I could hear Raven's muffled screams, black dots clouding my vision.

"Get away from her!" I tried shouting, but my words barely came out a whisper. I could feel myself being thrown over someone's shoulder as I struggled to stay awake.

I was thrown down on a chair and could feel my hands being tied up. I was too weak to fight them off as they tied a piece of cloth around my mouth as a gag. I forced myself to stay awake.

Emerson stood in the middle of the airlock chamber. Harper, Jess, Monty, Octavia, Bryan, Miller, Raven and Jasper were all tied up as well.  I was beside Raven, closest to the door. Emerson had taken all of my weapons and everyone else's. He had taken on of the radios, too.

"Emerson. I know you're listening," Clarke said over the radio. "We need to talk." 

Emerson brought the walkie talkie to his lips. "I don't need to do anything," He replied sharply. "You should have killed me when you had the chance."

For once, Emerson was right.

"And now you're here to kill me, is that it?" Clarke replied.

"Something like that."

"Then let my friends go. Do that, and you can have me," Clarke demanded, her voice slightly muffled over the transmitter. He wasn't going to do that. Even if Clarke handed herself in, which I dearly hoped she wouldn't, he wouldn't have gone through all this trouble to tie us up for nothing. He had other plans in mind, I just didn't know what.

"You're brave, Clarke. I'll give you that," Emerson praised. "They're lucky to have a friend like you. Come to the airlock, no weapons. Right now."

No. She couldn't. I mustered up all my strength, struggling in my seat, trying to get free.

"Stop squirming, black blood," Emerson snapped, aiming a knife at me, which only made me fight even more. He could kill me for all I cared, just as long as he didn't hurt my friends. I still had tears staining my face from Sinclair. 

Clarke came up to the airlock with her hands held up in surrender. "I held up my part of the deal. Now, let my friends go."

"Tell Bellamy to show himself first," Emerson ordered, standing beside Octavia. 

"I don't know what you're-" Clarke started but was cut off by a groan coming from Octavia as Emerson punched her in the stomach and pulled back her hair to hold a knife to her throat. 

Bellamy immediately came into view, holding a gun. "No!" He shouted.

"Good. Now, take out the clip and throw it down the hall," He ordered the curly haired boy. "Put the gun on the ground and get inside."

I made direct eye contact with Bellamy, as if to telepathically say to him 'don't do it.'

"Please. You wanted me. I'll get inside once you let them go," Clarke reasoned. 

"I was talking to Bellamy," Emerson snarled, not loosening his grip on Octavia and slowly drawing the knife across the bottom of her neck, drawing a line of blood. He knew Octavia was Bellamy's weakness.

"Okay, okay. Just... just stop," Bellamy yelled, taking one hand off his gun and holding it up in surrender.

Clarke turned around to face Bellamy and shook her head. "Bellamy, don't," She whispered. Emerson drew the knife back on Octavia's throat to the position he started at. Bellamy obeyed Emerson's orders, taking the clip off the gun and throwing it down the hall, disarming himself of any other weapons he had and walked up to the airlock.

He stepped inside and Emerson didn't release his grip on Octavia. "Those are yours," The Mountain Man said to Bellamy, nodding to a pair of handcuffs that was attached to the wall beside me. Bellamy walked up to them and put the cuffs on himself, looking down at me and giving me a comforting nod as if to tell me everything was going to be okay.

It was only after Bellamy had the cuffs on when Emerson released his hold on Octavia, practically throwing her out of his grasp. I looked at Harper across from me with scared eyes, she was almost in tears. Her face was red and glistening with sweat. We were all terrified.

Emerson took out a pistol and aimed it at Clarke. "Get on your knees, Clarke." Clarke reluctantly obeyed. "Put your hands behind your head." She slowly obeyed again. He stepped outside the airlock, still aiming the gun at Clarke. We all squirmed in our places with anger. He couldn't kill Clarke.

But he didn't. Instead, he shut the doors to the airlock. He was going to kill us. He was going to suck the air out of our lungs. And he was going to force Clarke to watch.

"No!" Clarke shouted. "You can do anything you want with me, okay? Just let them go," She pleaded as we watched Emerson go behind her and grab her, aggressively pushing her up against the door of the airlock. He held one arm around her neck and with the other, aimed the gun at the back of her head.

"You murdered 381 people," Emerson seethed as Clarke whimpered in his grasp. "You took the lives of my children, my brother, my friends. Did you really think that I would be happy with just one life in return?"

He pulled Clarke back to the control panel and hit the button on the panel to take the oxygen out. The lights turned red in the room as we heard the robotic voice over the PA. "Airlock five. Oxygen Venting."

We were all gasping for air. Emerson had Clarke pushed up against the door, forcing her to watch us. I struggled in my seat, struggling for air. I knew I would go out faster than anyone else simply because I'm younger and have a smaller lung capacity. I was just wishing for it to end.

Black spots clouded my vision as I struggled to breathe even more. I then allowed the darkness to consume me, preparing myself to see all the people I'd lost again.

All of a sudden, I could feel the air coming back to me. My eyes slowly opened.

"O, Lia, you guys okay?" I heard Bellamy weakly grumble. I couldn't speak due to the gag that was still around my mouth but gave a muffled 'mhm' in response. 

Clarke had used the Flame to kill Emerson. Titus was right. When a person without the blood takes the flame, the Flame takes their life.

Bellamy, not understanding the 'without the blood' part of the information, had settled even more into his mindset that the Flame was not going anywhere near my head.

That night, Bellamy gathered Lincoln and Sinclair's bodies. We were going to burn them respectfully. They deserved to be let go the right way. We laid their bodied out on logs and said our goodbyes individually.

"May we meet again," I pressed a hand to Sinclair's shoulder. Back on the Ark, Sinclair was my father's best friend. I used to call him 'Uncle Jacapo' when I little. He taught me about mechanics and acted as a second father to me. He came to visit me when I was locked up as much as he could, despite his busy schedule. Sinclair was a good man. He died trying to save Raven and I. He deserved better.

Yu gonplei ste odon, Sinclair kom Skaikru.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim," I went over to Lincoln's wrapped up body and said the same thing I said to Sinclair, but in Trigedasleng. I owed so much to him. He taught me about my blood and kept me alive all this time. Lincoln was my family. He was kind. He was loyal and had a big heart. He cared about his people and fought for what he believed in. I was going to miss him.

Yu gonplei ste odon, Lincoln kom Trikru.


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