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Felicity felt the churning of guilt in the pit of her stomach as soon as the words were out.

Not because she told Oliver told them all about Sara and what happened on the island. She did still feel the guilt she had when she told aoliver about his mother, Malcom and Thea. No- she doesn't regret because she cannot allow herself to. The knowledge she shared is important, so important.

Oliver needs to know.

What she regrets is the lie .

Too practiced to not come out.

She doesn't want secrets from Oliver. He's too important and his trust in her is too... important.

And she hates herself a little for not telling the truth then.

I faked my death and ran away six years ago and by the way, my dad's like the most famous superhero in the world.

She tells the lie instead.

When she's alone in her little apartment afterward, snuggled up in her fleece pajamas with her hands gripped tightly around a mug of hot chocolate, she starts to think.

Felicity starts to think about Peter and if he was alright. She starts to get scared that Peter and her family didn't move on from her death, that what she did was wrong but she knows she can't think this-she has to be able to save them and if she isn't, who really is she?

She is protecting them.

That's the only thing that keeps her going.

Oliver had no idea- Felicity was more broken than he could even imagine.

Felicity had always been the odd one out in the whole group. Being an IT girl of the one and only, dark and brooding Oliver Queen except when he's being a vigilante out there in streets of Starling City, not only gave her a limit on her social life but her love life too.

It was pretty easy to balance out her day and night job but she still wanted to go out and have a few drinks without Oliver breathing down her neck. Not that Felicity loved it when he breathed down her but it was getting a little irritating and she needed a little love in her life so she could move on with her day.

Except Peter never left her shattered heart.

She doesn't get to move on with her day and she's stuck in the foundry because there's some gun dealers in the Glades and Oliver had a hard time catching up to them because they all split up into different directions. Dig was in the foundry beside her, getting a little worried about how long it's taking Oliver to track them all down.

"Felicity! Where are they?" Oliver yelled into the comm while he jumped off the building ledge and onto the top of another. He tried spotting one of them but there was no silhouettes in sight.

"Um," Felicity bit down on her lip as her fingers flew across the keyboard. "There's three below you and the other five are on your North and South. They're heading towards you."

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