chapter 2 the racer

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she said and she sometimes Veronica was really confusing. she kissed our cheek then she sent us to bed. i fell like a five year old when she kissed us. i remove my gear and my mask then my pads and my swords then i lie down. soon i ended falling asleep when i remembered what Veronica said to us. im surprised she allows night to do this and she knows her this well its like Veronica is apart of night.

Night's pov

its 9 AM and i was jogging down the hallway grabbing my keys my blade my swords and putting on my shirt. i tripped and i fell. ''ow fuck dammit im running late come on where in the hell is my fucken bag where's my helmet my bike shit im late for work hey as anyone seen my helmet and my bike'' i said as i roll across the ground then i got up fixing my shirt. everyone was in the kitchen as i run up to the table. i found my helmet. then i my key's well ice cream kitty had them. ''ill take those back thank you'' 

i jog over to the gates and i found my duffel bag and i put my helmet inside. ''what's wrong with you you seem like your in a rush'' i look up to see raph. ''hey sweetie im running late for work right now'' i answer as i picked up my bag i kissed his cheek then i jog into the kitchen then i grab an apple. ''night your ten minutes late for work'' my mother said. 

''yea yea i know i cant my car keys anywhere i have my bike keys but i need my car keys that and i cant find my AK or my pistol i was in until three this marring i couldn't return home until i caught a drug dealer last night mom'' 

i said as i found my Rolex then i put on my left wrist. ''here i found them'' i catch my car keys when leo tossed them to me. ''stop trying to steel my car keys that's the second time this week i get it don't like the racing i do but i got to i gotta go love babe see you at one today''

 i said as i put my strap on my shoulder then i kissed his lips. he kissed back then i hug everyone goodbye then i run out to the lab. i saw donnie. ''by donnie see you at one o'clock today'' i said getting into my car. ''bye night see ya later and be safe.'' ''i will bye'' i turn on my car then i sped off. 

when i look in the back seat i found my AK and my pistol was in the glove compartment. ''that's where they went i swear this dude needs to stop keeping in after midnight that's why i was running late shit'' i said to myself as i reach the surface. twenty minutes later i go to the police station and a cop was waiting for me. ''the racer right'' ''yes sir sorry if i was running late this normally doesn't happen'' 

i said as i got out the car and he takes me to a garage there i see a bike. ''this is yours right'' he asked. ''yes so what am i after exactly'' ''some guy name Crew Jayson Jr he's the toughest racer in the city but he's leaving the city right now to go to a festival for other racers sense your a racer your the only one who knows where it is were trusting you to kill him or bring him to us is that clear when you've have him under arrest you may leave with a bag full of cash''

the guy said as i put on my helmet and i turn on my bike. ''im only doin this for the city not the money crews the one of the top 15 racers im one of the top 5 he's not going recognize me with the other popular racers out there time me when you see my black dot on the map tell the captain ill be there in thirty minutes and less once i get to the city's garage ill take my car then ill be there'' ''alright then go on and make sure your not seen by the cops if you are don't let them catch you'' ''yes sir'' with that i drive away with a file in my hand.

zipping down the streets i was on my way to the garage. when i got there i got into another car but this one was blue.

 when i got there i got into another car but this one was blue

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