A Father's Love and Thorkell is here!

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Elena slowed down and gave a toothy smile, "Hi, I just wanted to follow you- if that's fine."

Bjorn was about to protest as the place they were heading isn't an inviting scene, but Askeladd nudged him and gave a nod of approval.

Elena dusted herself off, even though there is no dust, and followed them, listening.

"Elena, why have you been following me?", questioned Askeladd.

She perked at this question, then shrugged.

"I'm only here for the adventure and experience. As I told you before, I'm here to see the history unfold and you have the prince with you. If this "Thorkell" person has the prince, then I'll follow him- if he likes it or not.", you explained.

"Then why don't you stay with the prince?", Bjorn asks.

"I already know how this might play out so I want to add more spice into the story, y'know?", she replies, forcing her to stop her hands make finger guns.

Bjorn and Askeladd raise an eyebrow. They had no idea what she means by " playing out" and "adding spice". Askeladd understands metaphors and shit, but not into the level of that much. He thinks he knows what she means, but not sure of it.
And Bjorn is like almost all other Vikings and take it literally.

They continued to walk until Elena sees and hears the sound of a loud thump, no doubt someone kicking a body.

She looks upon the scene with displeasure but steels herself.

"How's it going? Is he going to crack?", asked Askedladd.

"He pisses me off. He won't even scream. He thinks he's a martyr.", the man says in an agitated tone, "This is why I hate Christians."

Before anyone says or does anything, Elena struts up to the wheezing man. The men watch her, some scoffing as they presume that she will be helping the man or going to hold them off from this.

However, she wasn't going to help the man. She doesn't want to.

The man is on his side, a sound of pain falling from his mouth. She took a glance at his crotch, took aim, and kicked!

The English captain's eyes bulged as he groaned with pain, his hands holding his crotch. The Vikings winced at the thought of that happening to theirs.

She moved aside and gestured to Askeladd as if saying 'all yours'.

Askeladd gave a grin, "Ah. You're too cruel, Elena! How can this man feel the pleasure of having his way with a  woman?"

Elena dramatically put the back of her hand to her forehead, tilting her head back as if she was to faint, "Oh no! What a complete shame, god must be so upset with me. Just kill him now so he can escape a torturous fate!"

"Go ahead and kill me.", the beaten English man says. "The Lord sees everything. He's seen all the evil things you Danes have done."

Askeladd looks offended when the man mentions the Christian God. Elena almost laughed at Askeladd's reaction if it weren't for the fact that a dying man is at her side.

"He still has some fight left in him.", Askeladd looks up and asks one of his men if they have a shear. One of the men leaves to get one for Askeladd.

Askeladd began to ask questions in a rather 'polite' manner until his men gave him a shear.

Things happened the same in the episode, Askeladd teaching the man some true-ish history.

Ear then rushes over and the episode happens exactly as it did, just the fact that Elena is there, watching everything.

Planning her fight with Thorkell.


Elena marches with the group, occasionally jumping into the sled. They are at the bridge and things go as the episode goes.

She is next to Askeladd and both glance at Torgrim and Alti. Askeladd calls for Thorfinn and Bjorn and the four of them are together.

"Bjorn. Move the prince over to this carriage here. You are the driver. Thorfinn, Elena, you ride with the prince. Be on standby.", orders Askeladd.

"What?", asks Bjorn, dumbfounded- until the realization slaps him in the face.

"Hey!" Bjorn turns to Askeladd, "Askeladd! Are you serious?"

Askeladd stops, eyeing the men.

"It's my special talent. I can tell what a man is like just by looking at his face. Whether he's an important man or a nobody. Smart, or dumb. I can tell that there are some traitors among the loyal."

The bridge soon collapses.

"They're going to have a hard time getting their sleds and cargo across,", states Askeladd.

"What if they abandon their cargo and keep chasing us?", Bjorn inquires.

"Then they're going to lose time finding food. They won't be able to follow us very far without eating,", answers Askeladd.

He then turns around and orders his men to march.

The march ceases, and Elena shuts her eyes, sighing. She can hear the spear whistling through the air and land into the chest of its targets.

Thorkell is here.


I hope you enjoy the story. My winter break is ending so I might not write again. until February.

Thank you for voting/commenting/adding my story to your library.

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