Mundanity of Grey

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A flicker of light, swallowed by the grey.

Everywhere, grey.

Why did I choose this color again? Just to remind me of the monotone that surrounds me, stamping on the tiny lights, squeezing until it's too tight.

The cacophony of silence, and the warbling, haunting song of a single note.

Even my face, thin and dull and grey, drooping from the tired and the emptiness.

I fought the grey for a long time. Now the little clumps of dead and dust gather in the dark, swarming and scuttling where I cannot see, tossed and turned as they feed off the chaos. Relentlessly searching for things to hold and hold tight for themselves.

Selfish creatures. But I can't fight them anymore.

Not anymore.

Now I am their prisoner. My body is broken, mind caged in their claws. 

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