Part 6

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                                                                                           3:56 am

Damon: stef where are you

Caroline: Its.. 3 FUCKING AM

Damon: then why are you awake

Caroline: I can't sleep 

Stefan: what do u want

Damon: You're not in the house

Stefan: ok..?


Stefan: why do you give a damn

Elena: he's with me, why?

Damon: what do you mean 'he's with me' you burnt your house down 

Elena: we're at the lake house

Damon: WHAT

Jeramy: so stelena is back then

Elena: jer go to sleep

Jeramy: I WAS sleeping you guys woke me up 

Damon: Wait you two are together again?!

Stefan: well physically we are in the same room-

Elena: no, were not 'together' again

Damon: then what are you two doing in the same room?

Elena: last time I checked your not my guardian

Damon: right yeah one sec

                        Damon has added Alaric to 💞besties💞

Elena: wtf was the point of that

Alaric: nu-uh leave me outta this

                        Alaric has left 💞besties💞

Stefan: Elena and I were feeling cooped up in the house so we both decided to go somewhere else 

Katherine: That or their hot bodied collided in one hot night of passion

Damon: stfu

Katherine: make me

Jeramy: wait I'm confused so are you guys back together or what

Elena: why do u care

Caroline: bc we need to know

Stefan: why tho

Caroline: because-

Damon: because you would be stealing my gf stefan 

Klaus: Wait didn't you do that exact same thing to stefan tho

Stefan: YEAH

Stefan: and its not even what you think it is

Damon: FIRST OF ALL, Klaus why tf r u awake a 3 am

Klaus: I never sleep :)

Damon: and SECOND OF ALL, in a room with Elena and stefan unexpected things happen

Elena: so I can't even be in a room with your BROTHER  without you getting mad?

Damon: im not mad-

Stefan: yes u r

Elena: and were not even dating so why do u care-

Damon: I DONT

Stefan: chill


Rebekah: Its probably his morning temper

Stefan: oh yeah probably is


Rebekah: see what I mean?


Damon: blondie u stfu what happened with u and big bad wolf

Caroline: why do you care-

Klaus: well Caroline and I are rather peachy if u ask me

Caroline: by that he means we're friends again

Matt: care, he tortured me-

Kol: how is he still alive

Kai: ikr

Bonnie: btw kai how is it in the brand new prison world I trapped you in?

Kai: oh yk just looking for a away to get myself out of here

Bonnie: well you can stop wasting your time because I made sure that theres no eclipse or any loopholes for you to bust yourself out :)

Freya: why exactly is he in there?

Bonnie: because he is a danger to everyone 

Kai: I was literally just asking to be ur friend

Bonnie: right after abusing me, torturing me, forcing me into doing a spell

Kai: well thats too bad because thanks to the service there is in here I flirted my way into another little witches heart and now she's gonna let me out:D

Bonnie: WHAT-

Elijah: I can assure you my sister freya is not that easily won over

Freya: I never had anything to do with this..

Kai: not her..

                       Kai has added Davina Claire into 💞besties💞

Davina: ...hello?

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