chapter 2

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With the fight and break-up sorta pushed to the back of her mind, Yael spends more time with her friends, and even Jake (obviously when he doesn't have pre-existing plans with Rich). She's still hurting, but as time goes on, it starts scabbing and healing over. She spends more time at Jenna's, mass baking as a way to cope. Jenna's house begins to look more like a bakery than a house, sending Yael home with a large container of sweets and also handing them out to their friends.

Brooke takes advantage of this and, despite her lactose intolerance, takes a bunch home with her. She grins at Jenna, eating a cupcake (bottom first, she's not a monster) slyly. "She makes amazing cupcakes, don't give me that look, Jen!"

The next time she finds herself at Jake's house, she brings him a large container of said sweets. She expects to hand them over with a friendly smile and a kiss on the cheek. What she isn't expecting is seeing her ex on his couch, channel surfing.

Her fault, really, she'd only given him a ten minutes notice that she was coming over and didn't check her phone for responses before stuffing it into her jacket pocket and walking up his well decorated walkway.

She swallows thickly and forces a smile in Jake's direction, handing him the container and leaning up on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Give the container back at any time. See you," she waves, quickly turning on her heel and racing down the walk way and unlocking her car, hastily getting in and driving off.

Her breaths come quickly as she feels herself get extremely nervous. She races to the park, parking quickly and leaving the car running as she drops her head against the steering wheel. She starts crying and shakily reaches for her phone, scrolling through the messages he sent. "God, fuck, I'm so fucking stupid. Supposed to read the message before coming over unannounced, dipshit," she tells herself.

She sighs heavily and, feeling like a burden, decides not to tell her friends about this and absentmindedly drives herself to the nearest McDonald's, ordering her go to order of nuggets, fries, and a mocha frappe.


Midterms come and so do the high rising levels of stress among her and friend group. Opting to take advantage of her late test time for her last midterm, Yael pulls her jacket tighter around her and burrows into her scarf.

When she gets to the front gates, she spots Jeremy and Michael and crosses over to them. "Hey," She greets them, waving at them and standing close to them.

They're caught in a heated argument over which legendary Pokemon is better (her bias lies with Darkrai and Dialga, but she isn't about to jump into their debate). They each spare her a small smile and wave as she pulls her hat down over her ears. Looking around the front courtyard, she doesn't see many people lingering outside, no doubt they all took refuge in the main hallway in the warmth of the school and not in the snow.

She does, however, spot a few snow-barricades from a snowball fight and a snow man with no features and a deep red flannel and wind-mussed red hair. She squints, trying to get a better look when he turns back and eyes her. Yael frowns and turns back to the two boys in front of her. "H-hey, guys, can we please go in? I'm starting to freeze up." She rubs her hand together, pointedly not looking back over in Rich's direction.

They don't seem to hear her so she groans and leans her head back, pinching their sides. "Hello! I'm asking you two dummies a question."

They squeal (well, Jeremy does. Michael just jumps) and turn to look at her. "Y-yeah?"

One," she starts. "Dialga is obviously the best legendary, duh. And two, can we please go inside? I'm starting to turn into an icicle and my name is not Elsa of Arendelle."

so if you will please fall in love with me!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя