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For my best friend <3 this is mostly fluffy, with a slight misunderstanding. I'm sorry if you don't like tickle fights... he's just so playful I couldn't not include that aha

A/N: "Y/N" is also gender neutral, and will always be in my writing unless stated for a certain reason, I hope everyone can feel included.


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"Ugh... what time is it?" you whispered to yourself groggily, barely reaching your arm out to your phone next to you.

"Who cares? IT'S TIME FOR TICKLES!" Bokuto squealed enthusiastically, jumping up and down before literally throwing himself onto you for the tickle fight. Normally you would love these moments, you were both so similar. But you were not feeling it, last night you had studied for hours on end and you just needed some quiet time, something he couldn't understand the desire for.

You couldn't bear to hurt his feelings because of your exhaustion, so you just decided to endure it all. Confused at the lack of reactions from you, Bokuto paused, a disappointed look forming on his face. 

"Y/N... why? Have I done something wrong? Am I a bad friend? Tell me! I'll make it right." 

Oh no. You forgot how much he can blame himself sometimes, despite the fact that he is everything someone could want, and even more. However, you were just too tired to explain everything.

"It's nothing." you mumbled, your heavy eyelids forcing your eyes shut.

"Y/N! Don't lie to me! Do you think I don't know you or something?" he cried

"No it's not that, I'm just really tired and-" but before you could finish your sentence, he rushed out of the living room, grabbing his keys and heading out of the house. You were just about to go after him, but sleep won you over. Instantly, your eyes forced themselves shut, and you headed back to dream land.

~POV: Bokuto~

Why didn't I realise Y/N was tired... UGH! I've messed up. The least I can do is buy their favourite chocolates... right? It's nowhere near enough, but I know how much they love them.(if you can't have/don't like it, imagine something else you love)


You finally woke up, yawning loudly. The living room was mostly dark, the only light coming from the bright city in front of you. In the distance, the kitchen was lit up, and Bokuto was standing there, his head in his hands. Feeling energised after your long nap, you sprinted over to him with guilt, pulling him into a big bear hug.

"Bokuto, I can't be more sorry. I know you just wanted to make me happy and-"

"Y/N, don't worry! I should not have taken everything out on you. Let's put this behind us, we don't need to fall out over small things. Besides... I BOUGHT CHOCOLATE! Let's watch a movie and chill out, you need to relax every once in a while."  he chuckled, his mood instantly becoming joyful.

"Sounds good to me! I'll get the snacks ready" you laugh, his happiness transferring onto you. He was like the Sun.

~5 minutes later~

The table was laid out, packed full with colourful sweets and chocolates that could have lasted you for centuries. Bokuto picked up the remote control, about to put the movie on.

"Wait! Not yet!" you said

"Why? Do you need more snacks?" he joked, he could be such a tease sometimes. 

"No. Well... maybe... Want a tickle fight before?" you sheepishly asked

"OF COURSE!" his eyes lit up completely, a big laugh already coming out of his mouth. "I bet I'll win again!"

A/N: Thank you for reading, this is the first fanfiction I have written and it took a surprisingly long time to write haha. I hope you somewhat enjoyed this! 

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