"Even if that something has let you down already, even if it's something you don't want to see again..?" This question was a little more risky. I can tell Melonie is slowly trying to decipher what my questions truly are intended for.

She takes a deep sigh, "it wouldn't be a risk if it hadn't let you down already now would it?"

I choose not to respond. I don't want to keep pushing just to have them all figure out about my secret meeting later. I can feel Melonie's stare on me as I keep playing cards.

The rest of the night was spent playing more card games. Aunt Melonie got bored with our version of cards and decided to put money down to make the stakes higher. They all let me win as a "Christmas gift". We had our dinner that Melonie made for us, it was just as good as food at school. It made me feel a little less anxious about what may happen tonight.

"Alright, as fun as you all are. I think it is time for me to get some sleep." Melonie says standing from our couch.

"Me too." My voice shakes as I speak. My father kisses me on the forehead as I say goodnight to everyone. I follow Melonie and Louis up the stairs to our rooms.

"Olivia, a moment?" She asks me before I step inside my room. I turn to her with wondering eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Her voice is hushed as Louis walks into their room.

"Of course. You have nothing to worry about." I say trying to act as natural as possible. I can tell she doesn't fully believe me, but she nods it off. "Goodnight Aunt Melaine. I will see you in the morning." I give her a small smile before walking into my room.

As soon as I close my door, I start to pace around my room. I still try to pass the pros and cons around in my head to figure out the best move. If I go, I could figure out some questions I have been wanting to get answered. He could also be in serious trouble. If I don't go, then..then I don't have to see him. I don't have to look into his eyes and hear his pity story of why he needs me so bad.

As the sky gets darker I know I have to make my decision soon. I stop pacing and sit on my bed with a heavy heart. My mind is running too fast for my body. My eyes fall to the floor to see the images of Draco and I sitting in the box.  I look at the pictures and know what is best to do. Fuck you Draco Malfoy.

I grab a small bag and grab a few things I may need for traveling at night. Bridges Square isn't far from my home. About two miles up the road. I am surprised Draco remembered me talking about it last year when we were in his room. I had wanted to show him the Square when he came for Melonie's wedding, but he had to leave sooner than expected.

I slowly open my bedroom door to see both my Aunts and Fathers doors closed with their lights out. I creep down the stairs quietly, trying to be as silent as possible. As soon as I get outside I start my hike to the Square.

The moon is shining in the sky brightly. My mind draws to the memory of Draco and I sitting outside of the castle by the lake after the night he fought Flint off of me. Looking at the night sky for some reason reminds me of how peaceful that was sitting with him. I shake the memory out of my head as I continue to walk.

I keep reminding myself to be strong when I see him. Don't fall for any of his games. Hear what he has to say-then leave. Make this interaction as quick as possible. No wounds will be torn open tonight.

As I get to the Square, it looks like a ghost town. I have never been here when it is dark. I didn't really know what to expect, but it just looks abandoned. I continue to walk through the Square, unsure of where Draco would be.

As I walk down one of the alleys I feel a tug on my arm pulling me into an enclosed dead end.

"What the fu-" my mouth is covered by a large hand. I look up to see Draco standing close behind me.

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