[4] Martha VS Mckenna

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Warning: slight mention of sex, slight violence, slight trigger warning

I said slight so much in the warning-

It was on Friday the eleventh of November, five years ago when my parents told me I was adopted.

I had always suspected it but I didn't really think I was adopted. Apparently, they only adopted me because my "mom" couldn't have children after a car accident.

she was pregnant at the time and the doctors told her abortion was the only way she could have survived. It was her baby or her and my father needed my mother even if it cost him his child.

After the operation, my "mom" couldn't carry a child, so she adopted one, and that just so happened to be me. While I was young, my mother would always be there for me, literally.

I wasn't allowed to go outside on my own until I was twelve. Seeing friends required a full-on autobiography on that person, I was negotiating for two weeks with my mom before I could play football.

Then I slowly learnt that being tall and adopted was practically free real estate for bullies.

I was severely bullied for three weeks, and the only reason the bullying stopped for a while after three weeks is because coming back home to your overprotective mother with a black eye and a nosebleed is a big no-no.

She nearly took the bullies parents to court, fully ready to sue them, my mom is a lawyer after all.

My dads a politician, mums a lawyer, they're what you would call a power couple and I'm just their tall adopted kid.

My "friends" on the football team pretended to like me. It wasn't a shock when I found out they talk bad about me behind my back, no one really likes me. My life up to now was just a life filled with fake love and protection.

My biological parents didn't want me, my "friends" don't want me, my parents lied to me for most of my life,
and Martha? She's just like them, all of them, she doesn't want me.

At this point, I don't even want me.

-*----Flashback end + time skip----*-
Martha POV

After class I was furious. I was stomping to the lunchroom and to Mckenna's lunch table.

"Mckenna, why!?" I screamed as I slammed my hands down on the table. "Why what? What did I do," Mckenna said in confusion, but I know she's lying.

"What do I mean? Me? You're the one who sent Blair to go lie to Ian! You're the one who made me look like a fraud.

Like I didn't care! Honestly what's your problem?
Are you jealous of me and Ian?

I thought you went around banging every man you saw?! So why ruin what me and Ian had?" I screamed in her face, loud enough for everyone in the lunchroom to hear.

I wanted them all to hear that Mckenna isn't perfect, instead she's just a jealous pathological liar!

"What, I didn't do that! Why are you accusing me of lying when all I did was tell Ian the truth! You're the one that sleeps around with every man on the block!" Mckenna screamed right back at me.

"No I'm still a virgin!" I said as I pushed her away from me.

"But at least my breasts are real!" I insulted Mckenna.

"Ok fine maybe I was jealous that my dare got you, a wimp, a boyfriend! Yeah, a wimp, Martha! I never liked you so don't think I ever did!" She screamed before pushing me so hard I fell over.

Everyone in the lunchroom was silent. "Oh, what's got your panties in a twist," Mckenna said as she bent over to my level.

"Cat got your tongue," she spat as she dumped her lunch tray on me.

Everyone laughed at that.

I couldn't help but start to cry, this snake came and ruined my life, she embarrassed me, tricked me and turned my boyfriend on me.

"Oh, are you gonna cry? Piss your pants, maybe," Mckenna teased with a vile smirk. She's a witch. Everyone that likes this witch is mental!

"Are you insane Mckenna!" A familiar voice said from behind me. "Ian?" I spoke with a wavering voice. "Yeah," he said while smiling at me.

"Mckenna honestly you're just a jealous snake, go slither back into the hole you came from and never talk to me or my girlfriend ever again!" Ian said as he pulled me off the floor.


"What in the world is going on here?!" Mckenna was cut off by the principal herself. "Mckenna, Martha, Ian. What's happening here," the principal said again.

"Mckenna pushed me," I spoke quickly, "And dumped her lunch on me in front of everyone," I finished. "And insulted Martha," Ian added.

"What? Mckenna is this true?" The principal said as she turned to Mckenna.

"Well yeah, but Martha-" "I don't want to hear any buts. Mckenna, my office, now." The principal cut Mckenna off once more. "But-" "I thought I said no buts." And with that, Mckenna and the principal disappeared.

All of a sudden everyone started to clap, well expect Clair and Blair. "Martha?" Ian asked me, "Yes?"

"Can I kiss you?" He said with a blush. "Oh, um, y-yes?" I replied but it sounded more like a question.

Ian pulled me closer and leaned in until our lips touched.
It was my first kiss and it couldn't have been better. His lips on mine, moving in sync.

I couldn't care less that everyone in the lunchroom was watching and cheering, or that Mckenna's spaghetti lunch was dumped on me.

All I felt was pure bliss, this is truly the best ending.

[A/n] hey thanks for reading this story! Sorry that I took forever to put up the last chapter, also just in case you guys were confused about what happened to Mckenna, she was suspended for violence and harsh words. Ik pushing someone isn't very violent but you could still get in trouble at school for it. Anywho thanks again for reading, luvs! I've got two books in my drafts, that I'm exited to post once finished! Happy new year!

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