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Okay, so I've been reading some fanfics about Percy being the son of Lupa and another god lately. So I wanted to take a crack at the scenario. Also, my greek and roman mythology may be a bit off, but please bare with me. Hope you like it. Please comment on how I did. This is my first Percy Jackson fanfic. Also...who do you ship with Percy? It must be yaoi. Straight...well...I only ship Percy and Zoë. 😊 Sorry to all the Percabeth fans out there, but I'm anti-Percabeth (hopefully I didn't just dig my own grave by saying that). But please enjoy!

Powerful paws hit the ground with great urgency. The brown furred wolf raced through the forest, trying her best to ignore the pain in her stomach and the water running down of her backside. This wolf is the Mother of Rome. Lupa.

The wolf goddess felt dirty. That bastard of a war god had raped her, and Lupa was horrified. As a virgin goddess, she was sworn to maidenhood, and that damn war god knew that! To make things worse, that damn war god soiled her in his Greek form! Of all the things to do, he had to rape her as Ares, not Mars, but Ares! Now she was pregnant with his child.

Her pup wouldn't be accepted by the Romans, nor the Greeks. Lupa prayed to whatever deity that had the slightest of sympathy towards her, that her pup would be accepted no matter what.

Lupa was thrown out of her ranting by a powerful kick to the stomach. The wolf goddess flinched, and then she remembered that it was also hers.

"Looks like you're in a bit of a pickle, Lupa," mused a dark voice from the shadows. Lupa's head snapped to the sound of the voice and growled the best she could. "Hades," she growled. The lord of the Underworld held up his hands in defiance and walked out of the shadows. "You have nothing to fear from me, Mother of Rome, unlike my baby brother, I happen to care for children, other than my own," he said.

Lupa stopped growling, but still kept up her guard. "What do you want," she asked with narrowed eyes. "Well, Persephone wants you to come down to the Underworld to have your pregnancy over with," Hades explained. Lupa relaxed a little bit more at the mention of her old friend.

"I appreciate it, Hades, but I would rather birth my pup in the wild," Lupa said. "I figured that, could Persephone at least come up here to help you through it?" Hades asked. The wolf goddess was hesitant, but nodded none the less. "Dear, you can come out now," Hades called.

Out of the shadows, the queen of the Underworld stepped out of the shadows with worry clear on her face. "How are you, Lupa?" she asked softly as she walked towards the wolf goddess. "Well, aside from the childbirth, just fine," Lupa growled weakly. Persephone smiles sadly, "Who was it?" she asked in a whispered tone.

"Not now, tell you later," Lupa panted. "Right, dear, carry Lupa into that cave over there," Persephone said as she pointed towards a nearby cave. "I'll walk there, thank you," the wolf snapped weakly. "Even in the middle of birthing, she's still independent," Hades mused as he picked up the wolf goddess, much to her displeasure.

"Put me down!" Lupa yipped. "Sorry, no can do," Hades replied as he entered the cave. "You can put her down now, dear," Persephone said as she too entered the cave. Hades nodded and laid Lupa down on the ground. The wolf goddess's stomach was glowing brightly by now. "Oh dear, it's a godling," Persephone gasped.

Lupa was too much in pain to snap at her friend. With a loud and pained howl, the cave was filled with a bright light. Once the light died down, laying near Lupa's stomach, was a small pup with black fur and red tipped ears and tail.

"Aww, he's so cute," Persephone cooed. Lupa smiled a little and leaned down and started to lick her pup clean. The pup whimpered and tried to paw its mother's tongue away, much to the amusement of it's mother and the two gods.

"So is it a boy or a girl?" Persephone asked curiously. Lupa flipped her pup over and saw that it was in fact a he. "It's a boy," the wolf goddess announced. "I can tell he's going to rather small when he grows up," Hades commented. "And I will love him even then," Lupa replied. Hades shrugged, "So, who's the lucky bastard who you broke your vow for?" he asked.

Lupa stiffened and looked away. A few seconds of silence passed, till Persephone gasped as realization hit her. "It wasn't were...raped," she whispered. Lupa didn't reply and she leaned down and nosed her sleeping pup. "Dear gods...who was it?" Persephone asked as she slowly sat down next to her friend.

"Ares..." Lupa whispered. The the couples' eyes widened in shock. "Dear gods...Lupa...I'm so sorry," Persephone whispered as she wrapped her arms around her friend's neck and hugged her.

The wolf goddess shook her head. "You have nothing to be sorry about, the Fates must have done this for a reason," she reasoned.

"Indeed they did do it for a reason," said an ancient voice from the entrance of the cave. All four gods snapped their head towards and gasped. Standing there was a tall man with black skin, bright eyes, and a dark business suit.

"And who would you be?" Hades asked with narrowed eyes. The man chuckled, "Stand down, son of Kronos and Rhea, I will not harm the mother of roman's child or any of you," he said. "That still didn't answer the question," Lupa growled. The man shook his head and stepped into the room. "I am Chaos," the man introduced.

The three gods gasped and bowed their heads in respect. Chaos shook his head, "Please, do not bow to me. I am not of the Olympians," he said. They were hesitant at first, but they raised their heads.

"Lord Chaos, if I may, why did you want me to birth this pup?" Lupa asked. "Ah, yes, but before I do tell. May I ask what you are going to name him?" Chaos asked. Lupa was caught by surprised by that.

"Perseus," Lupa answered after a few minutes of silence. Chaos smiled and his eyes sparkled with amusement. "Interesting name choice," he commented. Hades cleared his throat, "Can we continue?" he asked. "Hades!" Persephone scowled.

"It's alright, I tend to get sidetracked at times," Chaos said. "Well, can we continue?" Hades asked again. Chaos nodded, "Lupa, may I please see Perseus for a moment?" he asked. The mother of roman narrowed her eyes, but nodded slowly. "If he is harmed, your wolf food. First deity or not," she growled.

Chaos chuckled, "I swear by my name that I won't bring harm to your pup," he promised. Lupa nodded, but she still watched the deity with caution. Chaos closed his eyes and Perseus started to glow.

After a few minutes. Perseus stopped glowing and Chaos opened his eyes. Carefully, Chaos returned the pup to his mother. "All hail, Perseus, god of sins, heroes, and loyalty," he announced. All three of the gods' eyes widened. "You're kidding me, right?" Lupa asked. "No, I am not. Since Perseus is the child of two gods, he must be a god. Well...he doesn't have to be...but I would like him to be a god, then something else," Chaos explained.

Lupa nodded slowly and yawned. "So what is the other reason?" she asked. "You wanted a pup of your own. Don't try and lie to me, I have seen your face after you send a demigod to Camp Jupiter. You wanted a pup of your own, so I gave you one," Chaos said. "I thank you for my son, but why the war god?" Lupa asked. "Well...I don't really like him...sooooo...I kinda wanted your child to hate the war god's guts," Chaos confessed sheepishly.

Lupa laughed a little, "Fine, I'll let you off the hook for now," she said. Chaos chuckled, "I thank you for not feeding me to your pack," he said. "Shame, I'm sure you would give my pack a nice meal," Lupa yawned.

"Well, we better get going. Let you get some rest. Farewell," Chaos said with a nod and disappeared. "Dear, we better get going as well," Hades said. Persephone nodded, "Agreed. Goodbye, Lupa," the goddess of Springtime said. "Farewell," Lupa yawned as she curled up around her pup.

The Underworld's royal couple smiled at the sight and disappeared.

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