I sighed softly at the action, knowing we had to go inside, even though I definitely didn't feel ready. But, I just gotta force myself to do it. I gotta force myself to take that first step.

"The first step is always the hardest."

Inhaling deeply to calm myself down, I nodded for Akio to open the door to the meeting room, bracing myself to see all of the big name heroes on the other side.

And yeah, I did see that.

But, what I wasn't expecting, was to see a ton of villains standing around the room as well.

My jaw dropped in surprise as I took in the odd sight. Heroes were all gathered on one side of the room, shooting suspicious, uneasy glares at the villains who had gathered on the other side of the room.

I mean, sure I've seen villains in this facility before. But, it's important to note that they're always detained in handcuffs and trying to kill everyone-not chatting with each other casually in the corner of the HPSC's confidential meeting room.

Upon a further glance, I also noticed that the only villains who were here, were the ones that were present at the Midas Raid as well.

That would be the league of villains.

My shoulders slumped as I began scanning my eyes across all of the smug, bad guy faces, pressing my lips together in slight dreaded annoyance.

"Oh....come on. Seriously..." I huffed out under my breath, dreadfully running my eyes along each specific villain to find a certain broody emo one I really don't like.

I don't see him with the group, actually. Maybe he didn't show up. He seems like the type to not show up to things. Yes! Let's hope for that possibility-

But, my hopes were unlucky as I felt someone brush past my shoulder from behind, passing me without even acknowledging me as he made his way over to his little edgy posse.

Of course, the 'he' that I'm referring to....is Dabi. The one person I really hoped I'd never see again.

Even just seeing him from behind, I could already tell he felt much healthier from the power of my healing crystals. He was no longer bloody and dying. And while he naturally slumped slightly when he walked, I could see that he still had a bit more energy than he did the night I saw him. Lucky him.

He didn't notice me when he passed by, and I was thankful for that, hoping that he wouldn't ever notice me during this meeting. However, that's unlikely cause the room is small. Admittedly, I'm a little embarrassed that he was so quick to escape from me. He found it pretty funny that night, and he seems like the type to rub that in my face any chance he gets.

"Ah-I'm going over here. See you in a bit." I mumbled to Akio quickly.

I didn't even catch his attention as he seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with Kamui Woods about how hot the hero Hourglass is. Yeah, they're totally right.

Subtly turning my entire body sideways so Dabi wouldn't notice me, I quickly made my way over to the far right side of the room, finding this group separation a little funny as it felt a bit like a cliquish scene in high school.

Heh, I was actually lucky enough to attend one of those, after I failed the hero commission school. It was fun-you know, except for the clique thing I'm talking about.

But, regardless, I immediately turned my back towards the villain group once I'd immersed myself in the bodies on the hero side, engaging in a very less than thrilling conversation with Eraserhead about different types of grass, before it was finally time to start the meeting.

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