"Theo!" Elizabeth shouted, causing him to physically jump up from his seat. "What's wrong?!" He shouted, grabbing onto his chest. The sight of her in the white tennis skirt and green jumper didn't help his breathing. "I've been calling your name for 10 minutes." She sounded worried. 

"Sorry. I was lost in thought I guess." Theo mumbled, trying to shake his head back to reality. They made their way to the town car and Theo still seemed pretty out of it. "Are you sure you're alright Theo?" Elizabeth questioned. She genuinely worried about him. 

Today was different in the car. Theo sat beside Elizabeth and placed his hand on her leg. She thought maybe his apology was actually genuine and she was just asking for too much. He didn't have to apologize but he did. She wanted to have a good day and she refused to have his mood soured. Against her better judgement she placed her head on his shoulder. His muscles relaxed and his body molded to hers. 

The ride wasn't long so they really didn't get a chance to talk. Simon opened the door for them and Theo stepped out first, reaching out his hand to help her out of the car. The museum was huge. Not many people were there because it wasn't a super busy time but it wasn't completely empty. Elizabeth had never been to the Louvre but she's always wanted to go.

Theo went every chance he could, he loved art. They made their way around the different parts, not saying anything. Elizabeth was speechless and he loved to watch her expressions. He could tell if a painting made her happy or sad. The art was old and far from modern but he thought that was the best kind of art.

The ceilings were covered in the most beautiful painting and Elizabeth found herself not paying attention to where she was going. She backed into a stranger, apologizing a little too much. He felt Deja Vu rattle throughout his brain but shook it away. He reached out to wrap his arm around her, walking her away from the stranger she bumped into. Her cheeks were flushed but she laughed it off. 

Elizabeth needed to be smart about her next move and hopefully he wouldn't pull away. She adjusted her body so his arm was no longer around her. She took a leap of faith and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. He stopped in his tracks but didn't pull back. "Elizabeth." He said with a huff. He was losing his mind because of her. 

"If I remember correctly I was told I could have whatever I wanted." She smirked and batted her long eyelashes up at him. She had him right where she wanted him. 

"I suppose you're right. Anything you want, it's yours." He smirked. Elizabeth had Theo wrapped around her finger and she didn't even know the half of it. 

They began to walk again with their fingers interlocked. The feeling made Theo's heart cut flips and he didn't understand any of it but he liked it. He didn't want it to end, not ever. However Theo felt himself losing control of their situation. She was getting to close and that frightened him. He told himself he couldn't give her what she really needed. 

Seeing her broken face yesterday made him sick and he hated himself for it. Elizabeth was showing him comfort and he didn't know how to react to it. He didn't want to hurt her but he was selfish. He cared more about her destroying his heart than anything else. Theo may be closed off but he is far from stupid. He knew she had the power to do that.

He watched her as she looked around at the paintings but her eyes eventually caught his. "I never knew you liked art this much." She whispered, almost as if she was saying it to herself but he heard her. "I like looking at beautiful things." He said, scanning her body with his eyes. 

"What if we use this day to get to know each other? I ask a question then you ask a question kind of thing." Elizabeth looked up with pleading eyes. She wanted to know everything about him but she knew Theo wouldn't open up on his own. "Fine but I go first." He huffed.

Honey: Theo Nott short storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang