normal day in zone 12

Start from the beginning

Soldier 3: Cover me, I'm reloading

Lukas: Fuck, everyvone hi...

before I could finish, more arrows flew in and killed all my partners, the last arrow was supposed to be for me but fortunately I dodged at the last moment and the arrow just hit the tube leading to my oxygen max, I landed hard on the ground when I tried to lift someone's foot pushed me back to the ground, I looked back and saw that it was a female wolf

??? : My human language may not be very good, but let me tell you, you will die today

she drew her bow and aimed at my head, I waited for me to die, but another wolf ran in and saved me at the last moment

??? : great huntress Diana, before you kill this disgusting human, you should know that the people from the camp captured your sister

Timeskip 1 hour early 

Liam PoV

I was finishing work on AMP when I heard someone calling from the watchtower 

Soldier 27: Attention !!! approaching wolf fur

 everyone quickly prepared for the fighting position, I did not know what was happening when one of the soldiers threw me SCAR-H 

 Soldier 12: Hey you new one, come with me

I nodded and followed him to the main gate of the fence, through the fence I saw a black female wolf with white hair, his arms raised and giving up, she looked quite nervous, just like the others I aimed my weapon at her. 

 ??? : hello, human 

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??? : hello, human 

they all stopped and looked at each other incomprehensibly

??? : I would like to ask you for help when everyone heard it they started laughing ¨

soldier 33: why should we help you ?

 ??? : m-my father, h-he is injured, he needs medical treatment

 everyone started laughing again

 soldier 12: so you're unlucky, you won't get help from us 

 the fur tried to say something, but another soldier came running up and shot a sleeping arrow in her throat, she tried to run away but the sedative immediately took over and she fell to the ground

then the soldiers walked over to her and tied her up

 Liam: What do you want to do with her now? 

 soldier 12: let her suffer in the middle of the camp, let all the furs see that we are not afraid to fight 

 I watched this fur being pulled into the middle of the camp and tied to a pole, they had to use a lot of rope, because these furs are big enough, when they finished their work everyone laughed out loud and left, I saw her wake up for a moment and looked at me 

 Liam: You shouldn't have come here 

 then I turned and left

Diana PoV

 when I returned to the hunters, they pointed to the middle of the camp where my sister was actually tied up 

 Diana: bastards 

 ??? : * cough * well the card seems to have turned * cough *

 I turned back to the human we had captured, now sitting tied to a tree 

 Diana: You should keep quiet human

 he started laughing with all his might, I couldn't hold on and punched him in the stomach, it seemed to hurt him a lot, now he tried his best not to breathe 

 Lukas PoV 

 breathing now was quite difficult for me, we are running out of oxygen fast, I try not to take a deep breath and not faint 

 Diana: Stupid human 

 she kicked me again, this time in the lungs, I couldn't breathe anymore, I started choking, I took a breath of the local air 

 Diana PoV 

 as soon as I kicked the human again, he started coughing a lot, after about a while he closed his eyes and didn't move 

 Diana: Human? 

he didn't answer me, I called the other hunters and they checked him out, then they told me he was dead 

 Diana: WHAT ??? 

fur hunter: yes great hunter diana, he is true dead

 how is that possible ?, these human faces are strong but they will die almost anyway

fur hunter: what now?

great huntress Diana I thought for a while, we can try to exchange prisoners, ours is dead, but they won't find out until we attack them 

 Diana: everyone get ready,

Fur Hunter: What are your plans? 

Diana: we'll arrange a prisoner exchange with them, as soon as they open the gate to get my sister back to me, we'll attack and destroy this place with them

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