1 - diagon alley

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song recommendation: missed connection - the head and the heart

maisie harrington

"Goodbye, Maisie!"

I hurriedly put on my boots and threw my coat on, trying to quickly get downstairs before my mother left without me. I ran down the hallway, passing by the old family portraits before making my way down the stairs, seeing my mother waiting for me at in the foyer, her foot tapping impatiently in the ground.

"Are you all ready to go?" She asks as I approach her, hey rich green eyes looking down at me expectantly.

"Yes, mum." I smiled up at her as she smiled back at me, reaching for my hand as she walked us over to the front room where a large fireplace is placed.

She let's go of my hand for a second, grabbing a handful of floo powder before turning around and handing me some.

"You'll go first, sweetheart. Make sure you speak clearly!"

"Okay," I nod in response as I step into the fireplace, looking down at the dust that rests in my small hand. I take a deep breath before closing my eyes and yelling, "Diagon Alley!"

A sudden green light surrounds my sight as I feel my stomach drop. It only lasts a second however, and before I know it, I can hear the crowded streets of Diagon Alley. I open my eyes as I glance around, seeing the familiar tall shops and crowds of wizards and witches.

Seconds later, my mother arrives beside me, quickly straightening her dress before taking my hand and leading me down the road to look at the shops. We're going school supply shopping today and honestly, I've never been so excited.

School starts in exactly a week from today and the whole summer, all I've been hearing about is how great Hogwarts is from my older brother Ben. He's sorted into Slytherin just as father was when he attended Hogwarts a while back. Ben's always been ambitious and awfully smart too. I'm surprised he wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw like my mother, but I guess the hat knows what it's doing.

As I walk past the many shops, seeing some children getting fitted for school robes, I begin to think about how I may be sorted. Surely it'll be a great house, the Harrington family name has been attending Hogwarts for generations. It's one of the oldest pure blood lines there are. Mother and father are quite proud of our blood, however I know that they aren't extremely prejudiced about it as some other families are.

That's why I admire them so much. They both work in the Ministry and are extremely successful. We live in a large manor in the vast hills of England and have an abundant amount of house elves. Growing up with a brother is tough sometimes, so when we'd get into fights, I'd find myself talking to the elves and listening to their backstories and interests. It's quite fascinating how different they all are despite their similar appearances.

"Ah, here we are." Mother interrupts my thoughts as she looks at the front of a small shop. The sign above the door reads The Magical Menagerie and she pulls me inside and averts the large crowd before letting go of my hand. "I'm going to go to Madam Malkin's to pick up the robes I ordered for you last week. It's just a few shops down. You can pick out any pet here, just give them the family name and they'll charge your father. Meet me outside when you're done."

I look up at her as I pull my wand out of my pocket and grin, "If anything goes wrong, I always can just hex them!" before she playfully shoved my arm away.

"Maisie Jade Harrington, you will do no such thing!" She laughs as she gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you soon. I love you."

"Love you!" I smile as I watch her leave the shop and walk down the street before turning back around and tucking my wand back into my pocket. I got my wand last week when father and I went to Ollivander's. It was quite a brilliant experience, he examined me and my strengths before handing me a wand and letting me test it out. Luckily,it worked on the first try so I didn't have to go through the embarrassment at having to try other ones.

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