"I know." Luke nodded as Sam smiled.

"Good, now. About what happened..." The man said, trying to come up with the right words to say what he wanted to say without messing it up. "You said it yourself. It's Claire's first ever relationship so everything is kind of new to her. And she is a more private kind of girl so she'll need a little more time to adjust to everything. So just... Go on her pace and next time you want to try something new, just try and ask her first if she's comfortable. How does that sound?"

"Yeah." Luke nodded again. "Yeah, okay. Yeah, I can do that."

"Good. Now, about her not listening to you... She's probably just a bit embarrassed. Give her a little time so she can feel safe and comfortable around you again. But if I could give you some advice... You're both in glee club. Just sing about it."

At that, Luke's whole face lit up and he smiled, nodding along feverishly as Sam just chuckled quietly.

"That's genius, Mr. Evans! Thanks!"

And as he watched Luke rush out of his office with a wave in his direction, Sam shook his head with a smile. As soon as the boy was out, however, Sam's eyes fell on the clock over his desk and he gasped, quickly getting up from his chair as he picked up his files and started to make his way out of the office too.

"Shit..." He mumbled, realizing he was, for the first time, late for his Monday morning meetings with Emily in the teacher's lounge. As soon as he got there, however, he realized she hadn't even noticed. "Hi, hum... I'm sorry."

"Sam! Hi!" She greeted him, excitedly, smiling brightly at him when she spun around from where she had been standing by the coffee machine. "You okay? Did you have a good weekend? What did you say you're sorry for?"

"Hum... Being late?" He frowned, confused, not just because he knew how much Emily didn't like being kept waiting but also, because the woman had never been a morning person at all and seeing her so hyped over absolutely nothing was kind of scaring him a little.

"Oh, no worries. I was actually just looking through the biscuits that the school puts out for us every morning and they changed it. The sweet one used to be like a chocolate-y thing but today they have ones with some kind of strawberry filling and sugar over it. It's actually really good, though I do prefer the chocolate ones. Oh, but you should try one!"

Sam frowned, absolutely shocked. That was definitely not the Emily he was used to. Sure, she looked the same but she was acting like a child in some kind of sugar induced high and Sam wasn't sure how much he actually liked that. Still, he let her grab one of the biscuits she was telling him about before skipping — literally skipping — over to him and grabbing his hand as she guided him to sit down on a chair. Emily sat down beside him too, shoving the biscuit in Sam's hand as she bounced a bit in her seat.

"Also, I have the most brilliant idea for glee club, do you want to hear it?" She asked, and even before Sam could even respond, she continued talking. "So, we call it Throwback so the kids can go through songs that they like that aren't necessarily current, you know? I guess they'll choose some songs from the 2000's cause that's probably old for them which is probably gonna make us feel old, but I feel like we could work with some interesting songs if we do like a throwback time or something. Or maybe just for fun, I don't know. I just feel like it would be cool. What do you think? Oh, and the cookie... Did you like it? It's good, right? I thought you'd like it cause it's strawberry and you love strawberry, but I also know you don't like sweets that much, so I was worried with all the sugar and..."

"Yeah, yeah, the cookie is great." Sam interrupted Emily's ramblings, still slightly worried about her as he squinted his eyes, analyzing her whole face for any sign of what could possibly be wrong with her. "And your idea for glee is good too. We... We can definitely do it. But..."

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