*I want you to...*

Start from the beginning

The written explanation also doesn't hesitate to appear.


Fear not, milady! These are wounds I got in fair mock-battle. ⚔️


What exactly happened?


Edgar got a bit too close to my chin while we were filming.

got two stitches. I'm a baddie now.

your boyfriend's a baddie, Chloe!

thank God it was just a fake knife tho😮‍💨

my money maker is intact 😏



Does it hurt?


No, not really.

But for the dramatic effect we can pretend that it does.

Get a bit of a roleplaying going on and all that 👀

I chuckle out loud. That earns me a questioning look from Layla who is sitting at the desk opposite mine.

"A knock-knock joke", I explain, knowing that she won't have any interest in finding out what the punchline was.


Roleplaying, huh? 😆


Yeah, I'll pretend to be an archeologist who just returned home after having to battle mummies and several ancient powerful ghosts.



just imagine if someone hacked your phone and read that 

some girls would be suddenly very interested in archeology


But the real question is...would my girl be?


I am very interested...

in finding out if you also hurt your head during your mock-fight.


Nah. This is my regular state of mind.

And you like it because it's fun.

I could have chosen the patient-doctor/nurse but that's boring.

I find myself blushing at the idea.

What is my brain doing? Stop it with the images!


I'm also done for the day. Should I come and pick you up?

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