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"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Catherine muttered when she read her message on her phone. "No, that sounds stupid," she sighed and removed the entire message. She threw her phone on the table.

Her eyes closed and let her head lean over the backrest of the table chair. Catherine doubted on everything, on every word in the message. It began to stress her out. And there was no one around her to ask for advice; it was a workday for most people, and Catherine didn't want to disturb people for this stupid message. Why can't I just send a message without overthinking it? She groaned and decided to let it rest for a moment.


Catherine sat up and stretched her back. She grabbed her phone and just send the message, she didn't check it, she didn't read it; she just sent the message. There was no way back now.

Hey Callum, how are you? I was wondering if you would like to kart? It sounds like fun to me😊

She looked at the chat on WhatsApp, and she saw Callum was online right away. He opened the chat. Catherine's heartbeat rose, and she waited for his reaction. She bit on the inside of her cheek and saw he was typing. Was karting the right kind of date? Catherine thought it was fun, she saw an advertisement in the newspaper, and it had been a while since she karted.

Hey! I'm fine, thanks. How are you?

Karting sounds fun!

Great to hear, I'm doing fine! When are you free and when suits you?

I have the day off on Saturday

Saturday sounds perfect to me. Shall I reserve a spot around noon?

Yess :)

Should I pick you up? I think that is the easiest way to travel to the track

If you don't mind?

Of course not!

Great! I will call the kart track and text you the definitive details😇

Can't wait to see you again! See you on Saturday :)

"See, it wasn't that difficult," Catherine muttered and finished typing her message, saying she couldn't wait as well. She took a deep breath and smiled. Her cheeks were warm, she never felt this tensioned before about texting a guy. Catherine looked up at the advertisement and called the company.

Callum parked his car in front of the apartment complex and texted Catherine he was waiting for her in his car. It had been a tough week for Callum; he had a busy schedule at the factory, and he had some meetings with possible future F1 teams. So when he got a message of Catherine, he was happy, and when she asked him if he would join her on karting, he knew Catherine was special. He didn't know many girls who liked to kart, because 'it is not my kind of cup of tea'.

He got sucked out of his mind when the passenger door opened. A smile spread out on his face when he saw Catherine. "Hey."

"Hi," Catherine excitedly said and sat next to him. "You look great," she complimented him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

A Surprise ⇢ Callum IlottWhere stories live. Discover now