Scott nodded to her words as he noticed how anxious the brothers seemed, "it just happened on the field.

"Okay, why is no one taking this as good news?"

"Because if Jackson is dead, it didn't just happen." Peter began explaining, moving forward as he leaned against one of the lockers. "Gerard wanted it to happen."

"But why?"

"Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly."

Aine clenched and unclenched her hands before she waved the others along, "you guys go ahead. I'm going to search for Stiles - okay?"

Isaac hesitated, his eyes staying on her for a few seconds longer before he nodded. He followed behind Scott quickly, letting out a heavy sigh.

• • •

Aine didn't know why she thought that turning up to Stiles' house would've been where the boy was as when she had jumped up towards the roof and climbed over to his window - she was more than surprised to hear his voice.

What surprised her more was that she heard Lydia's voice too.

It caused her to softly giggle, knowing well enough that the male could have his chance. So she jumped back down and sped off, her head tilted up in the air in hopes that she could find her friends.

It wasn't long until she remembered they were meeting up at a warehouse, carefully entering inside when she heard loud sounds of what seemed to be crashing noises.

She noticed Peter hiding somewhere causing her to hesitantly sneak up behind him. "Did I miss anything?" She whispered, peeking her head out.

The male didn't even seem to flinch upon her arrival, making her guess he saw her out the corner of his eyes.

"Not much, your boys are loosing though. They don't exactly know how to put up a good show."

Aine seemed to have simply rolled her eyes at his comment, tilting her head to the side while she continued to watch the fight go on. Noticing Allison approaching her boyfriend, her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Bitch," she scoffed, taking a step forward in hopes to jump out to attack the girl back but Peter had grabbed a handful of the black-haired girl's shirt, pulling her back to where she stood.

"Not yet, sweetheart," Gerads voice filled the room as Jackson had come up from behind her, wrapping his arms around her along with around Allison's neck.

"What are you doing?" She whispered loudly, his chest heaving up and down from the anxiety that she now felt.

"He's doing what he came here to do," Scott pointed out, knowing well enough about the old man's plan.

Gerard smirked as he looked towards the teenager. "Then you know. It was the night outside the hospital, wasn't it, when I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could just smell it, couldn't you?"

Isaac stood up from where he had previously been laying down, grunting to himself. "He's dying..."

"I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But the supernatural does," he slurred.

Aine turned her head away as she cursed to herself. She pulled her phone out and noticed the texts that she had received from a certain boy making her slightly become relieved. If all goes well and Lydia comes back on time, they could save everyone.

She needed everyone alive.

'Except for Gerad', she thinks. 

"When it comes to survival, I'd kill my own son!" The old man shouted which caused the girl to push her phone back into her pocket. "Scott."

"Scott, don't," Derek grunted with pain as the teenager lifted him up from where he laid. "You know that he's gonna kill me right after. He'll be an Alpha."

"That's true. But I think he already knows that, don't you, Scott? He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me, and they can be together. You are the only piece that doesn't fit, Derek. And in case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love."

"Scott, don't! Don't!" He was too late as the male had already pulled his head back, watching how the alpha's canines were out. 

Scott sighed, "I'm sorry. But I have to."

Gerad pushed his arm down as he forced Derek to bite into his skin, Aine's heart raced with fear. Scott didn't really do that... did he? 

"What the-" 

Instead of the bite oozing with a dark red colour, black dripped down the man's skin, along down his elbow.

"What? What is this? What did you do?!"

Scott turned his attention towards the alpha again. "Everyone said Gerard always had a plan. I had a plan too."

"Mountain ash!" Gerad stepped back with betrayal. 

"Why didn't you tell me? 

"Because you might be an Alpha, but you're not mine," Scott simply spoke. It gave Aine chills as she shivered, cheering from the sidelines in her head.

Once again the old man, who had now been laying on the floor, let out a loud shout to the kanima. "Kill them all!" His head dropped down to the floor afterwards which made the kanima confused.

Just as he was distracted, the hunter took this as her opportunity to elbow the supernatural creature and escape. Bright lights broke out along with a Jeep crashing through the wall and bumping straight into the kanima.

Aine moved away from where she stood and raced to Isaac, dragging him away to help at least heal him quicker.

She mumbled a few things to the male to check he was still conscious before smiling, brushing his hair out from his face as she watched him heal. "Everything alright?"

"Everythings perfect," he responded, nodding his head while staring into her eyes. 

'For now,' she thought.

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