The notes in my novel

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Here is my notes for my novel which could might be published this year. And I hope you will enjoy it because my favorite fictional character is Anakin Jones, because he has a better backstory and history you will loved him too.

The Galaxy world wars notes
The Monster Rebellion vs Humans.
* In the beginning it's Flynn and Ethan tells about the darkness and hatred of the beginning
* There are three parts in this book
* In England, Queen Annabeth wants to have a new land for peace and property
* The Time takes place 100 - 97 By before the existing of Adam and Ben, Eve and Selena. Ganeld, Chancellor Black/ Lord Satan
* It's tells how darkness became between the brothers
* How the feud started between the Potter's and Amilda's
* How the Dark Lord came to be
* Flynn Potter becomes the Darker One and Serial Killer, apprentice of Dark Lord
* Right after Dracula dies Ethan becomes king
* Lord Thorin and Loki's father Theorin created the Olympia and earth, the monsters which claim to be there, once he dies the throne went to Thorin
* Abal is the one that created the dark world
* Lord Thorin is king of the gods monsters and god of light older brother of Loki, husband of Alexis
* Loki is a god of darkness and younger brother of Thorin
* Alexis and Loki have a secret affair while she's married to Thorin
* It shows flashbacks of Alexis and Thorin's life from there first meeting, their first kiss and them having sex for the first time, them sleeping together to their wedding as they got married, consummate their marriage on there wedding night and her birth to Dracula and later them first meeting baby Alexander, her and Loki both talked about her son's Alexander Riddle as a maredi so is Dracula and Alexander Riddle future to the dark side of the force, they both watching him growing up in Olympia before and during, after the battle of the darkness of Darin
* Alexander Riddle is revealed to be a secret son of Aria and Loki
* The First Dark Lord is Alexander Riddle
* Alexander and Dracula fight with the dark Darin
* The first part book narrator is Alexander Riddle
* The story of the monsters, he discover human and him becoming king of the monsters invention of portal, Riddle becomes the First Dark Lord.
* Alexander hated Dracula over the years since he is there king
* Alexander killed Dracula because for what he did to them, because he make a promise to him for his wife Anastasia
* Alexander and Anastasia got married weeks right after there birth of there son Flynn Potter as he gives up his son as they both consummate their marriage and having sex while Dracula is talking about building a time portal
* Alexander and Dracula are best friends since they are children, until when they both invented a portal to go to different planets and worlds to discover as Anastasia Alexander's wife decides to go to the portal.
* Alexander's and Anastasia's best friend is named David who is revealed to be Anastasia older brother and he is also best friend of Alexander Riddle
* King Christian Petrova is Annabeth's father
* As they both discussed about who will go to the portal to discover humans so they can learn about there history and lives, about them making peace so they can be friends throughout their generation as Anastasia wants to go to the portal but Alexander refuses that he doesn't want to lose his newlywed wife as she tells him that she wants to go to the Human world so she can discover of who they are as she will decide that she will go to the portal but there father King Thorin decides to go to the portal so he can discover humans that lived throughout their lives as he promised his son Dracula that he will go. In the cottage as Alexander Riddle and his newlywed wife Anastasia both have a fight about her going to the portal and that her having feelings with Dracula as it was revealed that Dracula has feelings for his wife Anastasia, that she tells him that Dracula has feelings for her but she didn't loved him that she loves her husband Alexander. That she wanted to spend time with her husband and they both are in love as he loves her as they both shared a kiss.
* Alexander and his wife Anastasia have sex and they both have a one night stand as they both unknowingly convinced a child. That she give birth to a son named Flynn Potter that he was given up from birth from his birth father Alexander Riddle
* Anastasia is a handmaiden of Alexander's adopted brother Dracula's wife Abigail
* Alexander and Anastasia have sex in the bathing room
* In the morning, as King Thorin is ready to go as they both talked about him going to the human world and be with humans. That he will as they both start the portal until it was out of control as Anastasia accidentally went into the portal as Alexander just lost his wife until he has a fight about Dracula losing his wife his love that he meant to have.
* While Alexander Riddle is walking into the woods as he saw darkness around him as his eyes turned black as the shadows of darkness showing him memories of Alexander Riddle and Anastasia being together as the shadows of darkness is telling him about the future. To possess a young boy it mentions and shows flashbacks ( John Hargrove ) and a teenager as it mentions, shows flashbacks ( Bill Abbot ), to killed a supernatural girl who will finish everything that he started as it mentions and shows flashbacks ( Sarah Coltan Potter ), that he shall killed a human young boy one day as it mentions and shows flashbacks ( Mike Parker ), that he shall have a powerful apprentice so he can get of what he wanted? Revenge as it mentions and shows flashbacks ( Aurora Potter ) as the shadows of darkness is continuing to tell him that he created the Dark World and now, he wants Alexander Riddle to follow his path to the darkness as Alexander Riddle is starting to become into the dark side of the force. As Dracula and his father both talked about Alexander will be alright even though that he lost his wife. That he loves so much and that they both have a child that he abandons because he believes that his son will become the dark side and that Alexander will changed and that he was different, that he hates Dracula as king as he doesn't believe it and that he believes that Alexander will changed just like his father. Into the dark side of the force. As Alexander Riddle is gone as he becomes the First Dark Lord.
* In earth as Anastasia runs and suddenly saw the humans, they called her a monster as she screams in pain. When Alexander somehow senses and him, Dracula both have a huge argument that he bring Anastasia to earth so she Got killed by the humans and now the humans know where they lived, that will be taken their home earth that was built for there ancestors from the beginning to have a peace and there is no more peace. That Dracula will regret it.
* But Dracula sends Anastasia to see the portal until she was accidentally went to earth where she was found and got killed by the King of the earth named Brad. As they both fight that now the humans will know where they lived and taking over there land now. Dracula and Alexander still wanted to trust each other as he decides to poison the wine so Dracula will died, for his revenge. That he killed him for his vengeance he unknowingly experienced the dark side of the force.
* The story of the creation, Ethan becoming king and Dracula dies, humans went to earth for a settlement, Flynn becomes into the dark side of the force, romance between Flynn and Amanda, Flynn killing Ethan and becoming king, Ethan resurrection and becomes into the dark side of the force, the monsters and humans battling each other, Ethan killed Flynn and becomes king and went to Niaboon killing a lot of elves, starting slavery and Jesse Jones and Charles Snow escape from slavery. Jesse Jones and Ethan decided not to become friends but enemies which started the feud between the rebels and Royals.
* Right after Alexander becomes the First Dark Lord and created the Dark Faith, he had a sexual relationship with a Death Fey who is a witch named Bella. That they both have a sexual relationship with each other as they both have sex and slept together as they both convinced a child, she gave birth to a son named Percy Potter.
* The Second part book narrator is Flynn Potter
* When Lord Thoearin created the earth, he also created the Maredi's who became his family until, his brother Abal Thorin and Loki's brother obeying his own brother because he wants is the throne. So Abal created the darkness in the earth as he became king of the dark Darin and Lord Thoearin sent a army to fight the Dark Darin until he killed Abal and the darkness was gone. But Thorin knows that the darkness still lived because his brother Loki becomes into the dark side just like Abal
* The First Dark Lord killed Dracula instead of poisoning, but falls off a cliff between in a middle of a battle to saved Ethan
* Ethan tells his mother, Flynn and Annie that there father is dead
* Ethan becomes there king in their land, in Earth
* Alexander Riddle wanted to become king, but he realizes that Ethan is the next king of the throne
* Alexander Riddle is telling Dracula about life of being a monster and the son who will soon become king, that he also wanted the throne and that Flynn will be next once Ethan dies. That Dracula will pay for what he did to him and now he will died so did his wife Anastasia.
* Dracula is alive but a force spirit
* The Darkness went to Annie as Abal senses it, as he is resurrected back to life as the darkness finally come
* First Dark Lord killed Abal for his failure to killed the Olympia army many years ago
* Annie is Ethan and Flynn's younger sister
* When Flynn looks at globe it's shows Anakin Jones but he thinks it is his brother Ethan to be the next highest king in the future.
* Alexandria got tripped in the portal by Dracula many years ago since she has become to the dark side of the force
* Alexandria is the daughter of Dracula and Sally
* Flynn Potter is one of the dark Darin and he is a son of Alexander and Anastasia Riddle
* Alexander Riddle is a secret son of Loki
* Flynn touches a dagger as he becomes dark side of the force
* It shows flashbacks of Flynn's birth parents Alexander and Anastasia right after they both shared their first kiss as they both have sex for the first time in the cabin as they both have a one night stand. As they both lose their virginity as they both unknowingly convinced a child. Anastasia telling Dracula and Flynn about her pregnancy, Alexander about his unborn child with Loki to the dark side. Anastasia giving birth to a boy named Flynn Potter who was given up from birth.
* Alexander abandoned Flynn from the North Dark castle
* Dracula found Flynn from the Dark Darin as an infant as he takes him and raise him on his own, that he realizes that he is Loki's daughter Jane's son who was abandoned from birth
* Ethan has a group called the Hunter Marry man who steal money from the rich and give it to the poor, they can also go out hunting killing animals for fun
* Ethan's best friends are named Finn Wolf, Sylvester Wolf but changed to Parkinson and Kenny Hargrove, Meryl Mayfield, Jink Hopper, Christian Brown, Millie Malfoy are both from the Hunter Marry Man
* Susan is also Ethan Amilda's best friend
* Sylvester is also Flynn Potter's best friend
* Susan and Finn are both used to be husband and wife, as they both got a divorced because Susan is having affair with Finn's older brother Sylvester and he was having affair with Millie Malfoy.
* Susan and Ethan have a secret sexual affair while he is married to Amanda and she is with Sylvester.
* Susan and Sylvester have a two daughters named Natalia and Mary
* Susan and Finn have a daughter named Robin
* Natalia and Mary, Robin both believed in fairies and Everland of prince Peter Prain, the dark Faith
* Natalia have a dream of her being with Peter Prain
* Mary have a dream of there uncle Finn's death
* Susan used to be part of the Hunter Marry Man until she worked in a bar as a waitress
* There is a sex scene between Susan and Sylvester
* Sylvester and Finn are both brothers as they are born as monster wolves as they are called shapeshifters as they are both lived in a pack on there own in the Enchanted Dark Woods, and that they hated is there enemies who come to the territory is the Vampires
* Sylvester and Finn's father is named Graham Wolf who is a huntsman and can turned into a Wolf
* Kenny Hargrove is a vampire who have his own pack and he is best friends with the werewolves, they do fight for fun.
* Kenny Hargrove and Meryl Mayfield are cousins as they are both are monster vampires
* Jink Hopper is a wizard and best closest friend to Ethan, Millie Malfoy
* Millie Malfoy and Ethan are both are best friends, as they both have a secretly affair
* Millie Malfoy is a monster colonies who is a hunter as she is part of the Hunter Marry man
* While Flynn was a young boy, he runs to the jungle with his brother Ethan in the beginning of the part two
* Flynn Potter is not pure Olympia as he is a Dark Darin
* Flynn sent a Destroyer army to destroy Ethan once and for all
* Alexandria went to jailed for killing humans in earth, so she got punished from lord Thorin
* Alexander Riddle got sent to prison for the crimes that he did to the monsters, by killing his own creation and that he believes that he went to the dark side of the force just like his father Loki and, that he should go to jailed for his crimes
* Ethan Potter marry princess Amanda Aji
* While Flynn is a prince, he sees princess Amanda bathing, as he falls in love with his brother king Ethan's wife.
* At night, outside in the kingdom Flynn and Amanda talked about him, loving Flynn instead of Ethan. Until they ended up having sex without his brother knowing, as they both spend throughout the night together in his bed.
* In the morning right after they have sex, Amanda wake up and sees Flynn beside her. They decided to keep their relationship a secret
* As Amanda visits Flynn, a lot during the day and night their secret sexual relationship from Ethan knowing. That they are together
* In Flynn's bedroom, right after Flynn sent his brother Ethan on a mission. While at night Amanda and Flynn both have sex. That's where they stay together throughout the night.
* Right after Amanda and Flynn are together, Ethan asks his wife about Flynn that if they are together. But Amanda lies to him about her and his brother being together.
* As Amanda and Flynn continue with their secret sexual relationship it implied that she secretly became pregnant with his first child, and she gave birth to a child, a boy named Zachary
* Right after Amanda and Flynn decided to be together tonight, in Flynn's bedroom as they planned to get rid of Ethan his brother.
* Before Amanda and Flynn, meet him in his bedroom. Flynn send Ethan on a mission about taking care of a king, that needs him for war, as Ethan leaves.
* Months, right after Ethan comes back from his mission. Amanda finds out that she is pregnant with Flynn's second child.
* At night, Flynn grab his Darker One dagger and take Ethan on a garden. That's where Flynn killed him.
* Right after Flynn killed Ethan, Flynn becomes king and Amanda becomes his wife, they both have a daughter named Aurora
* Flynn falls in love with a young teenage human jughead's daughter named Madeline Mills as they have secretly have sex and slept together
* Madeline got killed by Ethan, as Flynn is crying when he sees her grave until he sees Ethan and they both have a huge fight to the portal machine until Ethan killed Flynn
* Flynn Potter is a secret son of Anastasia and Alexander Riddle/ First Dark Lord which makes him the grandson of Loki
* Alexandria Snow is a secret daughter of Dracula
* Annie went to the portal by the First Dark Lord, when Flynn saved her until she got killed by the First Dark Lord as Ethan knows the whole truth of who he is
* Alexandria and Ethan are fighting until he sent her to the portal
* First Dark lord wants Flynn to get his daughter Alexandria out, so he did
* Alexandria is pretending to be Annie in front of him as she stabbed him
* There is a Ethan, Alexandria vs Flynn fight scene in the portal room
* Alexandria went by the portal as it's about to break by Ethan himself
* Flynn wants Ethan to killed him, so he can let Madeline lived forever and his sword went to the Dark one Dagger as Madeline wakes up alive as Flynn is covering in black as he sees the entire future of what will happen in the future of the Galaxy world until he falls down to the ground as he dies
* In the end, while Madeline Mills is a wife of Cody Jackman the son of Angus Jackman as they both have a daughter named Isabel. Until she sees Flynn who is a force spirit ghost and they both shared a kiss.
* Amanda and Flynn send secret love letters for each other, sometimes during the day.
* Right after king Ethan killed Flynn and the Humans are finally taking over to earth
* It shows how Aurora killed King Ethan Amilda and take over Nabla
* This story is about the feud, her becoming dark and romance between Miles and Aurora, taking the first prophecy of the future and the one, the prophecy of the chosen one
* The third part book narrator is Aurora
* Hugo King Ethan son killed almost killed Aurora
* While king Ethan is the highest king of the republic, his son Hugo was in love with a princess named Cora of Alderney
* While Aurora visited Nabla, to her uncle she tells her cousin Hugo that he should have sex with Cora as he accepts
* When Aurora is walking her uncle, to the garden and killing him. Back in Nabla, in Hugo's bedroom where Hugo and his fiancée Cora both have sex for the first time, as they both spend the night together before there wedding
* At night, right after Aurora killed king Ethan and take his head to the First Dark Lord. She gathered all her people to the Nabla, while there sneaking when Hugo and Cora are sleeping together in his bed naked, covering in blankets right after they have sex they heard a noise in the castle as Hugo leaves to find out, as he got dressed and grab his sword
* King Hugo of Niaboon sent Miles Jones to capture Aurora Potter so Hugo can killed her
* Hugo who takes Aurora's place that he killed King Ethan, so Hugo executed him by a crucifixion
* Hugo's wife Cora tells her husband about her dream, a dream, a vision about Hugo killing a innocent man
* Aurora Potter has nightmares of the an maredi castle where there is a first prophecy of the future and the one maredi
* Aurora Potter has a vision of Jesse Jones being tortured by the First Dark Lord to find the first prophecy
* Aurora Potter was being possessed inside by the first dark lord as it showing all of her flashbacks as he is telling her that she caused all of the darkness to her family, that she was the one that killed Ethan in the first place so he can get of what he always wanted to be their king to killed the humans and that she shall join him to the dark side to finish of what he started as Miles came to her as she is apologizing to Hugo for what she did that she killed Ethan and that it's her fault, Miles tells her that it's not her fault that she only wanted was love of her parents as she tells him that the First Dark Lord never know loved because he loves my grandmother long time ago and that's the reason why he becomes to the dark side of the force in the first place for vengeance of his brother and that he was in the one that caused pain between her and her family. Until he came out of her body as he tells her that she will lose and that she will died until came the monsters as they realize that the First Dark Lord is return.
* Aurora Potter and Miles, his friends who are Rebels to go to the mared castle to get the prophecy
* Miles's uncle James Jones is revealed to be Death Fey a Dark Faith with his master the First Dark Lord
* Jesse James died by Bella during the battle
* Miles broke the first prophecy during the battle
* Thorin returns as the First Dark Lord and him both have a fight while Aurora watches
* Thorin and Aurora both get along as they are both are becoming family by learning more history of there past
* Aurora visits her grandfather Loki to know about the prophecy and the First Dark Lord
* There is Hugo, Aurora vs the First Dark Lord fight scene in the throne room
* There is Hugo vs Aurora fight scene in the throne room
* Before the First Dark Lord, shows Aurora the future he tells her that she is the blame because since she chooses to go over to the Dark side, he tells that her and her family are cursed by her for centuries that, the cursed of the dark side of the force will never be broken.
* The first Dark Lord shows Aurora the future, a future that there descendants will caused the galaxy world due to Aurora going to the dark side just like her father
* The first Dark Lord Shows, Aurora the future about there descendants Adam Malfoy and Lord Satan causing pain in the galaxy world by the Empire.
* Aurora tells him about pain and suffering, he tells her to join her and get rid of those visions that will never happen with our descendants. She refuses
* The first Dark lord went into the portal by Aurora and Hugo as he got sent into the Dark World as he is living abandoned for years.
* She grab a Darker One dagger, the first Dark lord told her of how much she wanted to killed him. As he stabbed her by his lightsaber sword, as she falls into the ground and Hugo watches, grabs his lightsaber sword as they are both fighting as Aurora helps Hugo fighting against him until they opened the portal as it sent the First Dark Lord into the dark world as they are both now saved from the Dark Faith.
* Before Aurora dies, he tells Hugo that it's her fault that she turns into a dark side, but she believes that the chosen one will destroy the first dark lord's descendants and break the cursed of the dark side of the force of there family.
* Years later, while Hugo is old he is just a prophet not a king. He sees a vision of Joshua Nazareth as a chosen one, as he is writing the chosen one prophecy.
* Before Aurora got sent to trial for her crimes, Hugo finds out that Miles is a rebel and that Hugo is a royal
* When king Ethan is king in Niaboon, he went to the colonial Salem planet and get the colonies to be slaves, while they became his slaves in Niaboon
* When Jesse Jones meets Charles Snow there the ones that got out slavery
* When Jesse Jones also got caught by armies, he killed them. As they take him back into nabla where Jesse and Ethan decides not to be friends anymore but enemies, that Jesse is a rebel and Ethan is a royal. That there is a feud between the rebels and the royals for centuries
* Miles dies while in crucifixion
* While Miles is walking in the cross, until he falls as when Aurora is there. She suddenly remembers that another night while they having sex, naked dark in the cottage's bedroom. She comes to him and tell him that she remembers that another night, of how much she loves him as they touched there hands as he touches her cheek and tells her that he loves her and keeps on going, leaving her to get crucified and later dies.
* In the tomb, that's where they buried Miles. In the very end years later weeks right after Aurora dies and Hugo wrote the prophecy of the chosen one. As the tomb is open and Aurora came resurrect as she kissed Miles on the cheek as his suddenly resurrection but he is naked as her hand is waiting as he grabs her hand as they both leaved the tomb together. They both resurrection as they both become force wielders
* While Miles is getting crucifixion, King Hugo and his wife Cora are talking about Hugo himself as they are kissing passionately and about to have sex, but she refuses too.
* Aurora and Miles become enemies as they are hiding in a cottage, they become friends and they fall in love with each other
* Miles is a colonies but a maredi, he is a founder of the colonial planet with his father Jesse Jones
* Jesse Jones and chief Pawatan have peace
* Miles married Eliza Dare who is a daughter of Benjamin Dare, who works with her father
* Miles and Eliza have sex, while they are both in Salem
* Eliza got pregnant with Miles's child and later gave birth to a girl named Eleanor
* Miles left his wife and Eleanor to go to find another planet with his father
* Jesse is a founder of the Colonial Salem planet and colonial planet, that is where Miles is born
* Miles and Pocanala have sex, in the tent when he confesses his love for her as they both spend the night together
* Miles take pocanala back to her people, because they know about there relationship
* There is a fight scene between the Rebels and Royals clans in Niaboon
* Aurora and Miles both hide in the places from Niaboon a village of Verona
* Aurora and Miles got married, so they can stop the feud between the rebels and royal
* Miles killed Aurora's brother Zachary for vengeance of his best friends Prancer death
* They both spend the night together as husband and wife on their wedding night and they both consummate their marriage and before Miles being banished in Niaboon tells Hugo about his wife's whereabouts, killing her brother Zachary and her getting capture by escape as she went to the cottage and where she sees her husband as they are finally reunited
* In the tavern, Miles meets king Hugo as they both have a deal to killed Aurora
* Aurora and Miles have sex and spend the night together, in her bedroom
* While Aurora and Miles are having sex with their clothes on, in her bedroom. They accept to be together as Miles blows out the candle, as it implied that they have sex and sleep together throughout the night.
* King Ethan and the First Dark Lord went to Niaboon, as they killed and whipped out the elves who lived there. As king Ethan executed some of the elves, even the king
Lord Satan the Leader of the Dark Faith
* Later in the story it switches to 12 ( human monsters time as shows flashbacks of Lucifer's and Luke's life years right after the humans took control ) By to ( 2009 human time that where Lucifer becomes Lord Satan ) 25 By
* There are sixth parts in this book
* We first meet Anakin Jones and Clifford Jones, Eve Amilda and King Hager, Queen Diane, Master Grey, Ben Potter and Master Ganeld, Senator Black and Chancellor Falcom, Joshua Nazareth, Elrond Dyen, Ralph Amilda in this book
* Throughout the story, Anakin learns the beginning half of the tale of Lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith by his grandmother Jenna Giblets when he was a kid, to where he learns more about a lot more about lord Satan's while he is a teenager.
* In this book, Anakin Jones still secretly married with Princess Eve Amilda
* In this book, Anakin Jones is a secret husband of Princess Eve Amilda
* There is a couple of sex scenes between Anakin Jones and Princess Eve Amilda in her bedroom in Niaboon and his bedroom in Oniaen but one is implied sex scene in his bedroom in Oniaen.
* Anakin Jones secretly falls in love with the Highest Queen Maddie Amilda
* There is a sex scene between Anakin Jones and Maddie Amilda in her bedroom
* In this book, Anakin Jones and Bella are just best friends not a couple
* Clifford Jones and Bella have a sexual relationship in this story
* There is a sex scene between Clifford Jones and Bella in the tavern bedroom
* Bella is a pirate
* Anakin Jones and Maddie Amilda secretly both fall in love with each other throughout this book
* There is a fight scene between Anakin Jones and Lord Satan in the Dark separatists ship
* Anakin Jones realizes that the Dark separatists are working for Lord Satan
* Anakin Jones finds out that Lord Satan is alive, not dead
* Eve Amilda came to the ship, to saved her secret husband Anakin Jones from Lord Satan
* Lord Satan wants Eve Amilda to joined him as she refuses to
* There is a fight scene between Eve Amilda and Lord Satan
* Anakin Jones realizes that Elrond Dyen is a traitor to the republic senate
* Ralph Amilda is a young kid and now living as a orphanage
* The Anakin Jones's story took place in 5 - 10 - 16 - 25 - 30 - 31 By
* Anakin Jones will be a important major character in this book
* Anakin Jones learns the rest of the lord Satan's tale by the pensive from Master Ganeld
* Anakin Jones blow up the castle and end the Rebels and Royals war in 25 By
* In 10 By - 25 by is the Rebels and Royals war beginning and end
* The first part of the book is where The Nazareth's Maredi's are trying to get Ravenna Amilda out of the tomb, a human who find out that she is an monster and alpha of their pack.
* The second part of the book is where The Nazareth Maredi is traveling to New York City so he can find his ex girlfriend so he can killed her, the birth of the child and the Dark Faith has returned.
* The third part of the book is where A human is now a maredi and getting the monster back to human, the marriage between Matt Grey and Savannah Mills, Rudolph White got escaped from prison and is trying to killed Luke Nazareth.
* The fourth part of the book is A Salvatore and Mills relationship, between their families to against their relationship, Luke Nazareth facing off lord Satan for the first time.
* The fifth part of the book is A Salvatore marriage to a Nazareth and to their honeymoon of sex, the pregnancy of there unborn child and to the birth of the child, the reborn of an maredi.
* The sixth part of the book is The Humans and Maredi's are fighting against the Death Fey and to killing of Lord Satan.
* The seventh part of the book is A Dark Maredi of an Malfoy
* The eighth part of the book is A divorce of the human and monster, to the birth of an child, a human who becomes into the dark side and the death of Matt Grey a Salvatore, Mills affair of there love and to the death of Katie Malfoy, to the funeral and change the rules of the marriage of the Royal Family, Luke and Emily, Prince Charles are trying to get the second prophecy of the chosen one so they can know what the prophecy said about the chosen one.
* The ninth part of the book is a engagement of an Salvatore and Mills, to their marriage and the wedding attack as weeks before the wedding as they both joined the Nazareth Maredi council and when the wedding was crash as Luke Nazareth, Prince Charles Mills and Emily Nazareth went to hiding from the death Fey while they are hiding as Emily Nazareth and her newly wedded husband both consummate their marriage as they both have sex throughout the journey as Luke and Charles both have a fight about Emily choosing him over Luke as Charles as they both decided to go to the graveyard to find answers of his parents past. They both went to visit Lockwoods cabin as they both learned the history of the monsters and humans, how the Dark Faith got involved in it that the Dark Faith lived through many generations to now that Lord Satan is the descendant of the First Dark Lord who created the Dark Faith as he got Damon saved, they have to go before lord Satan finds him and killed him. A captured of Emily Nazareth and Prince Charles Mills, Luke Nazareth and Damon Nazareth of the death Fey as they both went to the mansion and as they both fight with the death Fey as Damon saved his father from dying as death of Damon and Luke finding out that Sirius Nazareth is his father. At the end of the journey as A Salvatore finds out that she is pregnant with a Chosen One from the ghost spirit of Hugo.
* The tenth part of the book is A Mills went back from the council and his wife tells him that she is pregnant with his child and the nightmares of her dying in childbirth, Lucifer killing his master and becomes a leader of the dark Faith, finding out of the truth of Lucifer's childhood life and the building clones to killed the humans and the death of Sirius Nazareth, the Human Holocaust of killing all of the Maredi's and humans in human Earth.
* The eleventh part of the book is the death of the Mills Queen, the killing of the Maredi's in mufaser, the death of Klaus Grey by lord Satan, Luke watches Klaus memory and he find out that Lucifer Nazareth is Lord Satan, Luke uses the force of the stone and brought his own family back as they both tell him to be brave against lord Satan, he comfort Emily about the truth of Lucifer as Lord Satan, going to mufaser to comfort him and to killed him. The fight between Lord Satan and Luke Nazareth, and Prince Charles Mills and Arrow in mufaser. The battle between the Clones and the Human military, the death of Rose Nazareth Lord Satan becomes an old man and they take pregnancy Emily back to human earth
* The twelfth part of the book is the birth of the chosen one and the son of Prince Charles Mills Nazareth and Emily Salvatore Nazareth, the death of the human and Emily believes that the chosen one will destroy lord Satan and that there is good in lucifer as she believes in peace between them as there is hope before she dies as Lucifer Nazareth being gone and becoming Lord Satan. The hiding of the Maredi's and humans to leave human earth
* The thirteenth part of the book is the new hope of the monster and humans, where Baby Joshua is being adopted to the Volcrum family for safety and Luke find a maredi temple and that he find a boy named Jeremy Grey that he trained him as his first apprentice, James Jones is being exiled as he sees Hugo about the chosen one reunited to become A ghost spirit of being with them to see the chosen one, lord Satan seeing Seer to know about his future and him planning to take over monster republic senate.
* The second book narrator is Lucifer Nazareth just in the very beginning of the book
* In the very beginning while there ship is sinking Sirius and his brother Klaus, there father named Alaric as he sees a book as he tells him from the beginning of their god and creation to the problem in the first half of the book
* In the very beginning as a maredi master named Ian and his sister named Ginny went to the Human Earth as they both went to the maredi temple as they both meet with Sirius Nazareth to discussed about Lucifer Dennison being adoption since he lost his parents when his mother is died of childbirth and his father got murdered by Lord Hades and they believe that Lucifer Nazareth is the chosen one but Sirius refuses both of those words as he refuses because he sensed fear with that baby because of the dark side just like his father as Ian mentioned that his granddaughter Grace is also pregnant but she will be having a son, that it will be named Luke as she wants him to train her Luke to the light side of the force and so he can become a powerful maredi just like his father, as he decides to take Lucifer for his adoption and he will trained him to used the force. That if Ian will bring his great great grandson Luke once he is born from his granddaughter and that he will also take Luke as his adoption also. That he believes that Luke is the one that he will trusted one day.
* In the very beginning 12 By we meet Luke and Lucifer Nazareth, as when they are young. In Niaboon it's shows a speech of the king of Niaboon that they should do better
* In the very beginning in 12 By Lucifer Nazareth meets Lord Hades the darkest wise as he becomes his apprentice Lord Satan
* In the very beginning while Prince Charles and his ex girlfriend Emily Salvatore are both writing their diaries of there past and love, death of Hailey Mills as he went to the prison and he talks with his older sister Savannah Mills about him being with Emily as he visited her in the Salvatore's house and that's where Prince Charles and Emily Salvatore both shared a passionate kiss as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both take each other's off as they both naked as they are both are having sex in her bedroom.
* In the Mills castle as his twin sisters Abby and Leah both discussed about her marriage Andrew and leaving being a royal as they are both wandering where is their brother Charles is that he is with a woman that he loves
* In the Salvatore house while prince Charles and Emily Salvatore both are in her bed naked but covering in blankets as he wakes up by what time it is. As they both got dressed to their wedding outfits as they both discussed about the wedding and him being late that the wedding will start soon as they both shared a kiss. As he leaves her in her bedroom.
* In the beginning of the story as Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills both are dating and having a sexual relationship
* Luke Nazareth and Emily Salvatore both shared their first kiss
* Luke Nazareth and Emily Salvatore both first have sex and slept together as they are both starting dating and having sexual relationship in the middle of the story
* Prince Charles Mills is mad at Emily Salvatore that she have sexual feelings for Luke Nazareth and that she wanted to help him to get Ravenna out of the tomb for Edmund and that he does has sexual feelings for Emily Salvatore but it's not a right time to be together as he tells her that she shall be with Luke Nazareth and that she should slept with him.
* Before there is a maredi council there is Nazareth Maredi Council that they are peacekeepers throughout the galaxy world to protect the humans and the people around the galaxy world
* Luke is a adopted younger brother of Lucifer Nazareth
* Lucifer is a adopted older brother of Luke Nazareth
* The Maredi's are here in Earth so they can make peace with the humans for what they did to them 60000 years ago
* When Lucifer was a young boy and he first Lily when he was a kid. He grows to love her ever since
* Lucifer and Lily both shared their first dance in the village as they both discussed that she shouldn't be near him, since he is dark and dangerous that he doesn't want to hurt anyone like her and she tells him that he won't hurt her and she confesses his love for him. As they both shared their first kiss. Right after they kissed he tells her that he must forget everything has happened to them, as his gone
* Lucifer becomes a apprentice of Lord Hades the darkest wise before Henry is born
* In the village of Earth Lucifer meet Lily in the village for the second time. That's where they fall in love with each other
* In the woods, on the bonfire that's where they both discussed about him as a maredi and that they are refused to have romance and sex, that he should be with her as they both shared second first kiss.
* While during Lily's pregnancy, he gives her a house that is made in 1869.
* There house got burn as Lily got captured by thieves who are humans while during the battle.
* While Lucifer and Lily are having sex in his bedroom, as his face change and he bites her neck.
* Lucifer turns Lily into a maredi so they can have a same fate just like he did
* While Lily is a maredi she becomes pregnant and gives birth to Lucifer's twin children who are born as Maredi's
* The Maredi's are more like vampires, because good and bad Maredi's can bite and killed only humans, monsters like wizards/ witches and monsters. So they can survive but they burn in the sunlight, but they need is protected like a necklace so they can stay young and don't get burnt on the sun, can sleep throughout the night.
* Other Maredi's killed werewolves and wolves, dwarfs, zombies and beasts, elves and villagers, vampires only monsters because it's there diet to survive
* The another Maredi's killed humans because it's there diet, to survive
* Luke and Lucifer saved Lily from the thieves as they run into the woods. As Lucifer got shot, as Elena tells Lucifer that he loves him until he dies, as Luke fights with the humans and Lily with her children, as he also got shot.
* In the Nazareth's house, Lucifer and Lily first have sex and they both spend the night together
* In the woods, the humans have a battle with the monsters, that's where Lucifer lost Lily as he got shot by a human as he becomes unconscious as he wakes up on the year of 25 By as he and Luke, all of his family choose to go to the spring and that's where they drink the water, they both unknowingly realizes that they both stay young forever
* Maredi's can lived forever like Lucifer and Luke
* Luke Nazareth can shapeshift into a Raven even though he is a maredi that becaude it's his Maredi's powers he has since he was a boy.
* Lucifer's real parents got killed by Lord Hades
* Sirius and, Luke and Rose Lucifer both discussed about his real birth parents, that his father Johnny Dennison was born to the dark side of the force because he became a serial killer and kills innocent people that are humans he is a descendant of the first Dark Lord, he was also called Dark Plagueis, he has a apprentice of Lord Hades until his sister Grace his mother fall in love with him even though he is part into the dark side and that they both got secretly married and they both have you, one night Lord Hades his master, as they both have a duel and that lord Hades can sensed his son of his dark future that he will go to the dark side. That Dark Plagueis has the vision of his son will soon killed him and become lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith. Lord Hades killed Dark Plagueis and his mother Grace for vengeance of Lucifer because he is born to the dark side just like his father. When Lucifer leaves as Luke follows him
* Outside of the Nazareth house, as Luke and Lucifer both discussed about his parent's past that why they did they hide this secret from Lucifer that he is part of the dark side just like his father. Luke tells him that's the reason why he went to the mission to kill Max because for his own vengeance and the dark knights so that they can secretly spy on him, that why him because they believed that Lucifer is a traitor to the Nazareth maredi council.
* Lucifer's parents are named Johnny and Ariana Dennison that Grace dies in childbirth as when Lucifer is a baby boy his father taken him to the orphanage as he dies of being murdered. Right after his parents death he got raised by his half aunt and uncle that are named Sirius and Victoria Nazareth Sirius is a older brother of Johnny Dennison when he was a young boy. While Lucifer's training as a maredi until he went inside a tree and another room there is a prophecy that it's Angus BIggins as they both discussed about a prophecy of the chosen one, that boy will soon be a bloodline of a human and maredi, the son of Lucifer and Emily Nazareth who will killed the leader of the dark Faith, Lord Satan as he doesn't believe it the prophecy and that he won't have a son. That he will because he will become a great powerful maredi and will go to the dark side, he must not go to the dark side because it's leads to anger, hate and pain, suffering to lose a loved one that you will lose from childbirth as he must touch the scepter as Lucifer sees his dark future into the galaxy world as they both discussed that he will not remember his future. Because he must forget everything that has happened with him today.
* Tommy Black/ Arrow aunt is named Bellanna Granld who is a death Fey with him
* Tommy Black/ Arrow son named Barry Black who is also a death Fey
* Tommy Black/ Arrow wife and Barry's mother named Deborah Black who also a death Fey
* Klaus Grey falls in love with Grace Evans before she dies
* They went to Ethanol Woodenland who knows about the symbol that is the symbol of the Dark Faith as they both read a story of how the monsters gods created Earth and humans taking over there land. To the First Dark Lord end
* Right after Neville and Grace Dennison dies as Klaus watch Luke Nazareth and he believes that he is a chosen one
* While Grace is pregnant with Sirius's Nazareth child as she got married to Johnny's brother named Neville Dennison as they both lived together until she gives birth to a boy named Luke Nazareth
* Luke Nazareth has a godfather Rudolph White
* Johnny and Grace Dennison got murdered by Lord Hades when Luke was a baby
* Sirius Nazareth and Grace Evans both fall in love with each other and have sex as they both convinced a child. As they both have a one night stand
* Grace reveals to be a monster witch just like her father
* Victoria is a human maredi but she always hates her sister because she was a witch and is in love with Sirius Nazareth
* Grace's younger sister named Victoria who knows about monsters
* Lucifer wants to learn more about the dark side right after his parents are dead, that he feels fear and anger, pain and suffering into the dark side
* Luke and Lucifer stay the same age until they both decided to turned old in the very end of the book
* When Lucifer is a young boy, he went to a dark place where he first meets his future master Lord Hades. As he became lord Satan lord Hades's apprentice
* Emily is a normal human girl that Lucifer and Luke fall in love
* While Lucifer is walking to the cabin, it shows Joseph and Mary having sex in there cottage. Until Lucifer shows up
* Lucifer and Lily first have sex, while he confesses his feelings for her.
* Lucifer got Lily pregnant. She gives birth to twins named Ella and Dustin.
* Luke knows that Lucifer is dating Lily even his not supposed to do, so he asks Lily from him.
* Luke and Lily both discussed about his secret relationship with her, as they both discussed about the siren bond and Lucifer being with her. Which will leads to the dark side of the force.
* At night, after she has a fight with Prince Charles Mills about their love for each other as she is sitting by the garden as she crying until came Edmund Potter Nazareth as she meets Edmund Potter Nazareth for the first time as they both discussed about her sexual relationship with Prince Charles Mills that she even sleep with him, that she is in love with a human and that he knows about humans, that he is a maredi and that he is a monster, as they both discussed about maredi's and monsters are good and bad, that he is a bad guy but not because he believes in good and hope. That she is having trouble relationship with prince Charles Mills that it's going way too fast for them, that she doesn't know of what loved is to her and that he was once in love with a princess named Ravenna Amilda that there family has a feud and that they need to stop, the feud between the Potter's and the Amildas that loved is amazing and wonderful that she should except it, as came Ellie that she tells her that her parents are here to pick her up, as Edmund is about to leave she tells her to meet with his cousin Luke Nazareth that he is good and that she shouldn't meet with Lucifer Nazareth because he is different and bad. As he leaves.
* At night right after Prince Charles Mills saved Emily Salvatore from a car as she is somehow in the middle of the road. Until she first meet Luke Nazareth for the first time as they both discussed that she somehow went to the road, and she doesn't know what happened to her. That maybe she will want a adventure of love and passion and adventure even sex, between her boyfriend and himself. She got saved by a handsome young boy who is a maredi, as they both discussed the monsters of what her ancestor Governor Seth Salvatore did to them long time ago that they wanted to have peace with the humans so the galaxy world will be reunited and that if Emily believes that he is a monster. As she refuses that any monster that she will love will always be there for awhile as they both continue their conversations as they are both flirt a little then they both smile at each other and it's unknowingly that they fall in love with each other. Until came her sister Ellie as she tells her that her parents are dead from the fire as Luke leaves them as Luke makes a promise that they will meet each other again as he walks away, when Emily watches him.
* Savannah starts to do drugs and drink a lot of alcohol when her sister Hailey is gone
* Chase starts to do drugs and alcohol right after Savannah broke up with him and started dating back to Spencer. So that he can show her that he changed for her since she is changed
* Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills are based off Elena And Damon Salvatore, Edward and Bella Swan.
* Emily Salvatore and Luke Nazareth are based off Elena and Stefan Salvatore
* There is a love triangle of Prince Charles Mills, Emily Salvatore and Luke Nazareth
* Mia Grey is a secret daughter of Goldie but it's actually Rebecca who is mystique and Klaus Grey who was a maredi but he choose to become human for his wife
* Mia Grey physical appearance is when her tan skin turns into a dark blue naked body with white hair
* Lucifer Nazareth and Emily Salvatore are just best friends and based off like Jacob Black and Bella Swann
* Lucifer Nazareth falls in love with Emily Salvatore
* Lucifer Nazareth meets Mia in the past, in the human Earth while he is a maredi protector when he is a child, as they both meet and they saw each other while he is married to Lily Salvatore. As in the bar as he meets Mia Grey as they both learned more about each other as they both have sex and spend the night together, when he committed adultery for his love affair for Mia Grey.
* Lucifer Nazareth falls in love and have sex, got pregnant with Mia Grey who is a change shapeshifter just like her mother
* Lucifer Nazareth and Mia Grey have sex as they both spend their one last night together as they both have a one night stand before he goes to killed Matt Grey and his wife Savannah Mills. They both unknowingly convinced a child.
* Mia Grey becomes pregnant with Lucifer's child
* When Luke Nazareth finds out that Lucifer Nazareth is the one that killed Hailey Mills many years ago, that suddenly came pregnancy Mia Grey as he tells her not to trust him and that he is in love with Emily Salvatore so he can redeem himself from the dark side and be the man that he used to be. That he can killed Mia and his unborn child and that Emily Salvatore will know the truth about her friend who is now a monster, to a dark side as he let's go of Mia.
* Luke Nazareth falls in love Lucifer Nazareth's wife named Lily Salvatore as she committed adultery by hanging out and having affair with Luke Nazareth.
* Luke Nazareth keeps a picture of Lily Salvatore for keeping of his love to find her and that if she is alive in Virginia
* Lily Salvatore is a wife of Lucifer Nazareth, not her descendant Emily Salvatore
* Mia Grey gives birth to a girl named Hayley Grey
* Right after Hayley Grey is born, while Mia is holding her to her crib while Lucifer Nazareth watches her
* Arrow tells Lord Satan that he has a child, the child that have the same blood and that he forced Arrow to possessed his own child.
* It was revealed that Lucifer Nazareth and Tommy Black are best friends
* Luke knows about Arrow by Sirius Nazareth
* Luke went to Tommy Black's diary of him used to be in the council as he realizes that there was killing
* Luke and Tommy Black meet for the first time
* It was revealed that Tommy Black is Arrow the leader of the death Fey and servant of Lord Satan, that he got sent by lord Satan to know that the dark Faith is still alive
* Hayley Grey is growing weaker because Arrow will be much return and much alive
* Luke kills Tommy Black by the sword as he becomes to an young handsome man an older man as he begs him to help him as he refuses. Until Arrow went unconscious as Hayley Grey wakes up
* When Hayley Grey is now a young girl as she got possessed by Arrow to know that the Dark Faith was survived and that his master is Lord Satan
* While Hayley Grey is growing up as Hayley Grey and Maria Malfoy both become best friends throughout their lives
* There is a fight scene between Mia Grey and Lord Satan in the White House, she got shot in the chest by Lewis
* There is a battle scene the Maredi's and the Clones around the earth, while Mia Grey and Lord Satan are fighting
* Abby got stabbed from a clone as she dies into the ground
* Lord Satan's speech is telling every monster in the human earth to stop hiding from the humans. That they are free from the darkness of what the humans have done many years ago to them, that they should fight against the humans who have taken there land many years ago and that he has taken over the humans republic senate and has killed their Queen, he tells them to join him, so they can have a future of what earth was supposed to be the monsters and that they shall have a better future, a future of where monsters win and the humans will died. That they shouldn't make peace with the humans for what they did to them, that we shall fight against them and that they will win in the future, that in the future of where we shall win and take over earth again, human earth is now finally be taking over by a most powerful monster, that he is named Lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith. That the humans shall fear of his named and that the monsters must join him and that now he is there king.
* Emily Salvatore falls in love and have sex with Luke Nazareth who is a friend of Edmund Potter Nazareth
* There is couple of sex scene with Emily Salvatore and Luke Nazareth
* The year of the story takes place in 2014 - 2047
* In flashbacks the year will be 1943 the birth of Vanessa Petrova - 2016 where the story starts
* In 2047 where Lord Satan takes control of human earth
* In flashbacks in the story, it shows Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills first meet at the polo match during the summer of 2014 where they are both in college seniors as they are about to graduate next year as they both flirt a little more and they both insanely fall in love with each other. As they are both writing their diaries about their love for each other. As he is having dinner with his great great grandfather Lord Battion as they both discussed about the girl that he is in love with her and as his family won't like him dating a Salvatore. in a year of 2015 they both have their first phone call conversation and they both have their first dinner together in a restaurant which is in Wailes called Wales as they both learned more about each other as they both started dating as his sisters Hailey Mills and Savannah Mills invited her to there's brother college graduation party in Buckington palace. During the party in Buckington palace where Emily Salvatore and Matt Grey broke up as she went to visited to Prince Charles Mills as they both confesses their love to each other as they both shared a kiss as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both first have sex and slept together for the first time and throughout the night and party, they both lose their virginity for the first time. In the morning, right after they have sex as Emily Salvatore wakes up naked but covering in blankets as he wakes up as they are both saying their morning, that she stay up with him as they are both continuing kissing passionately as she wants him to stop as they are both starting to have morning sex as he wants her to stay longer as they are both ended having morning sex throughout the morning. Right after they have morning sex as they are both cuddling in bed together while they are both sleeping as she wakes up as she is curious about the time, that her aunt will killed her that she stays all night as they are both getting dressed, that he doesn't want her to leave as they both discussed about their night together as he suddenly decides to take her into her house as she accepts as he drives her into her house and as they are both looking at each other. They are both holding hands for the first time as he pulls up to the house as he walks her to the house as they both talked about their last night and the graduation party for him, as they both shared their first official first kiss. During the summer as he takes her to the meadow as they both begin to fall in love with each other, it is showing them learning more about each other as they hold hands and at the bar as they are both playing with each other and they are making out in the bathroom, while they are both walking out as they both said their goodbyes as they both shared their kiss. In her house as she got a letter from Hailey Mills that Emily Salvatore is now her brother's girlfriend and that she accepts them to be together as she is inviting her to a party in the bar. In August 23, 2015 as they are having a party in the barn, where there is drama between Savannah Mills, Chase Salvatore and Spencer Depp and Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills, as they went to a bedroom as they both talked about their future and getting married, having a child there love for each other as they both have sex in the bedroom. In the middle of the night, right after they have sex as Emily Salvatore gets out of the bed and looks at the window to see if she is pregnant but she's not as she is having pregnancy scare and her future with the prince of Wailes. As she got dressed and went into the woods as she hears screaming as she sees Hailey and a hooded figure killing her. As she runs as the hooded figure is following from the woods to the middle of the road and the hooded figure and her both stared at each other for the first time while he is holding his red lightsaber sword. She quickly sneaks back to the barn while prince Charles Mills and her both discussed about where she was and that he got awake because he was worried about her about what happened to Hailey and that she died by a maredi as they both promised to keep it a secret. They both saw Abby Mills outside in the barn as they both discussed about what happened with Hailey Mills and that she hears a scream, that Hailey Mills is dead. As they both went to the woods as they both saw Hailey's dead body, in the funeral of Hailey Mills as the Mills family are sad including Prince Charles Mills as they both discussed about what Emily have saw, as they both talked about her future being with him and that there not meant to be together as they both broke up with each other while a hooded figure is watching them from afar.
* During the masquerade ball as Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore both have their first dance and there first kiss together while they are dancing together.
* Emily Salvatore smokes cigarettes, when she was starting dating Prince Charles Mills again just like of what Camilla Strand - Parker Bowles. That she started smoking right after her parents have died. When her brother started doing drugs and alcohol at under age.
* In flashbacks Emily Salvatore wealth of much dark brown curlier hair in 2014- 2015. In 2016 - 2047 her hair is long dark straight brown hair in the middle part in, in adulthood in 2047 when her brown hair is back to curly when she talks to Lucifer and gives birth, dies of childbirth. In her funeral her hair is back to long straight in the middle part in.
* Her birth mother Narcissa White is a human and a descendant of a human maredi named Lily Salvatore and a human Phillip White as when she was a teenager when she meets a maredi who is a younger brother of Sirius Nazareth named Elijah Grey Nazareth who is a descendant of the first dark lord. As they both fall deeply in love with each other in secret as they both have sex and slept together as he turns her into a maredi monster, he trains her of the ways of the force as she became a member of the Nazareth maredi council they both resulted a child. As she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a girl named Emily as they both decided to give her up from birth, because Elijah sees a future of her dying in childbirth by lord Satan himself. So he gives her away for good as he sent her to the Salvatore's from Sirius Nazareth as he will watch her until time will come for her to be a maredi monster just like her parents.
* Elijah Nazareth is a younger brother of Sirius Nazareth who is Emily's father and best friend of Edmund Potter Nazareth
* Matt Grey hated Edmund Potter Nazareth since he slept on his wife Rose Nazareth
* There is a fight scene between Matt Grey and Edmund Potter Nazareth in the Nazareth house
* There is a love triangle between Matt Grey, Rose Nazareth and Edmund Potter Nazareth
* There is a couple of sex scenes between Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore first have sex during the party in Buckington palace
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore have sex in the barn during the party with their Newfounded relationship
* In the song called " Loved One". That's during where Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore having sex in the barn
* Luke gives Emily Salvatore guidance about her complicated on and off relationship with Charles
* There is a sex scene of Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore during the first dinner date. As they have sex for the first time since they were together
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore have sex for the first time in Highgove castle since she confesses his love for him, as they both spend the night together as they both committed adultery and cheated on there partners. As they both begin their Extramarital sex. Scandalous love affair with each other
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore have sex for the first time since they committed adultery in the Nazareth house. That's where they finally already a couple right after there divorce for different partners.
* Prince Charles Mills Nazareth and Emily Salvatore Nazareth have their own family house which is called Clarence House. Charles buy it for his wife and his children to lived. And it is there family house for their family.
* Prince Charles Mills Nazareth takes his newlywed wife Emily Salvatore to their private home which is called Binkhills in Scotland during there honeymoon, which is their own private home as is right by a farm. That's where they both consummate their marriage in the bedroom and there is a sex scene as they both have sex in the farm. As they both spend on their honeymoon and have sex together as husband and wife.
* Prince Charles Mills Nazareth and Emily Salvatore Nazareth have their own private house in Virginia which is called Wailes house. That's where they both have sex and spend the night together before he goes on his mission and that's where they both lived together while she is pregnant with his child. That's where she gave birth to Joshua and dies of childbirth.
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore Nazareth have there own private house in Wailes which is called Lynith house. It is owned by them while they are visiting on tours for the Republic senate for their jobs and them spending time together.
* Rose Nazareth and Matt Grey got a divorce since she finds out that she is truly in love with Edmund Potter Nazareth and that he is in love with a princess.
* Rose Nazareth and Edmund Potter Nazareth continue their sexual relationship right after she got a divorce from Matt Grey
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore both have sex and slept together for a first time since the party in the Nazareth house weeks after their divorce. Since they both decided to get married and have children and be part of the maredi council.
* Edmund Potter Nazareth and Prince Charles Mills are best friends
* Lucifer Nazareth and Prince Charles Mills are best friends, but they are enemies in towards the end
* Hailey and Savannah Mills are both born years before their parents got engaged and they actually got married
* When Hailey and Savannah Mills are young children when they both saw their parents getting married.
* Eric and Lewis Mills are born when Queen Vanessa Petrova Mills is still young beautiful Queen woman in Virginia.
* Prince Charles, Abby and Leah Mills are born three years and weeks shortly after the wedding
* Aslan Jones is king Albert 2 private security and later a security of queen and princess Meghan Petrova
* King Albert 2 has to get his lung removed since he has lung cancer from smoking
* King Albert dies in his sleep right after he spends time with his daughter Meghan Petrova and his friend, for the rest of the night.
* It is revealed that King Albert 2 is a maredi, but he chooses to take that power away and that he married a werewolf named Mae, that who is Vanessa and Meghan's mother who gave up being a monster and living a monster. They have two daughters that Vanessa has a special gift that she has powers of Memory Visions but she is mostly human due to her blood to remembering everything in her mind and that she is half human and half monster the maredi's blood passed through her son Prince Charles Mills and a ninja mutant daughter named Leah Mills, a werewolf named Abby that Sirius Nazareth remembers Hailey Mills, that who Vanessa loves. That Vanessa told him to show him as he grabs out his hand as she sees every memory of Hailey Mills and that now she remembers everything now.
* Mae and her daughter Meghan Petrova have a argument about her family of being werewolves and monsters, which the family has to hide for their lives since it started with their ancestor Madeline who became a monster right after her lover has died for her. That the Royal family has to keep it a secret for centuries so any human won't know that they are monsters.
* Aslan Jones has a sexual affair with princess Meghan Petrova because she's in love with him, even though she's married and that she wants to cheat on her husband since he is on his trip for no reason. They both got married anyways
* King Albert's brother Archie have sex with prince Tim Carter's teenage daughter named Eleanor who is 20 and already married to Andrew and they have affair as he got her pregnant, she got divorced from her husband Andrew Carter as he leaves the throne as king so he get married and they have a child named Elizabeth.
* Meghan got a letter from her husband that he is going on to a another trip, as she never got married to that person and that she wishes that she wants a divorce from her husband.
* Klaus Grey who is Sirius's brother is Meghan's husband but got divorced because she finds out that he is a maredi and that she cheated on him twice
* Princess Meghan Petrova has sexual affair with Abby's boyfriend Andrew but soon to be husband, who is a gardener as they both fall in love and have sex.
* Princess Meghan Petrova and Aslan Jones have a fight about each other and they don't have children
* Aslan Jones cheated on princess Meghan Petrova by dating and falling in love with Jenna
* Meghan Petrova and Aslan Jones got a divorce since she already knows the truth, that they never loved each other and that they both cheated on each other on purpose.
* Ravenna and Lucifer, Luke Nazareth used to date her and they both slept with her since Ravenna loves to trick on her best friends as Emily Nazareth.
* Mark Malfoy is related to Katie Malfoy who is his adopted sister and that him and Leah have sex for the first time and got married, have sex, have children as they are both based off Adam and Mia from If I stay
* Andrew Jackson went back to Abby as they both have sex and they both spend the night together, as they both slept together as later they both got married in the very beginning of the story
* It shows flashbacks of Meghan Petrova and Aslan Jones fighting her being with Andrew.
* Lucifer Nazareth, Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore write on diaries
* Emily lost her parents by the fire on their house while smoke appeared
* Chase transformations into a maredi by his girlfriend Savannah Mills as they are having sex in his bedroom
* Emily first meet Prince Charles Mills at a polo match as they both become best friends as he begins to fall in love with her.
* Prince Charles Mills introduced his girlfriend Katie Malfoy to his Luke Nazareth and Emily Salvatore who are there close friends
* Emily Salvatore was dating Matt Grey as they both broken up since she dated several men including Prince Charles Mills
* Luke Nazareth is a army officer and friend of Prince Charles Mills
* Prince Charles Mills has maredi powers, but he is secretly a maredi due to his ancestors blood
* Prince Charles Mills is a maredi monster, but he still human
* Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills get back together while she is still a maredi, and wife of Luke Nazareth right after her transformation
* Emily Salvatore turns back into human by Lucifer Nazareth before she chooses Prince Charles Mills over Lucifer Nazareth
* There is a flashback of Lily Salvatore meeting Prince Charles's Mills ancestry named George Mills who is human as they both become best friends fall in love with each other. They both have sex and slept together, as his family was worried about him being with a Salvatore and that he is in love with her, that he should marry a Malfoy. But he refuses too and that Lily isn't a maredi monster that he is in love with her. Lily finds out that George Mills is a descendant of Jughead Mills and they both decided to get back together, right after she got captured as she sees her former lover George Mills who was behind her capturing. In jailed as she got saved by George Mills best friend named Phillip White as they both escaped in prison as they both instantly fall in love with each other. As they both got married and have children as they are both the descendants of Emily Salvatore. Until years later as George Mills meet a beautiful woman named Gerda Malfoy as it is foreshadowing of there descendants Prince Charles Mills, Emily Salvatore and Katie Malfoy's love triangle.
* The Mills don't trusts the Salvatores because of there grandfather was trying to take the throne, they have a war in there country Virginia, Mystic Hallow from the monsters of the Death Fey by Lord Satan while king Albert 2 didn't even helped him to fight off the monsters, that monsters doesn't exist to him and he believes that he wants is his throne as he wants to killed Winston White as he got killed by king Albert 2 as the prime Minister went to his cousin years later.
* Emily Salvatore almost got ran over by a car, but got saved by Prince Charles Mills
* Edmund Potter Nazareth first dating and having affair with a human Lily Salvatore before she meet Lucifer, have his twin children.
* Princess Abby becomes Princess of Sextillion, Mystic Hallow
* Princess Savannah Mills becomes Princess of Camberbridge, Virginia
* Prince Charles Mills becomes Prince of Wailes, Atlanta
* Princess Leah Mills becomes Princess of Lionel, Maine
* Princess Abby Mills becomes princess of Hision, Texas
* Prince Eric Mills becomes Prince of Silva, Florida
* Prince Lewis Mills becomes Prince of Frederick, New England
* Sirius Nazareth and his wife, Jennifer Salvatore decided to arrange a wedding for Emily Salvatore and her boyfriend Luke Nazareth so they will not be fooled by the Royal Mills family and that they don't want them to believe that them as maredi monsters are real, that they will died just like them.
* Rose Nazareth and Matt Grey have a on and off marriage relationship
* Luke Nazareth dating and have sex, hook up with princess Leah Mills
* There is a sex scene between Luke Nazareth and princess Leah Mills in her bedroom during the party, as they are having sex throughout the night
* Emily Salvatore likes and that she still loves prince Charles but is obsessed with her boyfriend Luke Nazareth
* There is a love triangle between ( Katie, Charles, Emily )
* It implied that Emily Salvatore and Luke Nazareth are been secretly having sex and they both sleeping together
* Leah Mills and Mark Malfoy have a two child named Louisa, George
* Savannah Mills and Matt Grey have a two child named Jeffrey, Wyatt
* Abby Mills and Andrew Jackson they have a three children named Annebelle, Robert and Robby
* Rose Nazareth and Matt Grey have children named Camilla
* Emily Salvatore and Luke Nazareth have a child named Damon
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore have a on and off sexual relationship with each other over the years during the book. It ends with Emily Salvatore Nazareth choosing prince Charles Mills since she has her true feelings for his love for him instead of Lucifer Nazareth. As they both got married and have a child, everything they always wanted.
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore got married. And not Rose Nazareth because she's trying to bring her and him back together to get married since they are both in love with each other.
* Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills are both the main couple in the series
* Prince Charles Mills is the one who have a dream of his unborn son failed to save his mother from lord Satan
* Prince Charles Mills has dreams about his wife Emily Salvatore dying from childbirth from lord Satan
* Emily Salvatore dreams about them playing with their unborn child as she has sex with prince Charles Mills as they both convinced a child.
* Right after they got married. They both become the Nazareth maredi council as she is human while her husband is in the council
* Emily Salvatore chooses Prince Charles Mills since she doesn't love Lucifer anymore as her boyfriend and that she belongs with Prince Charles Mills
* While Emily Salvatore is married to prince Charles Mills as she got pregnant with his child.
* When prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore got married they decided to change their last names to Nazareth since that is her birth family named and he decided to be part of the Nazareth Maredi council
* Joshua Nazareth is a son of Prince Charles Mills Nazareth and Emily Salvatore Nazareth not Lucifer Nazareth. Who is a Maredi because of his father has secretly has Maredi powers
* Lucifer becomes Lord Satan because the person that he loves choose to be with a human.
* Aunt Jennifer is Chase and Emily Salvatore's aunt and guardian throughout the book
* Chase asked Ella Nazareth to change him into a maredi monster for Savannah Mills
* Chase Salvatore and Ella Nazareth they both become best friends and then they both starting dating as they both have sex for the first time as they both slept together. As they both have sex and slept together throughout the story.
* During a party in Savannah Mills's house where Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore both went outside as they are both laughing and enjoying themselves as they both shared a kiss when Mark Malfoy took a picture of them in the distance.
* The Americans have war with Russia, Germany, Italy the Russians are the ones that are upset with the Americans taking over their land for peace so they refuses to sign the Americans treaty for land, because they believe there Russian king got killed by their American Governor so they have Germany and Italy to fight over the Americans for there land. So they have war over the Americans. But they trust is the Irish, China, Greece to fight over them so they can be able take control of Russian land. To make a treaty with Germany and Italy, so they can also take over there land and to stop the war of the countries. They know and loved to have peace again
* Mark Malfoy and princess Leah Mills got a divorce because Mark cheated on her with Saliva, and her being with Simon Micheal's.
* Princess Leah Mills got a divorce from Mark Malfoy and started dating Simon Micheal's throughout the rest of the book.
* Princess Leah Mills and Mark Malfoy been divorced since four years when prince Charles started dating Katie Malfoy
* Prince Charles Mills dated Katie's adopted older sister named Mackenzie Malfoy
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills marriage is contentious, tumultuous when the siren bond is broken
* Katie Malfoy is obsessed with Prince Charles Mills
* Prince Charles Mills reveals to be in love with Katie Malfoy right after they got divorced
* It is revealed that Katie Malfoy and prince Charles Mills are siren bond for each other
* Katie Malfoy and prince Charles Mills meet again in the Malfoy house but in a farm in a powled field.
* Prince Charles Mills drinks the red wine from Rose Nazareth as he remembers being with Emily Salvatore as he remembers his love for her and the siren bond is broken. Until he sees Emily Salvatore as they both decided to tell about Katie's Malfoy's history and to keep the siren bond broken a secret from her.
* Katie's Malfoy adopted grandmother Dylan Malfoy was lady in waiting for Queen Vanessa Petrova Mills and she is befriend Queen Mae Petrova. But she is secretly a monster, a Witch and she is best friends with Sirius Nazareth. She knows his secret as a maredi and that she make a promise to Edmund Potter Nazareth many years ago to make a deal to take his daughter Katie to be adopted so her fate won't be into the dark side of the force and being an apprentice of Lord Satan.
* Right after Katie Malfoy is engaged to Prince Charles Mills as her and her friends are happy as they both have a late night party throughout the night.
* Dylan Malfoy teaches Katie Malfoy how to be princess in training
* Right after the siren bond is broken between Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy, he went back to Emily Salvatore because he loves her.
* Prince Charles Mills proposed to Katie Malfoy on kneel down to one knee in the nursery as she accepts.
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy by on the tree, as they both discussed about them being together as they keep their secret as her being his girlfriend. As they both about to kissed as her eyes turn dark as he was curious about her eye. As she leaves and came an reporter who is asking about him proposing to her, to marry her.
* Prince Charles Mills knows that Katie Malfoy is a maredi by Emily Salvatore who tells him, and that she is adopted, that she is a Potter and she is secret daughter of Edmund Potter Nazareth and Ravenna Amilda as they both have a fight about Katie Malfoy history and him keeping her being a maredi a secret while he is visiting her in his house.
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy's wedding is July 6, 2021 the anniversary thirty seventh celebration of the Founders day where the humans killed all of the monsters and take there earth.
* Katie Malfoy has to pick a engagement ring, as she picks a dark white and blue one it's means life and peace, light and goodness it was made in Virginia, Sextillion Mystic Hallow
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy both talked about her being a monster, a maredi and that he has to keep a secret, that he is marrying a maredi from his family.
* Prince Charles Mills visits Katie Malfoy in her bedroom before his visit in Australia. As they both talked about him going out, to Australia and for him to come back before there wedding, that he always wanted to be with her as she accepts. As they both shared a kiss and having sex throughout the night.
* In the airport, as prince charles Mills and Katie Malfoy both see each other the last time before their wedding. To tell her to visit Emily Nazareth
* During the dinner, as Katie Malfoy finally meet Emily Nazareth as they both talked about the royalty and them to make sure to eat dinner. What Charles likes is gardening, red roses and tomatoes. That how much Emily Salvatore knows about prince Charles Mills
* Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills nicknames are Frederick and Amelia with their drawings and the bracelets
* The necklace that Emily gives him,
* The two pictures of Emily Salvatore he has in his diary
* Cuff links with two letters E & C entwined on it
* They both write on diaries to discuss various things
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore secretly love write letters as Katie Malfoy finds out that he is cheating on her with both woman that she meet and knew.
* Katie Malfoy finds out the affair of her fiancée Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore, that she doesn't want to marry him.
* While Katie Malfoy is living in Buckington palace as she experiences a pregnancy scare and started to have periods ( blood everywhere ), has late periods even though she has sex and slept with prince Charles Mills before his trip to Australia. Vomits for a reason because of just the food allergy, and her mouth is swallow as if she is pregnant, but actually not as she takes a pregnancy test as she is scare of being pregnant before her wedding day.
* Once Prince Charles Mills returns from Australia as he went straight to Emily's house. As he knocks on the door as he sees Prince Charles Mills as she is surprise to see him as he needs her as they both shared a kiss as they are both continuing kissing passionately, as they both closed the door. It implied that they have sex as he spends the night with Emily Nazareth before his wedding rehearsal.
* In the morning right after they have sex in Emily's house, as Prince Charles Mills wakes up naked but covering in blankets as he is smiling happily as he sees Emily Nazareth sleeping beside him, as he remembers the previous night between them as they are both continuing kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked. He leans her into the bed as he is kissing her neck as they are both stared at each other as they are both continuing having sex throughout the night. As he remembers the previous night, he sits up on the bed thinking as he puts on clothes on and Emily Nazareth wakes up naked but covering in blankets as she is curious of where her boyfriend they both discussed about where Prince Charles Mills is going, that he has to go to the wedding rehearsal since he is getting married to Katie Malfoy tomorrow, that he still hasn't tell her that the siren bond is broken between them and that he still has to keep it a secret from his family and her until the time is right between them. As they are both kissing passionately heavily and they both let go, as he tells her goodbye as she quickly puts on a white shirt over her body as they both discussed about him leaving her, that does he still needs to contact her as he tells her that he will be fine and that he will get married to her, he decides to tell her that she can come to his wedding tomorrow but she is curious about his fiancée Katie Malfoy and that she won't know that they are once together, that she knows and that they need to stop contact for a while as she knows as they are both kissing passionately and they both let go. As he tells her goodbye and she is looking at him while he is walking away and they both wave goodbye as she grabs a cigarette and starting smoking. As she watches Prince Charles Mills going to a car and leaving to go to his wedding rehearsal.
* In the wedding rehearsal, as Prince Charles Mills went to Katie Malfoy as they both talked about him being with Amelia and that they are just over as gives her a golden ring, that meant for her to be his princess of Wailes. As she closes it and ignores her fiancée. They both practice their wedding vows as Prince Charles Mills accepts Katie Malfoy to be his wife as they are both stared at each other unconcerned about their love and marriage.
* Before her wedding, as Katie Malfoy and Sirius Nazareth both discussed about her marrying a human, that it's the best choice since she is the one who can be with Prince Charles Mills since she is the key. For him to be prime Minister and so they can make peace with the Queen and the humans.
* Katie Malfoy went to Buckington palace due to the media
* There is a wedding scene of Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills in the church
* In the balcony, as the newlyweds both shared a everlasting kiss and be with the Royal family as they both wave the crowds, they both leave the carriage for their honeymoon.
* During their honeymoon as Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy are fighting about his affair with Emily Salvatore. Him loving her as his wife as there are two sex scenes that are implied. But there is one sex scene while they are in there honeymoon and there is a couple sex scenes while there on their trip to different countries. While they are parents of Maria and Jacob, Killian.
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy left there honeymoon early since she is heavily pregnant with there first child and wants to be in Virginia for there first child birth.
* Queen Vanessa visits Prince Charles Mills to discuss about his marriage with Katie Malfoy and their honeymoon fight argument and sex, his love and affair with Emily Salvatore, his love for his wife and that they left early so they can discuss about their marriage.
* Weeks right after the conversation with her son Prince Charles Mills as prince Charles Mills and his wife Katie Malfoy as she gives birth to a baby girl named Maria as they both walked out in the hospital with their first child.
* Years after the birth of there daughter Maria, Katie Malfoy then become pregnant with her husband's second child. While she is having a difficult pregnancy she almost attempts suicide while she is pregnant. As she's decided to stay in bedroom and not getting out.
* Weeks later as Prince Charles Mills and his wife Katie Malfoy walked out of the hospital with their newborn son named Jacob, as the Queen watches them on television.
* Queen Vanessa and her husband, prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy both discussed about their trip to Australia.
* Katie Malfoy decides to bring there son Jacob on to the trip
* In Australia, as Katie Malfoy and her husband Prince Charles Mills both have an interview with the people
* In Australia as Katie Malfoy wants her newborn son to the trip without her
* In Australia, while baby Jacob is sleeping as Katie Malfoy and her husband both have a serious talked, argument and fight about their marriage and Emily Salvatore as her being his friend and about her role. They decided to bring there marriage anew as they both spend time together with there newborn son Jacob.
* While there on their trip to Australia, as Katie Malfoy and her husband both shared a dance together while the they are taking pictures.
* Right after the dance as Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills both talked about the dance, as they both stared at each other for a moment and she opens the door, as her husband follows her. As he closed the door, they both are kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked as they have sex and slept together throughout the night. As they both unknowingly convinced a third child.
* In the morning as Prince Charles Mills wake up naked but covering in blankets as he is staring at his wife who is sleeping. As he gets up naked and put on clothes as he walks away from the room.
* While Prince Charles Mills is eating breakfast as came his private security as they both discussed about the phone call of Mrs. Nazareth as he refuses too.
* While on the trip to Australia as Katie Malfoy becomes more popular and famous, while Prince Charles Mills got booed.
* While on the trip as Katie Malfoy still experienced food allergies and having periods.
* As Prince Charles Mills is jealous of his wife being more famous than him as they both have a fight
* In New Zealand, as Prince Charles Mills meet there governor named Albert as they both talked about them as Americans and Katie Malfoy.
* Right after the trip as Prince Charles and Katie Malfoy went to separate ways as she went to Riverbend castle and he went to the Highgove Castle his own home.
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills both lived in the Highgove castle together while they are married.
* Katie Malfoy calls them to talked to the Queen
* When Katie Malfoy visits the Queen as they both discussed about her unhappiness with her husband Prince Charles Mills, that her role is about love with the Royal family
* Right after the conversation as they both discussed about Katie Malfoy and that she's right, that she's like their oldest daughter Hailey Mills. That if she will go through just like what Christopher Mills did and that if she doesn't she will break.
* Their is a twenty fifth birthday of Eric Mills as they both celebrated with the family.
* Weeks later as Katie Malfoy becomes pregnant to her husband's third child as she tells him the news right after he did have a phone call conversation with Emily Salvatore Nazareth. As they are both happy as a couple as they figured out about them becoming parents with their third child and their happy marriage together, there gender of there child that he wants was a girl, so a girl that can Maria can play.
* In the hospital as Katie Malfoy gives birth to a boy named Killian who appears to be dark red as she realizes that it is the beginning of the end of there marriage as they both looked at each other unconcerned both walked out with their third child.
* While prince Charles Mills and his friends who are really monsters but some of them are monsters Emily's friends which includes Emily Nazareth and her husband Luke Nazareth are hanging out riding on horses, as they both talked about the story of how they go on to woods to there crazy adventures stories as it ends Emily Nazareth and prince Charles Mills talking as he both end with a joke about talking to his dead sister Hailey Mills as they both ended up laughing.
* Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills still has phone calls to cheer him up
* Prince Charles Mills has phone call affairs conversations with Emily Salvatore while he is married to Katie Malfoy as he want to cheer himself up, from his marriage with Katie Malfoy.
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Nazareth have a phone call conversation which involves loving each other even though he is a maredi and remembering of having sex at the party. That she wants to have sex with him as she has pregnancy scare during the party and while she was having her period. As in blood. But she was kidding about her period and that she's been having late periods. As they both continue to talking about sex and late periods, even pregnancy of her of both of them having sex as the tape got allegedly caught joking about him having sex with Emily Nazareth.
* Katie Malfoy dances to ballet, in her anger of her fiancée cheating on her
* Katie Malfoy is a monster but a maredi, but knows and using the dark side of the force instead of the light side of the force and she accidentally puts Prince Charles Mills on a siren bond to fall in love with her
* Jean Tichoner is a prime minister but she is secretly actually a monster, a blue half naked and dressed Indian women a mutant skin changer. Named Esmeralda but her real name is Goldie but it's actually Rebecca but she is called Mystique as she is a best friend with Sirius Nazareth but got captured by Prime minister Willson and the Queen as she got sent free by lord Satan. That he wants her to join him and so she can become Prime Minister so he can killed the queen.
* When Prince Lewis visits his mother as he tells her that he has fallen in love with a Vulcan pilot named Susan Corrin, that his planning to get married to her because he cares is about money and being more richer than a royalty
* Prince Lewis Mills propose with Susan Corrin as she accepts to marry him
* Susan Corrin moved in Buckington palace as they both finally meet the parents as they both have a party before the wedding
* Before the wedding as Prince Charles Mills, Prince Eric and Princess Abby and Leah, Prince Lewis Mills both discussed about their mother attacking the prime minister and it is only about his wedding not a political drama, about monsters that don't even exist. As he tells him that he is now in fourth in line of the throne if Maria and Jacob, Killian and that If his children have children who can fight their war and grandchildren to be a monster to fight the darkness and great great children who will be monsters to stop the darkness that makes Lewis in fourth in line. It is referring to his rest of the family who will appear later as heroes and is his family.
* Lewis Mills is secretly working with Lord Satan so he can give him of what he wanted is to become richer and have money as he told him about his sisters Hailey and Savannah Mills that he killed
* The Death Fey went to mystic Hallow and is killing all of the humans in anger
* Queen Vanessa Petrova Mills attack Prime Minister Tichoner from having war with the Death Fey and that monsters don't exist
* Prince Lewis Mills asked his brother Eric Mills to be his best man
* There is a wedding between Prince Lewis Mills and Susan Corrin as they both got married and become husband and wife
* Weeks after the wedding, as Lewis Mills returns the Buckington palace as he visits his mother and that he tells her that his wife Susan Corrin is pregnant with his first child. They both discussed about the gender, if it is a human or Vulcan.
* Susan Corrin gives birth to a human boy named Wilbur Mills as he got christening to be next to the throne.
* Weeks after the birth of there first son, as she becomes pregnant with his second child
* While Susan Corrin is pregnant with his second child. He trusts Lord Satan about his future to be with his family and a father of his son and his unborn child. A husband of Emma Corrin as he sends him on a mission to killed someone that he knows
* Lewis Mills kills Eric Mills in anger about his wife and the throne as he realizes of what he has done, that he now has become a serial killer and a dark Faith.
* Susan Corrin and Lewis Mills got a divorce because she realizes that her husband has changed from the man she loved into a terrible serial killer.
* Susan Corrin gives birth to a Vulcan boy named Jim Mills as he got christening while Lewis watches them in anger and fury.
* At night, while Susan Corrin is loving with Jim Mills as Lewis Mills comes to the house and he kills her in anger for cheating on him, with another man right after she is dead his two sons are living in orphanage in the Old Earth where they will be safe from the Death Fey and even her son Lewis Grey.
* Jean Tichenor votes for Sirius Nazareth to be the next Prime Minister
* Jean Tichenor as Esmeralda as a young tan beautiful woman when she changes to show herself more human in front of Sirius Nazareth
* The Dark Death Army went to Virginia to killed the Queen from there master Lord Satan
* Jean Tichenor have war with the Dark Death army as they are captured from their armies
* There is a Fairland parade as Queen Vanessa wasn't invited
* Jean Tichenor is keeping something a secret from the Queen, with politics and their family friend Sirius Nazareth and about monsters existing.
* There is some sex scenes between Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills
* Once Prince Charles Mills got back from his eight week trip, as he knows that Emily Salvatore is getting married to Luke Nazareth as he knows that she will be turning into a maredi, a monster as he is mad. It shows of Emily Salvatore and Luke Nazareth wedding as they both are saying their marriage vows as they shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
* During a wedding reception as Prince Charles Mills was there as Emily Salvatore and her both shared a dance as they both discussed about his return and that he knows that she will changed into a maredi. That she will have a real honeymoon with Luke Nazareth as he is mad at her for going to have a honeymoon with Luke Nazareth.
* During her honeymoon as he can't stop thinking about his love for her as she is spending time with Luke Nazareth of her last human life.
* When he finds out that she is heavily pregnant with Luke's child, as he was there for her until the labor and her transformation into a maredi.
* Right after she transforms into a maredi as the siren bond is broken between her and her husband Luke Nazareth. As Prince Charles Mills and Emily Nazareth both accepts to be friends as they both fought the death Feys together. That he is still in love with her as she doesn't loved him and that he shall pick a another woman to be his wife as he looks at the photos between him and her while she is human.
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy first meet, when she is dressed as Taybalt from Romeo and Juliet the Shakespeare play as she is seventeen years old and that he is twenty years old
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills have a same common of loving the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills started dating when she was eighteen years old and he was twenty years old
* They got married when Katie Malfoy is nineteen and Prince Charles Mills is twenty years old.
* They got divorced when Katie Malfoy is thirty eight years old and when he is thirty six years old
* Prince Charles Mills married Emily Salvatore when he is forty four years old and when Emily Salvatore is forty three old when they got married and they had sex and convinced a child
* Prince Charles Mills Nazareth is forty six years old and Emily Salvatore is forty five years old when they had Joshua Nazareth.
* Katie Malfoy loves to read and being a Aid teacher, also a Liberian
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills after their divorce has been two years for them, he choose to invite her for dinner and that they both need to discussed about there love for each other
* Right after his Lord Barrin is dead by the Russian army. In the funeral as he is saying his last words about Lord Barrin.
* Right after the funeral as Prince Charles Mills and Emily Nazareth both have a phone call conversation about his love for her since he really wants is to be with her. When Emily Nazareth pulls the phone down as she looks at him and that he knows that she is a maredi.
* Prince Charles Mills went to the Nazareth house as he sees Emily Nazareth since they both fight the Death Fey and that she hasn't changed as a maredi. He decides to take her to somewhere special.
* In the car as they both discussed about where he is taking her as he tells her that it is a special place for his love for her.
* In the meadow as he takes her there as they both discussed about their love for each other and that he wants her to be with him, since he just lost his important person in the world and that even though she is married to Luke Nazareth and that he wants her to be with him as he is in love with her. Emily Nazareth tells him that she is in love with him also and that she can't stop loving him as she gives him a kiss as they are both kissing passionately in the meadow. As they both lay down in the meadow as they both looked at each other as they are both continuing to resume of there affair.
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills both watches a show that is called " The Monsters and humans battle over earth ". As they both discussed about the show, them seeing each other as they both shared a passionate kiss before she leaves.
* Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore has been secretly calling conversations about him in Scotland, and him inviting Katie Malfoy
* In Scotland as Katie Malfoy was passing every the Balmoral Royal test and the key to acceptance to the Royal Family as they are both telling stories, that she's the one that shot the deer as she became part of the family. As Christopher Mills and his friends knows that it was Katie who did it, that Christopher and Charles both talked about him getting married to Katie Malfoy
* Katie Malfoy is charming and smitten as she passes the Balmoral Royal test because the she is the key to acceptance to the Royal Family
* The Royal Family are American, that they can speck English but not British.
* In Scotland, as Katie Malfoy slept in one bed for one day before she catches the deer with Christopher Mills
* Katie Malfoy was the one that shot the Scottish stag, from her power the force that is from Christopher Mills as they both got the stag
* In Scotland, right after the talked as he went to Katie's bedroom and they both talked happily about her being with him and her meeting with his family, if they don't like her as he tells her that they both loved her, as they both stared at each other for a moment as he walks to her as he leans in to kissed her as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both get undressed as they both naked as they are having sex in the bed. It implied that they both slept together.
* In Scotland, in the morning it implied that Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy have slept together before she leaves as they both talked about them seeing each other together and her being with his family.
* Katie Malfoy is starting to become popular as she is hounded by the paparazzi
* Sirius Nazareth is a Chancellor of the Republic senate and the Government in Virginia, a family friend of the Royal family
* Sirius Nazareth and Princess Meghan Petrova continue their sexual affair two years right after she got divorced from Aslan Jones.
* In 2025 in the National Opera House as Katie Malfoy surprise her husband for his twenty seven birthday with a song of Uptown Girl with a famous ballerina dancer who is Prince Charles Mills best friend who is Spencer Depp, as they both dance jazz and ballet, hip hop as they are also backup dancers who are dancing with them as they both continuing dancing happily as they both ends with a kissed as it mad him jealous. While Chase Salvatore and Savannah Mills, Savannah's husband Matt Grey, Chase's wife Kathy Connor are there to see the play as they both made a comment Katie Malfoy and there best friend Spencer Depp, that they are both dancing together in the stage and that her brother won't love him dancing with his wife.
* Right after the dance as in the car, as in the hallway as they both talked her dance with Spencer Depp that he thinks that she is having affair with him.
* In the car as Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy both talked about the dance and their happy marriage to be together, as there siren bond is broken between them that's the reason why there marriage is unhappiness for them as Prince Charles Mills decides not to go to the house right now as he is going to spend time with Emily Nazareth as he decides to take her to a movie theatre to see Romeo and Juliet and that she knows how much he is much happier to be with her as she leaves.
* In the dining room, as Queen Vanessa Petrova Mills and Christopher Mills both talked about the dance of what Katie Malfoy did and that they need to discussed about their marriage.
* In 2026 as Prince Charles Mills calls Emily Salvatore about his love for her instead of being with his wife Katie Malfoy as they both decided to meet in the St. George church.
* In Saint George church as they both discussed about about his love for her, that he wants her to tell her that he can't stop loving her and that he wanted to get married to her, have a house and have a son as they both shared a kiss. Right after they kissed she refuses to be with him since she is still married to Luke Nazareth as she leaves.
* In the Polo Match as he sees Emily Nazareth was there, as he decides to make a score just for her.
* In the middle of the road, while it is raining hard as Prince Charles Mills is leaving as she comes with her as they both discussed about their love for each other and that she has true feelings for him, that she can't stop thinking about him and that she is in love with him. As they both shared their first kiss in the rain as they are both making out in the rain.
* In Highgove castle, when Emily Nazareth and Prince Charles Mills both lay in the couch together as they both cuddling together. In the bedroom as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out in the room.
* Meanwhile Katie Malfoy is calling her husband Prince Charles Mills while he is in the middle of having sex with Emily Nazareth. She puts the phone down and she decides went to Aslan Jones place in the middle of the night, in the barn as she hugs him and she is crying about her love of her husband as they both stared at each other as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out in the barn.
* As they both drive to his house, as they both went out into the car and they both went inside to the house as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out in the bedroom. It is implied that they have sex.
* In the Highgove castle in the morning right after they have sex, while Emily Nazareth and Prince Charles Mills are both sleeping in bed together until came his private security as he tells him that he got a phone call from his wife Katie Malfoy. In the other room as Prince Charles Mills and his wife Katie Malfoy who is in bed naked but covering in blankets as they both have a phone call conversation about where he was at last night, that he didn't mentioned that he was with Emily Nazareth and that he was with his best friend Chase Salvatore playing polo as she knows that he is lying as he puts the phone down as she came wearing his white shirt and they are both looking at each other smiling happily. As Katie Malfoy was mad and Aslan Jones was beside her as he knows that he is having affair with Emily Nazareth as she knows that her husband is cheating on her. That she is cheating on him and as she knows when they both stared at each other unconcerned about their love affair for each other.
* In Switzerland in 2028 as Prince Charles Mills was in the snow with his best friend Chase Salvatore until came a avalanche as Chase Salvatore dies in the avalanche as he was calling his named for the last time meanwhile, while his wife Kathy Connor's is pregnant with his child who just lost her husband from the avalanche.
* In the dining room, as they both find out the news of prince Charles Mills probably death as they decided to not to tell the public.
* In her office, as they both find out that Prince Charles Mills is alive from the avalanche and that Chase Salvatore is gone.
* In the airport, as they carry a coffin of Chase Salvatore as they are sad.
* In Leah's house, as Leah and the Queen both talked about Katie and Prince Charles's marriage, that she dated two which was Spencer Depp, who was a famous ballerina dancer and Chase Salvatore until he died in the avalanche the one that she hook up with without the security finding out, that it was closed doors all the time for her to have sex with a Salvatore and that Prince Charles Mills is dating is one which is Emily Salvatore. That their arranged marriage is not right between them.
* During the funeral as the security wants them to talked about the Queen of there marriage.
* Right after the funeral as Prince Charles Mills remembers the avalanche and the death of his best friend Chase Salvatore
* As he and Emily Salvatore have a phone call conversation with each other about the death of her adopted brother and his best friend, that he wanted to be with her, that he loves her.
* While they are both waiting as Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills has flashbacks of there memories where they both dance together and having sex in Australia, playing with their second son Jacob, the birth of there second child Jacob. The birth of there first daughter Maria and playing with her parents, the talked about the gender of there third child and the birth of Killian Malfoy. There honeymoon and wedding, they see each other in Scotland again as they both begin to fall in love with each other and as they are dating in the Malfoy House as they both become boyfriend and girlfriend as they have sex for the first time in her bedroom. Also by the road as they are happy and them meeting again in the farm, as they both are laughing, to the Malfoy house where they are happily first meet as they are both happy forever between them.
* Queen Vanessa Petrova Mills and her husband, Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills both talked about their marriage as he is about to talked about the plan and about the siren bond she decides to keep on going to the marriage.
* In the living room as Prince Charles Mills and Emily Salvatore both discussed about his failed plan including his wife Katie Malfoy doesn't know the siren bond is broken and that he is broken. She gives him a kiss as they both talked about him being with Katie Malfoy and that they need to stop connecting for awhile.
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills has plans to see each other and that the July 6, is there wedding anniversary as she wanted to be everything perfect not to see Aslan Jones even though he is calling for her a lot.
* In the car as Katie Malfoy and her two boys are singing a song together until they went to Highgove castle to see there father and older sister Maria Malfoy. As the all three kids are playing in the pool with their mother as Charles and Maria grow more closer than ever to be daughter and father.
* In the Highgove castle, Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills give each other there wedding anniversary gift, as she surprised him with the Beauty and the Beast song that she sing in fully costume.
* As when they are going in separate ways as Prince Charles Mills visits Emily Salvatore a lot during the party as they both getting along a lot better as they both ended up having sex in the his bedroom as Katie Malfoy going to trips a lot by herself.
* As Leah Mills and Prince Charles Mills both discussed about Katie Malfoy showing him in the video, her calling Luke Nazareth and her marriage with Luke Nazareth and his love for Emily Salvatore.
* In the grass as Prince Charles Mills and Leah Mills both talked about her being separated with Luke Nazareth and that if her love for him is real, that she will upset and sad for her separation with Luke Nazareth and that she used to have a siren bond with him and that it is real and that she loves him ever since they first meet as they both are kissing passionately and went to the car as they both are making out in the car. She lets go and tells him bye as she leaves.
* While Katie Malfoy is trying to calling her husband Prince Charles Mills as he is ignoring her as she continues to dance madly.
* Katie Malfoy calls Aslan Jones on perhaps as they both have a phone call conversation about him being free to be with her at night. As he accepts as they both smiles at each other.
* In late at night, Katie Malfoy drives Aslan Jones to the Riverbend castle and where they went into a bedroom and they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out. As they are both naked having sex in the bed as while the security guards are watching and telling them about what's going on between Katie Malfoy. In the morning as the security guards are telling the news of what's going on with his wife Katie Malfoy. The security guard tells Prince Charles Mills of what happened with his wife as he is mad. In the morning right after they have sex, as Katie Malfoy is in bed naked but covering in blankets as she is wide awake smiles happily as Aslan Jones is beside her sleeping.
* In Riverbend castle, in the morning right after they have sex as Aslan Jones wakes up naked but covering in blankets as Katie Malfoy is wearing his white shirt as they both said their good morning and that he wants to leave so he won't get In into trouble from the Queen, that she wants him to stay as she is kissing his neck as she wants him to stay just a little longer as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they are both having morning sex in the bedroom. Throughout the morning.
* While in the news, when the Death Fey are back as they are attacking the humans around the world as they want Tichoner out of office and want Sirius Nazareth to office as she is sad.
* Prince Charles Mills and the Queen both discussed about Katie Malfoy resuming her affair with Aslan Jones as he is about to tell her about a woman that is a lot better than Katie Malfoy as they are interrupt by Christopher Mills to watch the news about Tichoner.
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy both visited there daughter Maria Malfoy in Cambridge School as she is playing soccer as with there two sons as her team won, as they both celebrate in victory. As they both said goodbye to their daughter.
* In the car, as prince Charles and Katie Malfoy both talked about being silenced, and her trip to New York City alone.
* The Queen and Tichoner both talked about the Death Fey and the attacks, to vote for a new prime minister and that she has to go trail to speck.
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy both talked about the trip alone by herself and her health issues.
* In the Trail as they both have a fight about the monsters, the attack and the death of her oldest daughter Hailey Mills as she voted Sirius Nazareth to be next prime minister. As they both voted for him to be his next prime minister.
* While Katie Malfoy is on her New York City trip alone, as she shares a dance with Aslan Jones older brother named Jack Jones as they both learn more about each other as they both have sex and spend the night together as she continues to have pregnancy scare, vomits from food allergies and having her period.
* In the Hospital, as Katie Malfoy visits the sick children as she gives them a hug and that she believes in hope that they will be better. From the darkness.
* While in the news, as Emily Nazareth is watching about the people who are talking and inspired about Katie Malfoy and that she is thinking about her love with prince Charles Mills.
* In the Highgove castle, as Emily Nazareth and Prince Charles Mills both discussed about her not being that popular like Katie Malfoy, that she is different than Katie Malfoy as if he was meant to be with Katie Malfoy and that their daughter is the future Queen of the throne and she still has feelings for him, that she is still in love with him and that he has to tell her the truth that the siren bond is broken between them and that he still loves her even though that she is Grey not a Salvatore but he still loves her as a Salvatore. That even her grandmother was Mistress of his uncle Grandfather who is Prince of Wailes as that they fall in love with each other. As she accepts that they are also in love with each other.
* When in the Nazareth House, while Katie Malfoy was invited to Rose Nazareth's daughter Camilla Nazareth seventeen year old birthday party. As Katie Malfoy saw Emily Nazareth who is smoking as she went by her. She comforted her about her affair with Prince Charles Mills as they both discussed about how men in the world love her, yet they cheated on her because Prince Charles Mills loves her and that Emily herself doesn't loved her husband Luke Nazareth. Because while she was human and that she was siren bond with Luke Nazareth, right after she went to labor and gave birth to there son as when she transforms into a maredi that the siren bond is broken between Emily Nazareth and Luke Nazareth. That's the reason why she still doesn't loved her husband, and that Katie Malfoy is a maredi and that she is a Potter, that she was siren bond to Prince Charles Mills until it was broken as she said to her that she wants is her husband. Emily Nazareth tells her that won't be a problem if he doesn't really loved her. As Katie asks her if she totally loved Prince Charles Mills as she accepts to tell her feelings about the Prince of Wailes as Katie is upset and tells her that even though Katie is still in love with her and that Emily still in love with Prince of Wailes.
* In the Highgove castle, while Emily Nazareth is in bed naked but covering in blankets it implied that they have sex as she is thinking about her being with Prince Charles Mills. As she gets dressed as she is wearing a white shirt, she is staring at the window as she remembers the previous night, with Prince Charles Mills as they are both naked having sex in his bedroom for there love of each other. As she still remembers when came Prince Charles Mills who is half dressed as they both discussed about her being alright, that Emily Nazareth really have true feelings for Prince Charles Mills and that his wife Katie Malfoy somehow knows about their affair and that she tells him everything of what she said to her at the party, she is trying to tell her everything about the siren bond being broken but she wants is her husband. That he shall be with her instead of Emily Nazareth as he realizes that she hurts Emily Nazareth about her love and affair with Prince Charles Mills.
* When The Queen and Tichoner said their last goodbyes. Right after they voted Sirius Nazareth to be the next prime minister.
* In the Riverbend castle, as Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills both argued about her being popular around the world, and her cheating on him to be with Aslan Jones and that she is in love with him as even their marriage and his caring for Emily Nazareth, about her hurting her and him even their daughter who is their future queen of the throne, him marrying a Potter. That he can't keep the secret of her as a maredi and monster, that she was given up from birth because her birth parents wanted her to be safe from her danger into the dark side and that there siren bond is broken that's the reason why he doesn't love his wife anymore and asked who wants to separate is the one who arranged it in the first place as he leaves her.
* In the Christmas Eve, as they both celebrated as Katie Malfoy as she went to the Queen as she wants to talked in private.
* In other room, as Queen Mills and Prince Charles Mills both discussed about him and his wife that he is cheating on her with a Salvatore as he wants to get separated, that she didn't want him to be separated and divorced, that he is in love with a Salvatore as she knows that she hates the Salvatore and that he tells her the real truth about Emily Salvatore and that she was given up from birth because of her mother is a White and that she shall accept him being with a Salvatore. She tells him that he has to behave as a king just what he wanted.
* In the other room as Christopher Mills and Katie Malfoy both talked about her marriage with Prince Charles Mills, that marriage is difficult and that she wanted is to have a different gift, that they are both different about the monsters and humans, about and that he is an outsider. That an outsider is meant to be a monster that who lived in a difficult life until now they will be free, and that the Queen is the only person that she knows and that Katie Malfoy has a special gift that everyone couldn't have known by now as they are both ready for the picture.
* Katie Malfoy went to the Christmas Eve party as they both took a family picture as she knows that her destiny is a maredi monster and that she will find out her true family heritage.
* In the other room as Meghan and Queen Vanessa both discussed about her meeting with Sirius Nazareth and that she has to trust him, since he is the new prime minister.
* In the room, as Sirius Nazareth came as they both discussed about his past and him being a maredi monster, about herself and her family as a monster to make peace with him. For his people as she refuses and that if she doesn't want to make peace with him, that when there's no peace there will be war between them again.
* Emily Salvatore broke up with Luke Nazareth because she isn't in love with him because her feelings with Prince Charles Mills are more intense
* Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills are both The One to be chosen to have a child that's the reason why Emily Salvatore loves him
* Luke Nazareth and Leah Mills have a sexual tension for each other but they do sleep together throughout the night, but they don't have sex and they just sleep together right after there conversation in Luke's bedroom
* Luke Nazareth and Leah Mills have a sexual tension right after Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills are back together
* Emily Salvatore started her relationship back with Prince Charles Mills right after she became a maredi
* Emily Salvatore and Prince Charles Mills both have sex and slept together in the Salvatore's house
* Emily Salvatore killed a woman in the middle of the road as she is drinking its blood as she is comfort with Prince Charles Mills to let her stop as he is telling her that she has to stay in control to remember that day before she she almost died as she tells him to leave her alone as she leaves.
* In the Salvatore house, in Prince Charles room as they both talked about him saving her that day from the car and that's the reason why she was saved, that he reveals his love for her as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both get undressed as they are both naked as they are both having sex in his bedroom.
* In Prince Charles's bedroom it's morning as she is wearing his white shirt and she went to the bed by him while he is sleeping as she tells him that she will going to take a shower as he nods. As she went to the bathroom as she is getting the shower ready as she get undressed and takes a shower as she turns her head as she hears their conversation while in the bedroom as Prince Charles Mills is getting dressed and Luke Nazareth both discussed about her last night, that she will be seen as a maredi monster who kills people at night until came Leah Mills who is wearing a bathrobe as he realizes that she is dating Luke Nazareth as they both refuses that they are just friends but they both slept together, as they want her to go to the Mills castle to meet with the Queen and that Savannah will soon getting married to Matt Grey so she can actually spends time with humans as Emily accepts as she is emerged from Charles's shower as she is completely naked and the boys are both staring at her body as Leah smiles awkwardly as she tells them that they haven't seen her body like this before as she is putting on a towel to covered herself as prince Charles Mills came to her as he tells her to behave since it's important for him and his family as she nods.
* Prince Charles Mills have affairs with Emily Salvatore, while he is married to Katie Malfoy
* Katie Malfoy have a affairs with Spencer Depp, Chase Salvatore who is married to Kathy Connor's, prior to his death in the avalanche in Switzerland. Then she chooses to go to Aslan Jones as they both finally begin their affair and their love for each other while she is married to Prince Charles Mills.
* Right after Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy got a divorce, Katie Malfoy visited Aslan Jones in his house as they both continue their affair and as they both have sex, spend the time together as a couple as she suddenly got pregnant with his child. Until later, she gave birth to a boy named Toby Malfoy
* Right after the divorce, Prince Charles Mills realizes that his children aren't happy about there mother leaving them and him being with Emily Salvatore, that he loves and her being with Aslan Jones, having their child together which makes him jealous as he goes to the birth of his ex wife with Aslan Jones as they both talking about his love for her as she refuses to and that it is, weeks later as he realizes that he is still in love with his ex wife and that he shall be with her forever, it will make his children happy as he decides to phone call her.
* As they both have a phone call conversation about them spending time together, just for them to be happy with their children and that there marriage was mess up and that she moved on, so does her ex husband with Emily Salvatore and his love for her as he knows that they moved on, that he wants to be with her as he decides to have dinner with her as friends as she just accepts.
* During their dinner as they both discussed about their love, that if they can be together like to be husband and wife and that he loves her, that they should get remarried so there children will be happy again as she refuses too and that they got divorced. That she is a monster and he is a human, that he tells her that he is a monster a maredi just like her as he confesses his true feelings for her from them first meeting for each other, that he loves her and that he wants to be with her as she walks up to him, they both stared at each other and they both are kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they are both kissing passionately as they both take each other's clothes off, as they are both in their underwear's as they both go on and off of his bed as they both take there underwear's while they are both standing by the window as they both are naked as they are both making out, as they both went to the bed naked as they are both having sex in his bedroom.
* In the morning right after they have sex, as they are both sleeping together in bed naked but covering in blankets. She wakes up and sees prince Charles Mills who is sleeping as she is starting to escape the bed from her ex husband as he wakes up and sees her that she is leaving, that she can't be with him and that he knows the rules that they both get of what they want, love, dating and sex, marriage, more sex, children, depressed marriage, divorced, back to sex so they can resume their relationship together as he wants her to know that he wants to be with her, that they did of what they wanted and that now they can changed, so they can get back together as she still refuses too and that he cheated on her, that he meant to be Emily Salvatore because he loves her more than Katie Malfoy herself that she can't be with him as she stands up and leaves the bed naked as he quickly gets out of the bed naked and speeds in front of her as they both continue their talked about him being with her, that he doesn't want her to leave as she still refuses and that they weren't meant to be together and that they both make many mistakes as there last night together wasn't supposed to happen, that he shouldn't be with her and that as they are both are kissing passionately, as he tells him that he loves her and that he should be with her only for him and for the last time they can accidentally be together as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as he leans her into the bed as they are both having morning sex in his bed.
* In the wedding between Katie Malfoy and prince Charles Mills, as her brother Mark shows her the picture of Emily Salvatore and prince Charles Mills having sex in the bedroom as Katie was surprise and furious.
* During their honeymoon as Prince Charles Mills has pictures of Emily Salvatore , his long love interest
* While Prince Charles Mills is still dating Katie Malfoy. He introduced her to Emily Salvatore his ex girlfriend who he pretends to be his friends.
* Katie Malfoy have a unknowingly secret sexual feelings for Aslan Jones
* Katie Malfoy and Aslan Jones started dating right after she got divorced from prince Charles Mills, as they both have sex and slept together as she becomes pregnant with Aslan's child as they both have a child named Toby Malfoy who grows up and fights in the military of the Clones Armies as he decides to go to lived in Tatonne since its good for hiding and that Maria will be with him as they both revealed their love for each other as it is revealed is they are adopted parents of Henry Potter ( Malfoy ) and adopted grandparents of Adam Malfoy
* Katie Malfoy and prince Charles Mills children are named Maria, Jacob and Killian
* While she is laying in the bed, still pregnant as came Prince Charles her husband as they both discussed about her being better, so she can go in hiding with Luke Nazareth as she reveals her true feelings for Prince Charles Mills, that if she survives of giving birth of there and she can go in hiding so that they can become parents and the future they meant to have, that she chooses prince Charles her husband and that she loves him, but she loves Lucifer Nazareth more as she went unconscious.
* Savannah went to prison because she was doing drugs and drinking alcohol, she signed the contract of her becoming queen and the throne goes to her brother Prince Charles
* Meghan Petrova stopped smoking when she got divorced from Aslan Jones and when she is resuming a affair with her ex husband Sirius Nazareth
* Savannah got depressed and visiting her aunt as they both talked about her being depressed of losing her sister Hailey Mills
* Prince Charles Mills visits Meghan Petrova as he tells her that Katie Malfoy is pregnant with his third child as she was surprise. That he wants is Savannah as he sees Savannah as they both talked about her losing her sister Hailey Mills many years ago and that she must return to Virginia, get a physical therapy to talked about her past.
* Savannah Mills visits physical therapy as they both talked about her sister Hailey Mills and they are close, that she's the only person that she loves and that Savannah must forget about Hailey Mills that it happened many years ago.
* Lord Satan and Savannah both made a deal for her to work for him as her becoming his sidekick so he can get of what she wants is to get her sister Hailey Mills beck alive as she accepts to become a dark Faith with him
* Lord Satan teaches Savannah how to used the dark side of the dark side of the force,
* Lord Satan tells Matt Grey that his wife Savannah Mills trust him to resurrect her sister Hailey Mills back as Matt knows that lord Satan is the one that killed Hailey as they both have a fight as he killed Matt Grey in front of Savannah
* Savannah Mills run out of her house to the middle of the road as they both have a fight until came the crew, as Lord Satan stabbed her in front of everyone as Emily remembers the night when Hailey Mills
* There is a fight scene between The Crew and the Death Fey in the middle of the road
* There is a fight scene between Prince Charles Mills, Luke Nazareth vs Lord Satan right in the middle of the road
* Right after the battle as they all gathered in Savannah's dead body
* There is a Savannah Mills funeral as she is buried with her family
* Right after Savannah's funeral, in the Nazareth house as they both discussed about what they should do about the hooded figure and about Prince Charles Mills. As they both discussed about who killed Savannah Mills and that he needs to think since he lost everything that he knows and loves, that he loves Emily Salvatore more than anything in the world as he leaves.
* In the Nazareth Maredi Council as they both discussed about the hooded figure, that she wants to be human again for Prince Charles Mills and that he is in love her and that she wants to be human just for him as they both accepts her to lose her maredi powers and back into her human self.
* Lucifer Nazareth is mad that Emily Salvatore is choosing Prince Charles Mills more than him, that she loves him and that she wanted to be with him as he is starting to walk away as she wants him to kissed her as he walks up to her and kisses her, as she realizes that she is in love with Lucifer Nazareth but she knows her choice to be with Prince Charles Mills.
* Edmund Potter Nazareth gives Emily Salvatore a potion drink for her to be human again as she drinks it, as she remembers everything memory of her and Prince Charles Mills.
* In the fireplace room while Emily Salvatore is wearing a black long dress as he sees her fully human as they both discussed about her being human for him, because she loves him even though he is a maredi for him and that she wishes that she could have saved his oldest sister Hailey Mills long time ago as he knows, that he now missed is his both of his sisters and there partners, that they got divorced from as they both decided to dance as they both talked about their love for each other and that since they can be together as they both shared a kiss, as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as he speeds her into the wall. They are both making out as she takes off his white shirt and he takes off her black dress as they are both naked having sex in the bedroom. As they both begin their affair with each other of there love. Prior to Katie Malfoy's death
* In the morning right after they have sex, as he is having breakfast there is a newspaper came out that Katie Malfoy has been killed as they are both curious of how they can tell his children about his relationship with her. That will his children will like her
* In the funeral of Katie Malfoy in 2037, while Emily Salvatore was there as she and Prince Charles Mills hold hands for the first time in months
* Right after the funeral, as they both discussed about their relationship to there kids as she first meet, Maria and Jacob, Killian and they know that Emily Salvatore will stay with them in the Highgove castle for a while. As he refuses as s they know that she is secretly spending the night with there father in secret.
* Right after Katie's funeral in 2037 and the ruled of marriage change with the Royal family as it passed to 2040 where Katie moved in Highgove castle to 2043 where Prince Charles Mills shows Abby Mills his diary of his page of an written letter about his engagement to Emily Salvatore. To 2044 where prince Charles Mills buys a white engagement ring for her as he is practicing his lines with his sister Abby. To 2045 prince Charles Mills sees that his daughter and children are both getting along with Emily Salvatore as he surprised with their romantic lunch as while they are eating their lunch and chatting until they both got interrupt by the invitation to go to the Annual family dinner as she accepts but to go with him and his children.
* In the year of 2045, Prince Charles Mills propose to her as they both become fiancée as he tells the engagement from his mother as she accepts. They both got married as they both become Nazareth he finally becomes a member of the Nazareth maredi council.
* Ravenna and Lily are both secretly working with the secret council, to find and destroy Lord Hades and his apprentice Lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith.
* Ella and her brother Dustin are alive and they got their mother Lily Salvatore out in the tomb
* Lily got captured by George Mills since he knows that she is a maredi as she got sent to the tomb
* Edmund Potter Nazareth and Hailey Mills became best friends
* Edmund wants Ravenna Amilda to be out in the tomb in the church, that's where he buries her and he wants to get her out since he put her there singe he believes that she dies by lord Satan out in the woods and that once she is resurrected. That it is revealed that he is in love with her. But Ravenna never loves him.
* Emily and Ravenna Amilda are alike but different
* There is flashbacks of Mae and Albert's relationship in the first part that when Mae was a teenager who is a werewolf monster she was in love with a handsome man named George Depp who is revealed to be also a normal human as they both fall in love with each other as they both have sex for the first time as they both lose their virginity as then her face changes as she bites him in the neck throughout the night in the morning she tells him that she is a werewolf monster and that she needs to take him to her pack as they both went to the den as he meets the werewolves as they tell him that Mae is a alpha of there pack as he decides to become one of the pack. As they both get along as she teaches the ways of being a werewolf and by hunting until he propose her to marry her as she accepts and that she loves him that they are both meant to be together as in the ball as she meets Albert who is a maredi monster as they both fall in love with each other as they both have sex for the first time in secret as he lose his virginity. Until Albert wants her to be with him so they can have kids together as she accepts while George is watching as there is a fight between them in the woods. As Albert and Mae lose their monster lives and powers as they both have a warning about their children and grandchildren to have their powers and gifts as that they will be monster as they both have a wedding together as they both become husband and wife.
* Throughout the first part in the book, Spencer Depp and his pack believes that Savannah Mills is alpha since she is a werewolf monster like them so he get her out of jail and take her to the den as she decides to be become their alpha as she and Spencer resume their sexual relationship but she doesn't really loved him and that she loved him as a friend. But she got rescue by her boyfriend Chase Salvatore as he takes her to a hideout place that is called a Bunker where they decided not to tell anyone about her being gone in prison as Chase and her both spend the evening together.
* There are flashbacks of Vanessa's childhood to adulthood throughout the second, mostly third part.
* Fourth and fifth is a flashback of Hailey Mills
* It's shows flashbacks of the birth and the christening of Vanessa Petrova in 1940. In 1955 Young Vanessa and her father King Albert finding out that his brother abdicate to the throne to be a woman. In 1955 Vanessa still as young as her and her father both talked about being in the throne and the crown will place by him, then later it will be his oldest daughter will be in the throne, The christening of his father being there king, Young Vanessa Petrova got a lesson from Tom Peterson about her becoming queen in the future. Young Vanessa and her youngest sister named Meghan both talked about her being queen in the throne and that Meghan will support her for her duty and for the republic. Weeks Vanessa and Christopher meet while they were young children as they become best friends, as they are both learning more about each other while King Albert 2 and Lord Barrin both talked about his daughter and his nephew future in the throne. In 1969 while they are teenagers they both shared their first dance and first kiss in the masquerade ball as she looks at Christopher under the mask. Two weeks later as Vanessa looks at the window in her bedroom until came Christopher as they both talked about their first kiss and about them being together, that he confesses his love for her as they both shared a kiss. Then they both looked at each other for minute and they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they are are both naked having sex as they are both kissing passionately heavily and he is kissing her neck as they are both continuing to have sex for the first time in her bedroom until it fades to black as it implied they both lose their virginity as they both have a one night stand as they both slept together for the first time as they both unknowingly convinced a child. Right after they have sex as she wakes up and sees Christopher beside her. While he is living with her as they are both learning more about each other as they both fall in love with each other and she is pregnant with his first child, in 1970 the birth of there daughter Hailey and the christening of there daughter becoming queen one day. In 1974 while Hailey is a toddler when Christopher Mills visits her as he gives her a bracelet for there relationship and there love for each other as she loves him back as they both shared a kiss, then as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they are both naked having sex in her bedroom. As they both spend the night together as they both convinced a child, in the middle of the night right after they have sex as they are both laying in her bed naked cuddling with blankets as they both discussed about their rules and that they can be more just boyfriend and girlfriend like a couple when she is queen and he will become prince with her to the throne as he accepts as they are both continuing having sex throughout the night. She vomits right after she ate breakfast with her family as the doctors tell her that she is pregnant because there was a bump on her hip. Vanessa tells Christopher the news of her pregnancy with his child and they both have a fight about there first daughter Hailey being in the throne then it is there unborn child that she is carrying, that there second baby will be in the second in line in the throne as that they shall trust there unborn child as he refuses to trust her unborn child becoming queen one day. In 1975 Vanessa gives birth to a girl that he names her Savannah, there is a christening of there second daughter named Savannah Mills. In 1980 while their daughters Hailey and Savannah Mills are children as he decides to take Vanessa out in the garden as he propose her to marry her as she accepts. Her father king Albert 2 accepts the engagement between Vanessa and Christopher that they are meant to be together for the throne and also for there children. They both got married and they both consummate their marriage together as they both have more children a boy named Prince Charles Mills born in 1985 two twins girls named Abby and Leah born in 1988. As they both spend time together as a family in the Balmoral house in Scotland as she got a phone call from Buckington palace. In 1990 Her father is getting his lung removed and as his illness is getting weaker he trust his daughter Vanessa to go to South Africa as she accepts, while she's on the trip in South Africa as her father dies in his sleep, once she returns to Virginia as she is becoming there queen and the decision to not stay at the Clarence House since Buckington palace is her family house as she also decides to delayed her christening as she also to keep the name " Mills" for her family and children as they both move into the Buckington Palace with their five children as later she christening as she is having fight with her family about being Queen, that she has to become queen as she accepts to get christening as she does get christening in 1995 as she becomes Queen. In 1998 as she is accusing her sister to have affair with Aslan Jones and her getting married to him even though her marriage is still in her husband Klaus Nazareth Grey, in 2002 her daughters Savannah Mills twelve years old telling her that Hailey Mills who is fifteen years old at the time as she went to the bar late at night and as she's partying with her friends she's drinking alcohol and she meets and she have sex with a teenager named Max Burton who is the former Prime minister's Ricky Burton's son as she forced her to break up with him and that she's underage for drinking alcohol and that she's not supposed to be royalty just like her own family and that she will someday become queen once she dies as she refuses to listen to her while she is pregnant with Eric, when Vanessa gives birth to a boy named Eric born in 2002 as he got christening, right after the birth of her sixth son as Hailey wants her mother to accept her to date Max Burton that she is in love with him as she accepts. As in 2005 as Hailey and Savannah Mills are hosting a huge party in the Buckington palace as there are crazy people doing drinking alcohol contests and smashing furniture, as Hailey and Max Burton spend time together as they both have sex in her mother's bedroom even though it was forbidden as they both broke the rules as they both slept together throughout the night while the party was still going on. As Meghan and Queen mother Mae finds out as they both kicked out all of the people in the castle as Meghan calls Vanessa about what her daughters did, when she gets back from vacation as she becomes pregnant with Christopher's seventh child as she talks to her oldest daughters Hailey and Savannah Mills about the huge party they hosted in Buckington palace even though it was forbidden for Hailey and her boyfriend Max Burton to have sex and slept in her own private bedroom. They decided to let Savannah to play with Eric as she accepts and they decided to take Hailey to a private school where she will becomes like a young lady and soon to become queen and her to broke up with Max Burton as she accepts. She broke up with Max Burton and sent to a private school where she is learning to become a young lady as Hailey secretly takes some cigarettes and smoking while she is in the private school and starting doing drugs, and still going to late parties at night where she is still drinking alcohol while at the party where she first meet a teenager boy who is very handsome and cute named Tanner Grey as they both become friends and learning more about each other and they both have sex for the first time during the party, while Hailey is gone as Savannah Mills sneaks some cigarettes from her aunts Meghan's room and starting smoking while she is underage while her mother is out. While Vanessa decides to take a break from her royal duties as she decides to go to Scotland while she is having a difficult pregnancy as her husband came to see her as they both have a big fight with her husband Christopher Mills who is secretly having affair with a ballerina named Camilla Wales who is ex girlfriend about her loving him and there daughter Hailey Mills hated her and that he loves her because it is his duty to be her husband. Vanessa gives birth to a boy named Lewis Mills born in 2005 to the return of Hailey Mills and the christening of Lewis Mills and to the family picture.
* In 2013 when Vanessa and Christopher Mills are middle age Hailey Mills who is a twenty three years as she suddenly accepts to marry Tanner Grey as her mother refuses her to marry Tanner Grey and that they shouldn't meant to be together. Hailey got secretly married to Tanner Grey as they both got married and become husband and wife, as Prince Charles Mills went to Wailes and learning their language about to speck Walsh and to speck all of the people in Walsh about them treating badly about peace with the monsters. In 2015 when the Queen finds out that while Hailey was in the private school that she continues to go to parties and she takes cigarettes and smoking, she starts doing drugs and alcohol, she suddenly meets Tanner Grey as she has sex with him and that she is secretly married to Tanner Grey. She is having a huge fight about Hailey in the private school to learn about being a royalty not like a crazy party girl and her taking the throne, her loving and being in a secret marriage and being an secret wife with Tanner Grey, that she loves him and that she's starting doing those things because since her grandfather has died and when her mother becomes Queen, that she doesn't want to become Queen and that she wishes that she won't become Queen at all as she wants is her mother make peace with monsters, even though it's there fault. Before her death in that night, that's where they both saw each other for the last time. In 2015 weeks after Hailey's death while she is fighting with her another older daughter Savannah Mills who is doing drugs and alcohol under age, being irresponsible princess and her not being in the throne. As Savannah resign the throne to her brother Prince Charles and her going to jailed for two years. In 2015 Abby and Andrew first meeting as they both fall in love with each other. Meghan Petrova divorced Klaus Grey because he cheated on her and she falls in love with a gardener named Andrew Jackson as they both have sex. Aslan Jones realizes that she cheated on him so they both got a divorce. In 2016 as Andrew decides to go back to Abby as they both have sex and slept together as they both got propose as her mother accepts the proposal as they both married in the beginning of the story.
* In a very beginning of the story, in a flashback during the party as Prince Charles brings his girlfriend Emily Salvatore to his bedroom as they both discussed about his room, and about them as they both are dancing as they are dancing together as they both shared a kiss, as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked having sex in the bed as they both have sex for the first time. It implied that they both lose their virginity as they both continuing to have sex throughout the rest of the party.
* In the very beginning, while they are hosting a party in Max Burton's farm house by Savannah Mills and came Hailey, her husband Tanner as they are both discussed about her being the next queen one day to the citizens, that tomorrow will changed for her as they are both drinking alcohol throughout the night.
* In a another bedroom, where Emily Salvatore and prince Charles Mills both discussed about there relationship of them going to way to fast, that she slept with him and she doesn't want to be with him, that she didn't mean that she loves him as they are both there meant to be in love with each other. As they both shared a kiss and got interrupted by Caroline and that she telling them that there missing is a drinking contests. As it shows Max Burton and Tanner Grey are having a drinking contests and came Emily, her best friend Jenna as they both discussed about Max being Hailey's ex boyfriend and Tanner is Hailey's boyfriend that they started dating when school starts and that they both have slept together, in his cabin and that she lose her virginity with Max, that Hailey is secretly a wife of Tanner Grey that she is too young to marry him, that there's something about between them which they kept a secret from there whole family as Tanner bet Max, right after the drinking contests as Max and Hailey both discussed about her loving him and that Max still has feelings for Hailey, even though they broke up and that she is over with him. That she is in love with a monster and that he doesn't know what his talking about, as Tanner and Hailey went to the bedroom as they both closed the door it implied that they have sex. They were surprised of what's unexpected between Hailey and Max as Emily and prince Charles sees that her older brother Chase is still dating his older sister Savannah Mills who's hosting the party as Jenna is surprise that Emily and prince Charles are still together Emily decides to leave as prince Charles follows her to the bedroom.
* In the bar, as bar tender named Spencer Depp who's Savannah Mills ex boyfriend as they both discussed about her being here, since they broke up and came Chase as they are both about to have a fight. He wants to clam the dismal in distress princess as she gives her beer. As Chase doesn't want her to as she's starting drinking beer while Chase is watching her.
* In the bedroom as Emily and Prince Charles both discussed about there sexual relationship and that she totally loves him, that she does and that even though they both slept together during the party and that she never experienced sex, that she did with prince Charles because she's afraid of a pregnancy scare that she never has experience of a pregnancy scare and that she has. Right after the party she realizes that her period was late and that she's going to have a baby. That she talked with her mother about her and prince Charles that they have a sexual relationship and that she has sex with him, that she is safe by him as she tells her mother everything that she feelings right after she have sex and that she's worried of a pregnancy. Her mother tells her that she's having a pregnancy scare. That her mother told her story of what happened with there sister Bonnie when she had sex with a man she was worried to have a baby so she has pregnancy scare at that she doesn't want to become pregnant with prince Charles's child because of there relationship and that there meant to be together like for matter what happens to her and that he loves her as they are both shared a kiss, they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked, as she leans prince charles onto the bed as they are having sex in the bed.
* In the middle of the night right after the party, while in the bedroom as Emily and Prince Charles both are sleeping together. Emily wakes up naked but covering in blankets as she decides to write her diary as she is writing about the night she has with prince charles and that she loves to spend time with prince charles, that she is in love with him and that she lied to prince charles that she has a pregnancy scare and that she didn't she's trying to make fun of prince charles of what there life could have been, if she's pregnant and that she's not that she loves him more than anything in the world as she kissed Charles's forehead. As she gets out of the bed naked, as she glazed at her naked body in the mirror to see if her belly is showing and that she is pregnant, but she isn't pregnant and that she still has a pregnancy scare in her and that she's telling the truth as her eyes are teary eye, that she's not pregnant as she stops crying and she looks at herself and that prince charles loves her for who she is and that she is not pregnant, that someday they will as she is still glazing at her naked body while someone else, a young man that is watching her through the window as she turns and sees no one. She still glazes at the mirror and she puts on clothes on, she went out to the farm and to the dark woods.
* Katie Malfoy is a secret daughter of Ravenna Amilda and Edmund Potter Nazareth
* There is a elf named Ethanol Woodenland who is revealed to be Ravenna Amilda boyfriend who she has affair, as they both unknowingly convinced a child that it is revealed that he is a grandfather of Legitolas and Ariel
* Ravenna teaches Ethanol about the Mark of the Dark Faith
* Ravenna becomes pregnant with Ethanol's child as she gave birth to a girl named Victoria
* Victoria was a young teenager when she was at the Prince Charles's Mills and Emily Salvatore's wedding
* Ethanol who is a elf, disguised as a human and as a Bar tender in the grill
* There is Ethanol and Ravenna Amilda sex scene in the bedroom
* Katie Malfoy and Prince Charles Mills first decided to have sex weeks before he propose to her on there three months of dating and before they got married but he refuses because he needs to know that he is in love with her, they both talk about their sexuality and sex, that she is a virgin them getting married, and he proposes to her and they both decided to take the big step, to get married first and have sex, consummate their marriage.
* In the bedroom as Chase and Savannah follows each other as he is surprise that she binge drinking beer and that she's irresponsible, person to know that she is irresponsible because she isn't popular like her sister Hailey that she is a queen bee and a drama Queen, that she's nothing like her. That he loves Savannah for who she is and he doesn't want her to change as she knows, she leans in for a kiss as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both went to the bed as they both take each other's clothes off and they are both in their underwear's. It switches to them as they are both naked having sex for the first time as it implied that Chase lose his virginity by Savannah Mills.
* Edmund Potter Nazareth and Emily Salvatore have sex and sleeping together, that he reveals that he loves her and so while they are having sex and his powers can get Emily to have dreams about her being with Luke Nazareth. He revealed to put a love spell on her so that he can force a sexual relationship between Emily Salvatore and Luke Nazareth to be together forever. Not Lucifer
* Edmund Potter Nazareth has a vision about Emily Salvatore Nazareth in the future dying in childbirth because she got force choke from Lucifer and that Lucifer killed her because he is lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith. That he knows that there is fate in there future child while Lucifer and Emily are back together. That he doesn't want Emily to die by Lucifer and her future child, he somehow knows that the future child will lived but not Emily. That the future child is a chosen one.
* Maria and Jacob, Killian become teenagers and tweens when they heard when there mother died from Lord Satan as they both become adults and teenagers in the middle and the end of the story.
* Toby was a young boy when his mother died
* Maria and Toby Malfoy grow up from children to teenagers as they both fall in love with each other in the book as there is a sex scene between them.
* Prince Charles Mills, Leah Mills and Eric Mills, Christopher Mills, Jacob and Killian, with Wilbur and Jim Mills who are children moved into Old Earth where they find another humans and started a rebellion.
* Charles's adopted son Toby Malfoy and his biological daughter named Maria Malfoy moved to Tatonne with their newborn adopted son named Henry Potter which was given by Marian herself from Toby.
* There is a fight scene between Prince Charles Mills and Luke Nazareth vs Lucifer Nazareth ( Lord Satan ) in mufaser
* There is a fight scene between Prince Charles Mills and Arrow the leader of the Death Fey, a follower of Lord Satan in mufaser to the throne of Buckington palace
* While in the Wailes house in Virginia as Emily Salvatore Nazareth is giving birth to Joshua vaginitis and is going to died that she's having visions before her death of her life as growing up and spending time with her friends, loving her husband Prince Charles Mills and the night where Hugo tells her that she will carry a child, a child that will destroy darkness and the child will be the chosen one that will be named Joshua as it switches to her as she's sees their son Joshua as a young boy playing in the woods. When she suddenly gives birth to a boy that she named her newborn son Joshua.
* Right after the plan outside of the Clarence House as Prince Charles Mills and Luke Nazareth both talked about his wife saying about the chosen one will killed lord Satan and that his son Joshua is the chosen one that the prophecy is right about him, that he doesn't know yet but if she still believes in love of Lucifer Nazareth coming back as the humans and monsters making peace as his newborn son being safe with the monsters, that he will since he will learn his place one day and that he will be reuniting with his birth son when the time is right after the war. As Prince Charles Mills said goodbye to his newborn Joshua Nazareth as Luke Nazareth takes him to Corusent where he will be safe. Until his fate as the chosen one will come and destroy the most powerful dark Faith lord Satan.
* Edmund Potter Nazareth and his younger sister Rose Nazareth caused the animal attacks on the Virginia
* Ariana Nazareth is Luke and Lucifer niece she is a descendant of their Lucifer's and Luke's half sister Dani Nazareth who was part of the council and dies during the war with the goddesses.
* Jenna Giblet is a best friend of Emily Salvatore who have sex and turned into a maredi by Edmund Potter Nazareth
* Luke have slept with Lily Salvatore, Emily Salvatore
* Lucifer have slept with Lily Salvatore, Mia Grey
* Edmund have slept with Lily Salvatore and Ravenna Amilda in the past, Rose Nazareth, Marian the Nightsister
* Emily have slept with Prince Charles and Luke Nazareth
* Savannah have sex and slept with Emily's older brother Chase Salvatore before she turns into a maredi
* Savannah have sex and slept with Edmund Potter Nazareth right after she turns into a maredi
* Savannah have dated, have sex and slept with Spencer Depp who is a werewolf throughout the beginning of the story and in the middle when she have sexual feelings and secretly visits Chase Salvatore, so they can have there secret sexual relationship
* It was revealed that Katherine has sexuality feelings with Hailey Mills and she was in love with Hailey Mills, but she was jealous of her being with Max Burton and Tanner Grey that she doesn't know about her sexuality.
* Katherine finds out her sexuality is straight because she has sexuality feelings and was in love with Max Burton that whole time
* Katherine and Max Burton started dating and they both have sex for the first time and they both fight until Max died in front of her
* There is a sex scene between Katherine and Max Burton
* Katherine is a witch and a maredi a descendant of Ella Nazareth and Eli Armstrong a wizard
* Ravenna knows Ella Salvatore Nazareth before she died by those humans
* Ravenna and her husband Bucky amilda, her brother king Lucas stay just like the Maredi's do in human earth
* We first meet Ravenna Amilda and her older brother king Lucas Amilda for the first time
* Throughout the story there is a lot of flashbacks between Hailey and the whole Mills family of there normal human lives, and Tanner, even the Maredi's before there death by Lord Satan. Rose and Edmund first meet and decided to caused terrible In the human earth
* Throughout the story there is a lot of flashbacks of Lucifer and Luke childhood and Edmund Potter Nazareth meets Ravenna Amilda, as Lucifer and Luke meets Edmund's girlfriend as they both flirt with her as Lucifer meets Lily Salvatore to be together, to where they have sex and her turning into a maredi, Lily becoming pregnant and her giving birth to his twins children. As they both grow up to be as parents and the humans decided to killed Lily Salvatore because she is a maredi and that she knows about the Dark Faith of Lord Hades and his apprentice, also the Nazareth's maredi council.
* We revealed that Ravenna is a maredi and a sorcerer, that she is a Amilda she is wife of Bucky Amilda, that who is behind to take over her older brother king Lucas throne to kill him. She is a mother of Count Peter, Jon and James, the grandmother of Maddie and Eve Amilda
* Edmund Potter Nazareth and Ravenna Amilda know and trusted each other, they both used to have a sexual relationship with each other in the past and once they saw each other again they resume their secret sexual relationship and they stop because she trusts Lord Satan that shows her the future of there future grandchildren and that they never loved each to stop the feud between the Potter's and the Amilda's for centuries. That they both believed that there future grandchildren will be together and stop the feud once and for all.
* In flashbacks of Edmund's past, that in a village in Niaboon he meets princess Ravenna Amilda in the bar, as they both first meet and secretly having sex and sleeping together in her castle. They both revealed to love each other.
* Savannah knows Edmund Potter Nazareth secret that he is a maredi and that everyone she knows that they didn't tell her, as they are having sex in her bedroom and they both sleep together throughout the night.
* We meet revealed that Jenna Giblet is a wife of Aslan and mother of Hager, the grandmother of Anakin and Clifford Jones who was force to hide right after lord Satan took over the human earth.
* Edmund Potter is the secret son of Joseph Potter and Mary Mother Ventress the leader of the Knightsisters, he is a maredi who is part of the Nazareth Maredi Council
* We revealed that Edmund and Marian the Nightsister are secretly husband and wife that they forced to hide there marriage a secret from his mother and that they are both the parents of Henry Potter ( Malfoy ).
* We revealed that Edmund Potter Nazareth is a secret father of Henry Potter ( Malfoy ), the grandfather of Adam Malfoy and the great grandfather of Jason and Susie Malfoy.
* Sirius has a older brother named Klaus Nazareth and there father is named Alaric Nazareth
* In the end, Jenna hide in Oniaen until she hears bombing in the tower as she first meet is a rebellion prince Aslan Jones who was unknowingly to her that he is a maredi.
* During her marriage with Prince Charles Mills, Emily becomes President of the citizens. That she keep their marriage in public from the Republic and the queen
* Queen Vanessa Petrova Mills is a Queen of the citizens in this story in the beginning and throughout the entire story
* While Princess Vanessa and Christopher Mills are on the trip in North Africa, they see the alligators as they are both talking about her father and that she should forget about her father, that he should spend time with her husband as she refuses to. As he is about to kiss her neck, they got interrupted and they see the alligators. Right after they see the alligators as they are kissing passionately heavily and they both smiled at each other, as they are both keeping on kissing passionately and making out, as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked, as they both leaned in the bed as they are both having sex in the bed. As they both spend the night together.
* Vanessa prefers her real name to be called Vanessa Petrova Mills while she is queen
* Vanessa's has a younger sister named Meghan Petrova who married a royal prince named Klaus before Vanessa got married to Christopher
* Princess Meghan Petrova revealed to be a werewolf because the birth Mark that's on her shoulder
* Sirius has a crush and falls in love with Princess Meghan Petrova
* Sirius is based off Eddie from the five people you meet in heaven
* Princess Meghan Petrova is based off Marguerite from the five people in heaven
* Princess Meghan Petrova who revealed later to be a girlfriend and wife of Sirius Nazareth because they both got married and consummate their marriage as teenagers and later adults as they have a secret sexual relationship and they both have sex, then slept together as they both conceived a child until she became pregnant and she gave birth to a girl named Rose they both have a argument about her cheating him on her older brother as they both broke up as she decides to leave him with their daughter Rose.
* Vanessa's and Meghan's parents are named Mae and King Albert ll Petrova
* Vanessa's husband Christopher Mills before he fall in love and married with Vanessa Petrova, that he dated and have sex with a ballerina, sexy bar dancer named Camilla Wales. They both broke up with each other before he became a husband to Vanessa, and that Camilla is actually dating Christopher's private security named Joe Mason, years later right after he sees her dancing as they both surprising see each other that Christopher knows that she is divorced from his private security because he committed adultery while his on the trips with Christopher, as they both have a affair as they both resumes their sexual relationship.
* Prince Charles Mills is a prince of the citizens in the beginning and throughout the entire story
* Rose Nazareth and Matt Grey are husband and wife that they been secretly married from the maredi council throughout the story, they been sleeping together. They kept there affair and marriage a secret from her father.
* Emily Salvatore and prince Charles Mills are both boyfriend and girlfriend in the beginning and throughout the book. That they both have sex and slept together throughout the book that they both lose their virginity as they both have sex for the first time during the party in Prince Charles's bed as they both decided to kept their love a secret from Luke and Lucifer, Katie Malfoy. They both become the main couple in the series as they both got married towards the end and have a son.
* Matt is a oldest brother of Tanner who died in the very beginning
* Prince Charles Mills falls in love with Emily Salvatore as they both got married, they have a son.
* Prince Charles and Emily Salvatore are based off Prince Charles Windsor and Camilla Stand
* Prince Charles is fall in love with Katie Malfoy and they both got married as they both become husband and wife, enjoying their honeymoon and love, sex and marriage, having children until she realizes that he love Emily more than her, as she dies of a dagger by Lord Satan
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy are based off of Prince Charles Windsor and Princess Diana Spencer
* Prince Charles and Katie Malfoy have three children named Maria, and Jacob, Killian
* Prince Charles Mills and Katie Malfoy have sex, and they both have slept together throughout the story during their honeymoon as they both unknowingly convinced a child when Katie becomes pregnant with prince Charles's child and she gave birth to a girl named Maria
* Charles has two older and younger sister named Hailey, Savannah, and prince Charles himself, Abby and Leah are his twin sisters, two brothers named Eric, Lewis.
* Hailey secretly fall in love and got secretly married, having affair of a maredi named Tanner
* Hailey have a first sexual relationship with Max Burton before Tanner Grey and that they both lose their virginity by each other while there dating, that Max wants her to be safe from his parents and that he wants to hide in his bedroom so there parents won't know.
* Savannah fall in love and married Matt
* Abby fall in love and Married Andrew
* Leah fall in love and married Mark
* Emily Salvatore starting to back to date and slept with her ex boyfriend Prince Charles Mills so she can make her passionate lover Luke Nazareth to be jealous of her.
* While prince Charles invites Emily Salvatore to the dinner party in the palace as she is invited when she meet Prince Charles in his room, as they both discussed about him being prince, as they both talked about royalty and his siblings, about him being prince and the son of the queen, that she is the granddaughter of the previous prime minister. As they both confesses their love for each other, as they both are kissing passionately heavily and they are both making out. They are both taking each other's clothes off as they are both are naked, they both continue kissing passionately. It switches to them in the bed, as they both continue kissing passionately as they are both having sex for the first time until it fades to black.
* In Prince Charles's bed, right after they have sex it implied that they have been sleeping together as they are both naked but covering in blankets cuddling in bed, together as they both discussed about them making love and that it was there first time, as she wants to take a bath so that she can be ready to visit her brother Chase Salvatore, as Prince Charles tells her that his sure that the servants will get her bath ready as came a servant. Prince Charles ordered a servant to get her Bath ready right after the servant left, they both discussed about a servant as they both loved each other as they are both kissing passionately and as they are both continuing having sex.
* While Prince Charles Mills is writing a letter that his uncle grandfather as he is staring happily at Emily Salvatore who is in the bath. As they both smiling happily as while she is smoking.
* When Emily Salvatore takes prince Charles into Emily's house, as they are both kissing passionately heavily as they both stopped. She tells him that she can't stop loving him as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out.
* In her bedroom as Emily and Prince Charles both lie in her bed, naked but covering in blankets. It implied that they have sex, as they both discussed about Prince Charles and his family knowing about him leaving to be Emily, that his family don't trust Prince Charles to be with her since her grandfather who was is a prime minister in there country, that his family knows the truth about their relationship, that he is more like his grandfather who have someone who she falls in love, who is not royal that he thinks that he is like him.
* Leah plays Hailey's violin for the memory of her
* Leah Mills and Mark Malfoy are based off Mia and Adam from if I stay
* Mark is a rock star
* Right after the Rock and roll party, out in the parking lot as Leah and Mark both discussed about him playing in the band, as he confesses his love for Leah even though she's a princess as they are both kissing passionately heavily. Right after they kissed, Leah wants to show Mark something.
* As Leah takes Mark to a shed, as they both discussed about them making love, that her parents make love and that if her older siblings have sex, that she tells him that she is virgin that she never have sex with anyone who is not royal. As he takes off his costume outfit, she leans in for a kiss as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out. As they both leaned in to the floor as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked as they are both kissing passionately heavily as they both have sex for the first time.
* In her bedroom, when Leah was surprise to see Mark as they both discussed about there love and that they are meant to be together, as he gives her a crown charm necklace as they are both kissing passionately heavily. In her bed, as they are both naked but covering in blankets in a quilt together that it implied that they have sex as they both discussed about love between them, that they could get married and have children if she wants to, but she tells him that she is seventeen and that maybe she will get married to him when she's eighteen, that they are meant to be married since they are a couple. That she tells him that they are already a couple, that she can get married at age seventeen as he propose to marry her, as she says yes as they are both continuing having sex.
* Emily and Luke's sexual relationship starts right after she broke up with Prince Charles Mills as they both confesses their love and have sex as they both slept together. During the mission while Luke and Emily both dance to the melody as they both have sex for the first time since she's secretly with Lucifer. They broke up because Emily is back with Lucifer and that she has feelings for Lucifer and has slept with him, when he returns from the mission. They get back together because she told Luke that she should have choose him over Lucifer but she is loyalty to Lucifer as they having sex and slept together throughout the night. They break up because Luke finds out that she is having affair with a married man prince Charles who is her boyfriend and that she has feelings for prince Charles before she met Lucifer and Luke, as she's about to leave as he grabs her, he is telling her that he loves her that he wants her to be with but she refuses to be a monster like him as she leaves.
* During the war, while prince Charles is fighting the Troopers in the another land of Germany. Until when prince charles got shot, by an unknown soldier as he is unconscious and came a maredi that carried him throughout the woods, the maredi healed prince Charles as he wakes up. That he sees that there is no maredi or someone that have saved him. That it was revealed that Rose Nazareth saved him because she wants him alive and that she believes that he will be a father of the Chosen One.
* Lucifer Nazareth/ Lord Satan took over the human government and there republic senate as he declared the peace of the earth and humans are killed in front of the Republic senate of the monsters
* In the Nazareth house, in Luke's bedroom as Emily and Luke both hang out together right after there adventure as they both discussed about them getting married, since they can be more than boyfriend and girlfriend. That they both end their relationship as they both broke up and that Luke really wants to be with Emily that there relationship is so much more as boyfriend and girlfriend that he wants to be with her forever. As they both are kissing passionately and it switches that they are both naked, having a break up sex in his bed throughout the night.
* In the morning right after they have sex, when they both wake up as they are both naked but covering in blankets, as they both discussed about last night and that she shouldn't have slept with him and that they ended their relationship last night, it's a mistake he tells her that it's a mistake because he loves Emily always and that he wanted to be with her now as they are both having morning sex.
* In the front room, as Emily and Luke came down. They see the Nazareth family and they both discussed about Emily joining their family because since now she knows there history and that she can be part of there family. When Luke propose to her to marry him and be part of his family as she refuses to marry him, as she leaves. When Luke follows her out of the door, while in the window as Lucifer when came Rose as they both discussed about Emily and Luke's relationship that he wanted it to failed and that she wanted to have Emily Salvatore to marry Prince Charles Mills her ex boyfriend not his brother Luke Nazareth marrying her that he is a human, that the Prince of Wailes isn't human that he is a maredi as he watches Emily and Luke having a huge argument about him marrying her and that they are meant to be together, they broke up last night and that she's going away from and that she's done with Luke until it can work out properly. She gets into the car and leaves Luke.
* Emily's pregnancy with Damon was visibly until when her belly becomes bigger as she's getting worse because she's losing appetite and that she's going to died in childbirth with her unborn child.
* Emily give birth to Damon by a C section by Lucifer as she's healing as he reveals that his truly loved her as they both shared there kiss.
* Once Emily is reborn as a human as it shows her flashbacks of memories that she has with Luke, to now to where they first meet and kiss, having sex and her being with Lucifer to now to where there first love and kiss, having sex to where they first meet, him saving her from the car accident that happened with her parents as he saves her. Until she wakes up as she looks at Lucifer Nazareth as they both introduced their names as right after he saved her as they are both walking in the middle of the street as they both discussed about monsters and Maredi's, that he is a maredi a monster that she is a descendant of Governor Seth Salvatore who taken over earth as they both continue their conversations as they are flirting a lot and they looked at each other and they both unknowingly shared their first kiss right after they kissed Lucifer let's go of her hand as her walks away to the shadows, When she's reborn as a human. She opens her new human eyes which is black and red.
* Right after she's reborn as a maredi, her and Luke both sharing their passionately love between them.
* Lucifer and Luke both have slept, with Lily, Rebecca and,Emily.
* While Lucifer and Lily both dance, they ended up having sex and continuing their relationship. When Lily wakes up from the bed, beside Lucifer she was happy to be with Lucifer.
* Lucifer and Rebecca first meet in the woods, as they looked at each other and she finds him. They both starting to fell in love with each other. Until, she takes him into her grandmas house. That's where they both spend the two nights and days together. As on the third day, Rebecca confesses her love for Luke as they both shared their first kiss.
* While Lucifer and Rebecca dance together, they both ended up having sex. In the morning, right after they have sex Luke wakes up and realizes that he is sleeping with Rebecca as Luke is trying to escape by his speed. Until she caught him, as she tells him that she wants him to be together and have children but he refuses. He tells that he loves Emily more than anything instead of Rebecca. That his sorry as he get dressed and leaves her for good.
* Lord Satan went into Rebecca's tomb, he tells her of how much she loves him.
* Rebecca by lord Satan who he knew that his brother knows his secret relationship with Elena because Rebecca told him everything until he killed her by the force lighting as she falls in the floor.
* When Luke came, Rebecca dies in her arms that it's Lucifer.
* While Elena visits Lucifer, that she got sent by her brother Luke to check on him, That his brother took Emily from him. As Lucifer chokes Elena in anger and has she become unconscious and dies, as Lucifer realizes that he became into the dark side.
* Emily's birth mother is named Narcissa White who is the descendant of Phillip White and Lily Salvatore Nazareth who doesn't like monsters and that they are killers
* Lucifer choose to leave Emily because of his mission that he needs to have revenge of Max for vengeance to killed Max as Lucifer and Emily make love for the first time
* While Lucifer is gone to fight Max, Emily and Luke been having sex, and sleeping together as they are learning more about each other when Lucifer is gone.
* While Emily and Luke are spending time together as Lucifer senses that she is in love with Luke.
* In Lord Hades castle, that's where Lucifer and Lord hades beginning training him as his apprentice
* Lucifer is in love with a normal human girl named Emily
* When Luke decides to end her relationship with Emily, since maredi aren't allowed to have romance and sexual intercourse. So they tell each other that they love each other and have break up sex. Right after they have sex, they both have a awkward morning. He tells Emily that he couldn't do it anymore.
* When Lucifer finds Elena. That she was alive, by the Maredi's as he killed them in anger.
* Joshua is a secret son of Lucifer and Emily Nazareth
* Right after Lucifer rescues Lily. Lucifer tells Lily that he loves her ever since Luke took her from him, as she's about to kiss him. But he refuses.
* Luke transforms Emily into a maredi, by his powers as she was dying by a killer.
* Luke becomes Emily's apprentice to train her the ways about the force
* Emily wants him, to turn her back into human. As he did by his lightsaber sword to turned Emily back into a human.
* Lucifer was used to be a good, until he became bad. He takes part as Stefan but later Damon
* Lucifer's Nazareth vervain necklace is where that he can stay young and handsome forever until when Luke pulls it off his neck, right after the fight in mufaser as Lucifer's face is changing from handsome into ugliest face and his dark brown hair is changing to light white blonde hair. That he became full lord Satan as his appearance from becoming to the dark side as his still in rage of the dark side.
* Emily's vervain necklace is symbol of him to urge over for his love for her as a maredi and to protect him also of a memory of him as Lucifer Nazareth, to be protected from his master Lord Hades the leader of the dark Faith and his family who are Maredi's, also to protect her from the charming Edmund Potter Nazareth.
* Luke is really good in the entire story. He takes part as Stefan
* Emily takes part as Elena. She takes part as Elena.
* Emily is a normal human girl
* Throughout of the story as Lucifer has dreams about Emily every night because his thinking about her and loves.
* Throughout the end of story Luke has dreams about Emily and Lucifer until he sees the darkness of Lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith, creating the Clove Troopers to killed and execute all of the humans, Lucifer killing the Nazareth maredi council and his family, Emily and Lucifer are talking in mufaser where he force choke her, Luke and Lucifer having a fight in mufaser and seeing Lucifer in pain without his necklace for calling Luke his help, the birth of Joshua Nazareth and the death of Emily Nazareth believe that Lucifer's still in there and that the chosen one will come and killed him that a boy will killed him as she dies.
* Luke told Emily the truth that he is a maredi just like his brother
* Luke and Emily first dance, in Luke's bedroom they both listened and dance music box gifted by his birth mother before she died. As they both dance, in Luke's bedroom as they both have sex for the first time
* Luke cares about Lily because he knew there secret relationship with his brother Lucifer
* Lucifer reveals that he was in love with Lily before she died
* Lucifer and Emily both have sex in his cabin. Without Luke knowing since she is married.
* Emily wants to have a break to be with Lucifer because of her pregnancy with Luke's child
* Emily remind him of Lily. She is revealed to be a descendant and doppelgänger of Lily.
* Emily gave birth to a boy named Damon
* During his training, Lord hades explains that he will died by the chosen one. But Lucifer didn't believe him.
* There is couple of Lucifer and Emily sex scenes.
* There is couple of sex scene between Luke and Emily.
* When Lucifer decides to leave Emily for a mission to kill Max for vengeance. She visited him in the Nazareth house as they both discussed that she doesn't want him to leave because she is in love with him, that she can't stop loving Lucifer ever since they first meet from the beginning. As he knows that she wanted to be with him throughout the night, as their last night together they are both are kissing passionately and went to the Nazareth house. Then they are both kissing passionately and taking each other's clothes off as they are both naked in bed, as they are both are having sex throughout the entire night.
* In the evening, by the lake in the Nazareth house as Lucifer and Emily both discussed that he has to leave and it's important mission for him to get Josh and finished him as they both decided to break up with each other. As they both said their last goodbyes with their kiss. As he leaves her.
* In the next day, weeks right after Lucifer left her. She went to the Nazareth house and went to their bedroom as she remembers the previous night she has with Lucifer before he leaves her to get Max. Until she sees Luke as they both discussed about her been weeks without Lucifer and that she still loves him, even though he leaves her to be with Josh that she believes that he will come back and be together again, he doesn't know if he knew he will never come back to her and she always believes in Lucifer. As they both discussed that she always loved him, that she knows that she could have choose Luke over Lucifer because she feels like she has feelings for him, right after Lucifer left and that she feels that Luke loves her, as they both confesses their love and they both are kissing passionately and taking each other's clothes off, as they are having sex for the first time in the bed. It implied that they both sleep together
* In the morning, right after they have sex as they both still sleeping together for the first time as Emily wakes up covering in blankets as she remembers the previous night she has with Luke. Until he wakes up besides her as they both discussed about that it's morning, and that they remember the night before, as they both tell each other that they both loved each other for the first time still remember last night as both hold hands for the first time. As they both shared their morning kiss of there love.
* In the morning, right after they shared their morning kiss. As they both get dressed for the day as Luke grabs Emily's vervain necklace, he put it on Emily's neck as they both discussed about Emily's vervain necklace that it reminds about her love with Lucifer before they both broke up, that she should forget Lucifer since they are boy together and that she is with Luke now as she knows.
* In Lily's cabin, where Emily and Lily's both discussed about her last night, being with Luke that it felt real for her other than, Charles. As they both discussed that she slept with Luke last night in his bedroom and that she still has feelings with Lucifer, she also have feelings with Luke that it's obvious that she loves the both of the brothers. That she should forget Lucifer even though he is her friend and being with Luke since Lucifer feels his hiding a dark secret from her that he doesn't tell her about anything about his dark past and that Luke is good, and that he doesn't keep any secrets from her and that he loves her since they both first meet and that she should be with Luke instead, as she promised that she will be Luke and she will completely forgets about Lucifer as Lily knows when she leaves. Right after Elena leaves, as Emily feels guilty that she still in love with Lucifer and that she still loves Luke, she doesn't want to forget Lucifer even though she feels guilty that she slept with Luke last night.
* Luke and Emily both got married in front of everyone they both know and loved, while Lucifer is watching them.
* While Emily is still married to Luke, she and Lucifer still have there forbidden love as they both spend the night together at Lucifer's cabin in secret
* Luke and Emily consummate their marriage, in Luke's cabin.
* While Luke's on a mission to watch to go to China town for entire year and help with the Chief to fight war.
* At night, while Emily takes Lucifer to the Nazareth house as they both are walking to the front porch and as they both said their last goodbyes. They both looked at each other and Lucifer walks to the door as he turns into her, he walks to her as they are both kissing passionately. He confesses his love for her that he loves her and that she's the most important person in the world to him, as she leans in for a kiss as they are both are kissing passionately. Until they stop as she confesses his love for Lucifer to, that she will always loved him. As they are both continuing kissing passionately as they went to the front door, he opens the door as they are both walking up to the stairs as they are both kissing passionately. He takes her as they are both holding hands and hands to his bedroom and as they both stared at each other, then they are both continuing kissing passionately until they take each other's clothes off and as they are both in the bed, together naked as they are both having sex and when he kisses her neck. When Emily touches Lucifer's chin as she tells him that she loves him as they are both continuing having sex for the first time. Until it fades to black, Emily has her first experience with Lucifer. It implied that they both sleep together throughout the night.
* In Lucifer's bedroom, right after they have sex. Emily and Lucifer are both cuddling in bed together, when Emily is wearing Lucifer's white shirt as they both discussed that she never experienced sex with a Maredi, that she doesn't know that a maredi can even have sex as they both discussed the maredi code of the attachment and romance that was forbidden, but Lucifer secretly breaks the rules so he can be with Emily forever as they both discussed about monsters and how the Maredi's are different from the Jedi and the vampire. That they are monsters some Maredi's are good and some are bad, as they both discussed Lucifer being bad and that there's still in good in him as they are both kissing passionately and having sex. Until they stop as he asks her for a drink, she tells him that she will like a drink. Lucifer gets up from the bed and leaves the room, as Emily is on the pillow smiling brightly. As she gets up from the bed and exploring the room until she sees a picture of Lily as she picks it and they sees they resemblance as she's starting to cry. As she puts the picture down and leaves Lucifer's room.
* At night while Emily sees Lucifer gets out of his car, when she's thinking that she loves Lucifer the man she meet as she gets out of the car as she sees Lucifer and she runs to Lucifer as she tells him that she loves him even though he is a maredi that she's not afraid of him. As he goes and kisses her passionately, as he tells her that he loves her to as they are both kissing passionately and they both stopped. As he told her to stop then, she tells him no that she's even though a human that she just wants to be with Lucifer tonight and they are both continuing kissing passionately, as they both walked to Lucifer's cabin into inside as they both discussed about him that his a maredi, that is she afraid of him as his handsome face is revealing of the Maredi's light eyes as she tells him that she's not afraid of him. She kisses him, as they both continuing kissing passionately and they take each other's clothes off as they are both naked. Then, they are both kissing passionately and Lucifer slowly leans Emily onto the bed as they are both continuing kissing in passion. As they are having sex when their hands touched intertwined. When she feels the muscles of Lucifer's back as he kissed her neck. They both stared at each other as they both continue to kiss as Emily face shows but nothing as that they both have sex together as a couple.
* In the middle of the night, right after they have sex as Emily and Lucifer are both laying in bed, naked but covering in blankets as they both discussed about that his bedroom where they made out again and that if he ever do this to Lily as his memories about being with Lily that he was with, that he doesn't have any feelings for Lily same as he does with Emily as he kissed her on her forehead as they both continue to discussed about his lot of memories. As they both discussed about how him and Lily meet, that they are both close as best friends they could ever have. That Lucifer tells her that he has to go, as they both discussed that he have to leaved to do something important and that he's hiding a secret from her. As he refuses then they both kissed.
* In the morning right after they have sex, Lucifer wakes up and sees Emily beside him as he gets up. He went into the living room and sees a picture of Lily. When Emily enters wearing a white robe, as they discussed about Lily, he tells her that she was his girlfriend until Emily was about to leave. He follows her that they discussed about his love for Lily and her, about last night. As it ends of them kissing passionately.
* In the other morning, in the Nazareth house as Emily and Lucifer woke up beside each other as they are both naked but covering in blankets in his bed. They both said good morning to each other as they both discussed that there sexual relationship is going way to fast and that night was the best night they have and mornings are after they both have their nights together. That maybe they can do more mornings love instead of night love as they are both kissing passionately and came Luke. As they both discussed while Lucifer and Emily are trying to cover themselves in there blankets so that Luke won't see him and Emily's nudity parts as that they are both discussed that Luke is ruining there morning, that he has a plan to open the tomb by Lily's diary that she does a diary, when Luke look on her history records that she did have a diary before she died from the humans so they can find her diary, even Emily can see what was her last words before she died and so they can see what happened to her in the night of where they try to saved Lily before she died, they both discussed that Lily isn't dead and that maybe she's dead he just don't see it. As Emily covered her head on the blanket as Luke both discussed that his new girlfriend is seem nice and have potential on you, as they both discussed that Emily is just his best friend and Luke knows that friends do become more than just friends as he knows that Emily and Lucifer are together that he can keep their sexual relationship a secret from the Nazareth Maredi Council as Emily sit up, as they both discussed that he can keep their sexual relationship a secret from the Nazareth maredi council and the family only with the help of Emily his girlfriend who's now staying in the Lucifer's bed. As he accepts for him and Emily to help you to find Lily's diary as Luke accepts, when Luke is about to leave as Emily and Lucifer both discussed that Luke is annoying, he knows Lily somehow and there sexual relationship, as he knows when Lucifer kisses her hand as his about to leave the bed. Until Emily pulls him over into the bed as they are both kissing passionately as he doesn't want to do this now as she quiets him then they are both continuing kissing passionately under the covers as they are having morning sex while Luke is walking away, smiling and rolled eye.
* Emily went into the lake, at night in the dark until came Lucifer. As they discussed about her being with Luke, that she is married, they discussed about her loving Lucifer instead of Luke that she loves Lucifer more than anything instead of Luke as it ends them kissing passionately and having sex.
* In Luke's cabin, as he discussed to Emily that he is going on his first mission to Chinatown that's where he will be gone for a year, as they both discussed about there marriage and that Emily wants to get divorced because she loves someone else that she's been having affair with during her marriage with Luke. As Luke tells her that he always loves her that she knows maybe she'll change her mind as they both have their divorced sex throughout their last night
* In Luke's cabin, right after Emily and Luke have sex, they both wake up naked but covering in blankets as they both discussed about last night and there marriage as Emily wants a divorced since she loves someone else. As they both accept to be divorced
* In Lucifer's cabin, right after Emily and Luke got a divorce as she runs to Lucifer and hugs him while she's crying. As they both discussed that everything is okay between her and Luke, that she has to do it since she never love Luke as much as Lucifer. They both suddenly looked at each other and that they are both ready to have sex again as they are both kissing passionately and having sex.
* In a dream that shows Emily and Prince Charles Mills together with their son, as it shows their future together as husband and wife. Until she wakes up as it's morning in Lucifer's cabin, as she's in bed they are both naked, covering in blankets as they both discussed about her dream about them being together as husband and wife and them having a child, that they both discussed about them getting married in secretly they can keep their love still a secret, from Luke and his family both loved each other as they both shared a kiss.
* In the evening in the house as she sees Prince Charles Mills there in his bedroom as they both discussed of what they both said about this morning, about her dream of them being together as husband and wife. That she is pregnant with his child, but she's never pregnant with his child but not yet. As he tells her that they can get married and she will get pregnant, they can both lived the Wailes house and they can watch their son growing up to a young man that there child will be everything for them. That if she will do it with him and this child will be prefect for them as he propose to marry her as she accepts. They are both kissing passionately and having sex in the bedroom.
* By a tree, that's where there is a priest who is with Emily Salvatore and Lucifer Nazareth as they both do there vows as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
* In Lucifer's cabin, right they said there vows and where the newlyweds Emily and Lucifer went into his bedroom as they are both kissing passionately and they are taking each other's wedding clothes off as they are both naked, having sex throughout the bight as they are consummate their marriage for the first time as husband and wife.
* In Emily's dream as it shows them still being together as husband and wife, with there son as they are both playing in the meadows together with there house. In the middle of the night as Emily is wearing a white nightgown as Prince Charles Mills wakes up as they both discussed about her nightmare that she can't handle it, ever since Lucifer is leaving her and that they should be together only tonight and that she loves Lucifer always. As they are both kissing passionately and having sex, it unknowingly that they both convinced a child.
* While Luke's and Lucifer is killing every human on his mission. In Prince Charles's house Lucifer propose Emily to be his fiancée and marry him. As she accepts as they are both kissing passionately and having sex. In the evening they both got married as they become husband and wife in the church as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife in the balcony and meadow and they consummate their marriage in couple of years and months in Lucifer's cabin.
* Prince Charles Mills mission was to go to the battlefield with the Niaboon to fight with the Death Feys, for a week as he told his wife Emily. While on Charles's mission Emily has to be patience when he will return as she became pregnant with his child while he's fighting in the battlefield.
* During Charles's mission, he connect his wife Emily with a hologram as they both talked about their marriage, and his mission that he has to finish one thing of the war then he will return to his wife as she knows that they both loved each other as husband and wife. As he leaves, Emily didn't tell him that she is pregnant with his child
* Right after Charles returns to earth from his mission as he sees his wife as they are both reunited and kissing by there house as they both talking about missing with each other as they talked about the council and there marriage as Emily reveals to Lucifer that she is pregnant with his child. As there planning to become parents
* At night in the house Charles and Emily are talking about rising their unborn child in this planet human Earth in a cabin they always wanted that's where they will raise their child and see their child grew up, to be royal and be a maredi and where no one in the council and his family won't recognize them as husband and wife as Charles accepts as they both are kissing passionately. When Charles has visions of Emily dying in childbirth as he wakes up sweating, as he went outside as they both discussed about his vision of his parents before they died and that Emily will died of childbirth. They discussed that the vision won't ever become real to him, as they both talked about his master Sirius Nazareth that he mention to Emily once.
* In Charles's dream, it's about Emily and there unborn son as he sees them playing out in the meadow in by there cabin. As in trees when he tells his son about the ways of the force about the light and he briefs tells him about the dark side and that they boy knows that his birth mother is dead because she got killed by Lord Satan during her pregnancy with him that he is there unborn child and that she will died in childbirth and that because his father failed to saved her as his friend chooses the dark side of the force and killed her for vengeance of betrayal him for her love of him since he became lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith and that he killed his own master Lord Hades for the power into the galaxy world and that he never knew his birth mother since he failed to save her many years ago because of him. In the middle of the night, in the house as he wakes up and sees Emily beside him, that he is still worried about her dying in childbirth.
* In the morning, as Charles is sitting in the couch as pregnancy Emily came. They both discussed about his dream about last night that their unborn son knows that she won't survive of childbirth because that lord Satan will killed her vengeance and that he can't resist it. That he is the cause of her to die in childbirth and he's been worried about her every night dying in childbirth and he doesn't know that there dream of seeing there son playing with them in the meadows and living in the cabin that it what it's always wanted to. That she tells him that there dream will become real of what they always wanted to have there own cabin, by the meadow so they can watch there son every day as he tells her that he finds a way to saved her so there dream can become real and that he can learn to stop death with his master that she must trust him and his master so that he can save her from dying in childbirth. That they both discussed that she doesn't need saving because she loves Charles and not do this to her as they both promise that she won't died in childbirth so they can see their unborn son growing up and playing with them, a life they always wanted as he promise her that it will happen and that she need to trust him.
* During her pregnancy with Joshua. Lucifer been's going to Lord Hades to help him to learn to stop death from his nightmares of Emily's death
* While Luke is on his mission. He hears about lord Satan
* Luke fights with the Clone troopers in China town, that's where he survive
* Luke went to Lucifer's cabin and find Emily there. As they discussed Lucifer that he is changed as he knows that his secret wife is having affair with Lucifer that she is pregnant with his child. She tells him that he went into mufaser as she decides to take him
* Lucifer went to Mufaser where he meet the highest Nazareth of his family because his family used to own mufaser for generations. He killed the highest Nazareth of his family as he became fully into the dark side
* They went into mufaser, where Emily becomes damsel in distress and Lucifer discussed about him, the Galaxy world and her loved for him. When Lucifer force choke in Emily as she becomes unconscious to near death
* Right after the fight between Lucifer vs Luke fight scene in Mufaser he takes Emily into Luke's cabin
* In the Wailes house Emily give birth to Charles's child that she named Joshua before she dies, she tells Luke that the prophecy of the chosen one that the chosen one will destroy lord Satan and she knows that Lucifer is still in there. That there is a hope of a chosen one who is a boy. As she dies as Luke believes that boy is Adam Malfoy but it's actually Joshua Nazareth because the prophecy says that there will be a bloodline of a human and maredi, a son of Charles and Emily Nazareth
* In lord Satan's castle, Lucifer and Lord Hades both talk about lord Satan as lord Hades shows him his future that it shows him becoming senator of the republic, talking to Henry about Elena to have a son named Adam. Seeing Henry and Elena together as Elena gives birth a boy named Adam. Jon and Eden being together, they both have a daughter named Eve. Henry becomes his apprentice Dark Volemont. Maddie as Crown highest queen of the republic. Viceroy Dyen and lord Satan talking about Maddie. Viceroy Dyen bowing to Lord Satan. Dark volemont and Lord Satan about revealing to themselves as dark Faith. Him talking to queen Amilda to sign a contract of a drug to destroy humans. Him as new elected Chancellor talking to Maddie. Eve becomes the Dark Fairy. Count Peter becomes Lord Jades. Count Peter tells him that the war has begun. It shows the Army Wars across the galaxy world and the senate fighting about the war. Lord Satan telling Eve to kill her older sister. Him telling Adam to kill Count Peter as he did. Him telling Adam about lord Hades. Eve killing Maddie. Eve becomes the highest queen of the republic. Eve telling him that Maddie is innocent. Adam knows that his lord Satan. Adam killed Master Grey. Adam becomes lord Shauron. Lord Shauron killing all the Maredi's. The medieval Armies Killing all of the Maredi's by execute order 676. Him telling the republic senate that the republic turns into a Galactic World empire under him as Emperor and the highest queen as Eve Amilda, to kill the humans for a safe and secure society. Lord Shauron killing the dark separatists. It shows Anakin vs Dark Fairy fight scene. Adam vs Ben fight scene. It shows Lord Satan vs Ganeld fight scene. Him saving lord Shauron. Lord Shauron reborn as he screams of the pain of Selena's death. Him and lord Shauron, Dark Queen looking at the Darth Star. Him telling them about the galaxy world empire day. Lord Shauron killing all the innocent people who do not follow him. Armies taking the humans to the Darth Star and killing some humans in earth. In the Darth Star the death transformation drug turns the humans to remember the human holocaust that happened in human earth and lord Satan controlling the human earth as they both died in the end . In the Darth Star Right after humans turns into monsters the armies killed them. Lord Satan becoming king in the earth. Right after they show him his future they discussed about if Lord Satan will succeed. Until Lucifer feels that Emily is gone that Lord Hades tells him that he killed Emily since he made his choice as a Dark Faith. That he will succeed in the future.
* Lord Satan has Clones Armies troopers has a mind control inhibitor chip to take control over the galaxy world to killed all of the Maredi's of the Nazareth maredi council and tortured and executed all of the humans in earth
* Clones Armies troopers tortured and killed the humans that Is called the humans holocaust
* There is People in the galaxy world vs Clones Armies troopers fight scene between in the entire galaxy world
* Right after he has his training Lucifer sleeps with his girlfriend Emily, while she's sleeping in his bed. At night Lucifer grabs his lightsaber sword and went into the castle, where he killed his master.
* At the middle of the night, right after he killed his master, he was crying for his life, when came Emily as he told her he hated his master because for a prophecy of the chosen one and he decides to become a dark Faith like him. But he is now lord Satan the leader of the Dark Faith
* Lucifer becomes Lord Satan
* Lord Satan killed Damon in front of Luke
* Luke realizes that Lucifer is the one, who killed Damon
* Arrow is a vampire wizard so is his family
* The Death Fey are vampire wizards
* When The Death Fey young Arrow was sent to killed Sirius Nazareth by his master Lord Satan
* Sirius Nazareth decides to bring his adopted son Luke Nazareth on a mission to the mountain to find the prophecy of the Chosen One that can destroy the Leader of the Dark Faith
* When they return in the Temple as he force them to hide came young Arrow and his Death Fey even his aunt who is a Death Fey named Alice as that he got sent by Lord Satan to killed him. But as Luke Nazareth saw Klaus Grey as he is the one to killed his own brother as he killed him with the magic of his dark wand. Right after Sirius Nazareth falls and dies as came the Clones and killing all of the Maredi's in the temple and killing all of the humans as the Death Fey sent dark Faith Mark also destroyed and killing all of the humans. When Luke Nazareth chase Klaus Grey and to fight back for what he did to Sirius his own brother as he told that he is a descendant of the first dark lord and that he is a Blood Dark Prince and that he is a Dark Faith and he is a friend of Lord Satan and that he is Lord Palpatine.
* The Dark Faith Mark is a Red color Mark with a symbol of death
* There is a funeral of Damon as Charles and Emily hold hands in secret
* Years later Lucifer decides to become a senator for the Republic senate, Lucifer hide his real name to Senator Griffin Black, as they accept him to be part of the republic senate.
* Luke becomes a founder of the maredi council, because the temple has enough force. He wrote the maredi code, that the maredi aren't supposed to do. Luke decides to hide his real name to change it to master Ganeld and he fake his own death
* There is a Lucifer vs Luke fight scene in mufaser, where Luke loss by his brother.
* Lucifer finds out, that Emily is pregnant with Luke's child. Because since his love for her, he turns into a dark side of the force for Emily dying of childbirth and for her choice to be with Luke, even his hatred of Luke himself.
* In the very end, in the human Earth in the day in the streets of the citizens of the republic senate and Vulcans while her husband is telling a speech about his wife death of childbirth and that she got killed by lord Satan as they both gathered in the garden as they both saw their deceased president Emily Salvatore, her coffin is open as she is pretending to be pregnant in order to protect her birth son Joshua from the humans world, as her both hands she's holding her diary and another her vervain necklace that was gifted from her friend Lucifer Nazareth of the memory of him. Meanwhile in Corusent, in Lord Satan's castle as the Death Fey is flying through the castle as came a ship while Lord Satan is staring at the view of the Corusent while came Spoick that they both discussed that everything is alright and that he wants him to bring the Seer so he can find out his future to bring her immediately as Spoick leaves while he is still staring at the view of corusent that one day he will take control of the monster republic same as what he did to the humans republic for Emily the love of his life that he killed for vengeance and now more Lucifer Nazareth is gone hail lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith. In Corusent, in the house of Volcrum where Luke Nazareth meets with Charlie Volcrum, as they both discussed about Joshua who is lord Satan's and a human secret son that he must keep away from his past of his birth name Nazareth, he is also born to the dark side of the force just like his own father and that he doesn't want to maredi and republic senate to know that lord Satan have a son, that he wanted Joshua hidden forever. As he decides to keep Joshua for good that he promise. When Luke went to the abandoned maredi council temple, where Luke writes the Maredi's code as he sees a sees a future of the maredi in the temple training and learning to fight that he will stop lord Satan again. In the front of the maredi temple as there is a young black boy named Jeremy Grey that he asks if Luke is a maredi and that the maredi temple is a safe place, that he is a maredi that they can bring the maredi temple into a safe place for people who are the Maredi's can train and that the Maredi's need to fight a dark lord named lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith as Luke can train Jeremy to the light side of the force only if he can he helped him with the maredi temple as Jeremy accepts and he asks his name Luke name is now Master Ganeld, so he can hide his name as Luke Nazareth so when lord Satan will rise to power to the monsters republic senate. In lord Satan's castle, where they bring the Seer as lord Satan and the Seer both discussed about his future of him taking control over the republic senate and that he will build a army to execute all of the Maredi's across the galaxy world, he shall have a apprentice and sidekick that will follow him and that he shall become the emperor of the Galactic World empire and that he will killed all of the humans, that he will win. That he needs to know more about his future as he will know of what his father and to look at his future that his future won't change of what his father show him as lord Satan touches the Seers hands as she's screaming in pain, as he is seeing his future that the galaxy world will be his and right after he sees his future. The seer was on the ground as she told lord Satan that there is a woman that will give birth to twins children and they will stop him and the empire, there is a boy who is undoing who is the chosen one that will killed him as she dies. Lord Satan and the death Fey both discussed that it will take time to take over the galaxy world as he will taken over the monster republic like what he did to the human republic and that he has a plan to play a game with the monsters so that the republic will be a empire and himself as a emperor that there will be war between the monsters and humans again for 6000000 years he will rise to power and win then the dark Faith shall rise into the galaxy world and they will have peace and the galaxy world will be finally his as he is laughing evilly for his plan to manipulate people so his plan will worked.
* In the very end, while Klaus is old man and he is living exiled from the human earth as he went to Rhode earth where he lived on a island, he sees flashbacks of him about believing that Hugo is alive and exists to where his father tells him that there is a real chosen one. Until came Hugo as they both discussed about Hugo is alive, as he tells him that there will peace between them and the humans that something will come, that the chosen one is finally here, that it is a boy who is born to a maredi and human that it is Joshua Nazareth which will defeat the dark Faith, lord Satan so he can destroy the darkness once more when the time comes he shall destroy lord Satan and that the future is coming that they will fight against a powerful dark Faith lord Satan until came Aurora to join him, to become a force wielder so he can know the know the real truth of what will happen in the future. When he touches his hand as Hugo's eyes show planet Tatonne to know what will come in the future
The attack of Niaboon kingdom
* Takes place in 32 By
* The third book narrator is Master Quinn
* In the very beginning it's shows the birth of Adam Malfoy to his slave mother Elena Malfoy and her people cheered for her son to be the Chosen One and Dark Volement about a slave mother who gave birth to a boy, years later weeks later right after the coronation of Queen Maddie Amilda in Lord Satan's castle as they bring Elond Dyen the elf in woodenland of Niaboon as Lord Satan manipulation him about queen Maddie Amilda of who she really is and to joined him as Elond Dyen decides to join him as he is rise to position of Viecory of the trade federation in Corusent viceroy Dyen and the highest queen Maddie Amilda discussed that Maddie discovers that viceroy is a traitor to the republic about her to join the trade federation, and lord Satan so that they can have a control of the Republic Senate and the galaxy world that Senator Black should be chancellor in the republic senate but she refuses too since she doesn't want to join the trade federation and lord Satan she knows black but doesn't trust him to be in the republic. As viceroy tells her that there will be a blockade with Niaboon since she didn't choose to be with the trade federation.
* In viceroys office, Elond Dyen and hologram lord Satan both are talking about Maddie, Niaboon blockade and Senator Black becoming chancellor with the blockade as Maddie will change her mind. The republic senate will be his and he will have control of the galaxy world like he did 700000 years ago to the human earth as he is laughing evilly
* Maddie talks with her hologram Father Jon as they discussed about viceroy betrayal the Republic Senate, Niaboon blockade, The Maredi council and Ganeld the leader of the Maredi council
* Maddie and chancellor Charlie Volcrum went to the mared temple, she meets her best friend Anakin Jones who is now a maredi knight as they meet master Ganeld, even queen Amilda who appears in the hologram as they discussed about Viecory and Lord Satan, even the Niaboon blockade. As the Maredi decided to help them by to bring Quinn and his apprentice Ben Potter to go to the trade federation and find out what there up to while Niaboon is under a blockade. As she decided.
* In Niaboon, viceroy Deyn visits the Queen Amilda of Niaboon as he enters into her quarters. They both discussed about him betraying the Republic senate and the highest queen Maddie about her not joining him, for the Republic, Niaboon blockade, let her sign the treaty but she refuses as he tells her that there will be a blockade of Niaboon. Right after the meeting, Queen Amilda decided that she can talk to the Maredi council about the blockade.
* Where we meet Adam and Ben, Eve and Selena, Ganeld, Chancellor Black/ Lord Satan, Quinn and Anakin
* Joshua trust Senator Black instead of his father Volcam
* The existence of the Dark Faith are revealed
* Adam's father is named Henry Potter/ Malfoy who is mentioned as being a betrayal and nothing like Adam, very good maredi ever trained. Later revealed that he is Dark Volemont who died by Ben for killing his master Quinn
* Henry Potter who is the son of Joseph and Mary, take away from birth and he became a Malfoy. He married Elena his half sister, her family hated him so they went into the another planet as he finds that Elena is his half sister. He leaves her and she suddenly became pregnant by midichlorians of her husband Dark Volemont
* Henry Potter/ Malfoy was the best maredi ever trained in the Maredi Council until he turned into the dark side and became Dark Volemont a apprentice of Lord Satan
* Henry Potter/ Malfoy when he became Dark Volemont, he became a serial killer just like his ancestor before him
* Dark Volemont tells Lord Satan about his son Adam Potter
* Dark Volemont dies
* Quinn tells them that Tatonne is under control of the Egyptians
* During the first Quinn and Dark Volemont fight on Tatonne, Quinn has flashbacks of when he was a boy he was living a village, where they got a villager named Hayden who tells them of a serial killer is on the village killing people for vengeance of everyone now he only wants to killed them. Quinn's parents named Alice and Ewan, Quinn's two sisters name Polly and Marian are all packing up, as Dark volemont is killing everyone as there going into the woods as he wants his family to bow down, but Ewan grabs his lightsaber sword and fights the Dark Volemont and Dark Volemont killed him, as They run into the woods as his mother and Quinn want to meet up in the cottage as his running, while Polly and Mary, Alice are running until they saw the Dark Volemont that told them to bow down Lord Satan as your king so he can have power but they refuse as when the Dark Volemont killed them expect Quinn who saw it.
* Black becomes the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic World Republic
* Ben and Eve first have sex in Corusent, right after Ben has a talked with Quinn about Adam, as a mysterious dark Faith that Ben is secretly jealous about Adam since he left his mother. But Ben knows that she has a crush on Adam.
* Master Ganeld and Master Grey send Anakin on an important mission to the Nature Forest to protect the animals and creatures
* Anakin Jones's hair is black short curly hair in the third to fifth book, later in the series he has black long curly hair in the sixth and seventh book. Then he has short curly Grey hair in the eighth book, and he has very short straight white hair in the ninth to thirteen book.
* Anakin said goodbye to Maddie which they ended up to kissed
* Anakin said goodbye to Eve who is Queen Amilda as he kissed her on the forehead
* Before Anakin saids goodbye to the highest queen Maddie Amilda, as he is trying to convince Maddie that she is in love with him as he confesses that he is in love with her even though Maredi's aren't allowed to have love, but during his mission he can secretly connect her about their love and but he loves to be with Maddie to be with forever as he leaves
* In the hallway as she follows him, that she is sure about him going on to the mission as he tells her that he has to go. While he starts to leave as he turns to her as he face her as he confesses his love for her and that he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life as she leans in to give him a kiss as they are both kissing passionately and they are both making out until they stopped. As Maddie sure about them having a relationship together that they have to keep it a secret from the Republic and the Council, he knows but they have to keep it a secret for good. They are both kissing passionately and they both smiled, they both run into the hallway onto Maddie's apartment, as they both opened her door. As they both went inside in her apartment as they both keeping on smiling at each other as they are both kissing passionately heavily and they are both making out, they went into her bedroom as they are taking each other's clothes off, they are both kissing passionately heavily when he pulls her into her bed. As they are both having sex naked in her bed, when there hands are touching and they are both kissing passionately heavily in there lips, they both stared at each other as they are both kissing passionately heavily in her bed.
* Right after they have sex, when Maddie and Anakin are both laying in her bed naked but covering in blankets as they both discussed about Anakin leaving to go on the mission by the council, that she sure that he has to go because they resume their relationship and that she hated him leaving, that he tells her that he has to go so he can be away from Maddie as he tells her the real reason because of the blockade and that his maredi that he must go. She tells him to stay with her, as he asks if he stays that she tells him, they can get married and have a daughter together so that the feud will be over between the Rebels and the Royals as he knows. As they both shared a kiss.
* Anakin is a Maredi knight and working for the Republic
* Henry Potter/ Malfoy, Dark Volemont is a secret son of Lord Hades the darkest one the master of Lord Satan which makes Adam his grandson
* The queen Amilda of Niaboon is Selena who disgusts as her while Eve one of the handmaidens. But it later revealed that it's Eve who is the real queen Amilda of Niaboon
* Selena is a disgusting as a handmaiden and but is elected princess of Niaboon with the highest queen Maddie Amilda and Queen Eve Amilda but disgusting as Queen Amilda of Niaboon for Eve. For her own safety of the Trade Federation
* The people of Tatonne can speck Hutusee
* Adam is ten year old boy in this story
* Selena is Thirteen years old girl in this story
* Eve is Sixteen years old girl in this story
* There is Quinn Jon, Ben Potter and Dark Volemont fight scene
* The highest queen/ King of Niaboon has power to control of the Republic and the Senate, even the galaxy world also has emergency control of the Maredi Council to help them and has the control over the Chancellor, takes care of people and traveling around the world. To see people only specks to the Senate.
* The Queen of Niaboon has control of the Republic and the Senate, can sign the treaty or contract if want too
* The Princess of Niaboon has control of the Republic and the senate, can speck for the people in public and also makes peace between other tribes, traveling around the galaxy world to speck in public, can be the only one to discuss the trade between her people
* When Quinn touches Adam hands that he is midichlorines, it shows the past of Quinn as a young boy in the village when he lose his mother by Dark Volemont and that Henry Malfoy who once was there friend
* In a flashback in Tatonne, as Henry Malfoy is a young handsome man as he sees Count Peter Amilda, he accidentally meet Elena Malfoy during their talk about count Peter. Henry Malfoy and Count Peter become best friends as he knows that Henry is a maredi, they both talked about Master Ganeld, that he shall leave Tatonne and go to be train as a maredi as his adopted parents tells him the truth that he was giving up from birth when Lord Satan took over the human earth and that Henry is a maredi just like his father as he decides that he shall leave his life as a slave boy into becoming a maredi that in the galaxy world and that it is sure it's his destiny to become a maredi as he accepts. As he leaves Tatonne with Count Peter to go to Corusent where he meet Master Ganeld as he accepts him to be trained as a maredi and be part of the maredi council even though he is a older man now that he shall be trained to the light side not the dark side of the force as he accepts.
* In a flashback Henry and Senator black both discussed about Eve, as they also talked about him to go to Tatonne and fall in love with a slaver named Elena Potter to give birth to a boy named Adam Malfoy
* In a flashback David and Eve both discussed about her being with his master, and her loving him as a friend and that she loves Joshua.
* In a flashback Henry and Eve both discussed his mission to Tatonne to meet a another slave girl named Elena that he got from Senator Black, they both discussed about that he should go to Tatonne and that she wished that she can come with him, so they can be together as best friends. He tells her that she should be with Joshua since she has sexual feelings about him, that she has sexual feelings with Henry Potter as he tells her that he doesn't have any sexual feelings for Eve and that he loves Maddie Amilda. That ever since she is more beautiful than her, and that he loves Eve as a sister but he have sexual feelings for Maddie even though she is bestowed to marry Anakin Jones and that he wants to be with her tonight.
* In a flashback Henry returns from Tatonne as he visited Senator black office, they both discussed about Elena that she is pregnant with his child, that Black is lord Satan, Black wants Henry to leave the council and being with him.
* In a flashback Once Henry returns from Tatonne he went to the maredi council, he discussed that he should leave the Maredi Council for good right after he left the council he went to the Chancellor's office as he become apprentice of Lord Satan named Dark Volemont
* In a flashback Right after he became lord Satan's apprentice, Eve went into the office that her friend Henry is a traitor as they both discussed about the republic will changed when the dark Faith will take control as Henry Malfoy and Eve have a fight scene, during the fight Eve and Henry both discussed about their love and Henry himself in the end that Senator Black wants Henry to kill his own best friend. But he refuses Eve runs from the office. That lord Satan tells Henry that he has other plans to do in the republic will be under his control. As Henry knows.
* In a couple of flashbacks, Eve and Henry Malfoy are best friends that Henry is trying to convince that she loves Joshua, that Henry is in love with Eve's sister Maddie Amilda as he spends the night with her, before he leaves to go to Tatonne.
* We meet David Amilda for the first time
* Lord Satan forms a Dark separatists so he can be against the Maredi, so later when the time comes he will rise to power of Imperial Senate and let them killed
* Eve is at age fifteen when she have sex with Henry Malfoy her brother's own teacher
* Eve have sex with a older padawan Maredi master named Henry Malfoy
* In Maddie's apartment as Henry Malfoy and Eve Amilda have a nice dinner as they are learning more about each other as they have secretly had sex in her bedroom, because Henry Malfoy loves her more in the world instead of being a Maredi
* Right after Henry Malfoy and Eve Amilda have sex, Henry Malfoy have visions of his parents taking him away from birth. I
* Senator Black let's Henry to fall in love with a slave girl named Elena to be together
* Henry and Eve broke up because of his love for Elena
* Henry leaves because of his visions of the women he loved to give birth to a son who will later become Lord Shauron and even his love for Eve who will soon go into the dark side
* Henry turns into the dark side of the force, so he can be with her love forever until they find out of the feud which leads them to have a huge fight
* Queen Eve Amilda wants Princess Selena Snow to disgust as her to talk with the Galactic world Senate about the invasion of Niaboon. And that Eve doesn't trust the Senator Black
* Chancellor Black wants queen Eve Amilda to sign the treaty, so he can control of the queen but it failed instead he wants her to sign a contract for a illegal drug, that will hurt the humans there enemies she accepts and trusts him for the rest of the Republic
The Battle of the armies
* Takes place 22 By
* The fourth book narrator is Eve Amilda/ Dark Fairy
* Adam is nineteen years old in this story
* Selena is twenty four years old in this story
* It revealed that Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron and princess Eve Amilda/ Dark Fairy/ Dark Queen have a attachment for each other and have sexual feelings, a secret sexual relationship with each other because there grandparents Edmund Potter Nazareth and Ravenna Amilda have a secret sexual relationship to stop the feud between the Potter's and the Amilda's
* Adam and Selena are married in secret
* The Armies are created
* That Adam and Eve are third cousins
* Ben went to Kemp to see the Armies and talk with Anakin Jones about the Armies.
* As Anakin Jones secretly contact the Highest Queen Maddie Amilda about the making of the Armies and that it is believed that it is Chancellor Black's idea. Without her permission
* Maddie Amilda went to Chancellor Black as they both discussed about the making of the Armies, without her permission and that he choose to do it even though they are friends just she must trust him about the making of the Armies. As she accepts to trust him.
* As Maddie Amilda and Anakin Jones both talked about she thinks, that Chancellor Black is behind the creation of the Armies and that they need to know about what he is behind everything from the republic senate.
* Anakin Jones contact Master Ganeld and Master Grey about the making of the Armies is might be behind of lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith, that he may be behind the blockade many years ago and they think lord Satan was dead, that he isn't died as he just survived somehow to created the Armies. That what Lord Satan did many years ago to the humans.
* In the very beginning in Niaboon, in Theed prince Jon's wife princess Eden walked into the garden as she saw a white rose, she was about to grab it until she got prick and came blood out of her finger, as came prince Jon they discussed about the white rose, and their love to have two daughters one day named Maddie and Eve as they are both kissing passionately. Two years later, as young Maddie is running into the garden while Eve is there also at a young age as they are walking now the highest king of the republic Jon and his wife Eden is queen as they are both discussing about their daughters of the white rose. In the village, where Maddie and Eve are both young teenagers, when a villager is about to killed Maddie as Eve went to him, by dark magic that came out of her. When Maddie and Eve discuss about her dark magic to keep it a secret. In the hallway, as Eve and Clifford are both discussing about Maddie being the highest queen of the republic, as Eve knows that she will be a great highest queen. In the coronation, as Maddie put on her crown in her head as she sees Eve and Clifford smiling at each other. While Eve and Maddie are playing chest, they are both discussing about Maddie in the highest throne of the republic and Eve is in love with Clifford and also being with Clifford since the Rebels and Royals War, as Eve was walking away from Maddie. As Maddie knows that Eve and Clifford have a child named Ralph, as she walks away in Eve's castle as her magic mirror the genie tells her that Eve and Clifford have a son named Ralph, that the genie believes that Eve will be a more powerful maredi and witch into the galaxy world as they both discussed about Eve who will might go into the dark side. In the next morning, while Eve is running to the nursery as she found her son Ralph is gone as she screams in pain as her dark magic went around her as Maddie went on her and hugs her.
* In the very beginning in Niaboon, while young Princess Eve Amilda is sleeping in bed and came her older sister Maddie Amilda, as Maddie wants Eve to be awake so they can play. They both went to the hallway, as Eve is performing her light magic and they both played together with Eve's light magic, until her light magic went to Maddie's forehead as Eve run to her, as Maddie's brown eyes are turning to black as she's crying for her parents, while Eve is crying as the her light magic in the hallway is becoming dark magic. Until came her parents king Jon and Queen Eden for what Eve have done to Maddie. King Jon and Queen Eden both discussed about Eve if she's becoming like her birth mother with her light magic hurting Maddie and that her birth mother made a promise for them taking care of Eve and that she will have never dark magic. That she promised them that Eve won't become time the dark side just like her birth mother and they decided to take Maddie to the Woodenland Elves that they thought there ancestor king Jon Amilda killed all of the elves long time ago, that king Jon didn't kill all of them that there alive that they must go to King Thurndial as they ride their horses to the woodenland as a boy named Anakin Jones and his younger brother Clifford Jones as they are following them by a trail of light magic, as king Jon and Queen Eden take there daughters to the elves, until came King Thurndial as he touch Maddie's forehead and that Eve is born with magic or cursed and that Eve is born with the magic and that they are getting stronger, as king Thurndial is telling them and that all of Maddie's memory with Eve magic will be gone, that he wiped her memories of Eve's magic and that Maddie won't remember that Eve has magic, that he tells her that Eve's magic will become more powerful and that there is good in it, but it is also dangerous and that she will used those light magic into dark magic and that he knows her future that she will become someone very terrible in the future and that she must control of her magic so she won't go to the dark side. As king Jon and Queen Eden promise that Eve will control her magic and that everything has to be safe, to lock and keep people safe including Maddie. As Maddie is asking Eve to play with her over the years as they are growing up as Eve's magic and behavior, that is getting stronger and hatred for Maddie. She feels depressed about not spending time with her sister.
* Maddie who is the Highest Queen of the Republic is also under control of the Maredi Council with the Chancellor
* Eve becomes Dark Fairy and lord Satan's sidekick even spy
* Adam Malfoy is a nephew of Ben Potter, Ben Potter is a uncle of Adam Malfoy
* Adam has some darker side due to the blood of his ancestor Flynn Potter and Amanda Potter
* Eve has some darker side due to the blood of her family and her ancestor king Ethan Amilda
* Adam and Ben are related to Count Peter Amilda, Eve Amilda and Joshua Feitt by blood of the family because of Flynn and Ethan are brothers
* Count Peter mentioned of Adam's is just like his own father even though, he hated him due to the feud of the family, who is not good enough
* Count Peter and Henry Potter/ Lord Volemont know each other, they were best friends until since they learned about there family history. They been fighting over a feud that's the reason why Count Peter hated him
* Eve is trying to have Adam to have sex with her, because of her love
* Eve have dreams about her and Adam having sex together
* In the very end, when Adam visits Eve as king Jon that they might be together. Eve tells her father maybe Adam and Eve have their secretly first kissed.
* Adam loves Selena more than Eve
* Joshua is learning more about Chancellor Black
* At a young age, Joshua lost his adoptive parents that got killed by Dark Volemont
* Joshua falls in love with Harry's niece named Senator Hailey of the vampiric land
* Joshua lives a mansion by himself but by a butler he works for Volcam
* Joshua and Hailey have sex in his bedroom a lot of times
* There is a love triangle between Eve, Adam, Selena
* Adam choose Selena over Eve for love
* Adam and Selena fall in love with each other
* Selena Snow is the descendant of slave Charles Snow
* Eve first have sex when she was fourteen years old, with Joshua but lose her virginity with Anakin.
* Prince Clifford have sex with Eve when she was fifteen, so they can have sex with each other. Until she became pregnant with Clifford's child and later give birth to a son named Ralph
* In lord Satan's palace in Corusent, Lord Satan tells Joshua to go to pay a visit with Eve. So that Eve can turned into the dark side and be on his side. As Joshua leaves.
* While Adam and Selena are spending time together in Niaboon, Eve watches them with her magic mirror everyday until came King Jon, that he talks to her that she still loves Adam even though he loves someone else better than her
* While Eve is still sad because Adam starting to love Selena more than her, right after her sister and the senate have a debate on the army which they vote when Eve is taking a shower in the shower room in her sisters senate apartment complex, as she sees visions of Adam and Selena being together until Eve cries because her feelings are still with Adam Malfoy.
* While Eve is still sad because Adam still loves Selena more than her, right after she rides her horse until Joshua came to pay a visit for her.
* Joshua knows that Eve is in love with Adam Malfoy, but he shall make her happy like they used to. As they both have sex in her bed.
* Right after they have sex, Eve's visions shown Adam and Eve having sex, until came darkness by the Chancellor Black talking to her about the scepter that's he can get her everything she wanted as she wakes up as her eyes turn red. She feels frightened. Eve asks Joshua about the scepter. As he tells her where the scepter is.
* In the morning, in the woods as she grabs a scepter that is hidden by a wooden tree as the scepter grows dark red as then the scepter calls her name as she took it in her hands as her blonde hair changes to red dark hair and changes back into blonde hair again. As she feels the power of the dark side. Eve Amilda went back to lord Satan's palace in Corusent. That's when Lord Satan christening her to be his sidekick as Eve becomes, his sidekick that is called the Dark Fairy.
* Eve is a maredi since it's in her blood
* Adam's mom Elena is murdered and he takes dark side, revenge on her killers
* The Army Wars kick off between the Republic and the Dark separatist planets
* Adam have sex with Eve for the first time.
* In Eve's castle, while Adam is visiting Eve in her castle. As they both discussed his feelings with Selena and that if he ever loves her, that he never experienced sex since he is a Virgin. That even though he has feelings for Selena but even his love for her as they both confesses their love for each other as they both are kissing passionately and taking each other's clothes off. As they are both naked having sex as in her bed, throughout the night as they both unknowingly convinced a child as it implied that Adam lose his virginity as he has his first experience with Eve.
* In the morning, right after they have sex, while they are both in the bed naked, but covering in blankets. As Adam and Eve both discussed about that he still loves Selena instead of Eve, that he never has feelings for Eve just like what he have with Selena. As he leaves her and get dressed to go to the maredi council
* We meet Clifford for the first time in a flashback
* Maddie and Eve can contact each other through the force
* Selena was elected Queen of Niaboon, until Eve decides to elected herself as Queen, then she got queen and Selena got elected princess of Niaboon.
* Adam can speck Hutusee
* Eve knows that Chancellor Black is Lord Satan
* There is Ben Potter and Adam Potter vs Count Peter fight scene
* There is Ganeld vs Count Peter fight scene
* Lord Satan sent Count Peter and Eve/ Dark Fairy to made a deal with Chief Edward to have Elena captured and tortured so in secret Adam can turned into the dark side of the force and could kill the whole entire village
* The dark fairy/ Eve watches in person of Adam killing the Croatian Raiders
* Count Peter and the Dark Fairy/ Eve are both the leaders of the dark separatists movement which called the Confederacy of the Dark Independent Systems
* The Dark Queen/ Eve is a secret leader of the Dark separatist with her uncle, but she's a spy with Lord Satan
* Lord Satan wants Adam secretly to turned into the dark side by killing the Croatian Raiders
* There is a lot of violence as it shows Adam Malfoy slaughtering all of the Croatian Raiders for revenge of his mother
* Eve/ Dark Fairy doesn't want the Maredi rebellion to find out there plan to build a Darth Star to destroy mankind
* While Adam meets Selena again, she was surprised how handsome and grow up he is
* While Selena was packing up, Adam and Selena are talking about mentors even politics and himself with problems with the Council, even Ben.
* In the ship, Selena and Adam talked about his mom, Niaboon, and there love and the Maredi life even Selena herself. Also Adam telling her about his dream about two of them making love
* In the Theed, Adam and Selena are talking about his adventures and her with being politics as a Senator and how she decided to stay in politics even close to Eve.
* In the Niaboon scene, Selena talks about how she loves being in the island everyday with her family. Adam talks that he never went into that island which leads the first kiss between Adam and Selena
* In the meadow scene, Adam and Selena are talking about if they be together as a sexual relationship with each other even relationships with different kind of people and politics
* During the dinner scene, Adam talks about his adventures with Selena
* Adam loves Selena and Eve at the same time and same feelings for them
* Right after there dinner scene, while Selena and Adam are sitting in the couch as they are both kissing passionately in the couch as she can't do this as he begs her please for him as they are both kissing passionately heavily in the coach until in the bed as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out until they both stopped he tells her that he wanted to have sex with her as they are continuing kissing passionately and making out as he rips off her top and reveals her breast but there visible as they are continuing making out. She tells Adam to stop to have sex with her as they both pulled away from each other as she's putting on her top and then Adam tells his real romantic feelings for Selena. Then they talked about them together and how Adam's dreams could might be real but if they can keep a secret and so Adam force Selena to have sex with him, which leads them to kissing passionately heavily as they are both making out, he speeds her into the wall as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out. As they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out until they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked as they are both making out. He leans her on the bed fast as they are both having sex for the first time as it shows any nudity nothing, just it's dark as they are both continuing having sex for the first time as she lose her virginity to Adam. Right after they have sex as they are both naked but covering in blankets as they both are cuddling together as they are both discussed about her being with him, that about her family finding out that Adam is being with her and that she will get into trouble, his dream is real and that they are both in love with each other, as they are both continuing having sex throughout the night.
* Right after there night before, in the morning Selena wakes up naked covering in blankets as she sits up and holds the blanket. While Adam is by the window as they are both staring at each other as Adam has on a shirt and pants as his looking at her as they are smiling remembering the night before while it's shows them having sex. Right after it shows flashbacks of them having sex on the previous night as they both discussed about last night and that it was fun being with him, as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out. As Adam is taking off his clothes off as he is naked but it shows him only shirtless they are both having morning sex for the first time throughout the morning.
* At night, while Adam and Selena are kissing passionately, in there bedroom and it fades to black. It implied that they have sex.
* In the middle of the night, while Adam and Selena are both in bed together naked but covering in blankets, as he is dreaming about his mother until he wakes up sweaty as Selena wakes up as they both discussed about his dream and that he have a nightmare, as she confronts him and they are both kissing passionately and continuing having sex throughout the night. In the morning when Selena wakes up naked but covering in blankets and sees that Adam is gone, as she get dressed and went outside as she sees Adam, as they both talked about that his mother is in danger.
* Before they died in the Arena, Selena confesses her romantic love for Adam since she loved him more than anything before they died and which they lead them to a kissed
* During the battle of Genesis Adam and Selena fall and went by a creature, Adam tells Selena that he wants her to marry him, she asks him where and he tells her to Niaboon, lake Country where they can have secret ceremony without no one as she accepts and kisses Adam. Then, continue fighting on the battle
* When the first battle of Genesis, Anakin Jones and Master Ganeld, Maddie Amilda bring the armies into war
* During the first battle of Genesis, as Maddie and Anakin are fighting against the droids, as they both discussed about his adventures and there love while he is gone as he saves from the droids they both confesses their love as they both shared a kiss.
* Right after the first battle of Genesis as in the maredi temple as Anakin and Maddie both discussed about his adventures and them still being together. As they both are kissing passionately heavily and right after they kissed. Maddie leaves Anakin
* In Niaboon, in her bedroom as she saw Anakin Jones as they both discussed about his love for her, that they shouldn't be together since she is queen and he is a maredi that they shouldn't be together there relationship is over. They both stared at each other for a second and they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out. They get undressed as they are both naked as they are both kissing passionately as he takes her to the bed as they are both having post breakup sex. In the end, Maddie wakes up naked but covering in blankets as she sees a letter from Anakin she reads it and starts crying as Anakin went to the ship as he is continuing to go on his mission as he is thinking about his love for Maddie.
* There is a first sex scene between Adam and Selena, that's where Selena lost her virginity even it's implied that they even sleep together
* Adam is trying to protect Selena in danger in the Machine Factory from Dark Winged creatures, as he fights to save her until they got separated and arrested
* In the end while Chancellor Black and them are watching the Dark Armies marching into ships. In Verona, Lake Country, Niaboon where Adam and Selena got secretly married while there is a priest named Robin who is saying the vows but Aaron and R7, Roy are the witnesses as they have their first kiss as husband and wife. Right after they kissed and looked at the lake, then they stared at each other as they are about to lean to shared their kiss until the ending.
The Army Wars
* Takes place in 22- 19 By
* The fifth book narrator is Grand Caspian
* In the very beginning it's shows the republic senate where king Jon was the highest king back in the day, where he tells the senate that he betrayed king Hager because she he is a rebel that started back to the feud as chancellor Volcrum decides that the feud is back between the rebels and royal clan right after the senate we meet young Maddie and Anakin, even Senator Black who's even at a young age discussing About Maddie and Anakin together as best friends even though there royal and rebel clan as he leaves. Years later, in Niaboon, in Theed as King Jon was about to ready to traveled in Speck to talked and those people until there was explosion in Niaboon, in the republic senate they talked about the explosion and Niaboon from the rebels, that they should fight the rebels as king Hager and Jon have a fight, but Chancellor Volcrum decides that the royals and Rebels shall have war, as King Jon went into Speck and he created a big explosion in the church, when it's shows Anakin and Walter, Clifford war between the Rebels and Royals clans in Speck, and when in the end Anakin blow up the speck castle as the rebels clan won the first war. As Jon is very upset, in the senate he tells every single senators that war of the feud between the rebels and royal clans that have begun, that his speech he tells them that he will kill every single rebel so he will have more power in the Galaxy world as Anakin and Maddie look at each other.
* In the very beginning in Niaboon when King Hager and King Jon introduces there children Maddie and Anakin that they are bestowed to marry each other. Since there's fathers wants there kingdoms to be reunited, as Maddie and Anakin are getting along as best friends until when the war started, as they are both getting along and becoming teenagers as Anakin is a young maredi padawan as they discussed that they both knew that they are bestowed to marry, that since they are bestowed they can able to stop this war between there parents.
* King Jon told the senate that there is a second bombing of Niaboon, that he thinks its king Hager and his rebels clan that the war is still going on
* The very beginning Maddie and Anakin secretly have a sexual relationship while he is still a maredi knight while Maddie is a princess and Anakin first have sex in her bedroom that's where they both sleep together. Weeks while there is war between the Rebels and Royals war is going on, Anakin and Maddie still have sex in her bedroom at night, in the morning Maddie sees Anakin leaving out of her bedroom as he tells her that he has to go back to his brother Clifford so his father won't find them. As he gets dressed and leaves, Maddie. Once Anakin is back from Oniaen, him and Maddie both have sex again and they both spend the night together, in the morning Maddie wakes up naked but covering in blankets, as she's covering in feathers that Anakin knows that it was him that bite the pillows, as they both talking about their secret sexual relationship as they are about to kissed as they heard the second bombing of Niaboon
* In Oniaen, for couple of years as King Hager and Anakin and Clifford both discussed about the Royals, even king Jon and his daughters, that the Niaboon people are innocent. As Anakin decides to see Maddie since he is in love with her.
* Right after the war, Anakin was force to leaves Maddie to go to Corusent by the maredi council as they said their last goodbyes as she tells him that the war will be over between the Rebels and Royals war as he knows.
* Weeks before the war, right after king Jon and Hager decides to fight war. As Clifford and Eve confesses their love with each other as Clifford rapes Eve as they are accepting to have sex for their first night as a couple. Right after they both spend the night together, In the morning Clifford and Eve wake up both are naked but covering in blankets, as they both discussed About last night, their love even Maddie and Anakin that her and Clifford are a lot worse as it ends of them kissing passionately and having sex. In the other night, right her and Maddie, Clifford and Anakin have a nice dinner. In her bedroom while Eve and Clifford are having sex, it's unknowingly convinced a child as they are both spending the night together. In the morning as they are both awake naked but covering in blankets as they discussed about the war, even their fathers hated each other as Clifford gets up and get dressed he tells her that he has to go back to Oniaen so he can discuss the war with his father as Clifford and Eve both shared a second kissing passionately before Clifford leaves.
* Before the Rebels and Royals war, right after Clifford went back to Niaboon eight months right after he visited his father in the Oniaen as he visited Eve as she reveals that she is pregnant with his child.
* During the war, while pregnancy Eve and Clifford are in the nursery discussing the war, and there unborn baby before the birth of there child. As Clifford has to leave so he can fight war as Eve knows as they both quickly shared a intimate moment and a kiss
* Right after the war, between the Rebels and Royals war, in Eve's castle while Eve gives birth to a son named Ralph while Clifford is there.
* Weeks right after Ralph is born, we are hearing voices in the dark. That are revealed to be Clifford and Maddie discussing about his vision of Eve turning into the dark side, as Maddie decides to let Clifford and her son Ralph leaved for there safety of Eve. As Clifford takes Ralph and leaves in Niaboon. In the next morning, as Eve is running as she sees the nursery gone as she screams in pain that Clifford took her son Ralph away from her, as Maddie cuddles Eve.
* In the beginning, in Selena's apartment shortly right after the first battle of Genesis where Ben and Selena both discussed about that Master Ganeld brings him to tell her that she break up with the Chosen One his nephew Adam Malfoy, that she is in love with him that, he is siren bond by her because he loves her since she is siren bond by his love, as she refuses that it's just love between them. Ben tells her to break up with him even though he is in love with her, Selena tells him that Adam is escort her back to Niaboon where they will ended there relationship. When Ben left, came Adam as they both discussed that Ben came so she can break up that she's siren bond to him, as he explains about siren bond to Selena that his love with her not siren bond, that He's love her that they should to go to Niaboon where the council and the Republic won't find them. As they confessed their love and shared a kiss, as they both went on the ship as Adam tells captain Typon takes them to Niaboon for personal business. As the ship leaves corusent to Niaboon as it landed.
* In the beginning Adam and Selena are talking about there marriage while there at Niaboon for them to get married until Eve knows that Adam loves Selena more than him which leads into the fight between Eve and Adam, which it leads into the second kiss between them
* It shows Adam and Eve secret wedding ceremony, in Niaboon while Adam is doing the vows to his bride Senator Selena Snow. While the priest robin is doing the vows for them, while he is staring at Selena as it shows him and Eve have their first and her raping him, there second kiss. As Adam realizes that now he loves Eve and Selena at the same time and same love, as priest robin pronounced Adam Malfoy and Selena Snow husband and wife. As Adam kisses his newlywed wife Selena as it shows Eve and him. Right after they kissed, they stared at each other.
* Adam and Selena consummate their marriage in Niaboon in the Snow's cottage for couple of days since it's a middle of a war, before they go back to Corsuent for the Army Wars by Ben Potter
* Right after Adam and Selena secretly got married and they both become husband and wife, the newlywed couples decided to stay in Snow's house for a awhile together. That's Adam was worried about them being together even though war has just started but Selena knows as she wants Adam by her tonight as he accepts as they both kissing passionately as they both went into the bed. As there kissing passionately and they are both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked, having sex in her bed. Until it fades to black
* In the Snow's house, in the morning right after the newlywed couple both spend the night together for the first time as husband and wife. As when Selena wakes up naked but covering in blankets as Adam and her both stared at each other from there first night as husband and wife.
* Right after Selena's sister Annie, gives Adam and Selena to their own cottage, as Adam carries his newlywed wife Selena into the cottage. As they both look around at the house and as they both walked into their own bedroom. As they see the bed Adam and Selena, are kissing passionately and they both take each other's clothes off, as they are both naked, having sex in the white bedroom. But there sex scene isn't long.
* In the baloney, right after they both have sex in the morning while Adam and Selena both talked about there last night together as they sure they are both meant to be together.
* In the lake, Adam and Selena both got to spend some together while there on their own honeymoon. As Selena gets stripped naked in front of Adam as he's asking her of what's she's doing. She tells him that's she's swimming and that she wants him to go with him, as she went into the lake. As his getting undressed and went into the lake. As they are both skinny dipping together as they realizes it's the sunset as they both loved it. They both are having sex in the lake until it switches in their cottage, the white bedroom as they are both taking each other's clothes off and they are both naked, having sex in the white bedroom. As it fades to black
* In their cottage, in the morning right after the newlywed couple still have sex Selena wakes up naked but covering in blankets, as she's remember that night with Adam realizes she's covering in feathers. As Adam wakes up and realizes that there's something wrong with his newlywed wife. Selena tells him what's the matter that she tells him that she's covering in feathers, Adam tells her that his was out of control so he destroy the pillows last night, she tells him what's the matter he tells her that he's afraid that his hurting her. Selena tells him that he is not hurting her. Adam tells her that he doesn't have any control of himself while having sex, as they both are talking about there secret marriage that about last night and there night before and them making love. That everything is changing between them, as Adam knows as Selena gets out of the bed. She tells him that's she's getting dressed, he has to think about making love with her.
* In the meadow, Adam and Selena both are talking about making love with each other while there husband and wife as his afraid that's his hurting. Adam tells her hat he wants to make love but they should have a break making love for the there night.
* In there cottage, at night in the Black bedroom while it's the first night where Adam's visions as his waking up in a middle of the night. As Selena and Adam both are talking about his nightmare, that he wants to be with her. That he was wrong, he should make love with Selena since he loves her so much as his newlywed wife. As she accepts as they both are kissing passionately as it fades to black. It implied that they have sex
* In there cottage, in the morning right after the newlywed couple have sex. As Adam is standing at the balcony as Selena and Adam both smile remembering there previous night. When Adam and Selena both take each other's hands and they are both kissing passionately throughout the morning.
* In there cottage, at night in the Black bedroom while Adam and Selena are kissing passionately as they are taking each other's clothes off and they are both naked having sex in the bed, until it fades to black.
* In there cottage, at night in the Black bedroom right after Adam and Selena both have sex. Adam still have those same visions like he did on the night before as he wakes up as he gets dressed and went outside. He went into the balcony as Selena wakes up and sees Adam walking. In the balcony Adam and Selena are both talking about his nightmare, that Adam knows something about the vision that it's about him. Selena knows, Adam still wants to spend the night together with Selena as she loves her and he loves her back. As they are both kissing passionately.
* In there cottage, at night in the Black bedroom while Adam and Selena are both naked, having sex in their bed. This sex scene isn't long either.
* In there cottage, at night right after Adam and Selena have sex. Adam still has those same visions as he wakes up. Selena needs to know what's happening with Adam he tells her that it's nothing. As he gets out of the bed, Selena asks where Adam was going, he tells her to get some fresh air. As Selena puts on a white robe and follows Adam to the balcony. As Adam tells her that those the same nightmares he keeps on having, but he tells her that it thinks is war. Selena refuses to believe that there is war. But Adam tells her that there is war between the Republic and the Dark separatists that he must go back Corusent to tell the council about the war. Selena tells him that they know about the war. As Adam tells Selena that he really wants to be with her, but he can't since war has just begun between him that this is there last night together as husband and wife. As Selena knows. They are both kissing passionately and as it fades to black. It implied that they have sex.
* In there cottage, in the morning right after Adam and Selena both spend their last night together. Adam is listening to the hologram of Ben Potter telling Adam that he must go back to Corusent, because the senate and the highest queen, the chancellor votes that the maredi's should fight that there is war in the galaxy world called the Army Wars. That he wants Adam to return immediately. Then Adam tells Selena that he has to go since his uncle and master wants him to fight this war with him. Selena knows that he should go to Corusent and go to fight this war. Adam tells Selena that what she's going to do Selena tells him that she also got a message from the highest queen that she should come back to Corusent so they can discuss about this war as he knows since she is Senator. Selena knows that to, Adam tells her that he loves her so much as his wife that he won't forget her in this war. Selena tells Adam that she loves him as her husband always. As they are both kissing passionately before Adam leaves her for good and goes to fight the Army Wars.
* During Adam's honeymoon with his secret wife Selena, at night he keeps on having nightmares about his ancestors past as he keeps on waking up in a middle of a night. They think it's a war that has begun between them.
* The highest queen Maddie and the Senate, Chancellor Black decided that the Maredi's should fight with the Armies. Since they fought the first battle of Genesis as the senate agrees
* During his honeymoon with his newlywed wife Selena, Adam can't stop thinking about Eve. As it shows him and Eve have their first kiss, Eve raping him, there second kiss. As Adam can't stop thinking about Eve because he is in love with her.
* During his honeymoon and during war he loves everything to be with Selena, he grown to love her so much that Selena is much more important to him throughout the series
* During his honeymoon with his secret wife Selena, at night Adam and Selena are both talking about his dream. That ever since there is a war, but Selena don't believe that there's a war between the Republic and the Dark separatists. But Adam wants to go back to Corusent, so he can talk the council about the war. So they decided that this is there last night, together as husband and wife as they are both kissing passionately and later which leads to sex.
* During his honeymoon with Selena, right after Adam and Selena both spend their last night together. In the morning, there is a hologram of Ben Potter telling Adam that he must go back to Corusent, because the Senate decides that the maredi should fight that there is war in the galaxy world called the Army Wars. That the senate votes that the maredi should fight, that he wants Adam to return immediately. Then Adam and Selena both are talking about the war, that he should return Selena understands as he says goodbye to his secret wife so he can go back to Corusent and fight the Army Wars.
* Right after Adam's spending time in his honeymoon with Selena. While he is on Corusent, he saw a golden heart necklace as he decided to buy it for Eve so he can give it to her.
* Adam while he is a padawan first meet the Dark Fairy on Yain 5, that's where they have their first duel as she fell, until he screams in powerful pain and angered
* Adam is a Pilot during the Army Wars
* Admiral Valerian is with Adam Malfoy and Angelina Witch/ Jones
* Adam still loves Selena Snow his secret wife and his secret girlfriend Eve Amilda at the same time and the same feelings for them
* During the Army Wars, while during on missions/ battlefields Adam is been cheating on his secret wife Selena with another woman that he meets from his past
* Adam has many affairs with woman that he loves in the past, while he is secretly married to Selena Snow
* Adam is been sleeping with Selena Snow, Taila, Eve, Claire, Luna
* Right after Adam finds out that his secret wife Selena cheating on Adam by being with Anakin. During the battle and missions, Adam also cheating on Selena so she can be jealous of him
* Right after Adam and Luna have there rain kissed, while Aaron is watching them and Aaron and Ben both talked about Adam having different affairs with another woman
* In the Republic building, Adam and Anakin both talked until Adam realizes that his secret wife Selena cheating on him with having a secret affair with Anakin. As Anakin finds out that Adam is also cheating on Selena because he is been having secret different affairs with another woman.
* In her apartment, Aaron tells Selena that Adam her secret husband has secretly having another affairs with another woman, that means he secretly cheating on Selena
* In her apartment, as Selena and Adam are both fighting about Adams different affairs with another woman, while he is married. As she tells him that he have feelings for Eve but he lies as he refuses then they both tell each other that they both loved each other, just he was jealous that Selena was caring about her job and that she was also having affair with Anakin not him, as they both apologized that they are still married and they both shared a kiss and then they are both kissing passionately and as it went to blackout because it is implied that they have sex.
* While Adam is at the missions and battlefields, his secret wife Selena is also secretly cheating on her secret husband. With Anakin Jones as they are having affairs while Adam is on missions.
* When Adam returns, they both didn't talk about there secret affairs. They just hide there secret affairs from themselves.
* While Adam is gone on missions, his secret wife Selena and Anakin Jones both spend time together on his apartment at night, while there is no Senate just them alone
* In the ship, where Adam and Angelina meet for the first time, as they both discussed about them as master and padawan, they both discussed about the second battle in Christian
* In Christian there is a first in battle with Adam and Ben are fighting the battle droids, until they have to go back to the republic cruiser ship so they can have a plan and win that battle the other time
* In the Christian land, where they both discussed about the battle with the battle droids and destroy their shield. So Christian can be part of the republic.
* There is armies vs battle droids fight scene in Christian
* Angelina blow up the shield
* Right after the battle, Angelina and Adam both finally get along as master and apprentice.
* Right after the war in Christian, Master Ganeld sends Adam and Angelina on a mission to nabla to rescue pharaoh daughter's from the dark separatists to take her back to Tatonne as he accepts. As when they are leaving the ship, as Angelina and Adam both discussed about Tatonne, and Nabla that is in Niaboon.
* Adam has dreams of his ancestors and how Aurora killed her own uncle
* Adam and the Dark Fairy have a first fight scene in Nabla
* Weeks right after Adam becomes a maredi knight and pharaoh Moses's grandson Barry is alive, the council sent Adam and Ben, Bryan and Adam's padawan Angelina Witch to go Nabla to arrest count Peter for kidnapping pharaoh Moses's daughter and he is responsible for the army war to start
* Joshua kidnapped Pharaoh daughter Croatia on Tatonne
* Joshua takes her to Nabla, where he have sex with her by raping her
* Croatia become pregnant with Joshua's child
* Croatia gave birth to a boy named Barry by a C section from the Dark Fairy
* Selena went to Ricky that he is the one, who wanted Croatia to be captured
* Croatia got shot and died in Angelina's hands
* Count Peter tells pharaoh Moses that the maredi are the killers that killed his daughter
* As Pharaoh Moses trusts count Peter and the Dark separatists
* Senator Selena Snow got captured by Pharaoh Moses's uncle Eponine, when Aaron rescuers her with the armies
* As Pharaoh Eponine is under a arrest for working with count Peter, to captured his niece.
* Barry is a young boy, but grow up from newborn baby to a young boy
* There is a fight scene between Adam Malfoy and Count Peter In Tatonne
* There is a fight between Ben and the Dark Fairy in Nabla, while the fighting is going on
* Angelina and Adam brought Barry to Pharaoh Moses as he realizes that he has a grandson but his daughter has been dead
* Joshua tells chancellor Black that the plan have failed with the Egyptians
* Adam first meet, Angelina on his republic ship
* Right after they rescue Barry from the dark separatists, Adam accepted Angelina as his padawan
* Right after, they rescue Barry the maredi council told Adam and Angelina that the senate votes for a general to be with Adam which Is Eve Amilda herself
* Selena made peace with the Egyptians in Tatonne
* During the first battle of Fulatie, while Adam and Ben, Angelina, Bryan and Anakin are both fighting the dark separatists battle droids, as Ben and Adam are fighting that they should connect Angelina who is in the jungle control. While she is fighting by the jungle with the armies, Adam and Ben, Angelina both talked about the fighting with the droids that Anakin should be there. As Anakin and his armies appear in the jungle, as Ben and Adam, Angelina, Anakin both are talking that if he should fight because this is a deadly war for them. As Anakin tells him that his going to attack them, as Anakin and his Armies both are attacking the dark separatists battle droids as they lost connect with Anakin. As Adam and Ben, Bryan tells since they lost Anakin in battle they should go. As they go but Angelina tells him that she doesn't want to leave the fight, as they pick her up Angelina and Adam are still fighting about her in this war. As she's leaving them.
* In Corusent, Adam and Angelina go to find a bounty hunter named Logan who is working for the dark separatists to make them weapons. In the bar, Angelina and Adam captures Logan and they take him into the maredi council to trial.
* At the party, in Niaboon in Eve's castle for the republic senate to as Eve as general for the Army Wars as Adam went her balcony, when Eve followed him, as they both talked about being a general with Adam. That Eve told Adam that he still hates her for what she did to him, he tells that he loves Eve as a third cousin and that she shouldn't rape him, Eve tells him that she is in love with Adam more than just family, that's what she wanted to tell Adam to know as she walks away. Adam tells her that he loves her, that he can't stop thinking about her right after the invasion of Niaboon and him during as a maredi. He loves Eve more than anything in the world more than just family as he confesses his love for Eve as she tells him that she always loved him. Adam tells Eve that he loves her to as they are both kissing passionately and everything went to black. As implied that they have sex.
* While at night, Adam and Eve are sleeping together in her bed, naked but covering in blankets right after they have sex until he got a message from Angelina. That the council needs Adam, that it is important as he continues to think as Eve wakes up and wanders what's going on with Adam, he tells her that it's about the council, that he wants them there tomorrow Eve tells him that he couldn't leave her, Adam knows but he can't Eve either, Eve tells him what's his going to do Adam tells her that his going to spend the night with her before he leaves as she knows they both kissing passionately and having sex throughout the night.
* In the morning, Eve wakes up as she sees Adam dressed in his regular maredi knight, he tells her that the council needs him that it is important as they both kissed, before Adam leaves
* In Eve's castle, in the garden of Eden, Eve shows Adam the fairies in the garden of Eden as they both shared a dance. As they both dance, they promise each other that someday they will be able to be together if war will be over. He shows her the necklace gives her that tells about what gender is there child will be, as he spins it towards Eve's belly. Eve knows that it's a girl, that they will both have a girl someday. As they both happy for someday that they will become parents. Then they kissed as they are both happy to be together. While Anakin watches them, in the woods.
* In Eve's castle, right after Adam and Eve spend time together in the garden of Eden as they run towards her bed as Adam tell her that his having fun, she tells him that he is having fun with her. As they both have sex and get undressed towards her bed as they spend the night together. As it shows Adam and Eve, naked in her bed having sex, as they both keeping on kissing passionately at each other throughout the night. Until it fades to black.
* In the morning right after they have sex, in Eve's castle in her bed Eve wakes up naked, but covering in blankets as she's looking at her mouth. In the balcony Eve is wearing a black robe as Adam came to her as they both talked about last night. As Eve remembers her and Adam having sex on the previous night in her bed as she is very happy.
* Adam and Ben first meet the Dark Fairy who is Count Peter's niece and lord Satan's sidekick
* Ben and Count Peter fight in Nabla
* Adam and the Dark Fairy have second duel in Nabla, that's where she got a scarred in his right eye
* They went to Nabla, to arrest count Peter who is responsible to starting the war
* In space, the dark separatists built a weapon that can destroy planets and republic even Niaboon
* While Adam and Angelina are in the ship, in space to find General Kioan as Adam has Eve's golden heart necklace, as it shows him and Eve being together as he stares at it when Angelina asks him what's the matter. Adam tells her it's nothing that they should find General Kioan
* Adam and Angelina saved General Kioan in space
* Adam decides to bring his crew to destroy the canon
* Before Adam leaves, him and Eve share a intimate moment that she is sad that Adam is going on a mission, he tells her that he needs to go so he can destroy that canon. But she wanted to be with him, he tells her that's his going to be find as they are kissing passionately when Bryan watches and Interrupts them
* Adam destroys the canon to saved Niaboon
* Selena came but got into the dark separatists cruiser
* Adam and Ben, Selena destroy the dark separatists cruiser ship
* Adam tells Ben that he'll sleep right after they find General Snowden
* While Adam is looking at the plan, to get General Snowden he turns to General Eve as they both looked at each other
* While the Armies are in trouble, in Eion. They suddenly destroy the Eion base by Abel
* Right after they saved The Armies, in Eve's castle while Adam is visiting Eve as they both shared a moment that she thought that Adam Is gone forever, but he tells her that his not gone forever as they both starting kissing passionately and then have sex in her bed.
* In Eve's castle, in the morning when Adam and Eve are both naked but covering in blankets, in her bed as they both talking about being together during the war. Adam tells her how long, Eve tells how long about what. Adam tells her how long are they going to keep there sexual relationship from everyone he knows, Eve tells him that they should keep there sexual relationship a secret, since Adam is keeping it from his wife Selena. Adam and Eve are talking about him, being with Eve and Selena, that he is cheating on his wife. Eve tells him that Adam loves her, he responds yes, she tells him that they should keep their sexual relationship a secret from the council and the republic, to know as they both touch hands in the bed as Adam leaves out of the bed.
* Right after there journey in Morits, Maddie got poison on her wine as her pregnancy speeds up then she gives birth in corusent hospital by Bill, Arina and Selena
* There is Adam vs Dark Fairy fight scene in corusent
* Angelina tells them that Maddie is giving birth as they found out that she got poison by the dark fairy
* The dark fairy tells Adam that Maddie is the key to end the Army War but it's not her who wants to control the galaxy world it's lord Satan as they both continue fighting
* In corusent hospital Maddie survives unexpectedly and gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Sarahbeth
* Right after the birth of Sarah Beth, in the Maredi council Adam, Ben and Angelina they all talked about lord Satan is behind everything in the war as they decided to talk about lord Satan with Chancellor Black
* In the Chancellor's office, as Adam and Ben, Angelina, Master Grey, Master Ganeld, Chancellor Black they all both talked about lord Satan, as later chancellor black leaves them
* When Elond Dyen got captured by Anakin and his armies
* Elond got escape by The Dark Fairy
* There is a fight scene between Angelina vs The Dark Fairy
* Angelina tells her master, that she failed to get Elond Dyen as he knows about it.
* Connal and Bryan find out that Army Tom is a traitor to republic
* There is Ben and Adam vs Dark Fairy fight scene in Chriaphos
* That Tom got captured as Adam tells him that he wants this battle to win as Adam and Ben leaved
* Right after Sarahbeth is born, Adam Malfoy becomes Sarahbeth's godfather by her parents Anakin and Maddie
* When Adam holds baby Sarahbeth for the first time. That's where they both loved each other and Adam knows that Sarahbeth is strong with the force just like him.
* The Dark Queen/ Eve killed her father King Jon because of her hatred by her older sister Maddie as Queen. As she rips his heart out.
* Anakin and Maddie have a intimate moment, as she give him her elven necklace for her love to remember her forever. As they both shared a kissed.
* When Angelina find out that she is a Jones and Anakin's daughter, she tells her master that when she was little until now that they have a have attachment somehow
* While Angelina is sleeping, she sees visions of the past of Aurora and Miles having sex, until she wakes up and realizes the truth
* Angelina tells her master, that there ancestors were in love before they died that's the reason why there so attachment together because of there ancestors did long time
* While Sarahbeth is a young girl, in Anakin's castle. Right Adam spends the night with Selena, he plays with his goddaughter Sarahbeth when Anakin watches them, as Maddie came and they both see that Adam is happy.
* While Adam is on Niaboon, Anakin and Adam are both talking about Eve, that Anakin was surprise that Adam is really in love with Eve Amilda Maddie's sister, but he told him to spy on her even if Eve is the dark fairy. But Adam refuses because he is in love with her,
* While in space, before there mission to Niaboon as Adam and Eve have a intimate moment, they both talked about that if Niaboon Is remind of Eve herself as she tells him right after the mission. They can go into their castle and where they can spend time together, have a little break from war. As they are both about to kissed until came Bryan who interrupts them again
* Selena and Nicholas got captured by doctor Qion
* Doctor Qion wants the Yellow plague back to Niaboon so the highest queen Maddie can died
* Doctor Qion sent on a mission by the Dark fairy to make the yellow plague back to Niaboon
* Selena and Angelina both got the yellow plague
* Adam and Ben went to planet called Asian where they find Eve's ex boyfriend and cousin named Robert
* Adam and Robert have a arm wrestle to see who can get the antidote
* Robert knows about Adam's secret sexual relationship with Eve
* Adam and Ben got the antidote and went back to Niaboon
* Adam and Selena both shared a intimate moment, before she leaved to be healed
* Eve was there when Selena and Angelina, Bryan who are all going to get healed from the yellow plague
* Right after Adam's mission with his uncle Ben Potter, to find the antidote of the virus. In Eve's castle, where Adam and Eve have a little break from war. As she's missing so much in her own castle, Adam tells her that he wished that he can have his own castle, Eve tells her but his not a royal like her. Adam tells her that he is by blood, Eve tells him that unless he is married, he tells her married. Eve tells him that he has to be married by her, Adam tells her that he loves her. Eve tells him that she loves him back, as they are kissing passionately and they both went into her bed. While they are both continuing kissing and as they are both ripping each other's clothes off. Then later, they are both naked in her bed as they are both having sex and continuing kissing until she tells Adam that she loves him, he tells her that he loves her to as they both continue to have sex. Then it became a blackout.
* In Eve's castle, right after Adam and Eve have sex, they got dressed on there clothes back on as Adam tells her that it was fun, she tells him that it she know it was being with Adam. Adam tells her because he loves being with Eve more than anything as she smiles and walks to Adam and kisses him as they are both continuing kissing passionately.
* Master Ganeld went to Morin and meet The Darker One the ancestor of Adam Malfoy. As shows him the future of the Empire until the Darker One was gone
* We first meet Rubert, telling ganeld that he knows about the Dark lord as he disappears
* Lord Satan and Lord Judas know about Master Ganeld, he plans to show Master Ganeld pain
* We see Damon that Ganeld knows that Damon his son, turned into a dark side of the force just like his uncle. As they both fight when Damon dies by his father
* There is Adam vs Count Peter fight scene, that's where he killed him.
* There is a second fight scene between Ganeld vs Lord Satan
* The spirits tell him, the trails he passed that Quinn will trained him to communicate with him to learn the power right after death. But that there is another Malfoy's that he will teach to saved the universe from great imbalance as Ganeld sees a bright future. Which leads to the birth of Jason Malfoy, and the birth and the destiny of Scarlett Malfoy his half sister. The destiny of Jason Malfoy, as well as his twin sister Susie
* Adam tells Selena that he has to leave for five months to go on a mission, that's where Adam and Selena both spend their last night together as husband and wife
* In the very end Adam and Ben, leave for five months to go on a mission
* In the very end, ganeld believe there is victory that will come in the Galaxy world one day that there is hope
* While they are fighting in space, Anakin tells Adam that he needs to check on his girlfriend Maddie. As he went into Adam's office, as Adam and Ben are both talking about Anakin, they both walked together talking Anakin and hologram Maddie both talked about the war, to separate them from being together.
* During the Army Wars, Anakin talks with hologram Maddie for couple times about the war, and the fighting. Even Eve and Adam seem both of them are getting too close just more than just friends.And the armies. During the battle on space, maddie reveals to be visibly pregnant, that Anakin almost asked her what's the problem. She told him right after they both shall make love and be together once more.
* While Adam becomes general during the Army Wars, Princess Eve Amilda also become a General because the chancellor Black wants her to learn more about Adam.
* While during the Army Wars battles on space and land, Adam and Eve have secretly continuing having sex without Selena and the Maredi Council, the Galactic World Republic won't know about there secret sexual relationship, during the war, when they both ended up sleeping together in Eve's bed at night.
* In the Galactic world senate building in Corusent, in a private room, that's where Adam and Eve have sex, even kissing a lot before they even go off to heard about the senate. Even before Adam visits his secret wife Selena
* In the Galactic World republic senate building, in a private room. Before Adam is going to protected his wife Selena from Lucius, while Adam and Eve are both spending time together are both talking about the mission. That Eve is sad that he has to go, but Adam knows it's a right choice as they both ended up kissing passionately as Adam blows out the candle it implied that they have sex.
* Adam and Eve secretly continue their relationship before and after missions/ battlefields together.
* Right after Adam and Eve are back on there mission, in the Galactic World republic senate building, in a private room. It's dark, while Adam and Eve are kissing but they have there clothes on, as there talking about staying with each other before the senate. While they are kissing passionately, Adam senses Angelina Jones his apprentice as they both stop kissing and Eve hides when Angelina opens the door, she tells Adam that it's almost time for the senate to talked about the dark separatists as she knows what Adam is doing in that room. Adam lies to her that he is meditating in the force, as she leaves. When Eve came out of her hiding place, they both talked about Adam being important to the senate and the council while there in war.
* Right after the Adam visits Anakin and Maddie. Adam visited Eve in her barn as they both talked about horses as Adam is about to kiss her, but Eve refuses because she didn't want to have sex in her barn. But Adam wants to if the council and the republic doesn't care about them being together as they both talked being together right after the war as they both ended up kissing passionately in the barn. Later, they both ride horses together and right as Adam falls into the grass when Eve realizes that Adam is not alright, she went by him as she realizes that Adam is pretending dead in front of her as they are both laughing. Then Adam kisses Eve and tells her that she loves him, she tells Adam that she loves him too. As they are both kissing passionately and it fades to black.
* In Eve's castle, in the morning right after they have sex while Adam and Eve are both in the her bed, with there nightgowns on covering in blankets. They are both talking about them being together, that he feels like there relationship is like magic. Eve tells him that love is always part of life between like there meant to be together, as they are both talking about the Army Wars, that it's ruining their relationship as they wanted to be together so much as Adam tells Eve to hold her. As she went by him while they are by each other throughout their morning.
* Ben Potter secretly knows about Adam's feelings with Juliet and Eve. As he tells Adam that Belle is Adam's daughter which makes Adam a fight, as they have a huge fight about the mission and Juliet, even her pregnancy. Until Ben brings up to Adam, he tells Adam that he is also been sleeping with General Eve Amilda and that he knows about there secret sexual relationship as they have a huge fight about Eve. That Ben knows that Adam loves Eve for his life as he responds that he loves Eve. That Adam doesn't want to talked to his secret sexual relationship with his uncle, as Ben Is about to leave. He tells Adam that he is having a secret sexual relationship with two woman.
* In Eve's castle, right after Adam and Ben talked that Adam tells Eve, that his uncle Ben Potter knows about his secret relationship with Eve. But Adam tells her that he didn't know about him and Selena marriage
* Right after Adam saved Selena in Spario, in the maredi temple balcony. Adam and Ben are both talking about Adam and Eve being together, but Ben promise not to tell the council and the senate, that Ben is happy for Adam and Eve are together that he promised he will keep their secret relationship and he won't even ruined their sexual relationship.
* Adam and Selena spend their honeymoon on Niaboon
* Adam and Selena kept there marriage a secret between the Republic and the Maredi Council
* While before Anakin and Adam leaves for the battle of Niaboon, Anakin visits Selena and he reveals that he and Selena have feelings for each other when she became senator as they are kissing passionately. But she refuses to be with him since she's married.
* There is shower sex scene between Selena and Anakin before Adam went into his secret wife's apartment
* Adam and Ben chase Count Peter, as they both have a fight. As Count Peter leaves. Until Count Peter got captured by pirates of there captain named Cornelius Frost
* Adam and Ben got trapped in a cave, where Adam fights a monster without his lightsaber sword
* Angelina saved Adam and Ben from the cave
* Chancellor Black decides to bring representative Nicholas and General Eve Amilda to captured Count Peter
* In chancellor's office, while Cornelius Frost tells Chancellor Black about the capturing of Count Peter that we need maredi to come to Gailiee, to see Count Peter and they can bring him to the senate
* Adam and Ben visits Count Peter while he is in prison
* Adam and Ben went to where count Peter into a planet called Gailiee, that's where pirates lived
* While Adam and Ben, Count Peter are in prison wanting to get out, when Anakin visits the pirates, he went to the bar and he suddenly meet a beautiful pirate waitress named Bella Frost she is captain Frost Daughter. As they both talked about each other since years pass about each other as they looked at each other and they both ended up having sex, in her bedroom.
* Adam and Ben visits the pirates and there captain named Cornelius Frost, who knows Anakin Jones because they are best friends
* Cornelius Frost make Adam and Ben, to visit Count Peter. As he decided to let them stay for a awhile, until he make Adam and Ben drunk and past out.
* Adam and Ben woke up, in prison. As they realize they been tricked by pirates. When captain Frost knows that Adam and Ben are also a Dark Faith, they should be executed
* When Adam and Ben are in prison, there prisoner is next to Count Peter. As he tells him that Count Peter will be rescue by the Dark Fairy, as they both don't believe him. As they both talked about there ancestors and they talked about if Adam is sleeping with Eve Amilda, but Adam told a whole lie about him sleeping with Eve. While Ben Potter is meditating in the force, count Peter and Adam both are talking about Eve, when Adam told him that he did really sleep with Eve. When it's revealed that Adam is really is in love with Eve even though he is married with a different woman. That everything in Eve changed his life about love. That he couldn't stop thinking about her, he really loves her.
* Before Adam and Ben are getting executed, while Anakin and Bella are continuing having sex, until he senses danger because he realizes that Adam and Ben are going to die, his friends. As he gets out of the bed, and quickly puts on his clothes and rescues Adam and Ben
* When before Adam and Ben are getting executed, Anakin came and tells captain Frost. That Adam and Ben are his best friends, but captain Frost didn't know that Adam and Ben are best friends with Anakin. As Anakin tells them, that Adam and Ben are both part of the maredi and the Republic senate with him. Then captain Frost let Adam and Ben go out of execution
* Right after Anakin, saved Adam and Ben from getting executed. When General Eve and Nicholas came as Eve hugged Adam as Ben and Anakin decides that Frost and his pirates aren't enemies that they form alliance. As Frost accepts to join their alliance. They and the pirates both talked about that Count Peter shall stay in prison, until when the time is right for Count Peter to tells them about General Snowden, so they can end the war.
* Count Peter got rescued by the Dark Fairy, that the Army Wars isn't over yet.
* Count Peter visits the pirates as they captured him, because they know Anakin Jones that, they know that Count Peter is a dark Faith
* Adam and Count Peter, have a fight scene in Tatonne. Until Adam got captured
* Ben saved Adam, as they both got comfort by Count Peter
* Weeks right after the pirate problem with captain Frost and the maredi, came Captain Frost's brother named Donald Matthew, he decides to take his daughter Bella Frost from him.
* Captain Frost tells Adam and Anakin, Ben and Angelina. Bryan that his brother took his daughter from him so they decided to help captain Frost to get his daughter back
* They went to a cave, where Matthew scrapped her hand to his pirate necklace but he knows that necklace wasn't there.
* Bella takes the real necklace, to Anakin and tells him to destroy it as she leaves by giving Anakin a kissed
* Before the battle, Adam realizes that Anakin and Bella we're together again.
* There is a republic vs dark pirates battle scene in the cave
* There is Adam and Ben, Angelina, Anakin vs Captain Matthew fight scene
* Anakin rescue Bella as they take her into the republic ship
* Right after the battle, Adam knows that Anakin loves Bella. He tells him that he used to loved her because he left her to be with someone else, as he tells him about the mission and that's where he meets Bella and he begins to love her. As they both have sex once.
* Right after the battle, Bella takes a shower until Anakin joins her. As he confesses that he still loves her. As they both have sex in the shower room, while Adam watches them. While Anakin and Bella are having sex in the shower room, it's transition to his bedroom that's where they both are continuing having sex and spend the night together.
* Right after Anakin and Bella have sex, Adam tells Anakin that he is cheating on Maddie for Bella because he is in love with a pirate. Anakin knows that he is cheating on Maddie, he tells him that Maddie doesn't needs to know.
* Anakin apologizes to Bella for what he did, last night that he shouldn't be even be with her. Bella knows that Anakin is in love with the highest queen and of course she knew.
* When Bella leaves to the republic ship, she gave Anakin a goodbye kiss and she tells him that she always loved him from the beginning as she leaves with her father. Adam tells Anakin that is he going to regret it being with a pirate. Anakin responds no because pirates are also rebels clan like him, that's the reason why he trusts pirates because they are rebels clan for good.
* Years after Adam becomes a master and maredi knight. The Dark separatists are headed to battle as they fought. The Dark separatists plans to blow up planet of Niaboon because the highest queen of the Republic won't make peace with them. That they are traitors until came Adam and his apprentice, Angelina. Even his master Ben Potter to destroy that weapon as they did. Right after Selena came because the highest queen of the republic sent her, to go to Niaboon to the banking clan. while she's right in a middle of a battle as she got trapped in the dark separatists ship. As Adam and Ben decides to rescue her, when Adam saved Selena from falling on the train, when he saved her as they both shared their intimate moment as they kissed. When Ben first fight with General Snowden, as Adam and Ben, Selena get out of the dark separatists now the weapon destroy. The Niaboon is alive.
* There is two sex scenes between Anakin and Selena, they both have sex in Anakin's apartment since they both decided to keep their sexual relationship a secret from her husband and his fiancée.
* Right after the war Anakin realizes his been cheating on his best friends lover. So he told Adam everything for what he did
* In the ship, Adam and Anakin have a fight over Selena. Until Maddie and Anakin have a fight about Anakin spying on Selena but not be with her, when Anakin reveals that he is been secretly having affair with Selena and Guinevere without Maddie knowing.
* Anakin and Maddie are getting a divorce because of his secret sexual relationship with Selena and Guinevere
* At a bar, right after Mandalere is saved as Anakin drinking bear. He saw Guinevere again and they both talked about her flirting with him, as they catch up for what happened in Mandalore as they decided to get a room, as they both went to Anakin's apartment and they both have sex and continuing their sexual relationship without Maddie knowing. As he appears in Maddie's apartment late at night.
* Right after Anakin and Maddie got a divorce, Anakin went to Guinevere and they both continue their sexual relationship with each other.
* Right after Adam's speech, Maddie visits Anakin on Guinevere's apartment as he apologized for his actions as they both got repropose for there marriage
* Selena reveals to Adam, that when she starts as a senator, she falls for Lucius but they both started to have a sexual relationship, until she feels like they could be just friends. Until she fell in love with Anakin, when they always started their sexual relationship long time ago. But Anakin realizes that he loves Maddie, that he wants to be with her until they both not ended up being together, that's the reason why she still loves Adam more than Anakin.
* Right after Anakin and Maddie got a divorce, Adam visits Eve until he sees Maddie crying by Eve in her side. As they both discussed about her breaking up with Anakin during her pregnancy as Adam comforts Maddie from Anakin.
* Adam and Maddie's relationship is incredibly drawn to each other after that first encounter which they find is weird. In truth Adam is really drawn to baby Sarahbeth and Vice versa.
* Adam decides to stay with Eve for another night, together as they ended up having sex. As he sleeps with her, throughout the night that Eve still loves Adam. In the morning, Adam decides to leave Eve behind while he goes to his wife Selena as she's wondering where her husband is.
* In her apartment Adam and Selena have a fight about Anakin and Eve. That Adam tells her that he has the same feelings and same love for Eve and Selena. That Selena feels like that they will get a divorce by his actions but he refuses too as they both went to there bedroom as they both take each other's clothes off and they are both naked as he tells her that they are meant to be together, that she is his wife She always tells Adam that she loves him to not betray him for there love. As they persuade to have sex.
* Angelina has visions about her past, even her before her birth
* Guinevere is a princess of the bounty hunters
* While Anakin and Guinevere are with there daughter, Angelina right after she was born. Someone knows there secret relationship and went to Anakin's father king Hager
* King Hager wants to killed Anakin and Guinevere's child. But it failed because Anakin and his girlfriend put her in a wardrobe
* While Anakin is still a padawan, during his mission he falls in love with a princess of the bounty hunter named Guinevere. At night, Anakin and Guinevere have sex for the first time.
* In Selena's apartment, where Adam visited his secret wife Selena as they both hugged and kissed. But Selena was surprise that her secret husband is back since the last time they saw each other. Until Adam tells her that's there is a dragon in Corusent, that got resurrection by the Dark Fairy. Selena was surprise and knows what they should do now. Adam first tells her that he wants to spend time with her before they both discuss the dragon with her. As they both are kissing passionately and it fades to black which later implied that they have sex.
* Right after the Dark Dragon is defeated. In Selena's apartment, Adam and Selena are in the her bed, naked but covering in blankets it implied that they have sex as they are trying to find out why the Dark Dragon is in there in the first place and why Adam now trusts chancellor Black. Adam tells her that he has been his friend ever since he was a boy. Selena knows that but she wants Adam to stay with her as he accepts and they both continue to have sex.
* In the morning, right after they have sex. Selena wakes up from her bed naked but covering in blankets and find that Adam her secret husband is gone. She went into her living room and find Aaron that he tells her that Adam has to go into the council about the dragon as he tells him that's his going to be right back for later as there special evening together, but Selena was surprise and so is Aaron too.
* In Selena's apartment, when right after Adam saved Selena from the banking clan he choose to visit his secret wife Selena before she shall have a talk with Chancellor Black and Lucius about the banking clan. When it shows them kissing passionately in her bedroom as Aaron enters and tells them that it's almost time for them to see Chancellor Black but they ignore him but he chooses to leave as they are both taking each other's clothes off and having sex in her bed. As Selena is kissing naked her secret husband Adam Malfoy, until they got interrupt again by Aaron that it's time for them to be with Chancellor Black, they ignore him again as he leaves as her and Adam are continuing having sex in her bed. Right after they have sex, as they are both naked but covering in blankets they both are talking about Lucius as if Selena really wants to trust him. But she knows as it ends with them kissing passionately.
* In Selena's apartment, at night while as Adam is visiting her, as they both talking about Lucius as he tells her that he hates him because that they are both spending time together. She tells Adam to stop talking about politics, that they can spend time together as husband and wife as he accepts and leaves. She asks him where is he going, he tells her that his going to take a bath. While they are both in the bath, together as they both talked about themselves as husband and wife as they both kissing passionately in the bath.
* In Niaboon in their cottage, right after Adam got his scarred on his face. He visited choose his secret wife Selena as she realizes that he have a scar, as he tells her that there's is a Dark Fairy who is part of the dark separatists. As they both talked since the last time they saw each other, Adam tells her that he loves her and that he doesn't want her to leave. As they both loved each other as husband and wife as they are both kissing passionately and went into the Black bedroom, as there getting undressed as they are both are naked, having sex for the first time in months as husband and wife. As they both spend the night together before Adam leaves to fight more war. In the morning right after they have sex, Adam and Selena are getting dressed in their clothes that they are both happy to see each other as husband and wife as Adam says goodbye to her as they both shared a kiss as he leaves that's the last time they ever see each other for a long time.
* When Adam is supposed to be on a mediative retreat while his off duty in war. As he decided to visit his secret wife Selena so they can both spend the night together as husband and wife. In Selena's apartment at night. When he enters, Selena was surprise as they are both kissing passionately until they are interrupt by Aaron, that Aaron knows that his best friend/ cousin is back from war as he leaves the married couple alone. Then Adam and Selena are now still kissing passionately as they are having sex.
* In Selena's Senate apartment complex, right after Adam and Selena have sex late morning as Selena and Adam both wake up in there underwear's. Selena realizes that she is late for a hearing with the senate. As they both talked about the senate, the highest queen even the hearing as they both ended up having a kissed. realizes that she's late for the hearing in the senate. Adam and Selena are both talking about the senate and their marriage. That they both have fun last night like their actually husband and wife as they shared a kiss.
* While Selena is going to host a Senate Bouquet with the Senators and the highest queen, even her friends and some of her family members to celebrate her birthday before she goes to have a day off including the highest queen herself, she is all too stress until Adam tells her to chill as they both share a intimate moment
* During the Senate Bouquet Selena and Anakin went into the other room, as they talked about last night in Anakin's apartment. But they still decided to keep their secret sexual relationship, a secret between them without Adam and Maddie knowing.
* During the Senate Bouquet, at a birthday party for Maddie Amilda the Senators, Adam and Selena, Clifford and his new girlfriend Senator Avery who is British from Salem and Anakin and his fiancée Maddie. As they both talked about the Maredi's fighting war with the armies to different planets, the hearing of what Chancellor Black said to them about a invasion in the five realms which now leads to another war, they both talked about humans and British people who are claim to be monsters just like them. They both talked about the war between the Rebels and Royals clans where Clifford and Anakin, Senator Walter they both explains the war and how they get involved with it. They both talked senate and politics of the banking clan, which are elves even viceroy Elrond Geyn and his trade federation who are elves too, they talked about elves in Niaboon. Even about Clifford and his new girlfriend Avery about her losing virginity right after the party and them being together to have sex, as Selena lies to them that they don't want them to know that she is secretly married to Adam Malfoy who is a maredi that she have sex with Lucius, that she lost her virginity by him while he was protecting her, that her first time having sex is fun and experience in Niaboon, as Anakin mentions that he used a former senator of the five realms named Hermione that he tried to make out with her, but she refuses to so Anakin force her to have sex with him in her cabin, as Anakin and Selena both talked about the there almost sexual relationship. They talked about Anakin and Maddie's marriage which is in a few weeks almost close to the babies birth even Maddie's unborn child will be named. Then, they all talked about the Army Wars and the Republic to see if they will win.
* The banking clan is with the dark separatists
* The banking clan and the trade federation are elves
* The banking clan and trade federation are in line with the dark separatists
* Senator Sam Sparrow is a Senator of the trade federation and older brother of viceroy Elond Dyen
* Senator Edwin Hawkins is a Senator of the banking clan
* In the flurie, Adam and Ben, Angelina even Anakin both meet the villagers who are claim to be part of the Rebel Clan and know the famous Anakin Jones
* There is Adam vs Captain Matthew fight scene in the village, as Frost shot Matthew in the chest as he dies
* They connect with Frost, that Matthew wants to destroy the villagers as Frost decides that he can fight his brother
* They meet Captain Frost and his pirates by the villagers
* There is Angelina, Anakin, Ben, bounty hunters and villagers, pirates vs Dark pirates fight scene in Fulira
* The four bounty hunters help them to get their ship back
* There is Priden Lands Planet,
* Menteco becomes king of the Priden Lands at age of sixteen, years right after the battle
* Lions and Zebras don't have peace
* The Lions and Niaboon people don't get along because of the past, by what king Ethan did to them long time ago while he was king, as he executed and killed them by the under the rule of the First Dark Lord
* Menteco is the son of king Challah
* Maddie knows King Challah because he is best friends with her father and when she was young, he train her how to be in the throne, when time was come for her to be a highest queen
* A hyena named Mufuser killed Menteco's father king Challah
* Highest queen Maddie decides to bring Adam and Selena, on a mission to the Priden lands
* Maddie decides to bring the Niaboon and Merfolk to fight to help Africa
* There is a huge battle between the Niaboon and Merfolk, Lions vs Zebras and Hyenas, even the dark separatists in Africa
* During the fight, when Mufuser and Menteco when Maddie came as he realizes that Maddie decides to come and fight, as they are fighting into the throne room
* When Mufuser almost killed Maddie, until Jefferson killed Mufuser
* Jefferson is a Zebra who worked for Mufuser
* Mufuser is the one who case the feud between the lions and the Zebras
* The Zebras and Lions have peace in the very end, also with the Niaboon people.
* There is a planet called colonial Salem
* Thackery turns into a cat, right after he failed to saved his sister Margaret
* Before on the mission to Salem in Adam's visions it shows his past as Adam while he is a padawan, as they are both on a mission in Salem, when Ben decides to go to the meeting with them about there is any witchcraft. Adam and Juliet first meet, in the tavern as they both talked about romance and there lives if they fall in love as they both looked at each other, as they both are kissing passionately in outside the tavern as Juliet decides to invite him into her bedroom tonight, in the night while in Juliet's bedroom as Juliet is on her nightgown as she's brushing her hair and sees Adam as they both talked about being with each other, but in secret as they decided to be together as they are both kissing, until they stopped. That Juliet told him that she is a virgin that she never experience sex, but either does Adam that they are both ready to have sex. Then, they are both kissing passionately and they both take off each other's clothes off, as they both have sex for the first time as they both spend the night together. That is where Juliet and Adam both lose their virginity in the morning right after they have sex, as Juliet wakes up and sees Adam fully dressed as they both talked about last night. As they both remember about last night. During Adam and Ben's mission, Adam and Juliet both visited each other in secret, outside the tavern as they are both kissing passionately also in Juliet's bedroom throughout the night that is where Adam is sleeping with his secret colonial girlfriend Juliet throughout the night. At Salem, one morning in Juliet's bedroom. As she wakes up right after she and Adam both spend the night together, but she still remembers that wonderful night they have. While Adam is there, Juliet checks her lips and remembers her and Adam having sex on the previous night until suddenly she is a bump on her belly. That she realizes that she is pregnant with Adam's child. Before Belle's birth, Adam wants Juliet to abort his baby, but she refuses too. Since she loves the baby. In the woods, Adam force choke Juliet while she's pregnant about to abort the baby as she falls into the ground unconscious as Ben Potter saves her . In Salem hospital, they know that Juliet will died from childbirth but Ben saved her by his force power that he asks her who is the father of her unborn child. Juliet tells a lie that the father is a colonies but Ben still wants to know the truth . In Salem hospital, as Adam visited her. He tells Juliet that he is sorry, for what he did to her as they both accept to have the baby. Later as she gives birth to Adam's child who is a girl named Belle. Until he leaves to go to another mission, as he said goodbye to his girlfriend and his newborn baby girl named Belle. In the present, Adam and Juliet both got reunited together again with their daughter Belle, as Adam and Juliet confesses their love and they both have sex, even Adam proposes Juliet to marry him as she responds yes. As they both kiss and have sex. They both got secretly married and they both become husband and wife, as they both consummate their marriage right after Adam has a fight with Juliet's ex husband named Daniel, got sent to trial to leaves Salem. In the future, where Juliet got captured by the witches and got sucked by them, as she dies.
* Right after Adam and Angelina mission to saved Belle from harm. In Salem at night, as the Dark fairy killed Belle as Adam senses it in the force, in the maredi temple as he feels pain and suffering, Death angered even hatred in his mind. That he knows it's the dark fairy that killed his daughter as he wanted to have revenge for killing his own daughter.
* Elijah and Juliet have sex, it implied that they both have sex numerous of times until she became pregnant and gave birth to his child named Belle.
* Senator Cedric Gregory is a Senator of the Salem planet
* In the beginning of the story, right after the flashbacks of what happened with Thackery Banks and Veronica, the witches in the republic senate as Adam and his padawan Angelina just got back from a battle in the colonial planet as they meet with Selena both discussed about what's going on in the senate, that Senator Cedric Gregory is specking to the senate about pharaoh Moses's plan even though they made peace with the Egyptians. As they both went to the senate, as Senator Cedric Gregory and Chancellor Black, Maddie, Selena and Bill, Arina both discussed him not trusting the Egyptians because he's people is losing a lot of food and water that they are suffering as he make a promise with pharaoh Moses until they both made a deal, that he tricked him by making his people into the slavery of him, that they should have war in Salem as the senate makes a vote that they should have a war in Salem.
* This story is switches to the battle in Salem and Tatonne, for Cedric and his people to make peace with pharaoh Moses and the kids trying to kill the Sanders sister to abducted children and suck their lives out.
* In Tatonne, in pharaoh Moses's palace as Cedric Gregory, Juliet and Elijah, Adam and Angelina, Ben, Anakin and pharaoh Moses both discussed about there people in Salem needs food and water, so that they don't need to be slavery with him because even though he made peace with the republic senate. That his people needs some food and water if they can join us, maybe there will be peace in Salem and Tatonne. As pharaoh Moses tells Cedric that he will made peace with him, it just he doesn't trust a Senator who is from Salem because they have dark witches that will abduction and killed children, that he wants the people in Salem to be his slave as Adam force choke pharaoh Moses in anger, then Adam let's him go as he decides not to make the people in Salem in slavery and that he shall make peace with the Salem to give them enough food and water, as Cedric tells him that they have problem in Salem and that they need his help by the dark witches sisters.
* Juliet is a wife of Elijah and have Belle with him
* Adam has feelings for Juliet but she loves Elijah instead of Adam, that he is a Maredi not a colonies just like her.
* Adam and Ben, Angelina goes to Salem because of the three dark witches
* The three dark witches are named Regina, Penny and Sarai Sanders
* Veronica and Thackery are secretly husband and wife at a young age
* While Juliet is bathing, Elijah joined her as they both have sex while Adam is watching
* Veronica and Thackery have feelings for each other. In the tavern as Peterson introduce Veronica to her bestowed Romeo Turner son of King Timmy in Verona that she is bestowed to marry him. But she refuses to marry him, that she is in love with someone else. As she leaves Thackery and Veronica both confesses their feelings as they both shared their first kiss in the rain
* When right after they have their first kiss, Thackery visited her at night and that's where he came to her backyard as she came out. As they both discussed that they both loved each other and they should be together for their rest of there lives. As he came to her bedroom, that they both confessed their love as they both are kissing passionately, as they are both are about taking each other's clothes off as Veronica refuses to be with him since she is a virgin and that she's part of the Galactic World republic with her father. Thackery tells that he has his first experience with a girl he meet in the bar, named Anna who is a waiter that she wanted to have sex with him as he accepts. That they both have sex in a another room, he has his first experience with her as they both spend the night together, as he tells her that he loves her and that he always wanted to be with her, as they both accept to be together that she loves him back. As they are both continuing kissing passionately as they are both taking each other's clothes off, as they are both naked having sex in her bed. That's where Veronica lose her virginity by Thackery and have her first experience in her bedroom.
* Right after they have sex, in the morning in her bed as Thackery wakes up and sees Veronica as she wakes up as the both are woken up naked but in covering in blankets as they both discussed about last night, that it was fun. As they both stared at each other throughout the morning.
* While in the village as Thackery and William both are discussing about last night with Veronica, and that he doesn't know her, that he have sleep with her that they don't know each other that they learned more about each other this morning also well since they were children as best friends. That Thackery wants to marry Veronica, as they both discussed that he wants to marry her if he sleeps and doesn't know her that well, because he is in love with her and that she is bestowed to marry Romeo as they both discussed that they want to get married since she doesn't want to marry Romeo.
* In Juliet's bedroom at night, where Thackery and Veronica both discussed that they no one doesn't know their secret sexual relationship, that they both loved each other and that they should get married just as they promise this morning. As he propose to her with a brown ring as he tells her that he wants to be marry her as she accepts. They are both kissing passionately and having sex in her bedroom.
* In the Salem Catholic Church, where Thackery and Father Caplet both discussed about his marriage with Veronica so there family won't know that they are secretly husband and wife, so she doesn't want to marry Romeo.
* In the Salem Catholic Church, where Veronica and Thackery, Father Caplet both discussed there marriage, that they meet to be together in Salem as they both said their vows as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
* Right after Veronica and Thackery got married as they are the newlywed couples. As Thackery takes his newlywed wife Veronica to a cottage that's there cottage where they can have a family, when they entered the room as they are couple rooms: baby nursery room, and there bedroom. As they both shared their kissed as they are both kissing passionately. As they are both naked, having sex in there bed as they are both consummate their marriage first time as husband and wife, until it fades to black.
* Right after Veronica and Thackery have sex, as they see both naked laying in bed. As they both discussed about them making love as husband and wife, that how could stop making love. That they are now married and can make love as they know that they love each other as they both continuing having sex.
* In the morning, right after they have sex. While Veronica and Thackery has there clothes on and they both discussed about last night, if they should go back to the village if he can seeks to his bedroom so he family won't know. As they both discussed about the moon crest necklace for Veronica to wear, to remember him that she doesn't need to remember him, because she loves her husband. That they always got each other more than just friends and that loved each other as they both shared a kiss.
* In their cottage, at night while Veronica and Thackery are both naked having sex, in there bedroom as we see only there bare backs and buttocks, as Thackery push Veronica on to the bed as they are both keeping having sex.
* At night, right after they have sex as they are both naked but covering in blankets, as they both discussed that they should learned more about each other since now they are married, Thackery explains more to Veronica about his family and Emilia his sister, that he doesn't want to lose her. Veronica tells him that she has one sister named Rebecca, that they have something in common her marriage with Thackery as they are both continuing having sex.
* In their cottage, right after they have sex when Thackery wakes up naked but covering in blankets, as he sees Veronica beside him as he gets up and put on his brown pants on. When Veronica wakes up, she looks at her lips as she remembers there previous night of them together as having sex in their bedroom as husband and wife, right after she remembers their previous night. Veronica went out front as she sees her husband Thackery standing outside, as they both discussed that he is alright, he can't remembering about last night between as she knows that she wants to be with Thackery forever that she loves him, that he must remember that his wife Veronica is here always as they both shared a kiss in a beautiful morning.
* Veronica is a famous daughter of the founder of there village Peterson Bones
* Right after Thackery Bank becomes a cat, Veronica believes that he is gone forever so she got married to her bestowed named Romeo Turner. As they both got married as they both become husband and wife, consummate their marriage in their cottage while Thackery is watching, her and Romeo have a daughter Belle. As he watches her as she grows up from a teenager to adult to a old woman and dies of old age. In the graveyard, he went to Veronica's grave as he put his head down for losing his wife Veronica. He choose to watch over the Sanders house for a virgin to light the candle so he can be reunited with his wife Veronica and his sister Emilia.
* Thackery turns back into a human right after the witches are dead
* When Adam is a maredi knight, he went back to Salem during his mission as he sees his lover
* The moon crest necklace pass it when Juliet gives it to her daughter Renesmee
* Thackery Bank is a attached to Renesmee Turner because she is a descendant of his lover and deceased late wife Veronica Turner, that they both grow to like and bond with each other
* Allison is a descendant of William Bink his best friend
* While in Juliet's bedroom, Elijah and Juliet talked about Elijah being here, as they both have sex and they both spend the night together
* Juliet visits Elijah to tell him, that the Republic needs him to fight with the witches, but Elijah refuses too. But Juliet wants Elijah to fight and be with her as they both have sex in her cottage.
* At night, where Juliet takes Elijah to the abandoned Sanders cottage. As they both discussed that they could spend the night together since they are parents of Belle. Right after the witches are dead, they remembered their wedding and her giving birth to his child Belle as she knows. As he also knows to, then they are both kissing passionately and while Adam senses Juliet as they are both take each other's clothes off, when Thackery as a black cat is watching them from afar, they are both naked having sex in the witches bed. Until it fades to black.
* Right after they have sex, as Juliet and Elijah are both naked but covering in blankets, as they both discussed about them being together since they are married and have a child. Right after there witches are gone, as they said that they both loved each other as they are continuing having sex.
* In the Sanders cottage, when Juliet and Elijah, Adam and Angelina both discussed about Juliet being with Elijah that she is bestowed to, Adam as a maredi and that he has feelings for her, even though she is married. Until he force chokes Elijah in anger, there is a fight between Adam and Elijah in the cottage right after there fight. In there cottage, while Elijah is healing from the wounds while Angelina went to Adam as they both discussed that he is in love with Juliet since he was a padawan, she is married but he can't control his feelings since he is a maredi that she's right. That he can control his feelings in front of Senator Snow, in the Dark Separatists cruiser he wanted to protect her and in Niaboon with the yellow plague. That he tells her that she doesn't need to know everything between him and Selena as she leaves. When Angelina leaves as Juliet comes to Adam as they both discussed about what he did to Elijah, that he loves Juliet since they both first meet, that the maredi aren't allowed to have attachment and romance, she is in love with him since they first meet in the bar they could have been together, but they can't since she is bestowed and married Elijah as he knows that it's better there friends because he is already married to, that they both know they have something in common.
* In their cottage, Renesmee scares Maximus as they both discussed that it's Hallows Eve in the village and that he has feelings for a village girl named Allison that he wants to be with her, if they are both bestowed with each other but he refuses since he is in love with her.
* In the Sanders Cottage, where Allison and Maximus, Renesmee both discussion about Regina's book and the Dark flame candle that is light up by a virgin of a bloodline of a Sanders. As they both refuses to as Maximus blows it by a lighter until the three Sanders sister witches are back from the dead.
* In the village as Allison and Maximus said their last goodbyes until he confesses his love for her, and that she loves him to as they both shared their first kiss. As they are both continuing kissing passionately.
* Maximus got bully by Allison's boyfriend named Austin
* In her cottage, while Austin and Allison both discussed about Maximus if she loves him that she loves Austin as they are both kissing passionately, they went to her bedroom as they are about taking each other's clothes off and to have sex. Until Allison refuses to have sex with Austin that there sexual relationship is going way too fast, he tells her that he wants to be with her, but she refuses to be with him that there aren't be to be together since as they both broke up as he leaves her.
* In the Harbor meeting, where Juliet and Maximus are both discussed about him being grounded, until in the other room as Adam and Ben, Angelina Captain Bryan both discussed about Maximus that he will be good medieval army as they both decided to take him to be part of the republic. As Maximus decides to be part of the republic because it's been in his dream every since.
* In Turner's cottage, that's where Maximus surprise Allison before he leaves to fight war for the republic as they both are kissing passionately, until they both discussed about her making love with him that they are both a virgin that they never experienced sex, before he will fight war. To joined the republic and that he loves he. Then they are both kissing passionately and went to the bed, as they both get undressed as they are both naked as they are having sex for the first time. As they both lose their virginity.
* Right after they have sex, as they are both cuddling in bed naked but covering in blankets, as they both discussed their relationship that is going way to fast for them. That they can't stop being together for this night as it's there one night to be together. As they both shared a passionate kiss throughout the night.
* In the morning right after they have sex, when Allison wakes up naked but covering in blankets, as when Maximus wakes up beside her. As they both said morning to each other that they can't stop being together even though he is leaving to fight war as he knows that unless they can share their last love together. They both continue kissing as Maximus went to her, as they are both continuing kissing passionately and they are both having morning sex throughout their morning.
* Right after Elijah and Juliet have sex, she realizes that she has stripped white hair and that she's a witch as they both discussed that she's dying because she is a witch.
* Regina's spell book was given by Lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith, who is believed to be a devil himself who given her the book.
* Juliet is a secret daughter of Maria Sanders
* Juliet is a witch
* Maximus and Renesmee Turner are descendants of Veronica Turner from her fathers Elijah side
* Renesmee loves Thackery, until Thackery gives her a kiss in the cheek very end as he leaves with his sister Emilia.
* Maximus and Renesmee are descendants of Regina Sanders from her mother's Juliet side
* Maximus is a older brother of Renesmee
* Regina has a secret child with Aladdin
* Adam senses Juliet screaming in pain, while the witches are taken her beauty
* Adam vs the Dark Sanders witches fight scene in there cottage
* Right after the dark witches are gone, The Dark Fairy captures Juliet so she can kill him in front of Adam
* Before Juliet dies, she tells him of how much she loved Adam, that there is hope in him as the chosen one as she dies.
* Right after Juliet dies, Adam is still feels angry and hatred, pain even suffering to the dark side of the force at the witches
* Adam force choke Regina for his vengeance of his lover Juliet dying
* There is a fight scene between Adam and the Dark Fairy, in Salem
* There is a planet called Ozland which is based off of Oz
* A Senator is named Nina Kansas who tells the senate about the wicked witch of the North is alive
* There is a battle between Oz's Armies and the Dark flying Monkeys
* The Wicked Witch of the North is named Betty Evans that she is a half sister of Anakin Jones. She was given up from birth and that she wants Ozland to be hers.
* There is Adam vs The Dark Fairy fight scene in underwater
* The republic senate chooses to have war in Everland, since the Everland people are secretly in war with the dark separatists ( pirates )
* In Everland, there is Adam vs captain Matthew fight scene
* A prince of Everland name Peeta Prian
* There is Peeta Prian vs Captain Matthew fight scene in his pirate ship
* A Indian named Lillian Eine is a Senator of Everland
* Peeta Prian girlfriend is named Winnie Darlin they are both leaders of the lost man
* Peeta Prian sister who is a fairy named Taila Bellanna
* Taila grows to attachment to Adam, as they both grow more closer together
* Adam and Taila secretly have sex, in her tent
* Adam lies to Taila that he is single
* In her tent, in the morning as Adam wakes up and saw Taila beside him. That he is realizes his sleeping with her, as his about to leave. Taila asks him where he is going that he told her that he is already married, Taila knows that but she wants him to be with him so that they can someday have children and be together. But Adam refuses to be with her, since he is already married with some else. But she told him that does he want to be with someone who is already married or just be with another woman who will sleep with him and loved him as his going, leaving out of everland forever.
* Before Adam leaves, Taila and him talked as she gives him a goodbye kiss, they hope that can see each other again as Adam promise he will visit Taila and Everland
* Adam and Ben, Angelina went to another colony planet that is called the Colony Revolution to have war with the dark separatists
* The colonies and British vs the dark separatists battle
* A colonial officer is named Alexander Johnson is a traitor of the colonies and British since he is a dark separatists
* Adam and Ben, Selena Angelina went into a another planet that is called Greek
* They got sent to Selena so, they can helped to defeat the dark separatists with the help with the gods
* Before the mission to Five Realms, in Adam's visions it shows of his past as a padawan that he meet Claire while In England, as they have their first dance and about to kiss until he refuses, as Claire gives her key necklace to remember her. It's shows in the present, how he sees Claire again and they shared their first kiss and they both confesses their love for each other and have sex. In the future Claire dies during childbirth right after she gives birth to his child.
* Before the mission to Greece, in Adam's visions it shows of his past as a padawan that he meet Senator Hera on the village, as they both become best friends. In the present, as they are both reunited as they both loved each other and have sex in her bedroom. In the future, while Hercules and Hera are fighting, until she got stabbed and dies.
* The goddesses and gods vs the Dark separatists battle
* The citizens of Greece that they have a blockade with the Dark separatists
* Adam fall in love with princess Senator Hera the goddess of beauty and love
* Princess Hera is a Senator in Greece for the New Republic
* General Mills the citizen of Greece helps the gods and goddesses to defeat the dark separatists
* There is Adam vs Hercules fight scene also in the underworld as Adam killed Hercules
* Hercules the god of underworld is a traitor to the goddesses and his citizens In Greece
* There is a planet called the Five Realms
* In the very beginning, in a flashback at night, in Christmas Eve in Stalubaum house. The stalubaum family has a hosted a Christmas ball. In the ballroom where drosslemeyer and his nephew Clifford both meet Claire his goddaughter, as Clifford and Claire both discussed about the five realms and Clifford as a maredi and her nutcracker prince to her. As they want to the attic, as they both dance into the music box as they both confesses their love for each other as they both kissing passionately. But Claire refuses to be with Clifford as they both talking about them being a virgin, even the maredi council and the republic. Also their love, as they both revealed to love each other as they both have sex for the first time as they are both taking each other's clothes off and they are both naked in the bed having sex in the attic, throughout the night. That's where they both have sex for the second time. As Clifford and Claire both are siren bond for one another.
* During the ball, Anakin and Eve both discussed about Clifford that he is with Claire that it revealed that they are both sire bond for each other.
* In the attic, Right after they have sex. Clifford and Claire are both naked but covering in blankets as they both discussed about their love for each other as they both are kissing passionately. As they both realized that the ball is still going on. As Clifford and Claire both quickly get dressed and went down to the party.
* In the ballroom, as Clifford and Anakin both discussed about him being with Claire, and Claire talking to Eve about Clifford. As when they party's over, Clifford decides to stay with Claire.
* In her bedroom, where Claire and Clifford both discussed about their love, until he gives her a key necklace of there love. Until they both have sex throughout the night and they both sleep together.
* It's Christmas Day in her bedroom, where Claire wakes up naked but covering in blankets as she sees Clifford as they both said merry Christmas for each other and about last night. As it ends to them having sex. Later in the morning, when Clifford still puts on a key necklace on her.
* Clifford went to the store and sees a ring, as he wants to marry Claire
* While during Christmas Day Clifford and Claire are both walking in the snow, as Clifford propose to Claire to marry him as she accepts. As they both should get marry as they both said their vows by themselves when they both become husband and wife, they both are kissing passionately as husband and wife. It implied that they both consummate their marriage and sleep together in her bedroom.
* Adam and Ben, Angelina went to the Five Realms to have battle with the dark separatists
* A princess named Claire of the Five Realms
* Adam and Claire becomes best friends as they both have their first dance together, as they have their first kiss
* During the day, In the Five Realms during his mission as Claire is showing Adam, to Land of the Snowflakes and the Land of Flowers and the Land of Sweets as they are both learning more about each other than ever before like last time since they both saw each other and learning more about the Republic and the Maredi's. She loves Adam Malfoy more than anything about each other. That they have so much more in common like being a maredi, that there parents are dead, they are both royals and they are both called freaks when they were children and be part of the republic senate.
* During the night In the land of Snowflakes, as Claire and Adam went into a ballet show that is called the Waltz of the Snowflakes as they are showing ballerina dancers as Flurries and Snowflakes. It shows the dancers of Claire's late parents Marie and Jefferson Stabulam as king and queen of the Five Realms that during the show Queen Eva tells Adam about Claire's parents that they were once king and queen of the Five realms as he was about to asked her of what happened to them. But she refuses to tell Adam and that in the end of the show, she tells him that Claire's parents died while there battling with the Rat King.
* During the day In the land of Flowers, where in the garden as Queen Rachel takes Adam and Claire to a another ballet show that is called the Waltz of the Flowers. As came the ballerina dancers as the flowers and a young dancer as Queen Eva Waltz Queen herself. A young dancer as Claire's mother Marie Stabulam until came a dancer as Claire's father Jefferson Stabulam of how they first meet as during the show. As Adam Malfoy and Queen Eva Waltz Queen both discussed about her mother as a princess of the five realms and that she has special gift and powers that queen Eva and Marie were best friends before she meet Jefferson. That she loves them being together as when Claire is born that she looked just like her mother. When the show ends.
* In the Five Realms, as they took Adam into a ballet show that it tales about how the Five Realms began with her parent's descendants of Abraham who has a drawing of the imagination of the Five Realms until he created it by opening a portal as his using a scepter and turns dolls into real life people, he created the Queen Sally Sugar Plum of the land of Sweets and the whole entire Five Realms with him and her husband Cavilar and king Frederick of the land of the nature which was later called the Dark Fey that he is a winged creature of father nature, Queen Rachel Snow of the land of Snowflakes, Queen Eva Waltz Queen of the land of Flowers until he became king and magician of the Five Realms, until King Frederick betrays the Five Realms leaders and they both have a fight as Frederick becomes dark father nature, leaves from the leaders of the five realms until where her parents named Marie and Jefferson went to the five realms as children and that they are both bestowed to get married with each other as they first meet each other for the first time and as they are growing up and they both fall each other and they got married right in front of the whole entire people of the Five Realms, right after the newlyweds left to go to London so they can go to to enjoy their honeymoon and consummate their marriage. One week later, in the throne room of the christening as they both become king and queen of the Five Realms, years later of the birth of Claire Stalubaum and the christening of her becoming princess of the Five Realms, in the Dark Fey land as they are battling Dark Fey mouse in the land of the Dark Fey as they both fighting the Rat King, as her father got stabbed and dies, right after the battle as drosslemeyer finds Marie as her mother tells her grandfather the last words about Claire will saved the five realms and kill the Rat King as she gives him her key necklace. In the ending, drosslemeyer holds baby Claire to all of the people in the five realms to see their future leader.
* Right after the ball, in her bedroom as they both talked about their kissed that Adam confesses his love that he loves Claire, as she told him that she loved him back that she loved him and that she wanted to be with him instead of a maredi bodyguard. As Adam loves her too, as Adam and Claire take each other's clothes off and as they are both naked, as they are kissing passionately and it becomes blackout. That it implied that have sex for the first time and spend the night together. That is where Claire first have sex with Adam.
* In the morning right after Adam and Claire have sex, in Claire's bedroom as they both are half dressed Adam looks at the picture of Clifford Jones. He puts the picture down and takes off the key necklace leaves to go to the Land of Flowers.
* When Claire wakes up as she sees that Adam is gone, she wears a purple robe and sees the Key Necklace that she gave Adam many years ago. She knows where he went to the land of Flowers. She takes the key necklace and leaves
* In the land of Flowers. While Adam is standing there until came Claire as they both discussed about her love for him since before they meet and slept together she has a husband named Clifford Jones and that she never loved her husband like she used to because he cheated on her that she loves Adam more than anything. That since Adam came back to her life she knows that he is a maredi that she confesses her real love for Adam, that she's afraid of who he is as they are both are kissing passionately. As they are continuing kissing passionately when Adam's eyes turn white as he lets go to see his normal eyes again. That he can't do she tells him that he can that he shouldn't hide from her anymore and that she always loved him. As they are both kissing passionately went to the door in her bedroom as they are both smiling brightly and kissing passionately as they both went into her bedroom. Then they are both kissing more in passion as they are both getting undressed and as they are both are taking each other's clothes off and touching their own bodies, as they are both having sex in the bed. As Adam's face shows that he is smiling and happy as they are both continuing having sex. It implied that they both sleep together.
* In the morning right after they have sex, as Adam Is half dressed and he is staring at the window of the Five Realms as he remembers the previous night as it shows them having sex and, cuddling in blankets, sleeping together as he stares a Claire in her bed came Claire who wears her white nightgown as they both discussed about last night, that they both loved each other and can't stop being with each other as Claire gives Adam back the Key Necklace for the memory of her and that he should keep it for the both of them of there love. As they are both kissing passionately and having morning sex in her bedroom.
* When Adam and Claire are both naked, but covering in blankets it implied that they have sex as they are both discussed about themselves spending the night together and them learning more about each other as they have so much in common already and that they are both meant to be together as her making love for them won't stop. That since they are both royals they are meant to be together and that they also have to fight the mouses of the dark Fey and killed the Rat King as she knows that unless can they both spend the night together as they are both kissing passionately and as they are having sex throughout the night.
* In the beginning of the this story it's start with Claire's childhood flashbacks. As in the Five Realms the Rat King and his three mouses snatchers are named Gary, Simba and Mackerel as they both discussed about the princess of the Five Realms and him taking over the five realms as him as there king of the five realms and that he will have vengeance to killed the princess for her parents vengeance as they are prepared to ready to killed Claire. In the Christmas Eve party as she saw her godfather Drosslemeyer as she meets Clifford for the first time as children as when he entertained the children with the dolls that comes back to life and tells her the story of the Five Realms and the Dark Fey Mouse battle that was taken place many years ago when she was born, that her real parents fought against the Rat king and they both died from the rat king as her mother took her last breath to tell her grandfather drosslemeyer that Claire will saved the Five Realms by killing the Rat King as she dies until drosselmeyer invents a nutcracker that was a gift from her since she was a baby and he gifts her a Nutcracker for a memory of her parents. When her older nephew Steve broke the nutcracker as she cries and Right after the party, Claire checks the nutcracker until came the Rat King and the Mouse that they wanted to killed Claire since her parent's want there land so there daughter won't take their land, until came drosslemeyer as he tells her the truth of the Mouses and that they should stop the Rat King so the Five Realms won't come to London again he brings out the Toy Soldiers and her Nutcracker toy came back to life into a real size human as they are both battling in the living room of the house. When Casper who is a Lead Soldier that he wanted to fight the Rat King as the Nutcracker refuses too, as Casper fights the Rat King as they are both fighting until he stabbed Casper, right after Casper dies when the Nutcracker runs to the Rat King as the Nutcracker and the Rat King both fight each other until he got stabbed as Claire fights the Rat King as she stabbed him as the mouses took him back. When she want to the Nutcracker and that she loves him as she has her first kiss with him as he turns into Clifford and that she saved. Came her godfather drosselmeyer and they both discussed that the battle is over with the Rat King in London but not in the Five Realms and that Clifford must warn the Leaders of the Five Realms as he leaves London as Claire and her godfather Drosslemeyer both discussed the battle in the Five Realms and the Rat King wanted her dead, he tells her the truth that about the story of her real parents it's true that she is a princess of the Five Realms that the Rat King wanted vengeance from her parents that's the reason why he wanted to kill her for what her parents did long time in the land of the Dark Fey and that the war of the Five Realms it's not over it's just the beginning and that Claire should forget all of this that one day she will know the truth about her in the Five Realms and her real parents when time will come for her to know the truth as he grabs a scepter, went to her forehead and it disappears into light.
* Claire is a wife of Clifford
* Clifford is a prince of the Five Realms
* Clifford is a husband of Claire
* Claire cheating on Clifford, because of her love is strong with Adam
* Claire have sex with Clifford, because she got married while she's never got pregnant
* Clifford cheating on Claire, he knew she Is not pregnant with his child so he have sex with the princess of capsule named Avery
* Clifford knows that Adam is in love with his wife
* Claire and Clifford do sleep together, but sometimes in separate beds
* Clifford fall in love while he was a maredi knight, he chooses to leave the council because of his love for Claire
* Clifford and Claire are secretly married from the Republic senate
* While in the first battle, Adam and Claire tells each other that they both loved each other they both wanted to get married, during the battle Adam and Claire exchange their vows while Angelina is doing there vows, as Angelina pronounced them husband and wife they both become husband and wife as they both are kissing passionately as the battle is still going on.
* We meet Rat King's sister Satine for the first time
* Years right after his battle in London, as the Rat King and Satine both discussed about the princess Claire of the five realms and that the Five realms will be overs, as she went into his throat as they both continue to discussed about him taking over the Five realms because Satine have a relationship and has feelings of Abraham before they were abandoned in the leader of the five realms. That she was created so Abraham can have loved and that which he did before he banished them in the five realms and that do you think Abraham's descendants Claire will killed them and the land of the dark Fey will be nature again, as she tells him that Claire is her goddaughter.
* Before the second battle of the five realms, as Satine and the Rat King see the view of the castle as they both discussed about him taking over the five realms and that he will become king of the the five realms and actually ruled the entire realms in his hands. That he should finish is to killed Abraham's descendants Claire Stabulam and the five realms will be finally be his.
* During the second battle of the Five Realms there is Maredi's, Toy Soldiers and the Armies vs the Mouses in the land of the Dark Fey
* In the Dark castle, where Claire meets the Rat King as they both discussed about him taking over the Five Realms and about her boyfriend Adam Malfoy, that he is born to the dark side just like count Peter predicted and that about her parent's death that they both trusted Frederick and that they both wanted his help, a vision of what will happen in the galaxy world before she was even born. That she trusted a friend of her parents Frederick, she shouldn't trust Frederick and that she should join him to be with him with lord Satan as she refuses as they both are fighting in the dark castle until she escapes.
* In the Invention room, as Claire gives Frederick her mother's key. As he starts the toy machine until he orders the Toy soldiers to get the mouse toys, the mouse toys came back to life as they are marching in the invention room, as they both discussed about building the mouse toys into real life beings and that Frederick is a betrayal of the five realms, that Frederick trust Claire's parents but they have died by someone really powerful like himself that Frederick is turning more human to a rat that he is the Rat King and that the Five Realms is finally his, that he shall become the king of the five realms he orders the mouse to take, them away as they did.
* In upstairs room, as Adam and Claire both discussed about Frederick and the Rat King are the one and same person that she is betrayal. That she won't get the throne and that she will, that she must killed the Rat King and how they can kill him.
* In the front of the five realms castle, as the Rat King is telling the citizens of the five realms that the princess Claire of the five realms and that since her parents are dead, that now since the Stabulam's are dead that the throne of the five realms will be finally be his and that they shall bow to him as king of the five realms or died. Until came the mouses as his laughing evilly.
* In the front of the five realms castle as the Rat King is about to killed Claire's ex husband Clifford Jones as she went to him. The Rat King believes that Claire is alive as they both discussed about Claire being back to take her throne back. As Claire and the Rat King both discussed about him taking over her parent's throne and that the Five Realms belongs to her, that he tells her that her parents are brave and royal that she could never have but her parents are descendants of Abraham the creator of the Five Realms and that all he wants is revenge. That Queen Sally murdered her parents long time ago while the battle in the five realms as Queen Sally refuses. That he tells her that Claire's parents dead peacefully during the battle of the five realms and that he is part of the dark Fey. That Claire's parents are evil and they wanted to take his land, he shall killed there daughter as she went to the ground. He remembers that position and he went to her throat as he tells that he killed Marie and Jefferson Stabulam as it shows the flashbacks of Marie and Jefferson Stabulam fighting the Rat King as he stabbed Jefferson in the chest, as Marie screams for her husband's death. As she screams and she fights the Rat King and that he is the traitor of the five realms, that he is the one that killed her parents long time as the toy soldiers and the mouses are continuing fighting. When Claire follows the Rat King to the throne room as she went there as they both discussed about him killing her parents, that her parents saw a vision of lord Satan controlling their senate and that the rat king is a real traitor of the five realms and that she should killed him. But that she believes that there's good in him just like what her parents have known, that he should be back as a leader of the five realms again as he walks to her and that he will right after he killed their princess as Claire got stabbed by the Rat King as Adam saw it as he screams in vain and he sees Claire's body unconscious as. They are both fighting discussing about Adam Malfoy that Claire has a new boyfriend who's a maredi, him becoming king of the five realms of her parents are weak and unless that they both trusted him. That they didn't trust is the maredi master ganeld and Adam is more to the dark side as the Rat King senses it, as they are both fighting in the throne room. When Adam stabs the Rat king, right after the Rat king dies outside of the five realms castle came Satine as the three mouse snatchers as they both discussed about her brother failing to take over the five realms and that the mouses are not meant to be with the dark Fey like themselves since they failed to take over the five realms and that she shall killed them. She brings her winged creature dark Fey as they fly over as they are killing the mouses by fire as they are gone forever. Back in the five realms castle as Adam heals Claire when she became alive, as they both shared a kiss and in the front of the five realms castle, right after the battle as queen Sally tells her that the rat king is finally died and drosslemeyer tells her that it's time to lived her destiny to be there queen as she tells him that she will join the Republic senate as he knows until she went to the balcony as the people of the five realms bow to her as there new queen. In the five realms castle, as Claire's coronation of her as there queen of the five realms as she walks to the balcony with Adam, as Bryan and Ben, Angelina both discussed about Adam and Claire are being close together they are friends and so much more in common, that Angelina knows something between Adam and Claire as she refuses but she knows something between Adam and Claire. Adam and Queen Claire went to the balcony as they see people cheering for Claire and came the republic maredi ships that are flying, and Adam's cruiser that is up to the sky as they both discussed about her joining the republic because that is for the for the best of the five realms. They both celebrate from the five realms and the republic joining together in peace again. As it shows the view of the five realms castle and then the end.
* There is Adam vs Rat king fight scene in the five realms castle
* Adam becomes princess Claire's bodyguard
* Adam killed the Rat king, as before the Rat King dies, he tells Adam that do think that the battle is over in the five realms and that it's still the beginning as he dies.
* Right after the battle in the Five Realms, Adam escort his secret wife Claire to England, that is where they both spend their one night together as husband and wife before he leaves to go on more missions
* In London, Adam and Claire consummate their marriage in her house. As they both have sex and spend the night together
* In London, at night it's Christmas Day as Adam and Claire both dance for the first time as husband and wife until they both kissing passionately, then her bedroom as they both are undressing as they are both having sex naked in her bed, throughout the night as it fades to black. It implied that they both sleep together, that is where they both convinced a child
* In London, in the morning while Adam and his newlywed wife Claire both said their last goodbyes before he leaves to go to more missions.
* Adam saved Angelina from Captain Thomas about the holocron
* While Adam opens the holocron, it shows Claire and him having sex, as they are both husband and wife until he realizes that he leaves Claire pregnant with his child
* As Adam and Angelina chase Captain Thomas but she told him patience as they both leaved
* Lord Satan force chokes his mother as she dies into the ground died,
* Adam and Angelina, Ben got the holocron back
* There is Adam, Angelina and Ben vs Captain Thomas fight scene in the dark separatists ship
* Weeks right after her and Anakin's secret marriage, while it only only two days for Maddie to give birth to her and Anakin's child a girl, when Maddie hears from the maredi council that they are losing armies while there is wars and her people in the galaxy world are suffering, maddie feels suffering and pain as the war keeps on going that she wants to make peace with the Dark separatists and end the war.
* During her office, as Chancellor Black visits her as they are both talking about Selena and Anakin to Kerck, and about making peace with the dark separatists. He tells her that she thinks she wins but it will never happen that he hopes that her baby will be born as he leaves her office.
* In the chancellor's office, Selena and Anakin both are talking about making peace with the dark separatists, also talking about to end the Army wars and Maddie. As they both leaved, as Chancellor Black told Spack that it's time to get the senate to note trust maddie their highest queen.
* While Selena and the Senate, Chancellor Black, Senator Sano, highest queen Maddie, Senator Brown, Senator Arina are talking about making peace with the dark separatist, when Adam and Angelina are there watching
* Maddie sends Selena on a mission to Kerck, to visit her secret husband Anakin Jones's best friend Evelyn to make peace with the Dark separatists
* While Selena, Maddie and Chancellor Black, the Senate are all talking and fighting about making peace with the Dark separatists until he tells them not to trust Maddie, but him as the Senate have a huge fight that they want to continue to fight war which later leads to Anakin punching Black in the face for angered
* Angelina decides to bring her father, since he is only a prince and Senator that they will talking about Angelina to politics.
* Evelyn is a rebel clan and his Anakin's childhood best friends
* As Anakin and Evelyn decides to bring peace of the Republic and the dark separatist together
* The Dark separatists decides to bring peace with the republic and stop the Army Wars
* In the Senate, they don't trust Maddie as there highest queen as there having a fight. Right after the senate fighting about Maddie, Adam and Selena, Angelina are both talking of what's going on, Angelina tells them that's the Republic is not what it supposed to be
* Weeks right after Angelina's mission, Adam and Angelina, Ben go back to the Five Realms because there is danger
* Before they go to the mission, Chancellor Black and Adam both talked about princess Claire, and him are both secretly married
* In the hallway of the castle as Claire and Adam are kissing passionately that she told him that she is pregnant with his child as he is happy
* In The five realms, while Adam and Claire are both sleeping in her bed, until he have a nightmare of her dying in childbirth of his child, that he didn't want her to die and so is the child
* The Rat king have a sister who is a dark fey named Satine, who is a godmother of Claire
* Satine wants revenge of the Five Realms for what they did to her brother so she trusted Count Peter and she joined the dark separatists
* The Rat King got resurrected by his sister Satine
* There are five tournaments of the five realms. There is a creature in the ocean, the dragon of the nature, underwater battle, the toy mouse battle, the maze of the Snowflakes into the nature of the dark Fey where Clifford got sent to the abandoned graveyard of Claire's parents.
* In an abandoned graveyard, Clifford sees Satine as she force choke him as he becomes unconscious and he got trapped by the mouses. Until she resurrected the Rat King by the cutting of her necklace and the blood of a sister, the blood of an enemy. Then Rat King got resurrected, right after he got resurrected as Satine and the Rat King both discussed about him being resurrected, Claire's parents and of there deaths because all Frederick wants is to ruled the Five realms until came Marie and Jefferson that they both become rulers of the Five Realms. That he trusted Claire's parents until they betrayed her by taking his land, and he killed them for there betrayal. That he must need to know about Claire Stabulam as he shows more about Claire as he finds out that she is pregnant with Adam Malfoy's child the man who killed him, the last time and that he is going to be a father as he mind control on Clifford so that the Adam Malfoy's dream she will died in childbirth. Until Clifford refuses to show him anything about his ex wife as they both discussed about Claire the person that he loves and that if he won't show him more of Claire than he will killed him. As they both have a fight, in the abandoned graveyard and that he will take control of the Five Realms until Clifford disappears out of nowhere.
* There is Adam vs Satine fight scene in her castle
* There is a battle between the Armies, Soldiers vs the Dark Fey and the Dark separatists
* During the battle of the dark Fey, inside as queen pregnancy Claire and queen Sally both discussing about her parents and that she knows something, that her parents were evil to them and Frederick long time ago right after she was born. That they wanted is to take control of the land of the Dark Fey to killed them, as she got stabbed by a mouse. Before she dies, she tells Claire to grab her memory vial and that she must knows the truth about her parents as she dies.
* In a private room, Queen pregnancy Claire went to Queen Sally's memory vial, she went to the courdon it shows the memories of her parents Marie and Jefferson Stabulam: Marie giving up from birth by Frederick, Marie finding out that she has dark powers her and Peter decided to keep it a secret, her controlling her dark powers. That she trusts Frederick. They first meet as children of drosselmeyer's garden as they both become best friends. During a Christmas Eve party, as they both fall in love with each other as they both stared at each other. There wedding in the five realms and to them, her finding out her pregnancy to Jefferson. Marie and Frederick about her marrying him, taking the throne and her turning Peter into a green beast grinch and Frederick got sent to prison. In their bedroom as pregnancy Marie and her husband Jefferson both discussed about there vision of lord Satan taking over the galaxy world and that they should go to him, to Frederick's jailed as they both discussed about them seeing their future of lord Satan taking over the galaxy world and that they should trust him, their unborn baby who is a girl named Claire. In there bedroom as they both discussed about them trusting Frederick as she feels her water just broke. She gives birth to a girl named Claire as they both christening her to be there next queen of the five realms. Right after the christening of there daughter as Marie and Jefferson both discussed about them not trusting Frederick since he got himself out of jailed with the help of his sister, that if the dark Fey won't help them then in secret they should take over the land of the dark Fey and that they trust is Queen Sally. As they and Queen Sally both discussed about them taking over the land of the Dark Fey and that they should kill Frederick and end him once and for all. That there mission must be kept secret from the another leaders to not know of there mission. It's showing the toy soldiers and the mouses fighting, as Marie and Jefferson both are fighting the Rat King until he got stabbed in his sword, as Marie screams in pain as she continues to fight the rat king until he stabbed her in the chest as she falls into the ground. Right after the battle as godfather drosselmeyer saw his granddaughter Marie Stabulam who is on the ground and before she dies, that she tells him about Claire that she will saved the five realms and killed the Rat king as she gives him her key necklace as she dies. Then godfather drosslemeyer and Queen Sally both discussed about Claire's parents mission that they both secretly trusted Frederick but they wanted to take over the land of the Dark Fey by killing Frederick themselves, That Claire is now without her parents since they are dead by the Rat king and that he will take his goddaughter into London where she will lived by her fathers brother Haus and his wife, there children Steve and Nancy that he will watch over her when she is older she will know of what her parents did to the five realms long time ago, that she will be a better leader same her parents but that she will died by the hands of the Rat King. When Claire looks up as she finally knows the whole truth about her and her parents of what they have done many years ago.
* Right after the battle as Adam saw Satine as they both discussed about him joining her, since they both feel the same dark side and that Adam should join her, to kill her brother the Rat King since she's afraid that he will be betrayal by the maredi council since he is more closer to the Chancellor Black and that he should join her, to killed her brother and Lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith as he refuses to, because he trusts the council and the chancellor Black that he will never be betrayal. She tells him that Claire will died by the hands of her brother as she disappears out of nowhere.
* The Rat King captures the queen pregnancy Claire Stabulam as he tied her up, in the castle by the woods and that he wanted to kill her. When The Rat King senses Adam Malfoy as he is about to killed him, until Satine flies over and got shot of the arrow. As Adam came to her, before she dies she tells him that he is the chosen one and that to saved Claire before it's too late of her dying in childbirth as she dies.
* Adam and the Rat King fights the castle, right after he got stabbed and when Adam saved his pregnancy wife Claire that he tells him that he will killed Claire and his nightmare of her dying in childbirth will happen
* There is a final battle of the Armies, Toy Soldiers vs the Mouses, the Dark Fey and the Dark separatists in the land of the Dark Fey
* In the Rat king's castle, as Adam came as they both discussed about him poisoning his wife Claire to sleep and that it finally happened that she is dead, that Claire is never dead she's unconscious as that the Rat King will killed her just like last time as they are both fighting in the dark castle.
* While in London as she's awake, until drosselmeyer checks on her until she feels about Adam Malfoy. As she suddenly feels her water broke and that while Adam and the Rat King are fighting in his castle as in London when she's giving a long birth throughout the fighting, when Adam briefly becomes the dark side of the force and grabs his blue lightsaber sword and stabs the Rat king in the belly. Back in London as a blood baby boy is born, that she named him Jake as she holds him happily. When the Rat king falls to the ground and Adam saws of whet he has done. Back in London as she senses that Adam her husband briefly went to the dark side and killed the Rat King as she tells drosslemeyer that she wanted to take Jake and that she doesn't want to show her son, to her husband and that the Rat King is dead that they both should fake death because of Adam as drosslemeyer accepts. In the dark castle, Adam went to the Rat King as the rat is turning more to human and himself as Frederick again he tells him that he has won and bet him again, that Claire will died because he has seen it himself. That Adam will killed her for his vengeance of her dying in childbirth when he is lord Shauron as he dies.
* In the Five Realms castle, as Claire senses a voice and she walks to another rooms and sees a spindle of a spinning wheel as she pricks her finger, she becomes unconscious while the Rat King watches in the globe as he is laughing evilly that she is finally died.
* In London, Claire gives birth to a boy named Jake. As she survives but she wanted to take Jake because she doesn't want Adam to know that her and son are alive.
* Right after Claire dies, her Godfather Drosslemeyer grab a scepter as makes Claire's body to pretend that she is dead with Claire's copse body pregnant so Adam will know that she died of childbirth as she can secretly took Jake away to a orphanage so Adam won't know his exists
* Right after The Rat King dies, Adam visits Claire as he sees her that she is died while pregnant because he did not saved her as he is mad and angered for losing her. As he sees a future vision of him in London, as he sees Claire who is a young beautiful woman and him as lord Shauron as they both discussed about Claire hiding his secret son from him and that she hides Jake from him because Adam her husband has become lord Shauron a dark Faith into the dark side that she finally realizes that her husband Adam Malfoy is dead, as he force choke her. She told him that she always loved him, as she became unconscious and dies.
* In the Five Realms, while in Claire's fake funeral as he put her Egg box that he gives her into her breast. Right after the her fake funeral, Adam burns her key necklace that he is mad for vengeance that she is died.
* In the very beginning weeks right after the battle in the Five Realms, in the republic senate that the senators are still fighting about the Army Wars as the highest queen Maddie Amilda and Chancellor Black they both discussed about the banking clan who will go to the banks and have money for the banking clan.
* In the highest queen's office, Maddie and Selena both discussed about her going to the banking clan of the banks, that she will send to the chancellor Black and her
* In Spario, as Selena went to the banking clan and she discusses the leader of the banking clan named Clovis. That the respenstive Lucius as Selena doesn't trust Lucius with the dark separatists.
* In her private room quarters, Lucius and Selena both discussed about the banking clan that is changed as they get shot by a bounty hunter. Right after they got shot by bounty hunter. Selena and chancellor black both discussed of what Lucius said about the banking clan, that she should have trust him.
* In the banking clan system, Selena and Clovis both discussion about her to go to the banking clan with Lucius
* In Eve's castle, at night while Adam gives Eve her golden heart necklace. As he put it on her neck as a memory of him. Then as they are starting kissing and getting undressed as they are both naked having sex in the bed. Until when it fades to black, in Eve's castle, in the morning right after they have sex as they are both naked but covering in blankets. As they both discussed about why he gives her necklace for the memory of her, even there love for each other. As they are both having sex throughout the night.
* In Lucius's private quarters, Selena and Lucius both discussed the plans for her to get the money for the chancellor Black and Maddie Amilda
* In the banking clan system, while Selena is walking to the system as Lucius gets her handmaiden Zina to the wall, as she got shot by a bounty hunter and dies. Until came blackout as Selena got the plans as she told them about the wall and the money that there is only a tomb in there.
* In Selena's private quarters, as Selena and Lucius both discussion about the money that it's all gone. Selena got capture from the banking clan for stealing their money and that Selena has friends to saved her.
* In Eve's castle as in the garden of Eden, while Eve and Adam both discussed about catching up of there lives, until they are both interrupt by her handmaiden Rebecca about Adam leaving from the chancellor to saved Senator Snow from the banking clan. As Eve and Adam both discussed about him saving his secret wife from the banking clan system as he leaves.
* In Corusent, Chancellor's Office as chancellor Black and Adam both discussed about saving Senator Snow from the banking clan system as Adam accepts.
* Outside of the banking clan system, Clovis and Adam both discussed to saved Selena from prison.
* In Spario, in Selena's prison as Adam and Selena both discussed about saving her life again, and the banking clan and Lucius for the money of the highest queen
* In Lucius's private quarters, Adam and Selena both discussed about what happened in this room, until they saw Lucius as they both discussed about the banking clan. Until came a bounty hunter who shot them again as they went outside
* Outside, as Adam and Selena, Lucius both are fighting against the bounty hunters and they went into the ship, as they fly out. The bounty hunter and hologram of Lord Satan both discussed about the banking clan system of his plan
* Outside of the republic senate building, as Selena and Adam both meet with master Ganeld as they both discussed about the chancellor black and the banking clan system.
* In Selena's apartment, while Selena and Adam are kissing passionately as they are interrupt by Aaron for them to visit chancellor black. Then they are both getting undressed and they are both naked having sex in the bed. As they are interrupt a by Aaron that the chancellor wants them now, as he leaves them as the married couple continues to have sex.
* In the highest queen's office, Maddie and Selena both are discussing about the money from the banking clan system that she should talked with the chancellor Black about.
* In the Chancellor's office, as chancellor black and Selena, Lucius both discussion about the banking clan system that Selena should be with Lucius to know more about the money.
* Outside of the chancellor's office, as Adam and Selena both discussed about her being with Lucius that he doesn't want her to spend time with Lucius as they are interrupt with Lucius that the senators are waiting for as Selena leaves Adam.
* In Adam's room, as Ben and Adam both discussed about his secret sexual relationship with Juilet that he is a father of Belle, Even Selena that he loves Eve as they both discussed his feelings for Eve
* In Eve's castle, as Adam and Eve both discussed about that Ben his uncle find out there secret relationship as they both discussed still hiding there love from his wife and the republic, the maredi council as they both shared a kiss.
* At night, In Selena's apartment, while Adam Is waiting for Selena to come back as Aaron and Adam both are discussed about Selena and Lucius, until came Selena as they both hugged kissed. As they both discussed about the banking clan system and her trusting Lucius, them spending time to be husband and wife of there marriage, that she's taking a bath that Adam joins her. While she's taking a bath, when Adam joins her. As they both discussed about their love and marriage, as they both loved each other as true husband and wife as they are both having sex in the bath.
* At night, in the Selena's apartment that Selena and Lucius both discussion about the the money from the banking clan system that has got taken, her love for a maredi and them being together. As they are about to kiss as Adam came and he force choke him in anger. There is a fight between Adam and Lucius as they are both discussed about their secret marriage, that it's the Dark Fairy that told Lucius everything
* In Selena's apartment, right after the fight between Adam and Lucius. Selena and Adam both discussed about Adam hurting Lucius, her being with him and the banking clan system, there marriage that they should have a break for a while as Adam leaves Selena to visit Eve.
* At night, in Eve's castle while Eve Is taking a shower as she got the news that Adam is on the way. Right after her shower, as Adam and Eve both discussed about the banking clan system and Lucius as they both kissing passionately and that Adam should tell the maredi council tomorrow
* In Selena's bed, as Lucius and Count Peter, Dark Fairy both discussed about him taking over the banking clan system as their leader
* In the republic senate, Elon and Lucius both discussion about him taking over the banking clan system, as the senators vote for them to go back to Spario
* In the maredi council, as Adam and Ben, master Grey and Ganeld both discussed about Lucius taking over Spario
* In Spario, as Selena and Clovis both discussion Lucius as their new leader of the banking clan system. Clovis talks with lord Satan about Lucius to have the power to take control of the banking clan system that there shall be war in Spario
* In Spario, Lucius and count Peter both discussed about a blockade in Spario which will caused war. As Lucius tells the senators of the banking clan system that there shall be a blockade
* In the chancellor's office, Selena tells them that they need help from the republic as she got captured. Chancellor black sent Adam to go to saved Senator snow from the banking clan
* In the republic senate, as chancellor black and senate both discussing about the war in Spario, as they both voted to have a war.
* In Spario, as Selena meets the dark fairy who's Lucius's girlfriend and count Peter, as they both discussed about taking control over Spario of the banking clan
* In Spario, as the armies are fighting the battle droids
* In Spario, as Adam saves Selena as they both apologize as they are both kissing passionately during the war
* In the maredi temple, in the balcony as Adam and Ben both discussed about Adam loving Eve that he accepts their secret relationship, that Adam is in love with Eve
* In Selena's apartment, right after Adam saved Selena in Spario. When Adam went to her bedroom as they both discussed about that he was so sorry for what he did to Lucius because he was just jealous since she's spending time with Lucius more than him, like Anakin. Selena knows that Lucius was a traitor of the republic and that she always trust Adam, that she always loved him for matter what. As they are kissing passionately, as they both stripped out of their clothes to there underwear's as they are both kissing passionately and as they both went to the bed, as they are both stripped out of there underwear's and they are both naked, having sex in the bed. As in Nabla, the dark fairy watches them in the globe as she walks to a private room where she finds Lucius there.
* In a private room, as the Dark Fairy and Lucius both discussion about his failure in the banking clan system and ruined Adam and Selena's secret marriage as the dark fairy killed him.
* In the republic senate, as the banking clan system senator Elon tells the senate that it's Lucius who betrays them that the power should not go to maddie but to chancellor Black. As Chancellor black tells the senators that when the war is over as the banking clan system will be under his control that one day they will have freedom. As Anakin and Maddie both discussion about her losing her power from the banks as Selena watches hopeless.
* Angelina has visions of Selena getting assassin, by a bounty hunter. Until she decides to protect her
* When Angelina chase a assassin named Velina. To killed Selena in Alderney until Angelina saved her
* Angelina and Adam, Maddie find out that it's Eponine who wants to kill maddie
* It was revealed that Eponine wants to kill Selena for what she did to him, which leads him to jailed for him working with the Dark separatists and Count Peter to kidnap his nephew's daughter and for Maddie that he wanted revenge of her for what she did to me that she didn't sign the treaty of them going to the senate that there will no more fighting in Egyptians but she lied, that she doesn't trust the Egyptians that he wants revenge for Selena and Maddie.
* In the maredi temple, Adam and Ganeld, Selena, Angelina both are talking about Angelina's vision that it's Eponine that wants to kill Selena
* Right after Angelina and Adam comfort Eponine, In the senate building Adam and Selena both hugged and kissed as Angelina is there. As Adam and Selena are about to leave to talked with the senate about Eponine as Adam knows, they are about to leaved Angelina tells him that she knows his secret between him and Selena, he turns and tells her that she must keep it a secret from the public. As Angelina knows.
* During Anakin's mission, he keeps on thinking about Guinevere. Until when he came back to his journey. To see her as Guinevere reveals to him that she is pregnant with his child. As they are both excited to become parents at last.
* In Niaboon as Anakin and Guinevere planning to raise their child, right after there child is born that they will have a happy life. He plan to teach her the ways of the force
* Anakin went to the Maredi temple, to talked to his birth daughter Angelina about the truth that Angelina isn't a witch. But a Jones like him.
* Adam discovers more of how Flynn and Ethan hated each other
* Adam and Eve have there second kiss before he married Selena
* Adam and Eve are getting more and more closer, while his married to Selena
* Adam and Selena kissing passionately, but unknowingly knows that they convince a child until five months. Before he leaves to save the Chancellor
* Maddie is pregnant with Anakin's child and gives birth, to a girl named Sarahbeth
* When Ben realizes that Dark Volemont is alive, him and Adam decides to go to village called Witch Darkin to find Dark Volemont until they learn that he is on the village called the Nightsisters where the witches lived
* Eve/ Dark Fairy is also a Nightsister because her mother Eden was
* Mother Ventress and Count Peter made a deal for him to find his apprentice
* Eve/ Dark Fairy got Lord Scar to be with her
* Lord Scar has a son named Savage
* Lord Scar becomes more powerful maredi
* Lord Scar becomes Count Peter's apprentice
* Lord Scar kills his own son Savage
* Joshua finds out that Chancellor Black is his father and Lord Satan
* During the war, Joshua and Chancellor Black are getting so much closer to each other as they learned more about each other
* Joshua becomes a serial killer named the Dark Knight
* Joshua visits his wife Hailey right after he killed people in anger
* Joshua and Hailey both got married and become husband and wife right after they try to make peace with the Dark separatists.
* Joshua and Hailey consummate their marriage in his mansion
* Hailey gives birth to his son named Henri
* There is a Adam and Ben vs Lord Scar fight scene in the dark separatists cruiser
* There is Dark Fairy, Lord Scar vs Count Peter fight scene in the dark separatists cruiser
* When the Dark Fairy knows that Lord Scar's royalty's lies with his former master Dark Volemont
* Ben finds out that Dark Volemont has a apprentice named Lord Scar
* Right after Lord Scar and the Dark Fairy escape in the dark separatists cruiser, in Witch Darkin Mother Ventress and the Dark Fairy made a deal about her brother and her to get her birth son as she accepts, later mother Ventress, Dark Fairy tells Lord Scar and her that it's time to bring back her birth son Henry that he shall continue to teach Lord Scar of the Dark side and helps the dark fairy about her grandson Adam Malfoy
* Eden is a Nightsister
* In the very beginning of this part of story, it's shows a flashback where King Jon and his wife Eden told their young beautiful daughters named Maddie and Eve. A story of the Nightsisters, that long time ago when Jon was a young boy as his discovery a planet called Witch Darkin where he lost s his soldiers and Count Peter was hurt. Until a mysteriously Nightsister shot Jon in the chest, he wakes up and realizes his in her village. That the Nightsister is Eden, as they first meet and they talked about the Nightsister Eden let's Jon escape that he can keep their secret. Eden grown to love Jon went into his ship to Niaboon, where she hides her secret as a Nightsister but as Mills Daughter. Where Eden and Jon becomes best friends then later together as they have sex, Eden gives birth to Maddie and Eve. They got married when Maddie and Eve are young girls, right after he told that story. They both talked as he leaves, as Eve realizes that Eden is a Nightsister as they talked about the Nightsister lives.
* Mother Ventress asks Eve to be a Nightsister just like her mother, but Eve refuses since she has a sister that she doesn't want to lose her. But mother Ventress tells her that she will died in the hands of her, as Eve refuses and leaves.
* Mother Ventress sends Lord Scar to help the Dark Fairy to find his master Dark Volemont so they can bring him back from the dead
* Ben and Adam find Mother Mary Ventress is the leader of the Nightsister that she tell them that Dark volemont is her grandson, her husband Lord Hades is his grandfather. Who got killed before he was born.
* It's reveals that Mary and Joseph, are both part of different tribe. That she is a witch and a maredi, and he is a maredi, they became best friends throughout their childhood, later in there life Mary knows Joseph is more powerful to the dark side of the force than anyone else, she wants to learn the used the dark side of the force just like him and he decided to trained her into the dark side of the force as it shows training between them, that Joseph is more powerful than Mary herself as they fell in love and have sex, between them, as they decided to have a secret sexual relationship with each other, until they both decided to marry, as they both risk to keep their sexual marriage from there other tribe, a secret. Until Mary becomes leader of the Nightsisters and she became pregnant with his child, while she tells him about her pregnancy years later, while unknowingly she didn't know that her husband is Lord Hades the Darkest Wise and knows the dark side of the force. He trains his apprentice named Lucifer Nazareth to the dark side of the force, as he told him about the Chosen One that he will die if he still want to become a dark faith just like him, until he got killed in his sleep medication because the prophecy of the chosen one. So his apprentice Lucifer killed him while he is sleep medication in the force, until later she gave to a boy named Henry. She gave him up from birth, because she sensed that her son is too dangerous and powerful to the dark side just like her husband who is later revealed to be Dark Volemont Adam's father. Later, we find out that Mother Ventress and Lord Hades are both Adam's grandparents. But she disgusts herself as a villager in Tatonne as she married and have sex with a farmer named Hugh. Later she gave birth to a girl named Elena who later have sex with Henry her half brother, later gave birth to a boy named Adam, Mary even later gave birth to a boy named Ben. Until he becomes part of the Maredi council, she kills her husband. When she watches Adam her grandson that knows his true identity.
* Adam needs to find out the truth, so he trust his great grandmother as Mother Ventress shows him memories of his grandparents and his parents, even his life which leads to Dark Volemont his father
* Mother Ventress tell Adam to comfort Dark Volemont to bring her son back
* Mother Ventress died by Dark Volemont, when Adam and Ben, were about to leave
* There is a Adam and Ben vs Dark Volemont fight scene
* In the beginning, Ben wants Selena to end her sexual relationship with Adam by Master Ganeld but Selena lies to him as she says to him that Adam is going to escort her to Niaboon and will end their sexual relationship.
* Right after Selena and Adam's honeymoon, at the start of the Army Wars Adam wrote letters to his secret wife and she always write responds back to him for there love. Adam have dreams about her every night happy dreams just both of them together and memories when they first meet as children, there first kiss, there secretly wedding and there honeymoon as they both have sex for the first time as husband and wife, including a dream where they are reunited for five months as husband and wife reunited, during the war, spending there time as husband and wife even saying goodbye before fighting war. In a future vision as if it's happens. When right after the Army Wars is over, Adam is finally reunited with Selena That Selena tells him, she is pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. Then showing them, raising twins, a boy named Jason Malfoy and a girl named Susie Snow Malfoy, showing them as a young children playing in the meadows while they are both watching them. Them becoming adults as they vanished including Selena to red smoke as came breathing of Lord Shauron.
* Right after Anakin leaves the maredi Order, he gives Angelina his lightsaber sword as a gift from him
* Adam and Ben, Angelina went into a planet which Is like a island
* King Edward told Adam to control the both of the island to saved his friends
* Phillip captured Angelina, he turned her into the dark side
* Phillip killed his sister princess Clara, but she saved her father as he became into the dark side
* Edward, Clara and Phillip are force wielders
* Aurora Potter and Miles Jones are force wielders too
* Adam uses his power to put Clara body to Angelina body
* Phillip stabbed Aurora in the heart
* Before Aurora dies, Adam came to her as she tells him that he is the chosen one, he must believe it as she dies
* At night, Adam hears Aurora as she tells about the future. As she pours her memory potion as she shows the future to Adam, but she tells him to come to the Dark side in order to destroy lord Satan
* There is Clara vs Phillip fight scene
* There is Adam, and Ben vs Angelina fight scene
* Adam join Phillip, to helped him with his dark future to destroy the Emperor Black and his future wife Dark Queen, he asks about his padawan Angelina and his wife Selena that if, they will die just like his mother and he will killed his own father. As Phillip returns the blue lightsaber sword from Adam as his eyes turned red as a Dark Faith as Phillip transforms while Adam is transforming as Lord Shauron he sees Aurora telling him her last words as she dies in front of him as Adam into a cyborg armor that he started his first breathe and he finally became Lord Shauron. Phillip forms the Dark Queen in illusions as she walks to Lord Shauron as she takes off his helmet as it shows Adam's normal face as they both shared a kiss that they loved each other as Phillip told him to force choke the Dark Queen. As he force choke the Dark Queen as she disappears
* When Ben visits Adam, Adam came as Lord Shauron that Ben realizes that his too late to saved him.
* There is Ben vs Lord Shauron fight scene, until he push Ben back
* Phillip is a prince of the dark side
* Clara is a princess of the light side
* King Edward is a highest king of the light and dark side
* King Edward believe that Adam is the Chosen One, that he will bring balance to the force only to his place. But Adam refuses
* Phillip shows Adam his past and present, future then he decides to join him
* When King Edward visits Adam who is now Lord Shauron they discussed that he will do some many terrible things in the future. As King Edward wipe out Adam's future as black smoke came as Lord Shauron Is gone, that Adam Malfoy Is back
* King Edward wipe out Adam's future
* King Edward takes Adam to the mountain, while Adam is using a force he hears a woman's voice but king Edward decides to bring him to his friend
* The Queen of the light and dark side is Aurora Potter, that she is resurrected by king Edward years right after her death. She is king Edward's friend
* Aurora Potter tells Adam Malfoy that he is the chosen one, her own descendant
* Aurora and Adam are talking about that why she believes that he is chosen one, that she believes that he shall break the cursed of the dark side of there family
* While Angelina and Ben are stuck in a cave, they meet Miles he is the king of the light and dark side with Aurora Potter, who got resurrected also. He asks them to join him until he got stabbed and killed by Phillip as Aurora senses
* King Edward stabbed himself, as Adam killed Phillip
* Before king Edward dies he tells him that he bring peace to the planet, but now the galaxy world but he needs to beware his heart of the dark side just like his son that if he becomes into the dark side he will lose everyone that he loved and will caused great pain in his life and that he believes that he will break the cursed of the dark side that the First Dark Lord cursed his own family, that he must destroy lord Satan the leader of the Dark Faith and the galaxy world shall have peace again but he believes that there is good in still good in Adam, that there is hope in him.
* Adam sees his mother Elena, who told him the truth about his identity
* Ben sees Quinn, telling him about Adam and that he is more stronger and powerful than any maredi that will ever be
* Angelina sees her future self, telling her about her master Adam that you beware to not to trust him, because he put her into the dark side of the force
* Adam went into the king as he tell him that he is the chosen one. That he will bring balance to the force, he finally sees Adam for him
* Adam sees spirit Quinn before he goes to Phillip to killed him, that Quinn believes that Adam is the chosen one
* Right after Adam and Selena have sex in her apartment, he decided to escort Selena on a mission to Alderney and planned this mission to spend time alone together
* Angelina has a mission in Alderney by Ben Potter of her close friends relationship, as they fly while she sees Adam and Selena sitting together side by side. Until as they land, two women look at each other as Selena leaves
* Angelina doesn't know that Adam and Selena are secretly married, until later when she realizes the truth. When they kissed as Angelina was there and she knows.
* In Alderney, while Adam and Selena, are having a nice dinner, walking in the garden that has a waterfall, they have sex in the bedroom as they both talked about his padawan Angelina witch if Ben his uncle, knows about this mission.
* While in space, when Anakin connected Maddie about the plan to take Eric even Anakin's padawan Michael to Niaboon, so they can meet with Maddie to talked about making peace with her people The Royals and his people the Rebels. Until they saw a dark separatist ship and came a battle, as he got captured. By the Dark Separatist
* Adam decides to not to take Angelina because she will died during the battle
* The council decides that Eve and Adam, Ben should go to the mission.
* Angelina decides to go to the mission on her own, thanks to Master Grey
* When Angelina went to the mission, she and Adam have a little fight
* Right after there fight, Adam and Ben tells him that they probably needed Angelina as he tells her that she reminds him of her father. Ben tells him that she reminds him of Anakin Jones as he accepts on the mission anyways.
* Adam and Ben, Angelina rescue Anakin, Eric, and Michael
* But Eve was mad, since Angelina is on the mission
* We first introduce Captain Caspian
* Adam and Eve, Captain Caspian both get along because all three know Chancellor Black
* While during the mission, Adam and Eve secretly hold hand to hand as captain Caspian knows about there relationship
* Captain Caspian knows that Eve loves Adam, she tells him she loves him as she leaves
* Captain Caspian tells Adam that he knows about her and Eve secret sexual relationship, but he promise he will keep it a secret and he will not even tell chancellor black himself
* Michael died when he got stabbed by a droid, and tells Angelina about that he loved his brother Eric and the plans back to the Maredi Order. As he died
* Captain Caspian tells Adam that he did a good job, that he will tell the Chancellor everything as he leaved when Eve told Adam that he did a good job with the mission, that she will see Adam later as she leaves as Ben and Adam both talked about Adam and Eve's new ally that they need to trust him even though it's war
* Right after the second battle of Genesis, Adam visits Selena in her apartment as she's happy that his alive. As they tell each other that they loved each other as they both starting to have sex, as Ben and Eve are talking until she decides to take him to her and Maddie's apartment. As they both ended up having sex. While Ben and Eve are having sex it switched to Adam and Selena having sex in her bedroom.
* Dark Volemont secretly works with the Dark Fairy as they talked in Nabla. About Adam and his padawan Angelina
* Eve becomes Maddie's midwife
* Adam and Selena are invited and went to Maddie who is during her pregnancy with Sarah marriage to Anakin as they are getting ready right after they have sex which was unseen because there is a broken bed that was spot on in the next scene
* Anakin and Maddie having there secret wedding, where Eve and Adam, Selena are the witnesses
* Anakin and Adam both become best friends during the wars and before Anakin leaves the maredi Order.
* Anakin and Maddie got married one day weeks before the birth of there daughter
* Anakin and Maddie consummate their marriage weeks after there birth of there daughter Sarahbeth, even Maddie healing from giving birth and pregnancy
* Anakin and Maddie spend there honeymoon on Niaboon that's where they have Sarahbeth and consummate their marriage, even have more sex for there love while their in middle of a war
* Anakin returns from his mission it's been three years right after the blockade
* Anakin and Maddie try to have sex like what they did last time, but she refuses to continue their secret sexual relationship because she's a highest queen of the Republic and he's a maredi
* While Anakin visits Maddie in her apartment, he tells her that he loves her that he wants to be with her. She accepts to be with him, as they both have sex for the first time in months. Right after they have sex, her and Anakin are in the bed, naked as they decided to be together as she loved Anakin always, as they continue to have sex. In the morning, Maddie wakes up seeing Anakin, up and half dressed as he went to look in the window. As Maddie came, as they both shared a intimate moment, but they are about to kissed until came Eve. She wonders why Anakin is here, Maddie lies as Eve leaves. Then Maddie and Anakin kissing passionately.
* Right after Anakin saved Maddie, they both continue to have sex in her apartment that's where they spend the night together.
* Right after they have sex, they are both in her bed, naked uncovered as Maddie tells him about their secret sexual relationship with Anakin. So that the Maredi Order and the Republic won't know about each other that they are now unstoppable. As Anakin turned curious and happy. Even worried
* Years right after Anakin's return and her and him, are back together. Right after Anakin finds out, that he has to fight tomorrow morning, to fight in war. At night, as he visits Maddie in her apartment as Maddie and Anakin have sex before he leaves to fight the Army Wars as a general on the battlefield and missions. That's where they both spend the night together and unknowingly convince a child
* Anakin and Maddie continue their secret sexual relationship from the Maredi Order and the Republic
* Anakin leaves to go on the battlefield to fight in the second battle of Genesis, with Adam and Ben, Eve
* Right after the second battle of Genesis Anakin asks her to marry her and she accepts the engagement and now there fiancée also Maddie tells Anakin that's she's pregnant with his child.
* One year right after the birth of Sarahbeth, Anakin went back to his father Hager about his mother by what happened to her while there on the ship. That his mother gave birth to a girl named Luna, then lord Satan took her away as he failed to rescue her
* Two years right after the birth of Sarahbeth, in the beginning Governor Dayne from the planet of Keiroth as he and Master Ganeld both discussed about the republic and count Peter as Governor Dayne Decides to be with the dark separatists as he meets up with Count Peter, with a Zyarrein named Bonie that told the battle droids to captured him as until his people got send to slavery palace. With Eric's parents Richard and Virginia that lived there
* In the republic senate building, there is a hologram of Governor Dayne telling the senate that his people from Keiroth are send into slavery by the Zyarrein people in the Zyrtec planet that they need help, as chancellor black and, Maddie Senator Bruce Barbossa both discussed that they don't need to fight, they just need to find his people so that they will soon stop this slavery in the galaxy world.
* Adam and Ben, Angelina got sent to keiroth as they find more battle droids and there is no colonies. Ben got sent by a hologram of Bonie that Ben should surrender as Ben and Adam both discussed about him surrendering to Bonie
* Ben explains to Angelina about Adam's and his sister Elena past as slavery in Tatonne
* Ben and Bonie both discussed about the colonies that they are enslaved in Zyrtec planet with his sister Virginia, Bonie tells him for what the maredi did to him. As they both are fighting
* There is Ben vs Bonie in Keiroth
* Adam and Angelina have lot of battles with the battle droids in Keiroth
* Bonie escapes as Adam and Angelina fight the octopus, then Angelina fights Bonie, right after Adam defeats the octopus as Adam and Angelina, Bonie both discussed about the colonies as he told him that they are enslaved in Zyrtec planet
* In the maredi council, while hologram of Adam, Ben and Angelina, Admiral Yalen, master Ganeld, master Grey both discussed about the colonies and the Zyarrein people even the Dark Faith of the beginning of the slavery kingdom of the rise of the dark Faith.
* In Zyrtec planet, Adam, Ben and Angelina, Bryan are walking in the street as Adam explains about his mother being in the market years before she was born.
* Adam and Angelina meet with Eric as he bring him into the Zyrtec kingdom where he meets Queen Virginia who is half cat and half human as he flirts with the queen and discussing about taking Angelina as her slavery
* Ben and Bryan, Anakin found Dayne, as they both got captured by the guards
* In the balcony, as Queen Virginia and Adam Malfoy both discussed about the slavery in this kingdom from the beginning.
* Right after there talked, Angelina and Adam both discussed about the queen Virginia that Angelina doesn't trust her, but Adam does as Queen Virginia came that he will be going to the slavery chosen game
* Ben and Dayne both got sent, as Adam saved Ben there is a fight between the guards. Angelina fights with the queen Virginia, As Adam becomes unconscious.
* Right after the fight, Adam wakes up in her bedroom as he force choke her in anger as they both discussed about his friends and him being his bodyguard, that she wanted to be protected by There love, for each other that she wants him to sleep with her tonight. As they both shared their first kiss.
* Angelina wakes up in the cage, as she got force lighting by the guard twice for not following orders
* Ben and Bryan, Dayne both got sent to the Zara system where King Richard first meets them, as they both discussed about Dayne's people as they both got sent into worked as slavery.
* While Adam and Queen Virginia are flying, they both discussed about him as slave, them being together to control the empire, she made a deal with Adam about his friends as slavery.
* At night, Adam and Queen Virginia are both kissing passionately taking each other's clothes off as they are both naked as they are having sex in her bedroom. In the morning, right after they sex, as Adam gets up as she wakes up they both discussed about them being together as a couple, his friends with slavery, there love as it ends them kissing passionately.
* Over the days, in Zara system Ben, Bryan, Dayne are working as slaves and being tortured by the Zyarrein people
* Over the days, in Zyrtec kingdom, while Angelina is stuck in the cage, she's been having nightmares about her past when she was born and got taken away from birth from someone that her birth father knows. Her past life as a young girl in Keiroth before she will become part of the maredi council
* In the evening, in the balcony as Adam and Queen Virginia both discussed their love with each other and his friends with them as slavery. Even there night last night,
* At night, Adam and Queen Virginia both discussion about their love, being each other as if they are slaves like her. As it ends them having sex throughout the night
* In the lake, where Eric watches Maria the goddesses of nature who is a slaved that he is watching as a bodyguard as they both discussed about their love as they are both are having sex in the lake.
* In the morning, right after they have sex, while there in bed naked but covering in blankets as Maria and him both discussed about their love if his mother will find out.
* In the throne room Eric and Queen Virginia both discussion about him falling in love with a goddesses as she decides to execute him.
* In the execution, Eric got beheaded by his mothers guard
* In her bedroom, right after Eric dies, as Adam and Queen Virginia both discussion about her loving his son Eric, who was in love with a slave to let him and even Adam himself that she loves more than anything than her slavery empire. As she told him that she loves Adam instead of her son.
* While in the queen's bedroom, queen Virginia is in the bath as Adam and her both discussed about that he's apologizing to her about Eric, even his friends that are still trapped as slavery. Even there love for each other as they don't want to stop being with each other as they both leaned to kissed as Adam went into her throat and chokes her in anger.
* In the next evening, Adam and Queen Virginia are both discussed about the count Peter and his friends, even about last night, her as a slave.
* Adam rescues Angelina in the cage, as she senses about count Peter as they both discussed about count Peter and her protecting his lightsaber sword and him calling her.
* In her throne, queen Virginia and count Peter both discussed about the her using the maredi as her slavery empire with the Dark Fairy as there slavery queen not her and her killing Adam Malfoy. Which leads him to force choke her unconscious, until Adam came, as there is Adam vs count Peter fight scene in Zyrtec kingdom
* Angelina stole a ship, when Adam got queen Virginia as before she dies, they both discussed about where his friends are, and that he is right the whole time that she is a slave like him as she dies
* In the Zara system, as Angelina and Adam both rescues Ben, Bryan and with the help of Anakin Jones from the Zyarrein people
* Ben and Bryan both fight with king Richard, as he died by a knife by Bryan
* Anakin Jones blow up the Zara system
* Angelina saved her and Governor Dayne even her people, with the help of the armies
* Adam blows up the electric power by the system
* In the end, Governor Dayne and Angelina both discussed about the republic and rescue him, him telling her about her past as a her birth named is Jones him choosing the republic.
* In the very beginning, in Niaboon where Eve takes Adam to a church, when Eve wears a white bride dress, that's where he meets with priest Johnny as they both discussed about if Adam and Eve will get married, and also Eve to show Adam the bell tower. As she shows Adam the bell tower as they both discussed about Anakin showing Eve this church as a abandoned church as if they should get married, and that Eve is pregnant with his child, them getting engaged. But as they are both thinking about marriage, as they both confesses their love for each other as they are both taking each other's clothes off as they are both naked, they are both kissing passionately and having sex in the bell tower.
* In the maredi temple, as master Ganeld and master Grey both discussed about Malcolm who has a plot to killed the Chancellor black, that Ben should go to the mission and Adam since he is super close with Eve and Chancellor Black.
* In Niaboon, right after Adam and Eve have sex. As they are both naked but covering in blankets, as they both discussed about their love and marriage to stop the feud between the Potter's and Amilda's forever as it ends with a kissing passionately, as they are both continuing having sex. As Adam gets dressed and gets a transmission from Master Grey that he should get back to Corusent and Adam and Eve both discussed about him going back to Corusent, as they both still love each other as they both shared a kissed.
* Right after Adam went back to the maredi temple, at night in Corusent while Ben and Adam, Angelina are both discussing about the senate deciding to help the chancellor. Until they both chased a sniper, as a sniper kills Ben Potter as he fakes In death
* In Ben Potter's funeral, as Adam is still mad. In the hospital room, as Ben, master Grey and master Ganeld discussed to Ben about his mission to Malcolm, to find out the plot to killed the chancellor as Ben becomes Jacob Jackson
* In the bar, as Jacob tells everyone that he kill Ben Potter. Then went into his room where Ben takes his clothes and his voice transitions to Ben's.
* Adam and Angelina went to the bar, and found Jacob as they both take him to jailed
* In prison Ben disgusts as Jacob, meets with Banner and Malcolm of the plan to go out of the jail. As they escape from Corusent to Ja Hutt where they grab weapons and trying to leave the planet.
* Back in Corusent, in the republic senate building, in the private room as Adam is still upset about Ben's death as they both discussed about Ben deaths and Adam. Which leads to them to have sex in the bed, right after they have sex as they are both naked but covering in blankets, as they both discussed about Ben's death and chancellor Black
* In the chancellor black's office. When Adam and Chancellor Black both discussed about Ben's death and that he should go to Ja Hutt, as Adam leaves.
* In the chancellor's office, while there is a hologram of Master Grey and Captain Bryan both are both discussing about Adam, until chancellor Black and tells Master Grey that Adam is actually on his way to Ja Hutt to capture the three bounty hunters.
* In the maredi council, Master Grey and Master Ganeld both discussed about Adam if he should killed Jacob or should the secret be revealed to him.
* In Ja Hutt, as Adam and Angelina went to the bar, as Adam force choke a bar tender and they both discussed the three bounty hunters. As they both leaved
* In Molem, there is Adam and Jacob fight scene, where Jacob tells Adam not to follow him as he makes Adam unconscious
* Adam and Angelina realizes that Ben is alive
* In the council room, as Adam and Master Ganeld but discussed about Ben is his mission.
* In the private room, as Adam and Eve are both naked but covering in blankets, cuddling in bed together as they both discussed that Ben is alive and about the council not trusting Adam, her loving him.
* They went to Sella, where the Dark Fairy and count Peter are there as they both discussed about the tournament
* In her bedroom, the Dark Fairy and Jacob both discussed about Ben's death and there love for him and for each other as they both have sex before he goes to the tournament.
* Jacob and the bounty hunters complete the first, second, third, final challenge in the red box as Banner is the one who has plans to kill the chancellor
* In the maredi council, as the Maredi's are both discussing the plans how the bounty hunters won't capture the chancellor
* In Niaboon, they both discussed chancellor arrived and Adam, Selena and Angelina both discussed about the festival of light as her becoming Selena's special security guard.
* In Niaboon, as the chancellor Black is telling everyone about the festival of light that it was the anniversary that king Ethan forms the republic and Niaboon, the entire galaxy world for them. As Eve and Adam both hold hands, during the celebration.
* In Niaboon, Adam and Ben/ Jacob, master grey both killed couple bounty hunters who try to capture the chancellor and try to kill Malcolm and Banner
* In Niaboon, right after chancellor black is saved as him and master Grey both discussed about Adam as his personal guard. Until Adam and Ben/ Jacob both discussing about him in the mission and that the council don't trust him. Adam is mad at Ben that the council don't trust him
* In Niaboon, as Jacob/ Ben and Master Grey both discuses about Adam, trusting the chancellor black and princess Eve amilda, also about checking one more thing.
* In Niaboon, Ben finds a recording that count Peter was listening the whole time
* In Niaboon, in Theed while Adam and chancellor black are both discussing about Selena saying goodbye and him getting closer to Eve to be more than third cousins, Ben's mission and Adam feels in the darkness, they enter in the dinner hall. As count Peter Is there.
* There is Adam vs count Peter in Niaboon, in the dinner room through the hallway and outside with the help of Ben
* In the end, chancellor black is saved that they both discussed that what if the Galaxy world didn't have the maredi
* In the very beginning in Niaboon, as king Jon and Harrison and young Eve both discussed about the tales of beauty and the beast, even if Maredi's are beasts years later, during the Army Wars in the senate building, while the prince of France named Eddie who tells the senate about his world Is in danger, as Adam and Eve both discussed about Eddie as she sees Gil who she used to date, until she got a letter from Eddie that she has to go to France and pay a visit with her fathers cousin Harrison. As they both discussed about France and Harrison, that he should come with her and meet the rest of her family. As Adam accepts and decides to come with Eve as he becomes Eve's bodyguard
* As they landed to the planet named France, Eve and Harrison both meet each other as they both discussed about her father who is her servant.
* At night, in France while Adam, Eve and Harrison are both having a nice dinner as they are both discussing about her having a maredi protector, her maredi protector and Eve are more than friends, the maredi are like beast, that maredi aren't allowed to fall in love and have children. Her cousin Adam that he is beast when Adam force choke Harrison as Eve told him to stop, as Adam stop force choking him. As Harrison is all right as Adam leaves the table.
* In the library, Eve and Harrison both are discussing about Adam who is her third cousin that he is a beast and him as a Maredi and that she feelings Adam as more than just a cousin, as they both are discussing about her loving him and Adam loves her truly. But Harrison knows that they are siren bond for each other. The siren bond is where the two people are who are deeply in love with each other that link to each other, that is reason why some Maredi couldn't control there romantic feelings for someone they loved so much as the Maredi has it within for there love and that it can't never be broken, because it's a love spell that the Maredi's have for the love of a human girl like Eve herself to have love a Maredi back.
* In her bedroom, at night right after Adam and Eve have a great dinner with Harrison, as they talked about her family in her fathers side, their secret relationship and Harrison finding out About there relationship as they both ended up having sex at night. As they both spend the night together.
* In her bedroom, in the morning right after they have sex. As Eve wakes up naked but covering in blankets as she hears Adam tells her good morning as she finds Adam naked by the window. As they both discussed about last night, her fathers cousin Harrison, that he won't know about there secret sexual relationship as they are both kissing passionately and they both stopped. Then, Eve and Adam both got dressed while there putting on there clothes on. While they are both discussing about the village in France, and Gil that she used to date lives there. Her relationship with Gil as Eve gives Adam a goodbye kissed. And leaves to go to the village.
* In France, In the morning right after Adam and Eve have sex, Eve went to the villa Gina where she went into the library and grab a book called the Tales of the beast and the beauty, until she meets with Gil. As they both discussed about her book and the legends, even him as a hunter, their relationship that they should be together as she refuses to be with him.
* In France, at a bar while Gil and Chuck but discussed about Eve being in love with someone else. Until he has a plan to get to Eve falling back in love with him.
* In France, at night while in the bedroom as Eve grabs the book, as they both discussed about the book, that she have about the legends of the tales of the beast and the beauty, Eve knows when she was little. As they both went into the bed as they are both cuddling in bed together as Adam reads the book to her as they both discussed about their love affair that they should be together as they both ended up having sex throughout the night. She suddenly has visions of Adam getting shot by Gil, as she wakes up naked but covering in blankets as Adam wakes up as they both discussed about Eve's vision as she gets comfort by Adam as she kissing passionately in his lips as they are both continuing having sex and it implied that they both ended up sleeping together.
* In France, in the morning right after they have sex, Adam and Eve wake up, naked but covering in blankets as they both discussed about last night. Even Eve's nightmares, when they are dressed as they both discussed that she is a maredi just like him and the Dark Fairy.
* In France at night, as Eve went to a abandoned room and sees a magic wand. When she's about to touch it, in a flashback in France, while Gerda is maid with Jon and Eden, weeks right after Eden gives birth to Maddie. Eden and Jon are having sex in there bedroom as they both unknowingly convinced a child, weeks later Eden tells Jon that she is pregnant with his child. When more weeks later, they both find out that Eden miscarries her unborn child, as she is sad. Until when she sees Gerda, that her maid is a sorcerer and maredi. Eden tells Jon to be with Gerda, that maybe Gerda will help Eden to give birth to her child. Jon meets with Gerda, as they both fall in love with each other while Gerda's father Rumpelstiltskin is watching them. In his castle in planet Verona as Gerda and Rumpelstiltskin are both fighting about her being with Jon, as she kills her father by force choking him as she becomes into the dark side of the force. In the abandoned cabin where Jon and Gerda both confesses their love and they both got married also they have sex for the first time, as she became pregnant with his child. Jon meets the enchantress that tells him that his unborn child will go into the dark side and his wife Gerda will died. While Gerda is giving birth to Eve as she dies. When came Harrison that tells her to leave in France as Eve leaves.
* While in the castle, as Adam is trying to find Eve as he finds Harrison who is mad. They both discussed about where Eve is, Harrison is telling Adam the whole truth about Eve true past that she's in the woods. That Adam senses that Eve will killed by wolves as Adam should saved her from the wolves, as Adam leaves the castle to the woods to saved his secret girlfriend from the wolves.
* In the woods, while Eve is leaving until came the wolves as she got knocked out, then came Adam as he fights them off to saved Eve as he got unconscious Eve take him back to the castle.
* Back in the castle, when Adam is awake and finds Eve. As they are both discussing about what happened to him, that Adam is out of the control like a beast, Eve tells Adam that he thanks her to saved her life. When Eve kisses Adam
* In France, in the morning. While Adam and Harrison both are discussing about Adams's past as slave, Eve and her past. Eve is a maredi and sorcerer, her birth mother gerda who was a maredi and sorcerer that she was once a slave in France in the maredi council, as she fall in love with Harrison's cousin Jon as they both got married. While Gerda is pregnant with Eve, Jon meets the enchantress in the woods who tells him that Eve will become a maredi and a sorcerer, that Gerda will died during childbirth. As Gerda gives birth to Eve as her maid Eden and her husband both leaved with Eve as she dies. As they both discussed about Eve's past. That Harrison cares about Eve and so does Adam. As Harrison shows Adam the enchanted book, as they both discussed the book, and the enchanted mirror that Adam should tell Eve the truth about who she really is.
* While it's winter, Adam and Eve both discussed about Eve's having a birth mother as Adam shows Eve as they both discussed the enchanted book, that Eve should let her to find out the past. As they both went to a abandoned cabin in France as it shows her birth mother is named Gerda while she's giving birth and as gives birth to her daughter that she named Eve as she tells Eden to take her daughter and raise her as she dies as Eden, Jon takes Eve away from her. As Eve remembers everything about her past.
* At night, while Gil and him both captured Jon, as the villagers and him are both discussing about Eve where she is, as the villagers are torturing Jon.
* While Adam is taking a bath, him and Harrison both are discussing him and Eve being together having their romantic evening together.
* Adam and Eve both see each other in their fancy outfits as they both walked down to the dance together. Right after they dance Eve tells Adam that she loves him as they both shared a kiss while Harrison is watching them.
* Outside, Adam and Eve both are discussing about dancing, Eve about her father as Adam shows her the enchanted mirror. As Eve sees her father torturing with villagers that she must go back and saved him. As she leaves Adam and the castle.
* In the villa Gina, Eve saved her father Jon from the villagers, as Gil and Eve both discussed about her love with a maredi, as Eve shows them Adam. That Gil wants to killed Adam, so Eve will be his. As Gil captures Eve
* In the castle, as Adam sense something as Harrison and him decides to have guards
* There is guards vs villagers fight scene in France
* Back in villa Gina, in the cage before Jon dies. That they both discussed about her past and her birth mother Gerda, that Eve is in love with a maredi who is a beast, that she needs to saved. As opened the cage and that they need to go as he tells her to saved the maredi, that he is sorry for what he did to her that he loves her more than Maddie as he dies. Eve gets out of the cage, and gets her gown off and race to the castle.
* In the castle, when Gil and Adam first meet as they both discussed about Eve loving him as a beast. As they both starting fighting.
* There is a fight between Adam and Gil in the castle, when Eve came and fights Gil with her maredi powers as he lost the gun. When she follows them while there still fighting to the another castle, as Adam chokes Gil that he shall killed him, he shall become lord Shauron as Adam refuses to kill him since it's not a maredi way. Adam grabs Eve as They both see each other as they both are about to kissed, Gil grabs his gun and shots Adam in his back. Until Gil falls into his death.
* When Adam is unconscious, As Adam tells Eve that he always loves her when he died as Eve don't want her boyfriend to died as she tells Adam that she always loved him too. As Eve kissed him there true loves kiss as he finally awakes, that they both loved each other and they both see each other.
* In the end Adam and Eve both shared there dance while Harrison and Eddie are both discussing about Adam and Eve secret being together. Adam that he is no beast but a maredi. As Harrison went to Adam and Eve that he promise to keep their sexual relationship a secret, as Adam agrees. When Adam and Eve are still dancing as they both shared their kiss in front of everyone in France.
* Right after the Selena almost got assassin, Angelina saw them hugging as they both almost leaved to go to the senate as Angelina tells Adam that she knows about a secret between Selena and Adam
* During the blockade in the Arison planet, while Adam and Selena are talking about that the blockade in Arison planet, always remind her blockade in her home planet. As they talked, they both talked of how they first meet.
* Angelina and Adam, Selena help Senator Wendy Rosemary with Arison planet, as the trade federation Senator Sparrow and Rosemary wants the Arison people to have peace and there will be no blockade, until they both decided that their still with the republic that they should not have peace with the Dark separatists as they forced Senator Sano to leave the planet once and for all
* During the war as Army Maximus loved and have a secret affair with Senator Wendy Rosemary while he's protecting her during the blockade
* Right after the blockade is over, before she goes to visited to the republic senate Army Maximus and Senator Wendy Rosemary both got married in front of everyone.
* Throughout the day and night in Arison planet, while Maximus and Senator Wendy Rosemary both discussed about them being as friends and fighting through this war, that he has feelings for her that they can't be together since he is fighting war as a army while she's a Senator in the Galactic World republic in Arison planet that if it's ever possible for them to be together, that it will be possible that they will always be together.
* King Victor Sanderson is a king of the Arison planet
* In the senate as Senator Sano tells them that they have decided that there will be no blockade in the Arison planet. That the Arison people are in innocent that the Arison people shall stay with the republic when the time will come for victory.
* In Arison planet, as Senator Wendy Rosemary and Adam, Selena and Angelina both visited the planet as they both discussed the people dying from the trade federation. Until in the castle as they meet with Rosemary's sister Amy
* Queen Amy is part of the republic but a traitor because she doesn't trust Maddie since she's no queen of the republic and that she wants her to die
* There is Wendy, Selena vs Amy fight in the Dale castle
* There is armies vs battle droids in the Arison
* There is Adam, Angelina vs the Dark Fairy fight scene in Arison
* When Wendy and Selena both got Amy and the armies, as they both take her back to the senate
* As they both put her in jailed as Amy is mad, that the republic is changing that they shouldn't trust Maddie because she is a liar to the whole republic.
* Throughout the book, as Army Maximus and Senator Wendy Rosemary been being together forever right after the blockade is over. As they are both a married couple and that it's shows a one scene that they have sex while he's spending time in her apartment, for them to consummate their marriage and have sex that they both convinced a child before he fights more wars, while he is fighting more wars. Wendy Rosemary prays and thinking about Maximus throughout the night
* When her husband returns from war, as they both spend the night together as husband and wife right after they both spend the night together as Wendy became pregnant with his child while her husband is fighting in war in the colonial planet. When her husband returns from more war before the Niaboon war, Wendy and Maximus both discussed about there marriage if the armies and the Generals knows about there marriage and that she tells him that she is pregnant with his child, that they should be together for one night in her apartment with him spending time with her and there unborn child. While there spending time together Maximus got a message that it's about the Maredi's that it's important to fight in this war as they both discussed about there marriage and that if he will return, so they can raise their baby if the war is over.
* While Eric and Eve are leaving their vacation on Niaboon, as they take them to the republic cruiser until they got captured as they realize that the ship is made of bombs. As Eve uses her power the Republic Cruiser blow up as they found Eve. She wakes up and finds Adam as they both talked about what happened.
* Dark Volemont and Eve even Emmett worked together, as they have the Huttises and The Knightsisters. So they can have control of Mandelore
* The Dark Watch are pretending to be heroes
* As Anakin and Ben fight, leaved to tell the Republic
* There is Dark Volemont vs Emmett fight scene
* Dark Volemont killed Emmett and has control of the Dark watch, even Mandelore so that he can do this to show lord Satan his former master, but he is truly doing it so he can have a rebellion against lord Satan once and for all.
* They captured Guinevere
* Dark volemont and his apprentice lord scar killed Luna Jones
* Before Luna dies, she tells Anakin how much she loved him and dies
* There is a Anakin vs lord scar fight scene in Mandlere
* There is Ben Potter vs Dark volemont fight scene in Mandlere
* Luna and her father king Hager visited Mandlere until they realized they been trapped
* As Lord Satan, Dark Volemont realizes he has been betrayed because Eve is using him for information about his birth son. So he can turned his son into the dark side as he wants to killed his former master for manipulation him for this whole time. That Lord Satan is the one who killed his birth father before he was even born.
* There is Dark volemont, Lord Scar vs lord Satan, Eve fight scene
* Lord Satan and Eve now make Dark volemont there slave for the dark Faith
* Adam Malfoy becomes Chancellor Black's security guard
* Adam is mad about Ben, until the Chancellor tells Adam to chase the assassin killer as he leaves
* Adam and Captain Caspian including Eve both developed due to the respect that both were hardliners.
* Caspian always comment Adam that he loves Eve, that they both should be together. But Adam lies to him
* While Adam and Eve are walking hand to hand right after they both spend the night together in her castle, in the Galactic Republic Senate, Caspian realizes that there being more than just third cousins friends. But Adam explains that he and Eve both slept, together because of her nightmare. As they both walked away from him.
* In Eve's castle, in her bedroom right after there mission. Adam choose to visit Eve as they both talked about Caspian knowing about there relationship, even the chancellor as they both having sex in her bed. In Eve's dream, it shows visions of her as the dark queen and Adam Malfoy as lord Shauron. As they both worked for the empire and that they both become the dark side of the Force as she wakes up, while she's in her bed as Adam Is wandering what's wrong with Eve. She tells him that she has a nightmare as she kisses him, but he refuses but she tells please as they both have sex throughout the night.
* In Eve's castle, in the morning right after they have sex, Eve wakes up as she's covering in a blanket as Adam Is wandering by what's going on with Eve. That she didn't tell him about her nightmare last night, as she's wandering where's her nightgown. That Adam tells her that he ripped it as it shows her ripped nightgown in the bed, she tells Adam that her favorite as she knows. Adam tells her that if she has any nightmare again she can tell him as Eve knows as she leaves out of the bed, leaving Adam.
* In Eve's castle before Adam will go and rescue his wife Selena from the banking clan. At night as Adam gives Eve her golden heart necklace as he put it on her neck as a memory of him. Then they starting kissing as there getting undressed and they both have sex naked in her bed, as it fades to black. Right after they have sex and it's morning in Eve's castle as they are both naked, covering in blankets in her bed as she tells him why did he give her the necklace because he tells her that he loves her and that necklace always remembers him as she tells that she knows that she loves him as he tells her that he loves her back, then they both continuing having sex throughout the morning.
* In Eve's castle, right after Adam's mission in Mortise while they are kissing in her bed, when she's wearing a black sexy dress as she tells him that his sure about this. She told him positive as they continue to have sex throughout the night.
* In Eve's castle, in the morning when Adam tells good morning as she wakes up naked but covering in blankets and sees Adam naked, she tells him that why does mornings always have to be another battle. Adam tells her because that's what happened when his hanging out with Eve, as he gets up to leave she tells him that she loves him.
* In the Galactic world republic senate building, in the private room, Adam and Eve how they can keep their sexual relationship a secret, from the maredi council and the republic in public. But Eve tells him that Caspian can keep there relationship a secret, as he wants to be with her as she knows as they kissed.
* Adam and Chancellor Black are getting a lot closer throughout this story
* Adam is mad at Ben for lying to him, about the mission and the Council. As the Council starting not to trust Adam Malfoy
* In the dinner hall, there is Adam Malfoy vs Count Peter fight scene again
* It was lord Satan who wants the plan, for there Galaxy world slavery empire by The Dark Fairy herself as Queen
* Anakin Jones is forced to protect Princess Guinevere of Mandalore. Until they both have a fight couple times about the Republic and them, even their child.
* Princess Guinevere didn't want violence in her people, as they decided that she can fight because she's a Mandalorian
* Adam finds out about Anakin and Guinevere's backstory, that they fell in love with each other. While Anakin was a padawan on a mission with Master Grey that is where they got chased by Mandalorian couple of times. Until he meets a Mandalorian which is Guinevere as they both secretly fall in love as she saved him as he can't sop loving her until he went into her tent until they have sex for the first night together. Right after the mission Anakin is forced to leave, but weeks right after his mission. Anakin returns to Mandlere to visit his secret girlfriend Guinevere as she revealed that she's pregnant with his child, so he escort her into Niaboon. To Adam's castle, that's where they both spend the night together during her pregnancy, later she gave birth to a girl named Angelina. They planned to raise her to have a normal human life, until his father King Hager wants to killed there child. So they put Angelina in a wardrobe as he becomes unconscious, as his father plans to wipe out their memories. Anakin and Guinevere get out of his father's castle, as they departed.
* Guinevere flirts a little in front of Anakin, that they think. They both shall have a room they can both shared one day and spend the night together as she leaves him. Adam realize of what happened about him and Guinevere that they finally get along.
* While on the ship, Jacob is a traitor of Mandlere
* Adam, Ben and Anakin, Eve go on a ship to protect princess Guinevere
* Guinevere and Anakin both fight about the republic, the highest queen and the senate, even politics
* While on the ship, Jacob got princess Eve as Ben came to rescue her
* There is Anakin vs Jacob fight scene in the hallway
* There is Ben vs Jacob fight scene in the hallway
* Princess Eve tells Ben that she loves him even though he goes on missions a lot as he confesses his love for her
* Right after Adam kills Jacob in the hallway, he finds out that his uncle Ben and his secret girlfriend Eve used to have a affair with each other
* Princess Guinevere captures her brother Emmett, as he is sent to jailed
* Guinevere's brother Emmett is a leader of the Mandalorian Dark Watch, so he can killed his sister
* Mandalorian Dark Watch worked with the Dark separatists
* Guinevere finds out that Emmett Is a leader of the Mandalorian Dark Watch
* There is Anakin vs Emmett fight scene in the lair
* Emmett wants her sister died
* As a assassin Mandalorian fails to killed her as they failed the fight in Mandlere
* The senate thinks that Guinevere is the one that started Mandalorian Dark Watch
* But Maddie thinks that Guinevere didn't do it
* While the Dark Fairy asks count Peter for help, he tells her that he needs her to go on a mission resurrection Dark Volemont, so she can learn more about Adam Malfoy
* The Dark fairy/ Eve is also a Knightsisters, because her mother Eden is one.
* When the dark fairy/ Eve returns to the Knightsisters, they show her memories from when her parents first meet, then fell in love, Eve's childhood memories to adulthood memories
* Mother Ventress tells her that she has a uncle, but she must find him. So she can learn more about Adam Malfoy
* The Dark fairy/ Eve found Dark Volemont dead in the woods, as she brings him into the Knightsisters
* When Mother Ventress is resurrection Dark Volemont, while Dark Volemont is being reborn it's shows where his parents first meet, then fell in love, Henry Malfoy/ Dark Volemont childhood memories to his adulthood memories.
* Right after Dark Volemont is reborn, he first meet his birth mother as he is angry about his birth mother, abandoned him from birth and now he wants vengeance about Ben Potter. That he wants to killed, but she told him to wait. As Dark Volemont tells the Dark Fairy everything about his birth son Adam Malfoy as his given her information.
* Right after Dark Volemont, he tells the Dark Fairy, that he still have vengeance. She tells him that he shall killed Ben Potter for vengeance
* While in the restaurant, Adam felt a disturbance in the force about someone usual in his past.
* Master Ganeld tells Ben that Dark Volemont is alive, but not dead.
* When Adam and Ben are talking about Dark Volemont. Ben lies to Adam about Dark Volemont being his father as Ben leaves to killed Dark Volemont
* Ben decides to fight Dark Volemont back.
* As Adam visit Selena. They both have sex, right after they have sex it's shows them in bed naked, but covering in blankets. They both talked about Ben as they both kissing
* There is Ben Potter vs Dark Volemont fight scenes
* Right after one fight scene with Ben Potter and Dark Volemont. Master Grey, master Ganeld, Ben and Adam, Chancellor Black we're talking about how Dark Volemont was alive this whole time, without him knowing. As Master Ganeld that he will return just like the Dark Fairy did. As the chancellor Black smiles evilly.
* Mother Ventress shows Ben, as it shows the memories before he was born, when she fell in love with Hugh on Tatonne, confesses their love and have sex, Elena and Henry being together she hated them being together, the fight between Elena and her about Henry, the birth of Ben, through Ben's childhood memories where his mother killed his father, to his adulthood memories.
* Mother Ventress shows Adam the memories, when her and Joseph are best friends, Mary becomes Joseph's apprentice, they both training with lightsaber swords, they confessed their love and have sex, while she is leader of the Knightsisters she revealed her pregnancy to Joseph, Joseph is a master and training his apprentice Lucifer Nazareth about his future visions of the dark side even the chosen one, Lucifer killed Joseph while he is sleep meditation, the birth and gave up of Henry Potter, Senator Black telling Henry to go to Tatonne, to fell in love with a slave girl named Elena, when they first meet, Elena and her mother are both fighting, during Mary's pregnancy with Ben, as Henry confesses his love to her as they have sex. Later, she reveals her pregnancy to him. But he doesn't believe her as he hates her, when he leaves her for good.
* Angelina and Evelyns son Jasper, they become friends. She brings him into Corusent, into the maredi temple, into her room. They have their first kiss and about to have sex, but she refuses to be with him. That they aren't meant to be because Maredi's aren't allowed to have attachments and romance that it's forbidden until he leaves her for good to think about.
* Angelina loves Jasper from the beginning
* Arina Montha is Anakin and Clifford's cousin
* In the very beginning it's shows a flashback of Hager as teenage boy who was being a trouble boy, with Lux his best friend in the city of Oniaen. Until he blew the statue of his father King Aslan. Until Hager got sent back to his castle.
* In the castle as King Aslan and Hager both discussed about him, blowing up his statue with Lux that Hager should stop being a rebellion and become he should be trained as a padawan of the maredi council an becoming king of Oniaen, he should thinking about getting married and have children, that when he died his throne will pass to Hager for his people. As Hager bows down to his father.
* Weeks later, in the front of the castle there is wedding between Hager and his bride Diana. As they both become husband and wife when they kissed as the crowd of people cheering for them.
* In the bedroom, years later while Diana is giving birth to there son as she gives birth to a boy which she named him Anakin. While Diana is giving birth to her son, king Hager and Lux both discussed about his child that shall become a rebellion just like them, but he refuses as they also discussed if his child will someday stop the empire with a rebellion alliance as his child as leader. But king Hager refuses that his child won't be a rebellion just like him.
* In the front of the christening of prince Anakin, when queen Diana and king Hager are carrying there son. As the crowd are cheering for their prince has arrived in Oniaen, as king Hager and Aslan both discussed that Aslan's grandson will become famous into the galaxy world, and even becoming a maredi, a rebellion just like his father. As Hager laughs a little, as if it never happens.
* Years later, in Diana's funeral. As while Anakin older and beside his brother as Lux and Hager both discussed that Anakin is the next king of Oniaen as he is mad about his mothers death in the voyage. In a throne room as Anakin and king Hager, both discussed about him being the next king, but Anakin refuses of what king Hager is doing to him, even his mother is died from the voyage, that he wants to become a rebellion. As king Hager tells Anakin about his past as a rebellion just like him as Anakin still refuses and walks away. King Hager knows that is it because of Guinevere of her pregnancy with his unborn child as Anakin leaves. Lux and King Hager both discussed who will be the next king as they think it's his another son Clifford.
* Years later, in Corusent while Anakin and hologram of king Clifford that tells him that Oniaen is in danger, that Anakin should help him. As Maddie and Anakin both discussed about him helping his people in his homeland, as Anakin refuses but they discussed because of his people need there true prince of Oniaen. Anakin has a plan to get a rebellion in Oniaen so they can get everything back in his homeland Oniaen with peace. As Anakin calls them the Rebels of Oniaen.
* In the maredi council, as the hologram of Charlie and Jasper both discussed about the maredi to help them to get Oniaen back. As Adam, Ben and Angelina both discussed about they should help to get Oniaen back in peace by helping the rebels of Oniaen.
* At night, they meet with Stella. In the morning as they took them into their camp, they both discussed that they should trained the rebels so they can go to take Oniaen back.
* Over the days, as Adam and Ben, Angelina are training the Rebels of Oniaen. When Angelina sees Jasper with Stella as they are kissing passionately couple of times, when Angelina is in actually in love with Jasper. That Adam knows that she is out of focus, because she's in love with Jasper.
* In the woods, as Angelina and Jasper both are discussing about their love, that Jasper has a girlfriend named Stella, him making love with Stella that they never did because Jasper is still a virgin same as Angelina, as they are about to kissed. As they are interrupt by battle droids that are going to their camp
* There is the Rebels vs battle droids in the woods
* They entry the city of Oniaen, as Adam and Ben are discussing about their plans of the Rebels
* Over the days there has been attacks of the rebels of Oniaen
* In there hideout, they are both discussing their plan to blow up the droid system, as Adam, Ben, Bryan go back to Corusent to talked with the council to leave Angelina to take care of the Rebels
* In the kingdom, as king Clifford brings out his Hager as they both discussed about the Rebels attacking the battle droids, count Peter and the dark fairy arriving in Oniaen couple of days, Anakin's Rebels to take back Oniaen.
* There is Rebels vs battle droids in the system as Edmund blowup the droid system in Oniaen
* As they blow up, when the people of Oniaen are cheering to have victory in Oniaen
* In there hideout, as the Rebels of Oniaen celebration their first victory. Anakin knows that Angelina is out of focus, as the Rebels vote for Stella as a new leader. When Edmund as Stella follows him. Angelina finds out that Edmund is Stella's brother
* During the parade of the battle droids, as the Rebels blow up the city. As they both try to take king Hager but failed
* In there hideout, as the Rebels still discussed to save king Hager from the dark separatists before to get executed as Edmund wants to saved Hager.
* In the castle, in the garden of Northuldra Edmund meets with King Hager as they both discussed about the Rebels and him choosing a side, taking back Oniaen, the maredi as Edmund got captured
* In the castle, as Edmund Is being tortured as General Lux and him both discussing about Oniaen and Anakin, ended the dark separatists and take the Oniaen back.
* In the castle, as Count Peter and the Dark Fairy, King Clifford as they both are discussing about the Rebels attacking in Oniaen, that it's Hager that he should died since he started the attack of Oniaen.
* In front of the castle, as count Peter and the dark fairy, king Clifford to execute king Hager until the Rebels attack as they rescue the king. When General Lux I'd a traitor because he always is in Anakin's side.
* In there hideout, as king Hager meets Anakin's daughter Angelina as they both discussed him as there real king of Oniaen and for his son Anakin, even Diana who started the rebellion against the dark separatists.
* During the mission, Angelina connects Adam and Ben to help the rebellion as they are discussed to help them, with the council and the republic. Even Anakin her father.
* In the city of Oniaen, Angelina sent a hologram of king Hager telling the people that he is innocent of the attacks of the rebels
* In the hideout, as they are both discussing about the war and them taking Oniaen back. Before the final battle Stella and Jasper both shared their last kissed. As the final battle begins between the Rebels and the battle droids.
* During the battle, as Angelina connects with Adam and Ben to help with the Rebels fighting the battle droids, that the republic should help only by Anakin Jones
* In the maredi council, as Adam and Ben are both discussing about the Rebels in danger in fighting, that they need Anakin and the republic that Frost can help them to find Anakin.
* During the battle, in Anakin and his wife Maddie went to a Outcast pirate planet, where she meets captain Frost as they both discussed about how Anakin and Frost first meet, the republic and the highest queen, Anakin becoming highest king.
* In their bedroom, as Anakin and Maddie both discussed about Anakin still helping his people in Oniaen, Even about his mother who died as he explains his past, him not liking his father because of his mother. They both ended up having sex in the bedroom.
* As Adam visits Captain Frost to find where Anakin is, that Anakin is with his wife Maddie making love
* In the bedroom, as Anakin and Maddie are both naked, having sex in the bed. They are both interrupt by a pirate maid. As Anakin got dressed as they both discussed about Frost and Adam, that Anakin should help his people
* In the bar, Anakin and Adam, Captain Frost both are discussing to help his people fighting in Oniaen. As he decides to help
* In the republic senate, Anakin discussed about the fighting with his people as the senators votes to fight with the rebels
* As the Rebels are trapped, until came Anakin and the republic forces to continue to fight off the battle droids.
* During the battle, Anakin saves his father from the battle droids and went into the dark separatists ship.
* During the battle, as Stella is falling from the cliff as Angelina saved Jasper but failed to saved Stella as she falls and dies.
* Right after the battle, when Edmund and Jasper both discussion about Stella's death that she died because of Anakin, Diana. As the Rebels are gathering around her.
* In the castle, when Anakin, King Hager, meets with king Clifford and the Dark Fairy, count Peter as they both discussed about the attacks in Oniaen, that Clifford should assign a treaty, but king Hager reveals his plans the entire time as Hager shall died. There is Anakin vs count Peter, and Clifford vs Dark Fairy in Oniaen as Hager tells count Peter to leave his son alone and Oniaen his dark separatists to leave as count Peter leaves with his plan, as failed thanks to the jones family who are rebellion. As he leaves.
* In the throne room, as king Hager and Anakin both discussed about him becoming king as he still refuses because he is prince of Niaboon and even his mother that he is in love with a princess, the past about his mothers death.
* In the balcony, as Clifford and Anakin both discussed about Oniaen and there past while there kids with there parents, Anakin becoming king that he still wants to become prince of Niaboon because of Maddie and Sarahbeth that the feud is over between them and the Royals
* In the throne room, as Clifford and King Hager both discussed about the feud between the rebels and royal war long time, there mother dying in the voyage, Anakin being in Love with the highest queen named Maddie Amilda and there child Sarahbeth. That the feud is over between the Rebels and Royals war, king Hager shouldn't ruined his brother's life again.
* In the very end, in Stella's funeral as Adam and Ben both are discussed about Angelina's mission that Hager is there king, even Anakin in Oniaen, Angelina tells Edmund that she's sorry about his loss, as he leaves her to be by coiff as she and Jasper both discussed about him joining the republic senate, Edmund and Clifford are both talking about Anakin that he is in Niaboon, that Oniaen is reminds him about his past of his mother and about the Rebels and Royals war of Anakin being famous, that is it true that war has finally ended between as Clifford that it is. As king Hager tells his people that the day to remember that Oniaen is in peace again in the galaxy world.
* Jasper leaves, Angelina and him have their second kiss.
* Adam rescue his best friends Anakin's half sister Luna from the Dark winter castle.
* There is Adam vs the White Queen fight scene in the Dark Winter castle where him and Luna disappears to the Northuldra land
* Right after king Hager tells Anakin the truth, Anakin secretly meets with Adam and tells him to get his sister Luna from the Dark Winter Castle
* Right after Adam and Luna escape from the Dark Winter castle, they both transport to the Northuldra land where they find a cottage
* But Luna cares about Adam as they both started to be more closer together
* Adam and Luna both have sex in the cottage, that's where they both spend the night together.
* In the morning when Luna wakes up naked but covering in blankets, she sees it's morning as Adam is training in his lightsaber sword. As she comes wearing a blue outfit
* At night, while Adam is panting and his hand is up in the air, as if he wakes up from his nightmare. As they are both naked in the bed, but covering in blankets as Luna tells him that they can both get a new blanket, but he told her that he is sorry because he is so out control because of his nightmare. As they both talked about his nightmares and there parents, as they both sleep throughout the night.
* Right after Adam and Luna leave of the Northuldra land, they take her to Corusent where she first meets her brother Anakin as they both hugged as Adam watches.
* As Anakin tells Adam thanking him to saved his sister
* Before Adam leaves, while it's raining in Corusent by the senate building as Luna runs to him. As they both talked about the truth that Adam is married. Until when they did their last kiss but in the rain, as he told her that he loves her.
* They went into Northuldra land, where Luna realizes she's the fifth guardian of the spirit.
* When Luna becomes the fifth guardian of the spirit, as her powers bring back the Northuldra and Arendellions people back from the dead, she sees her birth mother Diana saving her father Prince Hager as a kid in a magic mirror. As she sees her birth mother as a spirit and her grandfather Chief Menteco.
* King Hager and his wife queen Diana there mother tells Anakin and Clifford about the story of the Northuldra that Hager got saved by a mysterious Northuldra
* They realized Diana is a Northuldra, that they guardians of the spirits gifted Luna of ice and snow powers because Luna is a daughter of Hector
* Luna has dreams about her parents, that she hasn't seen or heard about
* Long time ago, the Arendellions went to the Northuldra land for peace, when Hager's father king Michael decided to kill the Northuldra's people. They both have a fight which leads Michael to kill the Chief Menteco of the Northuldra as Hager becomes cursed as a maredi forever, for what he did to the chief of Northuldra.
* Right after they told the story of the Northuldra, Diana told Hager that's she's pregnant with his child as he is happy they both have sex throughout the night.
* Diana and Hager decides to go to the Northuldra land, so they can find the way to stop lord Satan from controlling the senate and the Galaxy world one day
* Hager told Anakin that his gifted as a maredi and so is Clifford as a maredi from the guardians of the spirits by his mother Diana saving him long time ago
* In the very beginning before the Rebels and Royal war and the senate talking an what happened. In her castle where Anakin is a Maredi knight who is watching Maddie brushing her hair in her bedroom that's where they are best friends and also bestowed to marry each other. Anakin tells Maddie that he loves her as they both discussed about their true love with each other, then marriage and having a child and become parents one day, their bestowed to marry. Making love with each other that Maddie and Anakin are both virgin and they never experienced sex and sleeping with each other throughout the night as they are both kissing passionately until they stopped as they both discussed about the Maredi council rules that forbid Adam to make love with Maddie and the Republic since they are bestowed anyways until they both confesses their feelings with each other. Which it leads their first kiss that Maddie wants to be Anakin as they both have sex and spend the night together. That's where Maddie and Anakin both lose their virginity. In the morning, right after they have sex as Maddie wakes up as she remembers there previous night their first night they have since now they are together as Anakin wake up from her bed as they are both naked but covering in blankets as they discussed about last night that they still can't think about last night as then they are both kissing passionately and having sex of there continue morning love.
* In the very beginning Weeks right after Adam saved Luna, when Luna becomes duchess of Mandlere as Guinevere leaved Mandlere so she can have a perfect life without politics. As Adam and Selena both got a invitation to a ball in Mandlere
* In Mandlere, as Selena and Adam both greeted duchess Luna as they both walked in the garden, as Adam still senses something about his father Dark Volemont. They decided to walked in the garden together as husband and wife, before the ball.
* In the Dark Watch, camp as dark Volemont wakes up as he meets Emmett the leader of the Dark watch. That dark volemont and Emmett both discussed about the taking control over Mandlere together and killed the newly elected duchess of Mandlere and Guinevere his sister. That they should get a Army together
* During the ball, while everyone is dancing as Selena and Luna are both are discussing about politics as Adam asks Selena for a dance. As she accepts while they are dancing as they are both discussing about them, being together tonight as they are about to kiss as they both got interrupt by Aaron that Luna still wants to see her, as Selena leaves to discussed more politics with Luna.
* Right after Selena leaves, then came Eve as they both discussed about Selena and their love, as Adam wants to dance with Eve while they are dancing, until they shared a kiss. As they both let go of there kissed she tells him that she always loved him as Adam walks away from Eve. Once Selena comes back, as Adam and Selena both are discussing about her as they both shared a kiss while Eve Is watching and walks away from the ball.
* Right after the ball, in the private bedroom as Adam and Selena both are discussing about the ball, that they have fun as they both have sex throughout the night. In Adam's visions, it's shows his father Dark Volemont taking over Mandlere and Adam fighting his father in Mandlere. As he wakes up in his nightgown as Adam and Selena both discussed about his nightmare.
* In the dark watch, dark volemont, even his apprentice Lord Scar and Emmett, got the Piuman and Midnight sun, the Egyptians to join Dark Volemont's criminal empire as there ready to take over Mandlere.
* Back in Mandlere, as they both discussed about the Dark Faith taking control over Mandlere as the senators decided to leave when Selena and Adam both said their last goodbyes to Luna.
* In Mandlere, the piuman and Egyptians, midnight sun captured and killed people in Mandlere as Emmett and his dark watch saved the people as Luna realizes that everything is changing in Mandlere. As Luna talks with hologram Guinevere as she will go back to Mandlere
* While Luna is captured she meet with prime minister Alan, as they both discussed about Guinevere and Emmett, even Mandlere
* In the throne room, as Guinevere and Emmett both discussed about Mandlere. Until there is a fight scene between them, as she became a dark watch with him.
* Dark volemont went to jailed, as he gets out of jailed and talks with Alan about Mandlere him as prime minister and Emmett, the Mandlere again
* In the throne room, there is dark volemont vs Emmett fight scene as Emmett got killed by the dark fairy as dark volemont takes control of the dark watch as Guinevere is mad and flies away.
* In the maredi council, Adam and the Maredi's both discussed about his dreams in Mandlere as they both decided to fight with Mandlere.
* In Mandlere, Adam and Ben, Anakin rescue Luna both they got captured by the dark watch
* In the throne room, when dark volemont killed Luna in front of Anakin as she dies, Adam and the Dark fairy fight as she disappears as Ben and dark volemont fight, when Ben got unconscious as Adam fights his father. While Anakin and lord scar are fighting. As lord scar got sent to jailed when Adam try to killed his father but refuses as they both continue fighting as came Guinevere as they both fighting the dark watch and escape in Mandlere back to Corusent.
* Right after the fight, in the throne room as dark volemont senses lord Satan as they both discussed his empire as they are fighting, until lord Satan force lighting him and he became unconscious as sees his memories in front of him as he is redeem at last, as Henry Potter
* In Nabla, as Henry and Count Peter but discussing about lord Satan and the dark fairy and Adam Malfoy to learn more about him and he is out as prisoner
* In the maredi council, as Adam and Ben both discussed about Adam killing his father, to go to the dark side just like him. And Adam seeing Eve
* In the castle, in Niaboon as Adam and Eve both are talking in Mandlere, there love for each other as they both always loved each other as they both take each other's clothes off and having sex in her bedroom. In the very end, as Adam remembers the previous night, he wakes up naked but covering in blankets when Eve is besides him as they both smiled at each other.
* In the very end, In Nabla, as Henry meditating as he sees the future in Niaboon of a battle and Adam killing him as he and the Dark Fairy and count Peter, lord Satan both discussed about Niaboon that Adam is there, that he tells him more about his son Adam Malfoy as they both discussed to go to Niaboon so they can killed the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon Maddie amilda that there shall be war in Niaboon.
* It is revealed that Diana have a secret sexual relationship with Hector Froster the guardian of ice and snow spirit which leads them to have sex and she was carrying Hectors child. Not Hager's child
* Luna is the secret daughter of Diana and Hector
* While Diana is a Northuldra, her and Hector play together while their friends he falls in love with her while she was a child
* Eric is a vampire maredi just like his brother, Michael
* Eve becomes Adam's secret boyfriend
* Lord Satan wants The Dark Fairy can resurrection Dark Dragon, so she can burned the villages of the Dwarf land
* While the Dark Dragon formed, the creature blows the Dwarf Land villages as they captured her
* Eve got sent to trial as she went into prison, as she calls for the dark Dragon to saved her
* Adam saved Selena from falling, right after they rescued each other they said what's going on until they proceeded to have sex while there kissing, they see what's going on and they continue to kill the Dark Dragon
* Adam and Selena are talking with the Chancellor Black about Eve in prison even though she's the princess of the republic, that Selena thought he is on her side but Adam tells her that the Chancellor has a great point about his third cousin
* Maddie and Anakin talked to Selena about Eve, how she killed the villagers and that they think, they should put her on trial.
* The senate decides not to put Eve in prison ever since she's part of the Republic
* When the Dwarves decides to sign the treaty, then to killed the Dark Dragon
* Adam and Master Grey fought the Dark Dragon as it disappears into Eve, fully nude.
* While Master Grey is fighting the Dark Dragon
* Right after they got Adam and Master Grey, Eve to corursent to talked about her actions as her eyes turned black purple to get back to the maredi for vengeance
* While she's talking to Chancellor Black, he suggested that she shall killed everyone in corursent and the senators
* During the coronation ball, The Dark Fairy poison her sister with a apple, she falls into a deep sleep as Anakin knows that she is a sidekick of lord Satan and she's angry and killed everyone as Anakin and Dark Fairy fight, until he killed her but she learned to cheat death
* During the coronation ball, Anakin is force to protect Maddie as they both have fighting about the council, her dying by a witch, her and Anakin. Which ends by a kissed until General Snowden and the Dark Fairy came
* The Dark Fairy and Maddie discusses about, the Dark Fairy as a sidekick of lord Satan her and Chancellor Black, as they both made a deal
* Right after Anakin saved Maddie from a deep sleep, they went on a ship to Niaboon as they confesses their feelings for each other as they hold each other's hands.
* Right after Chancellor Black is saved in Niaboon, Anakin and Maddie hold hands when Adam and Selena, Ben and Angelina are leaving to Corusent Anakin tells them that his staying with Maddie. Right after they leaved, in her bedroom that's where have sex since the last time they we're together that's where they spend the night together. In the morning in Corusent as Selena and Adam found both of them together as a couple, as they walked Adam and Anakin are both talking about him staying the night with Maddie. Selena and Maddie are both talking about politics and that Maddie spends the night with Anakin
* Eve is the one who poison and killed Senator Jimmy, for vengeance for not joining the dark separatists but Eve keep it a secret as the Senators Selena and Bill didn't know it was her
* Eve tells chancellor Black there plan have worked but they didn't know that she poison and killed Senator Jimmy.
* Chancellor Black wants Eve to poison Senator Jimmy for vengeance for the Army to be build as she decides to do it.
* The Dark Fairy sent bounty hunters to rescue Eponine out of jailed by Banner the senate to killed all of the Senators as but if they find Adam Malfoy that they shall killed him as they accepted. As they went into the senate building as the senators are in there meeting about the battlefield. They got senators captured and they realized it's Adam Malfoy who's still alive and hear many things about him, as they want to killed him as they killed them to save Selena and the Senators. He saved the Senators when the Dark Fairy is very mad.
* Banner went into Corusent jailed as Eponine is out of jailed at last. As the bounty hunters leave to go back Tatonne
* In Tatonne right after Banner got Eponine back to Tatonne as Pharaoh Moses decides to kill Eponine for vengeance to be with Count Peter and kidnapped his daughter. As Eponine falls into a lot of snakes as he screams in pain.
* Lord Satan wants the Dark Fairy to get the children maredi from the different planets to mufaser, so he can turned him into the dark side of the Force.
* The Dark Fairy captures the children maredi and take them. She tortured the children choking and killing them in the force, as her power failed and they died to mufaser as Adam and Angelina came and they both leads into a lightsaber sword fight in mufaser.
* Belle who is at age of thirteen got captured, and got send to mufaser as Adam her father rescue her
* Adam and Angelina take Belle back to colonial Salem, where she is with Veronica and Timmy
* During the fight between Senator Graham, he knows about Eve's and Ben's used to have a sexual relationship with each other as he tells him who shall kill him him or her, as a cold blooded killer that Eve is a dark fairy, when Adam saw Senator Graham. He hears the Dark Fairy's voice to manipulate him to killed Graham as he did by stabbing him to save only Eve.
* Adam and Eve have sex in secret, in her bedroom right after she has a nightmare
* Since Angelina is close to her master, she still loves Adam more than anything
* Eve's visions are later in the book that Eve as the Dark Fairy and him as Lord Shauron, ruling the galaxy world as husband and wife
* Angelina decides to leave the Council because of her own good
* Angelina knows Adam's and Selena secret marriage
* Adam and Eve have their second kissed before Adam gets married to Selena, when he realizes that he is actually in love with her.
* Eve is the Dark Fairy in the end of the book, by Lord Satan
* Adam and Selena have sex nine months, least a time and two, numerous times even two years, more than a few times, more than once, few times around during in this book and prior of The dark Faith has risen
* In Niaboon, before Selena leaved to find who's responsible for capturing one of the merman for the virus but she wants Ben and Adam to come and help her to catch that thief. When Adam and Ben come, they decided to help her. At night, while Ben is having a plan, Adam secretly went to Selena's tent that's where they have sex and they both talked about the plan, to help who captured that merman, it's implied that they both sleep together.
* In Selena's office, while Adam is planning to go for a two week meditative retreat with her and so they can have sex and spend time together as husband and wife. Selena refuses because her bill for the senate as they both talked about their marriage, he shows her his lightsaber sword for their trust and they ended up kissing passionately and making out in her office.
* Right after the hostage crisis, Adam and Selena decided to take some off. That's where Adam escort Selena into a mission of a planet that is called Twilight, so they can spend time together. Until they went into a planet called Twilight that's where she meets with Anakin's Jones cousin Arina. And that's where Adam and Selena have their own house so they can spend time together and have sex throughout the night before Adam leaves for war again.
* Before and right after Adam's every mission/ battlefield, he goes to Selena's apartment to spend the night with her that's where they kissed different times and have sex.
* Right after Adam's battlefield war, he went to Selena's apartment to be with her as they have sex for the night. Right after they have sex, while there sleeping together Adam is still having dreams about the Darker One dagger calling him as it shows flashbacks of his ancestors and Aurora Potter until he wakes up. He got dressed and went outside as Selena puts on the robe, they talked about that he should leave while there middle of a war. Selena decides to go with him, but he refuses because he doesn't want his wife to put in danger like last night that he wants to go by himself this time, she accepts it as they embrace as she tells him that it's cold out as he watches her go, his thinking about his wife.
* Adam, Ben, Eve, Selena and Anakin went to the woods where they are fighting until Selena got stabbed by a merman and the armies fight. In the hospital while Adam and Selena are talking in a separate room but Eve knows about there relationship
* Eve knows about Adam and Selena's secret marriage
* While Adam is angry that his marriage vows with Selena spending time with Lucius but Ben knows that it's all wrong, but Adam tells him that him and Selena are just friends
* During the Army Wars, Adam visits his wife Selena a lot in secret in her apartment, that's where they have sex throughout the evening and night while he is still on the Maredi Council before and during the missions/ battlefield to fight that he has to go
* During the Army Wars, Adam also visits his very secret girlfriend General Eve Amilda. Right after he visits his secret wife, right after there every battle together, in Eve's castle that's where Adam and Eve have sex throughout the night.
* First, Adam visits Eve then his secret wife Selena
* Maddie doesn't trust Eve because she thinks she's the Dark Fairy
* There are Adam and Selena have a couple of sex scenes and even sleep together throughout the book
* Her family didn't know that Adam and Selena are married
* Selena's mother got them a cottage, by the Snow house, that's where they first spend the night together as husband and wife during their honeymoon right after they got secretly married.
* Anakin leave the Maredi Order because of his secret sexual relationship with Maddie and her pregnancy of his child,
* Adam hears the Darker One weapon, that he touch it shows of what really happens of how the feud started
* Aurora Flynn is so close with her uncle Ethan she becomes a apprentice of the Dark One. She used her fathers dagger, so she can bring her uncle in the garden and she beheaded her uncle. She invaded her uncle's castle Nabla. She started the feud between the Potter's and Amilda's
* There is Adam Potter vs The dark Fairy fight scene
* Adam has visions of the Darker One weapon, calling to him and Aurora even Flynn
* Adam always feels that he is on the Dark side of the force just like his father and grandfather since there both serial killers
* Selena finds out that they are building the droid factory
* During the second battle of the second Genesis, Angelina and Eric blew up the droid factory
* Angelina and Eric first meet during the battle of the second Genesis
* Eric is a young padawan when he first meet Angelina
* Ben, Adam and Angelina, Eric meet the Queen of the Genesis named Claudia who capture Anakin Jones
* Anakin Jones's padawan is named Eric
* There is Angelina, Eric vs the Dark Fairy fight scene in her ship
* Right after the battle of the second Genesis, Adam wants to find out who Is the Dark Fairy and how does she know about him about his past. He briefly tapped into the dark side and choke Jafar in the force. Jafar tells him that the Dark Fairy is a descendant of king Ethan Amilda.
* Then Adam and the armies come to her ship
* Angelina, Adam vs the Dark Fairy fight scene in her ship, that's where Angelina got unconscious
* The Dark Fairy took Eric into her castle
* As Angelina wakes up, they both failed to get Eric from the Dark Fairy
* The Dark Fairy and Lord Satan wants Adam to join there side because of there plan to rise of the Galactic world empire
* Dark fairy/ Eve contact General Snowden to capture chancellor Black, for good
* While Adam and Selena are staying on Niaboon, for there honeymoon while Adam is still a Padawan, there is sex scene between them, in the lake that's where they first skinny dipping together that's where they have sex, then the white room.
* During the Army Wars, While Adam is now a maredi knight, he and Selena decides take some off right after the mission in Niaboon, they took some time off as for one day just two of them alone, to go to there cottage to be just husband and wife as he promise for them to be together for one day and night. In Niaboon, Varygino, Lake Country while Selena's Snow family is not home, because there on vacation they decided to spend time in the meadow, in the balcony of Snow's house. In the Varygino terrace, they both went to skinny dipping in the lake of Varygino, lake country that's where they have there first kiss, and got married and they both kissing passionately as they both have sex while there both skinny dipping together, they have there nice dinner about there adventures and love, they went into there cottage gifted by Selena's family when Adam and Selena have sex in the Black bedroom in there cottage where they both have sex, which they spend the night for one night as husband and wife for the first time in months. It implied that they both sleep throughout the night, In the morning right after they both have sex and spend the night together, Adam and Selena both are sleeping in Romeo and Juliet 1968 movie position that we see Adam's buttocks as he wakes up and opens the window curtains. As he put on Black pants on and black shirt, as he looks out in the balcony in there cottage. Later when Selena wakes up she's suddenly covering in feathers again. In there dining room by the balcony, she sees Adam and tells him that why was she covered in feathers, he tells her that last night as Adam wakes up from his nightmare, he destroys the pillows again she asks him why he did bite the pillow and he tells her that he was woken up from a nightmare and decides to bite the pillow.
* There is Adam and Selena six scenes in there cottage during their honeymoon
* There is Adam ant Selena three sex scene in there cottage while they are both spending time together
* In her apartment, Adam and Selena are naked, covered in blankets that it implied that they have sex
* There is Adam and Selena eight sex scenes in her apartment
* Ben and Eve closed the door it implied that they have sex
* Right after Adam became a maredi knight, he gift her his Padawan braid as a gift that's where she put it on a box next where the Star japor snippet he give Selena long time ago
* Adam became from Padawan to maredi knight
* Adam has visions and vivid dreams of his past about his mother and Henry Malfoy, how they first meet, they have sex and when he leave that his mother realizes that she's pregnant with his child and about his past. To where Henry went into the bar and meet a sexy singer named Elisabeth she's a human siren to sing beautiful songs for the people and man, they have sex and Elisabeth secretly becomes pregnant with Henry's child. To the birth of his child a girl named Margaret, until he leave while Margaret is a young girl
* Adam went into a engagement party, where he meet Margaret who is his half sister. That tell her about the dagger belong to his descendant Flynn Potter
* Adam and Margaret went to a elf lady named Gerda who is a handmaiden, as she touches his hand she tells him that he is part of the dark side just like his father and grandfather before him
* Selena decides to help Adam on his mission, to find Margaret in Mandlere
* In Mandlere while Eve was there, as she sees Selena and Adam kissing in the wall
* In Mandlere, when Adam went to Eve that is where they kissed while Selena is watching them
* In Mandlere, Adam and Selena got there own room. That's where they both spend the night together
* When Adam wakes up from his nightmare in Mandlere, he wakes up fully clothed as he went outside as Selena follows as they both talked about his nightmare
* Right after the engagement party, as Adam and Selena return to there own room as Selena decides to take shower, as she asks that Adam wants to join her but he refuses while Selena Is taking a shower as Adam went to sleep and he has nightmares about the Darker One dagger as he wakes up. When Selena appears in her nightgown as he looks at her they both are kissing passionately and ended up having sex.
* In the morning, as Selena wakes up in her nightgown Adam tells her good morning honey. That it was a rough night for them as she knows it was for them.
* There is Adam vs Margaret fight scene
* Margaret is secretly working for Dark Volemont get Adam to the dark side
* Dark Volemont pay a deal to Margaret to lead Adam to the dagger, where he can turn into the dark side
* Ben and Eve have a sex scene while Adam and Selena are having sex scene too which can transition between there love
* Adam and Ben goes on a mission to the Last City to find Dark Volemont and to stop him
* The Council tells him about Adam's father that he is Dark Volemont
* Adam and Selena have there first secret honeymoon in Niaboon. While Adam is still a Padawan. Where there is more sex scene until they have to leave because there middle of a war.
* While Adam and Selena spending there romantic evening, it's implied that they have sex
* Right after the council meeting, when Adam and Selena are walking from the senate building to her office as they both talked about Lucius as Selena decides to spy on him.
* While in Selena's apartment Adam and Selena are in the bed naked, covering in blankets it's implied that they have sex
* During in Selena's apartment he tells Selena that he feels darkness but she tells him not which leads them to have sex
* Near the end of the book, Adam and Selena have sex on her apartment. When Adam is talking about himself being darkness just like his family, but she refuses to believe that in her husband. So they have sex and they spend the night together that's where they convinced Jason and Susie. Right after they have sex, while they are both sleeping together in her bedroom until Adam has a nightmare of visions of his future as Lord Shauron as he wakes up and tell his wife, but later he gets comfort by his wife. In the morning, Adam and Ben got assigned to a mission in a planet called Eron that is where they have to be gone for five months , Adam tells Selena that he has to leave for five months to go to Eron but Selena doesn't want Adam to go and he tells her that he has to go because it's important as they are kissing. Right after he kissed Selena, they went to noise to noise the Maredi Council and the Galactic World Senate are watching the Adam and Ben leaving on a ship as he looks at Selena, Ben tells him that the Mission is important for them as Adam knows it is.
* Right after there daughter is born in Corusent, Maddie and her husband Anakin went back to Niaboon where they meet princess Eve, as they both discussed about their newborn daughter Sarahbeth who is born yesterday the merfolk and the Niaboon peace right after the blockade.
* Right after the birth of Sarahbeth Jones. In the merfolk kingdom where the Dwrk Fairy came and mind control a marolk named Simon to manipulate trident Jesus to lead their army to killed the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon Maddie Amilda as Simon bow down, as she gives him a necklace to mind control trident Jesus because the Dark Fairy put a spell on the Merfolk named Simon who tells her to manipulate Trident Jesus so he can march to Theed and killed the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon Maddie, as Simon manipulation Trident king named Jesus by wearing a necklace so he can killed the highest queen of Niaboon. Maddie Amilda As Simon works for the Dark Fairy
* In Theed, Queen Aphelia and captain Richard got a hologram of a guard that they discussed about the Mermaid Army marching to Theed and killed the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon Maddie Amilda.
* While In Theed, Maddie's castle Maddie is in the nursery with her newborn daughter named Sarahbeth Jones, and Anakin is with her. As they both are talking about here daughter that looks like them and will someday resemble like them, and about them being husband and wife, having a break of the Army Wars and policies that they should be actually be husband and wife and also having a great honeymoon between them and there daughter as they both shared a kiss, as Maddie tells him that Sarah is totally resemble as him as they are both kissing passionately, until he got a hologram of Queen Aphelia that they discussed about the mermaid army that is going to march Theed and killed Maddie. They both decided to bring Senator Snow and her maredi protector Adam Malfoy to come to the merfolk kingdom to stop the fighting.
* In Theed while Eve and Anakin both discussed about the attack between the merfolk and Niaboon to go to Theed and killed his wife Maddie, they thought they made peace with the merfolk right after the blockade, that one of the merfolk betrayal Niaboon, as they both decided to visit the merfolk and talked to them to stop the attack.
* When Adam and Selena Snow went to Theed and meet with Queen Aphelia that they both discussed about the mermaid army going to march to Theed and killed their highest queen Maddie Amilda. As they both discussed that Adam and Selena should meet up with Anakin and Eve, Nicholas to find the ways to stop the mermaid army to march to Theed and killed Maddie as they accept.
* When Adam and Selena landing in the merfolk and found Nicholas, as he takes him to the mermaid kingdom. Where they find, Eve and Anakin discussing to trident Jesus to stop the mermaid army to march to Theed and killed Maddie, as came and Adam, Selena, Nicholas they also both discussed to stop the mermaid army to march to Theed and killed Maddie. As Adam finds a necklace, he takes it off of him and Jesus doesn't remember what happened, as they both discussed who was responsible to manipulate him. As Jesus told them that it was Simon that he is secretly working with the Dark Fairy
* In a private room, Simon and the hologram of the Dark Fairy they both discussed of the mermaid army to march to Theed and killed the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon Maddie Amilda. Until came trident Jesus and Simon both discussed about him being manipulated because of him, which leads into a fight. As Adam starting to chase Simon but failed
* While trident Jesus is unconscious, Anakin and Eve, Nicholas, Selena and Adam both discussed that Anakin should be disgust as trident Jesus since he learns more about the merfolk by his father, as they both accepted.
* In the merfolk land, Simon tells the mermaid army that the trident Jesus is dead, that they should march to Theed and killed the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon Maddie Amilda. Until came Anakin who is disgusted as trident Jesus they both discussed that the mermaid army won't march to Theed that the fight is cancelled, and that Simon is a traitor to the merfolk people. As Adam and Simon chase each other throughout the woods.
* Anakin as trident Jesus meets up with, General Snowden as they both discussed about the attack of mermaid army marching to Theed and killed the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon Maddie Amilda, and why Maddie has to die, to end the Army Wars. That General Snowden told trident Jesus that he was once part of the Royal clan with king Jon before he was General was part of the dark separatists, as he told him his story of how his castle blow up in Speck by a rebel clan, that he lost everyone that he loved which leads him to be with the Dark separatists who he responsible who blew up his family's castle, which he now he knows that trident Jesus is a rebel named Anakin Jones the one who blew up his castle all those years ago, as they both discussed about the Rebels and Royals war between them, that why do they need to killed his Maddie which leads a fight between them.
* Anakin as trident Jesus told General Miler to go outside and talked to Senator snow that General Snowden is here. Outside of the ship as General Miler and the hologram of Selena snow they both discussed that General Snowden is here on Niaboon, that they shall capture him and end the war, that they still believe the peace between the merfolk and Niaboon.
* While during the fight between Anakin vs General Snowden. Outside, as General Miler arrives with Anakin beside him, as the mermaid army fight against General Snowden and which leads to a fight between Anakin, General Miler vs General Snowden as General Snowden killed General miler, right after miler died as the mermaid army fight off General Snowden as he becomes unconscious.
* In the secret lair, count Peter and lord Satan both discussed the plans of the Niaboon and end the war to killed Maddie, as they both decided to capture Adam Malfoy. As count Peter and hologram of Simon tells him to sent a trap to Adam Malfoy
* Adam Malfoy follows Simon and went into the secret lair, and he finds count Peter as they count Peter kills Simon in front of Adam
* In the secret lair, Adam Malfoy and count Peter both discussed about Niaboon and Maddie being dead, to end the war, Niaboon started the war long time ago, that the dark Faith has control of everything. Adam Malfoy vs Count Peter in the lair, until he grabs his battle weapons that make Adam unconscious
* In the mermaid kingdom, Selena got a hologram of count Peter that they capture Adam or take General Snowden with him. As Nicholas, Anakin and Eve, Selena both discussed about taking Adam or General Snowden to end the war as they decided to take Adam.
* The dark separatists took Adam back, as he was sorry to Selena about General Snowden as they took General Snowden back into the ship. While Anakin, trident Jesus, Nicholas are both discussing about his wife Maddie, that she didn't die and the peace between the merfolk and the Niaboon people, as they also discussed about his newborn baby daughter named Sarahbeth who was born yesterday that they realized his daughter is born when the merfolk and the Niaboon people make peace right after the blockade.
* In the end, in Nabla the Dark Fairy and lord Satan a hologram they both discussed about her plan that failed to kill Maddie, about her killing Maddie anf taking the highest throne in the galaxy world, that he have a another plan which will succeed that Maddie will died and the war will be over that he will take control of the galaxy world as the Galaxy world empire with the dark fairy as the highest queen of the empire.
* When Angelina got captured by the Dark Fairy and Dark Volemont. In the maredi council, in his room Adam is looking through her in the force buy can't find as Ben and him both discussed about Angelina by what happened to her. In the maredi council room, as he saw the hologram of Angelina telling him that she finds something that Dark Volemont who is working with the Dark Fairy. When Kion came, as Kion and Adam both discussed about Angelina and him as his master, even his teachings, Adam feels like a father to her. Adam reminds Kion of Anakin because since he is so close to Angelina as his own daughter. As they both discussed about Adam misses Anakin from the maredi council, since they are best friends and closer than any maredi ever seen like Ben, they also discussed if Angelina leaves the council just like Anakin did because he is in love with the highest queen Maddie Amilda.
* When Adam and Eve kissed, it shows visions of Angelina getting Captured, by the Dark Fairy and Dark Volemont.
* While during Maddie's pregnancy with Sarahbeth. Right after the battle of Dormancy, Adam got sent back to Corusent to talked with Maddie about Eve.
* When Adam went in Maddie's apartment, they talked about Eve. But Adam didn't know anything about Eve changing.
* There is Adam Malfoy vs Count Peter fight scene
* Adam Malfoy is Senator Selena Snow's protector
* Right after Angelina becomes Adam Malfoy's apprentice, and meets her master Adam for the first time. During the first battle of Caraphiaze. Angelina nicknames Adam her master " Malfoy Boy". Adam nicknames his apprentice " Snipper and Stripper". Since Angelina is a snippy little girl, and stripper because since Adam loves watching woman getting stripped in front of Him, but Bryan did not know that but Ben knows because Adam loves seeing woman getting strip in front of him
* Adam loves seeing woman getting strip in front of him
* Captain Bryan has a crush on Angelina Jones while she is a young padawan girl
* Lord Satan wants Anakin's Jones Daughter killed
* During the battle of Edoras, Adam and Koove finds a half naked three year old girl named Angelina, they decided to take her into the maredi council. That's where she grows up in until when she is fourteen years old. The maredi council thought Angelina could be Ben Potter's apprentice, but they decided that Angelina should be with Adam Malfoy's apprentice, instead since he needs to have someone to take care and loved him. Also for her to go off of her own, during the Army Wars.
* Army Tom killed a maredi General named Sarai as she died
* Adam Malfoy decides to take Tom back into Karmio
* Tom got sent back into Karmio
* Army Isaac finds out that there is a chip
* Isaac took his out, because he didn't want to hurt anyone
* While Tom is dying he sees visions of his past life, he falls in love with a woman named Bella as they both have sex, and got married. Until lord Satan and the Dark Fairy took him away during his wedding and she killed his wife.
* As Tom tells him about this mission and he dies
* Adam and General Bryan got to saved Isaac
* Isaac is telling them to truth about the chip that is in there brain.
* Throughout this story Adam and General Bryan get along just fine as being friends
* General Bryan becomes Adam Malfoy's second in command during the Army Wars
* Right after Isaac got shot, he sees visions of his past life, that he has a sister named Melissa and his girlfriend Melinda, as they both fall in love. As they become fiancée until came Lord Satan and the Dark Fairy, that she killed his sister and Lord Satan killed Melinda
* In Adam's visions shows when Lord Satan came and he knows about his killing of his own father as lord Satan went into Adam's body as his showing him the future but he has a future of himself, his future of him as Lord Shauron will caused him pain as it shows the past of his family through his ancestors generations of when Flynn become a serial killer and Aurora killed her own uncle to Adam is born to where Adam leaving his mother, to where the maredi council that Quinn told him that he is the chosen one to where Elena dies and him killing the raiders to where when he killed his father Dark Volemont by the Dark Fairy who told him to where it shows Adam and Selena first meet, and he confesses his feelings for her and them secretly married, also shows them consummate their marriage and have sex to where Selena tells him that she is pregnant with his child to when he dreams about Selena his secret wife who is dying of childbirth to where he tells her that she will died of childbirth to when he killed master Grey to where chancellor Black tells Adam the truth that he is lord Satan to where Adam and Selena look at each other to where he becoming Lord Satan's apprentice lord Shauron to killing the Maredi and children to the fight between him and Angelina that he killed Anakin said to him that you were my best friend Adam to killing the dark separatists to Selena and Adam talking about each other to he choke Selena his wife to Adam and Ben have a fight in mufaser to Ben tells Adam that he was his nephew to where Selena his secret wife gives birth to his twin children named Jason and Susie, where she tells Ben that there is good in Adam that there is still hope as she dies to where lord Shauron is reborn to lord Shauron killing innocent people with his lightsaber sword who will not join his master as King to where he kills William his future daughter Scarlett fiancée as she screams for what he did to William to where he blowing up Alderney to where he forced choke his future wife the Dark Queen in anger to where he killed his uncle Ben Potter to where he will kill his future daughter Scarlett while she is unconscious right after her memory is wipe to where he sees himself as lord Shauron with his helmet Adam tells lord Satan that he was once in love that he wanted revenge of his younger brother Luke who took Emily away from him. That's the reason why lord Satan turns into the dark side of the force because he was in love. As it shows lord Satan who once was Lucifer as it shows him and Emily first meet and they confesses their love for one another and first have sex for the first time, as they are in love with each other. Emily and Luke got secretly married that she chose Luke over him, that she tells Lucifer that Emily is pregnant with Luke's child that she loves him as Lucifer walks away. As Adam tells lord Satan that his sorry for him, that he will destroy him because he was created to be the chosen one, he destined to bring balance of the force and bring peace back into the galaxy world that one day he will stop the leader of the Dark Faith. As it shows lord Shauron fighting with his son future son Jason in the second Darth Star, as Jason is getting force lighting as Lord Shauron kill lord Satan by Anakin Jones's blue lightsaber sword as lord Satan disappears as lord Shauron saved his son Jason from lord Satan, lord Shauron/ Adam Malfoy of his old man face as Jason and him made peace as he died. Until everything was gone, as lord Satan came out of his body. Lord Satan tells Adam that he will destroy Adam Malfoy and his loved ones who loved him Adam refuses to believe that. Lord Satan tells him that it will happen that if Adam will join him now, that he will more powerful maredi has ever seen to join him so he doesn't killed every single of his loved ones Adam refuses because he was created to be on the dark side just like his father, that he is never destined to be in the dark side as him because he will never turned into the dark side just like lord Satan him. Lord Satan tells him that Adam will one day when he will killed his secret wife from dying of childbirth that he will turned into the dark side when he will killed his own secret wife Selena will be gone. When Adam wakes up, he tells his wife about his nightmare and he gets comfort by his wife
* There is a Dark Volemont and Angelina fight scene. That's where he tells him about her master Adam Malfoy his son, that he has visions that his son Adam Malfoy lord Satan's apprentice. But Angelina doesn't believe it.
* Angelina is a secret daughter of Anakin and Princess Guinevere
* Guinevere and Anakin decides to hide there secret daughter, so the senate won't know the truth
* Angelina becomes Adam's padawan and she becomes a mature leader
* Anakin and Princess Guinevere have sex, in her apartment at night that's where it implied that they sleep together
* Dark Volemont is back and still working for Lord Satan to bring his son to the dark side by his ancestors dagger.
* Adam and Selena have sex on her apartment right after he apologized to her for what he did to Lucius
* In Selena's apartment, when Adam returns to Selena right after the fighting in Spario. In the living room, Selena tells him that she is sorry for what she did that she about Lucius that he wanted control of Spario. Adam tells her that he knows for what he did to her that he shouldn't fight with Lucius since they are close together. Selena was surprise that he tells her that he is jealous that she's hanging out with Lucius like what she with Anakin. Selena tells him that she's hanging out with Lucius because he is a part of the republic and traitor to them, that she also want Anakin to hang out with her, since they are both separated until he returns that she loves Adam more than anything that there marriage is important and in secret, that she loves Adam from the beginning. Adam tells Selena that his sorry that he loves Selena that he won't abandon her never, she tells him that she loves him, Adam tells her that he loves her too. They are both kissing passionately and they continue kissing passionately, went into their bedroom as Adam closes the door. In her bedroom as they are taking each other's clothes off as they both stripped into their underwear's as they are kissing passionately more. As they went into the bed as they keeping on kissing passionately and as they are kissing passionately as they are both stripped out of their underwear's as they are both naked, having sex in the bed. Until it fades to black.
* In Selena's apartment, in her bed right after they have sex, they are both naked but covering in blankets. They both are talking about making love, their marriage and the banking clan. Even chancellor Black
* In Selena's apartment Adam brought dinner for him and Selena, as they have there romantic evening together, while there eating dinner together, they talked about war and fighting even politics. Right after they finished eating dinner, they are kissing passionately as they went into her bedroom, with the door closed nothing happened, it implied that they have sex. Right after they have sex, they stand on her balcony about both of them being together
* Adam got hurt, during a battle to saved Rebecca from the dark separatists
* Adam and Angelina, Bryan and Eve, General Rebecca got sent to a planet that is Collin it involves that don't want peace
* While Adam is healing, Eve is by him
* While Adam is really healing in the village, in the tent Eve is with him as they are both talking about the war and that it's ruined their relationship. But Eve knows as she is kissing passionately while he is healing, he tells her that she's sure about this she accepts it. As there kissing passionately and about to have sex, as Adam rips Eve's part of her clothes while there continuing kissing passionately until came Bryan that tell them that the Dark separatists are here
* There is a Eileen village vs the dark separatists battle
* Lucius is a Dark Separatists secretly working for the Dark Fairy to get Adam angry for his love for Selena. So he can get close to her and almost leads to kissed her
* Right after the fight between Adam and Lucius. Selena decides not to see Adam again because she isn't happy about their marriage anymore, that they need a break to see each other for a while until he decides to go visit Eve.
* There is Adam Malfoy vs Lucius fight scene
* While Lucius and Selena are about to kissed, Lucius want to continue to finish for what they did last time, to get undressed and making love together. Until Adam came and saw, he force choke Lucius in anger.
* Right after Adam left Selena's apartment, Adam been visiting his third cousin Eve Amilda as they both have sex and they both spend the night together. As Eve is telling Adam about the council about Lucius, as Adam decides to tell the council about Lucius from Eve
* Adam tells Ben that he and Selena are just simply friends
* Lucius is also revealed to be a boyfriend of the Dark Fairy as they both kissed
* The Dark separatists sent in invasion in Planet called Spario
* Selena got captured from the banking clan and got rescue by Adam Malfoy her secret husband
* The Spario got invasion from the Dark separatists
* When Adam saved Selena from falling in Spario, she apologize to her husband as they both shared a intimate moment and have sex while the war is going on in Spario
* When Lucius falls he got rescue by his girlfriend the Dark Fairy
* Eve knows about Adam and Selena secret marriage, when he talks to her about his love for Selena right after the fight between Lucius and her that even Ben was there. And that he needs to control himself while having sex with her
* Adam afraid to control himself while having sex with Selena
* Adam got a scar from his right eye by the Dark Fairy
* There is many fight scenes between Adam and Ben vs Count Peter
* The Maredi's prophecy that knows of Adam, names are Phillip the son and her father Charles to see if Adam is truly the chosen one. But Adam refuses the offer to join the father but the son wants to turned him into the dark side just like his own family. Until the son give Adam visions of his future to the fallen of the dark side.
* Adam got the scar from his right eye by the Dark Fairy, years and weeks before he visited his secret wife Selena
* During the battle with Dark volemort, Master Ganeld went to Ganda and he sees a darkness in that place, that is happening now. Then went into immortal plant as he meet the spirits. Then, he went to comfort about his illusions that don't exist in his life, as he hears a laugh of the Darker one. That he must comfort him.
* Master Ganeld hears voices of the dead, of Quinn
* Master Ganeld, master Grey, Adam and Ben trying to find out what happened to Rubert
* They find out, in the tribe that Rubert got cremated right after he died, but he got a woman his lover and maredi friend named Daniel
* Rubert fall in love, with princess Eve right after the blockade of the Niaboon, because he seeks out secretly at night, to visit her to have sex with her. But there plan is to leave Corusent and leaved everything else behind, as they both planning to be together in Niaboon, as later he realizes that Eve have changed. As they both leaved on the ship, they went into a planet Christians, as she killed him with her knife. Until she killed him in his ship, but Daniel was alive.
* Rubert was the one who wants to build the army
* Master Kioon finds a lightsaber sword that belong to Rubert who died
* Rubert seen a future and he went with princess Eve, his secret girlfriend and Count Peter for help.
* Adam and Ben went to the tribe called Lost Colony, they went to their captain as he explains of what happened with Rubert.
* There is Adam and Ben vs Count Peter fight scene
* Lord Satan wants Count Peter to killed Rubert
* Adam and Ben found out that Count Peter is truly Lord Judas
* When Adam visits Selena on Niaboon, when she is surprise when he removes his hood. First, She sees that Adam has shorter haired and has a scar. Then, later in the story Adam has long hair and still has a scar.
* Adam spends the night with Selena, in Niaboon at Snow's house. That's where they have throughout the night, it's been years since there honeymoon together.
* Adam actually killed Dark Volemont his own father during a fight
* Captain Micheal Raleigh tells Eve about Adam and Selena secret marriage
* Arina is Anakin and Clifford's cousin
* Dark volemont failed to kill his son, as he went to Niaboon with the Dark Fairy
* Near the end of the book, right after the mission in Morris there is a battle of Niaboon which is a big war between the people in the galaxy world as there is war in space and land, because the dark separatists want to kill their highest queen Maddie Amilda
* There is a space battle in Niaboon between the Armies vs Dark Separatists droids fight in space
* There is a land battle In Niaboon between the Maredi, people and Armies vs Dark separatists droids
* Army Maximus dies during the battle of Niaboon on land as he dies in front of Captain Bryan
* Adam went to Nabla, where he meets the Dark Fairy
* There is a fight scene between Adam vs The Dark Fairy in Niaboon until he gots captured
* In prison, Adam and Dark Fairy both are talking about his secret wife Selena as she decides that she is going to poison Selena with a apple for vengeance
* The Dark Fairy shows Selena a grave of Lucius, as they both talked about their past as Selena realizes that Dark Fairy is Eve. As Eve told Selena the truth about her going to the Dark side as she's going to let Selena eat the apple to saved her secret husband or died as Selena decides to eat the apple as Selena eats the poison apple and falls into unconscious, as Adam screams for his wife who to be dead.
* The Senators find Selena that she is dead, they decided to fight back
* In prison, right after Selena's death Adam and Dark Fairy have sex while in prison until Ben came and saved Adam
* When Selena is buried in a glass coffin, as Anakin came and rescue her by giving her a kiss as Selena wakes up from the poison apple as she realizes that it's Anakin who saved her. As Selena and Anakin both shared a intimate moment then it's ends which a kiss, until Anakin feels that Adam is in danger. They decided to go to saved Adam
* When Maddie meets lord Satan for the first time as they both talked Maddie herself and lord Satan starting the Army Wars, as they also talked about controlling the power of the republic and the galaxy world
* While Lord Satan is force lighting Maddie, she was calling for help as The Dark fairy sees her pain, like what she did when her father always abuse her, and where her father killed her mother. As she's looking at Maddie. The Dark Fairy tells lord Satan to stop, that Maddie is innocent that she doesn't have to die, lord Satan knows that the Dark Fairy cares her. They both talking about letting Maddie go and the Dark Fairy chose the dark side, that he shall have revenge by killing the highest queen. As keeping on force lighting Maddie as she is still screaming in pain, while the Dark Fairy watches, until Maddie falls into the ground.
* Right after lord Satan force lighting her as Maddie falls into the ground, as the dark fairy as maddie tells her that to help her please as she becomes unconscious as dark fairy lies to lord Satan about Maddie's death
* There is Ben Potter vs Dark Volemont fight scene in Niaboon
* There is Adam vs Dark Fairy fight scene in Niaboon
* There is Adam vs Dark volemont fight scene in Niaboon that is where Adam killed him by the Dark Fairy
* There is Maddie vs Dark Fairy fight scene in Niaboon
* Maddie and the Dark Fairy both talked about Eve and her son, even Clifford and king Elon which leads them into a fight
* Right after Adam killed his father, Selena and Adam both hugged at each other
* Right after Adam killed his father, at night in their cottage in the Black bedroom Adam tells her that his father was a good man that he shouldn't have die Selena tells him that he has to died he tells her that he killed him because the Dark Fairy told him that his the one who killed his mother by the Raiders Selena knows it isn't true Adam tells her it's true for what he did to the raiders and his father, that he shouldn't killed him because he is innocent Selena tells him that his father is innocent that there's good in him in the inside even Adam himself that's the reason why Selena loves him Adam tells her to be with him as she will always be with him even though some are bad times. As they both are kissing passionately which later leads to sex as Lord Satan is watching them. Right after they have sex, while there in the bed naked but covering in blankets as Adam tells her that the war Is going on as Selena knows that they have to finish this war to saved Maddie. Adam told her that they must finish this war for the republic as they are both continuing to have sex.
* Right after Adam and his secret wife Selena both spend the night together. Adam's mission that they need to saved Maddie from lord Satan
* Maddie got captured by Lord Satan as his killing her by his force lighting so, she can die faster
* There is Anakin vs Lord Satan fight scene in Niaboon
* There is Adam, Ben vs Count Peter fight scene in Niaboon
* Anakin knows Lord Satan's alive
* Right after Ben and Anakin rescue Maddie, they found Maddie who is unconscious that they realize her heart is still working. Then, they find out why do someone wants to kill Maddie
* In Nabla, as Adam saw the Darker One dagger as his about to touch it, came the Dark Fairy that told him to touch he was surprise that she is here, the Dark Fairy knows that Adam is born into the dark side just like her self. Adam tells her that sh doesn't know everything about him, the Dark Fairy knows who Adam really sees that his third cousin Eve is gone to the dark side, Adam tells her that he loves Eve that she will never to go to the dark side the Dark Fairy tells him that Eve is gone, that the Dark Fairy killed her. But Adam doesn't believe it that Eve is gone that she is lying, the Dark Fairy tells him that she is not lying. Adam tells her then he shall killed her. They have fight in Theed
* Right after they failed to get Maddie
* Anakin tells everyone that there is a fight in Theed
* There is people, Maredi's and Armies, vs Dark separatists battle in Theed
* Adam meets his ancestors ghost Belle, because he wants to find the Darker One dagger, as they both talked about the dagger and Flynn Potter Belle tells him that it's in Theed Adam tells her thank you
* Before the war, Young Sarahbeth takes Adam to his ancestors Belle that she knows what's his looking for. When she takes him to Belle, Adam, Sarahbeth and Belle are talking about Adam, that she shall go so that she won't be involved in the war. As she walks away, until Adam comes to her and tells her to be safe.
* During the battle, Selena and him kissed as she knows and leaves to continue to fight war.
* There is Adam vs Dark Fairy fight scene in Niaboon
* There is Adam vs Dark Fairy fight scene in mufaser
* As Adam's blue lightsaber sword towards the Dark Fairy's throat. Adam tell me where Eve is and why did she killed her. The Dark Fairy tells him that she was once in love with a prince named Clifford that they have a child together a boy named Ralph, who was taken right after he was born. That the prince was with the princess of the Republic named Eve Amilda. Adam tells her that he doesn't believe that Eve and the Dark Fairy are one and the same. The Dark Fairy tells him to believe it, as she grabs out his hand. She tells everything the truth about Adam Malfoy why he was created in the first place, why he is so powerful into the dark side just his father, why he killed those Raiders and his father Dark Volemont because Adam must see it himself, he is a dark Faith just like her that Adam must join her and her master so they can end this war. So they can have real peace into the galaxy world, that he shall become a dark Faith just like them, that he will be Lord Satan's apprentice named Lord Shauron. She tells him that he must join them so the Galaxy world will have peace with the Dark Faith's rule. As Adam is hearing forces in the force, like his father telling him not to join them as he sees visions of Selena and his mother Elena, and Flynn becoming into the dark side and apprentice to the first dark lord as he receive his Darker one dagger and Aurora Potter killing her uncle King Ethan in the garden and bowing to the first dark lord her master, Ben and, Angelina, Anakin, Eve with him being with her, Maddie, Sarahbeth his own goddaughter, Bryan and Chancellor Black, Aurora Potter telling him that he is the chosen one that he will destroy lord Satan and the galaxy world will be saved by him, she knows that there is still hope of him. He sees the slaughtering of the raiders and killing his father Dark Volemont until he realizes the truth. Then he refuses to join her and her master that he shall have vengeance for killing Eve. That the war means victory and peace into the galaxy world, that one day it will be saved by him as choosing one. His not fighting this war for vengeance, his fighting war for peace and victory for the people of the Galaxy world that the republic will win, they shall have peace again. The Dark Fairy tells him that she shall killed him just like his mother and father, Adam tells her that he won't join the dark side either, she tells that she will see. As Adam and the Dark Fairy still continues to fight. Then the Dark Fairy tells him that he will really kill the love of his life. Adam tells her that he will certainly like to, before Adam killed the Dark Fairy. She tells him he is the chosen one that he must destroy Lord Satan and bring balance to the force back into the galaxy world, that she doesn't want him to go into the dark side just like her because the Dark side can bring you to be someone else, a darker faith that he must not join the dark side that he will lose everything just like what Eve did. Adam tells her that it's Eve. She tells him that Eve is been alive this whole time, that he will know more about Lord Satan and her that he shall not kill Eve because she loves Adam always, that she's sorry that she chose a wrong side. As she disappears right after she disappears, Adam was curious and shocked of what just happened.
* Count Peter and the battle droid, with the casket of Maddie Amilda in Theed, that he tells her people in the galaxy world and Niaboon that Maddie is dead. As they are all surprised, then later which leads to war.
* Angelina and Bryan both saved her father and his daughter Sarahbeth as they both escape the Nabla.
* In Theed, Anakin and Angelina both saw Maddie's dead body in the castle, as they believed that she is dead but as they are talking about who someone wants to kill Maddie, they talked about Maddie if she will die and the war ended or she will survive and let the war keep on going as Adam came and saved her by force healing her as she's resurrection back to life
* Until count Peter comes, as they escape as Adam and count Peter fight until he leaves with the ship.
* In the ship, when the heroes are reuniting, Sarahbeth gives her godfather a hugged, they are both happy to see each other as she tells him that the war is over in her homeland as he knows. As they both hugged and Angelina meet up with Adam, as Adam and Angelina both talking about the ship, that she stole it with a help of Bryan and Ben. When Sarahbeth hugs Angelina, choose to be with her. Ben comes as Adam and him both are talking that if Adam won't lose him again, Adam tells him that he won't do something stupid again. Ben tells him that he always do something stupid, as Ben leaves. When Selena comes to Adam and tells him that he thought that he won't ever come back. Adam tells her that he won't leave her ever that she loves him. Selena tells him that she loves him and he always loves her too as they are kissing everlasting as Angelina watches them. In the other room, as Maddie and Anakin are talking about the war, that Anakin knows that he doesn't want her dead. Maddie tells him why Anakin tells her even though he wants on to fight war as he believes that the war will end. As they are kissing passionately. As they take them, to the castle in Theed.
* Right after Maddie is alive, Dark Fairy reported to Lord Satan and count Peter that Maddie is alive because the Chosen One saved her
* In Niaboon, in Maddie's garden as Anakin shows Maddie his memories about her and him as it shows them as kids, to teenagers as they both have sex for the first time and them as a adult having more sex, and having a child, them becoming husband and wife, them consummate their marriage all the way to now. As they discussed about their love since the war between the Rebels and Royals are over as they both shared a kiss.
* Right after the Dark Fairy leaves, Lord Satan and Count Peter discuss how they can killed Maddie and so that Lord Satan can rise to power, the Galaxy world will be his
* Before the battle of Niaboon, Angelina went to Nabla and got captured by Dark Volemont and the Dark Fairy
* There is Clifford vs Dark Fairy fight scene, ex boyfriend vs ex girlfriend in Niaboon
* Clifford dies by the Dark Fairy while Anakin is there which leads to a fight between Anakin vs the Dark Fairy
* Before Clifford dies in Anakin's arms to tell him that he foresees Lord Satan's new apprentice that will be named Lord Shauron, the Dark Fairy will killed Maddie and she will become the dark queen and take the highest throne in the republic, where all the maredi will get killed by the armies with execute order 676, the dark separatists will get killed by lord Shauron himself and lord Satan will turned the republic into a Galactic World empire as himself as Emperor which he will destroy the humans by a powerful weapon and a drug that he will wipe them out, then he believes that Anakin will fight back with the empire as his hands touches Anakin's cheek as he sees everything that will happen in the future right after he shows everything in the future Clifford let's go and tells him that the Dark fairy is someone that he loves. As he dies.
* In Niaboon, there is a funeral of Clifford Jones as Anakin believes in something that what Clifford has foresee about the republic turning into a Empire.
* In Senator Wendy Rosemary's apartment while Wendy is still pregnant with Maximus's child as she's reedy to give birth to his child in only one week as she got a message from Captain Bryan that Maximus got killed during the war as she cries over Bryan for her losing her dear husband.
* As she's still crying that she's getting a C section as she's giving birth to a girl named Abigail
* Right after Abigail's birth. As she dreams and sees Maximus's grave. While the republic senate is still having a huge fight until that the war is still going on that she couldn't take this war any longer as she grabs a knife, and commits suicide for her love to be with Maximus her husband.
* Shortly right after the battle of Niaboon, in the battle of France in space, as Adam and Angelina, Beth are fighting the battle droids until Tom is acting weird and he killed Beth
* In a dark separatists cruiser, Admiral Ricky and hologram of Count Peter both are discussed a Army who killed a maredi during a battle, as they want the army to get captured
* In the republic maredi cruiser, Adam and Jay, Bryan and Angelina both discussed about Tom's condition that they have to go back to Kamieno and find out the Evidence, as tom got capture and they rescue him from the dark separatists. As they both fly back to Kamieno
* In Kamieno, as Doctors Melissa and maredi named Eliza both discussion about Tom's condition that if it a virus, they decided to take a chip out of Tom's brain
* In Kamieno, Doctor Melissa and the hologram of the Dark Fairy and Lord Judas both discussion about army Tom's condition of execute order 676, that they should take it out as the maredi won't know the truth of execute order 676. As she accepts
* In Nabla, the dark fairy and count Peter both discussed about the Army Tom's chip to come out, what the dark fairy did to Rubert that she got assigned by there master to do that mission, even execute order 676 from there invention, the maredi are innocent, the armies aren't made for violence.
* In Kamieno, as Doctor Melissa and elinor decides to removed the chip in Tom's brain. When they take the chip, as Tom remembers his memories that he fall in love with a woman named Izzy, as they both got married, until he got taken. Then came Jay, as Before Tom dies that they have victory of the galaxy world.
* In Kamieno, Army Jay finds a chip that was in Tom's head, with a help of droid named 476 as and Jay took his chip out, as they both finds chips around the armies head when they are babies. As Jay and elinor, Melissa decides to go to back to Corusent and find out the truth
* In Corusent, as they both discussed about the Chips in the armies heads, as they lived as chancellor hurts Jay. Then Jay runs throughout Corusent
* In the maredi council, Adam and Elinor, master Grey and Ganeld, both discussion about Jay hurting the chancellor as Adam will go to this investigation with Angelina and Bryan
* In the Corusent army bar, Jay meets with Robert as they both discussed about the chancellor Black and the chips in the armies head. As he leave to go find Adam and Bryan, Angelina
* In the warehouse, as Adam and Angelina, Bryan both find Jay until he trapped them by ray shields as Jay tells them about the chips in the armies head, and that someone wants to control the Galaxy world as chancellor black hurts him. Until he got shot and remembers his past, that he have a sister named Melinda and a girlfriend named Wendy. Until he got taken by the dark fairy and got the chip in his brain. As they are un ray shields before Jay dies, he told them that his free from the nightmares and the war, that the armies will be in danger as he dies.
* In chancellor's office, as they both discussed that the armies has a virus that is called Eumenides that it's in there brain, that they should forget about the armies.
* In Kamieno, Doctor Melissa and The highest queen of the republic Maddie Amilda and her husband Anakin Jones both are discussing the chips of the armies heads that is called Execute order 676, as Melissa told them everything about the armies
* In Kamieno, Anakin Jones and Captain Bryan both are discussing the chips of the armies heads, that is called execute order 676 to killed the maredi that he must told the Maredi's. As brings him the data and join there rebellion against the chancellor.
* In the maredi council, as they both discussed about the briefing in the war in Spellied until came Captain Bryan that told the maredi the truth of the armies, that there isn't a virus it's a chip that is place on their heads that is called execute order 676, as they both discussed execute order 676 that the armies will killed the Maredi's as they know it's Lord Satan who's doing this.
* In the very end, in Spellion, as count Peter and lord Satan both discussed about there evidence of that the Maredi's won't know of execute order 676.
* In the wasteland as master Kion finds Rubert lightsaber sword as the maredi council discovers whet happens with rubert
* In the maredi council, as the Maredi's masters both discussed about Rubert's ship, that they find his lightsaber sword on the ship, when Rubert was sitting on the council he wants to secretly build a army but they didn't know who started the building of the army's.
* In Eve's castle, while Adam and Eve are both naked but covering in blankets, it implied that they have sex, as he got a hologram of Ben that he wants Adam back to the maredi council to talked about Rubert, as Adam and Eve both are getting dressed while they are both are discussing about him going back to the maredi council and about Rubert, that she tells Rubert that she used to have a relationship with him, Adam and her both discussed about her relationship with him, that they both loved each other as it ends with a kiss.
* In the maredi temple, Lisa both discussion about the Maredi's that Rubert wasn't alone on the ship, that Daniel was with him, that master ganeld sends Adam and Ben to find the colonial planet and talk to the leader about Rubert's death and that ganeld shall have a talk with the chancellor.
* In colonial planet, Adam and Ben meet with Captain Mike Ralegin as they both discussed of what happened with Rubert, that they find him dead on a ship with a necklace, when they find him dead they cremated him, so the republic won't know what happened. So they show them, Rubert's cremated body that they both discussed that they should tell the council of what happened with Rubert
* In Corusent, master ganeld and chancellor black talks with him about Rubert, about whet happened to him, that chancellor black sends Eve to go with Rubert so they can be together, that ganeld should go to Valcom
* Outside of the chancellor's office, master Ganeld and the hologram of Adam and Ben both discussed about the colonies told them, that they found the ship and Rubert's dead body that he was killed when they found him dead, and cremated him. They both discussed that ganeld should talk with Valcom about Rubert's death.
* In Nabla, lord Satan assigning lord Judas and the Dark Fairy to go to Delhi and finish of what they started as lord Satan force choke him in anger.
* In Corusent, master ganeld and Valcom both discussion about Rubert that his mission to Delhi, that he was with princess Eve of the republic that they have a secret sexual relationship from the republic and the council, that Valcom tells Rubert to go to Delhi with Eve so they can have a happy life, but Valcom tells Daniel to watch the both of the couples of there mission in Delhi.
* In Corusent, in the maredi council, master ganeld and master Grey, Adam and Ben both discussed about the necklace of valcom, that they should go to Delhi and meet with the leader of the pyers of what happened.
* In Delhi, Adam and Ben both meet lord Ali of the pyers as they both discussed about the Maredi's, the necklace of Valcom, that Eve told him that there going on a mission that she's bringing Rubert until there ship fall, but they find Daniel. As Rubert got taken by lord Judas but the pyers takes Daniel and didn't tell the dark Faith. As they find Daniel in the prison.
* In Delhi, Adam and Ben, find Daniel as he told them everything of what happened with Rubert that he was in love with a princess of the republic as on the ship is starting to fall, he got kill by a powerful witch that he loved as he got force choke and dies, while count Peter is walking around the pyers prison as they saw count Peter as they know that count Peter is doing his own dirty work. Which leads to a fight.
* In Delhi, there is a fight between, Adam and Ben, count Peter and the pyres are fighting back as they revealed that count Peter is lord Judas and his niece Eve is the Dark Fairy, that Rubert saw a vision and that he came to count Peter and his niece for help. As she appears to saved him, as Adam was surprise that Eve is the Dark Fairy as she hooded herself as it reveals her blonde hair, she tells him that she killed Rubert because her master told her to, since she was there when the ship's crash that the dark Faith are behind everything. When Eve becomes the full dark fairy with her dark Phoenix power as Adam and the dark fairy both are fighting, that Adam and her both discussed that why she chooses to be to the dark side because of Adam Malfoy who she loves since the invasion of Niaboon, in the battle of Niaboon if she told him the truth, that they always love each other that Adam wants to kill the dark fairy but not Eve since he loves her, as she disappears through the thin air, as Adam helps Ben to defeat count Peter as Lord Ali helps them to defeat the dark Faith's. As Count Peter went on the ship, as Adam fights him, until he escapes on his ship.
* In Delhi, Adam and Ben both discussed about Eve is a dark fairy and a dark Faith, but she's Adam's secret girlfriend that if Adam still has feelings for her, as Eve didn't tell him the truth of who she really is. That Adam still loves Eve even when she's gone, that they have to tell the council
* In the very end, the maredi council both discussed that its count Peter and Eve amilda who are behind the building of the Army, that if count Peter and Eve amilda are the leaders of the dark Faith, that they should trust the armies since they created them, that now there playing the dark faith's game, that it's someone else that Ganeld knew long time ago.
* In the very beginning, in the maredi temple in a flashback as Eric hears Master Ganeld and Master Grey both are discussing about that the council don't trust Adam since he is more closer to the chancellor Black and Eve Amilda his third cousin and maybe Eric because Eric is been changed and be with someone else.
* In the Nabla, Eric and the Dark Fairy both discussed about him, that the council don't trust him since he is changed thanks to the Dark Fairy, who is in love with that he wants to go to the dark side against the council since it's changed. That she tells him, that she will teach him the ways of the Dark side, as Eric becomes the dark fairy's apprentice that is named Lord Sauram
* Years later, weeks right after the war of Niaboon. In Nabla, as the Dark Fairy and the hologram of her master Lord Satan both discussed about her apprentice Lord Sauram has become powerful into the dark side, that he wants him to blow up the maredi temple so Adam Malfoy's apprentice Angelina Jones will leaved the maredi council so that Adam won't trust the council anymore. As she accepts
* In Nabla, the Dark Fairy and her apprentice Lord Sauram both are discussing about the blowing up in the maredi council, to get rid of Angelina Jones so Adam don't trust the council anymore.
* In the maredi temple, when Lord Sauram grabs a bomb of someone's head as he blows up the another side. Which leads the maredi masters and the people died by the explosion.
* During the battle in Spellied, as Angelina saved Adam from the battle magnet droids and when Adam becomes unconscious as she accidentally blow up his ship, when he was not unconscious. They both discussed where is R7 as he fly up to them until came a hologram of Master Ganeld and Adam both discussed the bombing of the maredi temple that they should go back and investigate it. As Adam promise when he calls Captain Bryan to take them back to Corusent
* In Corusent, in the maredi temple as Adam and Angelina, Ben, master Grey and master ganeld, master Kion both discussion that Angelina and Adam should find out who bombed the maredi temple
* On the other side of the maredi temple, they meet a crime droid who was used to be a service of Hager named Kric, as they both discussed who bombed the maredi temple that it's a man named Alon Hamilton who was there
* During the protest by the maredi temple, as Adam meet Eliza Hamilton his wife who worked for the maredi temple. In a separate room, as Adam and Eliza both discussed of what happened to her husband when the bombing happened, as she decided to take him to her house.
* In her house, as Angelina and Adam both find Frank stein blood in the table as they find it. As Eliza runs out of her house as they chased her throughout Corusent as they captured her. That Eliza turned her husband into a Frank stein so he can blow up by the maredi temple as they both decided to bring her to trial for her crimes.
* In the maredi temple, as Angelina and Adam, master Grey, master ganeld both discussed about Eliza being in jailed for her crimes that it wasn't a maredi as they both leaved. When Adam and Angelina both discussed if the maredi blow up the temple for vengeance into the dark side as they both walked.
* In Nabla, as the Dark Fairy and Lord Sauram are both naked, having sex in her bed as they both discussed that there plan is working, that next they should frame Angelina for her crimes so can leave the council as they know their plan will worked as they both continuing to have sex throughout the night. In the morning, right after they have sex, as lord Sauram and the dark fairy both are dressed as they both discussed about their plan that it will work as they both shared a kiss
* In the maredi temple as they both held a funeral of the loss of the maredi masters.
* In the maredi temple, as Admiral Caspian and Angelina both discussed about Eliza being executed tomorrow, as she want to pay a visit with her. As Eve and Adam, Caspian both leaved. When Angelina and Eric both discussed about their friendship and him changing that she got a call from her master Adam
* In the maredi council, as Adam and Eve, Admiral Caspian, Angelina both are discussing about Eliza really did bomb the maredi temple as Angelina leaves.
* In prison, as Angelina and Eliza both discussed about what happened in the maredi temple, that someone is a dark Faith as she got choke on and dies. As Angelina Is accused for killing her, while she's in jailed Admiral Caspian and her both are discussing about her plans to killed her.
* In prison, as Captain Woeken and Adam both discussed to see Angelina as he force to leave. While in prison, Came Lord Sauram and killed the armies in his red lightsaber sword. Angelina is sleeping and has a nightmare, until she wakes up and sees a card as she gets out of jailed. She got chased by Adam and his armies throughout Corusent to the underground, as Adam and Angelina both discussed about her crimes as she goes down to Corusent.
* In Maddie's apartment, while Anakin is taking a shower and he is senses something is going on with Angelina as he keeps on thinking about Angelina. Right after his shower, as Anakin and Maddie both discussed about Angelina until came the hologram of Adam as they both discussed about Angelina gone, that she committed a crime to the maredi council, that Adam should get her.
* In the maredi council, as Adam and the Maredi's both are discussing about Angelina's crimes that he wants to help her, as kion and Adam both assign to her Angelina back
* In Maddie's apartment, as Anakin and Adam both are discussing to find Angelina as he will.
* In Corusent, Angelina got a disgusting and got chase by army men, as she meets with Eve as they both discussed about taking her to see if she can find any evidence, to find a place for her to clean up. They enter in a motel, where Eve and Angelina stay as Angelina is taking a shower, while she's in the shower it shows visions of Adam and Angelina about her crimes, as she leaves him. Right after Angelina got clean up, Eve and Angelina both discussed about helping each other and her, Adam being more than just friends, to help her to find the evidence who bomb the maredi temple, as Adam spotted them. They both got chase by armies as Angelina and Eric both discussed about her hiding, for her to go to the warehouse. As Eve decides to help her.
* As Eve and Angelina are going to the warehouse as they are found by armies as Eve and Angelina fight and knock the armies, as they went to the warehouse as they both said their last goodbyes.
* In the hallway, as Eve got knocked out by a hooded figure
* When Angelina went to the warehouse as came the hooded figure. There is a fight between Angelina and the hooded figure as she falls off and finds by Frankenstein blood she was found by Captain Woeken as she got knocked out. As they both got Angelina
* In the republic ship, Adam and Anakin, Master Grey both are discussed about Angelina and her crimes. As they both taken her back to the maredi temple for her crimes.
* In the maredi council, as the the Maredi's discussed about Angelina's crimes. Angelina went to the maredi trial, as they both discussed her crimes, her bombing the maredi temple as she got kick out of the council for good.
* Now she's a citizen Selena and she both discussed helping her and her father to help her with her trial.
* During her republic senate trial, Chancellor Black and Admiral Caspian and Selena, Anakin both discussed about Angelina's crimes. That she is innocent of her crimes or guilty, that the republic senate shall have a vote for Angelina Jones as she's innocent or guilty for the bombing in the maredi temple.
* While in Corusent, as Adam finds Eve as they both are fighting right after they fight. As they both discussed about there love and Angelina, that they have a lot in common and the him and the maredi council, Eric someone that Angelina knows.
* In the maredi temple as Adam went to Eric's room, as they both discussed about his new girlfriend and master, Angelina, about who bombed the maredi temple which leads to them to a fight.
* There is Adam vs Eric fight scene throughout the maredi temple, as Adam force choke Eric in anger as Eric told Adam the truth about the bombing of the maredi temple.
* Back In the republic senate trial, where The republic senate votes about Angelina until Adam and this time with Eric as Eric told everyone the truth, about the maredi council and the trial, that Angelina is innocent.
* Right after the trial Anakin and Angelina both discussed about her leaving the council, to visit his family in Niaboon as they both loved each other as father and daughter.
* In the Chancellor's Blacks office, Chancellor Black and Admiral Caspian and Princess Eve both discussed about there plan is finally working, that to do this day they celebrated about Black will someday take over the republic and the maredi will be gone forever as they both drink wine for there victory
* In Eve's castle, while Eve and Eric both discussion about their plan has finally worked, until they have sex in the bed. As she's telling him about love with Adam and there sexual relationship, even about Eric as she grabs a knife, killed him for failing her about his plan.
* Back in the Maredi's council, as Adam and Ben, master Grey and Master Kion, master Ganeld both are apologizes about her crimes that she is innocent, as they both discussed about her being a maredi Knight, and staying in the order as Angelina refuses as she leaves the maredi council as Adam follows her
* Outside of the maredi temple, as Adam and Angelina both discussed about her leaving and her leaving because of her father and just like her father, that she actually has a family, Adam discussed to leave too, as Angelina knows because he is in love with Selena and the frustrations in the maredi council, when she leaves while Adam is watching her in the distance.
* Right after Angelina leave as Ben and Adam both discussed about Angelina leaving the council, her remind of him as a padawan, her more than Adam's padawan like Adam as if she likes a daughter to him. That Adam doesn't trust the council.
* Right after Eve leaves, in Eve's castle as Adam and Eve both discussed about Angelina leaving and loving her as a daughter, Eve as a dark fairy, that he still loves her even though they both hide the truth from each other, her being with darkness, Adam propose to her as she accepts and she becomes his fiancée as they are both kissing passionately and having sex.
* In Niaboon, as Angelina came and she sees Anakin and Maddie, she meets her half sister named Sarahbeth that they both discussed, that she's part of there family now.
* Back in Corusent in Selena's apartment, as Adam and Selena both discussed about Angelina leaving that if they have a daughter who's Angelina, as they both discussed about their love and marriage as they both got undressed, as they are both having sex throughout the night. And it's unknowingly that they convinced and Selena became pregnant with his twins children. In the middle of the night, in Adam's visions where he first meets lord Satan and shows him his future as lord Shauron, as Adam wakes up as Selena wakes up also naked. As they both discussed about his nightmare as he gets comfort by his wife throughout the night.
* In the morning, in the maredi council as master Grey and master Ganeld, Adam and Ben both discussed about his mission to go to fight in a battle in Sello for six months as Adam accepts.
* In Selena's apartment, while Selena is visibly pregnant as Adam as they both discussed about his mission to fight in Sello, and his important mission in Niaboon, that's she's showing as they both discussed that it's a surprise, as Selena is about to tell him that she is pregnant with his child.
* In the maredi council, as Ben and Master Grey, Master Ganeld both discussed about Adam going to his mission alone, master Grey being with him, Adam is changing, that they don't trust Adam anymore.
* In church, while Adam and Eve, priest Robin are both saying there vows, as they both become husband and wife as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
* In church, in the attic as Adam and Eve both getting undressed, as they are both consummate their marriage. They both spend the night together as husband and wife.
* In the morning, right after they have sex, when Adam and Eve both discussed about his six months mission to Sello, as they are both continuing having sex.
* By the church, as Adam and Eve both said there last goodbyes as husband and wife that they both discussed that they both loved each other, as he leaves his newlywed wife Eve while he goes to Sello to fight war.
* In Mandlere while Lord Scar is mediating, until he sees a future of Adam becoming Lord Satan's apprentice Lord Shauron and the execute order 676, Adam slaughtering the Dark separatists leaders, Adam becoming full lord shauron with armor and there is an Empire, lord shauron and his wife the Dark Queen killing and tortured humans, Emperor Black for his vengeance of there past. As he wakes up as Alan asked for him, that lord scar and him both discussed his visions of which involves Adam Malfoy becoming a dark Faith, lord shauron that he must killed him and there won't be no Empire, that there shall be peace as Alan walks away. Lord Scar looks at the window of mandlere that he wonders about the future
* In Niaboon, as Ben and Anakin both discussed about lord Satan control the republic senate, that Anakin must tell his wife Maddie about it.
* In the republic senate building, when Adam and, Ben Master Grey both said their goodbyes to the senators. As they both leaved to go to continue to fight the dark separatists and end the Army Wars.
* In the very end, while Adam and Ben, Master Grey are leaving to go to mission in Sello. In Selena's apartment, while Selena is sad as Aaron and Selena both discussed that she still didn't tell him that she is pregnant with his child. While in Niaboon Anakin tells Maddie that Eve is actually the Dark fairy as she realizes that she lost her sister Eve Amilda. While, in Eve's castle in Niaboon as she sees visions of her and Chancellor Black talking about that she wants to be with Adam, as she takes the scepter and becomes the dark fairy, that it shows Dark Volemont resurrection by his own mother, Mother Ventress. Adam killing Dark volemont As it shows her and Adam having sex when she tells Adam how much she loved him, and her and Adam getting married, as they both become husband and wife. Then it shows them consummate their marriage in the attic, even there last goodbyes to each other as husband and wife before he leaves to go to the mission of Sello.
* As Eve realizes that lord Satan is the one that brought her and Adam into a sexual relationship, that she made a big mistake. She went to Corusent and she tells Lord Satan that he lies to her, that he wants Adam not to be with her but something else. As lord Satan calls Eve the Dark Fairy, that we know that Eve is the dark fairy. That lord Satan wants Eve to get along with Adam so he can become his apprentice to the dark side of the force, but Eve believes because she is in love with Adam Malfoy, but lord Satan knows that how much she loved her third cousin Adam Malfoy will be gone from the light into darkness as Eve tells him that Adam will never turned into a dark side of the force that he won't be on there side, that Adam will destroy him one day, but lord Satan doesn't believe that Adam and Eve are now his because lord Satan's descendant the First dark lord is the one that put the cursed of the dark side between the Potters and the Amilda's family. That's the reason why lord Satan wants Eve Amilda on his side, so she can killed Maddie but Eve refuses since she cares about her sister, that she loved her sister that she doesn't want to kill her she's innocent Lord Satan tells her that he knows she is but one Eve killed Maddie she will be the highest queen of the republic and be with Adam forever so that, that's the reason why his next plan is to killed Selena Adam's secret wife so Adam Malfoy will be gone forever. Until his new apprentice one that shall become a master of darkness, a serial killer: Lord Shauron.
The Dark Faith has risen
* Takes place in 19 By
* The sixth book narrator is Adam Potter/ Lord Shauron
* Adam is twenty two in this story
* Selena is twenty seven in this story
* Selena is pregnant with Adam's child
* Jason and Susie are born in secret and hidden
* Selena dies
* The creation of the Galactic world Empire
* Anakin and Clifford are actually brothers
* Lord Satan takes control of the monster republic senate and now he has power of the entire galaxy world
* In the very beginning in Niaboon, as Anakin has a dream about Maddie got killed by Eve and Adam killing Master Grey to saved Chancellor Black, Adam becoming lord Satan's apprentice lord Satan execute order 676 of the armies killing all of the Maredi's in the galaxy world and Adam killing the dark separatists. In a flash forward to the future as Angelina got killed by Lord Shauron as she dies during the battle believing that Adam will be redeemed twenty three years. Eve becoming the highest queen of the empire. Chancellor black declared himself as emperor and Eve amilda as the highest queen of the Galaxy world Empire, Selena and Adam both talked about joining her, dark queen and Anakin are fighting in Nabla. Ben and Adam are fighting in mufaser, lord Satan and master ganeld are fighting in the senate. Adam and Ben immortal scene, Selena telling Anakin that she believes of what Anakin told her, if she has twins that he must adopt them as she becomes unconscious. She gives birth to twins children named Jason and Susie, as she dies of a living force that is coming out of her life and during childbirth that she believes that there's good in Adam. In the Corusent hospital, where Adam is reborn as full armor of lord Shauron as he screams of Selena's death and calling Anakin for help. As Anakin wakes up horrify as he went into the balcony as came Maddie Amilda, they both discussed about his nightmare and her dying by the dark fairy who is her sister, that when the war is over that they should be a family with there daughter Sarahbeth, that Adam is going to be alright in the battle of Sello as they both know that Adam is going to be fine, as he told her nothing about Adam become lord Shauron as they both hold each other throughout the night.
* In Corusent, in the senate building as during the hearing that chancellor black that is Sugar Fairy announces that chancellor black is now taking control of the five realms instead of Maddie Amilda as he tells the senate that now he is taking control over the five realms rulers for there planet to be safe from the dark separatists instead of Maddie Amilda. As the senators cheers when Anakin and Maddie both discussion about the senate changing and chancellor black taking her power.
* In the highest queen's office, as Anakin and Maddie Both discuss about the chancellor black taking control of the five realms, that they don't trust black, the Army wars is ruining the senate lives. As they both shared a kiss then they are both interrupt by Chancellor black. Then chancellor black and Maddie Amilda both discussion about him taking control of the five realms, that the senate is now trusting black instead of there highest queen, that they should check on master Grey and Adam Malfoy in the war of Sello. As he walks away.
* In the very beginning, in a battle through space of the republic and the dark separatists in Sello. While master Grey is battling on land and Adam who is flying in space of the dark separatists until Adam land as they both needed to discuss about the battle
* In the Sello base, Adam and master Grey both discussed the briefing of the battle in Sello that they should defeat the dark separatists base, so Admiral George Organa won't know that there here as Adam knows something is wrong with Captain Bryan
* In the armies base, Captain Bryan and Adam both discussed about that Clifford is alive, that he probably got taken or resurrection by someone that loves him
* In a private room, Adam and his second secret wife hologram of Eve Amilda both discussion that Clifford is alive, that he got taken by the dark separatists and they they need to saved him, from the dark separatists but they both discussed that Adam should go on to the mission
* In the Sello base, Adam goes to Captain Bryan as they both discussed to go to the dark separatists base and find Clifford
* In the Sello base, as Adam and Captain Bryan, Ranon both discussion to go to the dark separatists base and find Clifford and escape there. Until Adam tells Bryan that he is late for the thing.
* In the armies base, Adam and his secret wife hologram of Selena Snow as she still reveals to be visibly pregnant with his twins children as both are discussed about him fighting in war and her in the senate, and Bryan, that Clifford is alive that Adam should get Clifford as they both loved each other. Outside while Bryan and Ben both discussed about where Adam is in headquarters, that Adam is checking on the weapons. Right after Adam's chat with Selena, Ben was trying to tell Adam about the plan to fight war, as he told him that he hopes Selena will say hi from him.
* Inside the dark separatists base, in jailed while admiral George and Cliff both are discussing the republic base, as Clifford refuses to help him until he tortured him into pieces
* In the dark separatists base, Adam and the armies both fight the battle droids until they meet inside.
* Inside in the dark separatists base, Adam and Captain Bryan, the armies both find Clifford half naked, both in cloth in jailed as he is weaken from Admiral George, as Clifford repeats about his mission until he saw Adam and Bryan.
* Inside the dark separatists base, as they both escape from the base through the battle droids and went to the Vampire village
* In the vampire village, they both discussed that they are in war with the Maredi's and to republic, until came the dark separatists, so they both decided to help. As they fight the battle droids.
* Right after the battle there leader Barry promise them, that they hope they can win this army war as they both leaved the vampire village
* In the Sello base, Adam and Ben, master Grey both discussed when the war will be taken place
* In space, as Adam and his armies are fighting the battle droids.
* Inside the ship, admiral George and the Dark Fairy both discussed that his battle droids will destroy the Maredi's once and for all.
* Inside the ship, Adam finds admiral George and admiral droid Carl as he is fighting the battle droids and asks George the last number of the bomb. That admiral George knows that Adam is a husband of the dark fairy, as they are both fighting until he killed him and the hologram of the dark fairy and Adam both discussed about there secret wedding and them consummate their marriage, about this mission of him killing admiral George, them discussing admiral George, of how much that he loves Eve, that She destroy Eve that Eve is gone, as she's disappears and he find a button that blew up the dark separatists ship, to blow up the dark separatists base.
* In land, master Grey and Ben are fighting the battle droids to get the bomb, as they blow up the bomb.
* In space, Adam went to the ship as they both celebrate the victory thanks to Adam, where hologram of Eve amilda both are discussed about his victory, that he bring peace to the republic, that he still knows that the his second secret wife and the Dark Fairy are one and the same that Adam still has feelings for his wife. As they know that she hope they Adam won't go to the dark side just like her.
* In the republic ship, as Clifford and Adam both discussed about his vision that the republic will changed into the empire by emperor black, the armies will killed all of the Maredi's, that his wife Eve will become the dark queen and Adam will become lord Shauron.
* In the Sello base, Adam and Ben, Clifford and Captain Bryan both discussion that there shall be another battle in Shiloh as Adam will discussion to Eve about the plans, as Clifford decides to leave the republic that he doesn't want his family knows that he is alive, as Clifford will go to the five realms and becomes king of the five realms as they both said their last goodbyes. As Clifford told Adam to be careful about chancellor black.
* In Corusent, Angelina meets with Jasper and Maya As they both discussed about her fixing the bike, where Angelina was being, as Maya let's Angelina meets with Riley
* In Corusent, maya and Angelina meets her sister Riley as they both discussed that she should shown Angelina her droid. As Maya shows Angelina the droid as it restart by it self as they chose the droid, as Angelina saved Maya from the droid. When Jasper was surprise to see what Angelina did as they both ended up kissing passionately as Anakin watches, Anakin and Angelina both discussed about her feelings of Jasper, that she's ready to have sex with Jasper.
* In Anakin's apartment, where Jasper and Angelina are discussed of what there doing in this apartment as they both ended up having sex throughout the night. In the morning right after Jasper and Angelina both have sex, in the restaurant as Angelina and Maya, Riley both discussion about her staying since she's Anakin Jones daughter as Angelina decides to stay with them.
* While Angelina is fixing the ship, as they both discussed how she can fixed by Malfoy academy, what her and Jasper have sex in her fathers apartment. Until came Riley as they both discussed about the spice that Angelina should go. Maya shows them her ship as they both decided to go in the ship.
* While on the ship, as they realized that there going to the military base that there going to get in trouble, inside on the ship as Adam and admiral Yalen both discussed about those people on the ship, that admiral Yalen is planning to arrest them, as Adam senses Angelina through the force and Admiral Yalen that they should arrest the ship as Adam refuses to let the ship in trouble. As the ship leaves, Adam walks away that admiral Yalen knows it's Angelina. In the hallway, as Admiral Yalen and Adam both discussed about Angelina that she was in the ship, that Angelina still feels like Adam's daughter that Adam decides to get his mind off for awhile of Angelina, to forget about Angelina. In the shower room, while Adam's taking a shower as it shows memories of Angelina and Adam when they first met, and there nicknames as each other, him telling her that even though that she's good as Adam's apprentice, him training her and he gives her green lightsaber sword, being together fighting through wars of the Army Wars, him seeing her hugging Anakin as he is little jealous, her and Adam having there last conversation about her leaving the maredi council. As his starting crying for missing Angelina his padawan so much, Right after his shower, Captain Bryan and Adam both discussed about him missing Angelina, that she left the council because of her father, Adam's jealous that she's Anakin's daughter not his, explaining about his relationship with Senator Snow that there not parents yet just like Anakin was with Guinevere, that Angelina feels like a daughter to Adam.
* Angelina and Maya, Riley went to the Delhi as they both discussed lord Ali about the spice, until the spice got stolen by the Mandalorians as they both went to jailed.
* As in Delhi, Angelina and Maya, Riley try to escape in jailed but failed, as they both told Angelina there story of how her birth mother died. As they both escape through the Delhi and the spices belongs with the Mandalorian.
* Anakin and Guinevere brings Jackie, as she told her that they have a common enemy named Lord Scar, that Guinevere and Anakin tells her that Angelina should go and take Mandlere back. Angelina and Maya, Riley both discussion about her leaving as she decides to leave, about her past as a maredi. Angelina leaves with Jackie on the ship
* Across the galaxy world, The highest queen Maddie and Master Ganeld, the maredi council both sent the Maredi's to different worlds, so they can continue to fight of the Army Wars
* While in the Mandalorian ship, as Angelina and Anakin, Jackie both discussed of how they can tell the republic about mandelere and lord Scar, that he took over Mandlere right after his master Dark Volemont died during the battle of Niaboon. Anakin duel Lord Scar during the battle of Mandlere. Them going to see Adam Malfoy, while Angelina's in the shower. She's thinking about Adam Malfoy as it shows memories of flashbacks of them being together. Right after her shower, as she's wearing her new maredi clothes as Anakin and Angelina both discussed about her seeing Adam, that she can't stop thinking about him since she left, she told him that she shouldn't left the council because Adam is like a father to her. Until Jackie told them that there on their way to the republic ship.
* In the battle of Shiloh, while Ben and commander Connal are fighting through war, until came Adam that he stop the battle droids, that while his speech as Captain Bryan is ready for battle by R7 until when Adam saw Admiral Jeff then its start the fighting of the war between the armies and the battles. While Adam and Ben both discussed about his plan about fighting, of all of this until he got a transmission from Admiral Yalen that they should come back from the republic ship so they can discuss that someone that they knew.
* In the republic ship, as Adam and Ben, both saw the hologram of Angelina Jones. As they both discussed about lord Scar, that they should help Jackie to take Mandlere back to them.
* Inside of the republic ship, as Adam and Ben both discussed about Lord Scar, that he is apprentice of a powerful dark Faith lord. Until when came Angelina and Adam, Jackie that Jackie and Ben, Anakin both need to discussed about Lord Scar in quiet, as Adam and Angelina are decided to catch up right after she left the maredi council.
* Inside of the republic ship, as Ben and Anakin, Jackie both discussed about lord Scar that he survived during the battle of Mandlere, he decided to take over to back of Mandlere until Ben and Adam need to decide on their own.
* Inside of the republic ship, in the hallway while Adam and Angelina are both catching up, about her in Niaboon with her father and seeing Adam's goddaughter Sarahbeth, them missing each other. As she gives him a thimble for a memory of her, she made while she's living on Niaboon, he decides to wear it for her as they both chat about Selena his secret wife and that there marriage is fine even though they still fights the war. As she knows, that Adam wishes that Angelina is his and Selena's child instead of Anakin's daughter, that they both discussed that Adam's jealous of Angelina being Anakin's daughter, that Adam's is Anakin's best friends, that he still wishes that Angelina is his child, that she told him that he will that he will have twins children someday. Until they are both interrupt by Captain Bryan
* Inside the republic ship, as Adam, Ben, Angelina, Jackie and Anakin the hologram of Maddie Amilda as they both discussed that lord Scar Is her twin brother David, that he was used to be part of the republic before she became the highest queen as he was trained as a maredi, that he is apprentice of Henry Malfoy Adam's father until he left he republic and the maredi council for no reason, that they knew that he left because he became a dark Faith just like Adam's father did, as she tells him that they both should go to Mandlere and take him back as she's disappears as they both suddenly discussed about Adam and Ben to help to take over Mandlere by them, as they both accept, Jackie and Anakin both discussed that Dark volemont killed his half sister Luna who Adam used to have sex with and loves her and that he have feelings for her, Anakin knows that Adam's feelings with his half sister Luna are no more, that they should discuss about the war later. As they leaves
* In the dark separatists ship its on it's way to Corusent to capture the highest queen Maddie, while General Snowden and the hologram of the Dark Fairy both discussed about his orders from count Peter on his mission to capture the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon so she can died in his hands, but she wants him to capture Chancellor Black instead of the highest queen. Since Black is a traitor to the republic senate and the Dark separatists that he should capture the Chancellor instead of the highest queen so once he captures him, killed the chancellor Black. As General Snowden understands.
* Inside of the republic ship, as Adam and Ben both discussed about them taking over Mandlere and killed Lord Scar, that he is apprentice of his father, that they should go to Mandlere and killed lord scar. As Adam accepts and Ben tells him that he should catch up with his former padawan Angelina Jones.
* Inside the republic ship, as Adam and Angelina are both discussed, about her living in Niaboon as the armies knows Angelina is there commander. As Adam surprise her with the armies, with her colors that they call her commander. Adam decides to get a another surprise from Adam, until they are interrupt by Ben tells Adam that Eve amilda wants to talk with Adam immediately. As Adam and Angelina both discussed about Eve Amilda that there more than just friends. As Adam tells her that they both must keep a secret, that Eve Amilda is his second secret wife.
* In a private room, as Adam and the hologram of Eve amilda both discussion about General Snowden just attack Corusent and capturing chancellor Black. Right after Eve left, as Adam and Angelina both discussed about him rescuing the chancellor, that her father will stay with them and help to get the chancellor black, Jackie coming with her to Mandlere but they don't want to lose each other. Until came Ben, as they both discussed about Corusent needs them, that Maddie needs them and the Chancellor black needs them. As they both decided to rescue the chancellor, that Captain Bryan will be a second in command, a adviser with Angelina. As Ben leaves, Adam and Angelina both said there goodbyes, that they both loved each other as father and daughter that's there that see each other as former padawan and master before it's unknowingly that they will see each other the last time in the last battle of Niaboon, of the death of Maddie Amilda.
* In Mandlere, as the armies and Mandalorian, are battling the dark Watch until they both went into the underground and Jackie Is going to the throne room
* In the throne room, as Alan realizes that his plan has failed just like lord Scar predict, until there's a big explosion as Jackie and the Mandalorians killed of all of the dark watch. As Alan and Jackie both discussed that Guinevere is doing this to them, that lord scar here that they brought a wrong maredi
* In the underground, Angelina lost her armies by the dark watch, until came lord Scar that he tells her that he knows that his finally meeting the famous Anakin Jones's daughter and what is she doing her as they both finally meet face to face.
* In the battle over Corusent, where Adam and Ben saved Chancellor Black as Adam killed Count Peter, they got captured by General Snowden. General Snowden escapes his dark separatists ship, Adam lands the ship. In the senate building, Adam visits his secret wife Selena in the shadows as they are both reuniting for six months that Adam finds out that his secret wife Selena is pregnant with his child, General Snowden went to Utopia where he meets Lord Satan to discuss everything that the war is ending, that the lost of count Peter and he shall have a new apprentice. Adam has a nightmare of Selena dying in childbirth as he tells Selena that she will died in childbirth. Adam and Master Ganeld both discussed about his dream, to forget it to let his feelings go to fear to lose, Adam and Ben both discussed about his friend Chancellor Black, Adam and Chancellor Black both discussion about him, going to be and Adam being a maredi master. The maredi council refuses Adam to be a mared master, they both discussed that Master Ganeld should go to the beasts. In the evening, in the private room where Adam choose to visit his second secret wife Eve Amilda as they both have sex, right after they have sex Adam and Eve both discussed about him visiting with chancellor Black in the opera, as she refuses as they both discussed about him visiting chancellor black tonight, as they both discussed about there love and marriage as they both are getting dressed, that he must go back to the his wife Selena that if she will get worried about him. As Adam and Ben both discussed about his secret mission to spy on the chancellor. Master Ganeld and Grey, both discussion about Adam about his secret mission to spy on the chancellor. In the evening, Adam and Selena both discussed about the republic changing and him trusting the chancellor, at night while Adam is talking to his second secret wife hologram of Eve amilda as they both discussed about his dreams, him talking to master Ganeld about that it still haunts him that he should visit the chancellor Black tonight at the opera, as they both discussed him trusting the chancellor Black as they both have a big argument about Adam trusting him, until he promised that he will trust Chancellor black as she gone. Right after there conversation, Adam and Selena both discussed about him being with Eve, that they still have feelings for each other that he is secretly married to Eve as his going to visit the chancellor Black tonight as he leaves Selena.
* In the opera, where Adam and Chancellor Black both discussion about where General Snowden is hiding, the republic and the highest queen, Maddie and the council not trusting him, as they both discussed about Lord Hades the darkest wise and him training Lucifer about his nightmare of his human wife Emily dying of childbirth, as Lucifer killed him in his sleep so Lucifer becomes the leader of the dark Faith. As Chancellor Black accepts to help Adam to stop his wife from dying his childbirth. At night, while Selena is sleeping as Adam and his secret wife Eve amilda both write letters together as they both decided to spend the night together. In Eve's castle where Adam visited Eve as they both discussed him about the chancellor as they loved each other and having sex throughout the night. Right after they have sex, as Adam still has dreams about Selena dying in childbirth as she wants her husband to hold her, as she goes back to bed as he stares throughout the night. In the highest queen's office, where Maddie and Anakin both discussed about the chancellor wants to control of the republic senate, later as they bring the senators as they both saw the pre recording that now they trust Maddie. In Selena's apartment while Ben visited with the pregnancy Selena as they both discussed about her marriage and her feelings for Adam. While in Karmio, where there is battle between the beasts and the dark separatists, when the maredi council both discussed about someone going to duel General Snowden as Ben is going to come. As Ben and Adam both discussed about him going to duel General Snowden as they both said their last goodbyes before Adam becomes lord Shauron. In the evening. right after Ben leaves as Adam and Selena both discussed that Ben and the council are changing because of Adam himself, at night while Adam and Selena are both sleeping together in her apartment, as he still has nightmares of Selena dying childbirth as he wakes up again in the middle of the night, as his taking a late night shower while his in the shower he is having visions of his ancestors past and the Darker One dagger and Selena still having dreams as he is crying for losing Selena, right after his shower as Selena is up as they both discussed his nightmare that he doesn't want to lose Selena as that they should trust Ben because if they find out their secret marriage as they both shared a kiss throughout the night, while his still having a nightmare of Selena dying in childbirth as Adam and Selena still both discussing about the council don't trust him and his nightmares, that he finds a way to saved her. In Utopia, where Ben is telling them that there is war as he is force to hiding. In the first meeting for the seeds of the rebellion as they both discussed of how they can trust Black even though his a traitor to them, that they must find hope to be able to stop him.
* Meanwhile in Mandlere, while Angelina and Lord Scar are both still face to face while Angelina sends Bryan as they both discussed about why she's here instead of Potter, and lord scar taking over the galaxy world, as he tells her that there will be pain and suffering into the Galaxy world that it will be taken over by Lord Satan. Until Bryan and the armies, are attacking the dark watch until when Angelina and Lord Scar have their first duel until lord Scar escapes from them.
* In the throne room, as the hologram of Ben Potter and Anakin Jones, Jackie and Bryan and Angelina both discussed the plans of the places to attack Mandlere, and to kill Lord Scar until Angelina mentions them about lord Satan as Anakin and Ben tells them, that there were stories about lord Satan when they were kids, that he once took over the human government and the human Earth years ago and that he is somehow still controlling the human earth with the storm troopers still attacking the humans as it called the holocaust in the human earth and he believed that he was killed by Luke Nazareth his own brother that the maredi council knows that Lord Satan started this Army Wars that is between the both sides, that count Peter got killed by Adam while they rescued the Chancellor, that lord Satan is been on the shadows ever since the beginning that they must capture Lord Scar and bring him to the maredi council to take him to know about lord Satan's plans of the galaxy world, they both discussed to bring more forces of the republic as Ben tells him that he is on Utopia to engage General Snowden, Angelina ask about Adam. As Ben let's them to leave them, as Angelina and Ben both are having a argument discussing about Adam's secret assignment by the council to spy on the chancellor Black that Adam is more closer with the chancellor Black than anyone has ever seen, that him and Eve feel that they are more than just third cousins. Until they realize that there was in attack in the bottom. As Angelina leaves Ben to tell Adam
* In the underground, as they find all dead of the armies as Angelina sees dead Angelo that he told him that they took Abel about Angelina Jones as that even Alan who did this he dies in her hands. While Abel and Lord Scar both discussion about who is Angelina Jones, or else he will die then as lord scar force Abel as it shows flashbacks of the birth of Angelina Jones, that she's not the daughter of Anakin Jones but a daughter of Guinevere the princess of Mandlere. Her got taken away from birth from her grandfather, living in Zyrtec planet with her adopted parents and sister as she first meets master Kion and Adam Malfoy during the battle of Zyrtec as she went to the maredi council as three years old. She became Adam Malfoy's apprentice, them being together throughout the years of the Army Wars, as she and Anakin both discussed about her leaving the maredi council to see his daughter and her stepmom, as leaves the maredi council and went to Niaboon and meets her stepmom. Her and Adam both see each other before she leaves to go to battle of Mandlere, right after lord scar went through his mind, as he wants to learn more about who Angelina Jones is as he wants more information as he tortured Abel. When Jar walks to attack Jackie
* In prison, as Jackie and Bryan, Angelina went to jailed as they meet Alan as they both discussed of where lord Scar's plan with Potter as Alan refuses that he wants Potter here because of a vision he has right after his master Dark Volemont, that his twin sister Maddie will die as her power will take control of the leader of the dark Faith that they brought a wrong maredi when it's supposed to be Ben Potter, that he really wants Potter here is for name, that he knows for a week. Until he got shot, as Alan went to the floor as Jackie went to chase Jar, when Alan tells her a vision that the name he wants Is Malfoy, Adam Malfoy as he dies. When Jackie and Jar have a fight in Mandlere, until Jar escapes from Jackie
* In the underground, right after lord Scar torture Abel and he tells his leaders to stay hidden, as he told the dark watch that count Peter Is dead, that him and Peter, even his master are now the same hatred of there masters betrayal them that the galaxy world was not of what it's supposed to be, when his twin sister Maddie amilda will die in the hands of the Dark Fairy Lord Satan's assassin and sidekick, that they shall destroy lord Satan so he doesn't take control of the galaxy world and that there will be killing and tortured by lord Satan, that they must take the galaxy world so there shall be peace as they both cheered for victory.
* Outside of the throne room, as they both see the armies taking the Mandlere people into somewhere safe, in the hallway as Bryan and Jackie, Angelina both discussed about her people taking by Bryan's armies who are not police, that they must need to destroy lord Scar so there shall be victory in the galaxy world again. As they both went into the throne room, as they both saw lord Scar when Jackie fights him, as there was battle as Angelina told them to go. As there is a battle towards the Mandlere city.
* In the battle towards the Mandlere city, as the armies and Mandalorians, are fighting with the dark watch as they both captured the dark watch.
* In the throne room, as Lord Scar and Angelina both discussed about the battle that is going on, that Angelina left the council because that it's was the Dark Faith's plan to get rid of her so and is the council's hypocrisy that her master Adam Malfoy won't trust the council anymore, that how much he hated his youngest sister Eve, as they both discussed why he left the republic and the council, because his master Henry Malfoy becomes Dark Volemont lord Satan's apprentice, that Adam and Eve are secretly married that he knew their relationship from the beginning because there relationship is brought together by Lord Satan himself by siren bond of there love so one day they can destroy the people into the galaxy world who didn't follow lord Satan as husband and wife. That the galaxy world will be under the control of lord Satan, that from the beginning lord Satan wants to destroy the humans since he was once in love, but Luke Nazareth didn't kill lord Satan that he survived but as phantom that she wants to bring justice into the galaxy world, justice is not part of the galaxy world anymore that there's no justice anymore once lord Satan wants to kill his twin sister since she is the end of the Army War, by her so he can take power and the galaxy world will be under control of his as wanted her to join him so they can destroy lord Satan once and for all and bring peace into the galaxy world. As Angelina will join lord Scar as they both discussed about Adam Malfoy, that he is the key to destroy the maredi and that he will become lord Satan's apprentice, a great serial killer and master of darkness named: Lord Shauron as Angelina refuses to believe that as they both discussed about his visions that there true to him, that Angelina will know what will happen. Then Angelina and lord Scar are fighting in the throne room, to the roof as they are continuing fighting, when he falls off as Angelina saves him that he wants to die because she will suffer same as him, until came Bryan and his armies captured lord Scar as he tells him that it's not him, that there will be in pain and suffering into the Galaxy world by lord Satan. Right after they captured lord Scar as Angelina looks into the night sky.
* Meanwhile in Corusent, in the hearing, as chancellor Black makes an another announcement that he is now taking control of France for the slavery of the people to someday have peace as Anakin and Maddie don't like how the chancellor is taking control of every planet, right after the hearing. In the highest queen's office in the second meeting of the seeds to rebellion as the senators and Maddie, Anakin as both discussed about how chancellor is taking control of every planet that even though it was supposed to be Maddie and that chancellor black is lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith, who wants to take control of the republic that Maddie is the key to end this war. As they both discussed that they should have a talk with chancellor Black so they can find out if he's really lord Satan, as they both agreed. In the chancellor's office, while Adam and Chancellor Black both discussion about his power to stop death, the maredi council won't know that Adam is more like a son to him, and Adam's secret marriage with Selena and Eve that he has feelings for both of the woman, that chancellor used to have love with a human woman. the hallway as Adam and Selena both discussed about her visiting the chancellor Black to see if he's Lord Satan by the highest queen Maddie herself, that Maddie doesn't trust the chancellor Black and that Adam trust the chancellor black more closer than anyone hasn't seen, as she leaves. In the chancellor's office, as Selena and Bill, Arina, Maddie and Anakin both discussed about the chancellor taking control over the planets and that he is lord Satan himself, the leader of the dark Faith, Maddie's friendship with the chancellor Black. As they both leaved, Maddie and chancellor Black both discussion about him taking control the humans that that's reason why he's taking control of every planets, as he reveals himself as Lord Satan that he thought his own brother Luke killed him all of those years ago, he wants Maddie to die, so her power can come to his so the galaxy world can be his. In the highest queen's office, right after they comfort the chancellor. Maddie and Anakin both discussed about that chancellor black is lord Satan, that they must stop him. Until came Bill, Arina and Selena as they both decided to join Maddie in her rebellion so that they can stop the chancellor Black who's taking control of every planet as they both become the founders of the monster rebellion. In Selena's apartment as Selena sees Adam with a midwife droid as they both discussed about the conversation with chancellor Black, as they both discussed about the midwife droid that will take care of Selena while he's gone and they can check who's the gender of there unborn child since Adam is going to visit the chancellor Black as he leaves her with the kiss. In the chancellor's office, as chancellor Black and Adam both discussed about Adam going to Niaboon, since Maddie is going there down for a celebration of the day she becomes the highest queen of the republic, that he should come even though the council don't trust him, that he should go to Niaboon and be a protector with the princess Eve amilda as Adam leaves. In the highest queen's office as chancellor black and Anakin, Maddie both discussion that they hope there celebration with Maddie will might go as planned as they both discussed about him taking over the planets instead of Maddie, that he wants power overhear they hope that they can enjoy Niaboon while they can, as chancellor black is not going to Niaboon because he has something else, that he needs to do in the senate, right after black leaves as Anakin got a transmission of the hologram of Abel that he tells him that his daughter Angelina captured Lord Scar as he must go to Mandlere immediately as Maddie and Anakin both discussed about him going to Mandlere that he will be back for her. In Selena's apartment, when Adam returns to Selena they both discussed his conversation with Chancellor Black that he should go to Niaboon and be a protector of Eve Amilda that it's important, that they know that by the time he will return, there child will be born, as they both discussed the gender of there unborn child of where the midwife droid told them as if it's two twins children of a boy and a girl they will be named Jason and Susie for there love and the good of Adam. As they both laughed and cuddled he kissed Selena's pregnancy belly. Outside of the senate building as Adam runs to Eve as they both discussed that his coming to Niaboon with her, because it's a important mission giving by the chancellor Black as they both discussed about chancellor black, that he trust him and that Adam loves Eve until they shared a kiss, as the Niaboon ship goes. In the other side as Guinevere and Anakin both discussed about Angelina their daughter capturing Lord Scar, that they should bring Lord Scar to the maredi council so they can killed him for his crimes as they both went on to the ship and flies to Mandlere.
* Meanwhile in Mandlere in the hallway as Angelina and Bryan both discussed about Lord Scar that they should take him to the maredi council, so they can execute him, she decides to cool off right after the battle. As Angelina got called for her bath is ready. In the shower room, as Angelina is taking a bath as she went to sleep and she sees visions of Adam Malfoy killing master Grey, Adam becoming lord Shauron lord Satan's apprentice, execute order 676 and the Empire killing of all the innocent people's while lord scar is the voice over. As she wakes up from her visions, right after her bath while she's wearing a towel around her as Bryan and Angelina both discussed about what Lord Scar told her if was true about lord Satan taking control of the republic and about her master Adam Malfoy, that they both discussed that she has her visions of the future.
* Outside of Mandlere as in the day of Mandlere, they both got a captive Lord Scar and as Jackie and Angelina both discussed that how she captures Lord Scar, as they both take him until the republic ship as came Anakin and Guinevere as they both discussed of how Angelina fight Lord Scar and capture him, until Bryan interrupt them that there's a important meeting.
* In the other room, as there is a first secret meeting of the maredi council as there is hologram of Adam Malfoy, Master Grey, Master Ganeld, Master Sabrina, Master Kook as they both discussed about Adam to protect the highest queen of Maddie and her sister princess Eve Amilda, until they both discussed of how she defeat and Capture Lord Satan and bring him back to Corusent and to execute him, and they also discussed about Ben has engaged General Snowden yet, that he is still in Utopia and him, commander Connal are planning to get ready to engage General Snowden, that since she's leaving in Mandlere she feels like that she needs more forces just in case he got out, as Adam told her that he can't because he is on his way to Niaboon as Adam and Angelina both discussed about why his going to Niaboon, since it's a celebration of Maddie being the highest queen of the republic that the chancellor Black sent him on this mission and must report to the council immediately. As they both discussed that Adam will sent a report to them just in case Maddie gets killed, that Angelina should come to their next meeting. As they both leaved, as Adam and Angelina both discussed about him going to Niaboon, that he can't wait to see his goddaughter Sarahbeth as they both said their farewells by their nicknames, right after Adam left. Bryan and Angelina both discussed about that she didn't tell the council about Lord Scar of Adam Malfoy by his vision that she didn't want to since she's love Adam as her father. As they both went to the ship and as they both jumped into hyperspace as they both leaved Mandlere for good
* In Utopia while General Snowden and the hologram of the Dark fairy both discussed about Lord Satan telling then to go to mufaser as, that he should not tell the Dark separatists leaders to go to mufaser as if it is a trick by him so they can get killed just like him with Ben Potter, where Ben and commander Connal are watching in the woods and both discussed about General Snowden's hideout that his talking to the dark Fairy, unless that he didn't know that they are in Utopia.
* While in hyperspace as Anakin and Angelina both discussed about her first meeting with the council, since she left, as they both discussed that if Lord Scar tells her about a vision about lord Satan taking control over the republic and the galaxy world that Maddie will died, as Anakin doesn't believe that and that Angelina believes it as he leaves.
* In Nabla, as there is a hologram of lord Satan and the Dark Fairy both discussed about her going to Niaboon and to killed the highest queen Maddie Amilda so right after she dies that the galaxy world will be under his control by him.
* As in hyperspace in the ship, as they both discussed the plan to take him to Corusent, until Angelina has somehow future senses and visions about the dark fairy killing Maddie and their is war in Niaboon. As they both are wandering of what's going on with Angelina as she went outside and she's thinking, she knows lord Scar. In prison as Angelina gets Lord Scar out of the box, as they both discussed about her future senses and visions about Maddie dying and war in Niaboon that it's the last war of the Army Wars, that she should trust him as she accepts to trust him in secret as if she believes in him, his visions are real that he knows that she also experienced those visions too. As she walks away.
* In the other room, where there is a secret second meeting of the maredi council as they both discussed about Lord Scar going to Corusent to get execute by the Maredi's, that the Maredi's don't kill an innocent dark Faith that they must since Dark Volemont got killed by Adam Malfoy himself, they both also discussed that she has a vision about Maddie by the Dark Fairy that it's lord Satan who wants Maddie died, as they both agreed to take her to Niaboon so the highest queen will be protected by a maredi and a citizen of the republic as they both leaved. As Adam and Angelina both discussed about him trusting chancellor black, lord Scar only wants Ben Potter and him, so he can killed Adam Malfoy because of his vision that he will become lord Shauron because if chancellor Black is lord Satan himself that why Adam trust chancellor black so much because he has nightmares of Selena dying in childbirth. That Adam must come to the ship, so he can meet Lord Scar and if he knows the truth about his vision, as Adam accepts to meet her in her ship that they must go to Niaboon so they can protect Maddie from dying by Lord Satan. As Adam leaves, when Angelina was curious that Bryan and her both discussed about going to see Angelina again, in the Niaboon ship, Adam and Eve both discussed that he should go to visit to Angelina in her ship since they both captured Lord Scar in Mandlere and that lord Scar wants to killed Adam of a vision of him becoming lord Satan's apprentice, and that chancellor black is lord Satan as she refuses. When they both share a kiss, as Adam went on his ship and leaves.
* In Corusent, in a dark castle there is the hologram of Dark Fairy and Lord Satan both discussed that Adam Malfoy knows that Lord Scar got captured by Angelina Jones in Mandlere, he sees a vision about Adam becoming lord Shauron lord Satan's apprentice and that Adam doesn't suspect anything about lord Satan yet.
* In the Mandlere ship, when Adam lands his ship and as Adam and Angelina both hugged as they both discussed about things that are back in Corusent, the maredi council's without her that he still missed her since she left as they both discussed that since they saw each other before they both separated as he rescue the chancellor black from General Snowden and her to capture Lord Scar from taking over in Mandlere. There they are both again as a apprentice and master, until came Bryan that Lord Scar wants them.
* In the prison, while Adam and Bryan, Angelina both discussed about Bryan in the mission that he did amazing while fighting in Mandlere, as they both discussed about Adam that he hasn't changed. Until they meet lord Scar as Adam and Lord Scar both discussion about his vision as lord Shauron that he wanted to kill him, and his secret marriage with his sister Eve Amilda that even though he didn't really loved her because he is a siren bond to her that's the reason why they both loved each other and now husband and wife, as lord Scar knows that he trust lord Satan since he was a boy that vision was the same visions of what Dark Volemont his father has, that he knows about that vision for a week since he was in Mandlere and that they must go to Niaboon because it's about his twin sister Maddie Amilda that she will get killed by lord Satan, so he can finally win to take over the galaxy world by his rule.
* In the middle of the ship, as Adam and Angelina both discussed Maddie dying by lord Satan that they must go to Niaboon, so if of what's lord Scar tell him that it was true that once Maddie dies her power will go to lord Satan who can take control over the galaxy world. As they went in the top of the ship, as they saw Anakin, Guinevere and Bryan as they both discussed that they should go to Niaboon because of a vision that Maddie will died, as they both decided to leave hyperspace and go to Niaboon. As they both went to galaxy and then went to hyperspace to Niaboon.
* While in hyperspace, as Adam and Angelina both discussed about there mission going to Niaboon about Maddie that they both discussed, if Maddie is a key to end the Army Wars and why lord Satan wants her dead so that he can have power.
* In Niaboon, as they both landed in Theed as they both meet Maddie as they both discussed the celebration of her being the highest queen as they leaved the landing there was people cheering for the celebration of Maddie Amilda.
* In Gothic kingdom, while Maddie and the government both discussed about chancellor black taking over the planets that was used to be in her control, that they must need to discussed to stop chancellor black taking over her own power that they feel like, that if she's the end of the Army Wars and why chancellor black wants to have power. That she will discuss, about the war later. In the hallway as Maddie and Anakin both discussed about her going to be dead, by lord Satan that lord Satan wanted her power as while they are fighting, in the shop came the Dark Fairy as she force choke the guards as she's walking to the hallway, they both have a argument about her being dead, as they both discussed that Anakin doesn't want to lose her that they are parents of Sarahbeth their own daughter as they both loved each other as she knows as they both shared a kiss. As they are both kissing passionately and when Captain Typho tells them that it's almost the celebration as he got force choke and came the Dark Fairy. As Anakin and Maddie, Dark Fairy/ Eve Amilda both discussed that the celebration of their highest queen of the republic and Niaboon, that she's lord Satan's sidekick and she's also Eve Amilda, Eve choosing the dark side of the force because of her love with Adam Malfoy and the jealous of the highest throne of Maddie Amilda, that she wants to take the highest throne by a duel between the two in the Niaboon' s how palace where they shall have a duel and once Maddie dies, the throne will be Eve's and once Eve dies, her throne goes to Maddie as she has a deal. Until came Adam and Angelina, that Maddie brought friends who are her maredi protectors, there is Adam and Angelina vs the Dark Fairy fight scene in Niaboon throughout the kingdom and went to the top of the kingdom until she escapes as Adam tells Angelina that Eve Amilda is the Dark Fairy.
* While in the hallway as Adam and Angelina both discussed about her living in Niaboon that if they shall end this Army Wars without Maddie dies until she feels a disturbance in the force that the dark fairy is here, as they both running to catch up.
* Right after there fight in the throne room, as Adam and Angelina, Anakin and Bryan, Maddie as they both discussed about that Maddie shall have duel with the Dark Fairy in Niaboon' how palace as that Maddie has to do it, she must fight with the Dark Fairy but if the Dark Fairy wins, she shall take the throne.
* In the hallway right after there meeting, as Maddie and Anakin both discussed about her fighting with the Dark Fairy who's her sister Eve, that they know that Eve has turned to the dark side of the force for her hatred that Maddie must fight her, what if Maddie dies and what will happen with the Rebellion. That if Maddie dies, the rebellion will go to her husband Anakin that he shall become a leader of the monster rebellion and to stop chancellor black from taking over in the galaxy world. In prison, where Adam visits Lord Scar as they both discussed about his vision of Maddie dying, by how she died by the Dark Fairy and that lord Satan will take control the galaxy world and Adam shall become his apprentice, as they both also discussed that Adam will never turned to the dark side and that he will because he is more closer to Lord Satan than anyone else, that he wants lord Satan to help him to save his wife from dying in childbirth. That lord Satan can help to save people from death like his wife, that lord Satan knows that power and learns it from his master Lord Hades the darkest wise that Adam knows about lord Hades, as they both discussed that lord Hades is Adam's great grandfather as they both discussed about his family of the cursed of the dark side by the first dark lord who is lord Satan's descendants. As they both discussed about lord Scar's deal that he can come to them in Niaboon's how palace so if Maddie dies and the throne will go to the Dark Fairy and lord Satan will have control of the galaxy world as Adam accepts the deal, as Bryan takes lord Scar out of jailed.
* In the front of the ship, while Anakin and Maddie are walking until came Angelina that she brought Adam and Captain Bryan, even Maddie's twin brother David to the Niaboon's how palace so that just in case Maddie needs protecting as they both accept, as they brought lord Scar to her as they both discussed as twin brother and sister again. To take him to the ship, as they leaved the Niaboon kingdom and to Niaboon's how palace.
* In Niaboon's how palace as they both meet elves that are named legitolas and his sister Ariel, Maddie and king thurndial both discussed about making peace with the elves, that this place is where she will died by the dark fairy as they both accept to have peace. As there getting ready for battle as Maddie and king Thurndial both discussed about Eve as the dark fairy and a sidekick for lord Satan and that he knows about her magic, that Eve is a maredi and a sorcerer and that she isn't Maddie's sister and that she was adopted. She is a daughter of Gerda the daughter of Runperstalkin and king Jon her own father that her birth mother is her mother's handmaiden that she is a maredi and a sorcerer until when her mother miscarries her unborn child as she trusted her husband to be with Gerda as they both fall in love and got married, have sex until they both convinced a child and that while she was pregnant with Eve her father king Jon went to the enchantress that tells him that Eve will be born to the dark side as Gerda gives birth to Eve as she promised Jon and Eden to take care of Eve as she dies of childbirth and Eve was giving up from birth, that she was adopted to her father king Jon and queen Eden all these years and that she didn't know the whole truth of who she is so she will be safe from the truth of that she is born to the dark side just and Eve follows that path, that Eve knows and now Maddie knows the truth about Eve's past story. Anakin and Maddie both discussion about her trusting elves, that she trust him and that he doesn't want her to die by Eve as she knows as they are both kissing passionately. That it's there last moment together as husband and wife as she knows then they are both kissing passionately. As they are both interrupt by Bryan that they are ready for war. As they both went to the outside, while the Dark Fairy is there with the battle droids as Anakin and Maddie both discussion that she still doesn't want her to fight the Dark fairy that she must do it for her people and her husband Anakin. When Maddie went to the Dark Fairy as they both discussed about Maddie's sword and her red lightsaber that Maddie knows about fencing and that Eve learns the dark side by her master Lord Satan. As they both discussed about when Maddie dies, the highest throne will go to Eve and the galaxy world that once Maddie dies the republic will be under the control of lord Satan. There is Maddie vs Dark Fairy fight scene in Niaboon's how palace, until when she stabbed her as Anakin screams and went to Maddie, before she dies she tells Anakin that she loves him as she dies. Lord Scar fights the Dark Fairy until he failed to kill her, that the Dark Fairy told everyone in Niaboon that there highest queen of the republic and Niaboon is dead, her power will now go to her master Lord Satan that this is the last war of the Army Wars. As she disappears, as Adam and Bryan, Anakin and Lord Scar are ready to fight. While there is a huge battle between the armies and the battle droids, as lord Scar is fighting with the Dark Fairy until she was about to get killed by Adam until there is Adam vs the dark fairy fight scene in Niaboon's how palace as she disappears. As they are continuing fighting the battle in Niaboon, until they both leaved in Niaboon's how palace back to Gothic kingdom as they both discussed that Maddie and that Eve is now the highest queen, they must tell the republic senate and the maredi council.
* Outside of the ship, as Governor Typron and the government both discussed about Maddie that she's hope that she's safe, and didn't get killed by the dark fairy and ended the Army wars. Until came Angelina, Anakin and Adam that they must telling him of what happened with Maddie. In the throne room, Adam and Anakin, Angelina, lord Scar as they both discussed that Maddie dies by the dark fairy and that Eve is a traitor, that Eve is in the new highest queen of the republic and Niaboon. In Maddie's funeral, as Maddie's getting cremated as Adam and Angelina both discussed about what will happen with the republic, that now it's the under control of Eve and lord Satan, he must report to the maredi council of what happened. As Lord Scar and Anakin both discussed about him leaving the republic, that he saw the same vision of what his master's has that he should regret it to leave the republic. Meanwhile in Nabla, where Eve becomes crown the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon as they both bow to her as lord Satan and the Dark Queen both discussion about Maddie that she is innocent to die, that he killed her so that he only wants was power into the Galaxy world and that that Galaxy world will be now his power to control and that the republic is now his. That now the Dark Queen now hates lord Satan for what he did to her sister Maddie.
* In the hallway of the Niaboon kingdom, right after Maddie's funeral as they are both discussed about the plan to destroy Lord Satan as Adam is feeling weird and that he is okey as he leaves as Angelina follows him. As Adam and Angelina both discussed about him telling the maredi council of what happened with Maddie, that he will as the maredi council will still trust him, as they both discussed about her Trimble that she made for him for a memory of her as he accepts as they both discussed about her regret to leave the maredi council as she accepts as they both said their last goodbyes as friends and former master and apprentice, before Adam becomes Lord Shauron. He leaves as Bryan tells Angelina that they both need to discussed about lord Scar. In the other room, Anakin and Angelina, the government both discussed about lord Scar that he shouldn't go to Corusent and get execute by the maredi council, that they have to since he is a dark Faith but she realizes that lord Scar is innocent because he helps us to fight in Niaboon's how palace, that they must take him to Corusent so if the maredi council wants him to get execute by them for his crimes as she accepts.
* Outside of the front of the ship, as Governor Typron and Anakin both discussed that they should go to Corusent because David innocent as Anakin knows as they both go to ship and leave Niaboon as they jump to hyperspace to Corusent.
* In Utopia as commander Connal and Ben both discussed the fighting to engage General Snowden, as there ready to fight and killed General Snowden so the war will be over. While in hyperspace as Angelina is sleeping but having nightmares about Adam becoming lord Shauron, As Adam stabbed her as him becoming full armor of lord Shauron as he calls Angelina until she wakes up and came Jasper, as they both discussed about him that his here to check on her and that it's about her nightmares, that her nightmares involved Adam Malfoy becoming a dark Faith as they both discussed about her loving Adam Malfoy as her father as she does, Jasper tells her that his here and that he loves her, he wanted to be with her that Angelina loves him as they both are kissing passionately and they both persuade to have sex as Jasper blows out the candle, because it implied that they have sex and sleeping together. In the maredi temple as Adam meets with Master Grey as both discussed that Maddie is dead and that Eve who is the Dark Fairy took the highest throne of the republic, that they realized they been tricked by the dark fairy and that lord Satan is behind everything even Maddie's death as he tells him that they must tell the mared council of what just happened with Maddie. Meanwhile in Angelina's ship in hyperspace as Angelina and Jasper are both getting dressed right after they have sex, as they both discussed about her nightmares that it's about the Galaxy world changing that she can't handle it, as he knows that they both loved each other even though the war is still going on, that the war is over because of Maddie is dead, the republic is now under the control of lord Satan as they both talked of what they should do now, since the war is finally over that now, they should get married and have children, living on Niaboon as they both confesses their love for each other as they are about to kiss as they are kissing passionately.
* In Utopia while Ben rides a lizard and went to the hideout as General Snowden and the dark separatists both discussed that they should go to mufaser ant that they will be safe from there, that the Dark separatists will be safe since count Peter is died as it was told by lord Satan that they should to go to mufaser as their ship is ready. As the dark separatists leaved as Ben came, when there is Ben Potter vs General Snowden fight scene in Utopia as the armies are now starting fighting against the battle droids as Ben is chasing General Snowden around Utopia until when he drop his lightsaber sword as Connal pick it up.
* Meanwhile in the maredi council, as Adam and Master Grey, there is hologram of master Ganeld, master Kook and Sabrina, there is a hologram of commander Connal that Ben has just engage General Snowden as Master Grey tells Adam that he must the chancellor right after Adam leaves, as they both know that something is bothering Grey, that it's about the chancellor that he senses a dark side around the chancellor. Meanwhile in Angelina's ship, as Bryan and Angelina are walking to a other room, there is a third secret maredi council meeting as there is a hologram of Master Grey, Master Ganeld, Master Kook, Master Sabrina as they both discussed the dark side in the chancellor Black that if Blacks is keeping on controlling more planets than he shall be removed from office, that ganeld always feels the dark side in the Chancellor Black. Until came Angelina, as they both discussed about her mission in Niaboon that Maddie is dead, because she got killed by the Dark Fairy and Eve is now the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon, Ben just engage General Snowden and about Adam that has he told Grey about everything, as Grey tells her that he did as she asks where's Adam now. Grey tells her that he is on his way to the chancellor Black about Ben engaging General Snowden as they both discussed about lord Scar that he shall go to Corusent and so that they can execute him for his crimes as Angelina believes that he is innocent as they should bring him to Corusent so he can be executed as she accepts, that she's doing her job as a republic citizen. Master Grey tells that they hope that the chancellor Black isn't lord Satan who's taking control the galaxy world as she was curious as Grey tells her that it's about her and it's the council, that she doesn't need to be part of. Right after they are gone, as Master Ganeld and Angelina both discussed about leaving a message to Adam Malfoy, that she loves him as a father that he hopes that he can figure things out, he has friends that will help him and his unborn children as Master Ganeld disappears. While Angelina is thinking about the maredi council and Adam Malfoy. In the hallway as Bryan and Angelina both discussed about the maredi council meeting, that she cares about Adam since he is about to become a father with Selena, that she doesn't want to lose Adam Malfoy as he knows. As they both went out front of the ship, as Bryan and his armies are getting ready for planning in Corusent, when Bryan went to Angelina as they both discussed about when she was a padawan had been a soldier not a peacekeeper as that there are only peacekeepers not soldiers, why do they want to have peace as Bryan knows because the Maredi's fought a lot of battles that they should deserved victory with the armies because he is been a soldier too with all those mixed feelings they both had during the war as without Bryan and his armies, there won't be a friendship between the two of him, as she knows when his about to leave Angelina tells him that she loves him more than just a friend as he knows that he loves her more than just a friend. They both saluted one another as Bryan tells him that there still planning when they enter Corusent as she refuses that there is more good news into the galaxy world as he leaves and when Angelina looks into the hyperspace.
* In Utopia while Ben and General Snowden are still chasing each other around Utopia until they are both continuing fighting, as when Ben stabbed him in the heart when General Snowden falls to the ground as he became dead, Ben told himself that it's so uncivilized as he looks at General Snowden's dead body. In Corusent, the chancellor black's office where Adam and Chancellor Black both discussion about Ben that he just engage General Snowden, that he should been there with him, that the council didn't trust him to become a maredi master. That chancellor black discussed to Adam that he can help with the lies and that he knows the ways of the force, the power of the dark side that when he was young just like Adam he wanted a more life he ever wanted until he trusts Adam's grandfather Lord Hades how much power he has and that Adam knows that he is Lucifer Nazareth and that he kills him in his sleep so he can become more power than any maredi hasn't seen that Adam must join him, so he can saved his wife from death as now Adam knows that he is lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith, that chancellor black doesn't want Adam to be continued of the pawn of the maredi council that Adam wants a life a different life, that he ever wanted as Black wanted that he wants him to join him in the dark side of the force just like of what Black chooses to be with his grandfather Lord Hades, as Adam wants to kill chancellor Black as he can feel his anger it makes Adam more stronger, more powerful to the dark side. That Adam is going to turn in Chancellor Black to the maredi council, that he knows he will but he doesn't know about their intentions and Adam will soon find a truth of all this. That Chancellor Black knows he will that he must know the dark side of the force to saved Selena. Meanwhile in Angelina's ship, in hyperspace while in prison while Lord Scar is meditating until he wakes up of a future senses and visions about Adam Malfoy as Angelina is still looking at the hyperspace until she has a future senses and visions about, master Grey dueling Chancellor Black within his office and Adam's betrayed Grey, Adam becoming Lord Satan's apprentice Lord Shauron, in mufaser Adam and Ben immortal scene. Adam becoming full lord Shauron with armor as he asks lord Satan about his wife Selena, that in his anger that he's killed her and his unborn children as he screams in agony and pain for losing his wife as Adam Malfoy is now gone forever. Angelina knows that Adam what will happen to him.
* Meanwhile in the maredi temple, where Adam and Master Grey both discussed about Ben just kill General Snowden and that they go to the senate and to ensure that chancellor black gives his emergency powers back, that chancellor black won't give up his power because he knows the powers the Dark side, he is lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith, they realized their faith is finally discovered that they must killed lord Satan and so the galaxy world shall peace, but Adam must go and that he doesn't want him to go to the mission that he must remind in the council's chambers until they returned as they both leaved to go to chancellor's office. In Nabla while the Dark Queen is looking at the sunset in the horizon, in Selena's apartment while Selena looks at the window of the maredi temple. Meanwhile in the maredi council chambers, while Adam is having flashbacks of memories that he has with Selena from the day they first meet to there love and them getting married, having sex and her pregnancy and him promising her not to died. Seeing Maddie dies during the fight as he thinking about his nightmares of Selena dying in childbirth and that chancellor Black told him if the maredi kill him, any chance of saving Selena will be gone forever. He sees Selena and feels her feelings that he loves her and don't want to lose her, until Adam leaves and rushes after the five maredi.
* In chancellor Black's office, master Grey claims that chancellor black is under the arrested as they both discussed about that the senate will decide the chancellor's fate, that his not the senate yet. Until Chancellor Black grabs his red lightsaber sword and kills all of the five maredi's, then as Black and Grey both have a duel in his office, until came Adam as he wants him to let him go, as Grey let's go of Chancellor Black as he realizes that Adam has chose to be with lord Satan for his love of his secret wife Selena as they both discussed about the maredi betrayal him, that he choose Black over them as Grey and Adam both fighting against each other in the office until when Adam's blue lightsaber sword went to his throat as Chancellor Black tells Adam to refill his destiny to the dark side of the force and that he shall killed him for vengeance of the maredi council just like what he did as Adam hand went to Grey's chest as he ripped out his heart as Grey begs Adam not to killed him as Adam squeeze his heart into dust as Grey is feeling in pain as he is suffering Black is smiling happily as he is force lighting him into death as Adams blue lightsaber sword cut Grey's head off as he is falling everlasting from the office as Adam knows what he has done but it was too late for him. Chancellor Black and Adam both discussed that he shall become his apprentice and learn to used the dark side of the force, as Adam accepts to his teachings of the dark side becoming his apprentice and learn to used the dark side to saved Selena, then Chancellor black Christening Adam Malfoy to become a powerful dark Faith that he is called Lord Shauron. Lord Satan sends Shauron to his first assignment that he must a launch of the seige of the Maredi temple with the so called maredi rebellion is crushed. Right after he killed all the maredi in the temple, he must go to mufaser to kill viceroy Dyen and the other dark separatists leaders that the dark Faith will control the galaxy world and they shall have peace. Shauron Leads the 60th legion to the maredi temple.
* In Angelina's ship, Captain Bryan got a message of lord Satan that told him to execute order 676 as Angelina realizes something is wrong with Adam Malfoy. They grab their blasters in announcing of execute order 676. As Bryan's body is shook and tells her to find Jay before firing her. As Angelina fights the armies and realizes something is wrong with them, that they must killed Angelina since she's a maredi as she's continuing fighting with them until she escapes. When Captain Bryan told the armies that they should kept an eye of the prisoner and Angelina Jones is a maredi and a traitor of the Republic. While Angelina is on the top of the ship as she calls her father Anakin Jones as they both discussed that the armies's are turning against her and that they want to kill her, that he realizes it's execute order 676, in the hallway as a Army Ronald got a transmission of lord Satan that told him of execute order 676 as Ronald went to Anakin Jones as they both discussed about Ronald doing his duty, to killed Anakin Jones as he blast him as Anakin grabs his blue lightsaber sword as he and Ronald both fight against each other, when Anakin beheaded Ronald that he killed Ronald, as came the armies as Angelina and Anakin are fighting with them, as they both meet up in the middle as they are both fighting and discussed that they hope the rest of the Maredi's aren't died across in the galaxy world just like them, as there keeping of fighting. In the maredi temple, in the maredi council chambers where their are maredi masters are named Beth and Ali both discussed of what's going on with him and the armies, as Adam grabs his blue lightsaber sword and slaughtered the maredi masters. In Utopia while the armies are still fighting against the battle droids, until came Ben who's riding on a lizard as Ben and Commander Connal both discussed about he should move his armies into the higher levels, Ben needs his lightsaber sword and that they should finished this war. As Ben leaves when Commander Connal got a transmission of lord Satan to tell him that time has execute order 676. Connal tells the armies to blast Ben, as they blast Ben as he falls off the cliff, Master Kook got killed by Commander Charles and 170th region in Elian, Master Elinor got killed by commander Steven and the 29th region, but her apprentice Karon survived in Salem, Master Kion got killed by Commander Robert and his 129th region in Spellied. Master Jefferson got killed by Commander Raleigh and his 23th region in the Five Realms. Master Keri got killed and beheaded by Commander Echo in the colonial planet. When Master Ganeld senses all of the Maredi's getting killed and be gone. In Angelina's ship, while Anakin and Angelina are still fighting the armies, as they both discussed that why are the armies turning against them? That they must need to get Lord Scar, he knows what's going on as they are continue fighting the armies to go to the prison.
* Meanwhile in Karmio as Commander Kevin got a transmission of Lord Satan about execute order 676 as they both went to Master Ganeld as he beheaded the both of the armies, Gaston and Rocky help Ganeld escape the planet. Meanwhile in the maredi temple, while the armies and the maredi children are fighting against the armies. When Ezra sees the dead of his best friend Isabella who is bloody dead, on the floor as he comfort her. In the maredi council chambers, there is blood on the maredi master's on the floor as Adam force choke Ali in anger, as he tells him that they are innocent as Adam beheaded Ali as he walks from the maredi council chambers to somewhere else. In Selena's apartment, as Aaron tells her that chancellor Black sends Adam Malfoy to go to the maredi temple that they hope everything is alright, as Selena is crying for Adam if he dies during the great maredi purge. Senator Bill Brown arrives at the flaming of the maredi temple to witness a slaughter of a young padawan named Lucas by commander Zuses and his armies. Brown horrified flees the scene and departs Corusent in Tantine three to make contact with any surviving maredi.
* Meanwhile in Angelina's ship, while Anakin and Angelina both went to the prison, as Anakin used a maredi mind trick on a army to open the prisoner door, as Anakin and Angelina, Lord Scar both discussed that the armies are turning over against them, because of lord Satan has finally won that right after his twin sister Maddie Amilda died, his power now a under the control of lord Satan and that lord Judas and the Dark Fairy are the ones that invented execute order 676 so the armies turned against the Maredi's that maybe the one of the armies will know the truth. Angelina and Anakin both discussed about Bryan that they need him, that they need to find answers of what happened before he became a army and execute order 676. As they both get out of jailed, Anakin and Angelina are running out of jailed and got chase by the armies, until they went to a room where they have found droids to help them with Bryan. Until they find a transmission of Bryan telling them about execute order 676 from there chips by Jay that Tom has it when he killed a Maredi, as they both discussed the chips of Bryan's head, that they have to get it out so he won't become a killer to them. That they need a idea, to get Bryan back as Anakin has a plan. In the hallway, while Bryan is out there and came a droid that there is a hologram of Angelina, that Angelina tells him know why he turned against her and her father and that they saw a report of Jay that he had been programmed to turn against them that his mind has been intact by a inhibitor chip that they can find a way to saved him as got electric and becomes unconscious.
* In the medical bay, where they both took Bryan's body into the table as Angelina and Anakin, the droids both discussed how they can find the chip, in Bryan's head so he can be free. Until she uses a force on him, until she find it, while the armies went to the door. As the droids are getting his inhibitor chip out of Bryan's brain while Anakin is keeping an eye on Bryan until when the armies came out of the door as Angelina fights with the armies. When Bryan wakes up, while an army is about to killed her as there is a blast. It was Bryan that saved her, as she asked if Bryan was alright, that he tells her that he is sorry for almost killing them earlier, as Anakin asking him about Bryan what's going on with the armies why did they turned against them as Bryan tells Angelina and Anakin that the entire Army of the Republic had betrayal their Maredi and had been ordered to hunt down and kill the reminding ones. As Anakin and Angelina were surprise and confused. As they both discussed about who's behind all of this, that name it's Lord Satan who's behind all of this that he have won and the galaxy world is now under his control. As they both discussed about how he got the inhibitor chip as Bryan tells him that he was a artist that he was in love with a princess named Melanie from England as they both fall in love with each other and they both confesses their love with each other as they both have sex for the first time, right after they have sex as he propose to her of a ring that they both wanted to get married as she accepts but a permission of her father, they both meet king Charlise as he accepts there marriage. As they both got married but during the wedding as her father gives her a crown for her to become a next queen of Britain. As she gives birth to a boy named Michael and later a girl named Annie as in her christening as she became queen from England and, as her son Michael falls in love with a girl named Diane, that he has to make a choice be on the throne or be with her. As Bryan tells him that he must be on the throne that he should marry Diane in secret ever since he loves her, as Michael and Diane have a secret ceremony in the London church, as they both got married and became husband and wife while Bryan is there. Diane and Michael have a cottage on there own, as they both have two children named Grace and Tony. While Bryan and Melanie both discussed that he let's Michael to get married without her permission, that Michael loves Diane and he chooses to be with her, until came the armies as they both want Bryan. As the commander Tommy and Bryan both discussed that he should choose to be with his family or go and become a army, as Meghan doesn't want him to as he accepts as the armies take him. In Kamieno, where he meets the Dark Fairy as she brings him to Chancellor Black as him and Bryan both discussed about him joining the Army of the republic that he shall become a Captain of the Armies, but he shall also assign to kill all of the Maredi's for the galaxy world empire as Bryan refuses, as the guards took him as they put a inhibitor chip on his brain as he was reborn as Army. That Bryan remembers everything that happened before he became a army, they need to find a way to leave this ship. Angelina and Anakin both discussed about lord Scar of what happened in Corusent of the maredi temple, as Bryan was curious about Lord Scar. Until the doors open as the came the armies, as Anakin and Angelina, Bryan are now fighting with the armies who are their former allies. As they went to the prison and went to Lord Scar, as they both discussed about what happened with the maredi temple, that he told him that the armies and lord Satan's new apprentice Lord Shauron that killed of all of the Maredi in the temple, now since the Maredi's are all gone because of Lord Satan. As they both discussed, that they should go to Corusent and see what happens in the maredi temple and the republic senate with their new highest queen of the republic and Niaboon is the Dark Fairy as they both leaved, as Angelina knows that the Dark Fairy is Eve Amilda who is Lord Scar's sister as he knows. Angelina and Lord Scar both discussed about him joining them, so if his vision is true and they can destroy Lord Satan before he takes control of the republic as Lord Scar accepts as Bryan tells him that they are armies coming out this way as they both get out of jailed as they both got chase by the armies as they are fighting against the armies, when Jasper is running with them as Angelina and Jasper both discussed about of what happened with the armies that they betrayed and killed all of the Maredi's as they both discussed about since they are forced to hiding of there survival that they should be together since they both have a sexual relationship, as Bryan finds out that Jasper and Angelina are together, like boyfriend and girlfriend as Jasper finds out that Angelina loves Bryan more than just a friend, to have a sexual feelings even though he is old for her as they both decided to talk about her sexual feelings with Bryan as they run to the front of the hanger when there is a transmission of Senator Bill Brown as Anakin and Bill both discussed about Corusent that if it's safe, that the maredi temple got des by the armies that it isn't safe, that they must go back so they can find answers of what happened with the Maredi's and Adam Malfoy as Bill accepts. When the ship got exploded and they went to hyperspace, as they are flying to Corusent. While as they are both saw the armies took their positions in front of the hanger as Bryan and Angelina both discussed about their is so much armies, that he doesn't want to kill them because they are his brothers as Angelina walked over to Bryan as she removes his helmet and his face is distraught face as she tells him to listen to her as she tells him that she always cares about Bryan, that she loves him until the day they will both died that she loves him always as they both shared their first kiss. Right after they kiss Bryan tells Angelina that she's right, as he put his helmet back on about everything that they have to do to survive and go to Corusent to safety that they both have a good plan so they won't kill the armies. As they both reached the hanger, Bryan and Jasper disgust as a Army as they both got Angelina and Anakin, Lord Scar, in captured when Miles and Bryan both discussed about that they both been in special orders by lord Satan to eliminate Angelina and Anakin, they are traitors of the republic as they both discussed that Angelina and Anakin both leaved the maredi council, even though that they are not Maredi's, that Bryan should kill Angelina that he can't because he is in love with her since she fought in the war as a padawan, as Angelina, Bryan and Anakin, lord Scar and Jasper both are fighting the armies in the hanger, when Jasper got shot by Miles as Angelina went to him, as he tells her that she must find out he truth about the maredi temple and Adam Malfoy that he loves her, it doesn't matter that she loves Bryan more than him as he dies. When Angelina and Bryan, Anakin and lord Scar both are both continuing fighting the armies, then they both went to the shuttle. While the republic maredi ship got landed and exploded in Corusent, when they are in the shuttle flying to the maredi temple. In Corusent, in the shuttle as they saw the smoke of the maredi temple as they both landed and get off of the shuttle, that Adam and Angelina, Lord Scar, Captain Bryan as they both discussed that they shall go to the maredi temple so they can find answers of what happened as if nothing bad happens with the Maredi's and that they need to find who's ever a dark Faith did this, as all four went to the maredi temple. In the maredi temple, as Angelina and Anakin, Lord Scar, Captain Bryan saw dead bloody children on the ground, as they both discussed that the armies killed those children and lord Shauron killed the Maredi's masters. That they need to find lord Shauron and killed him since he is lord Satan's apprentice, as Angelina accepts and that Lord Scar will find the Dark Queen and that he shall killed her since she kill his twin sister Maddie Amilda. As both Angelina and Lord Scar leaved separated as Anakin is looking at the dead children as Bryan and him are both wondering of what happened with the Maredi's, that they got killed by the dark Faith. While Angelina is walking in the hallway as she saw the armies marching, as she went closer. Lord Scar is walking in the hallway until he hears a evilly laughing as he grabs his red lightsaber sword, Angelina continue to walk in the hallway until she hears voices, that are familiar as she continues to follows it, until she realizes there is a discussion of Lord Satan and Lord Shauron both discussed about him killing of all of the Maredi's as he shows him the head of a child, that lord Satan tells lord Shauron that he have done well, that he shall Meir peace of the galaxy world Empire, that lord Shauron shall become a highest king of the Galactic World empire and Niaboon with his wife the Dark Queen, lord Shauron will killed viceroy Dyen and the other dark separatists so he can have the galaxy world into his power as lord Satan leaves. Until Angelina and Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron both discussed that he has made his choice to go to the dark side and that he choose the dark side because of Selena isn't it, that Angelina left him in the maredi council and that he still feel pain and suffering since she left, that they both loved each other as father and daughter. That Adam wants to killed Angelina for leaving of the maredi council as she knows that he has changed until there is Angelina vs Adam Malfoy fight scene in the maredi temple, until Anakin senses it as he leaves Bryan that he must check lord Scar as he came to saved Angelina as there is Anakin vs Adam Malfoy fight scene in the maredi temple, until when Adam is about to kill him as Angelina comes and she is continuing to fighting lord Shauron until she feels lord Scar's pain as she and him force hand with each other as they both pulled off with each other as they both fall into the fall, until Angelina grabs her sword and throws towards Adam as he holds it, throws it towards Anakin as it misses as Adam disappears out of thin air, as Anakin and Angelina both discussed that Adam has changed, it's isn't the master that Angelina knows, that they need to check on lord Satan. In the other side of the maredi temple, while lord Scar is still hearing evil laughing until came the Dark Queen, as they both discussed her killing his twin sister Maddie amilda so that she can take over the highest throne of the republic and Niaboon, that Niaboon Is now under the control of herself and lord Satan, that Lord Scar must killed her for what she did to Maddie, there is Lord Scar vs The Dark Queen fight scene in the maredi temple, when the Dark Queen stabbed lord Scar in the belly as Angelina senses his pain during her fight with Adam Malfoy. As he falls to the floor, when she tells him that he lost as she disappears, when Anakin, Angelina and Bryan both find Lord Scar unconscious in the floor, as he told Angelina that he failed to kill his sister that there is victory in the galaxy world, as he dies when Angelina tells them that she can resurrect him back as she heals him with her force power as he became alive and resurrected by Angelina. As they both discussed that why Angelina saved him, because she believes that lord Scar is innocent and believes of what lord Scar told her in Mandlere, he is right all along about Adam Malfoy has changed and Lord Satan is going to take control over of the republic. Anakin and they both discussed that anakin should go back to the senate, that of where lord Scar has telling them. That if lord Satan is taking control the republic as he must be there, and that Anakin is not alone as Angelina that Bryan and Lord Scar should go to the senate if Lord Scar visions is true as Angelina decides to come with him to the senate. As they both discussed that they should go to the senate, so they can find Lord Satan and killed him, bring him to justice as lord Scar told them that it's too late for them to kill lord Satan that he has won, that they should go to the senate as if Anakin trusts Lord Scar as they both decided to leave the maredi temple.
* Meanwhile in Eve's castle at night, while Adam/ Lord Shauron visits his second secret wife Eve Amilda/ The Dark Queen as they both hugged and kissed, as they both discussed that she thought that he was gone during the great maredi purge, that everything is fine with his master Lord Satan that now he is the highest king with Eve as she knows that she loves, as they both love each other as they are both kissing passionately, taking off each other's clothes off as they are both naked, while there having sex it's shows a lot of nudity, of Adam's buttocks and Eve's full breast in the bed as they are both having sex, as they both unknowingly convinced a child when Eve/ Dark Queen became pregnant with his child. In the morning, right after they have sex when Adam/ Lord Shauron put on his clothes as Eve/ Dark Queen wakes up but covering in blankets as she puts on a black robe. As they both discussed about Adam going to visit his secret wife Selena Snow, that she's still carrying with his twin children and that his master Lord Satan sends him on a important mission to kill viceroy Dyen and the dark separatists leaders in mufaser as Eve/ Dark Queen that she knows, will visit her secret husband right after he slaughtered the dark separatists leaders that she's was about to tell him that she is pregnant with his child as they both are kissing passionately. Right after they kissed, Adam/ Lord Shauron leaves Eve/ Dark Queen to visited his wife.
* In Karmio, where Master ganeld leaves the planet as he thanks Gaston and Rocky for helping that he hopes that he will seen them again. As Master Ganeld leaves on the ship. Meanwhile in Utopia, where the armies are trying to find Ben, as he escapes and went to the ship, until he got a transmission of Senator Bill Brown as they both discussed about the armies turning over the Maredi's that Bill tells Ben that he got master ganeld as that Ben should go to his ship. When, Ben went to the ship. In the Tantine three ship as Ben and Master ganeld, Senator Bill brown both discussed about execute order 676, that happened around the galaxy world and that they should go back to Corusent, of the maredi temple so they know that everything is safe. As Master Ganeld tells them that if someone is doing this to killed the maredi is destroying the galaxy world. In Selena's apartment, as Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron returns to Selena as the maredi temple that is wrecked in the rising smoke can be seen. As they both discussed about her and his unborn twins children are safe as he tells the maredi tried to overthrow the republic and there are traitors of the senate. That Maddie have died In Niaboon by the dark fairy as he asked her loyalty to the chancellor and princess Eve Amilda, that he tells her he will go to the mufaser system where the remaining dark separatists have gathered to end the war. He leaves her, Aaron tells Selena if she needs everything that she doesn't need he leaves her alone. While on the ship, as they are on their way to the senate to kill lord Satan as Anakin got a transmission from Spoick that there is a special session by the Chancellor Black and princess Eve herself, that he will come there, as they both discussed a special session from lord Satan, that the republic will now taken a under the control of lord Satan, that he should go to the senate with Angelina for protection and if he's right about lord Scar. Lord Scar shall not go to jailed as Anakin and Angelina went to the senate building, while lord Scar and Bryan are now in the ship until came the armies that they are the traitors of the republic as lord scar and Bryan are fighting with them, right after they killed them they both discussed that they need a place, to hide from the armies so lord Satan won't killed him, as they both decided that they should fight more armies instead of hiding from them. In the senate building, in Anakin's office as Angelina and Anakin went to the office, as he contacted Guinevere as they both switched in his office and Guinevere's office in Mandlere as they both discussed about Maddie got killed by the dark fairy who is princess Eve amilda and there a the special session in the senate by the chancellor Black and princess Eve amilda, that the chancellor black is lord Satan she must to go to the senate that it's important. As she accepts. In Guinevere's office in Mandlere, came her Jackie who is her handmaiden that Guinevere needs a ship that she's going to Corusent. In Anakin's office, as Anakin and Angelina both discussed about the special session with the both of chancellor black and princess Eve Amilda, that if the chancellor black is lord Satan and that he's taking control over the senate and the entire galaxy world, that they must need to go to the senate to find out the truth themselves, as they both leaved his office to the senate. In the Tantine three ship, there is a transmission of Spoick about there is a special session by the chancellor Black and princess Eve amilda, that he will come. As they both discussed, that in the maredi temple it could might be trapped that the chancellor Black is doing this special session if his taking control over the republic in the outer rimes, that instead to warn any surviving of the maredi to stay away in the temple, that they since Bill is going to the senate that they should go sneak to the maredi temple. In the hallway of the senate building, as came Guinevere and Arina, Anakin both discussed the special session that is given by the chancellor black and princess Eve for no reason, that Maddie is dead, that she got killed by the dark fairy who is princess Eve her sister that she's now the highest queen of the republic and Niaboon, that they both don't get it why Maddie is dead and the chancellor is doing this session. As they both went to the senate
* Maddie looks at the pre recording of the hearing with the senate, as Maddie and her husband Anakin realizes that the Chancellor Black wants to control of the Republic
* As Maddie and her husband Anakin, bring the Senators into her office as she show them the pre recording of the hearing as they believe in their queen Maddie. She decides to called them the Senators 300, delegation of senators that is Maddie's secret senators to trust her,
* Maddie and her husband Anakin, the 300, delegation of senators have two secret meetings for the seeds of the rebellion for the ways to stop the Chancellor black
* The third meeting for the seeds of the rebellion right after the meeting with Chancellor black, Maddie and her husband Anakin. Arina and Bill, Selena who are become founders of the Monster Rebellion to stop the chancellor Black
* Years right after, Angelina left the maredi council. In Corusent, she works for the bounty hunters with her birth mother Guinevere, and the Republic senate with her birth father Anakin Jones.
* Outside of the Republic building as Lord Scar and Bryan are fighting the armies, until came Guinevere and her Mandalorians, Anakin and Angelina came as they both continue to fight, as Bryan got shot in the chest until came The Dark Queen as Lord Scar and her fight until she stabbed him. Lord Scar dies believe that there is hope as he dies.
* There is first sex scene between Bryan and Angelina
* During the mission, Adam talks to hologram Selena who is visibly pregnant. As they both talked about the senate even themselves, while outside captain Bryan tells Ben that he is only checking his gear. Once Adam is done, talking to Selena. Ben say unless you told Selena that I said hi. Adam turns and walks away
* Right after the third battle of Niaboon, in Nabla while Eve/ Dark Queen is now the highest queen but still confused about Maddie and her master Lord Satan as she meditates as it shows her and Maddie where they first meet as kids, as they both grow closer together as sisters when Jon abuse Eve while Maddie is there to comfort her and Eve saves Maddie from a killer as Eve realizes that she has magic, they decided to keep it a secret. Maddie becomes highest queen as they become talking about Clifford. As Maddie and her both are talking about their marriage, to lord Satan tells her to kill Maddie as it shows them fighting. To where Maddie dies as Eve wakes up that it's lord Satan who killed her sister.
* Eve/ Dark Fairy destroy all the droids and men as she went into Lord Satan. That she is angry that he killed Maddie since she is innocent as they both talked about Maddie and Eve herself into the dark side even Adam Malfoy as his new apprentice Lord Shauron, as Eve now hates lord Satan for what he did to Maddie. That he will be dead, by Adam Malfoy and her for revenge for what he did to them.
* During the battle, Eve tells Adam if she wanted to marry him as he accepts the proposal
* During the battle, Adam killed George who is a dark separatist, as he told him that Eve was right about him. As George dies and Adam saved the republic.
* Angelina meets Riley and maya who are the daughters of Queen Grace there stepmom and Clifford
* There is a lot of violence of execute order 676 with the armies killing the Maredi's across the galaxy world
* Execute order 676 has started, where Adam and the 37 region march to the Maredi Temple, Angelina feels something is going on as Captain Bryan and his armies to killed her as she fights them off as her father Anakin Jones is fighting with her as Adam went into master Gon office to asked him where is the Maredi's as he killed him. When Adam finds the Maredi's masters in the front of the council as they discussed of what's going on with Adam as he slaughtered them in pieces, as he force choke Aion as he beheaded him. As he continues to slaughtering of all the Maredi's master's meanwhile as Ben falls off by a cliff with his Nlagon animal by commander Johnson and his armies, Keri dies by the armies of 67 region. Master Beth is fighting all of the armies and his padawn Karon survived as he sees her dead. Commander Rocky and his armies killed Franklin by shooting his ship as he dies by crashing it. Commander Echo and his armies killed Timmy by hanging him by the ropes, as Commander Echo grabs a knife and beheaded Timmy. When master Ganeld survived of execute order 676z
* Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron as it shows him killing the maredi leaders for revenge
* There is a lot of violence when Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron killed all of the dark separatists in mufaser
* Maya tells Angelina that the maredi are evil
* Lord Scar and Angelina are fighting with Anakin and the Niaboon's in the war of the planets.
* Right after the plans of going to hide from the empire. Angelina and Anakin both discussed about that there is good in Adam that they both believed it, where Angelina is going to hide, that she's going to hide with Bryan since he helps, when he experience killing her and that Angelina loves him. That she has sexual feelings for Bryan since she was a little girl.
* In the very end in a planet called Eioln, where Bryan and Angelina both discussed about her blue lightsaber swords that she must forgets about the past and that her lightsaber sword will soon be past by her former master Adam Malfoy's unborn child a girl that is named Scarlett as she drops her lightsaber sword, to take her death as lord Shauron and Angelina both lose their force connected from each other forever.
* Riley and maya tells Angelina why the maredi are evil. When there are young, they lived in a apartment with their father. Until the maredi are chasing a bounty hunter named Vector. While there real mother Ella is giving birth to there sibling, until they crashed their apartment as they got injured as there mother and the baby didn't survive as the maredi tells them not to worry. Until years later, Clifford remarries Queen Grace
* Riley and maya find out that Angelina is a maredi because king Yuan told them
* King Yuan captures Queen Grace for there deal of him to marry Grace
* Grace accepts to marry King Yuan so they can have peace between there planets
* Before Grace kissed King Yuan, she stabbed him in the belly as he dies Which cames a battle in Tuella
* There is a Battle in Tuella
* Angelina meet Jackie she is part of Mandlere as she tells Angelina they have a enemy Lord Scar. Angelina decides to be with Jackie to helped them defeat Lord Scar
* Adam gifts Angelina Army dressed up as her color, and gives her two blue lightsabers sword
* Angelina told Adam and Ben to rescue the chancellor because the chancellor needs them as Adam and Angelina both said goodbye to each other. Angelina tells Adam good luck to rescue the chancellor.
* There is a long reunion between Adam and Angelina
* There is a hologram of Eve that she told him that the Chancellor Black got captured by General Snowden
* During the fight, Angelina finds out that Lord Scar is a apprentice of Dark Volemont that Lord Scar has seen the same vision as Dark Volemont did
* Lord Scar brought Angelina who is a wrong maredi, but wants Adam Malfoy so he can killed him
* Before Selena's rumantions, in Nabla as Eve/ The Dark Queen is looking out in the window while the sun is setting that the Republic is come to the end
* Lord Satan sends The Dark Fairy into her homeland Niaboon to killed her older sister Maddie Amilda
* Anakin and Angelina went to Niaboon, by lord Scar who they told them they find out that the Dark Fairy is going to killed the highest queen of The Republic and finish the war
* Lord Scar is David Amilda, he is a younger twin brother of Maddie Amilda. And he always hated his other sister Eve
* Lord Scar knows about the very secret marriage between Eve and Adam during the fight with Angelina
* There is a Angelina vs Lord Scar fight scene in Mandlere
* They captured Lord Scar as later he senses Adam's betrayal same as Angelina
* Angelina and Anakin get a chip out of Bryan's brain
* Angelina and Anakin asks Bryan of how he got a chip in his brain. He tells them that he was in love with Princess Eve but some said that he is been sleeping with the dark fairy. Until she took him to meet the chancellor Black as he denies to join him as they put a chip on his brain.
* Before Angelina and Bryan leaved to go to Corusent, they both shared a intimate moment as they both have sex in her fathers senate apartment complex, in his bedroom
* In Selena's apartment complex, Adam talks with the hologram secretly second wife Eve about that everything is going on with him, that he tells her that Selena is pregnant with his child. But Eve was surprised as he told her that he wishes that he can spend time with Eve but she knows that he is sleeping with a Senator she tells him what's wrong about his nightmare of her dying in childbirth. And that those dreams can come true but Eve refuses to believe it. As pregnant Selena is at the door, telling Adam that she needs him for dinner. Adam tells her that he went to Master Ganeld about his nightmare and that he wants to go to Chancellor Black. Eve refuses her husband Adam to go to visit the chance for guidenace as they have a huge fight about the chancellor as Adam told her to trust him. She trusts him. As she leaves.
* Right after Adam's conversation with his secret second wife Eve Amilda about the chancellor Black, as his secret pregnancy wife Selena and him are both talking about Eve, as Adam tells her that he is secretly married to Eve Amilda. But Selena isn't mad, she know that Adam still has feelings for Eve same as Selena that she hope that he still didn't hide his secret from her, while they are still married
* Selena knows her secret husband Adam Malfoy's secret marriage with Eve Amilda
* Angelina and Bryan, Anakin decides to go to Corusent by what happened with the maredi
* As Lord Scar got captured by Anakin and Angelina, Bryan to know what's going to happen in Corusent
* Angelina and Anakin decides to let lord Scar to be with them, in the maredi temple
* There is a Lord Scar vs Dark Fairy fight scene, in the temple where she killed her brother by force choking her. He tells her that there is good in her.
* There is Anakin vs Dark Queen fight scene
* There is Angelina and Anakin vs Lord Shauron. Lord Scar vs Dark Fairy fight scene in the maredi temple.
* Before lord Scar dies he tells Bryan that Angelina got killed by Lord Shauron
* When Lord Shauron stabbed Angelina, Lord Scar feel it too
* Right after they have sex, Angelina wakes up hearing her name calling by Bryan that they are back at Corusent
* Right after Angelina dies, Bryan tells Anakin of how much he loved Angelina before they have a feelings for each other more than just friends that he loves Angelina as he cries.
* In the very end, Anakin buries Angelina in the snow, even her one blue lightsaber sword, but he kept the one blue lightsaber sword to himself and Bryan to remember her. But he gives his blue lightsaber sword to a woman that he knew, when the time will come for Sarahbeth to come. As it switches 19 years later as a teenage girl named Scarlett Malfoy pick up Angelina's blue lightsaber sword, as she stares at the republic ship.
* At night, while Selena is sleeping. He writes letters to his very secret newlywed wife Eve Amilda, that he loves her more than anyone. As she reads it and responds, that they both should spend the night together as newlywed husband and wife just they promise. As he responds maybe tomorrow night as she smiles happily.
* At night, while Ben just leaved Adam. In Eve's castle, Adam and Eve are both talking about Ben and the council that they are starting not to trust Adam, like they used it. Eve tells Adam that the maredi is changing and it's evil. As they both have sex and they both spend the night together.
* Right after Adam and Eve have sex, while they are sleeping in Eve's bed. Adam is been having nightmares of Selena dying of childbirth as he wakes up, he went to the balcony as Eve came wearing a black robe as they both talked about his nightmare Selena dying in childbirth, that he still doesn't want it to be real like his mother. Eve tells Adam it's cold that he should get some sleep. As she went back into the bed as Adam stares at the night.
* Right after Adam spends the night with Eve's castle, while he is still sleeping with his secret wife Selena in her senate apartment complex as he is dreaming about Selena still dying of childbirth as he wakes up again from the nightmare. As he takes a late night shower in Selena's senate apartment complex, to think about that nightmare. Until he feels Selena still dying of childbirth as he feels the Darker One dagger calling to him, but he refuses to be in the dark side as he tells himself not to lose Selena, as he starting crying not to lose his wife while in the shower.
* In the Galactic World republic senate building, in the private room. Before Adam goes to visit Chancellor Black in his office to have a conversation with him. While Adam and Eve are kissing in the floor, that how much they loved each other even though they are married. That Adam always loved Eve always as they continue to kissing in the floor.
* In Maddie's castle, Anakin tells Maddie that Adam and her sister Eve are together, Maddie was surprise but Anakin knows as she knows that Adam Is married, but Anakin doesn't know who he is married too. As she tells him that will Adam still loved the woman that he married, Anakin tells her maybe but he is in love with Eve Amilda.
* At the evening, in the Galactic World republic senate building, in the private room. While Adam came to visit his second wife as they both hugged and they both talked as Adam wants to be with his second wife right now. As Adam and Eve are having sex and take each other's clothes off as there getting undressed. At night, while Adam and Eve are both naked, in the bed having sex. While they are continuing having sex throughout the night. Right after they have sex, Adam and Eve are both talking about the chancellor. That she tells her husband Adam that he should visit him, in the opera which is tonight, that Adam should go. As Adam accepts and get dressed as Eve told him, that will he be back right after he have a chat with the chancellor as he accepts to be back with his very secret second wife. As he leaves the private room.
* At night, in Eve's castle the day after Adam tells Selena about his dream of her dying of childbirth. He chooses to visited his very secret second wife Eve Amilda. That he is sorry that he ruined their honeymoon, but Eve tells him to no worries to apologizing as he wants to be with her tonight, because of her comfort and love. As she accepts and they both have sex, they both spend the night together.
* Right after they have sex, throughout the night. In the morning in Eve's castle, while Adam and Eve are having there morning sex love, until came a servant named Camilla as she wants to him. Eve tells her to go away that, her and her husband are having a moment here as Camilla leaves, but Adam didn't know Eve has a servant, but Eve tells him that she always does. Adam tells Eve that he loves her, as she loves him back as they both continue to have there morning sex love.
* Captain Bryan knows about Adam and Selena's secret marriage
* When Jasper returns, Angelina still loves him.
* Angelina and Jasper are talking about catching up to do, as they looked at each other and they are kissing passionately. Until Anakin watches
* Right after they finished kissing, Angelina visits her father Anakin. As they talked about being in love and that Angelina is ready to have sex with Jasper, Anakin knows that she is ready even though she still a maredi, but the time is right for her to have sex now just like her father did long time and brings Angelina the keys of his apartment.
* Angelina brings Jasper into Anakin's, her father's apartment, Jasper questions of what they are doing in here. As they have sex in the apartment that's where Angelina and Jasper both lost their virginity. It implied that they both spend the throughout the night together, and they even sleep together.
* In the very beginning, Anakin have a nightmare about the Adam killing Master Grey to saved Chancellor Black, the killing and death of Maddie his wife, Adam becoming Lord Shauron Lord Satan's apprentice, even Execute Order 676 by Connal and the Great Maredi Purge, Adam killing Angelina in the maredi temple, the death of Angelina in the Edian. Then, Adam killing the dark separatists as it shows his yellow eyes, the proclamation of the New Order by Chancellor Black who becomes Emperor and Eve Amilda becomes the highest queen of the Galactic World Empire under by Emperor Black's rule, Anakin telling Selena the truth about Adam, the fight between Selena, Adam and Ben, Anakin and Eve/ Dark Queen fight scene, Ben and Adam immortal scene, Selena telling Anakin that he was right about Adam, the birth of the twins and the death of Selena Snow. As he becomes Lord Shauron, as he screams in pain from the death of his wife Selena, as he calls Anakin for help. He wakes up, that it reveals Anakin is in bed with his wife Maddie, he went to the balcony as Maddie came to him. They both talked about his vision, as she tells him to forget about it. He wants to stay with her throughout the night, which leads to them to have sex throughout the night.
* Before Angelina dies in the planet of Edian, while in the tree healing, naked but covering in branches, she still feels the force but weakened because of his force choke, she sees Adams's Present and future dark visions. As she wakes up, she can still feel Adam's pain and darkness in him as she's starting to die.
* Anakin took Angelina in the planet called Edian that's where the Maredi will be healed by the spirits, as the Villagers decides to take her, as they planned to healed her. As she's weakening by the force.
* Before she died, she tell her father that in twenty three years Adam will be saved by his son that there is good in Adam, that he is the chosen one, he will saved his destiny of the force, that Selena will give birth to twins a boy and a girl who will stop the empire, that she still loves her master, always as she dies. Then Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron becomes more powerful right after Angelina died
* Adam becomes Lord Shauron
* Right after The birth of the empire, Anakin went back to Niaboon. As he went into the enchanted woods and they both finds elves, as they take them to there home Turinelle
* Anakin and king Thurndial both talked about the empire and the Emperor, that they will take everything from them. That Anakin needs warriors to fight the empire, also joins the rebellion with. But king thurndial refuses as he took Anakin in jailed
* In prison, Anakin talks to king thurndial daughter name Ariel as they both formed a bond. She asks him about the necklace as they both become closer and closer. They both starting to fall in love with each other. As she leaves while her brother legitolas is watching them.
* In the throne room, legitolas and his father both talked about Anakin and his sister, that they both starting to formed a bond, more than just friends.
* Bryan escape Anakin from jailed, as they both decided to leave the elves. But Anakin refuses because he is in love with a elf. As Anakin went to Ariel's bedroom, when Bryan watches.
* In Ariel's bedroom. Anakin and Ariel both talked about each other as he reveals his feelings to her, as she loves him too. They both ended up having sex.
* While they are having sex in her bedroom. Bryan is watching outside as Legitolas sees that Anakin is gone.
* Right after they have sex, Anakin and Ariel are both talking about there love. When they are about to kissed until came Bryan that Anakin should leaved
* When Bryan and Anakin escape the elves, as they both went into the enchanted woods. Anakin looks back Turinelle
* At night, while Bryan is sleeping. Anakin went back to Turinelle and went back to Ariel's bedroom as they both continuing having sex, while they both spend the night together.
* In the middle of the night, right after they have sex. While they are both sleeping together, Anakin is starting to have dreams about his deceased wife Maddie. In Niaboon, he is in her bedroom. As in the dream when Anakin and Maddie both talked about the Empire and the Emperor is Black, that she knows time is now for Anakin to fight for the republic. But he wanted to help by the elves so they can peace, she accepts as they both have sex in her bedroom. Then, in reality in the morning he talks with his sleep about Maddie as Ariel wakes him up.
* In the morning right after they both spend the night together, Anakin wakes up from having a dream about his deceased wife Maddie, as Ariel wakes him up as he woke up. They both talked about his deceased wife. Anakin and Ariel decides to meet them in the woods, to have Niaboon people and the elves to have sex.
* In the woods, Anakin tells Bryan that Ariel is his girlfriend. But Bryan didn't believe it because Anakin was used to be a husband with Maddie, while Ariel walks away from Anakin
* In the woods, Ariel and Anakin talked about each other as he confesses his love for her. So her people can joined the rebellion as they are kissing passionately until Legitolas is there, which leads a fight between Bryan and legitolas. When Bryan hurt legitolas by a shot, by he was unconscious. As the elves takes Bryan and Legitolas, Ariel and Anakin back to Turinelle.
* In Turinelle, king thurndial and Anakin are both talking about the truth, by what's happening with the Republic that everything has changed now in the Galaxy World, that they both want to saved Niaboon from the empire as king Thurndial accepts to help and they should have peace.
* The battle between the monster rebellion vs the Empire fight scenes, it shows different planets around the galaxy world that are fighting back from there planet against the empire. Which is ended up to being the first battle between the planets
* Lord Satan's truth why he wants Adam and Eve, because he knew there ancestry feud that he wants them to work with him. So they can become more powerful than ever
* Lord Shauron finally loves Eve/ Dark Queen more than ever before
* Dark queen and Lord Shauron become mistress and master of Dark Feith, king and queen of the Galactic world empire
* Order 676 is activated and the Maredi Order is destroyed
* Adam and Eve are more closer than ever before and they kissed once
* Dark queen and Lord Shauron are going to have a child together, a girl of what Eve promised her secret boyfriend Adam long time before they changed that the feud is finally over between the families.
* Lord Satan's evil plan is to destroy the humans for what they did to them long time ago
* Adam knows that Eve his secret second wife is the Dark Fairy
* Adam is been having affair with Eve
* Chancellor Black tells Adam about the tragedy of Lord Hades the darkest one the wise story
* We see Sarahbeth for the second time as a child during funeral of her mother and Selena Snow
* Maddie dies by Eve her sister
* Adam decides if the babies are boy and girl that are twins he will promise to named them Jason and Susie
* Dark Fairy changed her name to Dark Queen since she became the highest queen of Nabla her ancestor King Ethan went, that's where he tried to kill Flynn
* Lord Satan is the descendant of the Dark Lord
* Right after Maddie dies, and the throne is now with Eve. Angelina senses Adam's betrayal but he feels bad about her former master who is now given to the Dark side of the Force.
* Master Grey dies by Adam
* Eve and Maddie have a duel for the throne, before Adam and Master Grey, Chancellor Black/ Lord Satan have a duel in his office
* Right after the birth of the Empire, Lord Satan went into the Mansion where he tells his son's wife Hailey that Joshua is his son, that he is a serial killer that is called the Dark Knight, as Lord Satan kills Hailey and Henri because Joshua promise him to join him as he force lighting him
* The Darth Star is being built to used for the humans to be trapped later in the series
* Eve becomes the highest queen of Nabla and leads the armies to kill the maredi who are in there land as there queen as and when Adam becomes lord Satan's apprentice ( while she's not there ) during execute order 676
* Bill, and Anakin, Selena and Queen Maddie, Senator Arina decided to become a founding fathers of the monster rebellion against the Chancellor Black right after they have visited the chancellor in his office to talked to him about his plan to take over the Republic and overthrow the Senate but he lied to them
* There is a fight scene between Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron vs Angelina in the maredi temple. Until there is a Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron vs Anakin fight scene. Until he stabbed Angelina in the heart
* As Anakin and Angelina leaves the maredi temple, when Angelina telling her father that she sees a future of him. That he will be redeemed by his son when she died.
* Right after they comfort the chancellor Black, Anakin and Maddie sent Bill, he decided to become a founding father of the monster rebellion with Anakin and Maddie. Until came Selena and Senator Arina, they decided to against the Chancellor Black to because if he takes control of the senate and the Republic. They must need to find a way to restore the Republic, Selena tells them when time will come for them to be against chancellor Black as they both become founding fathers of the monster rebellion.
* Anakin and Queen Maddie don't trust the Chancellor Black
* Anakin decided Niaboon and the rest of the galaxy world to fight against the Dark Queen and her armies
* The Monster Rebellion vs The Armies battle
* There is Jonah Grey vs Chancellor Black fight scene
* There is Ben Potter vs Adam Potter fight scene, uncle vs nephew, master vs apprentice
* There is Ganeld vs Lord Satan fight scene, brother vs brother
* There is Anakin vs The Dark Queen fight scene, ex boyfriend vs ex girlfriend
* The Snow's and Amilda's family finally get along right after there death of there daughters and the rise of the Galactic world empire
* Ganeld is Luke Nazareth who is a brother of Lucifer Nazareth that they try to kill each other, because Luke knows that there's darkness in his brother.
* Chancellor Harrison Black/ Lord Satan his real name is Lucifer Nazareth that he try to kill his own brother Luke since he is more powerful of darkness than light
* While Ganeld is mediating he can hear the Maredi of the past like Flynn and Ethan, Aurora for what's happening with Adam.
* Selena believes there's still good in Adam her own husband before she died during childbirth because of the living force is coming out of her right after her giving birth to two twins
* When Adam becomes full Lord Shauron with the Grey Armor and Grey helmet with a black and red horns crown, right after he finds out that his wife is dead. Adam Potter is dead then rise of Lord Shauron
* Anakin decides to start a Monster Rebellion to finish the Emperor and the Empire once and for all
* Susie is hiding in Alderney with Bill and Rebecca Brown
* Jason is hiding in Tatonne with his uncle Owen and his aunt Betty Walker who's Owen's sister
* Ganeld knows that Adam will betrayal the Republic and the Maredi Council just like Henry did to them long time ago
* Right after Count Peter is dead, The dark fairy/ Eve is still a secret leader of the Dark separatist. So Adam can killed them later
* General Snowden died by Ben Potter
* When Adam became Lord Shauron, he killed the Dark separatists because of his master did it so he can have Imperial Senate and power that's the reason, Lord Satan wants Dark fairy/ Eve so she can acted that's she's betrayed by the Maredi Council but actually a spy for Lord Satan. So when the time comes, the Dark separatists will die so she betrayed the Dark separatists.
* Adam/ Lord Shauron and Eve/ Dark Queen have sex for the first time as both evil and different people in Mufuser system right after Adam/ Lord Shauron killed the Dark separatists that's the last time we see Adam in human body
* Eve/ Dark Queen asks Adam/ Lord Shauron to marry her and he accepts then they proceed to have sex
* Right after Eve/ Dark Queen and Adam/ Lord Shauron have sex, they both lay on the table she discussing about when she was twelve, she kill her first lover Harry Smith until she finds out that he is in love with someone else. So she killed him by force choking him in anger as he became died in her hands.
* Before Selena visited Adam Malfoy to learn about the truth, there is a hologram of Anakin Jones that he tells her to bring her knife, so that she can kill Adam. But she refuses to since he is her husband, Anakin tells her that Adam has changed, he is now lord Shauron. That she must killed him, she decides to bring a gun so she can kill him.
* When Selena and Adam are talking in mufaser, Selena finds out while he is talking to her that he is the most powerful maredi ever and that the republic is peace. Selena grabs a knife when she is realizes that he is becoming a monster, as he realizes that his betraying her, so he throws the knife away to the ground and he knows she is part of the rebellion and she still loves Anakin more than anyone in the world instead of him. Selena refuses to believe that, she tells him that she always loved her husband Adam. Then, he tells her to join her so that they both ruled the galaxy world as husband and wife, Selena refuses too. But she tells him, that she wants him to come that her and Anakin always loved him, that she wants him back into the light, but failed to kill and bring him back into the light, until came Ben appears. Adam knows that she is lying about her love for him, she brought his uncle so he can kill him. As he force choke her, as Ben tells him to let her go. Then, Adam decides to put Selena down. Adam and Ben starting talking about the maredi and the empire, which leads them to a fight.
* During the fight scene between Anakin and Eve/ Dark Queen, Anakin has foreseen the fallen of the Galactic world empire that the Monster Rebellion will win
* Right after her fight with Anakin and Clifford, Eve/ Dark Queen finds out that she's pregnant with Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron's child that shall bring her and him forever to stop the feud between there families. So they can both have happiness at last
* Before Adam becomes lord shauron, lord Satan tells Eve/ Dark Queen that her husband Adam Malfoy is gone, that he will become a cyborg more than man. As Eve/ Dark Queen cries and tells him that he won
* Before the helmet puts on Lord Shauron Eve/ Dark Queen looks at her husband realizing that he is gone forever. That her master has won.
* Before Selena dies during childbirth, Selena believed that Adam was still good that there is still hope. Then she dies of a living force that is inside her.
* While Adam is getting medical as his screaming in pain, she finishes giving birth then a newborn baby boy which named Jason and then she screams and cries again, until she gives birth to a newborn baby girl named Susie. While Adam puts on suit armor for the rest of his life and mask, then he started to take his first breathe similar to Darth Vadar breath. Selena tells Ben that she believes there's still good in Adam her husband before he became Lord Shauron and dies of a living force coming out of her and childbirth. Lord Shauron and Lord Satan is alive. Lord Shauron wonders what happened to Selena? As lord Satan tells him that he killed her and there unborn child by his anger, lord Shauron tells himself that his wife was alive he felt it. His force is growing stronger and gets out of the table and screams of pain of losing his own wife and his unborn child. That he killed.
* Right after the birth of the Empire, Anakin visits Selena who is still pregnant that he knows her secret that she is secretly married to Adam Malfoy and that she's pregnant with his child. That's the reason why she's didn't tell him that she has a husband and that Anakin and Selena have affair back then, Anakin tells her that Adam has become the dark lord's apprentice but she didn't believe it. So he tells her everything, but she still didn't believe it.
* While in the Medical center, Selena tells Anakin that he was right about what he said about her husband Adam that he changed but she still believes in the light of him. That they both decided to stay friends because Anakin and Selena never meet to be in love since Selena loves Adam more than anyone, for there love of her husband and his wife. That if she has twins, she wants to named them Jason and Susie right after there love, if she dies Anakin should adopt her children as she became unconscious again
* During the meeting before the children's birth, they are talking about the empire and the Rebellion, Lord Satan and Adam Malfoy, Eve Amilda, even Adam's secret wife Selena if she will gives birth to his children and survive to go into hiding from the empire.
* Angelina is the one who senses Adam's betrayal until she didn't know that her former master becomes lord Shauron.
* Right after Maddie dies, there is a last battle of the Army Wars in Niaboon with the Republic vs the Dark separatists
* Right after Maddie dies, there is a fight scene between Lord Scar vs The Dark Fairy
* During the labor scene, Anakin and Master Ganeld, Bill Brown, Ben Potter, Angelina are there to watch Selena give birth to twins
* Anakin sees the future that Selena's twins will stop the Emperor
* Anakin choose to watch Susie even though that he has to leave his daughter Sarahbeth behind, so he can get to know her and later become her mentor
* In Niaboon, Anakin tells Selena's family that Selena is died by that she failed to give birth to her children as they cry by there daughter. Anakin and Selena's family promise to get along a last because of Anakin's girlfriends Maddie's death and Selena death
* In Theed in Selena's funeral, Selena is appear pregnant to fake her children's death and hidden them people who are mourning and wondering of what happened for there Senator and Former princess of Niaboon. Her parents, Anakin and his daughter Sarahbeth, Nicholas, the Queen are there while in her hands Selena is holding a Star Japor snippet that was given to her husband thirteen years ago switched to the Dark 1-890 ship as the three Dark Faith lords are watching a construction of the Darth Star, while the Dark Queen is secretly pregnant to Adam Malfoy/ Lord Shauron's child unborn girl that will bring peace to them and there love to stop the feud, that was what Lord Satan always wanted a new generation to come at last that they have won. To switched in Niaboon as Anakin is saying goodbye to his daughter Sarahbeth as he leaves his home. To switched in Alderney when Anakin gives infant Susie to Bill as they nodded goodbye, switched to Bill and his wife Sally have infant Susie. Finally, switched to Tatonne Ben give infant Jason to Betty Walker and she went by her brother Owen Walker while Ben is watching them from afar, about a girl he loves her now Betty Walker. While Betty and Owen with infant Jason watching the three suns that one day there will be hope
* Lord Shauron becomes Supreme commander of the Dark Imperial with his wife the Dark Queen
* Selena names are twins children boy and girl. Jason and Susie to remember her husband before he turned to the dark side, to keep that promise.
* Ben Potter changed his name to Benjamin Jones
* Lord Shauron becomes lord Satan's right hand man and his wife is right hand woman for there master's reign as emperor of the First Galactic world empire
* In the end. Adam takes his blue lightsaber sword to a woman that he knows so she can hide it, so that one day his lightsaber sword will be past to his daughter Sarahbeth as Angelina hides her lightsaber sword in the snow as she believes that her lightsaber sword will be past to a Malfoy once day. Until it comes to Selena Snow's funeral.
The Rise of the Galactic World empire
* Scarlett Malfoy is born to her parents Dark Queen and Lord Shauron the highest queen and king of the Galactic World Empire, three years of the birth of the Galactic World empire
* It takes place between 5 By to 4 By
* The seventh book narrator is Ben Potter
* Over the years right after the The Dark Faith has risen book, the Empire went on missions by Emperor Black as his enforcer Lord Shauron to attack every world and planet who didn't follow him
* Over the years, the Empire go to missions by Emperor Black as his enforcer Lord Shauron to attack to do every invasion in every world and planet from the entire galaxy world who didn't follow him. As they tortured the creatures and the shooting and executed people, as the people got sent into Concretion camps that's where they died by the shootings of the armies, and the deadly smoke that was created by the scientists because Emperor Black and Lord Shauron, and his wife the Dark Queen who hated people who don't like to follow them into the Empire.
* Karon Robinson and princess Scarlett Malfoy have a sexual relationship
* Karon and Scarlett have sex, they both slept together throughout the story
* Right after Scarlett choose William over Karon, he went into the woods and got shot unconscious as he went to the Monsters Ship, that's where he became a monster rebellion with Anakin Jones
* Scarlett choose William over Karon because she doesn't love him as a zombie just like her
* While Bryan and Angelina are both living in exile in Gailiee planet as there is a village that is called Nazilua as they both have a house with two woman. Until one night while Bryan still has nightmares about execute order 676 and about to kill Angelina, as he wakes up naked but covering in blankets while he is sleeping beside Angelina it implied that they have sex. As he get dressed and went outside as came Angelina as they both discussed about his dream about execute order 676 him about to kill Angelina before there was an empire. As she knows that his a good soldier throughout the world as she comforts him.
* Angelina and Bryan have a house and they both have two children named Jay and Milah until they both went to Nazilua.
* In Galilee planet, Anakin visits Angelina his daughter as they both discussed her helping him with the monster rebellion as she refuses because she is married to Bryan and have two children with him, as he grabs her one blue lightsaber sword out as she accepts to join him with Bryan.
* Right after the birth of lord Shauron and him becoming king. Three years right after Galactic World Empire Day In Niaboon, Empreror Black makes a speech across the galaxy world about the empire, even his new highest king of the Galactic World empire. But that they should follow him, but if they don't they will died as a lot of people who are scared of lord Satan.
* Right after Scarlett's birth her mother the Dark Queen wants her to be in the dark side, so she decides a name her the Dark Savior that she will someday be queen of the Galactic World empire
* Scarlett Malfoy is bestowed to marry the Grand Inquisitor Daniel son named Diaval
* Scarlett and Diaval becomes good friends, until he came into her room as he confesses that he feelings for her as they about to have sex, but she refuses because she is in love with William.
* Scarlett and her best friend Fritz are getting closer and closer
* Fritz is a raven but can turned into human
* The Emperor Black christening baby Scarlett to be the Dark Savior to be in the dark side and later be queen of the Galactic World empire
* As Scarlett is a young girl, she meet her father face to face years after her birth
* The Emperor Black wants Scarlett to learn the dark side of the Force so she can be with her father forever
* During the space battle, while Sarahbeth and Ezra feel the force on Lord Shauron as he knows that his goddaughter is alive as Sarahbeth faints
* Lord Shauron and lord Satan talked about the Rebels that leaved in Lotherin, that lord Shauron knows about Adam Malfoy's goddaughter who is also Anakin Jones's daughter that she is the princess they been working for and she shall be destroyed.
* Captain Bryan meets Sarahbeth for a long time, since during her birth in the Army Wars
* During the fight between the Monster rebellion and the Dark imperial Armies. Scarlett hears a Angelina voice calling her, as Sarahbeth follows so Is William
* In the snow, Scarlett picks up Angelina's blue lightsaber sword as it shows memories of her. When Sarahbeth was there just going to shoot her as she realizes that Scarlett is innocent, but decides to shoot her anyway until came Lord Shauron
* While Sarahbeth is meditating, she saw a vision of Adam Malfoy he told her that she is blame because of her creation for leaving her father and her half sister, she is sorry for him. He tells her for what he had become as it shows Lord Shauron
* Joshua also have adopted two children by he stole from a another woman
* The two inquiries are named Zeus and Apronie, Wicker who are the adopted children of Joshua and adopted grandchildren of Lord Satan
* We meet the group of the rebellion in Lotherin called the Monsters ship
* Karon went to the monster rebellion by Falcon he finally got himself free from the humans in the military army, that she made a deal with Captain Mills to sent him free and that she wants the answer about the old earth and that he lived in the middle earth, but taken away to the old earth on purpose
* While Karon is sleeping he has a dream about Karon talking to his doctor named Ellen Edian who is Elisabeth's cousin who is eighteen years old who is also Ally's birth mother as they both discussed about his data and vials, monsters and humans being innocent and that monsters aren't bad. They both discussed about marriage, that if she is getting married and that she is single, that he is only once engaged while he was human to a rich girl named Anne Townsend and that something happened between them, that he was afraid to do his marriage vows and she is somehow pregnant, that he thinks that she dies of old age. As Ellen feels bad, as she shows him the picture of her as they both discussed about his human life, that he wants to be with her. As they are about to kiss as they stopped because she told him that she is with someone else named Jeremiah Grey and that she is pregnant with his child and, that he didn't know. He realizes that monsters do have a feelings and that she is planning to give up her baby away, once it is born. Because she realizes that her baby is having attached with a monster, a zombie who is like him.
* While Sarahbeth is meditating, there is a hologram of Adam Malfoy and Anakin Jones teaching the students how to fight with a lightsaber sword, as came Jake. As Sarahbeth told Jake everything about Adam and her father
* In the woods where Angelina got shot, as Sarahbeth comforts her as Angelina tells her to stop the empire that they shall have peace in the galaxy world as that Sarahbeth must trust the princess she's there only hope. As she dies, in the screen around the world Sarahbeth tells everyone that they have to stand up against the empire for what there doing to them as she put her two hands up in the air as a man screams, as the people are betting up the armies and that they want victory into the galaxy world again as they trash the money and fighting the armies.
* There is a fight between Sarahbeth and the two inquiries
* The two inquiries find a Lotherin temple
* Jake meets Master Luke Ganeld, that he tells him everything about his past and the maredi that they should fight to stop the empire
* Lord Shauron went to Niaboon, for his daughters birthday
* Right after they celebrate Scarlett's Seventeen birthday, The Dark Queen and Lord Shauron were both on the balcony and talking about love
* The Dark Queen and Lord Shauron have sex in her bedroom
* Lord Shauron and Grand Caspian both discussed about him, making love and his armor, even his wife the Dark Queen
* The Dark Queen takes off Lord Shauron's helmet as it shows his scarred face and white short hair as they both have sex as husband and wife as they both the night together for a long time.
* Lord Shauron change his cyborg outfit, to more of a sexual outfit
* Right after they have sex, The dark queen and Lord Shauron want to be together instead of being separated
* Scarlett and the Dark Queen visit Lord Shauron in Mufaser
* There is two sex scene between the Dark Queen and Lord Shauron, in her bedroom in her castle. They only kissed in his bedroom in mufaser, it implied that they both have sex, as they both appear in the bed together.
* As there is Sarahbeth vs lord Shauron fight scene in the snow, as William fights with the Dark Queen. When Sarahbeth was about to fall in the snow, Scarlett saves her using the force as lord Shauron runs away. When Sarahbeth was trying to find Scarlett but failed.
* Sarahbeth and Lord Shauron have there first fight, during the war the battle of Niaboon
* Scarlett first meet the Emperor while she was a young beautiful girl to teach her to know the Dark Side of the Force
* While Scarlett is a teenager, she falls in love with a stable boy named William.
* There is a lot of sex scene Scarlett and William, when her parents are gone that's where there alone having sex for the first time and implied that they undressed naked and went into the bed, sleep together
* Before the war of Niaboon, Sarahbeth went back to Niaboon and sees that her people are suffering from the empire. In Anakin's castle the rebellion choose to throw a ball, so something will happen with the empire as they accept they held a ball, for the empire celebrating, she meets a pirate named Jonathan as they both fall in love with each other and he asks her to marry her, as she accepts that they went into a room and they both have sex in her bedroom as they both spend the night together
* During the war of Niaboon, lord Shauron beheaded Jonathan as Sarahbeth first have a fight with lord Shauron for him killing her husband. As the Niaboon people lost the war and Sarahbeth lost Jonathan.
* Weeks right after her husband's death as she secretly becomes a Monster rebellion.
* Right after she saved the Rebels crew in mufaser as she wants to find out about her parents past.
* Throughout the book as Sarahbeth travels around the galaxy world to find out her past as William is secretly spying on Scarlett to know about the Darth Star plans.
* Sarahbeth travels to Tatonne as she finds a grave of an Star as she realizes it is a Niaboon Mark from there highest queen as she finds and takes the Star necklace. As she went to a farmer as she meet Ford about the Star necklace. She went to a planet called Heutee where she went to a Turk village where she meets a soldier who is her father's friend named Seth as they both revealed to be elves as he knows about the Star necklace and that it is a sign of the rebellion and that her father is a Rebel. That he is a younger brother of Legiolas who is her boyfriend as they both fight the Dark Raiders from the Empire. As she meet the Monsters crew in Tatonne about Williams mission until they meet the prime minister of the Empire named Erich Moore as he knows about Sarahbeth's childhood past and her mother's Star necklace. As she decides to find out more about her parents past as she went into a planet named Bearin to a village named Rocken village where she meet her mother's old friend named Finn about her parents and that he realizes that she is the daughter of Anakin Jones and Maddie Amilda, that she is also the highest princess of the Republic as he is secretly working for the Empire as she fights with him. As he tells that her she has to go to the planet Oniaen about someone that she has to meet in her past as she went to Oniaen where she went to the village as she sees a poster of her father Anakin Jones who was young and handsome that the Empire wanted him for betrayal against the Empire. As she went to the inn where she meets her fathers childhood friend named Ricky as he tells her about the past of her father that he is the one that finished the Rebels and Royals war many years ago as came the Dark imperial armies as he tells her that he has to betray her because he knows about her and her husband and that he is a son of General Snowden. As she fights with the Dark Imperial armies and came the other Mandalorians as they are both fighting until she went unconscious for a while. As she wakes up as she is in the ship that is called the Mandlere and where she meets the other Mandalorians as she finally meets Guinevere who is her stepmother and that they are both breaking the Mandalorian code as she tells him about her parents past during the war and her mother's death about until came the Dark Imperial armies as they are both fighting until came a ship as Guinevere decides to take it, before she will role again in Mandlere as they are both fighting against the Dark Imperial armies and the captains until she finally got her Whitesaber for her to used them against the empire, that she tells her that she is part of the monster rebellion and so is her daughter Sabrina and that she always knows Falcon. Until came a hologram of her parents while they are young talking about turning against Chancellor Black and there daughter safe, that if he takes control of the republic that Anakin will rebellion against him. As Guinevere finds out that Sarah is Falcon and that she is the highest princess of the republic senate who have thought to be dead as she bowed down to her as Guinevere reveals Sarah's true identity and that she saved her many years ago from the dark Imperial armies right after the Empire rise to power and that her father also abandoned her while she was a young girl and that she must go to her half sister who is hiding in Gailiee with her husband and children as she accepts to do a deal for her to take her to her real home Niaboon as they both went to Niaboon where she finally went to her mother's grave as she returns the Star necklace to her mother's grave as she decides to go to her stepsister and know more about the truth of her parents. When she went to Gailiee as someone from the empire to tell her her that she must killed a maredi who is secretly working for the monster rebellion as she accepts to kill a maredi. While in the woods until she and a maredi are having a fight as the maredi revealed herself to be her half sister Angelina, until they are both talking about Sarah being a Falcon of the monster rebellion as they both sit as they both discussed about her parents and about their father who was a maredi just like her and Sarah herself, because she that she feels feared and anger in Sarah just like her former master Adam Malfoy who is Sarah's godfather and that they were close when Sarah was young during the Army Wars and that something bad happened to him, that she is a maredi just like her and that she can't trained her since she is living in hiding with her husband and kids that she has, until came her husband Captain Bryan who saw Sarah and his wife Angelina as they both talked about Sarah's father building a monster rebellion that's the reason why he was against the empire and that he didn't tell her the truth when she was young, that her mother died of the Dark Fairy many years ago and that's the reason why Sarah choose to become a rebellion to have revenge of the Dark Queen for what she did to her mother as she accepts. As she walks away until she takes off her Mandalorian as she is crying and that she looks at herself in the lake until came the spirit ghost of her mother as they both discussed about her life while she was queen and that she wants Sarahbeth to do the same to someday take over Niaboon with her throne and that she has to finish the empire and to end lord Satan to get the Darth Star plans to the rebellion and that she must trust her father and the rebellion, when her mother is gone as Sarah went into the ship as they both talked about them using William to get Scarlett to know about the plans as she got sent to a mission with the Lotherin Rebellion Crew to go to Oniaen and that the Empire is controlled it. As in the Monsters ship as Ezra visit her in his bedroom as she tells him about her past and that he reveals his love for her that she's isn't a Mandalorian but a princess that he meet many years ago as he loves her as they both shared a kiss. They are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as she closed the door with the force. When Jake and Zera about hope in the galaxy world and the future, that there is hope as he knows about his birth parents, about Ezra being his master. As it switches in Ezra's bedroom as Sarahbeth and Ezra are both naked having sex in the bed as she is losing her virginity to Ezra until it fades to black. That Zera is in love with Ezra and that he is in love with Sarahbeth who is Falcon, that Sarahbeth is a girlfriend of Legiolas that she is in love with him but his master she still loves him but is not in love with him and Zera is glowing and that she is pregnant with his masters child and that right after their mission in Tatonne of fighting the Empire that they both slept together for the first time in the bar. That Zera should tell him that she is pregnant with his child. It switches Sarahbeth and Ezra in bed naked but covering in blankets as they are both sleeping together as he is staring at her while she is sleeping in his chest as they are both cuddling together as she wakes up as they both discussed about their love for each other and that she is in love with someone else, that he is also in love with someone else as they are both shared a kiss as they are both having morning sex in his bedroom.
* In Tatonne right after the battle as Zera and Ezra are in the bar as they both talked about his love for her and Sarahbeth. As they both went to the a bedroom as he closes the door as they both shared a kiss as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out until it fades to black. As they are both laying in bed naked together sleeping as he remembers the previous night of both of them naked having sex in the bed for the first time as Zera lose her virginity to him as they both unknowingly convinced a child as she wakes up as they both talked about the previous night and that the rebellion needs them, that he tells her that he loves her as they are both making out as they are both having morning sex throughout the morning.
* In Gailiee as Angelina and Bryan both being living exiled as she fights the guards in the woods until she sees a Jewish woman named Reba about her killing the guards that she is forced to do for her husband and kids, to have money for them to live as Reba refuses to give her the money back so she can suffer with her kids and husband who was an Armies. Because she wanted revenge from the Army Wars and that she knew that she was involved with her husband and that she deserves to be their slave for the rest of the her life.
* In the woods as Angelina is reunited with her two kids and husband Bryan. As Bryan and Byers both talked about her fighting the guards and Reba refuses to give her the money because she knows about them in the Army Wars, that she wanted revenge from the war of what they done many years ago.
* Spirit Quinn specks to Ben
* While Ben is living in exile on Tatonne, he has dreams of Adam
* The Spirit Quinn tells Ben no more suffering but there is a girl, a another Malfoy born to Lord Shauron that she is our only hope to them
* Ben Potter train Scarlett to be a Maredi as a young girl and woman
* Ben find out of Scarlett's true parentage by Spirit Quinn his master
* Scarlett set up Ben Potter and Betty Walker to be together
* Ben been having nightmares of Adam Malfoy and Eve
* Ben hears Adam and Selena, Eve's voices
* Ben knows that Scarlett reminds him of Adam and beauty like Eve
* In the very end, Scarlett returns crying about her father, Ben and Betty got married. Before Scarlett leave she tells him to train Jason Malfoy
* Ben stop training Scarlett to be a maredi because she reminds him of her father who turned into the dark side and her mother that he used to love that he never got the chance to be with her,
* There is Ezra and William, Zera and Karon. Sabrina. Jake who are part of the rebellion in Lotherin
* Sarahbeth hides her name as Falcon
* Ezra got captured and got tortured by captain Caspian
* The Grand Inquisitor died by Ezra
* Jake feels that he was going to the dark side
* There is Ezra vs The Grand Inquisitor fight scenes
* Right after they rescue Jake they first meet with Sarahbeth
* Captain Caspian decides to bring lord Shauron and his wife, even Scarlett to lotherin
* Jake loves Sabrina who is Mandalorian
* Before Jake was in training, he and Sabrina spend the night together in his hideout that's where they both have sex for the first time
* While in lotherin Scarlett sees people getting tortured by the armies
* There is Ben and Betty sex scene in Tatonne
* Scarlett sense her mother coming right after they have sex on last night. That's where William quickly leaves
* As a young girl that's where Scarlett sees young Jason for the first time and starts to love him
* In the very beginning, there's a attack of Niaboon as Director Lucas wants princess Sarahbeth to died. As they chase through the woods until came war in the Niaboon
* Sarahbeth visits the bounty hunters for building her, until she sees princess Guinevere of the bounty hunters as they both talked about her building a new weapon, a new weapon as there building her a new weapon, which reveals a lightsaber sword until it shows flashbacks of Maddie and Anakin, her father being a Maredi. Also herself during the attack of Niaboon.
* Sarahbeth as a little girl, almost got killed by a army until a bounty hunter which reveals to be princess Guinevere, they saved her as they take her from Niaboon to the Monster Rebellion base
* Agent Carter in Lotherin
* Grand Caspian appears to lotherin to know about the rebellion and that the some of the maredi are alive, they must find out which maredi is alive. Grand Caspian is in this story
* Also in the beginning, years before the birth of Scarlett while the Dark Queen is still pregnant, as Lord Shauron becomes anointed as the highest king of the Galactic World Empire. When the people of Nabla are cheering for there new highest queen and king of the Galactic World empire. When the Emperor Black have a visited with Lord Shauron who tell him that he and his newlywed wife shall ruled him as his right hand man and woman, that people will bow to them as there king but if they don't kill them, as when they tortured villagers and planets who do not bow lord Satan as there king.
* In the beginning Scarlett is playing in the meadow as a young girl as she became older and William is with her as they have there romance together
* In the beginning on Niaboon, while Eve's handmaiden Zelina tells Scarlett what happened with Selena that Scarlett has a half brother named Jason Malfoy, that he lives in Tatonne where his family is as she runs zelina got captured and sent by Lord Shauron who is trying to know what happened to Selena. But she tells him that she died by a maredi and her baby didn't survive the birth, but Scarlett knows the truth as zelina got sent to died
* There is a planet that is Spain Quixote, in a village called Sevilla where Ezra is a Spanish boy who is maredi as he has a dream about him fighting the Empire as he first sees the monster rebellion alliance as he wakes up.
* In Sevilla as Ezra meets with Katrina who is in love with Ezra that her father won't let her marry him since she is forced to marry a young handsome foppish nobleman that she will never made out with him. As she walks away as they both shared a kiss
* In the bar, when Katrina's father is named Alain as she first meets Gamache they both discussed about him falling in love with her and that they should get marry, as he kneels down where he propose to marry her. She accepts as he puts on the ring as they both shared a kiss.
* In his house, when Ezra saw Falcon as they both discussed about him joining the monster rebellion against the Empire, since he didn't told everyone that he is a maredi a survivor of execute order 676, that he should join the rebellion with her as he accepts.
* At night, in Katrina's bedroom while she's brushing her hair when Ezra comes to her window. As she opens the door in her bedroom as they both discussed about him that even though it's late at night, that his leaving in this planet to go to the monster rebellion against the Empire that he wanted to be with her, as they are both kissing passionately heavily and about to have sex as she refuses. He sees her engagement ring on her finger and he realizes that she is engaged to Gamache, she tells him that she is getting married to Gamache that it's too late for them to be together and that it's not too late for them to be together, that he loves her as Katrina confesses her love for him even though she's a virgin that they should be together for this one night stand as he accepts. They are both kissing passionately heavily and as they both getting undressed to their underwear's, as they both went to the bed as she smiling brightly at him as they are both continuing kissing passionately and starting to have sex in her bed. Until it fades to black. It implied that Katrina lose her virginity by Ezra they have sex and sleep together throughout the night.
* Ezra is a maredi and he is apprentice of Jake
* Jake is a maredi just like his father, before he died during Order 676
* Jake is part of the monster rebellion, he became Ezra's apprentice right after he find him and take him to be part of the monster rebellion.
* Sarahbeth visits William as they both discussed about the mission
* Sarahbeth and Ezra have started a sexual relationship throughout this story as they both have slept together
* In the end of the book William dies his heart ripped out by Scarlett's father lord Shauron
* William tells Scarlett that he loves her, he wants to be with her forever and that his ready to have sex with her as there kissing passionately. But Scarlett refuses to have sex with William because she thinks that there relationship is going away to fast, as William knows.
* William realizes that Sarahbeth didn't really love him, it's a trick so she using a romance between him and her so William will forget that he loves Scarlett
* When William tells Scarlett about what happened and that he loves her, so they ended up having sex throughout the night and right after they have sex, Scarlett and William talks about there love
* Scarlett trains every day and later learns about her family's past
* Scarlett meet Ben Potter while she was a young girl
* The story is longer because of there is love story between Scarlett and William
* King Hager dies by telling his son that there is Hope
* Anakin becomes king of Oniaen right after his father has died
* Anakin makes a speech across the galaxy world to join him in a Monster Rebellion Alliance, to stop the empire and bring back the New Republic
* In the very end, right after Anakin's speech all of the people in different planets across the galaxy world, bow to Anakin as they want to joined him in his rebellion to fight against the empire and bring the New Republic back.
* In the end of the book, it shows a little rebellion of Scarlett when she finds out that it was the Emperor's fault that he forced her father to killed William and also shows the Monster Rebellion that know about the Darth Star plans thanks to Scarlett
* William is secretly working for the Monster Rebellion, but he believes that Scarlett will betray the Empire and worked for the Rebellion for him. But she tells him about the Darth Star plans that will destroy the humans
* In the beginning. It's shows Empire Day while in the middle there is a fight scene of the Monster Rebellion and we meet Sarahbeth who is now a teenager that wants to know about the Darth Star plans
* While Jason Malfoy is a young boy. His aunt Betty is young adult and she is in love with Ben Potter
* There is a sex scene between Betty and Ben
* William also loves Sarahbeth and there is couple of kissing scene
* Sarahbeth trusts William to get closer to Scarlett. So they can know about the Darth Star plans but he reveals to tell her that he is in love with her but she don't accept personally because she thinks she will betray the Empire for them
The Savior of hope and the battle of the Galactic World empire
* Right after Williams death Scarlett has a vision of herself into the Dark Side
* Scarlett visits her father that she doesn't hate him that she loves him
* Scarlett went to Dogma to see Master Ganeld to train her to the light side of the Force
* The eighth book narrator is Sarahbeth Jones
* Anakin wants a rebellion Army so they can fight the Empire, that he trusts King Hager his father to build an army so they can stop the empire
* Legitolas and Ariel are in this story they are elves, they can lived forever
* Ariel becomes a man so she can fight war with the rebellion so they can killed the empire
* While on the boys camp, that she still has to be pretend to be a man
* While she is bathing in the lake as Aaron came, as he sees that she has long haired as they both discussed about his sexual relationship with Ariel
* Ariel knows prince Aaron of Alderney who is a cousin of Bill Brown because they used to date until they broke up
* Ariel and Prince Aaron used to have a sexual relationship with each other as they both have sex and spend the night together as they broke up because there different as she gives him a wooden elf necklace for a memory of her.
* Right after the battle of Alderney as Ariel and Prince Aaron both said farewell to each other as he still loves each other as they both shared a kiss
* It takes place between 4 By to 0 By
* Right after Williams death, Diaval visits Scarlett as he wants to be with her since they are both bestowed to marry
* But Scarlett still refuses to loved him, until when she visits Fritz. He tells her that she should be with him since William dies, but she tells him that she still loves William more than anything as Fritz knows that she loves Diaval too
* In her bedroom, when Diaval visits Scarlett reveals to him that she has feelings for him and she doesn't want those feelings to let go for same to him. As they both are kissing passionately and they are having sex in her bed.
* The Dark Queen and Lord Shauron are having sex in her bedroom. As it shows them sleeping together, and they realize that Scarlett is sleeping with Diaval
* Scarlett and Diaval sees her parents that are together, but Lord Shauron her father never takes off his helmet in front of Scarlett
* Scarlett asks her mother that she loves her father, she responds that she loves her father always but she doesn't like being separated from her father.
* While training Scarlett still has feelings for Jason and she's thinking about him every day since she was a young girl
* Scarlett touches the Darker One dagger and it shows flashbacks of her family through generations
* In Corusent, in the maredi temple right after Sarahbeth disappears from fighting with lord Shauron and she is trying to find the past of what happened with her godfather, until as she meditates as she's looking there is visions of the past, at a past of her father and Adam Malfoy, even her half sister Scarlett. Even when Sarahbeth was baby and a young girl that she opens her eyes as lord Shauron tells her that she finally now knows the truth about her godfather.
* Jake and Ezra went to the dark Faith maredi temple
* Jake meets with Evil master, who is called Lord Scar
* Until Jake and Ezra wants to rescue Sarahbeth from lord Shauron as they went to Corusent
* There is Jake and Ezra vs Lord Scar fight scene in the dark Faith maredi temple
* Jake realizes that lord Scar tricked him to become a dark Faith like him
* There is Sarahbeth vs Lord Scar fight scene in the dark Faith maredi temple
* There is Sarahbeth vs Lord Shauron fight scene in the Dark Faith Maredi temple
* Sarahbeth disappears from fighting with her godfather
* There is Sarahbeth Jones vs Lord Shauron fight scene continues in the maredi temple in Corusent
* While she is fighting lord Shauron in the dark Faith maredi temple, her and father's blue lightsaber sword slices off Shauron's masks and she sees Adam's disfigured face. But she can't believe it that it's her godfather Adam Malfoy but shocked and saddened. But she accepts the truth that her godfather Adam and Shauron were one and the same, as she continues to fight lord Shauron. Until she disappears from fighting with her godfather
* Jake and Ezra, Bryan saved Sarahbeth from lord Shauron in the maredi temple in Corusent
* Jake opens the holocron as his eyes turned red as a dark Faith
* Jake grabs the Darker One dagger and becomes a true dark Faith
* Jake and Lord Shauron are working together to find the truth about Jake's true parentage
* Jake Malfoy is a secret son of Adam Malfoy and Claire Stalubaum
* Jake has visions about his past before he was born, as it shows his parents Adam Malfoy and Claire Stalubaum to his birth
* Jake visits his birth mother Claire Stalubaum in London, as they both discussed about her fake death, that she wanted him safe from his father Adam Malfoy because she feels like he is going to the dark side of the force. That she doesn't love his father since Adam changes and becomes lord Shauron, she tells him that she loves his father that she didn't know that her husband Adam and lord Shauron are one and the same person. That he knows that Jake is a part of the dark side because of his father that's the reason why she abandoned him from birth because of lord Satan the emperor Black will take him and turned him into the dark side just like his father did because he lost loved ones. That she shouldn't abandon him because his own father that she loved
* In London right after Jake leaves. While Claire is staring at the fire as she about to walk to have dinner, until the door is opened and came Lord Shauron as she's about to run away from him, as they both discussed about her hiding his secret son Jake from him, that because of her husband Adam Malfoy has changed that he is gone into the dark side and became lord Shauron, that she senses that he killed the Rat King for vengeance of me but Adam has changed into the dark side and that's the reason why she hide Jake from him, that she never died because she fake her own death because of her husband and that she always loved him, right after she gave birth to his child, as he is about to walk away from her as he force choke her in anger. As she tells lord Shauron that she always loved him and she falls to the ground unconscious as he walks to her, he realizes that she is dead like what the Rat King had predicted many years ago.
* Right after Jake takes the Darker One dagger, lord Shauron told him that Jake is his son because his mother Claire did give birth to him. That jake wants him to be in his side as jake stabbed him, until lord Shauron stabbed him by lightsaber sword
* In London, as lord Shauron visited godfather drosslemeyer that he force choke him about the truth of his wife giving birth to his secret illegitimate son as he killed drosselmeyer with his darker one dagger
* In London, as lord Shauron visits the grave of his secret wife Claire as lord Shauron is mad.
* Sarahbeth tells Bryan that about her father and Adam, as she tells him that Adam her godfather is lord Shauron.
* Jake sees a revelation from them taking the Darth Star plans to Jason and Lord Shauron final fight scene in the second Darth Star, to Joshua fights with his uncle Lord Satan in his throne room, to his death and right after he sees it all. He meets with Angus as they both discussed that if he can join him and become a the ones with him because now he knows who's the real chosen one is as he accepted and he touched the scepter. Becoming the Ones with Angus.
* Right after her fight, with lord Shauron. On the ship, the force connects with her Anakin Jones. As they both talked about her godfather Adam Malfoy and Lord Shauron were one and the same person. When her father tells Sarahbeth the whole story about her godfather.
* In the very beginning, in Niaboon Ezra is a maredi padawan young boy who has a crush on young princess Sarahbeth. Later, while his master is telling him to run from the armies. He runs away during Order 676 as he became unconscious, later he was found by Sarahbeth and became a Monster rebellion with her.
* There is a sex scene between Ben and Betty where they are consummate their marriage, while Scarlett is staying in her bedroom before she goes to trained with master Ganeld
* Master Ganeld tells Scarlett that Jason is her half brother, but she knew since she was a little girl
* The story is way longer because it's shows how the Rebellion begin to decide to take the Darth Star plans
* There is Scarlett Jones and Jason sex scene in Tatonne
* Scarlett is the one who stole the Darth Star plans to the rebellions and that she betrayed the Empire
* Right after they rescue Ezra, Sarahbeth tells Ezra how much she loved him that she wanted to be with him forever as they both got kissed and they first have sex for the first time in the ship.
* Before Ezra goes to be with the Emperor, he tells Sarahbeth that he has to do this for the rebellion
* Ezra got tortured and killed by Lord Satan to tell them about the rebellion
* Sarahbeth falls in love with Ezra because he reminds her of her deceased husband Jonathan but she loves legitolas more than Ezra
* When she visited the elves about the empire and that the king shall fight with the rebellion to kill the empire as she sees with legitolas
* Right after her talked with king Thurndial as she and legitolas both discussed about there sexual relationship with each other and that she now has a boyfriend, but she is in love with legitolas
* In his bedroom as Sarahbeth and Legitolas are kissing passionately as they are making out, they are getting undressed as they are both naked having sex in bed, as they both continue to have sex. Until it fades to black
* In the morning right after they have sex, as Sarahbeth and legitolas are both in bed naked but covering in blankets as they both wake up as they both stared at each other as she is looking at his face and that it's romantic. As they both discussed about there night together and that she loves spending time with self, as they are both continuing kissing as they are having morning sex. As they are both interrupt by Ariel as they both discussed about legitolas's girlfriend doing here that just to hook up with her brother and that they are both in a relationship and that they need to go as Ariel leaves as legitolas and Sarahbeth are keeping on having morning sex in his bedroom
* There is two sex scenes between Sarahbeth and Legitolas in this story
* Right after the battle of Alderney, Sarahbeth first meet her father Anakin Jones for the first time
* Sarahbeth tells Ezra that she loves legitolas more than him
* While in Alderney as Sarahbeth and legitolas are both naked having sex in the bed as they both unknowingly convinced a child.
* Before legitolas leaves to fight war, in Alderney as she tells him that she is pregnant with his child
* Weeks right after Ezra dies, Sarahbeth gives birth to a boy she named him Max.
* Max is half maredi human and half elf
* When there son is young boy, she tells Max that she will always loved him. Before she steals the Darth Star plans to the rebellion
* When legitolas sees Sarahbeth unconscious as he went to her, as she wakes up as they both discussed about her seeing a vision, of the Rebels will win and the empire will be dead and she believes there is good in her godfather and that there is still hope in peace as she dies.
* In the Monster Ship, while legitolas is on the ship with his son Max as they both discussed about what his next plan as he tells Anakin that he has a plan to do a hideout for the Monster Rebellion Alliance to go to a planet that is called Otone and that they shall have a plan to destroy the empire and to blow up the darth Star, they shall trust is Ben Potter
* Sarahbeth and Anakin both said their last goodbyes before, she leave to steal the Darth Star plans
* There is Sarahbeth vs Scarlett fight scene
* Scarlett finds out about William and Sarahbeth we're secretly together while he was on the mission with Scarlett.
* Scarlett hides her real last name until Jason will know that she is his half sister
* Scarlett Jones stay with Jason until she meets old Ben Potter that he tells her what happened to her father and his ex wife died of childbirth
* Sarahbeth dies by a shot of Director Han Lucas
* In the end lord Shauron and Dark Queen chased the Rebellions who stole the Darth Star and went to Princess Susie
* Scarlett stay in Tatonne so she can be with Jason Malfoy forever as Boyfriend and girlfriend
* There is Sarahbeth vs Director Han Lucas fight scene
* Director Han Lucas got a force choke by Sarahbeth while Scarlett push the master switch to send the Darth Star plans to the monster rebellion. Until he dies by the explosion while Scarlett is leaving with Sarahbeth
* Before Sarahbeth dies, she gives Scarlett her necklace that said Jones to her father that she loves him as she tells her to go before they will find her.
* In the end of the book, Scarlett leaves and goes to Tatonne, while master Luke Ganeld and Ben Potter, Quinn talks about Scarlett that she decided to be with Jason forever so that when the time will come for him to trained to be a maredi to redeem his father, that she is named Scarlett Jones named right after her cousin Sarahbeth and Anakin her uncle. As in Tatonne, Scarlett and Jason run and they both kissed. In the outer space, in 124 Dark Ship the Monster rebellion got the Darth Star plans, until Lord Shauron and the Dark Queen try to killed the rebellion who take the plans from them, as they escaped as Lord Shauron and Dark Queen want those plans back from them. The Darth Star plans went to princess Susie. As they went to hyperspace as the Empire is going to chase them to get there plans back.
A Hope of the monster Rebellion
* Jason meets Benjamin Jones/ Ben Potter again
* It takes place in 0 By - 0 Ab
* The ninth book narrator is Anakin Jones
* There is a sex scene between Jason and Scarlett, right after he looked at the sun set of the three suns before he leaved to find R7
* In the very beginning it's shows in Alderney as Susie is a young girl that is in a garden until her mother tells her stories about Selena Snow, that she didn't mentioned about her father as Susie is secretly using the force on things to caused trouble when she is young but she got into trouble a lot, as she got a apple from the force and she got chased from the guards into the village until her father comes. In her bedroom as he tells her not to used the force and that she needs to learn to be a princess of Alderney, that more royalty as they both talked about her birth father and her if she is a maredi, a rebellion one day against the empire.
* Scarlett got captured by the armies and got escape with her mother before the first Darth Star got destroyed
* Kevin Andrews has flashbacks of his best friend that he loved named Emerald Byers that got taken from the Empire while they are battling and taking over to his homeland Oniaen.
* That it was revealed that he was inspired by Anakin Jones when he was a young boy. That he heard the news that the Rebel clan that won the Rebels and Royals war many years ago and that he wanted to be a rebellion just like him that's the reason why he choose to become a pilot so he can fight war with Anakin Jones one day.
* Kevin Andrews sidekick best friend who is a beast monster named Simon
* Simon can shapeshift into a beast and human
* Jason falls in love with a Vulcan named Rachel White
* The first Darth Star got destroyed by Jason Malfoy
* Jason is training to be a Maredi as Ben as his master
* Ben Potter dies by Lord Shauron
* Ben Potter lies to Jason about his father
* The Emperor Black wants the Dark Queen to find Jason Malfoy, the son of Adam Malfoy and Selena Snow that they secretly know of his existence for awhile. So he can go into the dark side of the Force
* The Dark Queen went to Tatonne and to Ben Potter's house, to talked with Betty about Jason she ended up killing her, she knows that Ben Potter been watching the boy
* The Dark Queen went to the Walker homestead to find the boy, until Owen and his wife Eliza don't know where Jason is, at all but the dark queen killing them too and burned there homestead
* The Emperor Black is mad at his sidekick for not getting the boy, but the Dark Queen feels that Jason will join there side.
The dark Faith has risen in the human world
* Where we first meet Emma Mills
* It takes place between 0 Ab to 1 Ab
* The tenth book narrator is Karon Robinson/ Burton
* There is a five parts in this book
* In the a flashback very beginning the Galactic world empire it's 0 Ab went into the Old Earth as they are killing humans, and sending them into the building of the Darth Star. As they brought a old man, as Emperor Black wants to know about Emily his late lover that where she is, but the old man told him that he didn't know as Lord Shauron bring his red lightsaber sword and tell him about Emily's grave or else bow to the Emperor Black as there king as he told him that he doesn't know. As lord Shauron beheaded him
* In 1 Ab as they the Galactic World empire went into the old earth as Emperor Black went into the grave of his deceased lover Emily, that he realizes that she gave birth to Prince Charles's son named Joshua that he failed to saved her from death. That he won't failed her again by this time killing her people for vengeance of not telling him the truth of what happened to his lover's death of childbirth.
* The Monster Rebellion goes to old Earth to warned the humans that the drug is invented, but did not find them because they don't existed but got killed by the Empire
* Emma Mills has a boyfriend named Stefan Johnson she lose her virginity by Stefan as they both have sex for the first time as they both slept together in his house and her cabin. That they are dating until they broke up because he finds out that she is secretly married to Jason Malfoy
* Jason and Rachel started dating as they both have sex for the first time as he lose his virginity as they both slept together in Emma's cabin.
* There is a sexual tension between Emma Mills and Jason Malfoy
* Emma Mills and Jason Malfoy both sleep together as they don't have sex just they both shared a passionate kisses as they both sleep together throughout the night fully clothed as they are both in their underwear's.
* Daphne Cooper is a daughter of Percy Potter and granddaughter of the First Dark Lord we first seen her in this book
* We first seen Dr. Banner for the first time working for the the Empire with a first drug called The Death Transformation but he is secretly working for the First Dark Lord.
* William meet and fall in love with Melissa Parker who is in her twenties and is already married to Owens. She already had Natalie
* Her husband Owens Parker is a veteran who is fighting war
* Owens Parker is a monster hunter that almost killed William because he knows that his wife Melissa is having affair with vampire monster William
* Owens Parker and Melissa got a divorce from each other so he can fight in the Cold War in North Vietnam
* In February, 8, 1964 where the United States bombed the North Vietnam in the veterans building which cause a lot of deaths of veterans like Owens Weeler who got poorly injured and dies two weeks later in the hospital.
* William and Melissa Parker have sex for the first time as they both unknowingly convinced a child.
* Melissa Parker becomes pregnant with Williams child as she gives birth to a boy named Angus
* Angus Parker was born during this story
* Scarlett and William finally saw each other as she realizes that he's returns as they both spend their nights together
* Noah Mills is Emma's older adopted cousin
* The drug called The Death Transformation is invented and shows to killed one human in the beginning
* We meet Karon Robinson ( Burton ) he is a zombie and a pilot of the monster rebellion alliance
* Bruce betrayed his own family because he secretly works for the Empire
* We meet Emma's older siblings named Chad, Ally and Bruce.
* Karon has a adopted sister named Lindsey Robinson who is a biological birth daughter of Carol, that they are more closer as adopted brother and sister. instead of step father and step daughter.
* Lindsey has a sexual relationship with a another Zombie named Samuel Martin. They both spend the night and sleep together in the bed at there hotel room apartment
* Karon and Ally becomes best friends and learning more about each other and they both fall in love with each other and have sex together throughout this story
* While during the celebration between the monsters and the humans. Karon and Ally both went to the woods and they both discussed about monsters and zombies, that they are meant to be together as they both do their first kiss. When Karon went to her neck so he can bite it and turn her into a zombie until came Bruce as they are both having a fight about his sister as Karon leaves. When Bruce and Ally both discussed her love for a monster a zombie that she wanted to be with him.
* In the ZombieVillage, where Ally meets Karon as his taking her to the tour of his hometown ZombieVillage, until they went to a zombie party which is hosted by Karon Robinson himself as she meets his best friends, that are also names Elsa, Hiram and Jace, Kai as they both discussed about Karon dating a human from the human Earth and that they should spend their night and they should slept together, that he even slept with Anne Townsend as Karon tells Ally about Anne that he is bestowed to marry her and that he slept with her. That Ally and Karon are both the best couple that any zombies hasn't seen, until Karon and Kai leaved to go to dance as Elsa and Ally both discussed about her being with Karon that Karon is been her best friend since he became a zombie, that since Ally is now human that he is happy to be finally dating a human. Until Karon and Jace, Hiram and Kai, Elsa are showing Ally their own zombie dance moves, as Karon tap dance in front of the zombies as Ally join the tap dance as they both discussed about her having a good time in the ZombieVillage and that Karon learns to tap dance when he was human and that he is happy that he is dating a human which is her and that she is happy with her being with Karon. As they both finished their dance, right after the zombie dance as Karon and Kai, Jace both discussed about him being with Ally that if she Is his daughter and that she is not his daughter, that his been trying to find answers about his human past with Anne Townsend that if they are the parents of Ally. As Karon leaves, them in the other room as Ally hears kissing and sexual moaning that she sees Samuel and Lindsey Robinson are making out in the zombie garden. When Ally meets Lindsey and her boyfriend Samuel as they both discussed about them spending time together, that Ally is her older adopted brother girlfriend and that she is perfect and beautiful as a human for him, that Lindsey tells Samuel to leave them as he leaves the zombie garden. As Lindsey and Ally both discussed about her dating with Karon as they learn more about Karon's past as a human before he became a zombie, that she can became a zombie for him. Until they both got interrupt by Karon as Karon and Rebecca both discussed about her doing in the Zombie party with her boyfriend Samuel that he won't be alone, as he tells her to leave to go back to there apartment as Lindsey leaves looking at Ally. As Karon and Ally both discussed about him leaving Lindsey and that she has siblings that do that sometimes, as he tells her about the zombie garden as they both walk and they both discussed about them being together someday, that can get married and have a child. They meet with each other as they are about to kiss as Karon's eyes turn black as she stops and his eyes went back to normal as she tells him that she always loved him for who he is as they both shared a kiss in the zombie garden. Right after they kiss, Karon tells her that he wants to show her something else, that a place she will loved, so they can be together throughout the night. They both leaved the zombie party together to the woods.
* At night, In the woods, as Karon and Ally both discussed as they are both learning more about each other and he shows her the cabin. As he tells her that he turn into a zombie by a woman that he used to be in love named Carol that turned him into a zombie that he was trick, that he wanted to be with someone else like her as they are both are kissing passionately and they both stopped that she's in love with him and if she wanted to become a zombie with him, she can as they are both continuing kissing passionately as they are both taking each other's clothes off into their underwear's as they are both are breathing heavily. Until it switches to them on the bed as they are both naked, having sex for the first time as he kisses her neck as they are both are kissing passionately until she told him to stop. He asks her what she tells him that it's nothing, but wanted to be with him throughout this night that she always loved him as they are both continuing having sex. For their first time as Ally has her first experience of sex as she lose her virginity by Karon. It implied that they both sleep together
* Right after they have sex, as Ally and Karon are both naked but covering in blankets, they both discussed that she never have sex with a monster that it's never be a first try that she had. As they are both learning more about each other as they are both in common and that they always loved each other as they both shared a kiss. As they are both continuing having sex throughout the night.
* In the morning, in the cabin right after they have sex as Ally and Karon are both are getting dressed as they are both discussing about their future together and they can lived this cabin, and they can both have a child a girl named Abigail, only if Ally becomes a monster a zombie like him as she knows that she always loved him as they are both are kissing heavily. Until came Bruce as they are both discussing about her being with a zombie that Ally will never become a monster like himself, as they are both fighting as Karon becomes a fully zombie as his about to hurt Bruce until Ally hold his hand as that he is a monster who's not meant to hurt people as he becomes fully human again. Karon let's go of Bruce and takes Ally away from him.
* In the woods as they are both discussing about Bruce and that Ally shouldn't be with him since he is a monster, that she told him that she always wanted to be a monster as he tells her that his almost hurt her brother Bruce and they should not be together and they both broke up, as he leaves as she tells him that she always loved him and he walks to her and kisses her. As they both looked at each other and as he slowly let's go of her hand and leaves her alone in the woods.
* In Emma's and Ally's bedroom as they are both discussing about the summer's ball party and that Emma is taking Jason, that she loves him and that even though he is a maredi and Ally, and Karon that they both broke up and that because she can't be with him because his a monster as Emma gives her advice that Ally is in love with him and that she should be with him more as her boyfriend as she knows.
* During the summers ball party, as Karon and Ally both have their first dance together as they are both discussing about their future together, just of what he always wanted to be with her and that Ally can become a zombie for him maybe it will happen someday and that she loves him. As they both shared their kiss as Bruce watches them. Right after they have first kiss as Karon tells her that he can't do this as he leaves her, when Bruce came as they both discussed about that she is in love with him even though his a monster that she shall be with him, when she leaves Bruce and thanking him.
* In Karon's house, when Karon opens the door and sees Ally there as they are both discussed that she is beautiful and that she came to him, so they can do of what they meant to do and they can have a second chance. She kisses him heavily and they both closed the door, it implied that they both have sex.
* In Karon's bedroom right after they have sex, as they are both naked but covering in blankets as they are both learning more about each other and that they are meant to be together as he promise to turned her into a zombie just like of what he wanted as she knows as they are both shared a kiss.
* During the masquerade ball, as Karon takes Ally as they are both are sharing a dance as they both went to a hotel room. When they are both are kissing passionately and went inside as Karon closed the door. They are both are kissing passionately and they are both taking each other's clothes off, as they are both naked having sex, in the bed until Karon's eyes are turning black and he teeth grows fangs as he bites her neck when she screams in pain. When it fades to black.
* In the morning right after they have sex, as Karon puts on a black shirt and walks to Ally as he tells that everything will be new for them as he kisses her and leaves. As Ally is seeing memories throughout her human to now to where she was a baby. In the hotel room as she wakes up her eyes are black and she sees Karon beside shirtless but wearing black pants, as he tells her good morning and she asks him of what happened and that he tells her that she is now a monster, a zombie just like him for all eternity as he kisses her hand. When they are both putting on clothes as they both discussed about how she can tell her family of what happened to her and that she has to force to tell a lie to her family even her own sister and he comments her that she is so beautiful as a zombie as they are both are kissing heavily until she feels thirsty and that she needs to hunt.
* In the woods, as Karon and Ally both saw a deer and she chase it, as Karon follows her and she got the deer as she's feeding it's blood when Karon saw. Right after she's done feeding a deer as they are both walking in the woods holding hand to hand, as they are both discussing about the zombies diet to the animal blood instead of human blood as he tells her that human blood is a lot better instead of animal blood that since she's now a zombie that they can spend time together just like of what they used to as they are both are kissing passionately and making out.
* In the cabin, right after they have sex, as Karon and Ally both are naked but covering in blankets as it implied that they have sex. As they both discussed that being a monster, a zombie is so much more instead of being human because now they can have a future that they always wanted as they are kissing passionately and they are having of what is called morning sex.
* At night in Karon's bedroom, while Karon is sleeping in his bedroom until came Ally as they are both kissing passionately heavily and they are both discussed about her doing here in his bedroom and that it's a night stand between them, that she doesn't want to be alone with him and that they should go to have a midnight swim together as he tells her that they will a midnight swim together right after they have sex as she knows. As they are both continuing kissing passionately heavily and having sex in his bedroom.
* At night, in Karon's house in the pool as they are both walking hand to hand, as they are both smiling happily as they are both taking their clothes off as they are both naked, as she jumps into the water and so has Karon. They are both skinny dipping for the first time as they are both swimming into each other and hold on into each other as they are both kissing passionately heavily, as they both let go there kissing as they both tell each other that they both loved each other. They are both kissing passionately and having sex in the pool.
* It switches, in Karon's bedroom as they are both naked, having sex in his bedroom as they are both kissing passionately heavily on there lips, and into there entire bodies. As they both looked at each other and they both shared a passion kissing throughout the night.
* In the morning, in Karon's bedroom right after they have sex, as they are both laying naked but only see their backs in the bed together. It implied that they both sleep together throughout the night, as they both wake up and continue kissing passionately as they are having morning sex throughout the morning.
* In Ally's and Emma's bedroom while Ally getting dressed for the day until came Karon as she was surprise to see him. They both discussed of what his doing here in her bedroom and he tells her that he can't stop thinking about her since her uncle abandoned him to see her wanted to be with her before the party and that he only got is twenty minutes. As they are both kissing passionately and it implied that they have sex.
* In Ally's and Emma's bedroom right after they have sex, as Ally and Karon are both getting dressed as they are both discussing of what there plan is to be together to go out to a party where they can get drink as Ally refuses too. As they both discussed about her secret since she is a zombie since she is dating a monster and that she lose her humanity because of him that Karon shouldn't stop hiding and them doing night stands as he tells her that he loves her because he wanted to be with her. As they are both kissing passionately and came Emma. As they both got interrupt.
* Since Ally is a zombie and that they both have a couple of night stands together since they are a couple as Lisa sees that Ally is sleeping with Karon and that she is a monster, a zombie with him. That Lisa realizes that Karon turned a human into a monster a zombie like him, that he abducted her into a zombie and that he is really in love with her.
* Lisa who is a zombie also Karon's best friend and his ex girlfriend and that she is revealing to be pregnant with his child that she is been worried about Karon last night and he lies to her that it's nothing. As he looks at Ally
* In Middle Earth, during the Army Wars in the beginning it's show flashbacks in the late 1800s in a Victorian era village in England as a blue butterfly flies through the woods where there is a hooded figure that is walking in the woods as the butterfly flies to the village as when a announcer announced the three days of the Burton's and Townsend's wedding rehearsal as when in the Carters house while Dorothy Carter is naked but covering in blankets as she wakes up by her handmaiden as they both discussed about her spending the night with Karon, that she spend the night with Scott Cotton not Karon Burton, that she still loves Karon Burton. When her brother Noah Carter as him and his parents are named Elisabeth and JJ Carter both discussed about them getting ready to go to have tea with the queen, to talked with about them being rich, he should bring Dorothy to come down that they are ready to go as Noah went upstairs to his sister's room as she's getting dressed as they both discussed about her spending the night with hooking up with Karon Burton, that she spend the night with Scott Cotton not Karon Burton, she's cheating on Karon Burton that she's not because she is in love with Karon Burton and that she will get pregnant and marry Karon Burton, as Noah walks away as the butterfly flies to the Walt's house as Walt Burton comes home early from traveling for work to his wife Marguerite as they both discussed about her husband being early from work, that he is here for his brother's wedding and he wants to be with her that they confesses their love for each other as they are both kissing passionately heavily as the butterfly flies to the Townsend's house as Anne Townsend wakes up as she's getting ready to meet with Karon Burton and it flies to the Burton's house Karon Burton as a human fish merchant the same age as eighteen that in Karon's family are Nouveaux riches as he is ending up catching a blue butterfly through a glass as he is drawing it in a book while looking at the butterfly as he is as an anatomy to look at animals until came his younger sister Zoey Burton came as they both discussed about him playing with her, like they used to and that he is busy and that he is busy as anatomy as she went to her parents as they both discussed about Karon not playing with her, that he has to get ready meet to Anne Townsend because he is getting married as she knows that Karon is leaving the house, just like there older brother Walt as she leaves and then his biological parents are named Helena and Mason Burton that they are both discussed about about there children and that Zoey doesn't know about marriage yet, until when she's older and that there son Karon is ready to get married with Anne Townsend, that they trusted the Townsend's since they only want is to be in high in society so that they can have everything they wanted like to have tea with the Townsend's family so they can discuss about their plans like, the costume balls, the hallowed balls and having crumpets with the highest and the tea with the queen, that they both obsessed about wanting to become of high class so that's the reason why they will be the ones who came up with their son Karon of marrying Anne so they can the money to the Townsend's family as Karon overhears there conversation as his parents are walking away as he went back to his room, then he sees a carriage as he is surprise and looking at the carriage as his parents went outside as they both discussed about there son Karon getting married to Anne Townsend so that they can have everything of what they wanted as they are getting ready to go to there carriage as they both want to bring Karon to their carriage and that they are ready to meet the Townsend's as they saw their daughter Zoey as they both discussed about him that he won't come because he is busy with the creature and they both decided to bring Zoey to get Karon to their carriage and he also has a biological younger sister named Zoey Burton that she went to his room, as she walks up to him and he plays with her. Right after they both played as they both discussed about him drawing in his diary and the blue butterfly that means good luck to them, that she knows that he is a good drawer and anatomy as he suddenly know something is wrong with his sister and they both discussed about her hiding a secret from him that they don't keep secrets from each other and suddenly came his parents that he should go to the carriage to meet Anne that he is arranged to marry, when they are ready to leave as when Karon leaves and Zoey tells him farewell to her brother to hook up with a girl that he is arranging to marry. As he is ready to be meeting with a rich girl named Anne Townsend who is eighteen years old in the Townsend Mansion, Anne's parents are named Athena and Frank Townsend. They are duke and duchess as they both discussed about them trusting the Burton's since they are fish merchants going back in public and, them getting enough money for them to be rich again or else they will be living in the streets as that they have to trusted the Burton's from the beginning since there children are bestowed to marry each other and that they both trusted the Burton's son Karon to marry there daughter Anne that's what is there plan to go to public and be rich again. Meanwhile in her bedroom as Anne is getting ready to meet Karon with her handmaiden Maldelia as they both discussed about her and Karon liking each other and that if it is about marriage that they are both arranged to marry Karon to see if he will loved her, that they won't loved each other because that is not part of marriage, that if she can learn more about Karon and hook up with him, then get married that they are not forced to love that love is forbidden of marriage. That if she will get pregnant with Karon's child and that they have to abort their unborn child, as her mother tells Maldelia to get the corsets laced properly, so that's she can hear her speck without gasping, when her parents left as Anne rolled his eyes when her parents leaved. In outside as his parents and Karon both went to the carriage, that when the carriage leaves while in the carriage as Karon and his parents both discussed about him reel Anne in that he tells them he has already reel her in marrying Anne that if she should married someone who is rich other than him, that he is bestowed to marry her and that marriage is not important to him and that marriage is a part that he has to be in love and hook up, with her instead of marrying her as a virgin that marrying her is the best for him. That they are every bit as good as the Townsend's and that they deserved better than a fish merchant's as he never spoken to her and that if he get her pregnant and that he knows the wedding rules and not to make sure not to break it just like his brother Walt did, that Karon is different than Walt as he tells him that he will be grounded when he breaks the rules and that he has sex with Anne Townsend and he makes her pregnant until his wedding day and that they have a favor for him to marry Anne, as he agrees to marry Anne while he is looking at the window of the carriage. As in the Townsend's house as her parents both discussed about that marriage is part of partner ship as husband and wife like her parents that marriage is about two souls, that are meant to be together like her being with Karon for them to be husband and wife, like there is marriage rules that they both might have taught her that about marriage as Karon's and Anne's parents wants everything to be prefect between Karon and Anne to get married, so they can get of what they wanted as they both walked from the carriage as they both walked to the stairs as his parents fixed Karon from his coat to his hair as they both went to the Townsend's front door in the front door as when the butler opens the door, as his mother is fixing Karon about the way he is standing that he shouldn't tickle when he is getting ready to be married or something as they both went to the mansion, his parents both discussed about the Townsend's mansion that it is big as nothing as there house and even there older son Walt's house, as Karon's and Anne's parents meet for the second time as Anne's mother forced her husband to smiled as they both welcomed the Burton's to there house as they both discussed about them seeing each other since there last meeting, that they will be taking tea in the east drawing room as they both are leaving as his parents both talked about the house that who is the decorator and that it is nothing like Walt's house and that he is living a big mansion with his wife who is aristocrat that they both want to discuss about the marriage between Karon and Anne, that they will discuss, that it is part of the plan as her husband both explains about the tiles instead of the shame of the drapes as she tells him that her husband says foolish that they both shall ignore him, as he tells her that it's for the best as they both closed the door. As Karon saw a Townsend's piano and he started plays the piano while he is playing in Anne's bedroom, that she and her handmaiden Maldelia both discussed about that hearing of the melody and that she is ready to meet with Karon, as Maldelia tells her good luck and make sure to hook up with him. While she is coming down the stairs, when Karon is still playing the Townsend's piano right after he is done, he as he is stuttering when he and Anne first meet as they both discussed about that melody of the piano, that they both talked about the piano that it is she can't play the piano and that music is improper for a young lady like herself and that it's too passionate of what her mother said and that passionate is something different, that passionate is for love and that they both talked about her of where is her chaperone and that it is about the view of circumstances as he tells her that three days until they are getting married, that since she was a child that she dreamt about her wedding day and someone to be truly in love with be with her for the rest of her life that it's silly as he tells her that that it's is silly as he says it on accident as his actually supposed to say as she is laughing as he is saying no no not at all that he is sorry as she is saying that he thinks that he is funny as he knows of what she said that she thinks that he is funny as she responds happily as he is supposed to say that it is not a silly dream that her dream will come true as she tells that she's possibly knows as they are laughing and he is clumsy as he breaks a glass stand of the white flower, from the piano as he grabs the white flower and gives it to her as she passes him the white flower as they are both staring at each other as they both fall in love with each other until came her mother Athena Townsend as they both discussed about what impropriety is this between her and Karon are in here alone, by themselves and that they should come with the parents to discuss about there marriage and them meeting to learn more about each other and she leaves the room. As Karon and Anne both discussed about her mother and that they have to learn more about each other before they get married for three days and that they have to leaved to be with their parents to discuss about their marriage. That Anne tells Karon that they don't have it and that he wants her to teach her how to play the piano as they both play the piano and then they are both are staring at each other and then they are both kissing passionately. In Anne's bedroom as they both went to her bedroom as they are both kissing passionately heavily and they both take each other's clothes off as they are in their underwear's. Then they are both continuing kissing passionately as they are both take their underwear's off as they are both naked having sex in her bed as they both looked at each other as they are both are breathing heavily as they are both continuing having sex throughout the day, as it came to blackout. They both have sex for the first time and she lose their virginity also it's unknowingly that they both convinced a child. In morning right after they have sex, as Karon and Anne are both sleeping together in her bed, naked but covering in blankets as they both wake up as they are both discussed that they should learn more about each other before they will get married as they both walked into the village as they went to the bar, they meet Karon's best friends named Weir and Walo as Karon and Anne are both sharing their first dance and their first kiss as he propose to marry her as she accepts. They both shared their kiss together in the bar, in three days later in her bedroom, as she's getting ready for her rehearsal today as her and Maldelia both discussed about her sleeping with Karon and that she found out that she is pregnant with his child, that they forced to hide it from her parents. In the bar, as Weir and Karon both discussed about him sleeping with Anne Townsend who is his fiancée that he is getting ready to married and that if he get her pregnant that he is forced to hide her pregnancy from his parents. Back in the Townsend's mansion, as Karon comes back from the bar and Anne walked down from her bedroom as they both hugged and they both kissed. That they both discussed about missing each other so much even though it's the wedding as they are about to kiss, came his sister Zoey and that she tells him that there parents want them to come, so they can discuss about meeting each other before the wedding rehearsal as Karon tells her that they will come and that she needs to leave them now. As Zoey leaves, as Anne and Karon both discussed about his sister Zoey and that he does loved her as his sister. That they are about to kiss as they both stopped as he knows that her eyes are glowing and that there's a bump on her belly. That it can't be true that he is surprised that is it true that she is pregnant... as she close his mouth and that she can tell him later tonight as they are both sharing a kiss until they are interrupted by Mrs. Burton as she tells them that they are alone by themselves and they should go with the parents so they can discuss about them learning more about them only one minute and that they are not in the rehearsal as Pastor Windsor is waiting to come at once, as she walks out as Karon and Anne stared at each other. Three hours later in the Townsend's Mansion as they are both rehearsing their marriage vows with pastor Windsor as he is trying to flame the candle and he is still having cold feet and he is nervousness during his wedding rehearsal with Anne, as Pastor Windsor and Karon both discussed about the marriage vows, that he shall flame the candle so that he shall give the ring to this wife. Until came Lord Lewis Phillips who comes and tries to impressed the Townsend's by Karon's clumsily by dropping the ring and make an argument between Karon and Anne so he can be more charming the Townsend's and convinces them that he is better worthy suitor of Anne Townsend and to marry her, take there money, her and Karon's child so he will become rich as he went to the wedding rehearsal as he tells them that he is here to enjoy the wedding rehearsal as he sits by the Burton's. While pastor Windsor tells them that they should continue, when Karon and Anne are still practicing their marriage vows. As Lord Philips and Mr. Burton both discussed about Karon and Anne wedding, that they both slept together three days before they got married which is tomorrow. Until Lord Phillips realizes that Anne has a bump on her belly as he is telling himself that she is pregnant with Karon's Burton's child. When priest Windsor tells Lord Phillips to be quiet as he tells Karon to light the candle again since Lord Phillips disturbance these two wedding lovers. Until he flames the candle, as pastor Windsor tells him that now he shall said his vows and I do to Anne Townsend and that he tells Anne the vows of what his parents always tells him about giving the money to the Townsend's so they can both become noble of high class and they will pass the money with her parents so they can becoming rich once again and having tea with her whole family will be in high in society with his family that she will be a great wife to him as he saids I do. As they are about to kiss, as they both got interrupt by Pastor Windsor that he tells Karon that he wants to get married as he accidentally slips of the tongue saying that he doesn't want to get married when Anne his fiancée is confused of what he said, that if it isn't true as he tries to tells to tell her that he wants to get married for them and there parents. As pastor Windsor tells him that they should continue and that Karon has a wedding ring. When he grabs the ring, as his saying his vows to Anne to become his wife for there sickness and health that they shall be together forever. When Karon is trying to put the wedding ring on Anne's finger until he accidentally the ring as Zoey picks it up and gives it back to Karon as his future mother in law Mrs. Townsend is worried about Karon if he will ever get married to his daughter as her husband knows that he has to do it. While Karon is saying his vows again to give the wedding ring to Anne to become his wife, as he puts the ring on her finger safety when pastor Windsor tells him that it's time to do the final touches that they shall do their first kiss as husband and wife as Karon tells him that they have their first kiss at a bar, as his parents are mad that Karon went to the bar with Anne and that he is too young to drink. As priest Windsor tells them that they must continue as he pronounced them as husband and wife when they are about to do the kiss until Karon stops as Karon and Pastor Windsor are both arguing about him doing a kiss, that about his marriage with Anne and that does he truly loves her to marry her even though his parents want him to, and he tells him that he is instructed by Pastor Windsor that must to learn his vows as he decides to leave the mansion as Anne follows him out of the mansion and he tells Anne that he is afraid of marriage and that he is not ready for marriage even though there parents arranged them to get married that he is not ready for the wedding about them yet, as she's tells that he is a good groom that there parents will respect him even though he has to practice his vows as he is afraid as she hugs him as they are hugging. Karon tells her that he wished everything will go back to normal before there marriage as she knows they both shared a kiss. Right after they kissed Karon tells her that something is wrong with her and that he needs to know about her, as she tells him that she is pregnant with his child and that she is carrying a unborn child is a girl as he is worried and nervous that they are both about to become parents as they are both arguing about her being pregnant with his child and there marriage, there parents finding out that she is carrying his child and that he is not ready to become a father to there unborn daughter while Lord Phillips is watching them in the window looking at them, as they are both still fighting about her being pregnant with his child, she tells Karon to listen to her that even though they are arranged to get married for there parents and that she is carrying his a child, a girl that should him that they are both meant to be parents with this child that right after they got married they can raise their daughter to a happy place that they could watch her growing up as he refuses to be with her that ever since she is pregnant with his child, that he shouldn't even be with her and there marriage that he has enough of this as he walks away from her. While Lord Phillips watches in the window smiling evilly. In the village, while Karon is standing on the bridge holding a white flower as he is telling himself about Karon ruining his wedding rehearsal and that she is pregnant with his child, that he is such a fool. Until there is announcer telling them about the rehearsal in ruins as Burton boy causes Chaos as the fishy fiancée could be canned, as Karon and his fiancée Anne Townsend have a huge argument before their wedding because she is secretly pregnant with his child, a girl that she is carrying and hiding from her parents there's is only three hours of the Burton's and Townsend's wedding as the Townsend's all fired up as Burton ruin the rehearsal as Karon walks away. In the dark winter woods, while he is walking and he is talking to himself for what he said to Anne and that the vows, are important and so is marriage that she is carrying his child. That he doesn't know anything of how to be a child with her, then he suddenly to practicing his vows in the woods, while a mysterious woman is watching him from afar as he accidentally puts the wedding ring on a mysterious woman as he is surprise that he puts on his wedding finger of a another woman that's he jumps and falls to the ground as asks who is she and that's where he meets a beautiful girl named Carol Everglot that she knows that he is Karon and that he is practicing his wedding vows, he wants Anne's wedding ring back, that he is in love with Anne Townsend that he even slept with her for three days and that she is pregnant with his child, a girl that he isn't ready to be married and become a father of there unborn daughter as he tells her everything about the marriage between him and Anne that he needs his wedding ring back, so he can go to the village and practicing his marriage vows somewhere else as she tells him no that he has to stay with her and since they haven't learn more about each other, maybe she will take him into somewhere special so they can be together and he can go back to do his wedding with Anne Townsend as he chooses to be with her as she grabs his hand as he grabs her hand they both hold hands for the first time. While they are walking in the woods, Karon and Carol are both discussed about them as they are learning more about each other, that they have in common for the first time that Karon didn't even realize it. In the woods as they both saw a cabin, that it's Carol home and she wanted to show Karon everything as they both entered he sees pictures of the people of her past while he is talking to her about those pictures of people that she knew, before they are dead and living as she told him that those are the people that she knows before they are monsters, as he is telling her that monsters don't exist it's the late 1800s as if monsters aren't real and she tells her that they are real to her, as she close the door and he is asking her what she is doing as she closes the door as she tells him that he hopes that he will enjoy the night with her as they are both kissing passionately and as they are about to make out as they are both taking each other's clothes off. They are both having sex in the bed, as she bites his neck as he screams in pain as he is seeing his human memories from now to where he is a baby while he is transforming into a zombie for many years, in the morning right after they have sex as Karon doesn't remember of what happened as he wakes up naked but covering in blankets and sees Carol beside her as he asks her of what happened as she tells him that it is trick by her and that now he is a zombie just like her, as he looks at the mirror and screams, they both discussed about Carol turning him into a zombie that who told her to turned him into a zombie as she doesn't remember. As he is about to kill her in anger, he realizes the wedding of him and Anne as he is getting dressed as they are both discussing about Karon going back to the village so he can see Anne and that he is meant to be with her, that how he can tell her that he is zombie as she's about to tell him that it's been many years since he was human and now that everything that he knows and everyone that he loves are gone. As he runs out of the cabin as she puts her head down in agony and Karon is running out of the fall woods back into the Victorian village as he realizes the village is changed that it's been many years since he was gone it's now 1890s and it's now the birth of the Galactic World empire as he went to the Burton's house as he knocked the door, that it won't open as he climb up to the balcony, as he looks out into Anne's bedroom that he realizes that it is empty and he came down the balcony, he runs from the Burton's house as he stops running and went to the church as he finds a cemetery by the church while he is walking in the cemetery as he sees the grave of Anne Townsend that he is telling himself that he failed to be with her and that he should be with her, that they are meant to be parents with their daughter as he touches the her gravestone. That he tells her that he loves her always and that he is accepting to be a zombie to be with her again, as he is walking away until he feels something changing in his thirst as his eyes turned red and black as his ready to feed on humans and animals. Until he got electricity by the military armies from Middle Earth as they both decided to take him to his hideout and Anakin Jones will sure to loved that they bring the monster, a zombie to there ship.
* In a middle of the night when Karon wakes up from his dreams about him as a human and Anne Townsend both discussed about there love since is now gone as a monster, a zombie and that she doesn't matter that she loved him as a monster that since now he is having fun with a human that he turn her into a monster just like him, that she loves him and that they should have fun to as they are both are kissing passionately and starting to making out in the her tomb as he wakes up, that he is naked but covering in blankets I implied that Ally and Karon have sex. He looks at Ally who's sleeping next to him on the bed as he gets up and put on black, green pants. While Ally wakes up curiously, as she gets up from the bed as she puts on a Karon's black, green shirt. When she came down the stairs, as she sees the picture of Anne Townsend as they both discussed about the woman who is Anne that he is bestowed to marry her and that he loves her, they have a argument of him loving a woman and Ally herself as a monster an zombie that he loves her that he knows as he tells her that he loves her and that he is somehow attached to her, that if she is his daughter but turns out that she's not his daughter and that he loves her more than anything for her as a monster. They both shared a kiss and they both stop kissing, they both look at each other and they both are kissing passionately.
* Karon has dreams of his memories until he went to a church as he finds out what happened to Anne and he finds out that they both convinced a child and before they both got married that she was carrying his daughter and later that Anne gives birth to his daughter named Victoria who was giving up right after birth because she believes that Karon is dead. It shows flashbacks of Anne giving birth to a girl as she's suffering the death of Karon that she named Victoria, she decides to take her daughter into a church and that she will be safe there without her mother. That he later finds out that Victoria was adopted to a another family and that she doesn't know of her birth parents are. That he must find her, and that he needs to find his answers of the past.
* In Karon's dream, as it shows the tree and place that he is back as human and he suddenly sees his younger sister Zoey who is a lot of grown up as a young woman. She grabs his hand, as they both discussed about the village that they both used to while they are children, that everything is perfect and that they both loved each other since they both first meet when, she was born as a baby girl that he is happy to have a sister and that they are siblings and he shouldn't leave the house that she didn't want him too. That because of there brother, Walt when he left them for his marriage with a rich woman and that he won't leaved her for marriage, that he won't never leaves her forever as she knows. He wakes up, shirtless but covering in blankets as he grabs a picture of his sister Zoey Burton as he misses her so much.
* In the morning, in the cabin as Karon is playing the piano while there is a picture of his sister Zoey Burton as a young girl and came Ally as they both discussed about him playing the piano, since he was a young boy that he enjoy playing the piano since as that she can play the piano to, that they have so much more in common as they both play the piano together of the melody of the loved that he played when he was used to be human. As they play more of the melody right, after they stop playing that they both like their euthanized as they both shared a kiss, and they are both kissing passionately.
* In the woods, at night while Karon is walking that he can't believe that he is a father of his daughter Victoria and that he doesn't know anything more about his past. Until he walks by the tree and he is speaking about the past and that he must find out who they know about his daughter, until a bone hand pop out as there is Anne Townsend's wedding ring he saw a bone hand with Anne Townsend's wedding ring when he is about to touched it as the bone hand pulls him out, as he grabs Anne Townsend's wedding ring on his hand until came a corpse woman who have gotten rise from the grave as she tells him that she promise and he got chased throughout the forest as he went to the bridge of an old late 1800s England era village as the corpse woman tells that of what she promised to be with him and that he may kissed the woman as she grabs him and kisses him on the lips as he ends up fainting as they both disappears.
* In the land of the dead, there is people who are dead back from the 1800s in the bar as Karon wakes up as sees the corpse woman and a skeleton both discussed about him that he must have fainted when he is fully awake as he sees couple of dead people as he stands up as they are cheering for Karon to be with the dead as he is curious as they both discussed about what he said about the past and his daughter, that now he is with them as he is talking to himself of what he has done, that there can't be dead people in the late 1800s that been dead longer as she comforts him that everything is okay as corpse woman wanted to show Karon of what he looks as she takes him to the mirror where she shows Karon that he is his normal human self again, as he sees it in the mirror and that he needs to know of what he is doing here, that his here to must find answers of his past and about his daughter Victoria that she needs to take him to meet Lord Capuchin.
* In the other room as a library, Karon and the corpse woman brings him to Lord Capuchin as they both discussed about what's his doing in the land of the dead, that he must finds answers about his past and about his daughter Victoria who was given up from birth. That he must meet five people in the dead to know about his past and his daughter, that he must transported to meet his first person in the dead. As Karon got disappears out of the room as he is in a village.
* In the Victorian village that he must to lived before he was a monster and that he suddenly remembers the village. As his walking around the village, until he sees a mansion and he enters the house and he sees a flashback of Karon as a young boy seeing his grandmother Debbie Burton as she teaches Karon how to play the piano as he remembers everything from the past until he meets the first person in the dead, that it is his older brother named Walt Burton as they both discussed about him living in his mansion, right after he got married to a rich aristocrat woman that he knows. Until he sees pictures of his grandmother Debbie Burton as they both discussed about what happened to his grandmother when he was boy, before there sister Zoey was born that he was so close to his sister so much and that she never play with him. That he needs to know of what happened with his grandmother as he tells Karon that she died of an heart attack, and that he needs to remember from his past and that he needs to know about his past. That they both discussed about her death that she died of an heart attack that he did kill him, that it's the truth and it about Walt's death of how he dead. Walt tells him that he dead by a killer right after his grandmother's death and that he dead when his daughter was born as now Karon knows the truth of what happened to of how he dead. That is Walt's fault that killed his grandmother as they both grab swords and they are both are fighting in the mansion. As they both discussed about Walt loving Karon as his brother and his grandmother's death was Walt's fault, as they are continuing fighting in the mansion. When Karon's sword went to Walt's throat and that he knows about his daughter Victoria's birth, that Walt tells him that when they got the news that Karon was dead, but Walt didn't believe because he knows that his brother isn't dead, that he turns into a monster, a zombie as he knows the secret of Anne's pregnancy of his daughter, before her birth him and his grandmother made a deal to keep the money safe, and Victoria so Lord Phillips won't come. As the day of the birth, there grandmother didn't promised so Walt decides to talked to her about that deal, as she grabs a drink when there grandmother falls into the ground as Walt thinks his poison her, but it's someone else as a mysterious killer shot Walt as he went to the ground, dead that the killer took their family's money as he tells Karon that he didn't killed his grandmother because it was someone who wanted to get there money and Victoria, as Karon wants him to show him those memories. As Walt grabs his hand as Karon is seeing flashbacks of the Burton's and the Townsend's when they both got the news of Karon being dead, in Anne's bedroom as Walt and his brothers fiancée Anne Townsend both discussed about her pregnancy with Karon's child, that about Lord Phillips married her and that she told him about the money. In the mansion, as Walt and his grandmother Miss Burton both discussed about hiding the money so Lord Phillips won't find it and get it, as they both have a deal. On the day of Victoria's birth, as Walt is mad that about him and his grandmother making that promise to hide the money, that they both need to discussed it as he grabs her a drink, when his grandmother drink it as she went to the ground as she is dead. When Walt didn't know of what he have done, until there is a killer that shot Walt as he falls to the ground. Back in the mansion as Karon still don't believe the whole truth as Walt tells him the whole truth so that he can be with Karon because of Karon since he loves him as his brother. In Karon's flashbacks of Karon as a young boy and Walt as boys playing together with there parents and their grandmother, them all the way to now before Karon bestowed to marry Anne Townsend as that they are happy before Karon becomes a zombie and that he remembers everything of his past. Back in the mansion, as Karon remembers and he grabs his hand as Walt grabs his hand, and he stands up as Karon told him that he remembers his past between them before he was a monster as Walt tells Karon a lesson that he will always have a older brother even before he was gone like himself, before he leaves he tells him that he is with Ally Mills that will she be with him truly as Walt tells him maybe. When walks out, and opens the door to back of the village again as in Karon's flashback where he is seventeen year old who is waiting for a aristocrat someone who is a Carter that will come in visit because of his parents trusts the Carters until he saw a beautiful eighteen year old aristocrat woman out of the carriage as they both discussed about their last names, that she is going to the bar to drink and that's where he first meet Dorothy Carter for the first time. As he remembers of how he first meet Dorothy Carter, he went to a bar that is called Victorian Bar he used to go as Walt follows him, as they both decided to grab some drinks as they are drinking beer together as they both discussed about his marriage with Marguerite and that he loves Marguerite but she died of childbirth when she gave birth to his third child and that he loves her, as he sees Anne Townsend's wedding ring, as he tells him to be careful of that ring and to not to lose it as Karon drops the ring, as it went to the floor as Walt is laughing at him as Karon runs to get the ring, as Anne Townsend's wedding ring went to a mysterious wedding bride. As he went to the mysterious wedding bride as they accidentally both discussed about the second person someone that he loves from his past that was used to be his girlfriend as they are both are dancing they accidentally both said their wedding vows as the bride kissed him when they both accidentally become husband and wife. As he was knock out and unconscious for a while. In Karon's flashbacks of Karon when he is still human and him still as seventeen year old as he, and his older brother Walt Burton both are walking as they both discussed about him having a crush on his best friend Dorothy Carter and that when he will tell her that he love each other. Until came Dorothy Carter as Walt leaves Karon as Karon and Dorothy both discussed about each other as he gives her a white rose, that they both discussed to have a relationship as he is about to tell Dorothy as that he loves her. As they both about to shared their kiss as they are both interrupt by Dorothy's mother named Bonnie Carter that she wants Dorothy to go, that there late to have a talk with the queen as Dorothy leaves her as Dorothy and Karon both stared at each other. Until it transitions in Karon's bedroom, as Walt and Karon both discussed about Karon about to tell Dorothy that he loves her and that they should do their first kiss in the bridge and that's where love will come between, that Walt knows that his brother Karon has a crush on and that he should be with her.
* In the Victorian Bar as he is fully awake, as the skeletons know that he has fainted again and that it is the second time, as Walt was curious of what happened to him as he sit him up. When his mysterious bride hugs him and they both shared a kiss, right after they kissed they both discussed about who is she and why is she his second person in the dead, as the veil went to her face. She is explaining that she got sent Lord Capuchin about his past and his daughter, that he knows about Karon Burton as he knows that Dorothy Carter is his second person in the dead and that she is also his ex girlfriend, that he left her many years ago because they used to dated and now something has changed that they are both now married just like of what they wanted, because that they both their marriage vows as she is showing him Anne Townsend's wedding ring, that she is his wife and that Karon is her husband. In Karon's flashback of Karon still as a human but seventeen year old as he went to the Carter house as he knocks on the door, until came Dorothy Carter as they both discussed about him doing here and that he wants to take her, that his going to change her life. As she grabs his hand as they both walked out of the house. It transitions of them as Karon and Dorothy Carter are walking as they both discussed about each other as Karon wants to learn more about Dorothy herself, as she explains why her family the Carters hated the Townsend's that there richer better than her parents so they trust Lord Lewis Phillips for the money as her family takes the money out of the Townsend's as she hope there family won't go to poor. As he wants to take her into the bridge and that she wants her to trust him, as she accepts as they both take each other hands. As remembers that memory of him and Dorothy, and he now knows that they are now married as he is running away from Dorothy Carter because she is his wife, while he is running away from the bar as Dorothy was curious of where he is going as she follows him. He is running as she is chasing him right to the hallways, until he stop as another memory of him as a human. In Karon's flashback of Karon and Dorothy running from the village to the bridge as they both discussed about the bridge to looked at it in the water, as Karon explains that he loves her and that he wanted to be with her, that he wants her to be his girlfriend as they both shared their first kiss as she tells Karon that she loves him, to as they are both kissing in passion. As he remembers that memory until came his newlywed wife Dorothy Carter and that he tells her he doesn't believe it that his ex girlfriend is his wife and that they are both not meant to be married, that they are both married. That she wants to take Karon somewhere and that they will loved it since they are both now married as he trust her, she takes him into a carriage as they both went to the carriage as she is trying to touch his hand. As the driver and Dorothy both discussed about Karon and Dorothy Carter now newlyweds and that she tells him until a special place for her and her husband. When Karon's and Dorothy's hold hands throughout the carriage ride, when Karon remembers a another memory of him as human. In Karon's flashback of him as he is still human, when he takes his new girlfriend Dorothy Carter to the playground where he used to play with his sister Zoey Burton. As they both discussed about the view of the village, that there's favorite view as they both sit together as they both discussed about each other's childhood and the view of the village is wonderful, as they both stared at each other and when Karon leads a kiss as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they are about to have sex until they stopped and that she should leaved, as he tells her that she should stay because since they are both secretly boyfriend and girlfriend, that how long can they keep their sexual relationship a secret from there parents and that they won't know, she tells him that she is a virgin that she never experience sex as he is a virgin too that she tells him that she is ready to have sex with Karon but as he tells her that he loves her that he wants to be with her forever. Dorothy walks up to him and kissing passionately as they are both kissing passionately as he tells her about them having sex as she promised. They are both kissing passionately heavily as they are both kissing in passion by a tree, as they both smile and they both kissed and run to the village as they are both kissing passionately. Right after they kissed as they both run together, they both went towards a carriage as they both are kissing passionately. When Karon remembers that memory between them as when the carriage picks them to the Carter house, while she tells him that it is there wedding present for them to spend their honeymoon with as she is walking as he wants to follow her, he is following her as he remembers a memory between him and Dorothy. In Karon's flashback of Karon as a seventeen year old as he is still human and Dorothy Carter as they are both running out of the carriage, as they are both chasing each other and they are both are kissing passionately and making out. When the door is opened as her younger brother Noah Carter disturb there romantic relationship as she brings him inside her house and that they should trust each other. As he follows her inside as they both discussed about Dorothy's house as they are both walking upstairs as they are both kissing passionately as they both keep on smiling, and kissing as she takes him into her bedroom as she closes the door. When in the Carter House, as Karon remembers those memories with Dorothy and when he follows her as she is explaining to him about the house. That she wants to show Karon something else as she grabs his hand, he follows her to her bedroom and to the balcony as it shows the view in the land of the dead, as they both discussed about the view of the land of the dead and that about them since they both used to be boyfriend and girlfriend and that they broke up that she doesn't remember that there husband and wife, that they are since he is proposed to Anne Townsend, that that there married and that he doesn't loved her and that she always loved Karon as her husband. She leaves as he tells her because they used to have a sexual relationship with each other as she walks away. He sits on the bed as he went to sleep as he is dreaming in Karon's flashback as it shows a memory of him as a seventeen year old as he is still human while he is still human and, when Dorothy Carter brought him to her bedroom. That they are both kissing passionately and making out, as they both stopped kissing as Karon tells Dorothy about having sex as she wants to do it. As they are both continuing kissing passionately and making out, when they both went into the bed. They are both keeping kissing as they both get undressed to their underwear's, when they are both having sex as they both take each other's underwear's off as they both become naked. As they are both naked, having sex as Karon is kissing her neck as they both continue kissing passionately as they both continue to have sex in bed. As it implied that they both lose their virginity. In the morning right after they have sex, as Dorothy wakes up naked but covering in blankets it implied that Karon and Dorothy both slept together. When Dorothy doesn't know where Karon is as came through the door, he is dressed in a black bathrobe and black pants as he went to the her bed as they both discussed about last night, that he never went to her room and that her room has so many memories, now that changed because he came into her room and that he knows that he is even sleep with a aristocrat, that he has fun so did she. As they are both kissing passionately heavily as they both stopped kissing as Dorothy hears a carriage that she will be late, her parents will killed her as he tells her that it's okay as they are both kissing passionately heavily. She told him to stop that she doesn't want her parents to know that she is late, he told her that she won't be late as he promised they are both continuing having morning sex in her bedroom. Back in the bedroom, when Karon wakes up as he hears a noise that it is his wife Dorothy Carter who told him, that the dinner is ready and it's time to go. As he came down, to the downstairs to the dining room as she surprise him with the dinner, for them to spend time as husband and wife. As he is surprise as she tells him that she knows, that he shall sit and enjoy dinner. While they are eating dinner, while Noah, Dorothy and Karon both discussed about Karon is her husband and that he is, that they have sex and that they both did long time ago. As Noah knows a spark of love that is between the newlyweds that they should hook up again since they are married as Karon and Dorothy are both staring at each other. In her bedroom, as they are both kissing passionately heavily and they are both making out, they are both went to her bed as they are both kissing passionately as she is about to take her clothes off as they are both about to have sex. He told Dorothy to stop, and she asks what's wrong that he can't hook up with her, because they are not actually married that he tells her the real truth that he doesn't love her as his wife, but she tells him that they are both meant to be husband and wife, that he loves her. As they both have a argument about Karon loving her as his wife, that they both make a promise for them to get married and have children because that's what Karon wants as he told her that they broke up, many years that she should have forget about him and her as husband and wife, that he still has feelings for Anne Townsend to marry not Dorothy he should have tell her that before there married and actually husband, wife that he tells her that they are different, that she is dead and that he is still alive and that he knows why she is his second person in the dead as she tells him that they are both married as he explains to her that it was a mistake that he could never marry Dorothy and that he doesn't love her. She tells him that she thinks that she needs some space from him, as she is leaving teary eye. As Karon watches. He came down to the Carter house as he sees Noah carter who is looking at him in front door, as they both discussed about him being with sister, That he loves her as he tells him that it was long time, that it is over between them, that he should give Dorothy a second chance. Karon tells Noah that he doesn't want to have a second chance with Dorothy as he leaves out to the door, as Karon is running outside as he sees Dorothy through the window as they both looked at each other as he runs away from the street. By the front door, when Dorothy is coming down to the stairs crying as came Noah as they both discussed about him trying to get Karon back, that she thinks that Karon still loves her even though they broke up, that he tells they Karon still loves her for who she is that he knows and that Karon was arranged to marry with Anne Townsend, that he still loves her as he told her to tell him the truth about there love. When Karon went to the library, as he sits and looks at the White Rose he once gave to Dorothy Carter many years ago. When Karon remembers a memory, during his eighteen birthday party as him and his family both celebrated until came Dorothy who came to his house. Dorothy comes inside as Karon is surprising to see his girlfriend as that she wants Karon, when his family left as Karon and Dorothy both stared at each other. In Karon's bedroom, as Karon and Dorothy are both are kissing passionately, they are both making out as they are both discussed about them having sex, while he has a birthday to celebrate as she doesn't matter that it is a surprise gift for Karon as he is now eighteen to take him to the street right after they both spend the evening together. They both smiled as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, they both went to the bed as they are both having sex. When Karon and Dorothy comes down, hurriedly it implied that they have sex, as his family Is wandering of where they are going as they both are going to the street just the two of them. As Karon and Dorothy both run to the street throughout the night, as they are both holding hands as they are both in the middle of the street. They both discussed about them doing in the middle of the street when it's at night, that she wants to be with Karon that she tells him that she doesn't need to wait, for them to get married and that they can have everything of what he wanted to be with her, to get married and have children so they can be together. As he kisses her as that he wants to be with her, as they are both kissing in passion throughout the night. As Karon remembers that memory, until came Lord Capuchin as they both discussed about Karon being a husband with Dorothy and that does he really has feelings for Dorothy before they are married, as that love is a part of life that him and Dorothy used to shared before he meets Anne Townsend, why Dorothy as his second person in the dead to choose her. He chooses her so that he can tell Karon of what love is, that love is something that the couples are meant to be together and that Karon wanted to be Dorothy because he was in love her, many years ago that they should be together even though there married. That Karon should be with Dorothy so he can know about his past and his daughter Victoria, when Karon is looking at the White Rose. Karon runs to the street to the Carter house, as he quickly knocks the door as Noah opens the door, as they both discussed about where Dorothy as Noah tells him that Dorothy is her bedroom that he will find her there, when Karon went up the stairs as he opens to Dorothy's bedroom.
* In Dorothy's bedroom while it is empty when Karon is still holding the White Rose while he is looking around the bedroom as in a flashback of him as a eighteen year old teenager and that he is with Dorothy Carter that he used to love before he was forced to bestowed to marry Anne Townsend as they are both kissing passionately heavily and that they both discussed about them getting married without his parent's won't know and that they should spend the night together and that they should get married so they can be together forever. As responds yes and that they should be together as she smiles brightly as they are both kissing passionately, it implied that they have sex. In the Carter House, in the bedroom while Karon remembers everything from his past until came Dorothy Carter as she was there as they both discussed about her waiting for him to get married in her bedroom and that it's a wonderful bedroom that they could slept together when they both got secretly married and him being with her. That why did he broke up with her and he tells her that he has to broke up with her and that they both discussed about feelings or personal. He tells her that it was personal feelings because he was bestowed to marry Anne Townsend as he wishes that they could have gotten married sooner than later, before he will be with Anne Townsend and that he loves Anne more than her. That they both discussed about that he was sleeping with her, that she was there at the bar when he propose to Anne in front of everyone as they both have a argument about him loving Dorothy as they meet, she became his girlfriend so he can show his brother that he has a boyfriend, they wanted to get married so they can have children and lived a happy life together before he proposing to Anne and sleeping in bed, with Anne before his marriage with her and that he needs to remember that day about their break up. That since right after everyone believed that he is dead but she didn't believe that she believe that her ex boyfriend is alive and that she forgot about there right after she meet and got married to his best friend Weir, that he must remember that day before she left him completely. In Karon's flashbacks of in the bar, as she sees Karon and Anne sharing their first kiss right after there first tap dance as she runs out to the bar. Karon follows her out of the bar, as Dorothy and Karon both discussed about Karon being with Anne that he even slept with her only for three weeks and that he tells her that he is bestowed to marry her, that if he has really has sexual feelings for Anne as he tells her that he has sexual feelings with Anne because he loves her and that he loves her very much instead of Dorothy and that they wished they could get married and have children. That he is sorry about the relationship as she tells him that he is better off to be with Anne instead of Dorothy as she walks away crying and that he will regret it about his love of Anne instead of Dorothy herself as she leaves him alone. In the Carter House, as she is briefly crying as he walks to her and touches her cheek. That he tells her that he loves her for matter what and that he remembers everything from the past before he became a zombie. She tells him that he is meant to be a father with Victoria and that she became a nun in the church, she watches Victoria everyday in her life she always remind of him as a teenager. As Karon wants to know about Victoria as Dorothy grabs her hand, as he touches it shows flashbacks of Dorothy and Weir first meeting in the bar as they both discussed about Karon's death and broke up, they both become boyfriend and girlfriend. To Weir proposing Dorothy married him, they both got married and become husband and wife, Dorothy becoming pregnant with Weirs but miscarries it because she is can't give birth to her child as they both decided to become a nun and priest in the church for there unborn child. When Dorothy first sees baby Victoria as she watches Victoria growing up from a baby to eleven years old, to where her husband Weir dies of old age, at one night weeks right after her husband's while Dorothy is at a old age praying when someone walks to her and kills her in the heart as Dorothy dies. That she told him a lesson of how much that he loves someone in a sexual relationship and that relationship's aren't that perfect, and that she knows about his love with Anne Townsend. That she tells him that he needs to be with Ally since he turned her into a zombie just like him that he has feelings for Ally since he is in love with her. As he tells her that he is meant to marry her and that he loves even though they are not meant to be married, because he loves her as his wife they both shared a kiss as they are both kissing passionately and they are both are making out and they both are getting undressed as they both consummate their marriage. As they are both are naked having sex in her bed, as she wants him to stop that he should go and that he shouldn't go because he is in love with his wife always as they are both keeping on having sex until it fades to black because it implied that they both have sleep together. Right after they have sex, as Dorothy wakes up naked but covering in blankets as Karon is beside her, as they both discussed about her bedroom and that he never went to her bedroom as that he has because her bedroom has a lot of memories. As Dorothy and Karon are keeping on having morning sex in her bed. Right after they have morning sex, as they are both are dressed in their wedding clothes as they both discussed about Karon leaving because he needs to meet his third person in the dead and that he needs to go, and that even though they are husband and wife as she knows. As they both shared a kiss as Dorothy returns him Anne Townsend's wedding ring as he grab it, that he knows that she his wife, that she tells him that it is time to get the wedding ring to someone else that he loved instead of her as they are both are kissing passionately, he tells her that he loves her for more matter what happens they always loved each as they are both continuing kissing passionately and Karon saw the door as he went to the towards the door looks at Dorothy one last time and as he opens the door as he walks through the door. He went to the bar.
* At a bar, while Karon is seeing people dancing and in his flashbacks of Karon as a seventeen year old as he brings Zoey to hang out with him and that he has his first tap dance in the table and that's where he became famous of the entire town. Right after his first tap dance is done, as Zoey and Karon both discussed about him being famous other than Weir. Until came Weir that they both discussed about his tap dancing and that he is very good at tap dancing, that he is very well at dancing that does Karon remembers him, as Karon refuses to remember him and he tells him that they should start over and become best friends as they both said their names and shakes hands, that's where how Karon first meet Weir. Back in the Bar, while Karon remembers everything from his past and until came his third person in the dead that it's Weir. They both discussed about how Weir is here and that he is enjoying in the bar drinking by himself without Karon and that why Weir is his third person. That Weir is his best friend and that he remembers from the past, from his childhood and that he bullied Karon when he was a child and that he bullied him, because he is born out of a rich family that has money that he is jealous of Karon because that Weir used to become famous until he is in the town, and that people loved Karon because he took everything from him. As Karon was confusing about what Weir is telling him, that Karon must remember and that he is his best friend of what happened to his childhood to now. In Karon's flashbacks of Karon as a young boy, by a tree reading until came young Weir with his friends as they both pushed and discussed about Karon as a rich kid with money and that they both have a fight when Weir pushes Karon a lot, he calls him a rich freak boy as he leaves watching while Karon is in the ground crying. Years later in the bar, while Karon is drinking as he sees Weir coming to him, and they both discussed about Karon drinking under the age of twenty one and that he is allowed to drink whatever he wants. When Weir tells him that Karon took his place as being famous and that now he hated him to take his famous place as they are both fighting in the bar, when Weir pushes Karon and he calls him weak. In the bar, as Karon now remembers everything about his past as he is mad at Weir, they are both having a huge bloody fight in the bar when Weir always knows that Karon is weak, until they are continuing fighting and when Karon is very mad, as he is continuing fighting with Weir until Karon is ready to kill, as Weir told him of what happened of that they day when they become best friends. In the bar, while they are both shaking their hands, and they let go as Weir told him and that Karon has a nice day as he leaves in the bar, when Karon tells Zoey to stay in the bar when he returns. Outside of the bar, when Karon stops Weir and they both discussed about Weir being best friends with Karon as Weir told him that he knows for what he did in his childhood and that now since Karon is famous, he deserves to be famous and that now he wants Karon to become his best friend. As he walks away from the bar, as Karon watches curiously. Back in the bar, as he remembers everything from his past before he became a zombie. Karon stop punching Weir as he stands up and he helps Weir stand up as they both discussed about how did he decide to help, that Weir is his best friend and he regrets about his past and that about him bullying him in his childhood. That he now knows remembers everything before he became a zombie, that Weir knows about Karon knows that he is with his ex girlfriend who is his wife Dorothy. That he tells Karon that he knows about Victoria and that he was there when Anne gives birth to his daughter and that his daughter Victoria looks like him, right after she was born before she was giving up from birth. As he taught him a lesson that even though that being enemies to friends and that being famous doesn't mean to be popular and that sometimes friends become jealous of there enemies becoming best friends that they loved. That he should be with Ally Mills because she is his girlfriend and that he meant to be with, them still being best friends as the people are cheering. As they both touched their cups as they are drinking beer, as they are drinking as they both discussed about next with him, that Karon should go to meet the fourth person in the dead as he knows as he tells him once more. Karon accepts as they are both drinking, until it came into blackout. In the snow as Karon is laying on the ground, he gets up and he is walking throughout the woods in the snow, as he went into a graveyard as he sees a grave of that is called the Corpse Bride, as a beautiful voice is calling his name and suddenly came the ravens as he falls into a grave. He realizes that he went into a another bar, that is called a Ghost bar.
* In the Ghost Bar, while he stands up as he sees skeletons and guards, a lot of people who are dead dancing and drinking until. He sees a mysterious dead bride dancing as he went to the Captain of the guard as he asks him about who's the mysterious dead bride and as he tells him that the mysterious woman is the corpse bride. That he should go to her, as Karon walks to the corpse bride as she turns to him, that he finally meet his fourth person in the dead. That now he realizes that the corpse bride is his sister Zoey Burton who is now sixteen years old, as came a skeleton that he shall have a drink for a celebration for a reunite of the Burton siblings until came a worm named Fred that came out Zoey's eye, that he is telling him that he will like to have a drink since his sister is now drinking too, as he surprise and gasp when Zoey puts him back to her eye as she is telling that it is Fred that she has a pet worm, since she was child that she shows it to Karon once when he was a human that he shall remember, that he kind of remembers and that is where he is become a anatomy remember that as they both discussed about her doing in the land of the dead, that she is his fourth person in the land of the dead, that he wants to play with her like until they used to before he turned into a zombie and that he must remember from his past before he is a monster as he wants to have some answers about of what his sister who is a corpse bride doing here. As a skeleton named Dominic as he is telling him the story of his sister Zoey Burton who became corpse bride, that it is love and passion, death story to tell. As he is telling Karon the whole story about his sister that throughout her life before he was getting married like her older brother Walt, that he didn't want to play with her. So right after he disappears out from the wedding rehearsal as her family got the message about her brother Karon Burton being dead, when she was ten years old while she wants to go to play without her brother Walt, since her another brother is dead as her friends left her. As of one dark night she hears a noise, as she hears screaming and killing that her parents are dead. So she got adopted and raised to the Warbucks there own aunt Agatha and uncle Jeremy from her mothers side of the family while she is living with that she is crying and living a miserable life without her two brothers and parents until when she became older, a age of sixteen and becomes beauty of miles all around she decides that she shall go out to the village, so that she can meet some couple man to hook up with during the town. While in the village as she meets a mysterious stranger come into town as he is good looking as he is down onto the cash, that he handsome and he is way rich merchant that it is Karon's ex girlfriend Dorothy Carter's younger brother named Noah Carter. So they both learn more about each other and at night, when she sneak out of her room late at night as she visits Noah as they both hook up, spend the night together for the first time as a couple. When one day as Noah propose to marry her as she accepts the marriage, she brings him to meet her aunt and uncle as she tells him everything about their engagement and marriage, as her uncle refuses no. So the plan failed she couldn't cope as the lovers had a plan with a plan to elope. So they have a plan to meet late at night, as they will not tell a soul from their entire plans to keep their plan a whole thing tight. So she stole her mother's wedding dress as it fits from her body. That she doesn't need much when she is really much in love for the few things like her the Warbucks family jewels and satchel of gold. As she went next to the graveyard by an oak tree at the time on a dark foggy night by at a quarter to three as she waited and waited that in the shadows was her man, her little heart bet so loud and then everything went black. As she wakes up as dead as a ghost when her jewels are missing, and the Warbucks got killed by mysterious serial killer and her heart was blast that she realizes that her brother Karon didn't died that he became a monster of an zombie that he been living forever as she makes a vow to her friend the corpse woman to be waited in the oak tree. Until when her brother Karon will come back to her as the Burton's siblings are finally reunited together again and that she got assigned by Lord Capuchin to be a fourth person of Karon Robinson to remember of his past as a human before he became a zombie. While they are keeping on telling the story, as Karon leaves out of the bar as Zoey follows him. Throughout the Ghost village, as Zoey is calling Karon when a someone who Is inside her head telling him that it seems that her best friend is running away from her, that Karon is not her best friend and that he is her brother. While Karon is running when Zoey follows and trying to find him, when Karon went to climb of top of mansion and came Zoey as she helps him up. She grabs his hand, she pulls his hands up. In the balcony as Karon and Zoey both discussed about the view of the mansion and that it is beautiful, that she wants him to sit by him. As he sits by her side and they both discussed about what happened to her, that it is there home now as she falls in love with Dorothy Carters brother Noah and that she died, because of Karon since she thinks that he is dead, and there she brought him a reunion present as he opened the box. There is a bone, until a bone came to a full skeleton dog there dog named Scooby's as he is playing around with him, that they both discussed about Scooby that there mother always hatred having as Scooby's around while there playing a lot, that since they are both together as brothers and sister again, that what if Rebecca will never approved her and that needs to show her his adopted sister Rebecca that since they are brother and sister the Burton's siblings that he is thinking about showing Zoey his adopted daughter Rebecca and that she will definitely loved her and her boyfriend Samuel that they should go to see them now as that she wants to know where they are buried and that he tells her that they are both still alive in Earth. While Scooby is barking as they both discussed about Scooby is barking and that they should see Lord Capuchin and that he knows about him, that since she knows him and that they should go to him and they should go back to the land of the living as Karon accepts. Back in the other room while Scooby Is taking Zoey and Karon to see Lord Capuchin, as he sees the Burton's siblings again that are are reunited as they both discussed about her meeting her older brother Karon Burton as he knows Karon since he came to the land of the dead, by the her friend the corpse woman and that what they needed to do. That they need a to have a visit of the land of the living in Earth, as he tells him that why visit earth in the land of the living while people are dying to go down there, as Zoey begs him. As Lord Capuchin accepts as he grabs his book and A Ukrainian Haunting spell for quick trips, that she must said Holy God to transport back to the land of the dead. He puts a casting spell on them, as they transported on a winter night woods Earth as they both discussed about the night woods and that Zoey remember everything to be with Karon when they were playing together and that he was scare of the dark when he was a boy and now they can reunited to play together as she is doing a moon dancing around the woods, as Karon is watching her annoying dancing in front of him. Until her bone leg fall off as her friend who is a worm named Fred tells her that she drop a leg, as she fixes her leg as Karon watches her. Right after she fixes her leg, he tells her that he is going to tell his adopted sister Rebecca and her boyfriend Samuel the good news and that she must wait there in the woods, as she promised and he tells her that it won't be long. As Karon is running in the night of the woods, he went to the Cabin he climbs out back of the porch, and he sees Ally who was surprise to see him. She takes him inside and that she sees him fully human but a rich fish merchant as they both discussed about what's happening to him, that he wants to her everything that he needs to know, that he loves her as they are both staring at each other, as they are both kissing passionately. In the woods, while Zoey is hearing Fred in her head as she pushes him out into the ground, as they both discussed about Fred not liking that boy who is her brother and that he doesn't trust him, that she tells him that he is going to the his adopted sister and her boyfriend just like he said and Fred tells her that unless it's a trick and that they should follow his footprints in the snow. In the cabin, as Karon and Ally are kissing passionately and as they are making out, until as they are about to take their clothes off. He tells her to stop taking off her clothes off and that they both need to discussed about their relationship that even though Karon is in love with her, that they can be more than boyfriend and girlfriend that they can be husband and wife. As he kneels down one knee, and propose to her with a engagement ring as he wants Ally to be part of his life until they died as she accepts as she hugs him. He puts on her engagement ring on her finger, that she feels the same, as they are about to kiss until he sees Zoey coming out of the porch as he tells him that he is seems to be trapped of the land of the dead because he needs to find out about his past and his daughter that it is unexpected as Zoey opens the door, Zoey came to the cabin as she sees Ally. When Zoey and Karon, Ally both discussed about who this blonde chick that he is with and that he is his fiancée the woman that he is getting married to, that who is the corpse bride and that the corpse bride is Karon's sister Zoey Burton that she is his fourth person in the dead as she was surprise about Karon, as he tells her that she is dead and as he is trying to apologize to her for what he have done and that he is trying to find out about the past, that he has a daughter with Anne Townsend that now he is trapped in the land of the dead. As she tells him Holy God and as she is pulling Karon out of the cabin as he is calling Ally names that he tells her that he will return. Back in the land of the dead, in the other room as Zoey and Karon both discussed about him lying to her to meet his adopted sister because of some women that he knows, that some woman who cares to be his future wife and that they are different that since she is dead, he is alive that they are two other things that he choose to go back to the land of the living so he can see her. That Zoey knows that he is in love with her and that he doesn't remember of who he really is and that he been in suffering so much since everyone that he knows are dead now, that he must know about who he is really is before he became a zombie, that he is a Robinson that he isn't a Robinson because he is a Burton that's the reason why she is his fourth person in the dead so that she can teach him a lesson about the siblings loved as he knows because he must remember when he used to play with her and before he became a zombie that he didn't play with her because of his business with that blue butterfly. He tells her that he wishes that he doesn't have a sister, because he is not meant to have a sister to play with and doesn't love her. As Zoey leaves sadly, as she is walking away. When Lord Capuchin tells him that she is right you know, as Karon is looking at him. While Zoey is walking to the alley way and throws away her veil, as she grabs a blue bouquet that she is telling herself that life everything isn't perfect with or without a brother when she is dead that she loves as she throws away her bouquet while Scooby's grab it and came her friend who is a spider named Honey Black. As they both discussed about why she is so blue. That she tells him that his brother doesn't love her as a sister and that maybe that his right, they are different and that she has a special personality. As they are telling her about Ally Mills that she doesn't dance and sing, play piano like her, and her brother doesn't even wearing his wedding ring and of what special is Zoey can be because of what they know. As Zoey is telling them that even though she is dead and that Ally is alive, that she can hear her heart beating of her brother being with her and that there relationship was still the same. That she needs to have a tear to shed, as Honey Black and Fred both discussed about Ally can still breaths air, that she is a human because she transforms by her brother and that Zoey is a lot of different than Ally of what they know of how special Zoey can be because they know. She tells him that her heart isn't beating and that it is aching, it is not real for what she had with her brother before he became a monster, that even though she is dead and she has the tears to shed, as she drops a tear to the ground. While Karon is walking, he sees Scooby as he is holding Zoey's blue bouquet, as he is telling himself that he failed to play with his sister on that day that he should have played with her. Until came his parents Ana and Hugh Burton as they both discussed about him not failing to play with his sister and that he loves his sister very much, that he should have played with her and that they both loved Zoey as there daughter, that Karon should accept Zoey to be his fourth person in the dead and that he is her brother and that he shall be with her to play with, like last time before he became a monster, a zombie and that he must remember everything that he has a sibling that now he must see of who he is. As he tells them that he will play with her, that Zoey is his sister as they both disappear. In Zoey's room as he is walking as he is seeing her playing the piano the same melody he taught her before he meet Anne Townsend, as Karon's in flashback in the Burton's house, while Zoey is a young girl and that Karon is eighteen years old, as he is teaching her the melody of the piano that is called the Memory of the loved ones as he is teaching her every key, as they are both playing the piano together right after they finish playing the piano together, that both tell each other that they both loved each other as brother and sister as he hugs her. Back in Zoey's room as he remembers that memory that he has with Zoey as he is walking to her as he tells her that she plays the piano for the memory of him right after she believe that he died, that he doesn't love her as a sister anymore as he tells that she drops the bouquet and as they both discussed about him lying to her to see his adopted sister and that he is somehow isn't the man that he was once to be according to the plan, as he is playing the piano with her, as she ignores. Karon tells her that he taught her that melody and that she does remember, that she tells him that remembers everything when they are both playing together with the piano with him. As they are both playing the piano together the same melody that he taught her that is called the Memory of the love ones as they are both accepts to be now brother and sister, until her bone hand take off and plays the keys, all the way to Karon's shoulder. She tells him that she loves having a brother to play with as he tells her that he loves having a sister to play with. As he is putting her bone hand back on, until came skeletons and guards, a lot of people who are dead are getting ready for a new arrival who just came to the land of the dead. When Karon realizes it's one of the human pilots that his named is Viktor as he is surprise to see Karon. As they are at the bar, drinking as Karon and Viktor both discussed about the monsters and humans are getting along and fighting war with the Empire that is still going on to find and destroy the drug so the humans will be safe that Karon is missing, that how Is Ally, that she was talking nonsense about Karon in the dead, with a corpse bride. That Ally is being protected by her ex boyfriend Josh Grey who is part of the Military armies from the empire and that Viktor knows something between Josh and his fiancée Ally. That Josh Grey was in love with Ally Mills and they both used to date before she was with Karon, that they both broke up because of her oldest brother Chad wants her not to be with Josh Grey since the Mill's and Grey's have a huge feud for centuries. That with her grandfather killed his best friend Richie Grey long time ago during a war, that they both fell in love with a same woman as Karon wants to know about Ally as Viktor tells him that Ally has feelings for Josh and that she slept with Josh Grey, that they are both together again she is completely forgotten about Karon. That with him gone, that woman he can't lived with them that he must pick up the pieces like he knows move on he suppose, while Karon is walking away heartbroken while Zoey was wandering of where Karon is going. In the alley way, as Zoey follows him as they both discussed about his love with Ally and that she is with someone that she loved other than him, that he should go back to war to stop the drug from hurting humans and that he will that he needs to focus about the truth about his past and his daughter Veronica. That he shall follow him, as she put her hand out as he grabs her hand. As they are both walking to a tree by a ghost village until Zoey went through as Karon follows her. They both went into a playground and that's where they both played together a lot, that the playground is by the Victorian village while Karon is looking around the playground. It shows a flashback of a eighteen year old Karon as he is human and when Zoey Burton is still a young girl as she is playing around with a blue beautiful as they are both playing around together as brother and sister. Right after they both played as they both discussed about the village and that it's a nice view, that they wished that Scooby's is here and they always played with Scooby's when he is with them before he died. That she overheard their parents about Karon leaving the house and their parents want to be high in society, that they both arranged a marriage between him to marry a rich girl named Anne Townsend, Karon can't believe that his age of marrying a rich girl that he is other than Walt who marry a rich girl for money and that if he will fall in love with her as she is sad, as he told her that they should not keep secrets from each other that she shall remember and that she doesn't want him to leave the house because she loves having Karon to play with him on the piano and the playground that she doesn't want him to leave just like Walt. As he made a promise that for what matter happens to him and that he will always played with Zoey because he loves having a sister and that he shall play with her, before he will get out of the house. As they are both laughing at each other as he tells her that they should play in the swing set together as she promised as they are both continuing playing together as they went to the swing set, as she swings and Karon is pushing her. Right after they swing together, they are both in the middle as they both rolled down the grass together as they are both continuing laughing as they are both having fun. As he remembers that memory he has with his sister and he sits to the grass, she sits by him as they both discussed about how much they both loved to play with each other and that every memory they both have together, that Karon doesn't hate Zoey to play with and that she loves Karon more than Walt and that he must remember of what happened to them, that why did he grow to hated her and not playing with her, because he wants to become anatomy and be with Anne Townsend forever instead of her and that he doesn't remember. Zoey tells him that he must know and remember about that day and that he didn't play with her, in Karon's flashback as it shows of them playing the backyard as he is eighteen years old as he captures a white butterfly as Zoey watches him as he is staring at the butterfly, two weeks later in his bedroom as Zoey came when she show him her pet worm, that she found in the playground that she named it Fred as he tells her that's great but he reminds her that he didn't like animals as she wandering why he is grabbing scientist utensils as he is studying the white butterfly and drawing more butterfly as Zoey came as they both discussed about him playing with her as he refuses and that he is busy, that his dream is to become a anatomy so he can study animals and mostly butterflies, about her as he tells her that he doesn't have time to play with a sister and that she is only a young kid, that he doesn't love her and her as his sister as she runs out into the hallway crying in tears, as Karon was curious about Zoey as she is running into her bedroom as she is crying in her bed in tears. In the playground as he remembers everything before he became a zombie as he tells her that he remember of what before he became a zombie and that he is so sorry for what he did to his sister, that he loves her who she is and he doesn't hate her. As they both discussed about there love as she taught him a lesson about siblings love and that sibling will always be there, and that they always loved you as brother and sister as she tells him that he should be with Ally Mills since they are both meant to be together that she was wrong and that he was in love with her, that Karon shall make his own choice to be with Ally Mills forever as there was something else that he wanted to know about his daughter Victoria as she was there to be with Anne Townsend while she was pregnant that when Zoey believes that Karon is dead, but Anne Townsend knew that Karon isn't dead that she believed that he turned into a zombie as she was there when Victoria was born, that she know that Karon was meant to be a father of Victoria and that he shouldn't have left his fiancée Anne pregnant as she still knows that her brother who believes to be dead before she was giving up from birth that she failed to protect Victoria years ago, that in the middle of the night when Zoey hears screaming and killing in her parents room, as she sees that her parents are dead, that she lost her parents and that she know that Victoria was giving up from birth. Years later when she is sixteen years old before she get married to Noah Carter, when Zoey knows that Victoria is alive and is living with a church, that she wanted is to have a daughter as, Zoey went to meet with Karon's best friend Priest Weir Windsor as they both made a deal that Zoey shall take care of Victoria when Victoria is at age eleven. When Victoria is eleven years old Zoey takes her and adopts her as her daughter, that That Karon knows that Zoey his sister adopted his daughter, she tells him that Victoria reminds her of him who loves to play with butterflies and loves to draw, plays the piano just like her father and that she loves to watch Victoria growing up. Until there and Zoey have a huge fight argument between Victoria that she shouldn't have adopted her and that Zoey is meant to be a mother to Victoria since she doesn't know her real parents and what if someone that she knows that will take Victoria, as Zoey refuses to listen as she leaves and puts on her wedding dress. When Victoria comes as they both talked about where Zoey is going as she tells Victoria a secret not to tell her. While she went to the old oak tree by the graveyard, until she hears a noise out in the distance as came a knife out of nowhere and beheaded her head. That she is dead, that Zoey was betrayal by her fiancée Noah Carter that he took her jewels and he killed there aunt and uncle as he also taken Victoria away from them. That Zoey failed to protect Victoria and that she could have known that she shouldn't trust her fiancée as Karon wants her to show him as she grabs his hand to where it shoes flashbacks of his family gotten the news that Karon is dead, the birth of Victoria and her parents have dead, Zoey living and being adopted to the Warbucks, couple friends refuses to play with to Zoey as sixteen years old first meeting with Noah Carter, her sneaking to his room as they both have sex and spend the night together. Noah propose Zoey to marry him, there uncle said no for her to marry Noah. Zoey saw Victoria playing by the church and them first meet with each other, Zoey and pastor Windsor made a deal for Zoey to adopt Victoria. Victoria leaving the church to be adopted with Zoey Burton as Zoey watched Zoey growing from doing all of her father's that she loves to do as she's growing up eleven to thirteen years old, when Zoey is becoming sixteen to eighteen as in the bar, as they both discussed about her and Noah's marriage Noah still wants to marry her so they can become parents to Victoria, as in the playground when Noah and Zoey make a plan to get married in secret, in the Warbucks mansion Zoey and her uncle both have a big argument about Zoey adopting Victoria that Zoey is not a mother to Victoria. In Zoey's bedroom as Zoey getting ready to get married to Noah Carter as came Victoria as they made a deal for Victoria to keep a secret, to Victoria who is by the tree when she hears a noise as came a knife, she got beheaded. When back to the playground, that Karon doesn't believe the truth of what happened as Zoey tells him that it is true of what happened to her and Victoria that she failed to protect her many years ago. As Karon asks who is behind of all of this who killed his loved ones even his sister. That she doesn't knows that Lord Phillips was behind her death because Noah Carter was secretly working with Lord Phillips to know about Anne and there daughter Victoria, that she doesn't know what happened to Victoria on that same night when her parents got killed and now it is about Anne Townsend's story to tell and know of what finally happened that she is his last person that he knows and loves that he shall go to her to known the truth about his past and their daughter Victoria. That it's time as she grab out her hand as he touches it. As he disappears and he is in the dark winter woods
* In the dark winter woods, as he is walking in the woods as his hand has Anne Townsend's wedding ring, as it shows flashbacks of Karon as eighteen years old as he is still human as he when first meets Anne Townsend for the first time as to where they both first have sex in her bedroom and to where they have their first kiss as she accepts his engagement to marry her and to where three years later as he knows that something is wrong with her, that she is pregnant with his child to where they practicing his marriage vows with her and to there big arguments about her being pregnant with his child as he walks away from her. He went to the dark winter woods, as he is practicing his marriage vows until he put her wedding ring on Carol Everglot, she takes Karon to the cabin, that's where they have sex as she bites him as he is turning into a zombie. When he wakes up he is mad that he is a zombie as he knows about the wedding, while he is running away to the cabin as he takes Anne Townsend's wedding ring, he is running away as her wedding ring drops into the floor of the woods as he runs to the church and sees Anne Townsend's grave. As he remembers that memory of her as a human when he meet Carol Everglot and becomes a monster, a zombie by her. As he sigh and continues to walk in the dark winter woods, as he is walking until he somehow saw that same cabin as Carol takes him, as it shows flashbacks of him with meeting Ally Mills, her confesses her love for him and her having sex with him and them both getting engaged. As he somehow remembers his zombie life that he has with Ally Mills as he keeps on walking in the woods as saw a carriage as he is transporting into Victorian village during the late 1800s, when he is in the Burton house his own house. He went by the door as he opens the door and the room was empty, as he is looking around of his own home until he remembers one memory. In Karon's flashback of where he is overhearing his parents the Burton's conversation with the Townsend's as they both discussed about arranging a wedding between Karon and there daughter Anne Townsend, that only the Burton's want is to be in high in society instead of being fish merchants throughout their lives as the Townsend's want is money so they won't be in the poor house. They both have a huge argument about his parents trusting the Townsend's since they are the rivals of the Carters that they can go to let there son marry to, but no he should marry Anne Townsend as they both want to arranging a marriage between Karon and Anne that marriage will not be enough for there children to have of what they want when Karon has enough, he walks down to the stairs as he tells them that he will do it, that he will marry Anne Townsend and that there parents shall get of what they wanted. As they both discussed about him getting married to Anne Townsend as he accepts and that he will marry her, as his parents decide to arranging Karon and Anne's marriage. As he remembers that memory, until there is a another memory as there is Karon's flashback of his parents, his older brother Walt Burton as they are both talking about Karon getting married to Anne Townsend and that he will do it, that he is afraid of marriage that he really wants to get married to Anne Townsend and that there afraid of him getting married to Anne Townsend. That Walt's marriage with Marguerite and that he was ready for marriage with her, before he became rich and have children with him, that marriage won't be so bad with Karon. As Karon comes down as they are both discussing about his marriage with Anne Townsend and that he will do it, even though he haven't met her and that his not afraid of marrying her. He promised her, as he remembers that memory until there is somehow a another memory. In Karon's flashback as Karon is eighteen years old as he is still human and his older brother Walt Burton both discussed about Karon getting married to Anne Townsend and that he is scare about getting married to Anne Townsend, that he shouldn't have accepts it either does there parents as marriage isn't so bad for him with Marguerite. As Walt tells him that his marriage with Marguerite is like love and marriage because he was ready to marry her even though they haven't learn about each other and that he have sex and slept with her because he loves Marguerite that they both couldn't wait to get married, so the time was ready for Walt to get married and to have children as that Karon should be ready to marry Anne as he promised everything won't happening to Karon as he promised everything won't happening to him with marrying Anne Townsend as he walks away, he warns not to break the marriage rules just like he did as he tells Karon that if he breaks the rules that he will get Anne Townsend pregnant when he will have sex with her, they both first meet on the first day because just like of what he did, when he first meet Marguerite and that he didn't want to do the same. As Karon promise as Walt leaves Karon. When Karon remembers that memories in his house, as he hears a carriage and went outside and saw a carriage of the Burton's house as he walks down to the carriage. The carriage takes Karon into the Townsend's mansion, as Karon gets out of the carriage and walks to the Townsend's door as he opens the door. He went inside as the room is also empty when he is walking to the opening and saw a piano, he looked around in the Townsend's house as he turns and he remembers a memory. In Karon's flashback of it is a second day Karon as a human but he is eighteen years old as he is talking to Mr and Mrs. Townsend as they both discussed about to get Karon to be careful to be with Anne, right after they are married that they should go to the village with her, hold hands and go to the parties which involves the queen. To watch Anne giving birth to there child, help Anne to watch her during her pregnancy, have sex during the honeymoon and not to ignore with each other, don't have arguments, and that they should be careful to watch his children, to not get a divorce with each other and not to have a another affair with a another woman. To love Anne as his wife, when they both got married and only Karon shall marry her but he has to do the vows, before they will get married he has to propose to her and that he shall do it to marrying her, Anne comes as Anne knows that Karon will do it, that he shall marry her so that he won't fail to marry her, as he promised that he won't ruined to marry Anne Townsend since they are both in love, they both meant to be together. As her parents know about there marriage and that it's fine, as her parents leave as Karon and Anne both discussed about him getting ready to married her, so that they can be actually be husband and wife. As he loves her, they both tell each other that they both loved each other as they both shared a kissed. In the Townsend's house, as Karon remembers that memory until he hears a voice and that it is Anne Townsend, they both run to each other and gave each other a kissed that they both missed each other. Since they were about to get married and that he is sorry to left her pregnant, about them being parents with Victoria. As Anne wants to Karon that he knows to know, in the fireplace as they both discussed about her being his fifth person in the dead, that they were both in love as Karon wants to know about Victoria of what happened to her. That they both discussed about when Anne is pregnant she was living miserably that she loves him, Karon asks of what happened right after he was gone. Anne tells him that she thinks that he is dead but no she believes that he is a zombie, that she was planning to saved him. Karon tells her to show him, she grabs his hand as he touches her hand. Until it shows a flashback of right after Karon Burton left as there family both discussed of where Karon is, until came Lord Phillips that told them that there is a news, that Karon Burton is disappear by an mysterious woman and that he is dead, as his family both discussed about Karon be with a mysterious woman and that he is dead, there's no way they will be able to have a wedding now between them. In Anne Townsend's room, as Anne and her handmaiden Maldelia both discussed about Karon being gone, that she doesn't want her parents to know that she is carrying his child and that Karon is not dead, that she can still get married to him that she can helped to get Karon back as that she trust pastor Windsor. While Anne and her handmaiden helped her to escape her throughout the night, as Anne runs to the church as she sees Pastor Windsor as they both discussed about her fiancée Karon Burton who is gone by a mysterious woman and that he is dead, that she can helped him to bring him back for her to get married to him, that she tells him that she is pregnant with his child that he knows that he keep about her pregnancy ever since she believes that Karon is not dead, that he got taken by a woman who is a monster, a zombie that he is turned into a zombie as he is surprise as he promised that he can helped her. As he takes her into the library as he shows her the book of life, into a page of where how can a zombie turned back into a human that only when a tear of a loved one and that they shall trade each other's love to each other so the zombie can become to the living and when the sun comes up in the morning, that a zombie will turned back into a human. As she promised him that he can helped her to bring Karon back so that he can turns him back into a human, and to keep a secret from her pregnancy of his child, he made a promise. In the Townsend's house, as Anne is bringing back to her house as pastor Windsor tells her parents that she is specking in tongues, that Karon is dead as Anne is pulling back as she begging her parents that Karon is alive as she begs her parents to helped her. As they both refuses as Anne is top of the stairs to her room, as her parents and pastor Windsor both discussed about Anne Townsend visiting pastor Windsor, that she believes that Karon is alive but turned into a zombie and what he knows about Karon and Anne, as he tells him that she is pregnant with Karon's child, as her parents are surprise as pastor Windsor tells them the whole story. In her bedroom, while Anne Townsend is sitting and thinking about Karon as her parents came, that they both need to have a talked with her, right away. In the fireplace, while her parents and Anne Townsend both discussed about her age at eighteen, that she and Karon both secretly have sex, without there parents knowing as that they should have known why they both slept together and they both convinced a child, a child that was not meant to be between them, that she is carrying and that she is not ready to become a mother just like her own mother before she was born that they supposed to only have a child right after they got marry and have sex, that she is pregnant with Karon's child who is a daughter the man that she's about to marry who is dead that Anne keep her pregnancy from her parents ever since. That how long that Anne know that she is pregnant, that it was two months before her wedding with Karon right after she spend the first night with Karon Burton as her parents are both surprise as they both discussed about her pregnancy that there is something that they should do with her child, that they have wait to go to public and that they have to take care of there daughter who is pregnant with his child, that once her baby girl is born and that they both want her to give up her daughter from birth, as Anne was surprise and that they both discussed about her parents that they wanted her to get rid of her daughter once she is born, that her daughter is there daughter Anne Townsend and Karon Burton's child, that Anne must give up her daughter once she is born as Anne didn't want to give her child up as she's forcing her parents not to force her to give up her child, that they both don't understand as Anne is taking to her room as her parents tell her the real reason and that she is going to have a child, and about to become a mother that she has those rules about marriage, that she's supposed to follow and now since that she broke it by the famous Karon Burton and that she must give up her daughter her mother tells her handmaiden to locked Anne in her room. When the time is right for her to give birth to her child as Maldelia locks the door, while Anne is walking to the mirror as she is staring at her pregnancy belly of her baby bump as she is crying that she forced to give up her baby daughter. Back in the fireplace, as Karon let's go of Anne Townsend's hand as he is realizing the truth about what happened with Anne while she is pregnant with his child, that she was helping him and that because she loves him since he find out that he is about to be a father of there daughter and that her parents wanted her to give her up, that she didn't want to do it that she loves her daughter and that Victoria, was giving up that Anne didn't give her up something has happened between her and her daughter on that same night when he wants to show her, as she takes him to her bedroom. In Anne's bedroom, as Karon sees a crib that was place by the window as they both discussed about her bedroom and that she is where she gave birth to Victoria here to her bedroom, as Anne is telling about her giving birth to there daughter and that she was alone when she gave birth to Victoria. He comes to her, as he tells her that he loves her and that he can't stop thinking about her, that he loves her and that he is sorry for what he did to her many years ago. She grabs out her hand and she tells him to trust him, he grabs her hand as it shows a another memory of Anne Townsend, in Anne's bedroom while Anne is screaming as she is giving birth to her daughter as she pushes so hard until when her baby comes up as her handmaiden Maldelia holds a baby girl, that she tells her that it is a girl, Anne names her baby girl Victoria. Back to Anne's bedroom, as he knows about that memory of his fiancée Anne Townsend that she gave birth to his daughter as Anne is sad. They both discussed about Karon loving her, that she loves her daughter same as she does to them that memory between before he turns into a monster, that he loves her now and that they should be together that they should actually get married since they are both finally be reunited as she kiss him, Anne tells him that she loves him that they should get married, as they are both kissing passionately and making out, until it fades to light. In Karon's flashback of in a second day while he is still a human and Anne Townsend both are running throughout the hallways and they both went to her bedroom. As she closed the door as she runs to him, as they are both looking at each other as he tells her that he wants her to be his wife as she kisses him, as she knows that she wants him to be her husband. They are both kissing passionately heavily and making out. As right after they are kissing passionately as they are both looking at each other as they both are taking each other's clothes, as they both are now naked. Then they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as Anne leans Karon into her bed slowly as they are both kissing passionately as they both looked at each other and keeping on kissing in passion as they both having sex, as they both cuddling together in the bed until everything becomes black. In the morning right after they have sex, it implied that they both have slept together throughout the night as in the third day as Karon is sleeping from her bed, remembering the previous night as he wakes up and he sees Anne all dressed up in her nightgown looking at the window, they both stared at each other smiling brightly as Karon is wearing a black bathrobe and pants as they both discussed about last night and about them getting ready to get married today, that they are sure about them getting married since its too early for them, that it is never too early for them to get married and that he realizes that her eyes are change that they are glowing, as they both talked why her eyes are glowing that it is something, that she can tell him later before they are having their wedding rehearsal later, as they both shared a kiss and that first Karon needs to drink so he can spend time with himself before he becomes a married man as he accepts, as her walks away to get dressed to go to the bar, as she decides to give him her picture for a memory of Anne Townsend, a memory of her for there love as he takes the picture and looks at it, he walks up to her as he telling her that he doesn't need to remember her, so he is in love with her that he loves her for who she is before they both got married, as they are both kissing passionately heavily until it fades to light. In Anne's bedroom, while Karon is sleeping in her bed naked, it implied that they have sex and slept together for the first time in many years. When he wakes up as he sees Anne wearing her nightgown by the window as there staring at each other, while Karon Burton and Anne Townsend are all dressed as they both discussed about last night, and that they both haven't slept together for awhile as they both talked about dreams she dreams about her and Karon watching there daughter Victoria playing, that he remembers when Anne Townsend gives her picture and that he wants to marry her now, that since he is here with her and that he is ready for a wedding between them that he loves her as she tells him that she loves him too that she will marry him as they are both kissing passionately heavily. In Saint Elijah's church while Karon Burton and Anne Townsend, Pastor Windsor are both are discussing about him and Anne getting married, that they want to have a wedding but a secret wedding, so not in public in front of family and friends just private so that Karon and Anne can have a secret wedding where they can be finally be husband and wife as Pastor Windsor accepts that Karon Burton and Anne Townsend shall have a secret wedding so they can be finally be together. Later, in Saint Elijah's church while Karon Burton and Anne Townsend are having a secret wedding as they both said their vows, when Pastor Windsor pronounce them husband and wife as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife. As they both looked at each other and they are both are kissing passionately heavily. In Anne's bedroom while Karon Burton and Anne Townsend are both naked having sex in her bed as they both consummate their marriage and they both have sex for the first time as husband and wife until it fades to light. In the morning in Anne's bedroom right after they have sex, when Karon wakes up naked but covering in blankets and sees his newlywed wife Anne Townsend sleeping as she wakes up as she's naked but covering in blankets as they both discussed about there wonderful wedding and that they are now husband and wife, that he loves spending time with her and that she loves spending time with Karon Burton as they are both having morning sex. Right after they have morning sex as Karon and his wife Anne Townsend both discussed about her going to lord capuchin, that he really wants to know that they are really husband and wife that they are, that there not since he is alive and she is dead that she must go to him to know the answers, that he wants to leave the land of the dead so he can be with his fiancée Ally Mills that he is still in love with her instead of Anne Townsend, that he loves Anne Townsend more than anything in the world as Anne reminds that she is his fifth person of the dead and that he must remember that as she is walking away from him. In the library, as Anne Townsend and lord capuchin both discussed about her marriage with Karon Burton that she is his secret wife, that they wanted to get married since they are both in love with each other and lord capuchin assistance Anne Townsend to be Karon Burton's fifth person not his girlfriend in the past, that she is his girlfriend and that she must know about there marriage. He tells her that he will tell her later if he finds something that he doesn't know as she accepts. In Anne's bedroom as Karon and Anne both discussed about what lord capuchin has said about their marriage, that he didn't tell her about their marriage but he will as they both talked about him finding out about his daughter Victoria. That he already knows about Victoria and that he wants to know more about her dream, as she tells him that her dream with them being with their daughter Victoria is amazing and wonderful that she reminds her of him and that Victoria grows up, got married and have wonderful grandchildren, then she suddenly saw light and that Anne wishes that she will see her daughter having a happy life same as her parents who are now married as he tells her that the dream is wonderful between them and that Victoria will still have a perfect life, without their birth parents as they are both shared a kiss, as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked having sex in the bed. When she smiles as they are both kissing in passion in her bedroom. In the morning, in Anne Townsend's bedroom when Karon wakes up naked but covering in blankets as Anne turns as she is naked but covering in blankets as she sees her husband as they are both stared at each other as they both shared a morning kiss in passion. In Anne's bedroom as Karon wakes up naked but covering in blankets right after he has morning sex with Anne Townsend as he wonders where his wife is, as she left him a letter by the bed as he reads. As Karon is dressed as he is carrying a white flower and he overhears their conversation in the room, as Anne Townsend and Dorothy Carter, Zoey Burton both discussed about Karon loving her since that they are married. That Karon made a right choice to marry Anne Townsend instead of his fiancée Ally Mills and that is the person that she is truly in love with, that she is human and that they both realize that she is a zombie got turned by Karon Burton while they are making out in the hotel, that Anne wants to know the whole truth about her marriage with Karon and that she is in love with him. That she loves Karon Burton ever since they both first meet. In the another room as the corpse woman and Lord Capuchin both discussed about her being Karon is a mistake and that she meant to bring him to the land of the dead, so that he can forgive by her and that what did she ever do to him and that she made a mistake by turning him into a zombie, that it wasn't her fault, it's just someone that trusted her as they both made a deal for Karon Burton to go to the land of the dead so that he can know of his human past and his daughter Victoria, that he also needs forgive for what she did to him many years ago. That since he has a secret wife Anne Townsend and that he is still in love with Ally Mills, that he meant to go back to the living so he can get married to Ally Mills and that she wanted him to fight against the Empire so the humans and monsters shall have peace, that she wanted to know if Karon can go back to the land of the living and continuing a life that he already have as a zombie. As he told her that he can't because since he knows about their marriage and that she wants to know about their marriage and why he can't go back to the living. As Lord Capuchin tells her that she must know everything about their marriage as he says her name Carol Everglot and it is revealed that Carol Everglot is the corpse woman. In the room, as the woman still both discussed about her loving Karon since she can't believe that her husband is in love with Ally Mills, until came Lord Capuchin and corpse woman as they both discussed about her marriage is complicated isn't valid due to Anne's death already parted him, since according to their vows and that death is parted Karon Burton, that in order for Karon Burton to stay in the dead and that in order truly marry each other and that he killed himself and that he must drink poison that is called " The Wine of Death". And join Anne Townsend in undead matrimony, Anne falls in despair knowing that she could never asked him to give up his life for her. As he still believes that Ally Mills abandoned him, Karon agrees to marry Anne Townsend above the land of the living and kill himself by drinking a poisoned goblet, he decides to give up his monstrous zombie life, and battling with the Empire, his love and marriage with Ally Mills as he accepts. In the another room, while Carol and Lord Capuchin both discussed about Karon giving up his life to be with Anne Townsend, that she doesn't want him to give up his wife because since he has a fiancée named Ally Mills that there meant to be together, that she has a planned about someone that betrayal her many years ago and now she wants vengeance, that someone wants to kill Karon same as Anne Townsend but she didn't want that to happen and that she had a idea. In the town of the dead, as Karon is telling the people in the dead that they will have a proper wedding that they been waiting for years, that they can do it properly and it will be the land of the living. When Karon comes down, as Zoey, Walt and his family both discussed about him getting married to Anne Townsend and that he must give up the life of being a monster, being with Ally Mills that he is meant to be with his loved ones his family as they both accepts him to get married and stay with them in the land of the dead. Until the citizens of the dead are preparing for the wedding which will take place in the land of the living, as Walt is helping Karon putting on a groom outfit as the chiefs are cooking a wonderful wedding cake for Karon Burton and Anne Townsend, when the soldiers and guards are ready for a wedding for the bride to be and the groom to be, that his getting married today. Until came Zoey Burton who is now dressed as a bridesmaid and came Anne Townsend who's wearing a beautiful bride dress with a veil, Zoey throws her the bouquet as they are all ready for the wedding, that they haven't seen for a century as they are going to the land of the living. As the citizens of the dead arrived to the land of the living to a abandoned Victorian village, as they march to Saint Joseph's church as Carol Everglot went to the woods. While Ally Mills is looking for her fiancée Karon Robinson and she is calling his name as Carol is watching her from afar. As Carol went to her as Ally was curious of who she is, Carol said her creator as she puts Ally Mills into a deep sleep as her present outfit turned into a Victorian outfit, as she wakes up and was curious of where her creator is. When Ally Mills is hearing a voice of Carol Everglot as Ally Mills is walking out to the woods to a abandoned Victorian village, she sees the citizens of the dead who are going to a abandoned church as she follows them. In the abandoned church, as they are having a wedding ceremony, when Anne Townsend is walking with her father Mr. Townsend as he leaves her to be with Karon Burton as Ally Mills is surprise to see Karon. She is walking to the church as Karon Burton is saying his vows to Anne Townsend as she saying her vows, until she sees Ally Mills as she's continuing to say her wedding vows as Karon Burton is about to drink the poisoned Globet as she puts the Globet down. That she doesn't want Karon Burton to give up her life and that she is in love with him since they both first meet, that he will really loved there daughter Victoria and that she died of childbirth because she wanted to be reunited with Karon, that he wants her to show her as she grabs out her hand as he touches her hand. In a flashback of Anne Townsend as she is giving birth to a child, as she's suffering and crying until she gave birth to a girl as she said her name Victoria as she hold her for the first time as she is happily, when Anne Townsend somehow feels pain as Maldelia takes baby Victoria as Anne Townsend believes that Karon is still alive, that she believes he is a monster and that he will know that he has a daughter that she loves him forever as she dies. Back in the present, as Karon realizes the whole truth about his daughter and Anne Townsend's death, that she died of childbirth because she still believes that Karon still loved her, that he still loves her as she knows that he is meant to be with someone else that is still in love with him and is meant to be married as she is in love with him but she's not his. Then came Ally Mills, as Karon Burton is surprise to see Ally Mills as Anne grabs Ally's hand to Karon's hand as she tells him that Ally is his loved one as the couples are both finally reunited. Until came Lord Phillips that he is happy to see Ally Mills and Karon Burton finally the two lovers are together, that weddings always makes me cry as Karon is surprise to see lord Phillips is here in there wedding ceremony and that Ally Mills knows of who lord Phillips is as he revealed that he is her grandfather that he is a Mills abandoned her grandmother because he never loved her as much as he wanted to for money and rich, that Karon Burton knows why he is here as he tells Karon that his here to tell Karon the whole truth about his daughter and Carol Everglot. As he tells Karon that the corpse woman is Carol Everglot the woman that turned him into a zombie, that he trusts her so that he can have a money to the Townsend's and he got married to Anne Townsend until he realizes that she is pregnant with his child, as he trusts her parents for his marriage with Anne Townsend as she becomes his wife, he wanted to know about the Townsend's money and that they both lived in the poor house. But his plan has failed but he has another plan to get the money, that Anne Townsend made a deal to him so that she can give up her daughter for the Burton's money which is in the warehouse, as he promised and on that night while Anne Townsend is giving birth to his daughter Victoria as he crept into the bedroom as he sees baby Victoria as he takes her. And Anne Townsend sees that her baby Victoria is gone as he broke there promise, as he killed Anne Townsend in blood as he went to her parents bedroom as he killed him. He went to the Burton's house as he killed Karon's parents and he finally took the money, right after he killed the Townsend's and the Burton's he took Victoria to a church where she will grow up forget about who her real parents are. That Karon is mad and that he caused him pain for losing his loved ones because of lord Mills as he knows the pain he felt right after he lost his family during the human Holocaust and that he trusts Carol of all his life so he can get of what he wanted for his daughter and money, that's the reason why he is turned into a zombie as Karon went to Carol Everglot that he wants to know about why she trusts him, that she trusts him for money and that she once lost loved ones when she is at young age, that lord Phillips is the person that she trusts. As lord Mills is telling them that even though Carol is trusting him for years, that he is now here to finish of what he started and is to kill his own granddaughter Ally Mills, as Carol Everglot is surprise to see lord Mills and that she realizes that he is the one that left her for dead, that Carol and him both have a promise that they will have the Burton's money, then get married and have children but instead of that night she got murdered by him and that he never loved Carol because of her true heritage, that when they both trusted each other when she is young and that he lied to her about her parents death, that he is happy to he killed her parents for money. That she realizes the whole truth about lord Mills that he killed her parents even though they both trusted each other, and that he told the citizens of the dead that Carol Everglot is Annebelle Vanglot that he killed her parents for money and now she realizes who's the real killer that he ruined her life same as he ruined Karon's life. That he knows and that he must killed his granddaughter Ally Mills to the Empire by a powerful drug and that he believes that the Empire will win by killing all of the humans and that he shall take Ally Mills to the Empire where she will died so Karon can suffered the same Faith same as Annebelle Vanglot. As Karon wants him to let her go and that he shall killed Karon Burton to, as lord Mills grabs his sword and Viktor throws Karon a sword, as they are both fighting against each other in the church. When they are fighting as they both talked about him killing Karon's family even himself. Then lord Mills is about to stab Karon Burton as he got saved by Annebelle Vanglot, as she points a sword at him as she wants him to get out, and that he is leaving as he grabs a Globet and Zoey Burton wants lord capuchin to tell him, as he refuses that lord capuchin tell her that the poison will be drink by the dead as lord Mills is making himself a toast for Annebelle Vanglot even though she lost her loved ones by him, that she still needs to suffer the same Faith as Karon Burton as he drinks the Globet. As he is walking away as he is feeling pain and he is turning into a zombie, that he got tricked by Annebelle Vanglot as she tells him that she decides that Karon Burton not to drink the poison one but she switches the Globet into a zombie drink, where he is a zombie that he must suffer the same Faith as her and Karon that he must suffer the consequences that he has done to her. She forces the citizens of the dead to take lord Mills into execute as they both take him out of the door, where he will be killed for his punishment for what they did to Annebelle Vanglot many years ago, as Karon and Annebelle both looked at each other as she went out to the door. As Ally Mills is happy to see her fiancée Karon Burton and that she thought that he is gone forever as Anne Townsend is walking away, as Karon Burton still in love with Ally Mills as he goes to Anne Townsend as they both made a promise, that he keeps her promise and that he saved her from the fate that she's been suffering forever and she gives him a necklace, that she's doing the same to him and that he must go to Victoria and to tell her, that her birth mother loves her as he promised as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife, right after they kissed that she tells him a lesson about loved and that love is difficult and romantic, yet adventures that he meant to be in love that he is really meant to get married as she is starting to walk away. As Karon tells her that they will see each other again as she promised that they will see each other again as she is walking to the church as she's looking at Karon Burton and there family, she smiles brightly and throws the bouquet to her handmaiden Maldelia as she sees a worm Fred, as she screams and the bouquet then throws to Ally Mills as they are both smiling at each other. When Anne Townsend is turning into light as everyone in the church then came light. In the woods, while Karon Burton is sleeping as he wakes up in the woods as he sees Annebelle Vanglot as they are both surprise to see each other and that she is his sixth person in the dead, that she is not that she is here to tell Karon Burton everything about loved that she give him away many years ago, that he didn't tell her the whole truth about her heritage and that she is Annebelle Vanglot, that she lost her loved ones many years ago and that she realizes how much Karon loves everyone that he knows same as her, that she came here for his forgiveness for what she had to him many years ago, as he forgives her. Until came the light as she's saying farewell to her ex boyfriend Kenton Burton and that now he remembers who he really is. As it shows of Karon's memories of his birth to him playing with his daughter Victoria and his wife Anne Townsend. In the woods, as Karon Burton is now back as a zombie as he wakes up from adventures that he has in the land of the dead. As he remembers everything from his past before he became a zombie.
* In Victoria's apartment, where Karon meet his daughter Victoria for the first time as they both discussed about her adopted parents and her life as growing up, that she never knew her real birth parents and that they both died as he tells her that he is her birth father and that he told her about his human memory that he remembers to her before he was ready to get married and that he turns into a zombie as he now realizes that her birth mother Anne gives birth to her and gives her up because of his own death. That Victoria believes that her birth father was dead before she was born and that she finds out the truth about her real birth parents. He tells her that he is sorry for her and that she never knew her real birth parents and before she leaves, she asks him to learn more about her birth father as he tells her the whole entire story and as they are both getting to know each other more.
* The five people Karon meets in the dead are: his older brother Walt Mills, his ex girlfriend Dorothy Carter, his best friend Weir, his younger sister Zoey Mills, his lover and fiancée Anne Townsend.
* In the past weeks before Karon went to the land of the dead, he went to the library as he is learning more about Carol's backstory
* Lewis Mills falls in love and got married, got her pregnant, have two sons named Wilbur and Jim Mills with a Vulcan named Marie Krick
* Karon meets a libertarian named Christina Wells who is a granddaughter of Isabella Vanglot
* Karon meets Christina's grandmother who is Isabella Vanglot as she tells him about her childhood life right after she was giving up from birth, that she visited to her birth parents but they were dead as she got married and have children that she knows of what Karon is sneaking that he must known the truth of who he is as she is starting to have a heart attack as she became unconscious.
* In the hospital, when Karon visited her as Isabella Vanglot tells him that she knows who he is that he is Karon Burton the teenage boy who was about to get married to Anne Townsend and that they have meet before in the late 1800s as it shows a flashback of Karon who is walking in the village, until he accidentally drops the white flower until came young girl that her name is Isabella as she picks up, and gives it back to her, that she tells him that he shouldn't lose the white flower again as he promised, when he is walking as she tells him that he is Karon Burton and that she introduced her name as Isabella Vanglot as he is about to walks away as she tells him that shall good luck in his adventure of where he is going as he tells her thank you, as he is walking away. Back in the hospital as she tells him that he needs to remember of who he is and that he has a daughter named Victoria that he is a father of his daughter and that she knows about her, that she saw her performing a show as a a pianist, that Isabella remember the melody that Karon used to play a lot, that she sometimes hears it everyday and that it reminds her of her loved ones that she once lost, that he realizes that she is a daughter of Billy Crane and Anastasia Vanglot who has given up from birth many years ago, that Isabella is related to Annebelle Crane and knows the whole truth of who Annebelle really is and that he needs to find out the about his past and his daughter Victoria as she knows that something happened with Anne Townsend long time ago that he must remember as she dies.
* In England era village in 1799, where Carol was used to be named Annebelle Crane is a young girl and that she has perfect life, she has a older brother name Billy Crane and a older sister named Caroline Crane, a handmaiden named Anastasia Vanglot that Billy has feelings for Anastasia as he secretly visited her a lot right after there family dinner as they both confesses their love for each other as she refuses to be with him. She leaves him, in his bedroom where Billy and Anastasia have sex together and they both keep their sexual relationship a secret, from there families, as there is three sex scenes in the bedroom. Before Caroline's wedding day with Ron as Caroline visited Ron late at night as they both discussed about her sneaking out of her house late at night, that she's here to be with her fiancée and her to be husband as she kisses him passionately and that she wants to be with him, throughout the night as they are both kissing passionately and making out, until they are both naked having sex in his bedroom as they both slept together throughout the night. In the morning right after they have sex, as they are both naked but covering in blankets as they are both are sleeping together in his bedroom, as they all both talked about is there wedding and her brother having sex with their handmaiden and that he will fall in love with his sister as they are having morning sex. During the day, as when it is raining as Anastasia and Billy are outside in front of the house as they both discussed about them doing here and that there here together alone, that he confesses his love for her even though he is a master and she's a servant that he doesn't matter that there different because he loves her, as he kissed her and she kissed him back as she confesses to them that she loves him as they are both kissing passionately by the house as a photographer takes a picture of them. As in the morning they both find out that about a secret affair between her brother Billy and there handmaiden Anastasia as Caroline and Billy both discussed about his secret relationship with Anastasia and that he loves her, that he wants to be with her love and sex that she has sexual feelings for Billy Crane as they both discussed about keeping it a secret between there parents. When Caroline got married to a rich boy Ron Harris who is a son of a widow Ana Harris as she leaves out of the house. Until when Anastasia became pregnant with his child and they both heard a killing in a Dark woods that's called a Hallow where Billy finds dead bodies as they both reported during the years and they meet Lord Lewis Phillips as they both discussed about the money and for them to be with rich, that about there handmaiden who is pregnant with their son's child and that he knows about their secret relationship that it was all in the woods. As they both discussed about Billy having sex with there handmaiden and that he was in love, that love is selfish that they should get rid of the baby once it is born. Weeks later she secretly gives birth to her child that she named Isabella as there masters take there child to adoption since, the masters know about their sexual relationship with there handmaiden and their son. Until one night, there is a horseman that killed all Annabelle's families and take their money, that she realizes who the horsemen is as she runs to the woods, one year later as she was found my a rich man named Anthony Macbeth that she decides to hide her named Annebelle to Carol Crane, years later it's is now 1808 around during the late 1800s, in England, while Carol is now a beautiful rich woman and while she is in garden with her adopted sister named Cheryl Macbeth as she sees a teenage boy who is there gardener named Jim Kensington as Cheryl tells Carol that she is his brother dating Logan Kensington and that tonight, he is going to come to there house so they can have dinner together and that maybe she will meet and get along with Jim. As Cheryl leaves when Carol is looking at Jim, while Cheryl is walking in the woods until she hears voices, as Cheryl went to the ground and got eaten, transforms into zombie as Carol sees Cheryl and was curious of what happened to her. Later as Jim and Logan Kensington went to the house, as they are having dinner as they both talked about Logan and Cheryl getting married, that Cheryl loves Jim instead of Logan and that they used to date, that they broke up because she is jealous of Carol being more beautiful than her. As Cheryl leaves as Logan follows her into her bedroom, as they both discussed ab her dating Jim and that she doesn't love him, that she loves Logan and that they should be together as they both are kissing passionately and they are making out, as they are both taking each other's clothes off as they are both naked, having sex in her bedroom. While they are having sex in her bedroom as in the dining room, as Carol and Jim both talked about the drama he has with Cheryl and that he never make out with Cheryl, that he wants to learn more about Carol as they are both staring at each other. While In Cheryl's bedroom as they are both naked, having sex in her bed as Logan is kissing Cheryl's neck as they both stopped kissing as she promised that he will do something for her, that it's about Carol and that if he shall become a monster for her as she bites his neck as he screams in pain. He is transforming into a zombie, in the morning right after they have sex, as Logan wakes up naked but covering in blankets. He was curious of where Cheryl is. In the garden, as Cheryl sees Carol and Jim are talking as she watches them having their first kiss, when Carol leaves him to go to grab some flowers for them, as Jim saw Cheryl as they both discussed about her plan to turn Carol into a zombie so that she shall become a monster, as they both shared a kiss while Carol is watching from afar and leaves to cry as she bites his neck as he falls into the ground as he becomes a zombie. In the woods, while Carol is walking and crying about Jim kissing her sister as she is suddenly hearing a voice of Jim as he is by her. They both discussed about him loving Carol and that she shall be with him for eternity as they both are kissing passionately heavily. When Jim bites her neck, and she went to the ground as her eyes are open into a zombie. It's now during the late 1800s while it is snowing, as she overlook a Victorian village when she see a old man that she somehow knows that it's the same man that she knows since she was a young girl as they both re meet with each other. As he takes her to the Victorian village and to his house, that's where they both discussed about her doing alone in the winter night and that she is cold, that she needs to be with someone rich as they both stare at each other as they are both kissing passionately in the fire place, as they are both naked having sex in his bedroom as they are both have sex for the first time as she lose her virginity. In the morning, right after they have sex as she wakes up and sees Lord Lewis Phillips beside her while they both discussed about what his reading and that he loves women that are rich, as she knows down in the basement as they are both all dressed as they both discussed about her staying with him, that they can have everything they wanted with marriage and having children that he also knows that she is that child, long time ago that lose her parents by a horseman many years ago. That they both discussed about her that they can have everything they have with money, their love and marriage even having children as he propose to marry her as she accepts. As they both shared a kiss.
* Joshua and Leta meet for the first time as they both become best friends of the Empire
* The Monster Rebellion went to Middle Earth and finds the humans who survived
* Jason Malfoy is in love with Emma Mills a human
* There is a sex scene between Emma Mills and Jason Malfoy in secret in her bedroom to there own cottage and that's where they consummate their marriage and that's where they lose their virginity to each other and that's where they have sex for the first time.
* William is alive and there is a sex scene between Scarlett and William
* The Humans Rebellion and the Monster Rebellion get along
* Over the years right after Lord Satan took over the human government. He has been killing of all of the innocent humans in earth. While he is phantom until he revealed himself to the galaxy world right after he takes control of the monster republic senate.
* During the celebration between the humans and the Monsters Rebellion
* Emma Mills takes Jason, even William to her parents cabin that's where Scarlett and William spend the night and day in the entire book
* There is a lot of sex scene between Scarlett and William while there in the cabin
* Scarlett and William have sex before they will do any more sex with Jason and Emma
* Jason has visions of him and Emma being his wife as they are both having a son named Rex that is playing right by her parents cabin.
* Emma and Jason fall in love with each other while they are both staying in her parent's cabin together as they both sleep in different bedrooms together as they both shared their first kiss and trying to make out and have sex but they decided to get married and have sex.
* During the battle between the humans and the Empire, while Ally and Karon are fighting as they are both discussed about how much Karon loves her and that they should get marry as he propose to her with a kiss as she accepts, they are also saying their own marriage vows to each other as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
* Right after the battle as Ally and Karon are walking to the woods, hand to hand as they both discussed about since they are newlyweds that they can spend their honeymoon on a cruise to Miami where they can enjoy their time together for the first time since they make love in his cabin. That they should get remarried but they should get a married a proper wedding with the humans and the monsters of the monster rebellion alliance as she accepts his reproposal.
* In the Saint Joseph's church, while they are getting a proper wedding with all of the humans and monsters of the monster rebellion alliance as they are saying their revows. They are now real officially husband and wife as they are about to kiss as Ally stops, Karon knows what's going on as they both discussed about doing the battle with the Empire, that something happened and that the tomb was open, that they shouldn't be together even though she's in love with him, but she knows that he loves someone else but Jason and her decided to bring back someone from the dead for Karon until came Anne Townsend as he was surprise to see her, as they both hugged as they both discussed about Anne doing here, that she knows that Ally was right that Karon Is a zombie and because Ally wants him to be in love with him and that he was gone for many years before there wedding as they have keep a promise from her of there love before there marriage and that they both loved each other, they both confesses their love as they are both kissing passionately heavily and Karon stops as he tells her that he is in love with Ally Mills even though she is a human and turned her into a zombie since of what happened to him as she knows and that he truly belongs with Ally Mills to be husband and wife together in the galaxy world. As she's about to leave as Karon tells her about their promise, she tells him that she can kept her promise and that one day once the Empire is gone they will be reunited together with each other again. She turns into a beautiful blue butterflies while Ally and Karon both watched as they both discussed about her promise with him and that he will one day be reunited with her as she knows that he misses her as he knows for a long time as they both shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
* Emma's father is the King of the Northside Royal Vulcans and it involves with drug dealers and its gang activity but he got mentioned a lot but he sees in flashbacks
* Emma didn't tell anyone about her father being King, so she got the jacket and puts its on and Jason didn't know the whole truth
* While Emma and Jason are making out in the bedroom until they got interrupted by the Northside Royal Vulcans to joined her in there gang in the her parents cabin, while Scarlett and William are in the woods kissing
* Emma became a member of the Northside Royal Vulcans
* Emma is a human like her people
* Emma is the daughter of Captain Wilbur Porter and Elisabeth Eiden
* Wilbur is a human and Jim is a Vulcan are brothers
* Elisabeth cheated on Jim and became a girlfriend of Edward, which later leads her pregnancy to Chad and Ally and Bruce, Emma
* Josh Grey is a son of Ellen Eidian and Jeremiah Grey
* In the beginning right after the birth of the Empire Edward wants to find the Monster Rebellion so they can have peace and destroy the Drug that is not invented yet
* Elisabeth and Edward secretly have sex on the Mankind Spaceship
* Emma and Jason fall in love
* Humans and Vulcans get along to destroy the Monsters long time ago, so they became long friends right after the Monsters leave
* We meet Jack White who knows about Emma and her family
* Jack hated Emma because of her mother cheated on his dad
* It Emma has some flashbacks of her birth and Emma as a young girl, then teenager and where it leads to the empire capturing her people and her father leaved her
* Emma and Jason both got secretly married in the woods, with Jim as their priest. Weeks before the battle.
* Emma and Jason consummate their marriage in their own cottage as they both have sex for the first time.
* But Scarlett and William buy them their own cottage for there wedding gift that's where they have sex for the first time.
* Emma is a descendant of Jughead Mills
* Lord Shauron and Jason Malfoy have there first fight through the forest in Earth
* Scarlett and Jason kiss in front of Emma and William about there sex story. Also to make them jealous
* The Middle Earth got under control by the Empire in the end
* In the end, Lord Shauron knows that Jason is his son.
* The Emperor captures the humans in the Old Earth and took them to the Darth Star to the drug of there transformation into monsters to have control of them to destroy the Monster Rebellion and if they don't joined the Emperor died later in jailed
Breaking Slavery of the dark Faith
* Scarlett and William got married in there wedding on the Rebellion base and they spend time on a Jamaica as there honeymoon
* It takes place between 2 Ab to 3 Ab
* The Twelfth book narrator is Scarlett Malfoy in the first and second part of the book
* The twelfth book narrator is Sarah Coltan in the third and five parts of the book
* This book will be five parts because of the story will be different like in three Stranger Things seasons
* Sarah Coltan has powers of tactical projection through members, the projection shield, inherited psychokinetic abilities like telekinesis and leviathan those powers she has because she is also a maredi. Sensing a person through mind, remote viewing she has it because of her father also has it. telepathy, psychometry, technopathy, Portal manipulation and Dimensional Travel, biokinesis, teleportation, memory reading.
* Sarah Coltan as a young girl she has long curly brown hair in the third part, she has short long curly brown hair in the fourth part. She has short wavy curly brown hair and in the end she has short straight hair. In the fifth part
* Felix and John both listening to the music called Believer from Imagine Dragons
* John sings to Believer in the Dark World, while he is running from the werewolf Darien
* Sarah Coltan Potter lost her powers from the First Dark Lord as he is taking over her powers and soul, right after they defeated him she didn't have her powers return
* Mike and his friends called Sarahbeth or Sarah, Sara thirteen for short name
* Mike and his friends including Maxine and Sarah are called The Party Crew
* Sarah Coltan dressed up as Luna Lovegood as a reference to the Harry Potter series
* People as humans in Hawkins believes that monsters are there savior to saved them from the Galactic World Empire. But they do believe that the humans rebellion and monsters rebellion are real by telling gossiping about there Legendary's monsters that they loved.
* Raleigh Bank's human people believed that monsters aren't real, and that they the human and monsters rebellion even Legendary's monsters don't exist.
* Hawkins and Raleigh Banks town both hated each other and have a fun due to there history with there ancestors. With monsters as it shown in twelfth book.
* Mike Parker and his best friends have a archenemy named Dipper and Tom.
* Sarah chokes Dipper angrily as he falls to the ground
* The first and second part of the book will be about Scarlett's story of her getting married and becomes pregnant and have Sarah. To her becoming a vampire.
* Scarlett and William consummate their marriage in the Jamaica couple times and days
* Scarlett became pregnant with Williams child, during there honeymoon
* William is afraid to hurt Scarlett while having sex for what happened on the second night
* Scarlett has visions of her and William having sex
* William choose to stop to not to hurt her and he decides to cheer her up with activities
* Noah Mills reveals to be there adopted cousin because he is a half human and half vampire that his birth father was a vampire armies as he meet a Rebel woman as they are both fighting during the Rebels and Royals war until they both secretly fall in love with each other as he actually impregnated her as when Noah was born. He was given up from birth because of Lord Satan will know his exists so he lived in hiding with Jim Mills.
* Jason and Susie have a affair while there finding John as they both confessed their sexual feelings for each other as they both secretly have sex without Emma knowing.
* Jason and Emma both got divorced when she find out that he cheated on her with Susie Brown while there in Hawkins together, they both get back together quickly
* Grand Caspian is alive but on a ship
* Grand Caspian and Lord Shauron both discussed about Scarlett and the Emperor black, and himself remembering as Adam Malfoy
* Grand Caspian and Scarlett Malfoy discusses about the secret hologram, that he kept for her as they both discussed about her father Adam Malfoy and her mother Eve Amilda. Caspian is against the Emperor for them to be there slaves
* Caspian is in jailed for telling the Monster Rebellion to fight back against lord Satan, while he is in jailed Lord Shauron and Caspian both discussed about lord sat and the Rebellion, Anakin Jones and Scarlett as part of there rebellion that they discussed that they are both slavery of lord Satan
* Caspian brought to lord Satan that he knows that he is traitor of the Galactic World Empire, as they both discussed him betrayed the Empire, killing the innocent humans and us him as a slave. As he got force lighting as he dies.
* Caspian died as right after Lord Satan force lighting him about secretly betrayal him
* In the beginning of the third book as it shows flashbacks of Jim Mills and Christina May in high school as they both skipped four and sixth period as he offers a cigarette. They both talked about her in high school in cheerleading and her best friend Melissa who has a boyfriend named Owens Parker, they both talked about there love and them dating as they both laughed.
* In the ending of the fifth book, it's shows flashbacks of Jim Mills and Christina May laughing until came her father as he cussed at his daughter for hanging out a Vulcan. He takes her as they both run into the woods as they both discussed about her father finding them as they both shared their first kiss, he confesses his love for Christina as she kisses him back as they are both kissing passionate. In Mills mansion as he took her as they both went inside his house as they both discussed about his house as they both into the stairs and to his bedroom as they both take each other's clothes off as they both are naked. They are both kissing passionately heavily and making out until she leans him into the bed as they are both having sex for the first time. As it implied that they both lose their virginity and slept together throughout the night.
* Jim Mills is posing himself as a Police Chief so he can know about Christiana's youngest son missing
* Jim Mills been sleeping with woman who is married and unmarried, are at a much younger than himself
* Jim Mills have a one night stand with a college girl that he once dated named Petunia
* Jason Malfoy/ Potter posing himself as Logan Martin is a in Hawks Middle School history/ science teacher and he is a M. O. S club, is a magic of science teacher as he teaches Mike Parker, Jonah and Leonardo, John as he is interested in the Party Crew as he became fond of them and their interest of science/ history. Because they are children and him, his wife always wanted to have children and that he loves to have children.
* Logan Martin knows Sarah Coltan as the Party Crew looked curious at him
* Logan Martin reveals himself as Jason Potter as the Party Crew and Sarah Coltan are surprised that there teacher is Legendary character that they heard
* The Party Crew know Jason Potter and the Monster Rebellion because they heard about them by people who are gossiping and they think that they are legendarys.
* Jason Potter/ Logan Martin in the third part he teaches the class about the history of the Monster Rebellion and the Galactic World Empire the war between them that happened with the First Darth Star. Then he teaches about the history of the creation of the monster Earth and First Dark Lord, to the humans explored in the monster Earth to have peace to the war of humans and monsters in the monster Earth where the First Dark Lord went into the Dark World where he was trapped. In the fourth part, he teaches the class about the history of Lord Satan and The Human Holocaust that happened in human Earth right after the humans won and take over their land. He privately talks to Mike Parker about the Vietnam War that happened in Hawkins in 1972 with Germany where his father have died, when he was still a baby
* Jim Mills lost his son from the Empire
* Right after Karon confesses his true feelings to his wife Ally Mills as she wants to have sex so that they can make a another baby
* Ally Mills Burton force her husband to have sex with her, so he can forget about Scarlett as they both convinced a child, as she felt pregnant and got pregnant.
* Ally Mills Burton got pregnant with Karon's child, and later gave birth to a girl named Annie Burton who appeared as a baby, then a young girl
* During her pregnancy with Sarah, Scarlett has dreams about her going to the dark side of the force just like her parents must find out of what happened with her father, so she traveled to Tatonne and find a secretly grave of her grandmother. She hears young girl's voice and she went to the Croatian Camp. She killed all the Croatian Raiders for the vengeance of her grandmother
* The campaigns are Mike, Johnny and Jonah, Leonardo that they play Colonies & Monsters game
* Colonies & Monsters is a fantasy history rule playing game, where the characters are the humans and Vulcans colonies, the monsters characters are Maredi's and vampires, wizards and witches, zombies and werewolves, beasts, siren. The main evil and good characters are The First Dark Lord/ Alexander Riddle, Bella the death Fey, and Dark Flayer, werewolves, Yeti and Elves, Vampires and Werewolves, dark dragons, death Feys who are the followers of the First Dark Lord, Queen Annabeth, Jughead Mills, Madeline Mills, Flynn Potter, Ethan Amilda, Charles Snow, Jesse Jones and Miles Jones, Aurora Potter and Hugo Amilda, where the game they play is the colonies went to land, the monsters fight with the humans, the monsters and humans have a real war in different countries and oceans.
* There is a forest that is called The Dark Woods from the Fictional Colonies and Monsters story by President Wilbur Mills. Where road Thomas Jefferson and George Washington meet, and it goes past a laboratory. It is close to John's house and Winstons house but they are separated
* In 1982 where the kids played the game in their characters
* Mike is the Human and monsters master
* Johnny is Albert the wise, maredi user and later played as Aurora Potter in the 1982 edition in the middle earth
* Leonardo is vampire, a fighter
* Jonah is a wizard
* In 1984 where the kids played the game in their characters
* Mike is Miles Jones
* John is Flynn Potter
* Leonardo is Sylvester Parkinson
* Jonah is Kenny Hargrove
* Sarah Coltan is Aurora Potter
* Maxine is Millie Malfoy
* On Halloween in 1984
* The Party Crew dressed up as Scooby doo characters
* Mike Parker dressed up as Scooby doo
* Jonah dressed up as Shaggy
* Leonardo dressed up as Scooby doo
* John dressed up as Fred Jones
* Maxine dressed up as Death Eater
* The First Dark Lord is alive as he became a shadow and possessed in John's body as he was free.
* First Dark Lord take control by Bill's mind as he mind control Bill to do his work
* The First Dark Lord wants Sarah's powers so he can be young and powerful, he also wants to take her soul so he can be fully returned
* Maxine Abbot is Bill's younger half sister
* Bill's father named Joseph Abbot
* Joseph abused Bill when he was a young child and his wife
* Joseph have a affair with his wife Martha's best friend named Catherine Stewart which they both meet at a bar and they both have sex, they both convinced a child as she is pregnant with his child. She finds out that Joseph Abbot is married and she doesn't want to ruined their marriage. So she ended up to give birth to a girl named Maxine, Joseph takes Maxine away right after she was born. That Maxine doesn't know who is her birth mother is and that she's believing that she is dead by a car accident.
* Maxine's birth mother give her a skateboard for a memory of her, so she can have a wonderful childhood because her birth mother used to ride a skateboard while she is a child herself.
* Martha Abbot got abused by her husband and she divorced him, as she leaves her son Bill to lived with his abused father.
* Joseph Abbot married a divorced woman named Lillian Washington
* Lillian Washington have four affairs with different man that lasted a long time, until she falls in love with Joseph Abbot as he propose her to marry her as she accepts. They both got married and she becomes pregnant with his child, during her pregnancy they both decided to move out to Los Angeles to Hawkins to raise their child.
* The Abbots family moved from Los Angeles to Hawkins
* We meet Mike Parker and Johnny Hargrove but is called John, Leonardo Dickens and Jonah Dustinson. Maxine Abbot weeks right after the Death Fey battle and the death of Scarlett Coltan
* When we meet Maxine for the first time, she came back to Hawkins so she can see her ex boyfriend Mike Parker and to rejoin the Party Crew also to forgive him, for what she did
* Leonardo dated Maxine while Mike is dating Sarah Coltan
* It is revealed that Maxine and Mike Parker used to date together as they were boyfriend and girlfriend while she was in the Party Crew and playing Colonies & Monsters with them.
* When Mike Parker tries to apologize Maxine for what he did as Jonah and Leonardo wants him to let him apologize her for what happened they did in the past as them.
* Audrey shows Sarah to Angus's birth to in the rescue in the lab until she has her memory wipe from Dr. Banner
* Maxine knows that Mike Weeler is in love with Sarah Coltan
* When Mike Weeler and Maxine both used to date as they been making out in the bathroom, give each other a kiss and trying to have sex in his bedroom.
* It shows flashbacks in 1982, where Mike Parker and Maxine are in sixth grade together as they both making out, hanging out together as they are in love, having dinner alone in his bedroom and them making out in his bed as they both decided to have sex as they both making out more as he is about to take her dress off as she decides not to do it as they both talked about them losing their virginity and having sex, their future together and his sexual affair with Nancy as she leaves him, as Mike and her both apologies for about the night as they both decided to go to the dance as a couple, Maxine dating John because he gives her kiss and that he wanted to be with her as she started dating him. While Mike sees Maxine and John are making out in the lockers as Mike Parker and Maxine are in the bathroom as they are both arguing about her dating John, that she has feelings for John as they both decided to break up with each other and that she doesn't love Mike anymore, doesn't want to be with him.
* Dr. Banner is a traitor to the humans since he is secretly working for the Empire, to created the drug which the first one failed and using Sarah as a lab experiment to free the First Dark Lord out of the Dark World. To create the second drug which will killed the humans.
* Dr. Albert Brenner is a family friend of the Mills
* The Monster rebellion took Dr. Banner to prison for his crimes and told the children that he is died
* Dr. Banner get out of prison by the First Dark Lord and him working with the Germany so he can killed Lord Satan so the First Dark Lord can take over the Empire
* Daphne Potter opened the gate of the dark world when she was a young girl by contacting the First Dark Lord who is her grandfather!
* During World War Two Percy Potter is a nazi with the Germany. As he trust the Germany's to build a crystal for a machine so he can used it to open the gate to the Dark World so he wanted the First Dark Lord his father will return back to the human world to Hawkins and Germany.
* Lord Satan, Lord Shauron and the Dark Queen, Arrow, Dr. Banner wanted Sarah Coltan to be as a lab experiment to free the First Dark Lord out of the Dark World.
* John got taken by a terrifying monster and got taken into the Dark World
* When Mike and Sarah are both learning more about each other as she tells him that she wanted him to stay and that she has powers, the powers of memories that she can show him about who she is by her history as Mike came to her as she touches his cheek as she is using her powers. Then Mike is seeing her memories from her parents having sex during their honeymoon, her birth mother Scarlett finding out that she is pregnant with her, her parents are both loving her before she was born. To her birth as she sees her birth mother human having her first memory of her birth, seeing her birth mother again as a vampire. Her as young playing with her birth mother in the snow, her being with her birth mother in the tent when she gave her necklace. Her meeting Arrow for the first time as she shows him her memories, her touching her birth mother to know that they are together forever, her battling with the death Fey. Her sensing her that her birth mother is died, as she got taken by the Dark Faith right after her mother is dead.
* Jonah has a girlfriend named Sadie from camp
* Daphne Cooper is a daughter of Percy Potter and she is the granddaughter of the First Dark Lord that she wanted to see her father so she can be reunited with him and that she doesn't want the gate to the dark world
* There is a fight scene between Jason Malfoy and Daphne Cooper in the machine room
* The First Dark Lord took her father Percy Potter into the dark world so he can become a dark Faith just like him, and that he also wanted to killed his own granddaughter Daphne so he can fully rise to power even though she is not a descendant of Aurora Potter and he wanted to kill her because she has same exact power that Sarah has. So that he can become a powerful maredi and he can have a empire of his own, so he can killed Lord Satan and the galactic world empire will be his so he can killed the humans for vengeance for his wife.
* Percy Potter took Daphne's place so that she can be safe from her evil grandfather from getting killed
* Daphne Cooper rescues her father Percy Potter from the dark world with the help of Jason Malfoy and they both get out before the machine will closed as the gate of the dark world will be closed. It kills William Coltan but he did not survived
* Daphne was the one that she wanted to open the gate to the dark world so she can get her father Percy Potter out of the dark world so she can reunited with him.
* Jonah meet a young boy named Dustin who is a human who can shapeshift into a Darien that he kept in his house for a day or two
* Jonah went to the camp that is called Camp Musical and Invention, it's where they can do a full musical on stage and invented some machines to make the show more powerful and to help them to wear their costumes.
* Jonah and Sadie both sing a duet together of My Shot of there favorite musical Alexander Hamilton so they both sing a duet while the Party Crew and the Monster Rebellion are looking curious and annoying as they are both singing a duet so Jonah can get Sadie to get them the Germany code for to go to where the machine room is.
* Sadie's and Jonah's favorite musical is Alexander Hamilton the Broadway musical
* Jonah invented a Cerebro on top of the mountain hill by an abandoned farm but its nickname he called it " The Spring Wheel". From the Tuck Everlasting the musical so he can contact his girlfriend from camp named Sadie
* Right after she saved Mike from the Darien as Sarah Coltan was hiding with her biological father William in the cabin for a while
* Melissa and Owens Parker got married right after they graduate high school while they are teenagers until she has his two children named Natalie, Mike Parker
* William has a sexual affair with Mike's mother Melissa Parker while he is to dating and married to Scarlett
* William and Melissa have secret sexual affair and phone call conversation while he is married to Scarlett
* Right after his wife's death William went back to Melissa as they both have a affair in the hotel without her husband and kids knowing. Her boyfriend Teddy Wheeler got killed by William on accident as he knows there affair. William propose to her as she accepts to marry him as Mike finds out that his girlfriend Sarah Coltan's biological father William is having affair with his mother.
* Melissa married Owens Parker and they both have three children named Natalie, Mike and Molly Parker. She got divorced from her husband because the truth is that he believes in monsters, so the monsters rebellion and her secretly having affair with William Coltan.
* It is revealed that Abal is alive but he is trapped in the Hawkins prison
* Melissa then have a boyfriend named Teddy Wheeler who visits and he stays with them and he acts as a father to all of her three children
* Melissa and Owens Parker's two children are named Natalie and Mike Parker
* When Melissa Parker and Teddy Wheeler both starting dating, as they both ended up having a child named Molly Parker who is born in 1974
* Melissa Parker and Teddy Wheeler's child is named Molly Parker
* Molly Parker is a five year old toddler and to a eight year old girl
* Molly Parker laughs at jokes from her older brother Mike Parker about Mr. Potter and him seeing Sarah Coltan
* Kevin Andrews is posing himself as Bob Brown
* Kevin Andrews and his friend Jonah both talked about sex between Jim Mills and Christina Hargrove
* William wants Jason to adopted her so he can be with the woman that he loves is Melissa Parker
* Audrey Coltan is Williams niece who is a daughter of his older brother named Timothy Coltan and granddaughter of Arrow who lives with her uncle. She is a vampire and she has psychokinetic powers like her father and uncle, she got her memory wipe from Banner
* Angus's Parker best friend is named Daphne Cooper who they both have a great friendship that they meant when they were kids, and they are living in Altania.
* Daphne Cooper learns from Sarah about the gate of the dark world, her loving Mike Parker and her losing someone when she was a kid.
* Timothy, William and Lucy Coltan are the children of Arrow
* Sarah Coltan has a psychic tantrum when she immediately experienced the dark side of the force while she's has a huge fight with her father
* When Sarah Coltan suggested to go back to saved her friends as she tells her older half brother Angus Parker that he should go back to Hawkins and forget about his past as she runs away from him. He is calling her named as he grabs a picture of Melissa Parker his birth mother with her three children as he is starting to have dark bleeding in his nose as he is crying to have a see his birth mother and her family that he didn't have with her.
* Angus Parker saved Mike Parker from the weeds as he gets him and his best friends out as he is the one that blow up the underground of the dark world
* Right after Sarah is being adopted from Jason Malfoy, he visits Melissa Parker in the Parker's house as he wants to be with her and that they both got time, he went to the her house as they both are kissing passionately as they are both walked to her bedroom as they both are both shared a passionate kiss. As they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as it switches they are both take each other's clothes off as they are both in bed naked together as they are both having sex for the first time since they are both 20s as he ends up breaking her bed as she feels his muscles. As they are both continuing having sex throughout the night as it shows sleeping together in her bed. While this is going on as Jason and Emma both talked adopted Sarah and having their own children and family, the kids in the Winter Ball and sharing couple of dancing.
* In the end While the kids are having a Winter Ball dance as Angus Parker sees Sarah and Mike who are happy with each other as he doesn't exist. Angus walks away as a hooded figure watches Angus and the Party Crew from afar as it is smiling evilly and it turns into a dark world as it shows a globe as the First Dark Lord is smiling evilly for vengeance to killed Sarah.
* William secretly visits Melissa Parker at night to have sex and spending the night with her in her bed and leaves early morning so he won't be seen by her three children.
* Melissa Parker knows about vampires and monsters when she was a teenager. Because she knows that William is a vampire and monster.
* Melissa Parker and Christina both are best friends since childhood
* Mike keep their affair a secret from his girlfriend Sarah Coltan to find out as she suddenly find out later when there parents arrived to help in the Millerscourt
* Angus Parker joins the Monster rebellion and helps them to close the gate in Germany right after his father dies from the explosion as he got captured from the Germany
* The terrifying monster is called Dark Flyer who is a shape of a monstrous spider. Darien that is a shaped of an monstrous werewolf they are the pet of the First Dark Lord
* It was revealed that Bill and Natalie Parker used to date at high school until he cheated on her to be with Susan Hungton as he lose his virginity to her
* When Bill sees Natalie swimming in the pool, as they both talked about them hanging out together to get a motel and to help her with her swimming lessons ( which is mentioned to sex ) but she always thinks about Felix as she accepts to go out on the date.
* As Natalie is getting ready to go out on a hot night with Bill as she looks at the picture of her and Felix. As she looks at her family that all she wants is to have a family with Felix or Bill. Until she decides to go as he picks her up and he is taking her to the motel.
* In the motel as they both have a nice dinner date as they both discussed about her job in the newspaper and him as a lifeguard, they both want to have a family with him as they both laying in bed together fully clothed until she decides to leave and that her mother will killed her as he wants her to stay as she decides to stay. Until they both shared a kiss as they both look at each other for the moment as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both get undressed as they are both naked as they are still making out. He pushes her to the bed as he kisses her neck and they both are having sex for the first time as they both looked at each other as they both continue to have sex throughout the night.
* Meanwhile in the motel as Natalie and Bill are both laying in bed naked but covering in blankets as they both discussed about their future and having kids, that how come they won't stop having sex with each other and that they are both in love with each other as they are both continuing having sex throughout the night.
* In the motel as Natalie is wearing Bill's black shirt looking through the night as she saw a taxi as she went to him while Bill is sleeping in the bed as they both said their goodbyes to each other as he nods as Natalie got dressed and she looks at him as he is sure that she will return as she promised that she will as she leaves the motel.
* Right after Bill spends the night with Natalie as he got captured by the Dark Flayer as he becomes possessed by him.
* While Christina Hargrove and Jim Mills are both discussed about the kids being in danger as Kevin Andrews interrupt them. As he tells them about them having sex since high school and there sexual feelings for each other, that they should have sex and have a child on there own since there love for each other. As Simon tells him about them having sex. As they both snap their hands and they both are laughing.
* Bill just got unconscious right after he fight with the Dark Flayer
* Angus Parker falls in love with Daphne Cooper as they both now lived in Hawkins together as she manipulated him to have sex with her, which he did as right after they have sex as they are both are sleeping together. She looks at the photos of what Angus has gotten for what happened at Hawkins in the previous years and she saw a photograph of the Parker's family. As it shows a flashback between her as a young girl and with her father Percy Potter about reopening the gate of the dark world, her having a real family which her grandfather the First Dark Lord is not part of.
* Right after the sauna fight in the cabin, as Mike Parker is in her bedroom as came Sarah Coltan as they both discussed about them being together as they been dating and that he has dreams about them being together as a teenager and that he wanted to be with her as she knows that he is right, that she been so stupid to dump him and that they should be together as they both shared a passionate kisses as they both went to the bed as they are both are ending up sleeping together fully clothed as they both are having to slept together for the second time as they both have a sexual tension to each other.
* The Dark Flyer went through inside of Sarah's body as it is possessed with her. The dark Flyer is showing her flashbacks of her opening up the gate of the dark world, that the hooded figure wanted to open the gate so she can get her father out of there. It's showing a young girl losing her father from the First Dark Lord and Sarah closing the gate by her powers and the First Dark Lord possessed Bill to killed Sarah, so he can rise to power. It shows every memory of Sarah opening up the gate, Mike Parker telling her that she isn't a monster because she saved her and that she is a hero, the First Dark Lord possessed John Hargrove the hooded figure as she realizes that the First Dark Lord has a grandchild that she is the one that opened the gate.
* The Dark Flyer still possessed inside of Sarah body's until she get the Dark Flyer out by using her powers.
* There is a sexual tension between Sarah Coltan Potter and Mike Parker right after they broke up
* Right after the battle of Millerscourt, in the Parker's house as Mike Parker promised that they should play Colonies & Monsters together as the Party Crew. As they both ended up playing Colonies & Monsters as best friends when they both teach Sarah Coltan how to play the game as she is staring at Mike Parker as they both looking at each other. As there best friends leave as Sarah ends up staying with Mike Parker.
* Right after the Party Crew play C&M, in Mike's bedroom and came Sarah Coltan Potter as he tells her that he can't do this and that he reveals his true sexual feelings to Sarah Coltan and that he has dreams about them being together as he wanted to be with her so badly before she leaves Hawkins because he loves her. As she hugs him as they are both are sharing a moment as right after they both hug as they both stared at each other as she touches his hair as she tells him that she wanted to be with him too as the song called " Should I Stay or Should I go". As they are both are kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both got interrupt by the supercom of Jason Potter as Mike Parker ignores him as they both are making out as they both suddenly take each other's clothes off as they are both naked. He leans her into his bed as they are both are having sex for the first time as they are both are making out lips to lips as they are both breathing heavily as he kisses her neck as she is breathing heavily they both stopped kissing as he tells her that he can't do this as she tells him that don't stop as she tells him that as they both talked in unison about not having sex with her as he wants to her listen that she loves him and she always wanted to be with him that she wants to do this for her as they are both are kissing passionately heavily as they are both continuing having sex for the first time. As it implied that they both lose their virginity and slept together for the first time throughout the night. As they both have a one night stand.
* Right after they have sex, in the morning in Mike's bedroom as he wakes up naked but covering in blankets as Sarah is beside him as they both discussed about his dream and them becoming parents, having a child together and that they both are going to happen as they are both in love as they both stared at each other smiling happily as they both hold hands for the first time. Until he comes by her as they both are cuddling in bed naked together as discussed about her not leaving and that she doesn't want to leave him either and that they both love each other as they are both sharing a passionate kisses as they are both are having morning sex for the first time.
* When Sarah is leaving Hawkins as came Mike as they both discussed about her asking her adopted dad to visit them for Thanksgiving and Sarah visiting Mike for Christmas so they can both open their presents together on Christmas Day so they can spend time together as they both walked away as if nothing as happened to them like their hiding a secret like they never have sex or slept together as she turns to him as she tells Mike that how she recalled him confessing his love for her back in the cabin and in his bedroom, and that she loves to have presents with Mike Parker and that she has sexual feelings for Mike Parker as she walks to him as they both shared a kissed right after they kissed as she tells him that she wanted to be with him as she loves him as they both smiled as they both shared a passionate kisses.
* Right after they both slept together as they both are starting back their sexual relationship and back together as they are both are dating again
* There is a first sex scene between Sarah Coltan Potter and Mike Parker
* Sarah Coltan Potter and Mike Parker are the first underage couple that are kids that have sex for the first time at age of fifteen
* They have sex for the first time when they are both are fifteen which is underage to have a sexual intercourse
* Jason Potter make a 10th rule for Mike Parker for him and Sarah to spend time together and also for them for to do not have sex
* Leonardo's younger sister named Nancy Dickens
* Mike Parker steals his older sister Natalie's college money in the box so he can go to the arcade with his best friends
* Mike Parker and his best friends have a supercom so they can talked but he chose to used it least time with his old supercom when he is adult and buy a new supercom for him and his best friends used to talked more frequently. But his old supercom passed down to his daughter Jenny Parker which she used in the last and final book.
* Bill got sent to the hospital as in the end he wakes up and he sees Natalie beside him as he calls her named as she tells him that he is okay. As they both hold their hands for the first time as they both stared at each other.
* Mike's older sister Natalie Parker first dated with a famous beach boy at school named Winston
* Sarah hears Melissa Parker and Teddy Wheeler having sex from afar, while she's in her fort.
* There is a sex scene between Melissa Parker and Teddy Wheeler in her bedroom
* There is a sex scene between Natalie and Winston Henderson right after the party as she lose her virginity for the first time
* Natalie and Johnny's older brother named Felix Hargrove team up to help on who have taken her best friend and his brother
* There is a two sex scenes between Natalie and Felix one in the house during their first dinner date as they both consummate their relationship as Felix lose his virginity. Second during there mission as they both have sex and have a one night stand. Third she secretly spend the night with Felix when he was done with dinner as they both have sex. Fourth right after the battle in Millerscourt as they are both in Felix's room as they both talked right after the battle and him moving out of Hawkins with his mother and that he wanted to be with her forever as they both shared a kiss as they are kissing passionately heavily and making out. As it switches to them that they are both naked having sex in his bedroom.
* William bruised Scarlett right after the second night they have while having sex
* In the whole story, Lord Shauron and the Dark Queen went to Tatonne with the help of Zelina as it shown flashbacks as him as Adam. Then went to Corusent in Selena's Snow's apartment as it shown flashbacks of him and her together, they both went to Niaboon where they both went to the Snow's family house, they found a recording of Anakin telling everyone the truth of how Selena have died and that he also told them that Adam Malfoy is dead too, when Zelina realizes that lord Shauron is the one who killed Selena. As they both have a fight, Until lord Shauron and his wife the Dark Queen went to land as they been tricked by the Snow's as they killed the Snow's and he visited Selena's grave. As it show the Star Japor Snippet gifted by her, he went into her grave and see that's she's still pregnant. That he Zelina finds a implant that's where lord Shauron and the Dark Queen go knows he have a son Zelina told him what happened right after he was born, that she died with the baby inside of her that if he want to know she eavesdropping that she only knows Anakin Jones and Ben Potter are the ones that decided to hide Jason from him. He knows where he was born, Zelina told him in the planet called Mois Epois, Lord Shauron and the Dark Queen went to abandoned Mois Epois and they find a recording of arrival of Selena with Ben Potter as there is a droid midwife as it shows a hologram of Selena giving birth to twins and telling Ben about Adam as she died. As he realizes that Selena's grave is the one, that first lead lord Shauron to killed lord Satan. As he wants to named his son Jason so him and Selena can have a perfect life together, until he knows that the Dark Queen and Lord Satan his master knows that he have a son this whole time, as he force choke the Dark Queen in anger for them knowing the truth that he have a son, this whole time. As she told him, that she and her master knows that he have a son, because when Selena is really died. So lord Shauron can become more powerful in the force, then ever. But she knows that lord Satan want his son turned into a dark side just like him.
* While Lord Shauron is upset, lord Satan told him that he can connect people from the past
* While lord Shauron is meditating, while he is sleeping meditating in the force it shows Elena his mother and Henry his father, Angelina, Quinn and Ben, Selena about his son Jason that Adam chooses the dark side, that there son is there only hope to destroy lord shauron and bring back Adam Malfoy. As lord Shauron opens his eyes
* Lord Satan is sleeping meditating, as he sees Emily again as they both have sex in the cottage. That Emily tells Lucifer that she always loved him, as he wakes up.
* Right after Ally and Karon wedding as now they are both now husband and wife, as they traveled around the world together as there honeymoon so she can learn more about Karon and about each other's love and marriage. As they are both consummate their marriage and having sex throughout there trip as there are four sex scenes as one is implied that they have sex between them since they are both married, they both enjoy their honeymoon before they go back to the middle earth so they can help Scarlett getting ready for her to get married to there vampire friend William Coltan.
* William breaks the bed while having sex by his strong muscles
* Scarlett has a vision of Jason being the one who can saved their father from the dark side of the Force to bring him back into good
* Scarlett refuses not to trained anymore since she complete her training due to her pregnancy and that Master Ganeld shall trained Jason to be a Maredi just like her
* Scarlett dies as a human, right after giving birth to her daughter. Then her husband, changed her into a vampire as she transformed into a vampire.
* Sarah is half human and half vampire
* Jason and Emma get Scarlett and William, a cottage for there wedding gift. That's where Scarlett and William first spend the night together, as vampire and vampire, while there having sex, in there bedroom.
* Master Ganeld accepts to train Jason Malfoy more the ways to the light of the force to saved there father from the dark side of the Force
* Scarlett gives birth to a daughter named Sarah Coltan
* Scarlett dies as a vampire right after lord Satan force lighting her
* Sarah got captured but saved by the Rebellion party of humans
* Sarah falls in love with Mike Parker
* Sarah and Mike confesses their love for each other before they saved their friend John
* Sarah and Mike share their kiss during a school dance, while John is watching them kissing
* Mike Parker falls in love with Sarah Coltan when they first meet and becomes best friends, then later become lovers
* Sarah Coltan throws up when she eats human food because all she wants is human donated blood and animal blood
* While Mike Parker visits Sarah Coltan in her tent as he grabs her a cup of human donated blood as they both talked about her drinking human blood and that she's thirsty for blood like she's a vampire or a monster. When she's finished drinking human blood in front of him as she grabs the cup to Mike as they both suddenly touched hands as he talks to see if she is alright as she nods. He leaves to clean up the human blood in the cup while Sarah grabs her monster book that is about vampires until he knows that she has Mike's book. As they both discussed about him finding the book about monsters and vampire that if she is one, but he doesn't care that she is a monster and a vampire, as she asks about how he get the book that he got the book from the library, that knows about monsters and vampires that if he has any interest in it as he asks her that she also knows about monsters and vampires as she nods. That he wants her to tell him about them as they both stared at each other as he continues to explain about the book and monsters that if they are real as she accepts to tell him as she invited him in as he went to her tent. As he is right by her as she is explaining about the monsters and vampires in the book that she knows as Mike is with her being impress by her as she is keeping on telling him about the tales of the monsters and vampires. As they both looked at each other unexpectedly as he is decided to leave because doesn't want to go to get into trouble by his mom as he is about to leave out of her tent. As Sarah tells him that he wants her to stay with her as he decides to stay with her as they both cuddling together with blankets fully clothed in her tent as they both ended up sleeping together throughout the night. That there is no sex because them.
* In the morning while they are both sleeping in blankets in her tent fully clothed as Mike wakes up smiling beside her as he gets up and gets his backpack. When Sarah Coltan wakes up as she asks him about where Mike is going that he wanted him to stay with her as he tells her that he can't as she is wandering why as he tells that because he has school and he doesn't want to be late and that he has friends also to take care about and he wants her to stay in the basement, so she wouldn't be seen by his family. As he kisses her on the forehead as he tells her goodbye as he walks away to her as they both stared at each other as he leaves out of the basement.
* When Mike Parker is on the bathtub, as he reads the Vampires and Monsters book in his hand as he continues to read it. As he flips into a page of Tommy Black walking into the woods as he has his first killed on a human in Virginia, until they both reported the monsters attack as he is reading more about Tommy Black as he is secretly working for Lord Satan for him becoming his follower named Arrow. He continues on with the attacks of killing humans by sucking their blood as he is succeeded his masters plan to raise to power of the empire. Mike finds more about Arrow and the vampires monsters, that Arrow himself is a vampire monster and that he has a child named William Coltan. Right after he gets off on the bath as he has a towel around his thigh as he is washing his hands until came Sarah who came out of nowhere as they both discussed about the book of vampires and monsters, that she senses that he reads about her grandfather Arrow and that he is a vampire monster, Mike Parker almost knows that she is a vampire monster and that what if she is as she speeds away from him.
* While Mike Parker is staying home with Sarah Coltan as he teaches her how to slap into the faces as they are both are practicing slapping until Mike touches Sarah's cheek as he tells her that Sarah is beautiful as they both almost leaned in into a kiss as they are both got interrupt by Mike's mother.
* Throughout the third to five parts in this book, Mike Parker has dreams about him as teenager who is dating Sarah Coltan, as they both sharing their first dance at prom as they both talked about their love for each other as they both shared their first kiss. As they both talked about their love for each other as they both confesses their love for each other as they both shared a passionate kiss in the rain. In his bedroom as Mike Parker is telling her that he loves her and that he wants to be with her as she also wanted to be with him too as they both shared a passionate kisses as they are both are kissing passionately heavily and making out. Back in his bedroom as it shows the previous dream as Mike Parker is telling her that he loves her and they both talked about Sarah loving Mike and her being with John as he wanted to be with her to be a good husband and father of there children and that he loves her ever since, that she loves him too as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both get undressed as they are both naked as he pushes her into the bed as they are both having sex for the first time. In another dream it's morning as they are both in his bedroom right after they have sex as they are both are naked but covering in blankets as they both are discussing about them making love for the first time and their future together as husband and wife, having kids playing together and watching them as he wants to be with her as they both loved each other as they are both are having morning sex throughout the morning. In the end, it shows them getting married and Sarah being pregnant, her giving birth to a girl named Jenny Parker and seeing her growing up as they are both are watching her playing.
* Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan are both attachment to love just like their parents
* William Coltan and Melissa Parker are both attachment to love just like their kids because it was passed down.
* While Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan started officially in a relationship as they are both making out session in her room until they decided to try to have sex as they are both starting to have sex until they are both interrupt by her adopted father Jason Potter
* Winston works at a ice cream shop named The Lost Colony ice cream shop in Millerscourt as he dressed up as a colony worker outfit. His co worker is named Ruby
* Ruby explains to Winston that she loves him during high school but until he dated her older cousin named Ella which they both spend the night and she becomes pregnant with his child, they both broke up because he cheated on her with Natalie Parker as she gave birth to a son named Mark, she decides to keep him forever.
* Ruby and Winston starting dating in the end of the book
* Mike Parker and his best friends went to Millerscourt as they both secretly went to a movie theater without getting caught by Jim Mills and the rest of the Monster Rebellion so they won't getting caught and getting killed by the Empire. To see Star Wars Empire Strikes Back.
* Mike Parker and his best friends watched the entire movie where Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker is his father.
* The machine got exploded as the gate of the dark world is opening
* While Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan have a another making out session in her room without decided to try to have sex because they will get in trouble again.
* In the middle earth there is a town called Hawkins, Hawks that's where Sarah first meets Mike Parker for the first time
* In the cabin house where Jason Potter and his wife Emma Mills, there adopted daughter Sarah Coltan lived their private family house it looks kinda like Hoppers house
* In the house where Jason Potter and his wife Emma Mills, there adopted daughter Sarah Coltan lived there as a public family and friend's house that's where they fight with monsters and in the end moved out. It's kinda looks like the Byers house
* Karon imprints on Sarah Coltan because she reminds him, of Anne and Scarlett
* Sarah chooses to date Mike over John because she loves him more than John
* John Hargrove started to fall in love with Sarah when he first saw her in the dark world
* Mike's friends are similar in Stranger Things characters kids
* Scarlett contract Jason one last time about her father and that he will know one day before she died
* We introduce Emma's family
* Sarah went to Angus Parker about that he is her half brother
* We see Christopher Mills again as he is very old man. He now has a wheelchair to have.
* Emma is force to protect Jason from danger in the Empire as they both trained together as they are both getting along with them ending up being an in love
* Right after the battle, Jason went to visit Emma both talked about their marriage that they both loved each other and that they should have a child together as he won't never leaved her. As Jason and Emma kissed as they both re consummate their marriage.
* Right after they re consummate their marriage, Jason got dressed and meet with Anakin about his father.
* Emma's aunt Eva give her and Jason a cabin, so they can spend the night together
* Scarlett refuses to join the dark side of the Force with her parents and the Emperor
* Emma finds out that she can't have children with a human because she is part Vulcan that's why she can't have children, but she can able to have children with a monster who is her maredi husband Jason Malfoy
* The Emperor bring the Fey Eaters to get Sarah to be killed
* There is a battle between the Mills and the Fey eaters
* Scarlett takes off Lord Shauron's helmet that she finally sees his scarred face the same one in the rise of the Galactic World empire book as she finally see her true father Adam Malfoy as they discussed that there's good with her father and they are sorry for what they did to each other, for him killing William that because the Emperor Black told him too.
* Before lord Satan kills Lord Shauron. Scarlett discussion to him that he can kill her, that her parents can continue to be his slaves and that her father will killed him. As he force lighting her
* Before she dies, she tells Jason to saved her father back into the light, that he must that there's good in him, and that he must know the truth that lord Shauron is his father. As lord Satan continues to force lighting her as she falls into the ground dead.
* Lord Satan punishment Lord Shauron for not fighting his own daughter into the dark side as he force lighting him in front of the Dark Queen
* Dark Queen and lord Satan discusses about her daughter and her husband are done being lord Satan's slavery, and Maddie. Even Adam Malfoy. Which ends with a fight between them
* There is Dark Fairy vs Lord Satan fight scene in the building second Darth Star
* William dies by the Dark Queen during a stampede to saved his daughter Sarah
* The Emperor Black wants the Dark Queen to killed William and his daughter so Scarlett can be joined into the dark side of the force and be with them forever
* Karon Burton who is a zombie loves Scarlett until she chooses William over him
* Karon Burton imprinted on Sarahbeth that in the future they are meant to be together
* In the end Jason will find a way to destroy the Empire in the Middle Earth of who killed Scarlett while Lord Shauron as it shows flashbacks of his past when he finds out that Selena is pregnant to through there last meeting together before she died then he knows that Jason Malfoy is his son
* In the end, as Jason and Emma Potter decides to moved out of Hawkins and that because the Empire will find Sarah, John and Felix to killed them, so they wanted them to be safe away from Hawkins. As Jim decides to go with them so he can be with Christina and that he wants to be with her, as the Potter's and Hargrove's, Jim decides to moved out of Hawkins so that when time will come for them to come back to finish the Empire.
The War of the Galactic World empire
* Jason got trained by Master Ganeld
* It takes place in 3 Ab
* The thirteenth book narrator is Jason Malfoy
* Mike's friends are teenagers just like them
* Joshua falls in love with Leta Palpatine as they both have sex for the first time as they both unknowingly convinced a child while they are both working for the Emperor Black and the Empire, they are not married
* In the beginning of the book. The song called " Blinding Lights" where Mike Parker wakes up as he realizes he is late so he quickly get dressed and his best friends Maxine who is sleeping in the sleeping bag beside Leonardo's bed as both wake up from the alarm. As they both wandering what's going on as they realize that there late by Nancy Dickens they both quickly get dressed, In Jonah's bedroom as he is sleeping naked but covering in blankets as he is beside his long time girlfriend Sadie it implied that they both have sex on the previous night. He hears a alarm as they both are wandering what's going on as he realizes that he is late. As he quickly get dressed as they both discussed about him being late to see his best friend Winston in Hawkins Family time video store as he farewell to her by giving her a kiss on the forehead. As Mike Parker is quickly writing a letter to his long distance girlfriend Sarah Coltan that he hasn't seen for a year until he got disturbed by Molly Parker as he grabs the letter to the envelope while Molly Parker who is keeping on babbling of telling him that his mother is making breakfast and that she wanted him to stay, enjoy the family for one day and that there cousins are coming over to see her performance as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet as he went into the bathroom as he opens the door and he sees Bill who is completely naked right after he get out of shower as Bill said hey to Mike and Molly Parker as he is covering himself in the towel. He walks away from them in the bathroom to Natalie's bedroom as Molly Parker is telling Mike that there older sister Natalie who is hanging out with Bill who is her own boyfriend as Mike tells her to shut up. He ignores her and shuts the door, as he quickly brushing up his teeth and he looks himself in the mirror. As in Leonardo's house as Maxine and Leonardo are eating breakfast as Leonardo's parents and his sister are wandering as they both discussed about politics between Wilbur and his brother Jim Mills, that Jim Mills is a police officer as they both discussed about how well did he know about Jim and Wilbur Mills, that Wilbur Mills is there mayor and that there not working for monster rebellion who is there heroes as they both looked at each other and they both are continuing eating breakfast. In Jonah's house as he went out of his bedroom and he sees his mother making breakfast as they both discussed about him bringing his friend to hang out with him for a night, that a friend who's not his girlfriend. That if he has a girlfriend he'll be grounded as they are both eating breakfast as they both discussed about him visiting his another friend who is working from Hawkins family time video store as they both continue eating in silence. In the Parker's house as Mike Parker gets out of the bathroom and he went to the kitchen as he sees his mother who's making breakfast, when he grabs a eggo waffle as he is eating when his mother and his two sisters are both discussing about him to hang out with the family, to have breakfast together instead of hanging out and that about him getting a letter to his long distance girlfriend Sarah Potter, that he even though he has a girlfriend and that Natalie always bring her boyfriend Bill to stay with us, because she even slept with him as Natalie and Mike both got a fight about her long distance boyfriend Felix and Bill, even Sarah as they both interrupt by there mother. In Jonah's house as he is walking out until he sees Sadie who is wearing a white shirt over her body as they both discussed about her grabbing breakfast and talking with her mother as he refuses to as he tells her to be quiet they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they are both having sex by a wall and kitchen where it's dark where no one can see them having sex. In Leonardo's house as Maxine and Leonardo are both watching Romeo and Juliet movie as they both discussed about them being in love and that they should do it since there family isn't watching having sex for the first time and losing their virginity as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out, as they both are take each other's clothes off as they are both in there underwear's as they are both kissing in passion as they are both about to have sex. Until they both got interrupt by Leonardo's dad as tells them since he has a girlfriend and he tells them to not to have sex in the couch. In the Parker's house as Melissa tells her two kids to get along as they do and that they both talked about her kids getting along like they used to during breakfast, as Mike tells her that they got along, they just have arguments and that he can't since he has best friends and that he doesn't want to be late as his mother tells Mike to be safe as he knows. He ran outside and rides his bike to the Hawkins town to the post office where he grabs his letter to his box. When in Leonardo's house Maxine and Leonardo are both are getting dressed until he grabs his supercom and calls Mike. In Jonah's house as he is shirtless and having sex with Sadie until they both got interrupt as he got a call from his supercom as he's going to get it. In the post office as Mike Parker grabs his walkie talkie and him, and Leonardo, Maxine and Jonah both talked about him sending a letter to Sarah, that it's always have to be Sarah since he is in love with her as they have to go to the Hawkins family time video store to see Winston and they can meet up in the street. As Maxine, Leonardo and Mike, Jonah both went outside to get their bikes as they are both are riding in the street through Hawkins towns as they both decided to have a race, to see who wins to go to the Hawkins family time video store as they both have a race throughout Hawkins, as Leonardo and Mike both have a talked about missing there best friend John as they both continuing to have a race. The boys went to the Hawkins family time video store as Maxine wins and boys lost.
* In towards the beginning of the book in Hawkins, it's shows flashbacks throughout this story in the fall weeks after Sarah and John leave to go to California, as Mike Parker tells his ex girlfriend Maxine that he have sex and slept with Sarah before she leaves and that he is underage of fifteen to have sex, and slept with for one night stand as that he didn't want to tell his rest of his best friends about it, as they are both about to leaned to kiss as she refuses that Mike has a new girlfriend that he slept for one night and she has a boyfriend who she made out but never have sex with as they both talked about there relationship and them love being a friends, about them having a sexual relationship one day as they are both still about to kissed as they both shared a passionate kiss right after they kiss they don't know what happened and that it was weird as they are both interrupt by her parents about going to school. In high school as the health teacher teaches the students about sex and making a baby, Mike Weeler in the bathroom as he watches his face until he looks at the mirror until it shows flashbacks of him and Sarah having sex in the previous night until came his best friends trying to help him to know what's wrong with him. Mike contacted Sarah about school and their sexual feelings for each other and John. Him and his family eating dinner as Natalie brings Bill into the house as she introduced her new boyfriend to her mom as Mike left the table madly. Mike contacted John as they both talked about John loving his girlfriend Sarah Coltan and that John slept with Sarah both not sexuality as Mike tells him that he slept with Sarah before she even leave him in Hawkins, and Mike having sex with the girl that John loves and them that they both are have a same sexuality feelings for the girl that they both loved as they are both been best friends since childhood. Mike tells his best friends the truth about him having sex and slept with Sarah Coltan for the first time before she left and his own best friend John both loving her and him hated him for John loving his girlfriend Sarah as he is angry and smashing all of the things in the house. Until came Leonardo as they both talked about them being with him and that they are both with him, that if John comes back there will be a battle between the best friends and the girl they loved.
* In California, Mike Parker visits there so he can be with John Hargrove and also spending time with his girlfriend Sarah Potter.
* In California, Mike Parker and John Hargrove still have their best friendship as they both spend time together being best friends again.
* In California, there is a sex scene between Mike Parker and Sarah Potter while Mike Parker visits as they both showed themselves in bed naked together, right after they have sex.
* In California there is a fight scene between Mike Parker and John Hargrove about him visiting him and Sarah, because it's mostly about Sarah and she is his girlfriend and that John tells Mike Parker that he also loves her too.
* In California, as The Potter's and Hargrove's both are living in the same house but Sarah and John, Felix are both living in a different house on their owned.
* Christina Hargrove and Jim Mills have a daughter named Holly Hargrove who is half human and half Vulcan until she sees a shadow out in the woods but she got saved by Flynn Potter but she lived throughout the rest of the series with her parents to be safe from the Empire.
* Throughout the story, as Winston and Ruby both trying to explain their love for each other and her dating her best friend, him having a sexual feelings.
* Ruby and Winston broke up, because she falls in love with her best friend who is girl named Rebecca and that she tells him that she is a lesbian not straight.
* Ruby and Rebecca started dating, as Winston is jealous for her dating a girl but she's actually playing around with Winston to think that she actually loves girls but she loves Winston more
* Ruby reveals to Winston that she loves him and that she just playing with him, because she's isn't a lesbian but straight. She just playing around with him and that she loves him more than anything as they both shared their first kiss. As they are both kissing in passion.
* There is a sex scene between Ruby and Winston in his bedroom
* Angus Parker got captured by the First Dark Lord and is taken to where he lives
* Angus Parker have dreams and visions about his half sister Sarah Coltan and half brother Mike Parker while he is imprison in Germany
* While Angus Parker is being tortured from the First Dark Lord as he seeing memories of his parents Melissa Parker and William Coltan both shared a dance, as they both shared a passionate kisses. Which leads to them having sex, her revealing her pregnancy to William and talking about raising a child with him, her giving birth to him by a c section as he is taken by Dr. Banner. Angus Parker testing as a test subject in a lab, him being tortured by Dr. Banner to forget about his parents as he is getting ready for his memory wipe until he escape from the lab as he went to the Parker's house. He sees his birth mother for the first time as he is asking her about him being her birth son that she give up from birth and that he came back to finally meet his parents so he can be part of her family as she refuses that she doesn't have a birth son. She close the door leaving Angus watching the Parker's family having a nice dinner without him.
* Angus Parker's prison named Noah who is also working with the Empire and that there leader is the First Dark Lord
* Melissa Parker tells her son Mike Parker the truth about her love with his father and her true feelings with William Coltan, her having a child that she loved when she reject because all her birth son wants is love.
* Sarah Coltan Potter and Mike Parker both are secretly contacted each other as they both talked about her adventures and her being with John. That their sexual relationship is distance between them while she is contacting him as John won't be there. Since he overhears her conversations with her distance boyfriend Mike Weeler a lot while she is living in California and the same house with John.
* Sarah Coltan and John first slept together fully clothed as they both shared a passionate kisses not having sex
* Sarah Coltan and John been sleeping together in fully pjs but he is shirtless while they are both in Maine and Hawkins, Raleigh Banks town where they have sex and slept together
* Joshua is trying to find out who is birth family name and who he really is
* Throughout the story as Sarah Coltan Potter trying to get her powers back as she is with Flynn Potter to teach her about the force and the First Dark Lord. She got her powers back by Master Ganeld who is telling her to use the force while she is fighting against the First Dark Lord.
* Flynn Potter telling her about Jason and him being with the dark side, that there is a another Malfoy.
* Sarah Coltan Potter is having visions of the First Dark Lord when she is fighting him in the woods
* There is Sarah Coltan Potter and her best friends vs the First Dark Lord fight scene in the woods
* The First Dark Lord is back fully returned in human form and wanted vengeance
* The First Dark Lord takes Sarah and captures her in the Dark Nature World, as he is taking her powers from him until came Susie and the rebellion, the Party Rebel Crew came as Mike takes her as Scarlett saves them by stabbing the lightsaber sword
* Mike Parker and Jonah, Maxine are both joined in the Helldeath Monster Club is a new but old Colonies & Monsters club which they abandoned many years ago from school
* Maxine is also in cheerleading team in high school
* Leonardo plays basketball team in high school he spends time with his best friends not as much
* The Helldeath Monster Club leader is named Charlie Barnum who is secretly working as he is being possessed from the First Dark Lord so he can murdered the Party Crew for vengeance for what they did to him
* Charlie Barnum sends Mike, Jonah and Maxine into the woods so they can find a key to the portal of the dark world until they went over by Leonardo
* Aurora Potter is back but as a force spirit. She fights Charlie Barnum as he became unconscious so she won't let him killed the Party Crew as she let go of being possessed from the First Dark Lord. As Aurora quickly disappears
* Came the monster and human rebellion that decided to take the Party Crew and Charlie Barnum
* Charlie Barnum becomes an ally of the Party Crew and became part of the human and monster rebellion
* Scarlett is disgusting as a worker and teenager so she can watched over Mike Parker and his friends from the game
* Scarlett is revealed to be alive but as a force spirit, but she rescued her daughter and her best friends from the First Dark Lord
* Scarlett is the one that destroyed the First Dark Lord
* Scarlett wants her daughter to come with her, but Sarah refuses to that she has a another mission to stop the Empire
* While in the Falcum ship, Sarah and Susie both discussed about her teaching her to the used the force, as a maredi. That she once used a force as a little girl. Sarah and her friends both talked about Susie as a maredi, that about her past. went to the darkness Void and sees Master Ganeld, Ben Potter continues to talking about her as she touches Master Ganeld as she is seeing memories of Susie Brown from her now and to her birth. That she realizes about Susie is a Malfoy and twin sister of Jason Potter, she is a secret daughter of Lord Shauron
* Sarah Coltan Potter and Flynn Potter both talked about the dark side of the force is in her family, so is her adopted dad Jason and that he knows about them and that he knows.
* When Mike Parker is older he has a picture of him at age fifteen with his girlfriend Sarah Coltan Potter, as it shows flashbacks of them in Mike's bedroom as Sarah is getting dressed as Mike is watching her while he has clothes on as they both discussed about her being so beautiful and that she have sex with him, that she will get killed by her adopted dad as he knows as he helps her to put on her clothes as they both stared at each other until they are both shared a passionate kiss and right after the kiss as she tells him goodbye as he tells her goodbye. That he will be there in a minute to help her pack as she knows right after she left. Right after she left as he took a nice hot shower and right after he took a shower as he looks at his lips at the mirror until he has some memories of them on the previous night having sex for the first time. Until it switches to Mike now as older teenager.
* Maxine and Leonardo both first have sex and they both slept together in Leonardo's bedroom
* Maxine and Leonardo are both are naked but covering in blankets as they both are cuddling together in Leonardo's bedroom as they both wake up as they both discussed about their sexual night and her not living with her brother as they are sharing a passionate kisses until they both got interrupt by Mike Parker calling them as he grabs the walkie talkie as they both are discussing about him not in his basement and that he has Maxine in his bedroom, him and her are both naked having sex last night as he mentioned that he lose his virginity last night and that his sex with Maxine is different than Mike did when he was fifteen with Sarah with there sex as they both discussed about him going to the basement and him being there. As he puts his walkie talkie down as they both discussed about him going to Mike's basement and her inviting her too since she is in the party, her being his girlfriend as they both are kissing passionately heavily as they both stopped as she can't do this as he sh her as they both are kissing passionately heavily as they are both having morning sex for the first time.
* Maxine and Leonardo both are in their underwear's in Leonardo's bedroom as they both are having morning sex and they both discussed about him loving her body and that she is naked, that she is beautiful and that he wanted her to kiss him more as she rolls on top of him as she said like this as he said perfect as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out until came Nancy as they both interrupt as Nancy and them said hi as Nancy realizes that there having sex again in his bedroom and that she can leave them alone right after she leaves as they are both continuing having morning sex throughout the morning.
* Sarah Coltan Potter and Mike Parker have sex, starting a secretly sexual relationship without Maxine and John knowing
* In the song called " Smoke Bomb". That's where Sarah Coltan Potter and Mike Parker secretly having sex without Maxine and John knowing.
* It was revealed that Angus Parker is the American monster and that he got captured by the Germany
* Dr. Banner is alive and is working with Germany
* Germany works secretly for the Galactic World Empire
* It was revealed that Christina is Dr. Banner's secret daughter
* Dr. Banner was a child as he went to a carnival until he saw a black shadow as he went to the woods as they both talked about him being his future and the shadow wanted to take over Middle Earth so they can know his named, as he decides to show him as he touches as he is seeing his future. They both went to the Dark World and they both discussed about what he wanted and that he wanted to joined him so they can both worked together as he accepts as he wanted to have a child, a child that shall bring him back so he shall return.
* In this story it's show flashbacks of William Coltan and Dr. Banner backstory
* Dr. Banner is called Dark Shredder who is fighting against the mutant turtles ninja shapeshifter
* Dr. Banner wants to know about monsters, so he used William Coltan as a test subject until he finds out that Melissa Parker is pregnant with his child so his planning to take there child
* Molly Parker is a young girl and she keeps secrets from her older siblings Natalie and Mike Parker
* When Sarah Coltan Potter is older as a teenager and that she has long brown wavy curly hair.
* Susie and Jason kiss each other, so that Susie can make Kevin jealous
* When Susie kiss Jason, he felt pretty annoyed since he is already married to Emma
* There is Jason Malfoy vs Lord Shauron fight scene
* Lord Shauron tells Jason that he is his father
* Susie and Kevin are kissing passionately
* Jason uses the force to contact Susie to saved him
* Emma and Jason said goodbyes because he has to go to Dogma
* Emma and Jason embrace because he tells her that he loves Emma more than Susie
* When Jason leaves Emma, to go on a mission with the Monster rebellion alliance
* Emma becomes pregnant with Jason's child
* Jason knows that she is pregnant with his child
* Jason and Emma talked about their love, while she is pregnant and he is on a mission
* In the beginning of the story, Jason has nightmares of Lord Shauron fighting him and the First Dark Lord fighting and killing Sarah as he wakes up in the middle of the night as he got dressed and went outside until came his wife Emma Mills as they both discussed about lord Shauron and the First Dark Lord and having another nightmare, about them staying in Maine and to go back to Hawkins for the monster rebellion.
* When Mike and John decided to become best friends again during the wedding reception as Mike decides to call the Party Crew, to Party Rebel Crew as John agrees.
* In the end, when Jason returns to his wife Emma and him both have a son named Rex. As Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker got married while she is visibly pregnant as they both finally become husband and wife. During the wedding reception in the Mills house as Sarah visited her adopted father Jason Malfoy as they both talked about her being with Mike and that he still loves her even though they have a son. That her father would be proud of her. As she leaves and came his wife Emma as they both talked about his fighting with Lord Shauron and that he believes that Kevin is still out there, that he wanted to saved him from the Empire and that the Empire is building a second Darth Star as that he is not alone and that he is wants to finish is the Empire and that he believes in hope. In the Rebellion Star ship as he is contacting his wife as they both leaved to go to Tatonne to saved Kevin Andrews.
* Kevin got freeze
* Bill wasn't bad anymore he is good and nice to Maxine
* Right after Bill was out in the hospital in weeks, he ended up visiting with the Parker's so he doesn't to be with his sister as Natalie and him starting dating years after the battle of Millerscourt.
* Bill takes Natalie to an abandoned house for them to someday have their future together with their child.
* While in the abandoned house as Natalie and Bill both got a tour around the house until they went to the bedroom as they are both discussed about them getting married and having children, them being together as they both ended up sharing an passionately kisses and getting undressed as they are both are naked as they both are having sex until he blows out of the candle as they both continuing having sex throughout the night as they both slept together as they both unknowingly convinced a child as they both have a one night stand together.
* When Felix returns from Maine as he sees Natalie his girlfriend being with Bill as he realizes that she is pregnant Bill's child and that she is been sleeping with him, because she is in love with him.
* Felix and Natalie are having phone calls conversation while they are both in their distance relationship
* Natalie becomes pregnant with Bill's child as when he returns as they are both reunited for the first time in months as she gives birth to a boy named Jonathan. Weeks right after the birth of their son he sees that they both got married and Felix gives her and Bill own house for them to lived with their child.
* While there son Jonathan is born they both lived in a same house together as Natalie and Felix are husband and wife.
* When Mike and John's aren't best friends anymore
* Mike's own crew party is named The Hawks
* John's own crew party is named The Raleigh Bankers
* Sarah and John, Mike and his best friends are teenagers in this story
* Sarah Coltan Potter and Mike Parker have a sexual tension while she is with John and he is with Maxine
* Sarah Coltan Potter and John have a sexual tension to each other while he is protecting her from the empire as they both fall in love
* When Sarah is with John, Mike Parker be with his ex girlfriend Maxine as they both have sex and sleeping together for the first time as she lose her virginity to Mike Parker
* Owens Parker's younger sister named Jessica Parker but later Gregory visited her sister in law of there high school anniversary and there daughter Molly Parker performing in Romeo and Juliet which reminds Mike about Sarah and John that Jessica knows about her affair with William Coltan and her giving birth to a son. That she gave up and her telling Mike the truth.
* Jessica Parker and Melissa were best friends in high school, that Jessica suggested for her to date her older brother William
* Jessica knows about her older brothers affair with Kate which he used to date at high school
* Kate is Jessica's archenemy and knows everything about her archenemy best friend Melissa having affair with William and she knows about the birth of Angus Parker.
* Kate is a nurse at a Hawkins hospital where Melissa give birth to her son Angus Parker and she is the one that helped Mike Parker to know about his older half brother Angus Parker's birth and about who is the father! That reveal to be William Coltan.
* Mike Parker's cousins are named Jimmy and Rose Gregory
* Rose Gregory has a crush named Albert as she shared a dance with him in the studio and that's where they both have sex for the first time.
* Molly Parker is a ballerina as she performs ballet Romeo and Juliet as Juliet
* When Sarah returns. Mike Parker takes her to a ballet show of Giselle where Rose Gregory is Giselle and Albert is her best friend.
* In the song called " Brother". Where Mike Parker is searching for answers who is his half brother and about Angus Parker that his mother keeps from them.
* In the song called " Brother part one". That's where Mike Parker tells his best friend John Hargrove to leave the Party Crew as John walks away from the basement while Sarah and Mike, Maxine and Leonardo, Jonah are both watching him leaving as John looks at his best friends for the last time as he walks away as Sarah follows him. As they both talked about Mike not liking him, that Mike Parker is wrong and that there was something wrong with John himself as Sarah and John both ending up sharing their first kiss without her boyfriend Mike Parker.
* In the song called " I'm always in love". Where Mike and Sarah are talking about their secret sexual relationship and that she has feelings for John, Mike Parker and her shouldn't be together. That she doesn't love her secret boyfriend Mike Parker as she tells him that she always loved him and that she cared about John more than him, that Mike need to stop worrying about her being with John and even though that there still together and her, Mike Parker always find each other again as she walks away from Mike Parker as he is telling her that she never loved him and then why did she shared a kiss with John instead of him. As she turns as they both shared a passionate kisses as she tells Mike that she always loved him instead of John and that she chosen to be with Mike Parker forever as they are both continuing sharing a passionate kisses while someone in John's group is recording her and Mike sharing a passionate kisses in the street.
* In the song called " Getting Better Otherwise". It's the morning right after Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan sharing their passionate kiss and feelings, as the group are both are getting ready to go to the basement except John as he got a message from his group as he sees a video of Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker sharing a passionate kisses. As Maxine and Leonardo, Jonah got the same message as they are both are seeing the video of Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker sharing a passionate kisses, as John is mad as he throws his phone on the wall as the wall breaks as he looks at the picture of him and Mike as children, as he decides to get revenge from Mike Parker for what he did to him and his girlfriend. He grabs his stuff and leaves the house. While Mike Parker is driving on the way to the mansion as he got a call from Maxine telling him that they know about him and Sarah Coltan's secret sexual relationship as he knows as he quickly denied the phone as he continues driving. When Mike Parker parks the car by the mansion until suddenly came John who is upset about him secretly dating his girlfriend Sarah and her loving both of us, Mike kicking him out of the party and that them never becoming best friends and John going to killed Mike for revenge. As they are both ended up having a fist fight by the white mansion in front of everyone in John's and Mike's group while Sarah is there forcing them to stop. As Mike and John are continuing to having a fist fight as John is about to kill Mike Parker by the knife until came Jason Potter Sarah's adopted father to tell Mike Parker and John to come with him.
* In the song called " I don't bite". Where Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan are both sharing a dance together at prom as they are both dancing as they are both talking about her memory of them dancing as children in the Winters Ball Dance as she knows. They are both continuing to dance which leads them to have a kissed as came John who is holding a rose flower as he sees Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan sharing a passionate kisses as he walks away. When Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker both stopped sharing a kiss as they both stared at each other for the moment as they are both sharing a passionate kisses. Until John walks in the street as he is falling apart as he is having visions of the First Dark Lord who is telling him that love is weak and that he should have known better about Sarah and that she was meant to died . And came Maxine who asked him of what's going on with him, as John is calling Sarah as he fainted. When Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan both are driving to their abandoned cottage as they both walked as they are both sharing a passionate kisses and went inside to their cottage, to the bedroom as they both are both are sharing a passionate kisses as they are both making out. When John wakes up in Maxine's bedroom as they both talked about what happened to him? That he fainted and she decides to take him into her bedroom so he can be by her. As he is telling her about Sarah and that he loves her until he saw her being with Mike Parker who is her true love. It shows in the bedroom as Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan are making out as they are both taking each other's clothes off as they are both in their underwear's as they are both making out. And back in Maxine's bedroom when John is telling her about his sexual feelings for Sarah and that he loves her, he always loves her until came her best friend Mike Parker who is always ruining everything about his love for Sarah. Meanwhile back in the bedroom as Mike Parker leans Sarah Coltan as they are both are having sex. In Maxine's bedroom as John is continuing to tell Maxine about his love for Sarah and her choosing Mike over him. That when he walk out as he sees a vision of the First Dark Lord and that he is back, he is truly back and that she will died by him and that Sarah the only woman, that he loves as Maxine comes to give him a hug as she is comforting him. Back in the bedroom as Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker are both naked having sex in the bed throughout the night. Until it fades to black.
* There is Mike vs John fight scene between Sarah
* Sarah takes Mike into a abandoned cottage, that's where they have sex and they both spend the night together without her dad being there as they are both having sex without there parents no rules.
* Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker have sex in the cottage as they both spend their last night together before anyone finds out that they are together and they both decided to break up for good as they are both have a one night stand. As they both unknowingly convinced a child.
* Weeks right after Jason Malfoy was gone as when his wife find out that she is pregnant with his child from the pregnancy test. While in her new bedroom as Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker are in her bed in there underwear's having sex.
* Sarah Coltan and Mike Parker are both attachment to love just like their parents it means that they both can't stop loving each other
* Once Mike Parker returns from his dinner with Jason Potter as he finds out that Sarah Coltan is pregnant with his child as he propose to marry her. As she accepts to marry him.
* Sarah and Mike have sex right after prom, that's where they both slept together in her new bedroom while Emma and Jason have sex as they both convinced a child as she unknowingly becomes pregnant with his child.
* When Sarah and Mike are both in bed naked but covering in blankets the morning after they have sex as they both said hey and morning into each other as he tells her that she is beautiful as they are both sharing a passionate kissing until they are both interrupt by her adopted father Jason Potter as they both discussed about them sleeping together in her new bedroom and that they have secretly have sex the night before in there cabin right after the party, that he will kick him out because he have sex with her as he tells him no that they are meant to be together and that he can stay since now he is taking residence in Sarah's bed and that he can spend the night if he wants too. As he leaves as they both talked about his father changing since they were kids as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as he doesn't have time because he has family and friends that he have as she tells him to be quiet as they are both smiling at each other happily as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both stopped kissing as she told him to stay as he decides to stay as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they are both having morning sex in her bed throughout the morning.
* Once the Potter's went back in Hawkins as they both moved in back to there cabin and they got a huge white mansion which is right by the houses in Hawkins and the lake by the Raleigh Banks town.
* When Mike Parker saw Sarah Coltan who returns from California as they both shared a kiss and they both are kissing passionately as they both went up to the stairs as they are continuing kissing passionately heavily and as they are both making out in his bedroom as they both take each other's clothes off. As they are both in their underwear's as they are both making out until her eyes changed into red eyes as they both stopped making out. As she quickly puts on a black shirt as they both discussed about having sex and being together, her being a out of control while having sex and her still loving him. Her being a monster and there love for each other and him loving her as a monster.
* Mike Parker and Sarah Coltan have sex for the first time months and years in her old bedroom in her family's private cabin house right after John's party
* When they both park his car by her parking spot as they both talked a little about the party and her family's cabin, her having feelings for John as she accepts her sexual feelings for John. As he gets out of the car as she is thinking for a little bit as she quickly follows him out of the car as he is about to leave as they both discussed about them being back together as boyfriend and girlfriend since she left Hawkins and that she revealed that she loved John as a friend that she could ever hope for as she finally confesses her love for Mike Parker, that she loved him ever since they are children as he walks up to her as they both hold hands. As she kissed him on the cheek right after she kissed him on the cheek as she immediately tells him that she wants to be with him forever and that she wants to be with him as she is touching his face. As they both shared a passionate kiss right after they kissed as they both stared at each other as she tells him that she wanted to have sex with him because she is ready to be with him forever. She leans in for a kiss as they are both kissing passionately as right after they kissed as they both said that they both loved each other as they are both continuing kissing passionately they both walked into the door as they both shared a passionate kiss as they both stared at each other for a moment. She opens the door and when he closes it behind her as they both stared at each other smiling happily as they both are kissing passionately as they both let go of there kissed as they both keeping on looking at each other smiling and looking at each other romantic. As they are both kissing passionately and they both continue walking to her bedroom as she opens the door and when he closes it behind her. They are both continuing kissing passionately heavily and making out until her eyes changed into red eyes as she looks away from him as they both discussed about her eyes changing and that it's nothing, as she turns into him as he walks up to her as he tells her that she is beautiful as a monster that he loves her for who she is and that she wouldn't hide from him that he is not afraid of her that he loves her ever since that she is beautiful than anyone that he loves as they both stared at each other as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out. While they are both making out as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked as they both stopped kissing as they both are stared at each other as they are both making out. She slowly leans him in into her old bed as they are both having sex for the first time in months and years in her bed as it implied that they both slept together throughout the night.
* In the middle of the night, in the cabin in Sarah's old bedroom right after they have sex as Sarah is wearing a Mike's old black shirt while she is bushing her curly hair while Mike is in her bed naked but covering in blankets as they are both talking about her having sex for the first time with her boyfriend who is a human and that they are acting like their parents who have affair while her biological father was marry to her mother and that she doesn't care about it, that her father is died same as her mother and that she always loves her parents and her boyfriend. As she went to the bed as she is cuddling by Mike Carpenter as they both smiling at each other as he kissed her on the forehead as they both shared a kiss as they are both discussed about her being with him and that she loves him, that she wanted him to stay with her throughout the night as he decides to stay for more matter what as they are both continuing kissing passionately heavily and making out as they are both continuing to persuade to having sex throughout the night.
* In the morning, in the cabin right after they have sex throughout the night. While Sarah wakes up with Mike's old black shirt that she wore the night that Mike and her have sex for the first time as she is fully awakened from her old bedroom as she sees Mike Weeler has his fully clothes on as he is right by the door as they both said their morning and that they both discussed about last night and that it was fun between them. That of course it was fun as she was wandering where he was going, he tells her that he has to go to visit his family and friends or else that he will get into trouble and they are wandering about where he was at last night right after John's party, that they won't know where he was last night as that they will know where he was as she laughs a little as they both stared at each other as he touches her hair. They both are kissing passionately as they both stopped as she tells him to stay with her as he decides that he will. Then they are both continuing kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both leaned in onto the bed as they both looked at each other for the moment as they are both continuing kissing in passion. As they are both having morning sex for the first time in her bed as they are both continuing to persuade to having morning sex throughout the morning.
* Maxine reveals that she has sexual feelings for John
* Maxine broke up with Victor and she was ended up to date John
* Maxine and Victor almost have sex during the party
* Maxine and John started dating right after she helped him to find the money as they both become boyfriend and girlfriend as they do become like Romeo and Juliet.
* John takes Maxine into a farmhouse which he used to lived as a boy as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out but they stopped. Because she reveals to him that she is a virgin as they both talked about having sex. Until it ends with them kissing passionately heavily and making out as they are both continuing kissing passionately and making out. As they both take their clothes off as they are both naked covering in a horse blanket as they are both having sex for the first time. It implied that they both slept together.
* There is a sex scene between John and Maxine
* John force to protect Sarah from the empire
* In while in planet middle earth there is a town called " Raleigh Banks" we meet John's brothers are named, Emmett, Robert, Oliver, Michael but there mutant turtles ninjas shapeshifters
* John is a mutant turtles ninja shapeshifter
* While John is protecting Sarah from the Empire, in Raleigh Banks as they both having sex and sleeping together in his bedroom together as they are both in love with each other.
* While in a bar, in Hawkins as John is drinking beer until he sees his archenemies named Troy and Tony that he knows as they both come to him, to tell him about everything between him and his girlfriend Sarah Coltan that he knows that she is a lot better with Mike Parker as John wants them to shut up. As they both mentioned about Mike and Sarah being together as John is feeling a change inside him as he told him enough. He chokes Troy as he throws him into the wall and then John is turning into a mutant turtles ninja shapeshifter. In the song called " Afraid to drink". Where John as a mutant turtles ninja shapeshifter who is fighting with his archenemies in the bar as he is fighting them, slaying them into pieces as he continues to destroy the bar as he hurts Tony by choking him and throws him into the wall as everybody is staring and running away from the bar that there is a monster as John is shapeshift back to his human self and he closed his eyes as he still has visions of the First Dark Lord that he knows that he is very good to kill his enemy and that he now has experience to the dark side and came Maxine as he wakes up, while he is naked as he is wandering of what just happened to him as Maxine decides to take him back to her house.
* John and Sarah both shared their first kiss as they both have a fight about him kissing him even though she is with Mike and that he is crazy in love.
* John shows Sarah into an abandoned house as they both talked about the house where he used to lived with his parents before they died. As he tells her about the attic as she decides to show him as they both went into the attic as they both see the view of the outside world. As they are both kissing passionately heavily until they both stopped kissing as they both her abandoned man who had kissed another woman like her as they both talked about her hooking up with someone other than Mike Weeler that she has her first experience with Mike Weeler and that he reveals to her that he is a virgin as they both discussed about him not having sex with anyone and that he is afraid to do, that he is afraid to lose control while having sex with a monster as she both discussed about her losing her virginity to Mike Weeler and that it was romantic for her. That he wants to hook up with anyone anytime and anyplace, anywhere as they both should wait as Sarah leans in heavily on John as they are both kissing passionately heavily and making out as they both sure about having sex. As she tells him that Mike won't know as they are both making out in the bed as she blows out the candle as the attic is now in completely dark as they are both making out in the bed as they both take each other's clothes off as they are both naked having sex in the bed as they are both continuing kissing passionately as they both look at each other as they are both continuing having sex for the first time until it fades to black. As it is implied that John lose his virginity as they both sleep together for the first time.
* There is a many sex scene between Sarah and Mike since they both started their sexual relationship when they are kids and to teenagers, Hawkins and in Raleigh Banks together
* There is many sex scenes between Sarah and Mike while they are 19 years old as teenagers in California, Hawkins and Raleigh Banks together
* There is some sex scenes between Sarah and John where they also slept together in Raleigh Banks and Hawkins together
* When Mike visits Sarah Potter in California he wants her to marry him but she refuses as they both resume their sexual relationship. They both ended up having sex and sleeping together in her own bedroom beside John's bedroom.,
* Right after the Rebellion leave, Lord Shauron remembers Selena
* We meet John's uncle first, then his adopted brothers and father
* Sarah choose John over Mike right after the battle, since they both meant to be together
* In the end, Sarah choose Mike over John since she still loves him instead of John as he accepts her to be with Mike
* In the very end, Lord Shauron remembers Selena and walks away.
The Return of the Maredi Chosen One
* Jason finds out that Susie is his twin sister
* It takes place in 4 Ab
* The fourth book narrator is Joshua Nazareth
* Sarah and Mike have child a girl named Jenny Parker they are both born weeks right after their wedding and years for them to also saving Kevin Andrews from Tatonne.
* Mike gifts his daughter Jenny Parker a bike, as he teaches her how to bike around
* Rex is a young boy but he is twelve years old
* Jenny Parker is a young girl and she is twelve years old
* Jenny Parker's powers are similar to her mother Sarah, she has telekinesis and psychological abilities and she can also go to the dark world just like her mother. But she mostly a maredi and her power is she can read people's minds just like her parents. Jenny Parker can also hear and senses things from far away, she can also have a power of memory of where she can remember where she was convinced and her being born, growing up seeing her parents. But she just like her father has a love of playing Colonies & Monsters game and the loved of science, learning about history of humans and monsters.
* Jenny has four best friends from her fathers best friends parents that are named Wyatt, Troy the son of John and Maxine, and Hopper the son of Leonardo and Willow. Mary and Evangeline the two twin daughters of Jonah and Carrie.
* There is one sex scene between Sarah Parker and Mike Parker
* In the song called " Every Breath you take". That's where Sarah Parker and Mike Parker are kissing passionately heavily and making out as she shows him flashbacks of her and Mike Parker have their first dance as they both shared a kiss as until now as they are both continuing making out as they are both are getting undressed as they are both in their underwear's. As he leans her heavily to the bed as she continues to show him flashbacks of her and Mike Parker sharing a passionate kisses in the Winter Ball Dance. Until they both stopped kissing as Mike Parker tells her that song is where they first their dance in the Winter Ball Dance as she responds yes, as they are both continuing to making out as they are having sex and they both stopped having sex. As Mike Parker was wandering about their daughter Jenny Parker and that she can hear that her parents are having sex right now as she is telling him that she can check on her later and that by the way she wouldn't know. As they are both continuing having sex throughout the night.
* Mike Parker and his best friends are both gambling and drinking alcohol, while there playing Colonies & Monsters game new edition of the adult version since they did in high school and the Party Rebel Crew got back together.
* Maxine and John got married, they have a son named Wyatt there marriage are prefect just John still has sexual feelings for Sarah Parker.
* Leonardo got married to Lavender, and they have two children on there own as they both got a divorced because she realizes that her husband's behavior that he is drinking and gambling so much with Mike Parker and his best friends. But he is having a sexual affair with a waitress named Debbie. That Debbie is pregnant with his child.
* Jonah got married to Willow, but he doesn't love her and that he feels like that he is having a arranged marriage with her they have no children because Willow miscarriage the baby while giving birth. But he is having sexual affairs with Sandra but she is married to Charlie Barnum and Sadie his long time love girlfriend she is also a divorced from her husband because he knew that Jonah is having affair with his wife. Debbie is a high schooler and she is playing soccer and does cheerleading that he visited a lot during his marriage, she is the only woman that she is pregnant with his child. Holly she is a actor from the Colonies & Monsters movie. Eva she is a famous rock singer of a boy band that is named "The Abby's". Dolly she is a college teacher but teaches history class. Sydney she is a high school theatre and she is performing a Broadway show named " Mean Girls". Carrie she is a therapist doctor and a widow, that he is having a sexual affair with, they both secretly have three children and she is now pregnant with his fourth child. Kirsti she is a ballerina dancer in the Academy of Hawkins Ballet that he is certainly having a sexual affair with her during this book.
* While Maxine is married to John, she is been having a secret sexual affair with Jonah since they are both spending time together in the twelfth book
* There is a sex scene between Maxine and Jonah in his bedroom as they both sleeping together
* Maxine and John both got a divorced in the very end
* John falls in love with his best friend named Nikki in the very end
* There is a sex scene between Kirsti and Jonah
* It shows a kissing scene between Carrie and Jonah right after they have sex
* In the very beginning, right after Eve's flashbacks memories. The visions that shows of Adam Malfoy and Selena Snow together, until she gave birth to a boy and dies. As Adam Malfoy becomes fully lord Shauron when Jason Malfoy wakes up from the nightmare, it appears that he is in bed naked, covering in blankets sleeping with his human girlfriend Emma. As he went outside, Emma puts a robe on. Jason tells her about his dream, that it's about his father. As they both talked about his dream as she ask him about his father, Adam Malfoy he tells her that Adam Malfoy is his father, but didn't tell her that Adam Malfoy and Lord Shauron were one and the same. That he is his father.
* We find out that King Ethan is a Royal is friends with Miles Jones is a Rebel until they got into a fight that's what started the feud between the Royals and the Rebels for centuries
* Anakin is a Rebel
* Eve and Maddie are both Royals
* Anakin and Eve fall in love in this story which makes them Daphne and Simon, even Romeo and Juliet until he cheated on her by her sister Maddie
* In Eve's flashbacks are in 15 By as Eve Amilda as a young girl first meeting Anakin Jones in a village as they both become best friends as they both shared their first kiss. Then on 30 By as Eve Amilda is now older when she went to Corusent as she sees her father making a speech for her to be there thirteen highest king as the senate votes as Eve visited her boyfriend Joshua as they both talked about her telling her father about them being together as she has to go. In Niaboon castle when King Jon decided to host a ball so that his daughters can fall in love and want them to get married. Before the ball as the both sisters talking about Maddie's betrothed marriage with Anakin Jones and them getting married. During the ball as Eve accidentally bump to Anakin Jones as she decides to be with Joshua to shared a dance, while Anakin looks at Eve as Maddie is surprise to see Anakin for the first time as she walks away. In there bedroom as Maddie realizes that is having sexual feelings with her betrothed Anakin Jones. In the tavern as Anakin visits his girlfriend Bella as they both have sex. As King Jon choose to invite Anakin as during the dinner as they both get along which makes Maddie jealous of there attachment. In Oniaen castle as Anakin and Clifford both talked about him loving Eve and that he is also betrothed to Maddie Amilda the one that he has to get married, that the woman that he truly loves and until came Eve both meet each other and that they need to have a plan to be fake attachment so there parents won't know that they are both secretly in love with each other. As King Hager choose to invite the Niaboon people and his people at his ball to find his son to find with his betrothed to married. During the ball as Eve and Anakin meet as they both shared their first dance as they both realized that they both loved each other. As they both have sex for the first time, as they both realized that they both loved each other as they both decided to get secretly married and they both got secretly married and they both went to Eve's bedroom that's where they both consummate their marriage. As Anakin and Maddie both discussed about his secret sexual relationship with Eve and that she can't be trusted, him loving her and that the republic senate is important than love as they both shared their first kiss unexpectedly as they both continue kissing passionately as Anakin and Maddie are both confesses their love for each other as they both loved each other. In the bar as Anakin knows that Eve is a secret mother to Ralph as from his brother Clifford as Anakin is mad to tell her the truth and there love for each other as husband and wife, there duty to the republic senate, his feelings for Maddie, as they both decided to get separated. During the ball as Eve watches Anakin and Maddie sharing
* Anakin loves Eve
* Anakin and Maddie are fighting about her sister and Clifford, which ends up as their first kiss
* Master Luke Ganeld dies and become one in the force
* They rescue Kevin Andrews in Tatonne
* Jason tells Susie that she is his twin sister and that there father is Lord Shauron
* Ghost spirit Ben Potter tells Jason about the truth of what happened with his father and that Scarlett is his half sister
* The Second Darth Star got destroyed
* There is one sex scene between Sarah and Mike in the Middle Earth right after they rescue Kevin Andrews in Tatonne
* The Monster Rebellion go to the Human Earth
* We meet Chad who is Emma's brother
* The Humans destroyed the drug of Death Transformation for them to not be killed
* Leta reveals to be visibly pregnant with Joshua's child during her fight with him and in the final battle between the humans and monsters, Joshua fighting his father she is revealed to be pregnant to be ready to gave birth to there child and her betrayal lord Satan. Right after lord Satan is dead, when Joshua and Leta decides to lived in Tatonne that she gave birth to him shortly right after the battle.
* While Joshua and Leta are fighting in the Dark Ship as he Is telling her about her true origins that she is a Malfoy and a secret daughter of Lord Shauron and the Dark Queen that her parents didn't care about her as it showing her memories of her mother the Dark Queen giving baby Leta to lord Satan and she became the Death Darin so they are continuing fighting that she was sent to kill Joshua as he tells her that she is a girl without her mask because she is nothing like her father Lord Shauron, that his father sent Leta to kill him because he is something special that he realizes for himself and that was giving up from birth to right after his lost of his mother Emily Nazareth who is a human as it shows flashbacks of Emily Nazareth giving birth to Joshua before she dies that she believes that Lucifer is still in there and that the chosen one will kill lord Satan, that a boy will killed him. As they are both continuing fighting that he will killed his father lord Satan because he is the one that was causing them to break apart. Then he went outside of the ship and Leta tells him to make a choice being an empire and go to the dark side or join the monster rebellion and died, he tells her either that he knows that he is lord Satan's son but there's something in there that there is good in lord Satan same as her father Lord Shauron as he leaves the dark ship. Leaving her with the armies as she's angry.
* Joshua later reveals to be that he is Lord Satan's son
* The Dark Queen and Joshua have affair in secret
* The Dark Queen and Joshua are in bed naked together talking about the Emperor and her husband Lord Shauron who the Dark Queen is cheating on. Which leads them to have sex
* While they are on their way to the Human Earth, as Christopher Mills contacting his son Prince Charles Mills in the New Earth as he has his own camp, where his own sons who are now older as they both have their own rebellion sent him a message that he shall return to the Human Earth with his father. They both went to the Human Earth as they are both reunited since the Holocaust.
* We see Prince Charles Mills again as he is an old man
* In the Human Earth, as Prince Charles Mills both discussed about the truth about Lord Satan and how he took over the Human Earth. The one who killed his wife who gave birth to his child, a son that he believes that he will someday be reunited to this day and that he has a son that he loves. That he has taken away and that he loves his son.
* Leta Malfoy was convinced and carried, born during the Battle of the Armies/The Army Wars book
* Leta Malfoy was born during the Army Wars but it doesn't show it in the Army Wars book, but it shows flashbacks of her convinced and her before she was born to Lord Satan wanted her to give up her baby of the daughter of Adam Malfoy as it shows her birth, her giving up as a baby to Lord Satan.
* Leta Malfoy was born and giving up when the Army Wars have started in the Galaxy world
* Leta Malfoy is a secret daughter of Princess Eve Amilda and Adam Malfoy
* In the Human Earth as the Monster and Human Rebellion both have a planned to destroy the Darth Star, the battle to destroy the Death Transformation, to fight war against the Empire.
* In the woods, in Earth during the last battle of the monsters, humans and the Empire as Joshua went to the tree and as he meets Angus BIggins as they both discussed that he is the son of Lucifer and Emily Nazareth, that he is the chosen one and he must killed lord Satan, so he can bring balance to the force around the galaxy world and the Maredi's. As Joshua was confused, that Adam Malfoy is the chosen one as Angus refuses as he tells him that's what the Maredi's believes but no not a bloodline of the Malfoy but a bloodline of a Nazareth because Joshua is the real chosen one of what Hugo amilda has seen in his visions throughout his years and that he must killed lord Satan the leader of the dark Faith, as they both discussed that he knows his father and that Lucifer was used to be good until he turned into the dark side by Lord Hades Adam Malfoy's grandfather that Joshua must believe that he is the chosen one and that he must kill lord Satan, bring balance to the force as Joshua knows how. As Angus will show him everything, as he touches his scepter when it's showing the past and his birth parents, Lucifer and Emily through the years as when he was born she died giving birth to Joshua believe that her husband Lucifer is there. As she dies, that lord Satan is killing everyone through his power and it shows now then as Angus and Joshua both discussed that his the chosen one, that he must killed is his father lord Satan but Joshua refuses to that he is in love with his father as Angus knows but he must killed lord Satan so he can bring balance to the force and into the Galaxy world.
* The Monster Rebellion went to the camp and they have a battle, even Sarah finds out that the Dark Queen kills her father which leads to a battle, right after the battle when the Dark Queen decides to execution Anakin
* Before Anakin being execution, Leta tells her that he loves her more than anything that he is sorry for what he did to her and that there's good in her what the real enemy is. But Leta tells her to kill him and finish the Rebellion once and for all. As she's looking at Anakin for seeing flashbacks as she's redeemed back to Eve and Force choke Leta because the Emperor is the real traitor of the Republic and is using her to make him rise to power as she uses force lighting on her but she grab her scepter and blocks it as the force lighting went to Leta as she quickly disappears int the dark as she saved Anakin from dying as Eve went into the ground when she became young beautiful woman into a old ugly woman
* Joshua becomes king of the Empire with The Dark Queen
* The Dark Queen/ Eve kills Joshua because his the one who caused her to be evil and he dies by her
* The Dark Queen try to killed Anakin but can't because there is good in her, of her love with Anakin
* The Dark Queen redeem herself as Eve with flashbacks, of Maddie and her father, Ben Potter and Clifford. Even Anakin. As she became Eve again before she killed Anakin who is her real true lover
* The Dark Queen/ Eve dies of old age right after she saves Anakin Jones
* Eve dies in Anakin's hands, before she died she tells Anakin that she loves him and that the new republic is back where it is that they won as she dies and becomes one in the force
* Force Ghost spirit Scarlett tells Jason not to go to the Dark side of the Force just like there father
* Lord Shauron redeems himself while looking at Jason his son with Selena's his wife eyes of flashbacks of Selena his wife, Ben Potter, Master Grey, Quinn, Elena his mother, Angelina and king Edward. To in the end where Selena dies believing the good in Adam
* Abal release himself from prison
* The party Rebel Crew blow up the Hawkins lab in Hawkins
* Lord Shauron/ Adam Malfoy killed Lord Satan to saved his son and avenging his wife.
* Right after Lord Satan is dead, Lord Shauron is finally redemption as Adam Malfoy and he have broken a cursed of the dark side of the force of his family. So now, the Potter's and the Amilda's are free now to be light forever without dark.
* Adam Malfoy dies and becomes one in the force
* Before Adam Malfoy dies he foresees a future of him and Selena, Jason and Susie being together when Quinn congratulation to Adam to sacrifice for his son to killed Lord Satan
* Jason and Ghost Spirit Scarlett is with him, on the funeral of there father. She tells him to adopted Sarah and changed the name from Malfoy to Potter. He shall become a leader of the Maredi and humans
* Jason tells Emma his last goodbye to his wife before he will go into his father and go into the dark side
* When Jason takes off Lord Shauron's helmet it shows the same scarred face of his father, but older old man and white short hair that hasn't seen in sunlight for 23 years and has the same scarred face in 23 years.
* While Lord Shauron/ Adam Malfoy got force choked by Arrow as he went to the ground as Jason runs to him, Adam Malfoy and Jason Malfoy both talked about him being alright and taking off his mask off, about him reminding him of his deceased wife Selena Snow that about him being right that there is good in him and that he defeated Lord Satan from him and his sister, that to tell his sister that he is a monster until came Susie, as he finally sees his biological twin daughter for the first time as he is happy and apologize for what he did to her to blow up her own home, that she forgives him and that she finally loves him. That she finally meet her birth father as he tells Jason to watch Rex and his adopted daughter Sarah Coltan Potter to loved as a father that he shall make a promise to be a Potter and loving a family just like the Potter's and the Amilda's, that he loves him. Until he foresees a future of him, Selena, Jason and Susie being together through their birth to adulthood when Quinn congratulation to Adam to sacrifice for his son to killed Lord Satan. That he is truly a hero until he disappears as Adam Malfoy is dying as Jason is telling him that he and his sister that he won't leaved them as he is died while Susie is crying as Jason put his head down as he is crying for his father's death.
* When Adam Malfoy tell Jason that he was right about him that there is good in him as he died. Anakin senses his old best friend Adam is gone forever but he will be reunited again with his loved ones, who love him dearly. While he is fighting against the Dark Imperial armies.
* Lord Satan is the one who killed Elena Potter his grandmother, and his grandfather Henry Potter. Angelina Adam's former apprentice who died, even Selena Snow Jason and Susie's birth mother, his loved ones, so his father will be more powerful to the Dark Side.
* The Emperor Black is dead by Joshua Nazareth
* Susie loves Kevin more than Jason for being her boyfriend
* Anakin becomes the highest king of the New Republic and Monster Rebellion
* Lord Shauron/ Adam Malfoy stabbed Lord Satan in Anakin's blue lightsaber sword in his back, as lord Satan is finally redeem back to lucifer as lightning went into his armor as he took his last breath that he knows, that Adam Malfoy is the chosen one that he sorry for everything that he did to Emily that he loves her as he went into unconscious As Lord Shauron/ Adam Malfoy went unconscious to the floor as Jason heals him as they both escaped the second Darth Star as they are both fighting against the Dark Imperial armies.
* In the second Darth Star when his Death Darin Leta helps lord Satan to leave the Darth Star right away. As lord Satan order the Armies to killed Jason Malfoy and his father Adam Malfoy
* When Jason and lord Shauron/ Adam Malfoy are leaving the second Darth Star, as they are fighting the armies in the second Darth Star until he got stabbed by an Army as he went to the ground. When Jason keeps on fighting the armies until came Emma, Susie and Kevin, Bryan who decided to help Jason battling the armies. When the armies are all gone.
* In the Human Earth, in Lord Satan's throne room right after they escaped the Darth Star. Until came Joshua as lord Satan and him both discussed about his own betrayal and last defeat for the blame of Adam with an unfamiliar connection with his son Jason Malfoy that Joshua will never have a friend to the Dark side like him and that Joshua will never come to Joshua since there is no family left of the Nazareth now it's just Joshua and lord Satan, two allies that about him taking control Earth and different planets and the galaxy world because of Emily his own lover who got killed on purpose by Lord Satan, not accident that he killed in anger because of Luke who wanted to killed him and that she betrayed him. That Joshua is the chosen one, the one is to destiny to killed Lord Satan and that Joshua will killed Lord Satan so the humans and monsters will finally have peace again. As they both are fighting in the throne room, while they are fighting lord Satan finally knows that Joshua is his undoing and that Joshua wasn't meant to be in the dark side just like his uncle that he is meant to be in the light side just like Luke Nazareth and his human birth mother as they are both continuing fighting until Joshua falls to the ground as lord Satan tells him that he is weak to killed him that he never learn the ways of the force, just like him. Joshua tells him that he will join him into the dark side of the force and as they are both continuing fighting, Joshua's blue lightsaber sword went by lord Satan as they both discussed that why his uncle is killing the humans because he wants is war, between them for what they did many years ago that they will win against the humans so earth will be ours, that Joshua refuses to kill him and that he is his friend that he doesn't deserve to died, lord Satan tells him that he is a liar. As he force lighting him into the ground as Joshua's Maredi's powers are being gone into lord Satan as Joshua is unconscious, as he eyes are closed. In the light as he sees Maredi's of the past that are Quinn, Maddie, Clifford, Ben, Angelina, Sarahbeth and Scarlett and Flynn, Ethan, Aurora and Hugo, Miles, Joseph and Mary, Henry, Master Grey and master Luke Ganeld a lot of the Maredi's. As they both telling him to kill lord Satan that he is the chosen one and that he shall break the cursed of the dark side of the potters and Amilda's family and the galaxy world will have peace and victory again. That the force is strong with him and always be with him that his not alone. Back in the throne room, as Joshua wakes up he is reborn and his Maredi's powers are back as lord Satan realizes that he is back as they both discussed that Joshua is the son of Prince Charles Mills and Emily Nazareth that he destined to kill Lord Satan the master of the dark Faith that he shall bring balance to the force and the galaxy world will have victory and peace again as lord Satan tells him that he shall kill the boy who is his lover son who is the chosen one as he continuing to force lighting him as Joshua's lightsaber sword is blocking the force lighting. When Leta used her telekinesis powers to let go of his force lighting as lord Satan and Joshua are keeping on fighting as they are both discussing that there is good in his father that he always believes him just like his mother believes once, the man that she knew and loved so much before her death, that she believes there's good in him and that he shouldn't become a powerful dark Faith that people feared and that he was once was Lucifer Nazareth as Joshua stabbed him in the chest until lord Satan went to the ground and looks at Joshua the last time as he disappears out of thin air. Right after he disappears his throne room is falling into pieces as the dark side and the dark Faith is finally gone, even lord Satan. It ended the ancient conflict of the Dark Faith and the maredi once and for all, as he falls to the ground unconscious.
* Right after the defeat of Lord Satan, while Joshua is on the ground until came Leta who was worried about Joshua until that she loves him as she kissed him, as their first kiss right after there kiss. Joshua is alive and that he loves Leta too as they both hugged with each other and that the dark Faith, lord Satan is gone as she knows. As they are both kissing passionately and came Emma, the Vulcans to take them back to earth for there celebration.
* Joshua learn to see people resurrect as he sees his birth mother Emily the last one, they discussed about his birth and his father Lucifer, that Joshua is Someone the prophecy has mentioned as she dies
* Leta Strange is a secret daughter of Lord Shauron and the Dark Queen, a older sister of Scarlett. Weeks right after her sister died, by lord Satan he takes Leta while she was young and became his death Darin
* Leta and Joshua are both connected to the dyad of the force since Joshua's father lord Satan and Leta's father lord Shauron are both of the Dark side of the force
* There is Joshua vs Leta fight scene in first Darth Star that she realizes that Joshua is Lord Satan's son, until she stabbed him in the chest as his in pain she was about to walked away of doing lord Satan's work to kill Anakin. Until she went to him and they both looked at each other and she healed him by the force and she tells him that she believes that he is the chosen one, he needs to find the truth.
* Joshua refuses to kill Anakin as Lord Satan force lighting him in anger
* Anakin and Eve loved each other in the end
* The senate votes on Anakin Jones to be there new highest king of the new republic
* In Niaboon, in Eve's funeral she got buried with her Amilda family as it shows the whole family graves
* In Maddie's apartment while Anakin is there, it shows flashbacks of him and maddie, Eve being together
* John propose Emma to get marry, before they went into battle she accepts
* Emma becomes a adopt daughter of Jason and Emma's
* In the Human Earth as the Monster and Human Earth are reuniting right after the Empire is gone. While they are celebrating as came pregnancy Leta and Joshua as they both saw the Mills family as Joshua and Prince Charles Mills are finally reuniting for many years from their separation as they are both finally son and father again. When they are celebrating as Prince Charles Mills and Joshua both discussed about how he defeated Lord Satan and that because of love, that he killed Lord Satan because of his mother's love that passed through him. That he decides to go to Tatonne since he isn't meant to be part of the rebellion and that he was part of the Empire and that he is in love with Leta Malfoy who is about to give birth to his child, that he is in love with a Malfoy but he was in love with his mother, that his mother was wonderful person that he loves and that Joshua has a choice to leave to be someone and have a new life he can. They are both smiling at each other as they both watched the rebellion celebrating.
* Anakin has a statue for himself, while there is a coronation of him as the highest king of the Republic and the monster rebellion
* In the woods, while Karon and Ally are walking in the woods as they both discussed since the war is over between the Empire, that now they can become parents and that she is pregnant with his child, that they are ready for a new beginning, a new chapter for them to become parents as they are both kissing passionately heavily until she stops. That the promise that Karon made during their wedding, that since they can't be together because it's time for him to be with someone that he loves and wanted to be so bad. Until came Anne Townsend as he came to her as they both discussed about the promise that they both kept and that it's time for him to be reunited with her, his whole entire family as a human again. He walks back to Ally as she tells him that he should be with her and that the only person he loves so much and that they both can't be together since he is a monster as they both kissed. He tells her that he loves her and that he should be with her always, but he shall go where he belongs as they are both kissing passionately, as they both stopped kissing when they both look at each other for one last time and Karon walks to Anne, she tells him that it's time as he touches her hand as his white zombie skin turns back into tan as he is back as a human before he became a zombie. He looks at Ally one last time and walks with Anne until came the light as they are brought back to heaven. As Ally watches them disappears from the Human Earth.
* In Tatonne, where Joshua choose to hide his blue lightsaber sword for good as he bury it in the sand came Leta that they both have a newborn baby son named Lucifer Malfoy Nazareth named right after Joshua's father and Leta's family named. Until came a young woman who asked about what is Joshua and Leta are doing in Tatonne that they choose live a new life right after the empire is over as she asked who is Joshua's and his girlfriends named that Leta tells her that her name is Leta Malfoy as the young woman asks about Joshua's named until came the force ghost of young Lucifer Nazareth who was used to be lord Satan who's now finally back to the light and master Ganeld who is his own uncle that he's true named is Luke Nazareth. He said Nazareth that his name is Nazareth as Joshua decides to hide the name Black in secret and that the Black named isn't his family named anymore it's a Nazareth as he and Leta both discussed about why he choose his name Nazareth because it's his family named that's the reason why he choose that name as she knows and they are both shared a long everlasting kissed.
* Anakin says to the senate that the empire is gone and the emperor is gone too that now he is there highest king. That he made peace with the humans as they make a cheer of happiness, right after his speech Anakin and Wilbur both discussed about there is no more empire and lord Satan that everything is now in peace again as went to the balcony of the Corusent as people are celebrating that Lord Satan is gone and Anakin Jones is there king, that it's the end just victory and hope again as they are celebrating the death of Emperor Black
* In the end, the funeral of Adam Malfoy, transitions to Beiden, to Tatonne, to Niaboon, to Oniean, to Salem, to Pridean lands to colonial planet to Everland to ice world to Mandlere to Old Earth as it shows Hawkins and Raleigh Banks as the my four of my fictional recurring and main characters hug and cheered for happinesses as it switches to Corusent, to New Earth to celebrate the victory of peace between them and humans and death of Emperor Black
* In New Earth every Monster Rebellion and the Humans are celebrating for there victory of peace between them and humans and death of Emperor Black
* While during the celebration as Mike and his wife Sarah Parker, and his best friends both riding their bikes to the camping site where they have a celebration of there victory.
* During the celebration while Ally is hanging out with her friends drinking, until came Karon as she turns and she is surprise to see Karon who is still now human but is not a ghost, but a real human being as they both discussed about what he is doing her that his supposed to be with his bestowed Anne Townsend a life that he always wanted ever since. He tells her that he chooses to come back to Earth because he loves Ally his wife so much since they both first meet long time ago, that he chooses to be with her forever since she is carrying his child and that they should become parents with their child, that him being as a monster or a human as they both shared a kiss. She tells him that it is weird that he is human but she'll get used to it just like herself before she became a zombie as they are both kissing passionately during the celebration.
* During the celebration as John accepts Sarah and Mike Parker being together as husband and wife as she gives him a hug. She also accepts as they both finally shake hands and now they are both finally best friends.
* In the end Jason saw the Force Ghost Spirit of Master Luke Nazareth Ganeld, Ben Potter who is still an old man and Scarlett, young Adam Malfoy his father and young Eve Amilda that they are both young again as they are both redeem back to the good side as they celebrate of peace. Until came Susie who went by him as they both discussed about that he senses that there's a another Malfoy that is named Leta. Meanwhile in Tatonne, while Joshua and Leta are still sharing a kiss as they let go there kiss and they both looked at there newborn son named Lucifer Malfoy Nazareth as they both looked at the sunset of the horizon that there is now peace of the Nazareth and Malfoy's families that the galaxy world is finally freedom at last. It switches to 20 years later, it's 2075 where Jason and his wife Emma Mills opened up a school for humans and monsters, that is called Monsters and Humans school, where they can teach Maredi's and monsters too when Susie and Kevin Andrews both have a daughter named Hermione and Mike Weeler and his wife Sarah Weeler, are with their friends who are also adults and they have children as they both have their daughter Jenny Weeler who is a young girl as they both said their last goodbyes while Lucifer Malfoy Nazareth is running to the train station as his parents caught him up as she leaves, as Joshua and his son Lucifer both talked about the past and the humans, that if anyone will hate him and that no one won't hate him that he was meant to be at school to learn about history and the force of being a maredi as he gives him a book that was giving from his ancestors before him as he opened it saw the monster rebellion in 2056 right after the battle as he told him to keep it as Lucifer Nazareth quickly ran to the train as Joshua and Leta are both watching him while they are with the Party Rebel Crew as he leaves to go to the school as he sees Jason Malfoy as they both stared at each other as it shows flashbacks from the past to now as they know that peace is just a beginning for humans and monsters. The End

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