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"You seem daze yet again today, Miss Apple seller."

I snap out of my trance and look at kaeya who once again frozen my foot because of being distracted.

"...I think my blood just stops pulsing from my feet."

I utter as I tried to remove my feet from the frozen captivity. The sadistic knight just laughs before he looks serious.

"Well, I can only freeze stuff. Ask the certain Dark night to help you out then... or cut off your legs again, If you can afford losing more Kg of blood I mean." he laughs as he said this.

"...." that's not funny. I thought "will no choice but..." I was about to say break the ice with force but the ice melted. "????? What's going on?" I ask in confuse state, I look at Cavalry knight but he too looks confused by it... and wind slash start to attack him. "what the--"

"ahahaha." I dryly laugh at him as I fix my footwear that is now wet from the melted ice. I ignore the scream of Kaeya who's fighting the wind. " you really taking vengeance huh?!" Kaeya says as he dodges another wind.

"sorry, I can only control my blood, I don't think I can help you because i already went my limits of blood loss today..." I blank says to him which made him know I just throwing the same type of reply he just made to me earlier.

"also... I don't even do anything as I am not a vision holder like you or other people. even if I am one, Blood belongs to Hydro category, not Ameno." I thought about the person who should be the reason behind this, Venti. through why did it suddenly went on attack mode?

"Maybe because you're bullying me, so he's bullying you in return." that's the only logical answer I can think of. he seems to be that type, though I wonder why I am 100% certain about this.

"... seriously?!"

i watch him get tired from the battle with the wind, though if it was really that serious, that person would able to stop the wind from his body and instantly killing him. being the ameno archon might have the ability to wield such power as that.

"is that you venti?" I ask the wind in a low tone, to be only heard by the wind and myself. "stop pranking him. he might be really sly and fox all the time. the city still needs him too." I added which I get nothing as a reply. I look at the situation of Kaeya and the wind doesn't seem to stop at all.

"welp..." I tried to come near him but only to be pushed back.

"...how does this work..." I ask in confusion.

"I DONT KNOW!" Kaeya says as he almost slashes by a wind blade which seems to cut a part of his hair. I thought again about what to do and I look at the surrounding. I wonder, if I can...

"pls stop... barbatos." I plea. "or else I'll find another bard to listen to music too." as I ended my words it then stopped.

"f-finally... I never thought I'll get my stamina run out... and be tired like this." and so Kaeya collapse on the floor. I look at the surroundings and saw a figure form from green lights that seems to pout. "is that you venti...?" I ask to that glowing figure but it disappeared right away.

"...I was just joking..." I sigh, as I look once again to my trainer. sometimes I don't know why I need to train. I went out of the room and saw a red haired nobleman, Sir Diluc. "good afternoon." I greeted him, to which he replied with a nod. "if you're looking for kaeya his sleeping in that room." I pointed out which made him narrowed his eyes and cross his arms in front of his chest.

"why would you think I would be out looking for someone like him?"

"oh, I see. but I need to go now. I'll be asking someone to pick him up."

"...I'll do it."

"... I see. then good day again."

I then went my way as Sir Diluc stood there. through I wonder why he needs to act as if he doesn't care about kaeya. Kaeya might be a sly fox, he is still worried for the will being of mondstadt.

when I go out of the building, I decide I'll visit the statue today. while going there I spot a cat with black hair and a white flower on top of its head, it keeps sneezing as it breathes. "what a cute cat." i pick up the cat from the ground and it looks up at me. it stopped its fit of a sneeze. "hi there little guy." I smiled as I look at its green eyes. I thought I saw it smiled before it sneezes on my face. it was only wind, not snot.

"ahaha. you got a cold?" I ask as I pat it. I look around and saw a bench on the corner and seat there. I put the cat on my lap and enjoyed patting and rubbing ...his belly? I look at the gender of the cats before the cat scratch my hand with its claws.

"m...meow!!" he cried out as he started to lick the wound. "MEOW!MEOW! MEOW!" he looks up to me and to the wound as if saying sorry which made me laugh and continue to pet him.

"don't worry about it, Mr. cat" I said as I watch my wound heals by itself. the cat looks at it in amazement.
meow...." he pats the place where he wounded before but it was gone. "me...ow!" then began to hug my hand. I laugh as I continue to play with it. at least it stopped sneezing. I wonder why it's sneezing that bad.

"hmm..." I hummed a tune as I enjoy a simple moment like this. I wonder when will things go back. would venti return soon. Since I heard from kaeya that Venti is doing something good after thousands of years, eliminating that organization because it causes much distress around the continent of teyvat.

it still my fault...' i wanted to blame myself but if I did so, the people who were with me that day, in that place will never get the justice they deserve.

and that dream... was that the past life memory of mine? ' for the last couple of days I dreamed about what seems to be a memory yet I never once remember having those in my childhood. as if it's another life. if I think about it, who did venti love. was it me who he meet thousand years ago or me, the person who cause him to go berserk?

"meow..." I realize the cat climb on my shoulder and licked my tears, which I don't realize falling. "sorry about that. I just thought about a precious person. I wanted to ask him something." I hold him up, so he won't fall down.

"m..meow, meow!"

"ehh? are you interested in my question?"


"maybe you are. since i can practice it with you. " i start to rub its chin which made him purr. "Wanted to be my little help, Mr. Cat?"


"ok. I wanted to ask him... who does he like... the one who he meet thousand years ago or me of the present?" I sound silly asking this to a cat.

"...meow?" Mr. Cat look confuse at this before it licked my face again. "meow" he pats his paws in my face and hugged my neck. " aww. Do you like me? thank you~~ " I kiss his forehead which made the cat stop moving. "MEOW MEOW~~ MEEEOOOWWWW~~" before meowing so loud and jumping around. he even falls from my shoulder to the ground if I don't catch him in time.

'sigh, who am I kidding. I start to talk to a cat because of blood loss...' i laugh as I watch the cat keep jumping there and here. 'this cat reminds me of venti... do archon takes the form of animals too?' through those thoughts as shaken off once I saw the cat bump to a big brown dog with goldin eyes with another cat but with amber eyes who look like would kill you with its claws before you can pat him.




I watch as the three starts to talk before I smiled and thought, 'i wonder if they have owners. I have nothing to do those days. should I adopt those three?' while humming as those three starts to debate on their cat language. in the end, the first cat went back to my lap, and the other cat and the dog seat beside my legs.

"meow." He look at me as if saying, "take care of me."

"...sure mr. cat."

I have nothing to do anyway. I hugged the cat and it keep getting frozen stiff before purring like a mad cat.

Today, I have a cat... and one more cat as well a dog?

Here's the chapter ÙwÚ.
You thought there's no update ?
Nothing special happen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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