"Why you-" she then raise her hand

"Reenée, she's not worth it" Another one come out from a changing stall

"Oh my gosh, I need to head to practice. If all of you want Hugo or Daxton just go for it can't you?" I say as I try to walk to the other stall

"But can't you see you're in our way?" she look at me

"Seriously? They're just my friends Quinn. Beside why don't the 3 of you fight each other? Since there's only 2 of them" I said, walking in to the direction of an empty stall.

"You know she's does have a point though" Reenée say

"Well, I'm prettier. So why don't the both of you fight each other? " Quinn anwser

"Excuse me? You can clearly see that Daxton was checking me out during lunch. He's totally in to me" Claris then argue

"You? Ridiculous" Quinn reply

And the argument between the trio  keeps on going. I quickly change into my Derby outfit before I'm really REALLY late for practice

As I arrive at the field, I saw Minimus standing right beside Daxton and his horse

"Did you took Minimus out?" I ask

"Yup, here. All ready to take off" He then pass me Minimus reign.

"Thanks Daxton" I reply as I pet Minimus muzzle

"How are you Minimus? Ready?" I ask him with a smile as I guide him to the racing tracks

"Born ready!" Minimus anwser

"Then let's go" I say as I hop on Minimus's back "Hyah!"

With that Minimus then kick off from the ground and fly straight in to the air.

"So the same old usual practice?" Minimus ask

"What about we try something new?" I ask

"What is it?" he reply

"The new stunt that we learned recently. "

"You sure? It's quite dangerous. Remember you nearly fell from -"

"It was an accident, I know-"

"Sofia!" a voice call

"Hey Sofia!" another voice then call from another direction

"Hugo, what is it?" I look at him

Before Hugo anwser my question, he was looking at the other direction where Daxton is

"Remember about the race?"

"The race? Oh yes the race. I'll meet you at the start" I say as I fly over to Daxton

"You called?" I ask

"Umm yea I did, but it's not that important now, Hugo's waiting" he then point towards Hugo

"Uh sure, well I'll see you later"

"Yea later"

"You ready?" Hugo ask with a smirk

"Always" I reply with a confident eye

"Ready?!" The coach say as he held up a red flag as the others came to watch

"Go Hugo!" The princesses cheer

"C'MON YOU TWO!" the Derby team then shout


"GO!" Our coach then swing the green flag as both of our horse starts to run

"C'mon Minimus! Hyah!" I say with excitement

"Going!" Minimus say as he kick off the ground

Minimus then flap his wings as fast as he could to catch up onto Hugo and Electra. We then went past through some hoop holes and some bars that would pop up spontaneously.

"Catch me if you can Sofia" Hugo say as he look at me "Hyah!"

"It's so on!" I shout as Minimus nod

We then went around the the fountain before heading to the last obstacles, the tower.

"Minimus I trust you, we can beat them if we use that stunt  after we  ring the bell" I say as I look up where Hugo and Electra who was already reaching the top

"Ding" The bell then ring

"Whenever you're ready Sof" Minimus say as we flew to the top where I then pull the string of the bell "Ding----"

We then fly downwards as Minimus speed up as he started spinning clockwise to speed like a bullet. We then fly past Hugo as we arrive to the finish line

"WAY TO GO SOFIA!" the Derby team cheer

"How did you even do that??" One of them ask

"That stunt is brilliant!"

"You always pull lots of crazy stunts, that's insane. " Hugo say as Electra walk towards us

"Hugo your just 4 second behind Sofia. Keep it up and you could beat Sofia one day" Coach say as he gave Hugo's horse a pat

"Yes sir"

"Sofia, still the best! Great job, I assume your are already prepare for the upcoming race" he say as he shake my hand

"Maybe, I still have to practice some more" I say with a smile

"Not bad. Keep up the good work. " he say

"You might be better at Derby-" Hugo was then interupt by me

"No matter what I'm better than you in Derby, but you forever will be the best at ice skating" I smile at him

Hugo then gave me a warm smile and then he hug me

"And you forever will be more than a friend to me" he say

"More than a friend?" I ask in confusion

"Uh best friend of course. "

"haha you think I would believe that?" I then look at him with a soft smile

"Hey it doesn't mean that I like you. I just-"

"Right okay okay" I say as I place my hand on his shoulder "Don't need to explain more already sports boy, or you might make me think that you really like me" I gave him a smirk

"Yea right" he anwser

(A/N: I really am procrastinating on the next chapter 😔. I'll try my best to upload it as soon as possible. Happy New Year to all of you!! All the best in everything. To those who's taking exam this year, good luck!!)

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