Chapter 3 - Mission

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We arrived at the warehouse quite early, me and Nicolo hid behind a bunch of boxes, Fabio and Alessandro did the same on the other side of the building. It had been almost an hour since we arrived, the four targets are going to be here soon.

- You ready?
Asked Nicolo.
- Yes, I'm ready.
I responded while loading my gun. Guns are not really my style, I prefer using knives. They're less showy and way quieter than a gun. But this mission is very important, so I better be prepared for anything to happen.
After a few minutes, Fabio signalled us that the men were coming. We all got ready to attack and waited for all the four targets to come inside and start discussing business. Not five minutes later Nicolo used his Stand signal to us all to attack.
We jumped out of the shadows and attacked the men from behind. They were caught off guard so it was an easy job. Or so we thought.
Our targets fell to the ground dead, but the men on the floor weren't four, but three. The fourth target, Alessandro's, wasn't on the ground. He was standing. Somehow he had time to call out his stand and punched Alessandro in the stomach a second before he could take him down. His stand was holding up Ale by his neck, his grip tight. He started threatening to kill us for ruining his business, meanwhile, Ale was starting to fade out of consciousness because of the lack of oxygen, he was too weak to even call out his stand.
While my teammates were busy thinking about what to do now that our plan failed unexpectedly and our target-now-threatener was all bark and no bite, I activated my stand and snuck up to him. Alessandro was on the verge of consciousness while the target kept threatening us, I pulled out my gun and shot him right through the head, this way he's dead for sure.

-Your voice is annoying.

I stated while the men fell to the ground, his stand slowly fading and releasing Alessandro.
I dropped to my knees, exhausted.
Usually, I can handle my ability better... Why am I so weak today? Is it because of the alcohol? I said it many times today, but this is really the last time I drink so much.

-Y/N!!! Are you alright???

My teammates rushed up to me, knowing the effects that my own stand had on me.

-Yeah... Yeah, don't wo-worry...a-about me. W-what... about... the idiot o... over t-there?

I was breathing heavily. It's not normal for me to be this weak.

-He's dead. Here, I'll help you.

Nicolo said while pulling my arm over his shoulder as he lifted me up. The corpses were ultimately disposed of by Fabio and Alessandro, who recovered quickly from the attack. Nicolo helped me all the way till our car, which was parked far away from the warehouse to not get caught.

-You're not supposed to end up so weak, Y/N... Is everything alright?

Even Nicolo has noticed this abnormality.

-Ha... I don't have a clue. Today is just not a good day, I guess.

I responded, still not willing to tell him about last night. Now that I think about it, it's not the first time I use my stand's abilities after drinking, yet I never get this tired. So this is a mystery for me, too. I just hope I'll be okay tomorrow.

When we got to the car I sat in the front, Fabio and Alessandro sat in the back and Nicolo was our driver for the night.

-Ahhh... I can't wait to get to the hideout and relax!!!
-Same here.
-Just you wait...

Me and Alessandro's happiness was short-lived, as Fabio interrupted us.

-We got a new message, Grigio. Pretty sure it's from the boss.
- ... Don't read it. We'll focus on it later. We'll all tired today, aren't we?

I am eternally grateful to whatever God made a Capo like him exist. I'm sure he'll read the message the second we get back to the hideout. He's too responsible to ignore a message from the boss for too long, especially since it's most likely going to be a new mission.

I shouldn't let my guard down while we're not in the hideout, or even inside the hideout. But tonight, I just want to rest. I don't think they would mind if I rested my eyes for a little while. Just a little while...

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