JK started crying. 😭

JK murmured:
"I misunderstood my TAE--
Where is he? Pls.😭.. pls tell me--"

Bang Si: "I am giving you the address.
Go to your TAE.
He is having a hard time--
He is not well without you--
Pls forgive my daughter--
P-ls-- -"

JK took the address & left to search TAE immidiately.

JK finally reached at a small market store.

JK wore a mask, a cap & black dress.

JK noticed his KIM TAEHYUNG in that small market store after 2 long years from outside.

❤❤ Back ground music:
When will it be?
If I see you again
I will look into your eyes
And say, "I missed you" ❤❤

JK's eyes became teary.
He sniffed & sighed in relief.

JK finally entered inside.

Yes, It was Kim Taehyung!
He worked at the small market store as a store boy.
He was doing some paper works.

When, JK entered at the shop
TAE said without looking at him.

TAE: "Yes Sir?
Do you want anything?"

JK (while controlling tears):
"I-- I want YOU--"

❤❤Back ground music:
When will it be?
If I see you again
I will look into your eyes
And say, "I missed you" ❤❤

TAE became speechless to hear the voice.
That voice--- TAE missed that voice in these two years so much!
He slowly raised his head & looked at JK.

TAE surprised: "Yo-- You?

JK removed his mask.

JK smiled slightly.

JK: "Hi---"

TAE murmured: "H--Hi"

Pin drop silence............

JK: "Can I talk with you?"

TAE hummed: "hmmm??."

Then, They just went outside & started walking together in the lonely road.

Both of them felt awkward.
Both of them were silent & quite.

The night was lonely but stars were still shining.
Moon was hidden with clouds but a gentle breeze was blowing......!.

Two lost lovers were just walking side by side silently.!

Finally JK broke the silence.

JK: "How are you?
You look so pale.
Are you sick??"

TAE murmured: "Fine- you?"

JK murmured: "Good."

TAE: "Hmmm."

They again became silent.

JK: "Why didn't you tell me about Bogum & Lisa's plan??"

TAE surprised: "Aah? How did you know that--"

JK: "I met with Lisa at hospital. She told me--"

JK: "How did you go to Busan?"

TAE: "After leaving of You, Bogum tortured me--
One day, I was able to escape from his house.
I was hiding from him so I went to Busan without telling anyone---
I was at my friend's house in Busan.
1 year ago, I decided to return Seoul.
So I am here now--"

Not A FANBOY // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now