your necklace?"

I touched my necklace with one hand and the other squeezed her hand. "I don't know, Lucy. I really don't know."

"Come on humans!" Mr. Beaver urged us. "While we're still young."

"If he tells us to hurry one last time, I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat," Peter bent down to let Lucy get a piggyback ride on him.

Susan smirked at him.

"If you do that, you'd look like Davy Crockett," I grinned.

"Hurry up!" Beaver urged again.

"He is getting a little bossy," Lucy agreed.

"No! Behind you!" Mrs. Beaver, called hastily.

We looked behind us and saw a reindeer-drawn sled casing after us.

"Run!" Peter ordered.

Peter set Lucy down and we started making a run for it.

I could have used my earth powers to get us across the river faster but the world was still sleeping under a blanket of snow and ice.

"Hurry!" Peter urged.

The beavers led us into a small hole in the side of a hill and motioned us to get in. Peter, Susan, and Lucy scrambled in and I pressed myself against all three of them. It was my job to keep them all safe.

We heard the sleigh stop the a figure appear above us making snow fall. However, I noticed that the shadow looked of man rather a woman. There was a silent after that.

"I suppose I'll go look," Peter said after we had waited for a while.

Beaver stopped him from leaving though. "You're no use to Narnia dead," he told Peter. "I'll go."

"Well, neither are you beaver," his wife objected.

"Guys!" I hissed. "I have invisibility, I'll go!"

The beavers quickly agreed but the Pevensies were surprised.

"You have an invisibility power?" Susan exclaimed but I quickly silenced her.

"I'll explain later!"

I made myself invisible and stepped out of the hole silently and slowly climbing to the top. I got a big surprise when I got above the little cave. Father Christmas was standing in front of me!

"Greetings Layla," he smiled warmly, "glad to know you're still using your powers."

I quickly made myself visible again. "You knew it was me?" I asked, incredulously.

"Of course," he laughed. "Who else would have your powers? Besides you've made tracks in the snow."

I looked behind me. So I did.

I ran up and hugged him and he laughed again. "I'm so glad to see you again!" I cried.

"Me too Layla, it has been far too long, now where are the others?" He smiled again.

"Oh, right!" I gasped, "be right back!"

I quickly ran over to the top of the cave, knelt down, and flipped my head in front of them making Lucy scream in surprise.

"Come out! I hope you've all been good, 'cause there's someone here to see you!" I wore a silly, crooked grin on my face.

I saw Peter looking at me fondly so I winked at him.

"Come on!" I insisted.

They all climbed out and saw Father Christmas standing there.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant