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"Finally, you'll be able to pay for your own things!" Noelle said excitedly.

"Did you forget? I have like, 30 cents." [Name] rolled their eyes.

"What happened to the other 20? And the McNuggets?" Rill asked.

"Rill, that was a joke."

"McNuggets? Where?" Charmy piped up.

"Not now, Charmy!"

Noelle looked at the phone suspiciously, where a simple message that read 'Hi!! I think u have my suitcase!!' was.

"Hmm, I don't know. That's kind of sketchy." She frowned. "How convenient is it that a new-ish account named 'luck' suddenly appears. It could be fake. What if they're trying to scam you or kidnap you or something?!"

"What would they scam me out of? Some guy's clothes?" [Name] scoffed.

"Well, this 'luck' could still be wanting to kidnap you or something!"

"I don't have anything on my profile about myself besides, like, my pronouns. Why would a faker try to kidnap me if they don't know who I am?"

"Why don't you just ask some questions about the ID and stuff?" Rill offered. "Then you can confirm that's the guy. Here, I've got it right here."

"Oh! That's a good idea!" [Name] paused for a moment. "What do we ask?"

"Maybe his age and appearance? You didn't post that ID online, did you?" Noelle looked at them disappointedly.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Of course I didn't!" [Name] turned their attention back to the phone. "Well, here goes nothing."

if u are luck voltia then yes i do

I am!!
I think!!

for security measures, u don't mind if i ask some questions, right?


how old r u

Im 18!!

"Rill, how old does it say he is on the ID?" [Name] asked, looking up from the phone.

"It says he's 18!"

"Okay, well, that could just be a lucky guess."

what color is ur hair

Its blonde!!

"Rill, what color is his hair in that ID photo?"

"I'd say maybe a poppy yellow? No, that's not it.." Rill scanned the photo for a long moment.

"That's not what I... well, whatever."

ok i believe u i guess


if u r near the airport then i can give u ur suitcase back
if u give me mine ofc

Idk if we are near
Ill ask

"How does this guy have no clue where he is..?" [Name] groaned.

We are kind of near
We can bring your suitcase today or tomorrow!!

oh sweet!!
if you want, ill be heading to the airport soon


[Name] frowned. "Wait, is that guy gonna actually be there..? He didn't say.."

"How's it going?" Noelle asked.

"I told him that we'll be there soon, so we should go."

"Huh? We're going?" Rill frowned. "I was just about to do a painting.."

"Come on! You can paint later!" [Name] tugged on Rill's arm. "Noelle, can you get Charmy?"


After a lot of persuading, [Name] finally managed to get Noelle, Rill and Charmy (plus the suitcase) all into one Uber and left for the airport. They decided to wait just barely inside, [Name] awkwardly looking back and forth while Rill complained and Noelle and Charmy tried to distract themselves.

"Is this guy gonna show up..?" Noelle groaned. "I'm getting hungry. You're gonna have to pay for lunch if he doesn't get back here."

"How would I pay?" [Name] sighed. "I'm just as nervous as you, dude."

Noelle shook her head, staring off into the distance, presumably looking for the guy who had [Name]'s suitcase.

"Are you sure that's the person?" An unfamiliar person's voice was able to be heard.

"Uh, who's that?" Rill asked, seemingly finished with complaining about paintings. He pointed at the source of the voice.

Three people stood there, talking amongst each other and also pointing towards [Name] and their friends.

"Yep! That's what was on the driver's license!" Another person responded to the first.

The third seemed to simply be surprised by the fact that they were in an airport—perhaps he didn't travel much? [Name] honestly felt the same way when they first boarded this nightmare trip. The three talked more, this time unbearable, and then approached the group.

"Are you [Name] [Last Name]?" The speaker was a boy, presumably Luck, since he looked somewhat similar.

"Yeah.. Are you Luck?"

"That's me!" Luck grinned.

"Wow, he's actually real." Noelle crossed her arms.

"Of course he's real! How would they make an ID of a fake person?" Rill shook his head, as if Noelle had said something weird.

"That's not what I mean and you know it."

"You're both idiots." [Name] shook their head. "Here's your suitcase. Sorry for taking it."

[Name] handed Luck the suitcase they'd taken the first day.

"Don't be sorry, he's just too stupid to check which suitcase is his."

Luck's friend, likely, spoke, He looked a bit like a delinquent and was kind of intimidating. Another tough guy character?

"Ah ha! So rude!"

"Aren't you supposed to give them their stuff?" A short boy—well, when all three weren't the tallest, short is a broad term—asked.

"Oh right! Here you go~!" Luck practically shoved it at [Name].

"Huh.. Well that was anticlimactic." [Name] checked the suitcase—two stickers, one of a cat and one of a rabbit, were stuck near the handle.

"We can fight for the right of these suitcases!" Luck offered.

"On second thought, why don't we call it a day?" [Name] said awkwardly. "Ahaha... Charmy, you have a place you want to eat at, right?"

"I'm glad you remembered!" Charmy said excitedly.

"Well, thanks for the suitcase!" [Name] waved as Charmy pulled them and the others outside for lunch.

luggage | luck voltiaWhere stories live. Discover now