"Shut up Stacy, it wasn't that funny," I sighed when she didn't stop laughing and I pulled out my earbuds.  This is going to be a long ride to school.


After 45 minutes of her laughing and me listening to music, we finally made it to school. I took my binder, folders, and pen then started walking towards the school. When I got close to the steps that's when it hit me. I've never smelled this scent in all my 18 years of going to this school. That's strange.

"Stacy, do you smell that?" I asked while sniffing the air.

"No, stop being weird Samantha." She rolled her eyes at my stupidity.

I can't believe she isn't smelling that intoxicating scent. It's like coffee with a hint of lavender. 

My wolf Daisy started to purr and I was so curious because she never does this. Daisy started repeating something but I couldn't understand, it's like static. Maybe later I'll figure it out. 

While I ignored the amazing scent I continued to walk to my locker with Stacy on my tail. Just as  I was about to turn the corner I bounced into something...or someone. Why am I so clumsy? Without even looking up I crouched down to collect my notes when the static started to clear up.

M....Ma...e...MATE!! Daisy shouted in my head. 

I felt my hands get sweaty, my breathing stopped and I only heard the pounding of my heart begging to be free from the cage that held it captive. It's too soon I can't meet him now, I just turned 18, what if I'm not dressed enough, I should run home now and change then go back to school. I wonder what he looks like...maybe I know him? sigh, I was tiring myself out with questions when he's standing above me probably thinking I'm a complete weirdo having a full conversation with myself. 

C'mon Mantha just look up...just.look.up. LOOK UP!

"Dale?" I choked on my spit. Is this some sick twisted game by the moon goddess?

"Uh... I'm so sorry Dale, I-I didn't mean to walk into yo-" Sparks began to flow throughout my body like crazy and I realized that intoxicating scent came from the one and only Dale Rivers, soon to be Alpha. Dale is the Alpha's son. He has three brothers, all are walking God's in disguise, but sadly Dale is the only manwhore out of them all. He bullied me a couple of years back because he thinks I don't have what it takes to be the Beta Female of this pack. So, I hated him ever since...He's a sexist prick if you ask me. But that sexist prick is now my mate...

I couldn't make eye contact without him assuming I want to challenge his soon to be Alpha position, so I kept my head back down and gathered the notes that fell. 

As I go for the last paper, sparks erupted throughout my hand, then the most incredible thing happened next. Dale FREAKING Rivers leaned in next to my ears and whispered so only I would hear. I wonder what he wanted to tell me, maybe a date? my wolf started barking in joy thinking about our first date.

"I Dale Rivers reject you, Samantha White, as my mate, and future Luna of the Crescent Pack."

I remained frozen in that position while he kissed my ear, stood up, and walked away with his friends. Did he really reject me...in the hallway? Tears sprung to my eyes but I bit my lip and continued gathering the rest of my notes that were scattered. Daisy howled in pain and retreated to the back of my head. I wish I could join her as well maybe we'll grieve together.

Have you ever grieved for someone who's not dead?

When I finished gathering my notes I noticed a teardrop on one of my Chemistry papers, then another, and another..

I folded everything, shoved it in my bag, and made my way to class while Stacy stared at me confused. 

"Mantha?" My best friend whispered afraid if she spoke too loud I would break.

"I'm fine Stacy, drop it." I wiped the last of my tears and walked into class zoning out into my own paradise. That's when it hit me. 

 I am the daughter of Beta Roger White of the Crescent Pack and Dale Rivers made the biggest mistake of his life. I growled lowly and slammed the door to the classroom shut. 

Word count: 1192



 How is it so far? I had so much fun writing this chapter. I felt like I was actually Samantha lol. I know you all wouldn't see this until the 10th Chapter is published but that's okay!

Any errors feel free to point them out. See you all in the next chapter lovies! TOODLES!

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