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"Hmm, is this really a good idea?"

Charlie was talking to her friend in a call.

"Probably no, the worst scenario would be you accidentally summoned a demon but I don't think that's gonna happen. Besides, it's just a book from a crappy website,"


Charlie was going to say something else until she stopped herself when she heard a thud in the living room.

"Hold on, I need to check something."

Charlie adjusted her glasses, armed herself with a bat and quietly went in the living room. She looked around to see nothing broken and looked down to see a woman with brown hair that was tied into a bun. The woman was wearing something that belonged to the 18th century and Charlie was shocked to realize the book actually worked. The woman woke up and checked her surroundings to see Charlie standing there. They were both equally terrified but the woman composed herself.

"May I ask where I am?"

Charlie gulped and took a deep breath.

"You're in my house. It's...going to take a long time to explain this. My name is Charlotte Andriette Vaillant, but you can call me Charlie!" Charlie extends her hand to the woman.

"I'm Elizabeth Hamilton." Elizabeth took Charlie's hand and Charlie helped her up.

"Well, I guess I have to explain this to you and you'll need to trust me here,"

"Alright," Elizabeth hesitantly replied and Charlie knew she just has to tell this to her friend.

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