Chapter 1 - "Ravioli"

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-She was in charge of murdering that man... But I didn't see what happened at all!
-Who are you talking about? Ravioli? I barely see her around.
-I know, right? She's creepy, even for Passione.

"'Creepy?'" The girl thought to herself after overhearing the conversation of some other Passione members while walking down a street of Naples. "'Even for Passione?' Hmm, I'll take it as a compliment"

The girl kept walking, but it seemed like the whole city was only talking about her that night.

-I'm sure that Ravioli girl is a Stand user.

"Oh, finally someone guessed something right," She thought to herself while chuckling silently.

-Yeah, she's definitely a Stand user. But you know what would be funny?

"Ooh, what's funny? " She answered to that guy in her head.

-If Ravioli was here listening to us right now.

The guy continued while turning around and looking right in the girl's eyes.

-Right, Ravioli?
"No way, these are my targets?"
She jumped back away from the two men while laughing, almost hysterically.

-What's so funny bitch??
-You won't laugh after I beat the shit out of you!
The two men threatened her while one called out his Stand.

- It just surprises me that you're that stupid! Do you really think you can even lay a finger on me? I can't help but laugh! Hahaha...

The moment the two men started running towards her, the girl jumped once more, but this time, in their direction. The fight was over in an instant. Just after a few seconds, the men were laying on the ground, with cuts all over their bodies.
After a few moments of silence, the girl began laughing once again, louder than the previous time.

-Hahaha!! Ha-ha... Ah, they seriously thought they could lay a hand on me? Haha! Pathetic! Haha, ah... I think I had too much to drink tonight ha-ha I'm probably drunk, but these two were just hilarious!! Hahaha!!!

After a few minutes of hysterical laughter, most likely caused by the alcohol, the girl began to investigate the area and the two now-dead men. Turns out the two pair of friends she had encountered that night were the same two Stand users, one had the ability to slightly alter the looks and voice of people, while the other had a stand more suited for combat. The two targets weren't even from Passione, but an external gang.

-Well, I'm sorry, you two seemed like two pretty funny guys.

The girl said while splashing a bucket of water on her head to wake up from her drunken state.

- But you two should know better than anyone... That this is what's expected in our line of work.

She talked to the now-dead bodies as if to strike a conversation, even though she knew they would never be able to answer back.
She paused for a few seconds until she saw a clearly starved cat walked up to her meowing.

- Aw, hi there! You're hungry, aren't you? Welp, I'm hungry too. Let's be hungry together kitty!

She said cheerfully, almost happy that she had someone that would listen to her.

-You seem to think that I'm an open, happy and talkative girl, don't you, kitty?


-Heh, I knew it. Well, I'm not that girl at all. Today I just really drank way~ much more than I can handle.

She looked back at the two men she had just killed a few seconds prior.

-That's the reason why I had to kill ya two... Well, that, and I was paid to do it.

She looked at the kitty and started petting it.

-There's a reason to why I'm called Ravioli. I'm just like that. I'm a filling enveloped in a pasta layer. But nobody can know what my "filling" is, but you two did, my very drunken self is also part of my "filling", you don't have to know what I become when I drink one too many shots hehe...

She finished the conversation and stood up.

-Well kitty, I wish I really were a plate of meat-flavoured ravioli, at least one of us wouldn't be starved right now... But oh well, I'm going home... I hope you find something tasty for dinner kitty...

She then pulled her hood drenched in water over her head.

-Ugh!!! Why didn't I take my jacket off before throwing that bucket of water over my head!?!

She huffed nervously.

- Whatever, tonight is not really my night...

She whispered before walking down the street towards her so-called "home".

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