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A/N: This one is a bit longer than usual, I hope you don't mind. Another one of my favorites, the story line was so fun to play around with! I hope you like it! Let me know!

Emily had it all figured out, her plan was brilliant. She'd give the kids an assignment but it would just be an excuse for her to sing Sam the song she was planning on singing. Then, all the memories from that time when they were together and happy would resurface and she'd ask him out — with all the letters just as Ms. Fabray had asked of her — and he'd say yes and they'd finally be back together and she'd finally have her shit at a happily ever after.

But first, she needed a cup of tea from the Lima Bean for the nerves. No, they weren't nerves from her plan regarding Sam — she was actually very confident in all of that — but that week, one of the judges from the panel of the National Cheerleading competition from that year would be checking in with her and the squad that week to see if they met all the criteria to qualify for competition. They were all very basic, really: all the students on the squad needed to have a good average score in school, no use of illicit substances was allowed, the kids weren't allowed to drink, or smoke... Stuff like that. Stuff that Emily always made sure none of her kids was involved with so she wasn't too worried. Still, she couldn't help but feel some nerves boiling up inside of her and she really hoped that the dose of caffeine she got from the Lima Bean would be enough to push her through this day so she could do everything she was planning on doing for herself and her team that week.


Sam lifted his eyes from his files as soon as he heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, Mr. Evans... Are you busy?"

"Not really." Sam shook his head then, smiling a bit as he pointed at the chair in front of him. "Come on in, Luke. Take a seat."

Luke smiled back at the teacher then, stepping inside his office and pulling out the chair for him.

"How can I help you, Luke?" Sam asked then, as the boy in front of him shrugged quietly, probably struggling to come up with the right words to say whatever it was that was bothering him.

Sam watched him carefully, silently waiting for him to speak up and, after about two minutes, he finally did.

"So, hum... Claire and I... We're kind of dating, I guess?"

"Kind of dating?" Sam asked then, before widening his eyes just slightly. "Is this you asking me advice for some kind of not exclusive but not not-exclusive type of relationship? Cause I'm literally the last person you should ask advice for in this."

"What? No." Luke shook his head with a frown. "What's a not-not exclusive relationship?"

"Forget I ever said that." Sam shrugged, slightly embarrassed. "Just, hum... Tell me what seems to be the problem."

"It's just... So Claire and I are kind of a thing, but she's never been in a relationship before so she asked me to take it slow with her and I am. But then the other day we were in her house and we were watching a movie and stuff and it's great, but then suddenly we're making out and I just put a hand on her thigh but then she freaks out and kicks me out of the house and she won't answer my calls or my texts and she won't talk to me. I just... i just wanted to apologize cause I never meant to make her uncomfortable or anything, but I how can I do that if she won't listen to me?"

Sam blinked a bit at that, surprised at just how much Luke had just shared and unsure on how to react at all, but after processing everything for a second or two, he started talking.

"Okay, hum... So, there's actually a whole lot to unpack here so... Let's take it easy, okay?" Sam asked then, as Luke nodded, taking a deep breath as he apologized quietly. "First of all... It's great that you're taking it slow with her as she asked and, I know you will, but I just feel the need to stress this... Respect her boundaries, okay? It might seem difficult sometimes — most times — but it's the right thing to do."

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