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Seven years ago

“Katie, sweet pea, wake up. We’re here…” Mommy shook me gently, causing my drowsiness to fade a little bit. I lazily rubbed my eyes, straightening to take a look at my surroundings. The big brown house came into my view – it was our lake house. Finally!

I jumped off our car and looked around. Whoa! There are many big Christmas trees covered with snow! Cool!

“Mommy, look at the Christmas trees! They're so big!” I tugged my mommy’s hand and pointed at them. Mommy chuckled as she went to get our bags out of the trunk.

“They’re soon to be Christmas trees, dear. Those are pine trees and the bigger ones are called willow trees… Say ‘willow trees’.” She smiled at me and gave me my favorite purple backpack.

“Wee-ow trees.” I grinned, trying to make my mom laugh.

Mommy laughed, brushing her brown long fringe that’s almost touching her shining hazel eyes. “No, say ‘Wil-low.”

“Wee-ow!” I joked.

“Why can’t you pronounce ‘willow’ right, dummy?” A familiar voice asked. I turned around and saw Jonathan Gray, my best friend in the whole wide world! He has his hands inside his pockets and was smiling at me. His blond hair was covered by a bonnet.

“Jon!” I squealed, running towards him for a hug.

“Hi, Katie. You look old!” He laughed.

I frowned and pulled away. “Old? Well look who’s young! How old are you? Eight!?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Nine, silly! How about you?” He grinned, showing his annoying dimples.

“Then we’re both old, airhead!” I stuck out my tongue and laughed as I pulled his bonnet off. He slapped my hand away and took a step back.

“Kat!” he whined, “Why’d you do that? You know that I hate my hair being tousled!" Jon tried fixing his hair. I went around him and rumpled his hair, laughing.

“Argh! Katie! You’re going down!” He screamed.

“Look who’s flat on his back!” I sprang off him, giggling. I ran beside my mommy. “Mommy! Help, he’s going to kill me!” I shrieked as I felt Jon’s arms around me.

“She started it, Mrs. Flynn!” Jon yelled as he tackled me down the snow. Crap! It’s cold! “Jon, it is freezing! Let me up!” I shrieked.

I heard my mommy laugh and I stared at her. Why is she doing nothing?

"Mom!” I laughed as Jon started tickling me. "Stop it, airhead! My tummy hurts!"

"Who are you calling airhead?!" Jon mocked

"Okay, kids, just get in when you've successfully killed each other.” I heard my mommy chuckle. Oh that traitor! Mommy!

"Mommy! Donotleavemewiththisdummy!" I gasped for air. Jon was tickling me beside my ribs! That's my weakness!

"See you inside, Mrs. Flynn! Katie and I got some business to take care of." He chuckled evilly.

I could not believe this! Mommy went inside the house, leaving me with this dummy. Suddenly, Jon stopped, rolled to his side and he stood up. I let out a sigh of relief. Finally. He offered me his hand; I took it and looked at him sheepishly.

"Why'd you let me up?" I asked, nonplussed.

"I don't want you to get cold. Because when you get cold, you'll get sick. When you get sick, you won't be able to play. And when you won't be able to play... I'll miss you. And I'll get bored!" He grinned.

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