"I......." I was cut off by Zayn speaking.

"Please just take some time to think about it. Just give it a few days." Zayn said. I let out a sigh before nodding.

(5 hours later)

I was let out of the hospital a few hours ago but the police insisted that I came to the police station to give my statement. I rolled my eyes as I waited in the interview room tapping my pen against the desk.

After what felt like forever a detective came in the room with a cup of coffee in his hands and a clipboard and files under his arm. He gave me a friendly smile before placing a cup of coffee in front of me and taking a seat across from me. He placed down the files and picked up a pen.

"Hello Mrs. Hood, I am detective Hawke and I would like to ask you a couple of questions." I nodded for him to continue. He pulled a recorder out of his pocket and put it on record before speaking.

"So Mrs. Hood, Do you remember when you were kidnapped by Mr. Hood, Mr. Clifford, and Mr. Hemmings?" I gave a confused look before speaking.

"I wasn't kidnapped, I went with them willingly." He gave me an unconvinced look before writing on the clipboard.

"If you weren't kidnapped than why didn't you try to contact your family or friends?" He raised an eyebrow

"Because I didn't want to." I shrugged

"How did you meet Mr. Hood, Mr. Clifford, and Mr. Hemmings?" He said taking me by surprise, I wasn't expecting him to ask me that question. I quickly recovered before speaking

"I was running away from home, while I was leaving I ran into Mr.Clifford and he offered me a place to stay and I accepted." I said calmly

"Are you sure about that?" He asked.

"Yes" I rolled my eyes

"Well two of your friends..." He opened the file and looked through it before speaking again "Robyn and Taylor said that they saw you talking to Mr. Clifford at a night club and you guys ended up arguing before you all left. Taylor also stated that Mr. Clifford and Mr. Hemmings showed up at your job the next day and that you were frightened by their presence." He firmly stated

"She must have misunderstood what was going on but I was in no way frightened by their presence. Yes me and Mr. Clifford did argue but it was over the stupidest things." I said pushing my hair out of my face.

"It says here that you have 2 kids fathered by Mr. Hood, 1 fathered by Mr. Clifford, one fathered by Mr.Malik and that you are currently pregnant, is this information correct?" He raised an eyebrow

"I don't see how my children have anything to do with this investigation." I hissed

"There is no need to get hostile Mrs. Hood, I just wanted to know if this information is true." I rolled my eyes before nodding, signaling that the information was true. "Mrs. Hood would you mind if I asked you a personal question?"

"Go head" I said not really caring

"Please be 100% honest when you answer this question." I nodded for him to continue. "Were you raped by Mr. Hood, Mr. Clifford, or anyone else?" He asked looking in my eyes trying to see if he can catch any type of emotion.

"No, we had consensual sex." I said trying to seem as calm as possible

"Did Mr.Hood force you into marrying him?" All of his fucking question are pissing me off

"No he did not. Now if you don't mind I would like to be done with this Shit and go home, when will Mr.Hood, Mr. Clifford, and Mr. Hemmings be released?" He sighed before standing to his feet.

"I'll be right back." He said walking out of the room without answering my question.

After a few seconds of just sitting in pure silence I heard mumbling from outside of the room I was held in. I quietly stood to my feet before walking over to the door and pressing my ear to it so I could hear better.

"She wants to know when they will be released." I heard Mr. Hawke say.

"They won't be released." I heard a women say

"May I ask why not, Mrs. Hood said that she went with them willingly and wasn't kidnapped or raped." Mr Hawke said

"Isn't it obvious detective Hawke? Mrs. Hood is suffering from Stockholm syndrome, she's not thinking straight. I think she needs therapy, but until then Mr.Clifford, Mr.Hood, and Mr. Hemmings will be in custody." I women said causing me to get pissed off and rip open the door to see the two people outside of the door. They jumped at my presence as I pushed pass them and to the waiting room where Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Jack, Eliana, and Mali were waiting. Once they saw me they stood to their feet.

"Ry, what's wrong?" Zayn asked grabbing onto my jaw. I ignored his question before speaking.

"We're breaking them out of jail."

No where to hide (SEQUEL TO POSSESSIVE) (Punk Michael Clifford fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now