Chapter 13- Ready?

Start from the beginning

"Charlie? Hun? Can I come in?" It was Vaggie, I couldn't let her see me like this. "Uh.. come in!" I told her as I wrapped the towel around my hand and the door slowly crept open.

"Hey hun.. I was going to ask you where you-" She stopped mid sentence as she raised her eyebrow in confusion about my hand. "Are you okay? You seem a bit paler than usual, also what's up with the towel?" She questioned as she pointed to my arm and closed the door behind her as she came over towards me.

'Should I tell her? No she would think I'm crazy. please brain think of a decent excuse!' I told myself as I turned to look at the mirror, and my blood drenched reflection turned to look at me. I couldn't let her see the reflection!

"It's uh, a trick I came up with when I was kid. I would dry my hair by wrapping a towel around my arm and rapidly rubbing it on my hair. Mom would laugh it off and do it with me as well." I told her as I turned to look at her, sheepishly. It was half-true, except I would wrap my hair in the towel first then started it twirling with my arms for it to dry faster.

Vaggie's concerned face turned to relief as she giggled and now stood beside me, our positions in a profile position to the mirror.

"Oh Charlie, you never fail to amuse me." She giggled more as she noticed that my hair seemed drier. She then turned to look at what I was looking at, and her expression changed to surprised.

"This dress, it seems so-"

"Vintage right? I found it at the way far bottom of the rack, forgotten." I told her, hoping she hadn't noticed the mirror. Unfortunately, she turned to look at the mirror and smiled, "It looks great on you." I quickly turned to look at the mirror, and that reflection of me had disappeared.

"I don't plan to wear it since its too-

"Vintage. From a whole different lifetime compared to now." She completed the sentence as I chuckled nervously

"Yeahhhh. Oh yeah, about the place we are going, uh maybe we can do something simple like maybe getting some food from -

"Devil's Diner?" She complete my sentence as she tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and I give her a smile as I hold that hand and plant a soft kiss on it.

"You read my mind. Then maybe just spend the evening at the park."

"Sounds good. Well, I'll leave you to get ready, okay! See ya at the lobby at 5!" She tells me as she closes the door behind her, and I'm left standing here, staring back at my reflection.


I get down to the lobby checking if Vaggie got here before me. But all I saw was Al sitting in one of the couches, sipping what I assume was tea while reading a newspaper. He noticed my presence since he looked up from reading and stared at me.

"My Dear, you look as charming as ever!" He complimented me as I wore a crimson shade skirt, with a simple white short sleeve shirt tucked into my skirt. Al stood up and came over towards me, his shadow trailing close behind him.

"Thank you Al! I didn't really want to 'overdress' for the occasion, specially since it's just something small." I replied. Now that I stood next to him, wearing heels slightly taller than my usual ones, I didn't feel as small standing next to him. He offered me his hand which I took, and he twirled me around, humming a small melody.

"I see! At what time will you be coming back My Dear?" He questions as he turns to look at the vintage grandfather clock, and lets go of my hand,

"Hm. I really don't know, probably around 10. Why? Is there a work relating manner?" I ask curiously. His gaze softened at my response.

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