long distance B.W

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This was suggested by gwen85190 hope you like it

Gwen's POV
I wake up to someone saying "turn that alarm off" I look over and turn off my alarm and see my boyfriend bryan williams slightly awake "why didn't you hang up"
I say "because when you fell asleep you looked cute so I couldn't" Bryan says and I can't help but smile

No ones POV

Gwen got up from bed but Bryan wouldn't hang up they both knew long distance was hard but still managed to talk to each other and call and text and when they could

Gwen's POV
"Bubs I need to hang up" Bryan just looked at her and gave the puppy dog eyes "stop it you know I can't say no" Bryan then says"don't hang up pweaaaaaassssseeeee" I can't help but laugh "I'm hanging up but we can face time later" Bryan says "no you hang up I'm going to cry"
"No don't cry" I say with a slight laugh "then don't hang up"

No ones POV

So the never ended the call well until Bryan had to go live but they mange to do long distance and still get stuff done Bryan finally convinced gwen to fly out to see Bryan and tell meet his brother and a year later they cut the distance they bought a house of their own of course Chris moved in to and they all lived happily ever after the end

Hope you liked it

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