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"You're joking, Perce! You actually are joking.... I don't think I've heard you joke since you

The air exploded, and the danger surrounding Fred became abundantly clear as one of Hogwarts' stone walls came barreling down towards him. Using what remained of his energy, he apparated just as his head hit the ground with a loud crack. There was an intense pain, and the overwhelming fear that he hadn't been successful until the screams of his family were silenced, replaced by the soft, rhythmic chirping of crickets somewhere off in the distance.

The cold, hard floor of the castle was now soft and prickly beneath his touch. Grass, maybe? He wanted to check, but the searing pain in his head was making it difficult to open his eyes.

"Oh—oh my god," a muffled, female voice stuttered off to his right.

Not long after a hand was pressed against his neck, no doubt checking for a pulse. Their skin was cool and soft to the touch, and he found himself desperately trying to open his eyes as whoever was bent over him continued to speak.

"Excuse me, sir? Can you hear me?"

His lips slowly parted to reply, but when he tried to use his voice it came out as a pained groan. He could hear her mumble a curse word before calling out for help. Were they alone? Was someone else going to come to his aid? What was the extent of his injuries?

"Someone is calling for an ambulance. What's your name?"

"N—name?" he finally managed to speak before a loud cough erupted from his throat. His chest burned, and he was now very much aware of the pain he felt below his neck. He thought back to her question, trying to focus on that instead of the pain.

It was pointless, he soon realized. He wouldn't be able to give her an answer. For he could not, no matter how hard he tried in that moment, remember his name.

Recollection | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now