Lucifer's Snake Game Pt.2 (4)

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All the books on that shelf.. had white covers that looked all the same.
"What the actual fuck." Hiroshi says, looking at the covers.


(!!Y/N'S POV!!)
"What the hell.." I say in shock. How the hell are we going to look through all these books to find the right one? And what are we even looking for? Anything out of order, I guess.

"I think we should start looking through the shelf. Hey, you!" I say, then point at the younger boy, "Lemme on your shoulders so I can reach the top shelf." He nods, then bends down. I then jump onto his back then pull myself onto his shoulders. "Another one of you guys can use the ladder over there," I say, pointing at the ladder on the opposite wall.

"20 minutes left."

The older man grabs the ladder and starts searching through the middle shelf. I start looking through the top shelf for anything out of place. I take off my hoodie to see better because it was starting to get hot here.

"I think I found it!" The crying girl says, showing a book with all empty pages except one. I hop off the younger boy's shoulders and look at the book.

'I'm tiny, and I'm somewhere in this room. I might be hard to see, but move some books around, and you might find me. Although something you use to climb up usually sits right in front of me.'

"Wait, where was the ladder before?" I ask.
"Over there!" The older man says and points to the wall it was previously on.

Everyone scurries over there, pulling out books and pushing each other around. The nervous girl pulls out one book, making the whole shelf open up. "Found it!" She shouts. Everyone runs through the pathway to another room with the rifle locked in a box with a chest, with paper stuck to it, next, and bible pages attached to the walls. I grab the piece and start reading it over.

'The serpent replied that she would not surely die.'

"I'm guessing we need to find which page this is from," I say.

"10 minutes left."

"Crap," I say, then look around for the word serpent, and so does everyone else. This is taking too long.

"5 minutes left."

"Found it! The code is 34!" The nervous girl shouts. I run to the box and input the code. Then the box clicks open, revealing a picture of the older lady. Screams echo in my ears as my eyes widen; I open the rifle case with the same code. I looked back and saw that the lady had slashed the two school girl's necks and was charging at the older man.

"You little bitch. This is why I never loved you, Mila. You're a psychopath. You easily faked being a good person this whole time. You've threatened my sisters and friends before. You're just awful." The younger boy says, kicking her backward. She goes flying into the wall, but she scrambles to her knees. "Y-your lying! You've always loved me! Everyone loves me! Your just a lying bastard!" She screams, eyes racing, hands shaking. She pulls her hair. "You lying asshole! You know you love me!" She stands up and charges at him. "I never loved you." He says, dodging her attacks and pushing her to the ground again. She slashes his leg. I load the gun and shoot her in the head before anyone else can get hurt.

I hear a ding, then a "Game Completed."

"You have a five-day VISA."

The choker that contained the poison finally fell off.

I then heard some groans from the younger boy and saw his leg bleeding badly from the lady's knife. I helped get him onto his feet and let him drape his arm onto my shoulder for support as we walked out of the game.

I grabbed my jacket and backpack from the library and saw a white table with a card on it. A 5 of hearts. I put it into my backpack and then led the man out.


I walk him to the department and escort him inside. I sit him down in one of the chairs and find a medical kit in one of the cabinets.

"This might sting.." I say, then put a wound cleanser onto his stab wound. He winces in pain. I clean off most of the blood, put gauze on it, and wrap it with a wrap. I learned how to do most stuff in the medical department from my roommate, Yusa, who was a nurse.

"Thank you for helping me.." The young man says.
"I'm still going to need to help you because I don't think you're going to be able to walk very well," I say.
"Fine then... can I know your name? Because I don't want to be somewhere and just have to call you '[Hair colored] girl' the whole time." He says.
"Fine. But only if you tell me your name too." I say with a small smile.
"Okay.." He says, looking away a little bit.
"I'm Y/n L/n. But you can call me Y/n."
"I'm Ito Hiroshi. Just call me Hiroshi."

I then walk him to my motorcycle and tell him to grip onto me tightly and not fall off.

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