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Ookie, so a reader requested that Kakashi is gonna be in a relationship to you, (y/n)...
Ngl, as a piece of Kakashi trash, ill enjoy this

Ding dong! The door bell rang. "Ita-Chan! Go get the door!" My mother called out. My older brother obeyed, opening the door and letting Shisui-Nii, who was followed by Obito and Rin Uchiha, in.

"Kon'nichiwa!" Mother greeted the couple, hugging them both tightly and planting a kiss on their cheeks.

"Aa, kon'nichiwa, Mikoto-San!" Obito replied with a broad smile illuminating his face.

"Ohayo, Obito-San and Rin-San." I said.

"Ah, Sasuke-Chan! You've grown quite a bit since I last saw you. I see that your growing into a fine young man!" Rin said with a cheeky grin. I simply rolled my eyes in response and scoffed with a 'hn'.

"Have a seat, Fugaku should be arriving in just a little bit." Mother reassured them, as we took our places in the living room. I had taken my seat in a comfy black reclining chair. "May I ask why you too wanted to meet us so suddenly." Mother questioned.

Auntie Rin giggled and looked to Uncle Obito, "We'll tell you when Fugaku-San comes. It's really quite exciting, don't you think, Obito-Kun?"

"Hai, Rin-Chan!"

I allowed myself to crack a slight smile. Uchiha's weren't know to be that upbeat and all deredere, but that is what Obito and Rin were like. They always emitted bright and cheerful energy.

I heard the door crack open, letting in a cold gust of the winter air, signaling that Father had came home. "Tadaima Kaerimashita." He said taking off his shoes and putting on some slippers.

"Okaeri!" Everybody in the room replied.

"Obito, Rin, hn, pleased to see you two here." Father said with a curt nod, making his way to sit next to Mother. "What owes us this pleasure?"

"Mhm!" Rin chirped, rubbing her stomach with one hand and clasping Obito's with the other. "Obito-Kun and I had a little announcement to make!" She squealed, gesturing to Obito to reveal whatever it was that they were going to reveal.

Obito reaches into Rin's purse and pulled out a little dark blue onesie that bore the Uchiha family crest on the back. "Guess what?!" He asked in a playful voice, grinning ear to ear.

Shisui-Nii was the first process the information and recover from the little shock. "Woah, you sure knocked Rin up quickly, Obito." He joked. "You two got married only about a year ago!"

Obito and Rin sweat-dropped, as tears welled up in Mother's eyes. Father and I softly smiled and Itachi wore a more apparent one. "Your parents would have been so proud." Mother whispered to Obito, as she congratulated the couple with a huge and kisses.

"I'm sure they would." Obito replied wistfully.

"A new addition to the clan." Father mused, as he patted their backs. "That's quite a wondrous thing."

"It is!" Mother cried, as she cupped Rin's face in her hands, stroking the purple stripes on each of her cheeks. "How long in are you, Rin dear?"

"I'm at the end of my first trimester. So about 13 weeks!"

"So you'll figure out the gender in a few weeks time?!"

"That's right! We have an appointment scheduled in about a month. So 5 weeks from now!"

"Rin and I think it's gonna be a boy!" Obito stated.

"Mhm, what ever the gender will be, the child will be great. Just looks at it's parents." Itachi said with a chuckle.

"You flatter us, Itachi." Rin giggled.

"Does anybody else know? Or are we the first?" Shisui asked.

"Your guys are the first! We're going to go to Kakashi and his fiancé, (y/n), next!"

I slightly perked up at the name of my teacher and councilor. So he is with somebody... Imma tell Sakura. Let's see how she reacts.

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