Holy Trinity

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Cate walks out of the kitchen, two champagne glasses in her hands. She walks towards Sandra, who's swaying with the music on the television.

Cate sets the glasses down on the coffee table and comes up behind Sandra, who still hasn't seen her. Cate wraps her arms and sways with Sandra, their bodies pressed against each other.

"Who's preforming now?" Cate asks while looking at the television

"Gaga!" Sandra exclaims in between singing the lyrics.

Cate rolls her eyes watching her girlfriend, but can't help but smile at the sight of her.

"I can't believe we did it." Cate whispers into Sandra's ear. Cate places a soft kiss on her girlfriends neck.

A few months earlier, Cate left her husband Andrew and Sandra left her boyfriend. Both getting split custody of their children. So they could finally be together, they were sick of hiding.

"I know, I'm so glad we did." Sandra smiles and she turns around in Cate's arms.

"Starting the new year right." Jokes Cate while she grabs the champagne glasses from the table, handing one to her girlfriend.

"No! These are for when it hits midnight!" Sandra pouts, pushing the glass away.

Cate can't help but let out an amused chuckle at how Sandra reacted. She reluctantly puts the glasses back down. Placing her arms back around Sandra.

"I'm sorry I just want this to be perfect.. It's our first New Years together, as girlfriends." Sandra explains for her behavior.

"I know, baby." Cate reassures, feeling Sandra relax into her arms. They continue to sway with the music.

"Hey lovebirds!" Sarah jokes, walking out of the kitchen, a champagne glass in one hand, Holland in her other.

Everyone chuckles at Sarah's remark.

"Ahh five more minutes!" Sandra exclaims, looking at the time.

Sarah and Holland make their way through the house, finding their place next to Sandra and Cate.

Copying their position, Sarah wraps her arms around Holland.

Sandra breaks away from Cate's hold to grab two champagne glasses and hands one to Cate.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1." They all count in unison while watching the ball in Time Square slowly drop.

"Happy New Years!" They exclaim as the clock turns to midnight.

Holland had already turned to face Sarah, they begin to kiss.

Sandra quickly turns, surprising Cate and kisses her. She kisses her like she never had kissed her before, because she was finally hers. Cate kisses her back and smiles into the kiss.

"Cheers!" Sarah exclaims, holding up her champagne glass. Making Sandra and Cate break their kiss.

"Cheers!" Everyone else remarks, holding up their glass. They all take a sip in unison.

This year was going to be a good year.

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