{ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖} - 𝔼𝕕𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕕

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"Get the hell up! Get the hell out of here!" Henry shouted at me. The bitch never even raised his voice, his yelling shot some surprise in me. I felt his large hand smack down onto my blanket, and he violently drew it off of me. I squinted my eyes as the sunshine hit me.

Yes, I was hiding under my blanket. I didn't expect Henry to grab onto my wrist and literally yank me out of my bed. I fell onto the tile floor with a loud groan. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I asked, my morning voice taking the seriousness out of it. "I'm getting you out. The deal is off, you're not living up to your goddamn promise." Henry let go of my wrist and stormed over to my closet, and began to throw all my clothes into the ragged bag I've had since high school.

"Wait-" I laughed. "You're kicking me out? Didn't know you had it in ya." Henry wasn't In the mood for my shit, but it was still worth it to annoy the fuck out of him. "I'm done with your crap. I'm sick of it." He angrily zipped up the bag and threw it at me. "Put on a jacket, socks, and shoes, and get out." He stared down at me, his eyes strong and stern as steel. I couldn't fuck with that gaze.

I sheepishly got up, scurrying over to the front door, doing what he said. I opened the door to run out, but I felt Henry's hand latch onto my hood, and he slammed my face against the wall. "I actually feel like walking you out of here so you don't do no funny shit on me." He hissed, and then dragged me to the elevator.

The ride down was awful. He threw me out of the apartment lobby onto the disgusting city sidewalk. I had 5 more bruises than I did before. "If I ever see your face near this building again, you know what's coming." And like that, he left me. I don't entirely blame him. I was a lazy fuck and I broke my promise to him and dad. I got up and quickly walked away from the rich ass apartment, not wanting any more of that bullshit.

This was better. No more responsibility, no more Henry, no more dad, and all the freedom in the world. Wait. I opened my wallet. He took my card. I had 400 dollars in cash and that was it. Did he just send me to my death? How the fuck is anyone gonna live off 400 fucking bucks? Fuck.

Should I beg on my knees at his door? No, that's pathetic. More pathetic than I already am. Like, more pathetic than losing a game at home. Begging to be let back into your brother's home is one of the most pathetic things ever.

I'll make a living. I'll do it. I don't need them. I don't need that stupid job. I laughed. Henry is so dumb. He has made the worst and best decision for me. This won't be bad. I can find a job. A real shitty job that doesn't require college with a shitty pay. Yes, I'll do that. Maybe? Yes of course. Wait a minute.

How long have I just been standing on this sidewalk? I looked around. People were walking around me as I just stood there. I looked like a dumbass. I quickly started walking, I don't know where I would go, but I knew I had to go somewhere. The park maybe? I could sort my mind out there. Yes, I'll do that.

The park was empty, but looked rather pretty. That's coming from a 23 year old now homeless bitch. This was the only place I could crash now. I sat down on a nearby bench, and sighed. "That fucker..." I muttered to myself. I then realized I hadn't had anything to eat or drink for the whole day.

Shit, I had to have at least a drink. I remember seeing a quiet little bar around here one time. On Google maps. Whatever, I could find it. It was just a little harder cause my phone was smashed when Henry threw me on the ground. But how hard would it be to find a damn bar?

Thankfully it wasn't a long walk. But it was a long enough walk to make my lazy ass grunt when I took my seat on the barstool and set my heavy ass backpack down. Homeless? Nothing a couple beers can't fix. God, I looked so pathetic. Homeless and getting drunk. I'd probably end up vomiting  a disease filled alleyway then eat rat shit or something.

I'm gonna end up eating convenience store food and drink bottled water from now on. Or convenience store beer. Im gonna get skinny as fuck eating small meals. And I might get kidnapped cause im gonna sleep on a park bench. I ended up having 3 drinks. I was only a little tipsy. I left a 20 and left back to the park, or should I say my new home.

Can't say I'm too surprised. If you can't live up to the standards, you're out. It's fuckin' plain as day. But I was arrogant. Independent. Bitchy. Lazy...There was a reason for it all that they didn't care for. Then they finally kicked me to the curb. I mean if I die it's on them, so maybe they'll get fucked.

I laid my body across the bench. This was uncomfortable as fuck. My shoulder blades were like pushing me off the bench. My feet were right up against the arm rest. "Hopefully my shit won't get stolen." I muttered, looking down at my bag under the bench.I looked around one last time. I got a real good look of the place. It looked creepy. Like it was from some stupid movie.

I was like in the hotspot for some kidnapper or hit-man right now. But I was only worried about the single giant bag I had with all my shit. Well no shit, its all my shit! Gosh, I've been rambling and rambling in my head all night and overthinking everything I need to do, my head was gon a explode. I needed rest. I shut my eyes, huddled up in my jacket,and hoped for the best.

{:ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕: 𝕄𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕟! 𝕄𝕒𝕫𝕄 ℍ𝕪𝕕𝕖 𝕏 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣:}Where stories live. Discover now