Chapter Sixteen

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Stephanie stumbled sharply, for at least the fourth or fifth time in the last few seconds, and stopped with a frustrated exhale. She'd hoped the area around the makeshift barracks would be easier to navigate now that the ground was dry but she hadn't taken into account the countless boots that had walked through it when it was mud. The result was dirt shoved into mounds and divots leaving it almost more uneven and difficult to walk through than when it had been wet.

It didn't help that she hadn't worn her stupid Lady Liberty boots for long enough to have nearly forgotten how to walk in them. The last thing she wanted was to have a broken ankle set her back just when she'd started to get where she'd always wanted to go.

She chewed on her lower lip absently, looking around at the tents and men wandering through them. At the edge of her vision she suddenly caught sight of one of the men from Bucky's tent, the older one who'd spoken to her initially, and she quickly called out to him. He paused mid-step, turned and came toward her.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Stephanie said. She held up the bundle of clothing she was clutching in her arms. "I said I'd bring his uniform back but I seem to be in danger of snapping an ankle on my way. Would it be too much trouble to ask for an escort?"

"Of course not," he said, offering her an arm. Stephanie grinned in relief and moved the bundle of clothing to one arm as she wrapped her other around his bicep. "I was nearly ready to take off these dratted shoes and just go barefoot." She frowned as a thought occurred to her. "I just realized I never asked your name before. I'm sorry."

"You weren't exactly having the best of days," he replied as they started walking. "And the name is Jefferson, ma'am. Jefferson Michaels."

Stephanie nodded and relaxed as he led her through the barracks, managing to find the flattest routes through sheer experience of having walked them repeatedly. It wasn't long before she spotted Bucky's tent, the flaps pinned back to allow the early morning sun and cool air to drift inside. Jefferson stopped a few feet away and tipped an imaginary hat to her. "Here we are. I believe he's inside, or at least he was the last I saw him."

"Thank you," Stephanie said.

"I think it would be more appropriate to thank you, ma'am," he said in reply. "I've lost a lot of friends over here and it's thanks to you I haven't lost more."

Stephanie felt herself flush with embarrassment. She was continuing to get a lot of gratitude on an almost daily basis. She kept insisting it wasn't just her, that they'd have never made it back without a joint effort but the response was that effort wouldn't have been possible if she hadn't been there to initiate it.

Now she simply nodded in a quiet response and stood as Jefferson continued on his way. After he was gone she turned and walked to the entrance of the tent. It was empty except for Bucky who she spotted immediately seated on the edge of his small cot. He had the sheaf of paper from his footlocker balanced on one leg and was in the process of writing a letter, his head bowed low over the page as he concentrated.

Stephanie felt her heart jump at the sight of him and Tony's words drifted through her mind, for about the twentieth or so time since he'd spoken them. Mentally, she made a note to yell at him later before he left. Thanks to him she'd started questioning everything Bucky said and did, trying to puzzle out how Tony had come to the conclusion he had. She'd also started questioning her own actions. She'd never been in love, had no idea what it even felt like, but surely she would know if she was, right? She'd seen her parents, Bucky's parents, couples in the halls at school. She knew what love looked like and, yes, she would admit she and Bucky did not entirely act like friends all the time. But they'd been together forever, even having sleepovers as little kids where they'd slept in one giant tangle in the same bed. Their relationship was simply different was all. People might not understand it but that didn't automatically mean it must be romantic.

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