Start from the beginning

She then began to find secret messages around the house, and began getting help from her first (and eventually last) love, Fabian Rutter.

However, they weren't that subtle... which led to Amber Millington getting involved, who then had the absolutely crazy idea of forming a 'club, gang, posse, whatever you want to call it' and naming it 'Sibuna' - Anubis, backwards. Amber claimed she was a 'little bit of a genius' for that.

And, from that point forward, the club continued to evolve more and more, slowly turning into something that Nina had never expected to get herself into when she had first walked up the stairs that led to the door of Anubis House. Patricia Williamson joined, Alfie Lewis joined, Jerome Clarke and Joy Mercer (temporarily) joined - together, they found the pieces of the Cup of Ankh and formed it as they found out that Nina was The Chosen One. Oh, and they stopped Rufus Zeno becoming immortal and kind of saved the world a little.

Then, they did it again the next year - that time due to being haunted and threatened by the spirit of a murder from ancient Egypt, Senkhara. Instead of finding pieces of a cup, they were tasked to find a mask - the Mask of Anubis, to be more precise, which led those of purity to become a God in the Field of Rushes. They found it, and, with the help of a new student, Eddie Miller, who just so happened to be The Osirian, they once again stopped Rufus Zeno (who, at this point, they had safely realised was absolutely insane) and Senkhara from becoming Gods, meaning that they had saved the world again.

Oh, and then there was the next year - Nina wasn't present for that year, but she had certainly heard about it from Eddie Miller, the newly elected leader of Sibuna (there was also another new member, KT Rush, an American who had joined the school that year). Apparently, some great evil tried to take over the world once more and Robert Frobisher-Smythe wasn't actually dead and woken up in order to gather souls for a spirit to devour; yeah, Eddie Miller wasn't too happy about that being his first task to face when elected Sibuna leader, and it was safe to say that he had called Nina Martin and yelled that whatever she had found out about there being less danger when The Chosen One and The Osirian were kept apart was absolute bullsh- well... he used quite colourful language, to put it nicely.

Then, there was the whole incident with The Touchstone of Ra, which led to Eddie Miller sacrificing his life in order to protect everyone else. For a moment, they thought he was dead - however, it was The Osirian that died. His powers were gone. Whilst it seemed like a bad thing, there was a positive that came out of it:

Nina Rutter didn't have to worry about being around Eddie Miller and causing more danger, and therefore, an Anubis House reunion seemed to be quite plausible.

And, thus, that was what she set out to do... although, it was a little late - ten years late, to be precise.

However, all of the residents were pretty busy once their lives at the House of Anubis came to an end; it was hard to find a day where everybody was able to come and visit (especially with some residents living in America and having to fly over), plus a day in which they'd be able to go back to Anubis House because, if they wanted to do an Anubis reunion, it had to be done at the Anubis House - at least, Amber Millington claimed those were the rules. Fortunately for them, Trudy Rehmann, their always-smiling saviour, still worked in Anubis House and she was never able to say no to her former residents, which was how they managed to get permission to have a reunion back at Anubis House one day.

That one day was today.

Of course, Nina Rutter had spoken to a few of her former housemates on numerous occassions - hell, she had even seen some of them in person (namely, Fabian Rutter (obviously), Eddie Miller, Patricia Williamson-turned-Miller, and Amber Millington)! However, ever since she left after her second year, she had not seen all of them in the same room - she had yet to even meet KT Rush and Willow Jenks in person! So, it was safe to say that she was somewhat nerves, feeling her hands become clammy and causing her to wipe them on her jeans.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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