16. Almost got it

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"Okay, lets being."
After Stephen spoke, I stood in the center of the room like he made me do last time.
"Okay, focus." He stated.
"Should I take the dampener off?"
"Not yet."
I was confused but I didn't question him. I closed my eyes, holding the new dagger in my right hand.
"Now, clear your mind. Think of nothing."
I took a deep breath, trying to eliminate the thoughts once again.
"Imagine this. A cloud forming above your head, lighting and electricy rumbling inside it. In front of you, an enemy, a creature you have to attack. The electricy from above you travels down from the cloud, into your body, you lift your dagger as the electricity passes down your arm and into the blade. Got it?"
"Yeah, I've got it."
"Okay, now, push the power through the Dagger and into the enemy."
I did as he said, picturing it clearly. When I opened my eyes I realised the burn mark on the wall opposite me. On my right, Stephen stood with my dampener in his hand.
"You took it off?"
"You were very focused. Well done. Let's do more."

And we did, God, we did so much more. After five hour of that, I was beyond exhausted. Dr Strange offered to let me stop more than once but I kept going, desperate to get my shots right.
"How are we doing in here?" Tony walked into the room happily. I was on my knees, basically panting so the look on his face when he saw me was justifiable.
"She won't stop working." Stephen laughed. I looked up at Tony and shrugged.
"I've almost got it right."
"Got what right?"
"Y/n is trying to circle her electricity around her body without burning anything in the process." Strange answered.
"Is that right?" Tony smirked at me.
"I'll get it eventually." I rubbed my hands on my trousers before getting up with a stumble. Both Tony and Stephen stepped up to catch me and it made me laugh.
"Maybe you should take a break now." Tony stated.
"Agreed." I turned to Stephen. "Same time tomorrow?"
Stephen nodded and I waved goodbye to both of them before leaving the room.

It was a pretty weird dreamWhere stories live. Discover now