She had siblings but each had gone out to live their lives elsewhere. A few aunts and uncles remained in the Harland area.

I blew out a frustrated breath. There was absolutely not trace of relation between she and I. Aria Opel was simply a woman who had happened to look almost identical to my grandmother. The eyes on that woman were almost a haunting memory.

I shifted my gaze back to the large portrait of her over the mantle. Pushing out of my desk I walked over to it. There was something about it that drew my attention every time I happen looked upon it. Something nagged at me from the far back of my mind.

As a child, growing up in Harland, I had often had dreams. Dreams where I ran through a meadow into the arms of a woman I called mother. Her face was a beautiful complexion. She had high cheek bones, blue eyes that resembled much my own and a smile that warmed my heart every time she embraced me.

It was an every night thing. I'd close my eyes and fall into the past. If I recalled correctly, on a random dream I had sworn I had seen a man reading a news print that dated to the 1700's. The clothes I wore were comfortable, a open-necked blouse with pants that buttoned onto my shirt or jacket. Brown or black was the color I often wore with white for my under shirt.

The dreams had stopped suddenly. I remember waking one day on the eve of my twenty fourth birthday only to realize I had not dreamt myself charming a lovely blonde.

Part of me was relived that I no longer had to deal with falling into sleep and waking in another century. The other missed the odd dreams and memories I had made. They soon fell to the far back of my mind as I began to focus more on my studies and into the family business. Nothing had reminded me of them until she come into the picture.

I knew I had to face her sooner or later but in truth I felt nervous and odd. I couldn't look straight at her without spacing out. She was without a doubt breathtaking.

I felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips as I turned from the picture frame. Gathering my wits I walked out of my study and towards my own bedroom. I knocked lightly before entering.

She hid under the covers just as I closed the door. It wasn't hard to point out she was avoiding me, however we had much to discuss.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. I took several steps in until I faced the foot of the bed. She peeked from under the covers, her large eyes staring at me in fright.

"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you." I said.

Had she found out that it had been me? Was she cowering instead of feeling angry? I swallowed before taking bold steps to her bed side. The raw and carnal side of me realized there was a gorgeous woman in my bed. Aria was in fact the first woman to have the lucky satisfaction of laying in it. Not the way I had pictured it but I did not mind it.

"Aria, are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes." She whispered. She struggled to sit up a bit and finally placed the sheets on her lap.

"I need to go home." She said.

I felt my guy clench at her words. I didn't like the idea.

"Your mother must be worried." I managed to reply.

"Yes, she probably has the entire family flooding my apartment."

"What of the man who hit you? Do you still seek to find justice against him?" I asked. I was overwhelmed to tell her the truth, yet if I did, I in fact did not know what her reaction might be. I feared her taking this public or worse sueing me for every penny I had.

"The surveillance cameras in Heart Industries, must have captured the accident, I have go get my hands on it." She replied, with a determined face.

I felt the blood drain from my body, leaving me with a cold and unsteady feeling. "You plan to see him behind bars don't you?" I asked.

"Wouldn't you?"

I fell silent and simply nodded, she did in deed had a point. If anyone had attempted a hit and run on my life, I'd be hunting them down like a wild animal.

I withdrew my decision to be truthful. All I could register now was getting to those tapes before she did.

"How can I help?" I asked.

She lifted her gaze then and stared at me. The entire time I had stood at her side she hadn't bothered to spare me a glance.

"You've done enough, I can't thank you enough for the hospitality you've shown me. I didn't know a Heart could be so...kind." She replied.

"There must be something I can do Aria, I feel terrible." I insisted.

"Why would you? You saw me lying in the middle of the street and saved my life. I'm in debt to you." She explained.

I shook my head and refused to listen to anything else she said. My conscious was eating away at me, but more the fear of being sued.

"Look, I won't be comfortable until I help you get a hold of your mother."

She nodded and I quickly left the room to find her means of contacting her sibling. But first I hurried into my study to make a few calls. There were things that needed to be dealt with before I handed Aria a phone.

Reborn (Sequel to Wilting Roses)Where stories live. Discover now